How does your body react to this + YASSOS + breastfeeding/running!

I have a new Skye update!  10.2 weeks and all of my thoughts about pretty much everything (especially why this time is so much easier)—>  HERE!


Skye is helping me to get out the door and start exercising early which is nice.  She likes to eat early and falling back to sleep in the morning is rough for me so why not just get in some exercising?

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We got some more snow on Tuesday morning!  If you can see, there is nice little layer of ice under the new snow so there was no way I was going to chance it by running on it.  After my dad’s head injury from falling on the ice, I am SO much more careful on ice.  PS I am very happy with how well our new car (we got a Toyota Highlander) drives in the snow and ice.  Driving in the snow is super scary to me but our car makes me feel much more safe now.

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I did my first yassos in about A YEAR!  They were really hard and felt more difficult than my mile repeats last week!  I started off with a 1.5 mile warm-up and then started my .5 mile intervals!  I did 6 total and did a jog for .25 (11 minute mile pace) miles before starting the next interval and a 1 mile cool-down for a total of 7 miles.

Splits for each .5 mile interval—>  3:10 (I realized after my first one that was too fast), 3:14, 3:14, 3:14, 3:13, 3:13.  The beauty of basing our workouts off of effort rather than speed is that we can feel very proud of ourselves at the end regardless of numbers if we know we gave a great effort.  It doesn’t matter where our pace was for the workout (or comparing it to where our pace used to be)…  You know you gained fitness during those miles because according to your effort, you rocked your workout.

And about an hour after finishing my yassos = a bright red face still so I know I put in a good effort.

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Bangs Friend sent Skye the cutest new outfit.  She is just like us—>  A new outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks just makes you want to smile all day:

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We cheered on Andrew for his speed workout yesterday.  He is just starting up again with speed so we did 10 minute w/u, 6 x 1 minute @ 8.7 mph with 1 minute recoveries at 6.0, 10 minute c/d.  He rocked it.  Both of us were even  hungrier than normal due to speed work… it revs that metabolism UP!

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My sister told me that I needed to go try out the new Zao Asian Cafe that opened up near us and she was right, it was delicious.

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I was telling Brooke during lunch that I’m sure going to miss our afternoons together when she is in 1st grade and in full day school and she replied, “don’t worry mom, there are a lot of holidays and Sundays so you will still get to see me plenty.”  She is very logical these days.

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And this was pretty delicious too.  All stocked up at Costco now.

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We also had to stop at Target and I have to confess something, I don’t get all of the love for these.  I think I used to like them more but I don’t really think they are the best like a lot of people (I am surprised Megan D is still friends with me due to this opinion of mine).

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Afternoon (some days we go through three different outfits).

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Something is not right about this picture… how he does not freeze is beyond me.

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Talk about consistency!

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For dinner we had a new thing from Costco, chicken coconut curry!  Look at me eating curry again;)  We made some roasted broccoli too and it all tasted really good!

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Beretta is not loving this treadmill weather (she always goes running with Andrew)…

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but Andrew makes sure to get her out at night for some fetch each day too!

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Nicole asked me if my milk supply has dropped from running longer distances now (up to 9 miles wahoo).  I talk a little bit about it in the baby post that I put up yesterday but I thought I would share a little bit more here.  PS as I was typing this I had to laugh because I share the most random things on the internet for anyone to read, just letting you know all about everything.

This time around I have not had a supply drop as I am increasing my mileage and I pump about 5-10 extra ounces a day to freeze.  With Brooke, at this point my milk was dropping a lot.  I’m not sure if that drop was because I was pumping only, because I jumped back into training hard too quickly or if it was because my life was really stressful at that point.   With Skye, there are a few things that I think have helped me to have a good supply—>  I didn’t run for the first 6 weeks after having her, I did some walking but that’s it and I think when I was breastfeeding Brooke, I put a lot of stress on my body from running too early and it was hard to get a good supply going for me personally.  I fed Skye all of the time for the first 6ish weeks… now we are on more of a schedule but I felt like I was feeding Skye 549 times a day for the first little while and I think that helped my body to get going on producing more than enough.  I am eating/drinking plenty to fuel feeding her and my activity each day.  I’ve only had two kids but I kind of know that my body just doesn’t drop the last 10ish pounds until I stop breastfeeding (my sister is the same way but I know this is not the case for many women!!!) and that eating less calories than I am burning is going to lower my milk production.  Now is not the time that I think about losing any more weight because I think my body needs to hold onto a little extra something in order to keep making milk.  With Brooke I think I dropped a little too fast and that didn’t help my milk supply at all.  So, here is my ‘I am not a health professional and I am just only talking about my own personal experience’ reasoning for how I am keeping up my milk while increasing my training.   I’ll keep you updated but so far, so good!  We can train hard and breastfeed at the same time.. we just have to figure out the right way to do it all for our bodies because we are all so different!


