Why + Skye’s Endorphins + Friday Favorites!

Smile courtesy of Knox standing next to Andrew and making faces and noises to make Skye smile.  It takes a village to get a baby to smile for a picture;)

I did 5 miles first thing at an 8:32 average pace.  Weirdly my body felt a bit sore again even though on Wednesday I didn’t really feel sore.  Then I took Brooke to school.  She has really mastered this sad child look perfectly.  Or maybe she is starting to not like mornings like Andrew.

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Grumpy baby before a walk (hence why we went on a walk) and a lot less grumpy baby by the end of the walk.  She got some endorphins from moving around and being outside too.

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Andrew picked up Brooke and Knox from school and was happy to get to see them because the last three days he was pretty much gone for all of their waking hours.

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I will never understand why Beretta chooses the most uncomfortable places possible to take a nap.  She chooses to sleep on top of shoes with the table digging into her back when her dog bed is fluffed up and ready for her to sleep on it.

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Five going on fifteen.  The kids were pretty happy that it was warm enough to play on the tramp with the sprinkler on.

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Skye took her longest nap yet (that I can remember)—>  4.2 hours.  She woke up very refreshed.

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Andrew went mountain biking with a friend that is in town.  The kids and I had breakfast burritos for dinner.  I’ve been buying the pre-made guac from Costco lately and it is delicious.

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Then we went to the park for a little bit.

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She is quite delicious.

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Brooke leaves this morning to spend some time with her dad so I’m glad they got in a good night together before she leaves.

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I’m going to go ahead and blame any spelling/grammar errors on Skye today.

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I’ve got just a few Friday Favorites today!  PS I didn’t receive any accomplishments this week but if you want to be featured send them in to [email protected]

*I am signed up for my next race!  It’s on June 23rd and it is the AF Canyon 1/2 Marathon.  Andrew did this one with me last year (you can read my recap here) and we absolutely LOVED it.  It was perfect.  If you want to join us this year then use the code hungry2018 for $10 off!  I’m excited to run it not pregnant this time and see how we do!

49 DAYS.

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*Okay, I know I’ve talked about this book (Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be) twice this week already but now that I’m finished I can officially say it’s the best book I’ve read in a while.  I’m going to reread it once a year.  Or maybe once a quarter.  I loved her vulnerability, the way she wrote and I felt like she was talking straight to me during 93% of the book.  It’s a pretty quick read too and if any of you know the author somehow, can you just arrange for her and I to hang out because I think she is really great plus she is a runner.

My favorite chapter:

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*I love this 90 second rice (because I am lazy when it comes to cooking unless I’m making something really good) from Target and so do the kids, you just pop it in the microwave and boom… deliciousness and no pan dishes necessary.

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*Okay, these are unreal.  I got them to have for a treat at night and figured since they are banana they are technically just really healthy:)  They are SO good.  Please note I don’t have high expectations for food so maybe I’m totally off on these but I think they are so good.

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*At some point I’ll stop posting all of Gwen’s videos but this one is really cool to see what she eats in a day.  I also love hearing about how she is breastfeeding/pumping for Stanley with all of the training that she is doing.  Her husband needs to open up a restaurant.  That salad after her run made me drool.  I’m excited to see how she does in her half marathon debut this weekend!  PS I wish all of the elites did videos like this but it’s probably good they don’t so that I don’t sit on Youtube all day long.

*Runner’s World has been putting out awesome articles lately.. I feel like I haven’t read over there for a while but suddenly there have been a bunch of articles that stood out to me!  I loved this one—>  The Science Behind Why You Don’t Remember the Pain of Running Marathons because it is crazy how true this is!  During every marathon I question how I forget how hard those last few miles are and why I continue to sign up for more.  I also loved reading about The Science Behind How Sportsmanship Helped Desiree Linden Win Boston.  Some pretty amazing things happen in our bodies when we try to help other people.

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*This is more of a question than a favorite but I’m looking for a good toner for my face.  I just got this one (at Target) and I like it so far but I’m wondering if any of you have great toner recommendations!

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Have any fun weekend plans?

Have a long run or race this weekend?  Tell me about it!

Pet owners—>  Do you ever find your pet sleeping in random spots?

Who are some of your favorite elite athletes to follow on social media?

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My two dogs do the exact same thing! Although they do love to sleep on the beds when the sun shines in the windows. They also love to lie on our bed because our window overlooks a prairie and trails = birds, people and deer. For some reason, I find at least one of them sleeping on a Nylabone once a day. Ouch!


HAHA why do dogs do that? Oh Beretta loves to be in the sunshine too so maybe I should move her bed to a place the sun comes in. Your dogs are in heaven with that view! I hope you have an amazing day Jackie!


