Running RESET + Fail or FELL + Family Date Night (ehhh afternoon)!

The fact I got out of bed was a miracle yesterday morning (Skye was up 4 times ((due to gas we think) that night) but I knew that 3 miles (@ 8:35 pace) would do just the trick for waking me up.

Michelle said this the other day and I completely agree.  Running is a big reset button for me!

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During my run I was really thinking about something that a friend said in a church lesson this last Sunday.  She talked about switching out the word/idea FAIL with FELL instead.  It gave me the goosebumps when she first said this.  I love the idea of viewing our shortcomings/mistakes as falling rather than failing.  Thinking of ourselves as failures or failing at doing something we want to do is so defeating and leaves me never wanting to try doing it again.  But when I see something I would normally view as a failure as falling… I immediately think about getting back up again and trying again.  It makes trying new things and having big goals sound way less scary too!  I don’t have a fear of falling but I do have a fear of failing! This is something that is really going to help my postpartum running because there is going to be a lot of falling on the way to get to my goals but getting back up quickly and trying it all over again is something I can definitely do.

The day started off with some heart pancakes and a few Vday presents before going to school.  Holiday parties at school= Brooke gets ready at record speed and doesn’t stall like normal to get out the door.  These parties are her #1 motivators.

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I’m a big fan of dressing them up according to the holidays and hopefully they will let me continue to do that until they turn 18.

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After Brooke went to school, we picked up Knox from his mom’s house and headed over to Dr. Bennett’s office to get worked on!  Loved this little scene in the waiting room.

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He worked on my hips (necessary for my postpartum running) and neck from the accident and then he worked on Andrew’s ankle.  Andrew came home from a run one day and his ankle was completely swollen.  He hasn’t run since besides one short run.  Andrew wasn’t even sure what caused the swelling during the run either because he never felt any pain etc, so weird.   Sometimes our bodies just need to let us keep running because hello, we are trying to take care of our bodies and injuries take that away from us;)

This will get him back running again.

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For Vday Andrew got me this deliciousness.

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And then he sent Brooke and I over to the nail salon to get our nails done.  Does the grueling decision of what color of polish to get take 20 minutes for anyone else too?

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We both went for very bright pinks.

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From there we decided to go to an early dinner at 3 to avoid crowds.

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We decided on going to Texas Roadhouse because we were all feeling like we needed the rolls that they bring you when you first sit down.  I had the bbq chicken, salad and baked potato for my meal.

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Andrew was a good example for the kids at trying the one food that he hates really bad again… hard-boiled eggs!  Yep, he still hates them.

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Ice cream at Sweet Cream for dessert!

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We also got to go to my grandma’s house and catch up with her for a little while.  Skye (I first typed Brooke because I mix their names up all of the time!!) wasn’t so sure about Mr. Blue (my grandma’s dog).

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Big kids in bed at 7:20, pjs for me and the Bachelor watching with Andrew.

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Brooks just sent these over and they are going to be on my feet this morning during my mile repeats.  Depending on when I can run today I’ll either be outside or on the treadmill and if I’m outside… these shoes will make sure that I am seen from a mile away.   I’ll be trying out 2-3 mile repeats and going completely off of effort rather than pace.  When I am coming back from an injury or now from having a baby, I like doing my workouts according to effort so I am paying attention to that rather than thinking about what pace I think I should be doing.  It helps me to listen closely to what my body is okay with doing at this point and it takes off the thoughts of I HAVE SO FAR TO GO IN ORDER TO BE WHERE I USED TO BE.

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Anyone else absolutely hate hard-boiled eggs?  Have any foods that you really do not like?

What shoes are you running in today?

What was the last non-running workout that you did?  Last cross-training that you did?

Anyone watching the Bachelor—>  Who do you think is going to win?

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Hahaha I also love going out to eat at random times when you know it won’t be busy. The food always comes so quick! I am with Andrew – I despise hard boiled eggs. I actually don’t even really like eggs at all.

Oh man, The Bachelor this season is rough. I am not the biggest fan of Arie. I think he has handled quite a few situations not so well with the women. I really have no clue who is going to win, but at this point, I would probably go with Lauren.


Andrew is thankful that others understand his hatred for hard boiled eggs haha! I AGREE about Arie… I just wish he wouldn’t kiss everyone all of the time ha. I feel like we don’t get to hear many conversations haha! I hope you are having a great day Allison!


I love my Brooks GTS!!! I have flat feet and they’re perfect for me! I’ve been running in them for 9 years!!