Andrew and I were talking the other day about how our bodies react to stress.  A few weeks ago Andrew had a HUGE test that he was super nervous about because a lot of the people in his program did not pass.  The result of all of this stress—>  Canker sores and that happens every time he gets really stressed!  For me, when I am really stressed I deal with IBS issues and other GI problems.   What about you?  How does your body react to stress?

For those of you that breastfed during your training, what helped you to keep up a good supply?

What are your feelings on the Cadbury mini eggs?

If you could have any food delivered to you right now and magically appear in front of you, what would it be?

-Donuts from Stan’s in Northern California.

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I can’t believe how fast Skye is growing! What a beautiful smile! When I get too stressed, I have a hard time staying asleep at night. Feeling stressed and extra tired is no fun…! Magic delivery? I’ll take what you had for lunch at Zao Asian Café yesterday ha No matter that it is only 8am ;-)


Gatorade really helps me with my supply! I think it’s just because it’s very hydrating and it’s a nice and welcomed change up from water. My body also holds on to a good 7-10 lbs while I’m breastfeeding :)

When I get stressed, my eye starts to twitch. It is NOT enjoyable!

Have a wonderful day, Janae!


I carry stress/tension in my neck and back, so I sometimes get headaches when stressed. And I eat–just munch away like crunching will somehow erase the stress–and it doesn’t work at all.
I didn’t really train while breastfeeding, but it sounds like you’re onto a great theory about building up your supply with demand feeding in the early weeks. Glad you’ve got such a good groove going!
Cadbury mini eggs? nah
I’ve been thinking of a nice, thick milkshake, lately. I wouldn’t turn it down if it showed up in my kitchen!
Have a great day!


I just want to say you are doing a great job! And I totally agree on the breastfeeding and activity – you have to figure out what’s best for you, but that first six weeks of focusing on baby baby baby is so crucial. For our bodies and bonding and for breastfeeding and mental health! I just had my third baby on Dec 1st. After each baby and six weeks of recovery, I have been able to return to running with no nursing issues and have even PR’d every distance post-baby around their first birthday…so I’m hoping to do that again come end of year! Ha


Hi Janae! Is there any way you can post Andrew’s speed work/training plan each week? I’m also trying to PR my next Half Marathon (my previous was 1:44 too!!), but I have been having a hard time figuring out what kind of speed work to do each week. Thank you!!


When I get really stressed, I get chest pains and tummy issues. :/

Cadbury eggs: eww. No. But if I could have any food delivered right now, it would be a cheeseburger from Scotty P’s or Tiff’s Treats sugar cookies or cake batter froyo from Yogurt Zone (all things I miss terribly in Texas that aren’t in Cali).


Hi Janae! I have a question about the Nike Reacts you featured on IG. Do they run true to size or should you size up due to the “snug fit” mentioned in the product description? They’re so pretty…


HEY MJ!! I agree, they are so pretty… I have not run in them (so I’m not sure how they would fit with that but I have a size 9 and I usually wear a size 10 in running shoes so they are snug on me but very comfortable. SO… I sized down and they are snug (but not too snug) so maybe stick to your normal size and see how that fits with running (I’m just using them for strength so I’m not as concerned about them fitting perfectly like I am for running). I hope this made some sense ha… sometimes I just want to talk to you guys in person because it is so much easier to explain ha. Have a wonderful day!


I think I’ve commented with this before, but definitely lots of oatmeal, fruit, nuts, flax seed and chia seeds helped me keep up my supply. Plus tons of water and LOTS of snacking. Even midnight snacking. I was ruthless.
I’m so glad it’s going well for you this time around! <3


I definitely believe mental stress can effect your milk supply more than weight and running.
Breastfeeding shed the lbs off me and I was running some of my highest milage………I produced more milk than Hope would eat for the whole year I fed her.
Sample size of one. And good reminder that everybody’s bodies are different.

I would like a homemade chocolate chip muffin.


