Tuesday Tangents + My Most Common Running Lesson!!

Happy Tuesday!

Let’s chat for a second about a lesson that I remind myself of (and write about on the blog ha) at least one time a week with my running—>  Don’t let ONE run (or one warm-up) define what you think of your current running fitness.  Yesterday I felt like I just could not get my legs to move and then I started thinking about my hard workout today and how there is NO way I am going to be able to hit the paces because of how I felt at that moment.  Luckily, running doesn’t work like that.  I always remind myself that the WORST four miler of my life (maybe a little dramatic but I remember feeling so awful) happened two days before my fastest half-marathon.  The same thing goes for the warm-up or first mile of every run for me… it is guaranteed to not feel great but that does not predict what is going to happen for the remainder of the run.

Yesterday:  6 miles @ 8:53 average pace.  My coach sets my easy runs to be between the pace of 8:25-9:15.

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For lunch I had a big egg scramble—>  3 eggs, peppers, one sweet potato, spinach, mushrooms and cheese.  We go through A LOT of eggs over here.

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I took the kids on a little walk/bike ride.  Skye loves sucking on that hand of hers!

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We hung out for a bit…

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And then Knox came and watched Brooke for the first time at gymnastics.

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We had just a few minutes to make dinner so we had quesadillas, apples and cucumbers.  It was quite the gourmet meal but it was quick and easy.

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Fed the Skyester and then we were off to go to Andrew’s first softball game of the year but Skye fell asleep so we will be his cheering section next week:)

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I’ve got a few Tuesday Tangents for you today:

*Beretta is my nap buddy.  I am very lucky that I can sneak in cat naps while Skye naps some days after a hard night of getting up and Beretta is always happy to join me.

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*One night last week we ordered cookies to be delivered to our house and let the kids stay up and eat cookies with us at the counter (PS Utah people—>  we vote Crumbl over Chip:)  It was very fun in the moment but we paid for it the next day with grumpy kids ha.

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*Boston is just 6 days away!  I realized we will be in California during the race so I better find a way to watch it while I am there.  You can read my recap from Boston HERE!  I was looking through it and I waited until mile FIFTEEN to take a gel… WHAT WAS I THINKING?  No wonder I haven’t hit my goals;)


*I love this picture of Skye with Andrew’s dad.

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*THESE TWO ARE TWINS.  I can’t believe how much my niece and Brooke look alike.

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*Andrew is going to see A Quiet Place with my nephew soon because I refuse to go see it.  I watched the preview for it and even that was too much for me.  I do not do scary movies.

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*This Running Fails video is pretty funny if you need a laugh today… it made me feel less alone for how often I have fallen while running.

*If Skye is being fussy Andrew will sometimes hold her up like this and he says it always makes her stop crying.  This method hasn’t worked for me but he swears by it.

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*How are we going from 71 degrees to SNOW?  I am so looking forward to those hot summer runs when you come home super sweaty… it feels kind of cleansing.

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*I saw this on IG (Aubergine is a local restaurant in our area that is delicious) and I loved it.  Time to get out of my comfort zone today for some speed.

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*My friend posted this and I loved it… some days I really need to put on my blinders ha.

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*Okay, one last little thing about nutrition while running for a bit (sorry it is just on my mind a lot right now).  Have you ever had flat Coke during a long run or a race?  It sounds really interesting to me.  I am not too worried about my 1/2 marathon fueling but the marathon I think I might benefit from having it during the last few miles… which means I need to practice with it during my marathon build-up!  PS Usually there are spectators  offering it at the St. George Marathon.  I know it is more of a triathlete thing but I might as well test it out (during a training run) right?  Or maybe I need to experiment around with some different caffeine options.

Also, I found this on the CIM page and thought it was interesting to see not only the calorie needs for the marathon but the sodium, potassium and fluids.

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PS Salt Tablets… is that something you have ever used for a marathon or long run training.  I know I have tried them in the past so I am going to start figuring out that balance too!


Ever tried coke during a long run or race?  What caffeine options do you use for races?

Scary movies? Yes or NOOOO?  Is anyone else going to see A Quiet Place?

Have any Tuesday Tangents to share?

When you are running outside lately—>  are you in tanks, shorts, long sleeve, jackets, capris?