I wonder if the science behind forgetting the pain of a marathon is similar to forgetting the pain of labor. Because after the first couple kids I was like “no big deal I could for sure have another” and now I’m like “I don’t really want to do the pregnant thing again” haha.

Not really an official race for me this weekend but I’m running J’s school race (the mile) with her today. Maybe in a year or two she will be ready for the 5k! I get so nervous for her haha.


Oh I am SURE it is… or the pain of the first few weeks of not sleeping or breastfeeding haha! Oh have so much fun at the mile… I love that their school is doing that. So exciting. Have a blast Jenny!


I need to read that book! I’m reading Live Fearless by Sadie Robertson right now, and it’s good so far, but my list of books I want to read keeps growing, so I have some work to do!

I have two flag football games tomorrow and also plan to watch some of the AVP tournament that’s in town this week! I’m not very good at beach volleyball, but it’s always fun to watch people who are! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Janae!


You will love this book… so good! I will have to check out Live Fearless, thanks Natalie! Sounds like a great weekend. Enjoy Natalie!


My dog always picks the most bizarre places to sleep too. She goes into my closet a lot and sleeps in a little corner behind all my clothes. Or if I’m sitting on one of my barstools, she likes to sleep directly underneath me!

Long run tomorrow and we’re scheduled for 13 miles ( I think!). I was hoping to knock out my long run today but winds are way too crazy this morning!


Hahaha I love where your dog sleeps. It’s so funny to me. You are going to rock those 13 miles tomorrow Arthi and I hope the wind is nonexistent tomorrow!


Dogs are so funny that way! I swear my dog sleeps in the most awkward positions!
I’m hoping to get in 5-6 miles tomorrow in the morning – it should be cool!!
Enjoy your weekend!


Maybe they do it to make us laugh haha! Have a great weekend Erinn and you will rock that run tomorrow!


This is my favorite toner!: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00016XJ4M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. It’s pretty cheap, lasts a while, has a great smell, and I feel like it has actually kind of helped to calm down some of my crazy pregnancy acne.


THANK YOU!!!!! I just ordered it, I cant wait!!


I agree; this is such an amazing toner! I love it.


Yes, best toner ever! And I’ve tried so many for my postpartum acne.


Weekend plans include a trip to the beach, hopefully a long bike ride (haven’t ridden in awhile, but I have my bike in the car), a run on the beach and some yoga stretching after. I took off work today to head down early. Hubby will drive down tomorrow. So looking forward to a couple days of “nothing”.
Our dog mostly slept on her bed or a comforter we put on the floor for her. As long as she was next to my hubby, she didn’t care. She passed away recently (15 yo) and we miss her terribly.
I’ve watched several of Gwen’s videos. She is so down to earth and open with how their family juggles her career. I watched the one where she talks about switching over to marathon running from triathlons. That was good.
That sad face on Brooke is priceless. Yes, she’s got the look down pretty well.


Okay, your run sounds absolutely amazing Kate! Enjoy! You deserve it! I am so sorry about your dog.. they become family members. Have a beautiful weekend at the beach Kate!


Thank you for the book recommendation! I need a new book :)
Runner’s World is such a great magazine. I love the day it arrives in the mail, because I know I will get some good info and good inspiration ;) Plus, it usually arrives the same day as my Cooking Light magazine… win win!
Dogs are so funny! Our old dog (a lab mix) would always nap is strange places, rarely on his bed until he got really old. Our little dog doesn’t sleep in strange places, but he loves laying on the hot patio in the direct sun! Then comes in the house panting like crazy… weirdo :)
Sunday is my first race after running a marathon in March :) My hubby and I will be running the OC half marathon. It’s a really pretty course, my only goal is to really enjoy myself and enjoy running with my sweetie <3 My running this week has felt really good and relaxed, so we'll see how Sunday goes! It should be a perfect (yet really early) morning for a race!
Happy Friday :)


Let me know if you read it Wendy! Double whammy when both magazines come on the same day! Hahah dogs are the best… I do understand sleeping in the sunlight, that feels the best!
GOOD LUCK this weekend and I want to hear all about it. I love that you run with your husband. Enjoy!


I’m Running Avenue of the Giants 1/2 marathon this weekend for the second year in a row. It’s an out and back course, but it’s not at all boring running among the giant Redwoods… and it’s mostly flat so it feels downhill both ways!
Skye’s toes the first pic❤️ ❤️❤️
Have a great weekend:)


GOOD LUCK LIZ! I want to join you, that sounds like such an amazing race. Let me know how it goes! Haha I didn’t even notice her toes until your comment;) Thank you… you too!