JANAE!! Thank you for your comment about effort!!! I worked really hard last night and haven’t checked my splits (I fear I didn’t hit my paces) – but the effort was certainly there. Thanks for the reminder!!

Reaction to stress? I feel EXHAUSTED. Like every little thing is an effort. I hate it and am working on it!

It’s been a long time, but making sure I was eating enough calories really helped with milk supply. Between lactating and running, you need a LOT of calories!!

Cadbury mini eggs – I tolerate the shell, but love the chocolate!!

A magical food – I stayed at a fancy health resort once, and they made this unreal concoction of raw oatmeal, grated granny smith apples, raisins, cinnamon, cardamom all held together by sweetened condensed milk. It was heaven!!

Have a great day everyone!!


WAY TO GO LIZ on your awesome workout yesterday… the effort was there so you must have rocked it! That meal does sound like heaven! I hope your day is awesome and thanks so much for your comment:)


Love Skye’s new outfit! I miss Bangs Friend :)
My body reacts to stress by breaking out like crazy! Especially since I’ve stopped taking the pill :( It’s so frustrating!
I’m not too fond of the mini eggs, I’d rather have the huge caramel filled ones!
I would love an In and Out burger right now.


I love most chocolate, but can’t stand any type of Cadbury. It just tastes weird to me.

Sometimes I grind my teeth when I sleep when I’m stressed, and I also get canker sores, but I think they’re more hormonal for me.

If I could have anything delivered, I’d take a bowl of conch chowder and a blackened grouper platter from the Lazy Flamingo on Sanibel Island, Florida. If I had to choose a ‘last meal’ that would be it. Good thing I’m going to Florida next month. =)


Well, that sounds delicious and I am SO happy you will be in Florida next month to enjoy it! Yes, maybe that is why I don’t like the Cadbury eggs… it just tastes a bit off! Thanks Emily and I hope your day is a great one!


With both my kids I put on 10 lbs after I stopped pumping (I exclusively pumped for them both) – I kept eating like I had been – woops!

I get really bloated when I am stressed – no matter what I eat. It is so uncomfortable.


That will probably happen to me this time too… I EAT SO MUCH FOOD now and that will be hard to readjust. Yes, I bloat a bit too with stress. It’s so interesting how our bodies react to everything. Thanks so much Jessey… have a wonderful day!


My husband gets canker sores a lot…I wonder if it also has to do with stress. For me stress brings on anxiety, but that’s not my only trigger for that. I also get tummy problems and my neck sometimes tenses up to where I can’t move it which can be kind of funny. Stress just sucks. Thank heaven for running.


I actually love the Cadbury mini eggs, but I love the big regular Cadbury eggs more. I also can’t believe there’s already a ton of Easter candy out – the year is already going by so fast!


YES on Cadbury eggs – you’ve inspired me to go buy some when I’m at the store today! Way to go on your running – I think it was so smart of you to wait for 6 weeks! And it doesn’t seem like you’ve lost that much fitness! That really shows me that our bodies can come back even stronger after a break :)


Thanks so much Miranda!! Yep, I think you are 100% right… breaks can be really good for us! ENJOY those Cadbury eggs today! I hope you have a wonderful day!


It is crazy to me that it’s frozen there and here in Florida its high 70s. That is so confusing to me! I am missing the cold weather though because high 70s plus 90% humidity = tough to run in.

I always notice my body reacts crazy ways to stress. I generally get stomach issues or canker sores too! I had a concussion 2 wks ago which is huge stress on your body but also made me emotional/stressed from not running/stressed from being isolated/stressed that I wasn’t going to get better, etc. Haha. And the concussion actually made me skip a period. And I read online that it’s super common! Crazy really. Stress does mess up my menstrual cycle but you wouldn’t think a head injury would! Anyways, probably TMI but I was mind blown when I read many women’s testimonies of losing periods for a bit after concussions.

On a lighter note-> Cadbury mini eggs. I always buy these around Easter and literally eat the whole bag and feel ill. So I try not to buy them because I do love them but they always make me sick which makes me hate them. There’s no self control with these things.

Also- wanted to say thanks for encouraging me to rest when my body needs it. I didn’t run at all during my concussion recovery and at times I thought about how hard it was probably for you to take 6 wks off but thats what you needed! And I knew I needed it too.