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I thought of you last night—-you probably don’t check Insta Messages from creepers that you don’t know, like me—ha ha, but I sent it to you on Insta Stories—someone else posted in their story a pic of PANCAKES AND SYRUP FLAVORED PEEPS. YOU immediately popped into my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you try them, let us know the verdict! I don’t think I’m that brave. ha ha

Oh my gosh. It is still winter here in PA in mid-April, and it’s really effecting my psyche. It’s hard!!!! Windy and cold. It SNOWED on my run yesterday, but they’re calling for 78 degrees by the end of the week. Whaaaattttt?! But, I’m not complaining.

Hope you have a great day and CRUSH that workout today!


I JUST SAW IT… oh my goodness! My kids would love those and now I’m really craving some pancakes haha! Thanks for thinking of me. Snow yesterday and 78 degrees this weekend, that is NUTS! I hope you have an amazing Tuesday.


I did Pepsi and pretzels during the 2nd half of the Ironman Marathon and it was heavenly. Despite feeling like I was at a Superbowl party, I really benefited from it. BUT, once you start the cola, you kinda have to stick with it. This is why I waited. Back in the olden days a marathon aid station would have cola, gummy bears, snicker bars, jelly beans, and gatorade. In fact, I still consider a snickers bar the original energy bar!

No on scary movies.

Tuesday tangent-I dreamt I had twins, at home, with no medication. Then, 4 hours later I was at a craft show with the babies. Weird…….since my youngest is 13 and my oldest is 23.


IRONMAN—> Kelly, I am clapping for you. You are amazing. HAHA a superbowl party:) I wish we still had those kinds of aid stations! That is a very weird dream! I hope you have a great day Kelly.


I don’t do scary movies. I never have liked them and I never will. My husband was trying to talk me into going to that one though. His friend was telling him it’s intense but not scary. I dunno, I might just take the pass on it still.


No to scary movies!! My friends are all going to see that movie Friday night and didn’t even bother asking me because my immediate response to anything slightly scary is “absolutely not.”

Ugh Chicago is awful this week. Snowed most of the day yesterday and was terrible ! We’re supposed to hit 60s/70s Thursday and Friday so hopefully that happens!! I want to get my long run out of the way before the weekend hits so I can relax all weekend long :)


Ever tried coke during a long run or race? What caffeine options do you use for races? Np way to the coke, too many harmful chemicals and artificial sweeteners (sorry) I drink coffee with coconut oil/or grass fed butter, a splash of organic heavy whipping cream, and MCT. It’s amazing. The fat sustains me since I don’t eat anything during a marathon. I HIGHLY recommend it.

Scary movies? Yes or NOOOO? I want to see the Quiet Place. I’m awful with scary movies though. I tend to be scared for days after but then I collect myself.

Have any Tuesday Tangents to share? I ran 10.5 miles this morning while watching the voice. Thursday I’m going to go play with baby goats, I flew a kite and layed in my yard for 2 hours on Sunday ( take me back) it’s SOOO relaxing, I’m craving my favorite Against All Grain pizza….I go on a SISITERRRRR TRIPPP in 3 weeks with my 3 sisters.. We’re going to Sedona and will be zip lining over the Grand Canyon. We’re so jazzed. Okay, tangent done:)

When you are running outside lately—> WV weather is veryyy tricky these days!!!! Yesterday it was 40 out, and Friday will be 80. If it’s over 55 out I’ll wear shorts and a tank, otherwise long sleeve and shorts.

Happy Tuesday!!!!!!


I have never heard of your combination, that sounds amazing. I don’t drink coffee so I wonder if there is a substitute for that I could try one day. Very interesting Heather, thank you for sharing. WAY TO GO on your run this morning… your tangents made me so happy. Sister trip= heaven. Enjoy every second. Thanks Heather and have a wonderful day.


Hard pass on scary movies. I can read scary books with no problems, but movies freak me out. However, I did get talked into seeing A Quiet Place and it’s not scary, just very suspenseful. And so quiet. Kind of a weird movie experience.

Thanks so much for sharing your fueling/nutrition thoughts! I am running my first marathon this year and know I can’t just wing it like I do with the half. It’s great to see your thoughts and information you come across!