I read reality Steve so I know who he picks. I won’t spoil of course! My favorite right now is Kendall!


Oh Erin, that is awesome that the GTS are so perfect for you! Finding the right shoe is so nice! Oh, I like Kendall the most too… she seems to be the most level headed and kindest! I hope your day is amazing Erin:)


I love that fall vs. fail perspective—I’m definitely going to start changing those words out when I feel like I’ve failed at something. Like you said, it’s a great reminder to dust yourself off and try again (such a good song from my high school days).

I’ve been running in the Saucony Kinvaras for a few years now and really love them! Those tye-dye Brooks shoes sure are pretty, though :) Also, it takes me FOREVER to pick out a nail polish color, and I always have to make sure that it has a really cool name, too. Last time I went, I got a flashy red (with glitter in it!!) for my toes because I really liked the name “Sassy Firecracker Sparkle!”


Hard boiled eggs aren’t my go-to either, but I think its because growing up we always had overcooked eggs where the yolk was super hard & dry. I like the yolk to be a little runny, then it’s not so bad at all! ?


Your rough night of sleep with Skye reminded me that Andrew was supposed to let you get a night of uninterrupted sleep – did that ever happen!? I hope it was amazing!!

I’m watching The Bachelor and I really like Tia and Becca K. I think Arie is going to pick Lauren but I don’t like her all that much. Who do you want to win??


HAHA YES… we tried to do it the other night but my chest hurt (from being full) so bad that I WANTED/NEEDED to get up and feed her but I did get a lot more sleep than normal and getting up just once is doable. It was so nice, thanks for asking Torrie! I love Becca K too and agree with you about Lauren. I also really like Kendall but I don’t think he will choose her:( I hope you are having a great day!


It’s funny you say that, while I’m an egg fan…I’m definitely not a hard boiled egg fan. I usually pick them out of salads.

Sorry you were up so much! Glad you were able to get some activity in as well as getting your hips put back into place.

I’ve been wanting to try the Brooks Launch 5 and the tie dye is awesome!


You have the cutest family! Those strawberries look amazing. I love the dates you and Brooke have, I’m sure those special moments are the ones she’ll always remember.


Oh thank you so much Melissa! That means a lot. I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Great post! Love the fail vs. fell idea!

And Skye’s shoes!!!!! SWOON!


Thanks Bridgette! My mom got those shoes for Skye so I really love them:) I hope your Thursday is a great one!


I hear ya on the school parties! Both of my kids get dressed and eat breakfast so quickly on party days! I was lucky enough to go to my son’s 1st grade party yesterday and they are just the cutest with all of the excitement.
My last non-running work-out was a Zumba class. I’m not good, but I have a lot of fun. I plan on going tomorrow!


Oh I bet the party was a blast! I want to go to Brooke’s party next year:) Zumba is a blast… enjoy tomorrow’s class too! Thanks so much Elizabeth!


I LOVED the church lesson so much; it can apply to anything in your life. Thanks for sharing. I love hearing lessons people learn from church, they are always so inspiring. I love hard-boiled eggs. Kind of funny but I don’t have any foods (do veggies count?) that I hate which is funny because I was the pickiest child eater ever. I never even wanted to eat. Don’t have that problem now! :) My husband has been traveling for work all week and is coming home today. I can’t wait! Have a great day, Janae!


Me too! I probably ate like 5 foods for most of my childhood and now there’s like 5 foods I don’t like. (Strangely only 1 overlap.)


Good to know that the picky eater problem ends ha! Knox is getting better but he is pretty picky:) I am so excited that your husband is coming home today Marie. ENJOY!!! Thanks so much girls:)


Those shoes look so fun/happy! They make me want to go for a run.


Right… they totally motivated me to get my run on! I hope you are having a great day Danielle!


I love hard boiled eggs! I have them every single day, haha.
I ran this morning in my Asics GT-1000’s. I have crazy feet, and Asics are the only ones I’ve been able to run in for 18 years (since I started running at 14).
My last non-running workout was leg day with my trainer. I started going to a personal trainer about 4 months ago. I didn’t think I’d like it but it turns out I REALLY like someone planning the workout and telling me what to do, ha!

Have a great day Janae and fam!


Oh that is awesome about the trainer… I think I would really like that too! So happy that you have the shoes that make your feet happy and that is awesome that you have been running for 18 years now! I LOVE IT! Thanks and I hope your day is a great one too Chelsea!