I’m so excited about this weekend!! It’s supposed to be nice and sunny. Besides running, I’m planning to cook, eat and relax a little.
I have a 12 mile run Sunday with my run club. We are having pancakes after the run!! YAY! We do this the first Sunday of every month to welcome people who are new to the club.
I’ve found my dogs sleeping in our chiminea!! I guess it’s the perfect size for them to curl up in a little ball and sleep. Thank goodness they didn’t get in when it was full of wood and ashes. And yes, the have perfectly good crates on the patio, but I guess the chiminea is more comfy :)
I love following Colleen Quigley, Emma Coburn, Des Linden and Kara Goucher. Colleen has some really good core and strength videos on YouTube and a great website. I started doing her ab work a few weeks ago and I have been so sore!!


I need to join your run club, that sounds PERFECT! Okay, the chiminea?! What! That does not sound comfortable ha! THANK you for letting me know about Colleen! I need to try her ab work. THANKS!


I follow you and Tina Muir and also Monica from run eat repeat! Do you read any of those blogs?


I do! They are the best!


I use Origins toners…the zero oil in the summer, and the balancing tonic in the winter (my skin really varies from season to season, and I change all of my products accordingly!). They’re spendy but last a long time.


Checking them out now!! Thank you so much Emily and I didn’t think about switching out products according to seasons… brilliant! Have a wonderful weekend.


Seriously, as I was reading this post, my silly doggo got up from the plush sofa (my family overruled me about furniture pets) and, with a heavy sigh, plopped herself down between the counter stool and the hard wood base of the kitchen island. In her case, I think the wood floor feels a little cooler, but she really didn’t need to pin herself in like that, LOL!!


HAHAHA it makes noooooo sense! Your comment made me laugh, thank you so much for sharing! Have a great weekend Corey!


Now that we moved my desk into the family room, my dog doesn’t really sleep in too weird of positions. She has a bed in the family room and in our room even though they are 10 feet apart. At our old place when my desk was in the second bedroom, she would sleep under the desk, which is very small and will only allow a chair under it. She’s also 96 lbs and her legs are the same length as my arms, so it’s pretty funny. She does sleep on her toys, bones or shoes all the time in her bed though, she doesn’t care what she lays on. It’s also funny to come home and find one of my shoes in her bed. She never chews them, just likes the stinky ones, usually my running shoes or sandals.
No running plans for me, I am 37 weeks pregnant yesterday, so just trying to get stuff done before our first baby makes her appearance! Crazy to think she could come any day now… but I’m hoping she waits a little longer… I need more time! haha


Ha!! My dog has 3 beds and wants to sleep ANYWHERE else that looks extremely uncomfortable. The other night I got up ( for the first of 3 times as usual in the middle of the night) and he was on the bathroom floor – which I guess is nice and cool but still very hard. Hilarious.

I usually do a cooldown mile with my dog after my run (I just really like my solo runs sometimes). But this morning I “made” him do 2.5 miles as our cooldown. He did great! I remember hearing someone talk about running with their dog and how defeating it is when you are huffing and puffing and you look down and your dog is barely breathing. Hee.

I’m so excited for your next Half race!! Woohoo. I really need to put a spring one on the calendar. Right now MAYBE a June 3rd half… but I still hold onto that maybe :)


I get to chat with a girl scout group about running and sportsmanship tonight! i am excited to do it………and talk about Des at Boston…..that article is spot on!


Thank you!! Thank you! Thank you!! A while back you posted a treadmill workout for speed. I copied it down and have been doing it once a week. Since then I have upped the speed intervals and pr’d twice in a 5k!!!! I am so happy to have found your blog!!! ?


My daughter’s cat has a thing for smelly shoes. If we leave our workout shoes out she automatically gets all nuzzly with them and falls asleep curled up with them. Bonus if it’s right after a sweaty workout and especially if the dirty socks are still there too.
Crazy cat!!


More book recommendations please! Also, can we talk about how much older Knox looks with that hair cut! Have a great weekend!


I can’t imagine how nice it would be to have someone cook for me!! That’s awesome all her husband does for her.


Happy Friday! I hope you’re having a great day! Do I spy hummus on your burrito? Good move! Then Gwen’s food and the salad!!! Gave me some hunger yesterday.

Brooke! Maybe this is more empathy with Skye.

Your toner has some GREAT ingredients. I’m surprised about the oils – more the sandalwood than clary sage. How about another in their line without sandalwood? QUESTION, do you exfoliate with baking soda? Could be a game changer…. Could exfoliate and follow up with a wash and might be done. Also, acne has correlations with hormone balance – root cause. QUESTION, can nursing mom’s achieve hormone balance? Bob’s Red Mill makes a nice baking soda and you could start with whatever you have in your kitchen and see how it goes a few times. It’s nice to have it stored wherever I wash my face.