HEIDI!! I am so so excited for your first marathon and please keep me updated with all of your training! I want to hear all about it:) I will keep talking about everything that is/isn’t working for me. Okay, so should I go with Andrew to see it then?


Thank you!!
I can’t say I’d recommend the movie necessarily…but it wasn’t bad! I do think if you are going to watch it, the theater is worth it just for the experience.


Oh my gosh – Skye looks JUST LIKE Brooke in that picture after the mention of Andrew’s softball game. I’ve never really noticed a huge similarity before, but it’s totally there! So sweet.


I totally agree with you!! I hope you have an amazing day Nikki!


I had to do salt tablets during a 50k, but I waited too long and my fingers were already the size of sausages from all the swelling. Another good one during a trail run was gatorade WITH nuun. It was a fast pick me up!


Gatorade with nuun… that sounds awesome Kindal! I’ll have to try that. 50k… you are awesome!


Cokes are the best after long runs. I really crave the taste during long run days.

Scary movies are a huge NO for me lol.

Here in South Florida it feels like summer already. I run in short and tanks for the majority of the year, basically.


Thanks so much for linking your Boston recap!! I’m running it for the first time on Monday! I know I’m ready, and I’ll finish fine and everything, but the weather has me nervous! Rain and strong winds..yikes! I know it’s out of my control, so technically I shouldn’t worry but that doesn’t stop me haha!! I just really want to do well, reading your recap helped a lot to get someone’s experience in rough conditions! Any other tips you might remember would be greatly appreciated :) I hope you had a great workout today!!


STEPHANIE!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO RUN BOSTON! AHHHHHH!!! You are going to do amazing, time to go celebrate all of your hard work in your training. There is still so much time for that weather report to change but focus on the things you have control over (your resting, nutrition, tapering) and let go of the things out of your control. Enjoy the atmosphere, the people, the miles… I will be cheering you on!


Looooove scary movies!! So I am definitely interested in seeing A Quiet Place!

Tuesday tangent – why do they play The Food Network at the gym??? My gym doesn’t have personal TVs on the treadmills, just a row of giant TVs above. And they always have The Food Network playing on at least one TV. So it is super hard to tune out! I mean, I love The Food Network, but not while I’m exercising. Struggling to get through my run is only made worse by looking up and seeing gooey mac n’ cheese, delicious french fries and glistening pizzas. Basically all I can think about is what I am going to eat immediately after my run! Anyway, I digress.

x Elise

P.S. Skye is so adorable! She is really developing a little personality in your photos!


I’ve heard such good thing about A Quiet Place—I really want to see it! Plus, I love John Krasinski!

It was so warm here yesterday (and I went running in the afternoon), that it was a sports bra and shorts day. And it’s going to be even warmer today—I’m loving this weather!

Tuesday tangent: I hate stress. :/ I’m thankful that running helps me to escape it for a bit, but the realities of being an adult are sometimes just the worst.


A friend of mine was at the movies and was watching the preview for A Quiet Place. It was the part where Emily Blunt is in the bathtub and the creatures hand comes out. Her friend was sitting behind her and just then, reached down to pat her on the shoulder and my friend SCREAMED (!) . It was very funny and, of course, everyone in the theater turned to look. She was mortified, but now she has a great story.


Yes. yes. yes to the flat coke. Try it. My guess is you might love it!


Good to know!!! When do you recommend taking it? I hope your day is amazing!


Here is what I suggest. Do your long run this weekend, and try out your gels/gu routine. Do not try out coke, because you might want to know what things are or are not working without having to sort who was the culprit.

I found coke too sweet if I was taking in other fuel, so my favorite was diet coke.
Take in for sure when you have a least 40 minutes- and hour to finish.

On a side. Gu does not do well on my mom’s tummy so the last half marathon we did she used dates.


can i make a suggestion. next time you have a few minutes, make chocolate chip cookie dough, then scoop it all out of the on a cookie sheet and freeze the dough balls. when they are frozen, put them in a bag and make a few when you want them. it takes a few minutes longer but it’s fresh and warm cookies


Good idea Tami!! Thanks so much and have a wonderful day:)


I was just listening to Lindsey Hein’s most recent podcast with Neely Spence Gracey and she said she’s started to experiment with flat coke on her marathon training runs! I tried it once during a 50K and it worked pretty well. I also started using salt tablets while training for that race. I used them during a trail marathon when it was 85 degrees and they worked great! I felt like it really helped me keep up with my hydration and not bonk even though it was so hot out.