Eleanor, thank you so much for your comment. I am SO sorry about what you went through with your concussion and recovery… so glad that you took the break (and that you are okay!!!), you are awesome! That is really interesting that it made you skip a period, our bodies are so interesting to me and they find ways to help the recovery process that we wouldn’t even expect! Can we come stay with you in Florida… the humidity sounds awful but I could go for some sunshine right about now. I hope you are feeling okay today and keep me updated on how you are doing!


Skye’s hair is just the cutest thing ever!


I agree… thanks Mary! I hope your Wednesday is a great one!


When I’m super stressed I don’t sleep well (like I anxiously wake up multiple times a night. It sucks) and I get sick really easily. I had a very stressful weekend and I’m feeling something coming on. Hopefully I can fight it off!
I love those Cadbury mini eggs. I have to be careful not to eat too many! Easter in general though has the best holiday candy if the year, in my opinion!


Great job to you both…ROCKING those workouts!!
Canker sores are so PAINFUL! I used to get them when I was in school. WORST pain ever and it’s hard to find any relief :(
I’m not a mom but my SIL always said to eat half a PB sandwich and drink Gatorade during or right after breastfeeding. She was a champ and was able to BF her boys until they were a year old.
Brooke seems so grown up all of the sudden. I can’t wait to see more of her gymnastics!
Love, love, LOVE the pics of Smiley Skye!! She has quite the little personality lately.
Give Berreta a tummy rub from me. I hope she get to go for a run soon!


Thank you Elizabeth and I sure will give her a tummy rub for you:) I agree, Brooke has grown up SO fast lately… I can’t believe it! I love your SIL’s tip, thank you so much! Have a beautiful day! PS Andrew totally agrees with you about canker sores being the worst pain!


I feel like my body is the same way – I will continue to hold onto about 8ish extra lbs until I am done nursing. My body just needs the extra meat on my bones to make the milk (super scientific analysis, I know!). I’m exclusively nursing a 6 month old, and on days that I run I am RAVENOUS. Like, I will eat anything that’s not nailed down. I don’t deprive myself, eat when I’m hungry, try to stay away from the oreos, and chug water. 6 months in, and we’re still going strong.

And in my humble opinion, cadbury mini eggs are one of the BEST CANDIES ON THE PLANET! but I don’t care for gummy candy, so it’s okay that we’re on polar opposite ends of the candy spectrum!!


We should be friends because we would never try to steal each other’s candy;) Hey, that sounds scientific to me… I’m the same way. Yep, I just want to eat everything that I see, all of the time. Thanks for sharing Jessica and I hope you have a great day with your 6 month old and that you get plenty of delicious food today!


Skye’s little smiles melt my heart! She’s adorable :)


Oh thanks so much Amber, mine too! I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Love MINI Eggs! Just ate 2 little packs yesterday!
Super stressed out makes me not want to eat much (I just can’t enjoy my food when there is something completely awful going on with someone in my family) Like an unexpected death in the family or one of my children going through chronic health problems.
Normal stress Like Andrews test, makes me eat more. I tend to eat my feelings then.
Food delivered to me right now…..Shake Shack!– Chicken sandwich, cheese fries, and chocolate custard with the salted caramel sauce and a coke Zero! LOL. That meal is a fave!
So glad your milk supply is doing well this time! Way to be smart about it! Between nursing and running you are burning a MASSIVE amount of calories a day! Enjoy all the food!


Mini Eggs are probably my favorite Easter candy! I don’t know how anyone doesn’t like them. Confession: one Easter I ate way too many of them and was kind of put off by them for a few years, but my love for them is back now.


I get fever blisters (cold sores) when I get too stressed. Been that way since I was a child.


YES, Brooke gets that too! Do you remember how old it started for you? Thanks Jennifer, I hope your Wednesday is fabulous!


I was really young when I first started getting them. I was probably in jr high when I realized that stress was a trigger for them.
Unfortunately it never goes away and still happens to this day. I know when I’m going through a tough time that I will get a breakout. I actually take a prescription now to help control them. It has made a huge difference. Hopefully when she is a little older they will have more options on how to deal with them.

Side note – It spreads really easily. Makes sure she washes her hands a lot when she has them. You can spread them into your nose and eyes if you are not careful. And she could give them to Skye if she kisses on her with a sore. We are pretty sure that is how I got them. My mom gets them and more than likely spread it to me when I was a baby.


