13 Thursday Things + Those Dimples on my Legs + My Goal Right Now!

1.  All five of us (well, 6 because Beretta was there too) were together again yesterday which felt so good because we have been missing Knox for five days.  Also, Skye is really improving in her selfie game each week.

2.  My Wednesday morning included a 5 mile easy run.  It was done in the rain and my legs were feeling each and every one of my 1000m repeats from the day before so I kept it nice and easy and just went into autopilot for the miles.  PS one of my most used pieces of running gear is this vest that I got years ago… During the fall, winter and spring I wear it a few times a week.  It keeps me warm while keeping my arms free and moving.  Any other lovers of the running vest?

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3.  Tuesday I did some pre-hab while Brooke watched Balto and while Skye stared at me wondering what the heck I was doing.  I probably should have spent some of that time cleaning the house but I didn’t and instead did this pelvic floor/glute workout from HERE!

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4. As you know, I’m a huge fan of extremely easy dinners and this was one of them.  Tuesday night I put chicken and buffalo sauce into the crockpot and made a delicious topping for some brown rice, cheese and roasted broccoli.  Simple, filling and something that everyone would eat (Brooke doesn’t like heat so she just had plain chicken).

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5.  And a few hours later we had a cereal date.  Our cereal dates lately have been happening once all of the kids are asleep and we just sit there and talk and eat the delicious combination of carbohydrates and milk

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6.  Does anybody else have a dog that loves the trampoline?  When Beretta is in the backyard she gave up on her dog bed and just gets up on the tramp and lays on there instead.  She always jumps on when the kids are on there too!

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7.  I have a new goal that I’ve been working on a lot.  To PLAY.  I’ve been really focusing on playing more with the big kids and I think it is benefiting me more than them;)  I think I got out of the habit of playing more while pregnant with Skye since I felt so sick all of the time.  I’m not one that loves to play dolls etc but I really love doing active things (tramp, running around, tag etc), doing art or playing games with them so I’m focusing on doing some of that each day.  It’s easy for me to sit back and just watch them do these things but I’m getting out and joining them and my brain is loving it.

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7.  I’ve talked to you about my leg dimples HERE (it doesn’t matter how many miles I run or what my weight is… I’ve got that cottage cheese and I’m pretty sure a lot of women do even if the media tells us otherwise) but I’ve started to notice it more at different times on the front of my legs now too.  Every time I do a downward dog (I’ve been doing yoga at home a lot to get in that stretching) I see those dimples all over my quads.  Just a nice reminder over here that I not only have those dimples in the back but I’ve got some in the front too and that is a-okay.  It’s normal and don’t let the world make you think any differently.  These quads with some dimples are going to carry me to a sub 3 marathon someday soon.

8.  We hit up Costco yesterday and did our usual share some ice cream as we walked around.  The kids chose churros and of course I took some mom/step-mom tax from those too and they were delicious.

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9.  There is a park that we go to every now and then that is filled with ducks.  It’s exciting.

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10.  I give them three years before they are passing me by when they run.  I can’t believe how fast they can get those little legs of theirs to move!

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11.  Skye.

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12.  We go through more boxes of Kodiak Cakes than 99.999% of the human population.

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13.  Our dinner last night included a salad mix (from Costco) along with a turkey burger with guac and bbq sauce.  I was still hungry after this meal so I had some of the kid’s chicken nuggets.

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*Bonus*  I’ve shared this quote before from one of my favorite running books ever but I felt like I should share it again.  It’s just a really good reminder for all of us… we are all in different seasons with our training, our goals, our race schedules and whether or not we are running at this time but none of that matters, we are all runners.

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What would you say is your most used piece of running equipment/gear/clothing?

What is your favorite running book?

What food product does your household go through at an alarming rate?

What’s a goal that you have been working on lately?

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I love your goal to play. I’m not big on getting down on the floor and playing and I always felt really guilty about it. I don’t mind playing games or doing puzzles and stuff like that though.


Don’t feel guilty… I think you are normal! I just like to find the things we all love to do to play and do that:) I’m right there with you! Have an amazing day Jenny!