The weather on the east cost has been all over the place lately too! On Saturday it was 34 with a feels like temp of 24 so I was in full winter gear for my run (long pants, vest, gloves, etc.). But the temps are supposed to slowly increase to the 70s this weekend so I think it will finally be time to break out the shorts!

And man I feel you on the easy runs feeling harder than the speed work. This happens during all of my training cycles! And the first few miles of every long run. I think our bodies/ brains just save all their energy for the big runs and then know they can feel more tired on the easy days. Or something like that lol. (Aka my non-scientific, makes sense in my head, opinion haha)


I don’t drink pop (and when I did, I was not a Coke fan) so it’s a no on the flat Coke for me. I’ve always used the Gu with caffeine in it and started my mornings with coffee or tea.
Scary movies are a “sometimes” thing for me. Depending on what level of scary it is, I can handle it. I’m intrigued by A Quiet Place but it might be one I watch at home so I can pause it or shut it off if it’s too scary!
Outside runs – it’s been cold here still so I’ve been bundled up head to toe pretty much! But we’re finally getting 60s weather over the next couple of weeks, or so they say. But more rain UGH :(
The more pictures you post of Utah, the more I think I need to go there… it just looks so pretty!


Skye might be the happiest baby I’ve ever seen! That first pic made my day!!
I think your niece looks like you! And Skye is really starting to look like Brooke. Maybe it’s some of her expressions.
I have one Coke a week after my long run on Sunday. For some reason it sounds so good a few hours after my run.
I don’t like gory scary movies, but I don’t mind one that is suspenseful and messes with your mind a little bit. I have a really bad startle response so sudden scares are not fun for me.
My Tuesday Tangent is that I’m counting down the days until April 17th. I’m a tax accountant and that day cannot be over soon enough.


Oh I bet you are so stressed out right now… I hope that the next 7 days go by SO fast! I used to always have a soda after my long runs or races too! I’ll probably be starting that again soon, it just sounds so good. Thanks so much Elizabeth and I hope you have a great day and I’ll think of you on the 17th!


That first picture of Skye made my heart contract. ? She is the CUTEST!!!!

I’d be interested in an updated “running fuel” post, including pre-run, on run (? lol), and post-run if you’re up to some experimenting!


YES YES YES!! I will keep you updated with everything that I am finding to work… and not work:) Thank you Emily! I hope your Tuesday is a great one.


I don’t think I could do flat coke…would flat Dr Pepper provide the same benefit?

I used to like scary movies, but i swear becoming a mom turned me off to them. It makes my mother anxiety shoot through the roof. However, I still like movies that would be categorized as “thrillers” which I’ve heard A Quiet Place is. So I may see it, after it comes out, during the day with all the light on and some distractions.

Tuesday tangent—my baby’s first birthday is tomorrow and I have not planned a thing for her. (3rd child and I feel super guilty). It just kind of snuck up on me and so today is going to be kind of crazy throwing something (anything) together for her.


I bet it would… I think the key with the coke is the caffeine and the sugar and Dr. Pepper has the same stuff. I’ll try it one day and let you know because I think Dr. Pepper tastes better than Coke too. You just solved my mystery of why I don’t like scary movies anymore. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR BABY TOMORROW! Do not feel guilty at all. Give her a piece of cake and cuddles and it will be the best day ever for her. Enjoy Karin!


My husband does flat coke during some of his cycling races. I have no tried it while running, but do use AMINO energy a few times and it gives me the kick i need. Salt tablets and sport legs are a must for my runs also!


Oh I forgot about sport legs… I love that stuff too! I’ll have to check out AMINO energy, that sounds awesome. Thanks so much Annaliese and have an amazing day.


How much “fueling” do you usually do for a half marathon? Just wondering as I’m running my 4th one in May. I usually do not use anything, I get in my head that they give me sideaches. ? I know if I’m going to use something, I better start it now!
Thank you!
Have a beautiful day!