Thank you SO much for getting back to me Jennifer! I hope that they do come out with more options… I always feel so bad! I’m so sorry you have had to deal with this. It usually happens for Brooke after traveling back and forth to California on the plane (I’m not sure if it is stressful for her to fly or to say goodbye to us or her dad when she is leaving?!?). THANKS for sharing everything… I didn’t know it can go to your nose and eyes. We make sure not share drinks/lip gloss etc but will be extra careful with Skye. Thanks!


Just wanted to jump in and say I’ve also gotten cold sores since I was a kid…brought on by stress and/or too much sun. Recently started taking lysine (cheap amino acid supplement ) right away whenever I feel them coming on and this really helps it to get less big and increase healing time. I believe this amino acid inhibits growth of the virus. I just would be more careful using it since she’s young!


Hi Janae! :) Stress sucks so much; my neck and shoulders usually hurt and I can’t sleep from overthinking things. Lately I love dark chocolate so not into Cadbury mini eggs but I used to be! :) I’ve been into Almond Roca’s lately. :) Have a great day Janae!


OH Almond Roca’s remind me so much of my dad! YES, I am right there with you on overthinking. Thanks Marie and I hope your day is a great one!


I made it a year pumping exclusively while running. I didn’t start really running until probably 4 or 5 months because my guy got pretty sick from RSV. Whenever I noticed my supply start to go down (the great thing about pumping is that you are able to really keep tabs on it!), I would drink Mothers Milk tea. I would have maybe 3 cups a day with some honey and my supply would go right back up.

The only bad thing that happened to me that was a result of breastfeeding while running was that my boobs got really chaffed on long runs, despite tons of bodyglide. Even if I pumped right beforehand, they would rub against my sports bra and it was so painful!


Oh that must have been so hard when he had RSV! Good to know Mothers Milk tea helped because I bought some to use when I notice a drop! AHHHHH yep, I am chafing like nuts right now. Thanks for sharing Chrissy, I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Stress~ I usually end up having trouble sleeping, which is NOT GOOD.

Cadbury Mini Eggs–I still like them! I discovered that I don’t like Brach’s conversation hearts any longer this year though. I used to love them when I was a kid! And, Cadbury kind of blew it when they started basically making the Mini Eggs in round form and selling them for Halloween/Christmas, etc. It ruined the special-ness of them.

THANK YOU for cheering ME on before my speedwork yesterday! I had 8 mins @threshold with 2 min recoveries times 4, and it went great. Your words and encouragement really make a difference to so many of your readers, Janae! The last 3 minutes of the last 8 minute set was hard, but I did it! Congrats to YOU on your Yassos!!! Woot woot!!!!


Way to go Jen, you rocked it! That is a tough workout, I want to try it… I’m going to have to next week! Thanks for letting me know Jen and thanks for your sweet words. Enjoy your day girl:)


It’s crazy what stress does to our bodies. Mine is all over the place and I never know what I’m going to get from the body ailment buffet, but the most consistent issues for me are illness (usually a bad cold), an injury (my back spasms flare or I pull some random muscle), and ALWAYS my psoriasis flares—I always have it on my arms and legs, but my face and hands will always tell others the level of my stress. Boo!

I don’t mind Cadbury eggs, but I don’t go out of my way to buy them. A Cadbury Creme Egg though…?

I was able to nurse my kids but I never had enough to pump. And I actually GAINED weight when I nursed—talk about post-partum frustration. The one time I was successful losing weight while I nursed, caused me to lose my supply. That was kind of sad.

WTG on your training! It’s hard to jump back in post-baby but it looks like you are doing it right. Two thumbs up, Janae!


I LOVE Cadbury mini eggs. My husband brought home a giant bag of them for me on Valentines day <3 He knows me so well.


OMG, how can you not like Cadbury mini eggs?! The are my most favorite chocolates and love that they have christmas bags too. I stock up so I can have them all year around. Yes, I love them that much :)


For me, too much stress leads to sleep disruption, stomach issues, and/or back injuries.

I used to like those eggs, now not so much. They taste fake.

I am hungry right now and I would really like a mushroom spinach omelet with rye toast.


I’m a lot like you and have stomach issues with stress. It’s zero fun and I have to really sit and meditate which I’m horrible at to calm my stomach down.
I’m also not a huge Cadbury egg gal, or any Easter candy so I’m more than happy that the Christmas to Valentine candy season is over and I can detox haha.
Honestly after reading this post, I wouldn’t mind if Asian food and a baby to hold just appeared at my desk :D
Some days I think Skye looks a lot like Brooke, then some days she looks like Andrew’s exact twin.
Tell Brooke good job on her practice at home!