I have a Texas Roadhouse really close to my house and I’ve never been there. Now with your description of the buns I’m probably would like to go there next weekend!!

Today I ran on my Asics Kayanos which I’ll probably have to replace soon. And my last cross training was on Tuesday: 10 intense minutes on the stair master.

Hope you enjoy your day Janae:)


Love hard boiled eggs we eat them all the time. Cannot stand runny eggs though. My husband will not eat raw tomato, and no one in our house will eat mushrooms. I have noticed there are certain foods that I will eat when they are raw but not cooked, and others that I will eat cooked but not raw.


Interesting… raw tomato = delicious to me and I love mushrooms too but I can see how the runny egg would be tough! I hope you have a wonderful day Rachel and thanks for your comment!


It would be easier to list the foods I DO like ( I won’t bore you but EGGS are at the top of my list of foods I love – in any and all forms. Sorry, Andrew! ) :) I ran in Nike Pegasus (they are not cushioned enough for me and I don’t love them for running but they are sufficient for a short jaunt on the treadmill) today after a nice elliptical cross training. I love the elliptical because I can get SOO much reading done. I am the crazy lady going fast on the elliptical while reading her book – happy as a clam.

I hope you had a ton of fun running in your new shoes!! Happy day :)


I’ve been doing great at making sure to get strength training in lately. Hopefully I’ll get a treadmill run in today. But that all depends on how naps go. If not then I’ll have to make it another strength training day once kids are in bed to make sure I get something in.


OK those shoes may make me try Brooks!
I hate olives. I try them every couple years ’cause everyone loves them and I love olive oil and they’re so pretty that they look like they would taste good. But no, awful. How do people eat those?


YES, you should try them! I completely agree with you… olives are the worst food on the planet. I do not understand how others love them. I hope you have a great day Kristen!


Oh my gosh, I’ll look at the best! Give him another try perhaps? Perhaps it’s an acquired taste.


Love hard-boiled eggs.. but have to put salt on them so I try not to eat them often. Unfortunately I hate a lot of cooked veggies (liked cooked carrots… ick!) and any food that I could squish around between my teeth (like mashed potatoes and mushrooms). Yes, I’m 12. ;)

Love those Brooks Launch 5s from the Rock and Roll series! I bought them immediately and love wearing them!

I also do weight training more than I run. Addicted to it.


I’m glad we had our babies so close together! You had Skye one day after I had my boy! Because of this I can totally relate to having to get up in the middle of the night! Has Skye had her 2 month shots? My boy slept GREAT until he got those shots and a few days after it was like he was a different baby…. I couldn’t wake up in the morning to go get a run in because it was brutal. You’re obviously tougher than me!


I think you figured out our problem… THANK YOU LEXI! Last night she woke up three times? Before the shots she was just waking up once at 4ish so this is killing us ha. Good to know the reason, you are so smart! Congrats on your new little one, I LOVE how close they are in age. Now if only we could do play dates! Enjoy your day Lexi!


Umm… how do I get a pair of those shoes?!?! OMG! Obsessed! Put in a good word for me with the Brooks folks please! :) Those are seriously so pretty, how could you not want to go running if you had those on?
I ran in my Brooks PureFlows this morning – my stepdad got me 2 pair for Christmas and I still had some miles left on the ones I got late last year so I haven’t touched those yet, but they are my favorite shoe. The version last year (I think, or maybe 2016) were NOT good, but they went back to how they were before and I like them. I want to try other Brooks shoes but I am hesitant about spending $100+ to not like something. It’s a constant battle in my mind!
Does shoveling massive amounts of snow count as cross training?! Just kidding – I did a strength training workout on Monday that was focused on variations of squats/lunges/deadlifts – it was no joke. But I have noticed a major improvement in my running from increasing my strength training. I try to do one day of HIIT workouts and one day of strength during the week, that is the ideal training schedule for me with running!


Good for Andrew trying a food again when he knows he doesn’t like it – I’m really bad at that. I’m weird and like the whites of hard boiled eggs but the yolks gross me out.


I run in Altras and I just got a new pair of Torin IQs! They tell you all kinds of data about your running form – cadence, landing zone, foot strike, impact time, etc. I am going to try them out for the first time today and I can’t wait!! I’m still coming back from a hamstring injury – but I’ve been running for two weeks now with no pain – YAY! I started a new performance program where I did my physical therapy and I think it’s helping a TON! I did a ton of squats and deadlifts there yesterday and still don’t have any hammy pain. Fingers crossed! I love to lift weights, do TRX, or get some time in on the elliptical.