HEY HAYLEY!! My problem is that I kind of wing it so not only should I have a better plan for the marathon but I should definitely have a better plan for the half marathon too. I usually just drink water and Gatorade from the aid stations and take a gel somewhere along the way too… BUT I’m going to come up with a new plan of attack and I’ll write a blog post soon when I figure it out. WAY TO GO on your 4th this May. Please keep me updated with how you are training. Maybe try to drink more water with your fuel to help with the sideaches. Have a great day girl!


Yes to scary movies. I have been a fan since I was probably 10 and I would record all the scary movies they would air on the USA network during the month of October. Plus John krasinski;)

Coke is gross. So if I needed to puke during a race, then sure.


Skye’s little smile melts my heart!
I have absolutely NOT tried coke during runs…the only caffeine I get is a small glass of iced coffee every morning as soon as I wake up. That’s enough for now ;)
We are not scary movie fans at all! My husband hates them, and they give me nightmares :(
I’m wearing long tights in the early mornings and capris/shorts in the afternoons.


I used salt during half Ironman training when it was super hot out. They sell salt in a little tube (Base Performance) which worked a lot better for me than the tabs. The tabs felt like too much and made my mouth chalky. I’d totally recommend salt for hot days. Good luck with the nutrition journey!


Interesting about the salt in the little tubes, I’m going to check that out. THANK YOU Mary for sharing, I need all of the tips I can get. Have a beautiful day!


So I’ve never tried the salt tablets but on my last marathon I carried my own electrolyte knowing I would run out and use what was on the course. I then had their Gatorade and I believe the sodium in the Gatorade is what totally helped make me feel so good during the marathon. That plus I ate a gel every 4-5 miles but with the last 4 miles I just didn’t want to take one so I could run a bit faster to finish.
I think a cola after would be great I think it would mess up my stomach if I drank during. But I also take the Huma Gels and some of them also have caffeine.
So interested in reading your nutrition follow up. I feel like running is the art and nutrition is the science to being a marathoner.


You’re right. I do need to remind myself that one bad run does not define me! Thank you.


Hi! Skye has the best smile! Congrats on Skye’s blessing day :)

As for nutrition, I would highly recommend “The New Rules of Marathon and Half-Marathon Nutrition: A Cutting-Edge Plan to Fuel Your Body Beyond “”the Wall”” by Matt Fitzgerald. He covers everything about how to fuel during the marathon, including supplements like caffeine. And how to prepare your body for fuelling. It is so good!

Hope you have a lovely day!


Thank you for recommending this… buying it now!! Have an amazing day Tara!


I fell in love with salt tablets doing ultras and now I use them all summer long. I also stash a few during my marathons just in case. I normally take one about every hour on hot days. You know that horribly crampy/stiff feeling at the end of warm marathons? Yup, salt capsules make it way easier.

And no to horror films. Bleh.


I love scary movies but watch them with my hand over my eyes. No real reason because obviously I know that doesn’t do anything, but mentally it does!


I’m allergic to caffeine so I’ve never used that during a run (caffeine free body over here!) but I have tried salt tablets and I definitely noticed a difference with them!

I like certain scary movies – I’m not a fan of those paranormal ones or ones about ghosts/demons. But I like the ones where there is clearly a bad guy or alien or something. I might like A Quiet Place!

Skye is so cute and she’s growing so fast!! Tell her to slow down!!! <3


I am from the most humid place on earth (Miami) and I prefer the Huma+ gels to salt tablets. They have more electrolytes than regular Huma gels and really help with the sodium and potassium intake.


Skye is so cute!

Coke is pretty popular among ultra marathoners. I have drank it during races and it does help a lot.

I can do certain scary movies.. more like…the movies are like an edge of your seat thriller. I DO NOT like horror movies. Yucky. But an edge of the your seat thriller, I can do that. That’s enough scary for me. Lol!