YES to playing more!! I think that’s so healthy. I dance whenever I hear music playing, and I love playing with my niece and friends’ kids. I think it’s good to forget you’re an adult and be young at heart in some aspects of life.

I go through Wheat Thins faster than probably the rest of the human population. They’re just SO good!


Oh yes… I am all about the dancing too:) the kids think it is cool now but in a few years they won’t haha! I agree! Wheat thins are amazing. Have I ever asked you if you have tried them dipped in cottage cheese? So so good!


LOVE Wheat Thins with cottage cheese!! I used to eat that all the time in college!


Playing more is a great goal! My youngest is 18 and I regret not playing with my three boys more when they were younger.

I love Kristin Armstrong so much! I need to re-read her book. I wish she was still writing columns for Runner’s World.


I miss her columns so much too! I always looked forward to them, she is such a good writer! I hope your three boys still live close by:) have an amazing day Michelle!


My favorite running book is Run to Overcome (Meb’s book)! I was totally star struck when I got to interview him at the Gasparilla half for the podcast. I know what you mean about cleaning the house. This may not happen to you, but I need to stop feeling guilty when I do a workout or relax for a bit on my only day off instead of cleaning. Your family is adorable! I want to try Frank’s hot sauce and chicken in the instant pot. Do you think quick cooking will be as good? Have a great day!


Oh I definitely think it will be as good! I need an instant pot soooo bad! Let me know what you think of the combo? Oh I loved that book too and that is so awesome that you got to interview meb, wow! Have a beautiful day Aimee!


I love the quick crock pot chicken with buffalo sauce! My kids do not do spicy either so I cook up my chicken with basic spices , shred it and toss half it with BBQ sauce for the kids and the rest with Buffalo sauce for me and the husband! Try the buffalo chicken in a quesadilla with some Monterey Jack or Mozzarella cheese. Delicious!

We go through a crazy amount of seltzer water each week. I have to limit my 6 year olds cravings because we might go broke on seltzer!


BRILLIANT… I am totally going to try that in a quesadilla. Thank you Elizabeth! I hope you have a great day!


This is such a random side note question, but I have ALWAYS run in Brooks Pureflow (5 years now)! I am thinking of trying another shoe from Brooks since they have expanded their line so much. What do you suggest that is pretty close to the Pureflow, since you have tried so many!?


HEY LINDSAY!!! Oh I love that you have a deep love for the Pureflows, they are amazing! For me personally, I have found the Launch to be similar yet they have a bit more cushioning which my feet are loving! They are still very light but just offer a bit more comfort for me. I still stick to the pure flows for faster stuff but that is what I have gone from when I wanted to try something new. Let me know what you end up doing and have a fabulous day!


I really need a new running vest! DO you have a recommendation for one that is lightweight, long enough to cover my bum and not crazy expensive?


Hey Jessica!! SOOOOO I just use the exact same one every time (it was from Lulu a few years ago) so I haven’t really tried out any other ones. Anyone else have some good recommendations??????


I love running vests and have quite a few. Find it easier to grab a vest than the perfect thickness of top. Also love having my arms free and core warm! My favorite thinner one is this one. Expensive but you can find them at the outlet sometimes or at sporting goods stores on sale. https://www.nike.com/t/aeroloft-womens-running-vest-r9kvzZ/856636-652
For thicker I like anything from Athleta. Hope this helps!


The one running thing that gets used most/almost every run is definitely my Garmin! Other than that, I have 2 “running” hats that I wear a ton! My hair tends to get in my face so bad during runs, and my ponytail seems to get really gnarly during longer runs, but the hats help me with those issues big time! I don’t wear them all the time, but I do wear them a lot!
OMG… we go through bagels like crazy in our house! We eat them for breakfast, we make sandwiches with them, snacks…. Every time I go to the grocery store, I buy bagels!
I just ran a marathon this past weekend (I’ll tell you all about it in your accomplishments email ;) ), so my new goal is to get much more consistent with strength training! I go through periods when I am really good, but then I just stop doing strength work. So, yes bring on some strength work!! :)
I love your goal to play more! Kids grow and change sooooo fast, so make sure you take the time to really enjoy each stage they’re in!


YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT IS AMAZING!! I just read it and it made me so happy, I can’t wait to post it tomorrow! What running hats are they? I want one! Oh I love a good bagel too. I hope you are having a beautiful day Wendy!


I see the cellulite on the front of my legs when I do downward dog, too :) I actually took a photo the other day of the dimples I saw on my legs when I was crossing them and I periodically look at it and pointedly think, “that’s normal”. Following body-positive women on Instagram who post unretouched photos of their “imperfections” has been really helpful to me, too. Long story short, I think normalizing the diversity of human bodies is really important! The media/diet industry does a good job of convincing us that something totally normal is actually something wrong with us. I would sure love to have back all the time (and money, mental energy, self-esteem…) I’ve wasted being fixated on perfecting my body so I can invest it in more important things, but I figure it’s better late than never!


Cait, thank you so much for sharing!! I am all about normalizing our diversity too, it’s freeing when we see our body as a tool rather than something to be stared at. I am so happy that you are in the place that you are and please keep me updated on how you are doing! Have a wonderful day!


I am in love with the running vest, too. Unfortunately in Florida I dont get as many opportunities to wear it though;)
I’ve been looking for simple dinners lately so good idea on the chicken + rice!

Most used gear->nike pro cool compression running shorts. It’s all I ever want to run in. Otherwise, I dont use any gear other than shoes (launch 4), and sports bras I’ve never found a perfect one (ta ta tamer is the best one I have now).

Food I go through a lot of->sweet potatoes and eggs. I eat them both everyday. I have a problem.

Current goal->I’m not sure if you meant running related or not so I’ll give you both. For running, my goal is a 2 hour half in 2018. However, I did a half a few wks ago to set a baseline and did really well but my shin muscle (?) has been really tight and bothering me since then so I’ve just been run/walk and enjoying each run, and I’ll get back to training in a month or so. For personal, my goal is to get into grad school for mental health counseling! So I’m spending a lot of time studying for the GRE right now;) Any personal goals for you besides running 3 hr marathon?


NOOO about your shin muscle… keep me updated on how you are doing and you WILL get that 2 hour half this year and I can’t wait to hear about it! Good luck with all of the studying, what an amazing and very needed profession to go in to! For me, I’m focusing on playing more, being more present (ditching the cell phone whenever I am with people) and continuing to grow my business:) You do not have a problem… I eat a sweet potato pretty much daily too! I want to try out those shorts! I hope you are having a beautiful and sunny day in Florida!


“These quads with some dimples are going to carry me to a sub 3 marathon someday soon.“

YES!!! This 100%

When I started to focus on what my body could do, and worry less about how it looked, it was a game changer! Love this sentence Janae!


YES AND YES… life is so much happier when we see ourselves for all of the amazing things we get to do with our bodies vs what they look like! I hope you are having a great day Jasmine!


Girl, downward dog is THE WORST time to look at your quads!!!! ha ha ha I hear ya with what you’re saying though. Perfection is non-existent, and don’t let Instagram let ya think otherwise, right?!

My favorite piece of running gear–I could say shoes or Garmin, but I’m going to say my Oiselle Aero tights. I put them on when I want to feel fast. If I’m doing speedwork (in non-shorts weather), the Aeros must be worn!

Food product that we go through quickly—any kind of cheese stick/snack. I don’t even eat them, but my daughters go through them like wildfire. It’s crazy!

A goal I’ve been working on. Hmmmm. Well, I’m always working on keeping my mind in the game and being positive and TRYING to take life and the run one day at a time. :)

Hope you have a great Thursday!!! I took notes on that chicken/buffalo sauce easy dinner! I’ll be recreating that, for sure! :)


Well, now I need to buy those tights, they sound amazing! From knowing you over the internet;) I would say that you are a very positive person and I always appreciate your energy/optimism so thank you! Let me know if you like the easy dinner recipe:) Have a wonderful day Jen!