The night of February 13th Ross came home with a bag and told me there was a surprise in it for me, but I had to wait until tomorrow to get it. (Rookie mistake. Does he even know me?!) He hid it and turned on the Olympics. I then hunted it down and ate the whole bag of Cadbury eggs. In one sitting.

The next day I had to make a trip to the store to replace the said Cadbury eggs so he wouldn’t know I found them. I got them and put them back in their ‘hidden’ spot. That night he gave me my Valentines present, which included the bag of eggs….and then I proceeded to eat the entire bag. In one sitting. Dejavu.

Yes. That means I ate 2 bags in 24hrs.

It’s fine. I’m fine.


How have you not told me this story yet?!? This is amazing and I love you.


LOVE THIS STORY MEGAN! We have all been there, done that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If someone says they have not they are most likely not telling the truth. loved your honesty!


I used to love the mini eggs, but they’ve been reformulated, and now I can take or leave ’em.
My body reacts in ALL the ways to stress. Canker sores, insomnia, IBS flare-ups, a pimple here or there, and usually right after my stress episode, I get a massive cold. So, yeah… I try to avoid it as much as possible. Lots of meditating and desperately trying to go with the flow over here!


When I saw Yasso’s in your title I thought you’d be talking about the greek yogurt bars ;)


Your family is so precious!!
I am prone to canker sores when I eat too acidic foods.
When I am super stressed out my hair falls out…it’s terrible. :(

Mmmm…chicken enchiladas from Casa Tomas in Nacogdoches!! Yum!!


Stress is awful on me sometimes – I have psoriasis that flares up when I’m stressed, and that makes my hair want to fall out. NOT FUN! I also am a stress-eater so I have the tendency to snack when I’m overwhelmed. I am working on that though!
LOVE the mini eggs – I try to avoid them because they are so good. The white chocolate ones are just as good as the milk chocolate.
I am dealing with an illness right now so I would give just about anything for some homemade chicken noodle soup.
Speaking of, I wanted to ask you how you deal with running when you are sick? I currently have a double ear infection and a massive sinus infection that’s actually caused blisters on my throat because of sinus drainage (gross, right?). I am so tired and worn down that I haven’t been able to run or workout yesterday or today. How do you usually gauge if you are willing to push yourself or not? I read online that some people go by if it’s below the neck (stomach related), they don’t run, but anything else, they can run. I am pretty sure if I tried to run I’d pass out right now! I sometimes have the tendency to push myself too hard/too soon so I thought I’d see what you do. Any advice?


Hey Rhiannon! I AM SO SO SORRY… that sounds awful! Oh girl, I would definitely take time off. Honestly, if my sickness makes me want to do nothing and stay in bed then I definitely do not run. If whatever I am sick with allows me to stick get my normal activities done and running sounds like a run would feel good then I do go. Take time off… being tired and worn down feels awful and running probably won’t help! Get better asap and please keep me updated on how you are doing. Wish I could drop off some homemade chicken noodle soup for you!


Stress definitely manifests itself physically with me, most commonly with acid reflux and insomnia, but sometimes with eye tics and even hives. I get canker sores more when I’m physically run down (which of course happens when I’m stressed too).

My dog also gets very jealous when I jump on my elliptical. And I would like that bowl of deliciousness that you had a Zen’s delivered to me :)


You have a great plan when it comes to BF and Running! I’m still nursing my first at 19 months and training for a half in May. Now if someone could only make a decent nursing sports bra….


Thank you Hannah! Way to go to YOU… 19 months is awesome and you better let me know how your half goes in May. I totally agree with you, I have to run with two bras now too! Have a great day!


Hi Janae!
This week I’ve been doing speed work(Monday) and tempo run(today) on the treadmill but I like to use my Garmin to record my splits. There’s always a discrepancy between the treadmill and my watch ??, my question is do you go by what the treadmill says or your watch? I started doing what you’ve mentioned before that you don’t start your watch until the treadmill is already running at a certain speed but ive dove that but on my watch I’m still Slower. Im sure it’s not a big deal but It bugs me a Lot. Haha! Hoping it warms up a bit more so I can do my speedwork outside.


Hey Ruthie!! Way to go on your speed and tempo each day, that is awesome! I actually go according to the treadmill and I am SO excited for the warm weather too! So I don’t start counting the interval until I get up to speed so if I am doing a half mile interval and the treadmill doesn’t hit the speed until .53 miles then I just start counting from there and finish at 1.03 miles if that makes sense?! Let me know if you have any other questions… great job!