You know, I wish I was “cool” enough to handle scary movies, but I just can’t. I’m such a scaredy-cat with them. So I’m with you–not even going to try seeing A QUIET PLACE. I can let that movie be someone ELSE’S thing!
When I drank coke, I would have a diet coke as my pre-run fuel. Being allergic to coffee and starting my long runs so early in the morning made some sort of caffeine necessary, and the bubbles and flavor of diet coke somehow just gave me the pep that i needed with a 4:45 AM alarm clock!
My tangents: 1) I’m trying a new student special at a barre studio for the next 4 weeks hoping that the isometric movements of small muscle groups help give me the stability surrounding my hips and knees that I need (and some good gentle core strength) to not only become a stronger spin instructor BUT to help my effort to ramp up my running miles. Barre is challenging me–3 classes since I signed up last Wednesday–and it’s strange to do something that feels ‘girly’ to me, but I am enjoying it very much. I feel somehow free, energized, and confident in the hours that follow. 2) Even though they do a number on my stomach, one of my most favorite fast foods is cheetos. I hardly ever get them from the vending machine at work when I am on campus, but today I totally did. Totally having a “sorry not sorry” moment over here. 3) A student just left my office after having a conversation with me about her latest assignment. I told her that we are all at the point in the semester where our measure of appropriateness should revolve around grace a lot more than perfection…and that I am in it with all of my students! I listed off for her all of the things I could do better right now and told her that I struggle with effort to be the best but also my own exhaustion. It was a really honest moment, and she left looking a lot more peaceful than when she came in. I hope she remembers”measures of grace” in a few weeks when it’s time to fill out teaching evaluations! 4) My proof copies of my first poetry collection came in the mail! There are some things that need to be fixed, but on the whole–my first book looks beautiful! It’s available on amazon for purchase as of May 25! 5) In about 5 weeks I am going to DC for a few days to visit one of my best friends before she and her husband move to Saipan for a job he just got!


I’m a huge coke fan during marathons but not flat. I actually like the carbonation. It settles my tummy. But st George doesn’t offer it on course. Sometimes, there are people handing it out unofficially around Winchester hills, but it’s not at any official aid station. I always find 2-3 people to give it to me on course and I am eternally grateful to them because I can’t survive a marathon without it. I’ve also always had my mother in law bring it to me on heartbreak hill of Boston. I’m hoping they can handle rain this year.

I also love salt tabs. I’m not a super salty sweater so I like hammer endurytes. They have less sodium than other brands. My hubby likes s-caps. Or we’ve recently just started using Himalayan sea salt in a Base salt container. You just shake a little on your finger every few minutes.


I don’t like scary movies. I’m trying the cola flavour SIS gel this weekend, and I also have a double espresso flavoured one to try later. I love a coke after a race, never tried it during a run. This afternoon I ran in shorts and a short sleeved t-shirt. It could have been a tank, it was quite hot for the first time this spring. My run didn’t feel great, and I got blisters on two toes. But then I was thinking about your miles in the bank, and that my body has to get used to running in warmer temperatures and now I feel quite happy about my run. It was too long after lunch too I think. ( it’s raining now) This weekend I’m going to a sewing weekend with 38 other women. I’m really looking forward to that, but I would like to prepare some things I want to make to maximize my time at the sewing machine. And I’ll do my long run over there too.


Oh man, I am a total wimp when it comes to scary movies, I definitely will not be seeing anything remotely scary! My sister loves horror movies but why people want to freak themselves out is beyond me lol. The cookie delivery service sounds incredible — I need to find one near me! :)


Hi Janae!

I don’t run anywhere near as fast as you – or as far – but I just wanted to share that my first 13.1 miles ran on the treadmill was fueled by Diet Mountain Dew! hehe! I’m VERY new to fueling and running really, but in my day to day life caffeine is a necessity. I figured, why not just drink some caffeine while I run?? I felt great and had plenty of energy to finish! :) Hope you’re having a great day – as I sit here typing and drinking my Diet Coke! :) :)


That is a lot of fluids! Oy. I’m going to have to step up my game!

I’ve never tried soda during a run. I didn’t think about drinking it flat because the carbonation would probably do me in. I have talked to ultra and triathlete people who swear by coke and Oreos.

My students were talking about A Quiet Place yesterday and they swore it was the best movie they’ve seen. I can give or take scary movies.

This morning was 58 degrees and dark so I was in shorts and a long sleeve that I was able to roll up the sleeves on. Today is supposed to be 94!! But then 65 on Thursday.