I do enjoy playing with my kids. Last night it was soccer and four square. My daughter is not the easiest to play with. She is not competitive and complains the entire time about fairness. She left our game of four square early because she wasn’t winning. I think that playing with them teaches them so many things. How to be a good loser is our current challenge.


We struggle with that same thing with Brooke too at times! I get it! And you are right, through play we are able to teach our kids so many important lessons that will be with them for life:) I’m going to make a four square on our driveway with chalk… I have missed that game. Thanks Megan and I hope you are having a great day!


I love the goal of playing! I struggled with that more when my daughter was really little but once she got older it was easier. Sometimes I think that types of play come easier for some of us than others, it’s just how we’re wired. Now that she’s in middle school we have a ton of fun doing random things together! (except when she’s being all cranky and sullen and age appropriately annoying)

A good reminder about looking at your quads during downward dog, it’s bad for your neck;-) But great attitude and reminder.


I could not live without my running vest! I randomly found it at TJ Maxx like 5 years ago and I use it all of the time. That any my blinky light for early morning runs.

My household consumes soooo much chocolate milk and tortilla chips.

My goal lately has been to add more weight lifting each week. So far so good.

And Skye is really starting to look a lot of like Andrew lately. At first I thought she would be Brooke’s twin but now I see so much more Andrew in those pics.


Just got a Garmin 235 yesterday and have already been having fun playing with it haha. I have been creeping hard on them and pulled the trigger when the amazon price dropped $50.

Yay for Kodiak Cakes! I really like the dark chocolate mix, but zucchini is probably the food item that I go through the fastest because I roast it and eat it almost every day in stir fries. The checkout clerk commented the other day, “that’s a lot of squash!” :)


AHHH so excited you got a new garmin and on a killer deal too! HAHA good for you to eat so much zucchini! I tried to buy zucchini yesterday but couldn’t find any boo! I’ll come to your store:) I hope you are having a great day Danielle!


I’ve been working on just getting School done now! I’m majoring in acting and I have my final presentation today! Wish me luck :-) I started the day with a nice short run.


You’re so right about loving some types of play over others. There are some things I don’t enjoy like Legos, but I’m such a kid at heart about other things like board games or just plain ole hide n’ seek. My most used pieces of workout clothing are Lululemon speed shorts. I LOVE love love them. My husband always grabs me a couple new pairs every couple of years and yet I have not thrown any of them out yet so I have quite the collection. Hmm, food product lately, probably unsalted tortilla chips. My kids go to town on those, with hummus, after school. Probably my top goal for this year, aside from growing spiritually, is just getting out more with my family, being present, and creating memories. Have a great day, Janae!


I would say definitely my running shoes – I got a new pair 2 months ago and I couldn’t believe how much mileage I put on them in a short while.

The food product we go through most alarming – the milk – even though I use it for coffee and he drinks it, it is insane how fast we go through cartons of milk with just two of us.

My favourite book – Christopher McDougall’s Born to Run – and also a book called – Once a runner.

One of my goals is to have fun with my running. I have set some pretty big running goals for myself this year and each time I look at my training plan, and what lies ahead (i.e. the mileage), I have a mini freakout and wonder how in the world I am supposed to do X and the mental doubts start creeping in. It is nice that my friends believe in me more than I believe in myself at this point haha. But yesterday I went out for a run and told myself to run whatever my body was happy running as long as I got the distance in – it ended my being one of my fastest tempos in awhile – I surprised myself with what I had in me.

Have a great day!


Love that quote! So important to remember that no matter where we are in our lives/ training that running is always there for us in whatever way we want it to be- or that it will be available to us in the future when we’re ready for it. I’m always looking for good running books so I’ll have to check that one out!

And I am officially team running vest after this winter! I never ran in one before this year, but got one for Christmas and love it! I agree that it’s great to keep your core warm while still being able to move your arms around. Plus, extra pockets are always a plus in my opinion!

Hope you’re having a great day!