I hope your mile repeats go well! I can’t wait to start doing speed work again…2 more weeks of rebuilding!


I’ve been told by a friend that to FAIL is only your First Attempt In Learning!


Oh I LOVE that Tegan! That is so so true! Thanks for sharing and I’m going to be using this too:) Enjoy the rest of your day.


I need shoe help! I haven’t been able to run consistently for about 3 years now. I ran a 1/2 in Estes Park and when I got done, the outside of my right foot hurt. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but years later and after XRays, MRIs, cortisone injections, a walking boot, months of physical therapy, I’m still not back to running. But it no longer bothers me day-to-day. Apparently I have a “slip tendon” or an extra tendon in the outside of my foot which became angry for some reason. My theory: the shoes I was wearing. I’d love your thoughts on a Brooks that may work — I don’t have wide feet but I think I need some room on the outside or at least a mesh/stretchy material to allow my right foot to have plenty of room. I’d really appreciate any thoughts you have.


HEY KATE!!! Girl, I am SO sorry about everything you have been through over the last three years! To be completely honest, I think your best bet would be to go to a running store and try on every variety that they offer to really get a feel of how they fit on your feet. I’m sorry I’m not more help but try on a bunch and let me know what you think!


I love Brooks. I wear the Glycerin usually, but just ordered the Launch 4. We will see.

I HATE mayo period as a condiment. I love hard boiled eggs!


I only eat egg whites. Since I was little little. So it isn’t a health decision, but a taste decision. So I only like hard-boiled eggs without yolks. I despise green beans to the extent that they make me gag. I can eat a fresh fresh fresh haricot sometimes but not often.

No run today but the only shoe I wear in Kinvaras. I am tired of trying new shoes and then getting injured! I cross-trained today. 3 stations, 7 minutes a station. While partner was doing ball slams, russian twists, hip thrusts, the other was doing wall balls. And while one was planking, the partner was doing star jumps, split leg squat jumps, jumping jacks and squats. And finally, one partner was doing plank abs, crab crawls, bicycles and scissors while the other was doing butt kickers. I am tired.


I’m watching The Bachelor this time around. I read some spoilers yesterday, so it sounds like it’ll be an interesting finale!


Those new shoes that Brooks sent you are AWESOME! I am all about the brighter the better and hey who doesn’t love fun shoes!! I am now a huge fan of the Brooks Ghost 10’s…..great for my running. I agree that going for a run is like pushing the “RESET” button. It makes me feel so much better and clears my head. I LOVE hard-boiled eggs, they are the perfect after workout snack……what I really DO NOT LIKE is mushrooms, ick….. Oh and wanted to tell you about a book that was recommended to me to read by someone I ended up to talking to in the grocery store the other day…..she recommended the book “ROAR” by Stacy Sims… talks all about the female physiology and the correct way to fuel and hydrate (different for women vs men). I just started it today but am looking forward to what this will teach me for my 2nd full marathon (Houston Marathon) next January. Hugs xoxo


Those shoes are awesome! I may need them! No run for me today. I made it 10 miles yesterday in prep for my Mar 4 race so today is rest day. Plus, the husband and I are celebrating valentines today…….we like to choose a different day to celebrate so there are no crazy crowds at restaurants.


I’m not a huge boiled egg fan, but I eat them sometimes since they’re a great source of protein! But I truly hate sauerkraut.
I’m breaking in a new pair of Brooks Ghosts today; My Adrenalines have almost 300 miles on them and I want to make sure my Ghosts are READY TO GO for Boston in April!
I did some spinning and weight training on Tuesday! I’m swimming tomorrow, and planning to hit up a yoga class over the weekend, too:)


So jealous you got the Brooks Rock and Roll marathon Launch 5’s! They are sold out online :( Hope they make you run as fast and happy as imagine!


Those new Launches are COOL! I’m still running most of my runs in the Ghost 10. I love that shoe, and my calf loves it, too. I’m easing back into Launch 4s for speedwork, and it’s been going well, fingers-crossed.

Glad you had a nice Valentine’s Day with all of your loves!!!!

I’m with Andrew–hard boiled eggs are horrible!!!! My brother-in-law makes MUSTARD EGGS. Hard-boiled eggs that I guess he lets sit in mustard/juice or something?! They’re yellow and look just terrible. ha ha I CAN eat red-beet eggs, but only the outer part, not the yellow part!