Janae- I think you might have posted this before, but where do you get all of Skye’s bows? They are tooooooo cute.


Hey Kim!! I get them here: http://littlepoppyco.com

Have an amazing day!


Thanks Janae for the info and for responding! I know you are a busy mom!


Flat coke, Mt. Dew, or Ginger Ale is a staple for me during trail races. They all help keep my stomach from feeling yucky, which is especially helpful when running anywhere from 31 to 100 miles! I agree once you start on the soda, sports drinks are pretty much out of the question, but soda does help replace any salt loss on especially hot days.


100 miles… you are my hero Tish!! That is so awesome. Thanks for sharing, I really appreciate it. Have an amazing rest of your day!


I have not done flat coke for road marathons, but on the trails and longer ultra races, flat coke has saved me. Calories and fluid. For races I have had a starbucks bottle frappucino – my partner brings it to me at the aid station and spikes it :).

Ran and got caught in soaking rain, today I did shorts and a long sleeve top – probably could have done a tank.

I don’t like scary movies either

Have a great day!


Whenever you post about cookie deli every I’m so jealous!! I want that here too!!!
I don’t like gu but make myself take it because it seems like the easiest thing to take. Small to take and don’t have to chew anything. I like the sport jelly bean things but chewing is hard and if it’s cold out they get really hard. I just drink Gatorade or water. Don’t have any great ideas there.


I think this Chicago weather has made me sick, so instead of running I am just reading about running – ha ha.
I like suspense thrillers and my husband likes horror movies so as a compromise we went to go see a quiet place. It is so good. It is so quiet in the theater that my husband bought some candy and reached his hand into the bag and the guy in front of us turned around and gave him a dirty look. If you like popcorn, you have to go to the movie early and eat it during the previews. You might not be as scared as you think because as a mother you would be criticizing a lot of the choices they made – LOL.


Hi, Janae. Your reminder to not let one bad run define your whole training cycle could not have come at a better time for me. I’m running my FIRST Boston Marathon (!!!!!) on Monday, but Saturday’s 10 miler had me really doubting myself. It just seemed much harder than it should have, but I’m going to shake it off, and think positively! The forecast is kind of terrible – rain and windy – but I’ll take that over high temps anyday!
Scary movies freak me out. I can watch them, but only if all the lights in the house are on!

PS: Skye gets more adorable every single day. :)


I don’t drink soda but there is something about coke in an ultra that gets the wind back in my sails!


I like soda but it doesn’t sound good to me while running. I love scary movies but we will watch that one at home bc too many people talk or use their phones in theaters and it seems like it needs to be a quiet experience for that one so you dont miss anything.
Weather has been weird here….pollen in full force….everything is yellow dusted…
but this weekend was super cool and windy (gloves and hats) then today was tank top weather and Friday will be almost 80 and maybe sports bra running. Nuts!!


I live in Florida and get dehydrated very easily bc of weather and naturally very low blood pressure. I use salt tabs during a half marathon (one serving is two tabs- halfway through- 45-50 mins in). During marathon training I’d take a gel every 45-60 minutes and two salt tabs in between. That’s what I did for the Chicago marathon too. I have not gotten the typical muscle cramps, and although I was very thirsty by the end of the marathon, I think it had more to do with weather and a drier climate than I’m used to. My stomach felt 100% the whole time, never got fuzzy brain, and I ended the marathon smiling and at a faster pace. I feel like nutrition played a huge role. Good luck!


I saw A quiet place last weekend and it was no where near as scary as I thought it would be. There were a few jump in your seat moments but overall the concept was more M. Night Shyamalon that super scary. No lingering scary thoughts bringing nightmares like with some movies.


crumbl is the bomb. I am a cookie lover. chip used to be dangerous to me. but crumbl will deliver to SF so its even worse!!! I’m always thinking about having a cookie as a reward after a good long run. I’m all about giving the flat coke a try although I hadn’t heard of it until now. give me some caffeine!!! I just read your newest post about your speedwork. Girl you are on fire!!!


The movie A quiet place was filmed on our friends farm. They say it’s not as scary as the preview. Fun seeing familiar places in a movie.

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