I want that cookie delivery place you have near you! I’m always salivating when you show those. And if they could be delivered with vanilla ice cream on the side I’d like it even more! I always like brownies and cookies a la mode!


When I’m stressed, I seriously eat a lot. And then I double over in tummy pain :( Can you do a post on motivating yourself to have better coping mechanisms instead of subcumming to bad ones?


For Brooke: some level 6 inspiration on the trampoline beginning about 8:36 – standing back handspring, back tuck.

There are more videos on their channel. Annie got up to level 9 before pursuing singing and acting. Lots of videos in the gym and on the tramp.


Cadbury mini eggs are originally from the UK (I think, don’t quote me though aha) and they taste so much better over here. Like most british people love them!! I tried the American ones when I was visiting and they just taste different- I’m not sure why or how because I’m 100% sure it’s the exact same recipe!

I have a couple chronic illnesses and notice right away when stress is getting to me because I’ll have a huge flare up. I also get really bad acne and my lips get super chapped and bleed. Weird how are bodies just know when we aren’t feeling great and are trying to tell us to show down.


Oh, energy medicine by Donna Eden. Suggest checking this out: This makes a difference. She says it will.

I think the triple warmers are especially for stress and she has another video for them.


It could be meridians and not triple warmers for stress.


Smiling babies melt my heart . Beautiful family Janae!

My husband has a chocolate shop so we are not allowed to eat choco eggs from elsewhere :))

Chinese delivery, always


Brooke with chopsticks! Love it. <3


Any food to drop from the sky right now, would be my Mom’s cheesy chicken spaghetti ! Or a Texas Roadhouse steak and rolls with cinnamon butter. When I’m stressed, it usually comes out in a skin rash. Somewhere on my body (usually neck, face and arms) with get super itchy. I mean, really itchy. Then it’s red and more red from itching it. Then boy, does THAT make you stressed even more. So strange how our bodies react to stress.


I get cold sores when I get super stressed. What helped with can my milk supply and running was making sure I got around 100 grams of protein a day or more and have enough fats and carbs to even it all out. Oatmeal is really good for boosting supply and avocados helped as well. I hold on to at least 10 pounds until I wean. Literally a week after weaning Im 10 pounds lighter. I have come to just trust my the ques and signs my body is telling me. When I’m tired maybe skip the run for the day, if I’m extra hungry or thirsty then eat more, my body knows what’s best for me and my nursing baby and it’s best Just to pay attention to those signs.


Thank you for posting your recovery times and distances for intervals. I always wonder what to do betweennintervals. Most plans tell you to recoverr between sets but do not explain the recovery.
I am not a Cadbury egg person, big or mini.
I get real quiet when stressed. Not good, means I’m keeping it all inside.
I would love to get sushi since I can’t make it. For desert my Great Grandmas peach cobbler.


Wow, you are awesome! Way to get back into speed work. I really need to knock out some Yassos but something they are the farthest thing from fun. I do agree on the effort over pace though. I’ll just need to remind myself that a good speed work workout means more food lol.
I DO NOT like Cadbury eggs. I never got the crazy and when I had them once I was very confused.
As far as getting stressed, I break out in hives if I’m WAY overwhelmed. I try not to let it get to that point because then I feel like I have to cover those up and the cycle continues!


Just started following you. You have a beautiful family, and it’s fun to see what kind of workouts you do. I like to follow people who are a little faster than me so I know what direction I want to go:) You’re inspiring me to start getting a little more serious about training. I’ve been running for a long time, but the last year or so without doing any intervals, and so today I did some Yassos because of you! Just made it to 4, but it’s a good start to getting back in shape. Thanks for your inspiration!


Every night before bed, I drank a giant smoothie with oats, flax, chocolate…it was the best thing ever. Those extra calories helped me get through the night of nursing! I ate all of the time in those beginning stages and until my son was 1. Running & breastfeeding just requires so much from your body. Now he’s 23 months & we are only nursing once before bed–but I’m so happy that I’m still able to provide him with breast milk.


i used to think i hated the mini eggs because i don’t really like whoppers or other malt flavoring. but something about that hard candy shell must make all the difference because i love them. that said, i also like peeps and candy corn, so i usually fall in with the unpopular opinion crowd on those ;) NO black licorice though!

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