OMG. Those shoes look amazing! I might have to get a pair. Right now I am running in NB 880. I love hardboiled eggs.

We haven’t watched the Bachelor in ages – mostly because he refuses to. I don’t even know who the bachelor is this season (whoops).

Have a great day!


I just have two comments. First, that picture of Brooke selecting her nail color is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. The nail salon I go to, has the little pink princess chairs for the little princesses. And I absolutely love watching the little girls giggle while their nails are being done.

I love the new multi-colored shoes. All you need now, are neon lights and you are good to go!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new shoes :) they make me happy!

The only food I really dislike is mashed potato and most fish.

I have the new Nike Epic React and while I hate the white (because hello, who runs in white shoes??) they are super cushy and my feet like them.

I actually did boot camp this morning, I’m trying to go 2-3 times a week :)

Anyone watching the Bachelor—> Who do you think is going to win?


1. I completely agree with Andrew. Hard boiled eggs are an abomination. Kudos to him for being a good example for those sweet kids!
2. I love love love those shoes!
3. I thought your post yesterday was so sweet and kind. I feel like in know you! Thanks for always being real.


Oh thank you Trish for your comment:) Andrew is happy to hear that he is not alone in his thoughts about eggs! Hope you are having a great day!


I special ordered a pair of the same Brooks Launch 5! I like the Launch 4 and wanted to try the new iteration but the colors looked rather dull compared to the tie-dyed ones. I couldn’t resist! I didn’t realize that they were RnR specials–but so what?
Also, they have been comfortable for runs although I’m saving them for when training starts in May for the Chicago Marathon. Then I’ll get new Launch 5s in time to break them in for the actual race. I wish you health to wear yours!


I can eat hard boiled eggs on a salad, or I’ll eat deviled eggs all day long. But hand me a hard boiled egg and I’m so grossed out! It makes no sense but I can’t help it. So I understand how Andrew feels totally.

Those new Brooks shoes look awesome! Normally I don’t go for ‘loud’ shoes, but I love those.


Andrew hates hard-boiled eggs… but does he like eggs other ways??

” I like doing my workouts according to effort so I am paying attention to that rather than thinking about what pace I think I should be doing. It helps me to listen closely to what my body is okay with doing at this point and it takes off the thoughts of I HAVE SO FAR TO GO IN ORDER TO BE WHERE I USED TO BE.”
You go girl! #1!


Ohhhh I LOVE hard boiled eggs! I make them weekly and keep them in the fridge for a quick snack or after a run and I need something quick to grab!
I am running in Asic Kayano 24’s. I have run in those since the 14’s came out BUTTTTTT I think I want to make the switch!
This is such a HUGE deal for me, I feel like I am cheating on Asics!!! LOL
But really dying to try the Brooks Launch 5’s!!!!! I will keep you posted!!!!


I work with high school students and we also talk about fail as an acronym for First Attempt In Learning. It’s an opportunity to try things out, learn something new and apply what we learn the next time!


This is so true! I’m a graduate student and fail all of the time in my experiments! That’s the nature of science, but you have to be able to pick yourself back up in order to make discoveries or find new cures!
I ran in my Brooks Levitates today! They are brand new and so springy!
I’m hoping Becca wins. My work has a fantasy bachelor tournament and that’s who I put down to win!
Happy Thursday!


I’m loving yoga and do it every morning. It is a great pre-run warm up or just to de-stress. There is a site I subscribe to and I love it because there are so many teachers and types of practice to choose from on the site. You can filter. They also release several for runners for free on YouTube so you can just do those or get a feel for what their teachers do before paying to subscribe. Cold hard-boiled eggs I cannot do but warm ones are okay and that is so weird I guess. My husband and I just did the Donna Marathon Weekend (10k, 5k, and Half) last weekend to honor his mother who we lost to breast cancer in 2016. I want to send you the written accomplishment after I get through this work week because I am so proud of the way we persevered through the tough parts of the races to finish. Have a great weekend!


Hi Janae! Just curious what time Brooke get out of school? My daughter, Finley, is in Kindergarten and here in TN they go full day so they get out at 2:45. She must get out a lot earlier to be able to do those early afternoon activities with you guys! Bright pink = winning. You guys are all so cute!


I don’t like hard boiled eggs. My poor dad used to get all the Easter eggs after we hard boiled eggs just to dye them haha.

I also really hate olives and mushrooms. Texture thing for the mushrooms. Olives just the taste.

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