FYI, there are some videos/ solutions out there on cooking brown rice and seasoning stainless steel. I knew about seasoning cast iron, but stainless steel!? Another game changer. I get the huge bag of organic brown rice at Costco, measure out a cup, put some filtered water in with it (while 3 C. begin to boil on the stove), then drain it and pick out the uglies. Then the water is boiling, put the rice in from the strainer, let it go for 20 min covered (just boiling water in a seasoned pan), then drain and return to hot pan with cover for serving (use the same strainer and it’s a strainer I like). Or I make 3 C during food prep and the rest goes in the fridge – BAM.


The funniest/oddest place I’ve found our dog was when I came back from a spin class to find her on the kitchen table. It was a good sunny spot for a spot of sunbathing!! ?


I am just getting into toners and have tried a bunch recently. My favorite two are Acwell Licorice pH Balancing Cleansing Toner (not drying and very refreshing) and Lancome Tonique Confort (pricier, but super moisturizing). A lifetime of breakouts has dramatically reduced with their use!


Witch hazel toner from target is SO good. It’s alcohol free, and smells great(I like the rose petal smell).


Ok, two very important things….(not really but they seem big to me so I felt compelled to respond haha)
Burt’s Bees Rosewater Toner!!!!!! Is it you that loves Burt’s Bees, Janae? Can’t remember if I’ve heard you talk about their products or not. But this toner smells great and really works. I tried using another one and I just had to switch back. I feel like it helps my oily skin and REALLY makes a difference with any scarring!
Also, does that day of food seem light to anyone else?!?!?! I would be STARVING and I’m not an elite runner. Holy moly I couldn’t believe it.


I’m not a runner, but I am always hungry and LOVE reading your blog! I’m obsessed with Belif toner in their witch hazel formula. It’s all natural and smells like a spa — you can buy at Sephora!


Danielle… THANK YOU for reading, that means a lot to me. Checking these out ASAP, thank you so much for telling me!


Everything spray by Primally Pure has been a game changer as a toner for me, and such great and simple ingredients!


I highly recommend Kiehl’s Blue Astringent Herbal Lotion Facial Toner. I have been using it for 20 years and feel lost without it. I use it in the morning and before bed. It has a cool refreshing feeling and was made for oily skin.
Congratulations on your 1st run after Skye. You rocked it?


Thayer’s Witch Hazel Unscented Alcohol free Toner is THE BEST. i swear it has transformed my skin and my friends who have started using it say the same :) cannot recommend enough! also, it’s cheap!


I’m running a desert trail series race. I wanted to havea season wjere I don’t stress about My times so I signed up for a series of three trail races. So far I have no expectations and am having a blast, even placed in both races.
My other fun things planned are a barbeque party at My friends and for a finale my husband and I have our monthly Costco date .
Have a great weekend.


I have so many pictures on my phone if digby sleeping in the weirdest and most uncomfortable positions. Dogs are crazy.

Skye is so stinking cute.

There is always money in the banana stand;)


If you liked reading Girl, Wash Your Face, trying listening to the audiobook! (I got it free through the library) It’s like a great pep talk from a friend. Love this book!!!


That is brilliant… I’m totally going to do this. Thank you Kerry… it will be perfect during my runs!


Yes, Rachel Hollis seems like an awesome woman! My friends went to her event in LA a few weeks ago – Rise – and they loved it. I can get you in contact with my friend who has a hook-up with her! :) AND those chocolate covered bananas are so delicious!




I’ve definitely heard good things about the Witch Hazel Rose Petal Toner. I want to buy some the next time I’m in Target or shopping on amazon. I’m glad you recommended Gwen’s youtube channel. I am all over that now!!!

Also, I’ve been reading all of your previous garmin/running watch reviews. I think I’m going to go with the Forerunner 235 since the 225 and 230 are older versions and I cannot find them anywhere to buy. I had another question for you regrading “certified refurbished” watches. Do you think these are just as good as brand new watches or if there is a better value in going with the new one. I also only found the 225 and the 230 in “certified refurbished” so I’m not sure what to do. Please help!!! I would say I’m trying to improve my speed in the half and increase base mileage until fall running season -> just as reference that I’m looking for a good watch but not like top of the line elite runner/triathon watch.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


I am so excited for you to get the 235! Wahoo!! SOOOO I have never had a certified refurbished watch before but I have done that approach with different electronics and they were all great. It’s so hard to know! Is there any type of warrantee that comes with it? What is the price difference!


Yes, I’ve never had a certified refurbished either but from what I read it looks like the certified refurbished has a 90 day limited warranty and the new watch has a one year warranty. The price difference for the 235 is $249 (new) and $220 (refurbished) which for the difference it makes sense to go with new. They also have a Forerunner 230 for $179 (refurbished) which is a bigger price savings. I cannot find a new 230 since it’s an older model. Just kind of torn due to price savings but would I have issues with a refurbished, I’m not sure. What do you think?


Actually I also found a Forerunner 235 (certified refurbished) for $169 so that is big price difference too. Thoughts?

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