I love your thoughts on “playing” – I have great memories of my parents doing things like that with me as a kid – and even now as an adult! It has added benefits for everyone, I think.
Most used – probably my Jaybird Freedom Earbuds, but I do have a vest that I have been wearing and you are right, it’s the perfect combo of warmth while letting my arms feel free!
Food product = CHEESE. I have some dairy sensitivities but thankfully cheese doesn’t set me off. Good thing, because I eat a lot of it, and all kinds – string cheese, shredded, sliced, fancy cheese, cream cheese… too much!
My goal lately has been to find joy where I can – my work has been crazy busy lately. I’ve never felt the high volume of pressure like I have lately, and it’s fine, I can manage it, but it’s definitely taking its toll on me mentally. So, my new goal is to find the things that bring me joy/peace and fully embrace them. It’s so easy to get caught up in the stress and anxiety, so I try to turn off those voices and focus on the good stuff instead.


I LOVE your goal right now Rhiannon! I am so sorry that your work life has been so hard lately but you are amazing for handling it the way that you do! I hope that you get some really good cheese lately:) Have a wonderful day!


Yes to playing more! My kiddos love when we play and they’re 10, 12, and 14. Our favorite game is mission impossible and it’s basically a game of hide n go seek in the dark.

My most used piece of equipment right now is my Lulu running vest. It’s fairly warm and it’s completely luminescent in the dark.

My fav running book is by Kara Goucher :)

We go through a crazy amount of sweet potatoes and apples.

My goal right now is to appreciate everything and to focus on the goodness in people.


Mine is a lulu vest too… love it! Oh I love Kara’s book too! YES TO SWEET POTATOES!! Oh I love your goal Marissa, I’ll join you! Have a fabulous day!


Our bulldog loves the trampoline! He’s getting older now but as soon as anyone goes near it he is all hyped and waiting for someone to pick him up and put him up there… He bounces around and bites at it like a maniac! It’s one of the things I will miss so much when he isn’t with us any longer.


Ahh the dreaded leg dimples! I hate looking at my legs/butt in certain lighting because of the dimples. I know everybody has them, but the media has trained us to think so negatively about it. Let’s change this please, K??
I use my sports bras like crazy! I love the brooks (formerly moving comfort) ones.
We go through milk and popcorn so quickly at our house!


I’m looking to buy my first pair of Brooks! My most comfortable running shoe is my Asics, cushy when I run. I’m torn between Brooks and your new Nike Reacts……but if I go for Brooks, which style would you recommend for me?


My moving comfort sports bras are probably my most used gear. :) A bouncy run is not pleasant.

We go through a lot of salad and oatmeal. We both eat them almost every day. (I eat more oatmeal, my husband will eat cold cereal some days. I don’t find that it fills me up enough to have for a meal).

I’m working towards getting my glutes in gear. I have new exercises from a functional movement correction expert. (that’s a mouthful of a title) So far so good.


Oh man, yes to cereal. It’s been my dessert every night for at least a month. I plow through that and Greek yogurt at a rate that is absurd for one person.


Thank you for sharing that page. I’m 23 weeks pregnant with my second baby and finding running SO much harder this pregnancy than it was with my first. Yesterday I sat on the side of the road after 1.5 miles and just felt so defeated. At 6 weeks my pace was 2 min/mile faster and I feel like a sloth these days. But no matter what I AM a runner and it will always be there for me. My body is slowing me down for this baby and I am so grateful to it for carrying her. Again, thanks for sharing this-I really, really needed it ❤️.


CONGRATS EVE on your second pregnancy! I am so excited for you and your family! YOU ARE A RUNNER and always will be. I just have to tell you, my running with Skye was SO much different than my running with Brooke. My second pregnancy I ran slower and not nearly as much as I did with Brooke… I wonder what it will be like for the next one. You are not alone and that postpartum running is going to feel amazing for you! Thinking about you and I hope you are feeling well!


❤️ Thanks again! I’ll be focusing on your positivity as I hit the pavement tomorrow!


I purchased these super soft tanks from Target and I really, really love them. I have been using them for the past year as I primarily hit the gym (at 5 am).
I feel like we go through carrots and cherry tomatoes at an alarming rate which isn’t a bad thing!


I love to go through your blog. lovely post.

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