Please share this with me + sharing what our MUSTS are!

Skye is loving the sound of the treadmill already:)  It is quite soothing to her actually.  I completely understand why… the treadmill or the sound of my feet hitting the pavement while out on a run are quite soothing to me too.

I’m loving my 2.5 mile walks in the morning and especially when Andrew brings Skye right in front of me to say hello.

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Rewind to first thing in the morning and we got to hang out with Knox for a little bit!  He has a jail costume that he loves at his mom’s house so he was excited to show that off to us.  Brooke bought him a fidget spinner!

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After my walk, Andrew went out for a 6 mile run and the girls (Beretta is a girl too) all hung out in Brooke’s room.

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Skye ended up falling asleep during our coloring contest.

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But then she woke up shortly after and Brooke really wanted to hold her.  I think Skye is looking a lot like some of Brooke’s baby pictures these days and Brooke looks just like my nieces so maybe they will all look alike.

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This is one of my favorite things at Target.  All you do is throw the bag of broccoli into the microwave (without having to do a thing) and three minutes later you have delicious broccoli.

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They were a part of yesterday’s lunch (salad mixes are also a favorite right now but we will talk more about that down below)!

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Later on in the afternoon we took Beretta out for a short walk!

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And dinner was crazy good! We made this one pan lemon butter garlic shrimp and asparagus.

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Baby foot with dinner in the background.  When we were going around the table naming things that we are thankful for, Andrew said he is thankful that I let him cook normal food again.  Smells were the worst and there were some (a lot) of foods I just didn’t allow in the house during pregnancy.

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Dessert was provided by my good friend Paige.  They tasted like heaven.

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And a few minutes on the couch before bedtime…   It’s normal that I want to go to sleep at the same time that the 5 year old goes to sleep.

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Now that I don’t have any weird aversions or ridiculous cravings for Bisquick every meal, Andrew and I are really on a kick to fill up on some nutrient dense foods (along with treats too because those just make me happy) to eat at home.  We made a list and Andrew took Brooke to Costco.  I thought I would share some of our favorite Costco goods/needs/love.  We already had a few of our MUSTS (during the winter at least) from Costco but a lot of the stuff we love is in the picture below:

Dave’s Killer bread, grapes, pineapple, bananas, brussels sprouts, broccoli, salad kits, broccoli, cauliflower rice, eggs, cheese slices, deli meat (that taste perfect with the cheese slices), pretzel things, milk, marinara sauce, ground turkey, eggs, tuna, shrimp, salmon, beef jerky, Kodiak Cakes, yogurt, frozen chicken, turkey burgers, sweet potatoes (oh how I love their huge bags of them), oatmeal, cereal and the random samples that I try while I am there that convince me to buy the product.

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PS yesterday in the comments Mary was telling me about her runs in Boston lately (I hope it warms up for you guys soon!!) and the icicles she gets on her eyelashes.  It reminded me of this run with Josse from about a year ago.  I mean, I’m hoping that we just skip the cold winter this year but if not, I wouldn’t mind another run like this one again.  Brooke saw this picture on my computer yesterday and said that I looked like Elsa!

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Tell me about the COLDEST run you have ever done, please.  Icicles on your eyelashes?  Frozen shoelaces by the end?  It’s that time of year to talk about this.  PS isn’t it the best when you are running in crazy weather and you think about what the people in cars driving by must be thinking about your decision to run outside?! 

What are some of your weekly staples at the grocery store?  At Costco?  At TJ’s or wherever you shop?

Favorite type of seafood, least favorite type of seafood?

What was the last dessert/treat that you had?

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Yesterday it was 4 degrees when I was driving to work and my hair froze on the walk into school from the parking lot! It was just the tiniest bit damp :(
If it’s going to be this cold, I need snow! (I think teachers want snow days more than the students sometimes ;))
I’ve had quite a few snowy runs, one time in college I was running in the snow and all of a sudden someone in a car driving by threw a giant snowball (read iceball) at me and I had the biggest welt on the back of my leg. The cold made it hurt so much worse! I laugh about it now, but it was not very fun then!
I will be putting that sheet pan asparagus and shrimp on my list! So easy and delicious…We had lobster on Christmas Eve and it was so good!


I went running when it was 9 degrees outside, so that was definitely the coldest I’ve ever gone in, and I don’t know if I ever want to to that again. I can’t stand the cold weather! That run was pretty miserable, but I will say that I felt like a total bada$* afterward.

I had a sugar cookie from Corner Bakery last night, and it was AMAZING.


It’s been cold here in New Jersey but not cold enough to have icicles on my eyelashes! But it has been cold enough for black ice to happen so I can fall… Love it (not!).
Weekly grocery staples for me – seltzer, milk, eggs, peanut butter, broccoli, potatoes, chicken, jalapenos, black beans, cans of tomatoes (for salsa making), blocks of cheese, crackers, pretzels, spicy hummus (the BEST!), plus deli meat and cheese for my boyfriend’s lunches. It doesn’t seem like a lot until I just typed it out ha. Good thing I don’t buy everything each week.
The last treat I had was champagne (does that count?) on New Year’s Eve. It’s a treat since I never drink that so it was fun to ring in 2018 with it. But food treat was a cookie at a funeral luncheon I attended on Saturday.


It’s been a crazy cold winter in central Canada so far. I ran a Pb on the half marathon last winter in minus 30 degrees! My toes were frozen solid for the first 10km ha. I had to focus a lot on the positive during that race and ultimately it was a great experience. I do prefer extreme cold to extreme heat. But I will be more than happy when the spring comes back ;-)


Oh my gosh those cookies look AMAZING!!!! I have never gotten the icicles – I wimp out once the temps dip into the single digits or negatives, and onto the treadmill I go! My body doesn’t do so well with cold, unfortunately – poor circulation due to an autoimmune! Gotta keep it safe.


I live in Florida and always run the Breast Cancer Marathon in Jacksonville Beach in February. In Florida, winter is a wonderful time to train for a marathon. But I once had a twenty miler scheduled for when I was in Chicago visiting my family for the holidays. It was super snowy, so I decided that instead of bringing a water bottle that would just freeze, I would use the snow to hydrate. That was kind of a dumb idea. I finished the run, but I was soooo dehydrated. I don’t know how people that have a real winter train!


Coldest run was during a polar vortex two years ago – frozen lashes, hair, laces – everything!! It was as cold as it was exhilarating!!

Staples include whatever is current at TJ’s!! And the oatmeal dunkers. And arugula – I have it with everything!!

Favorite seafood – I always love chilean sea bass, but it’s gotten overfished, so I don’t get it often. Least favorite is calamari – the suckers creep me out.

Have a great day, everyone, and be safe for those in the cold climes!! :)


Gosh, I kind of feel like a wimp for doing other workouts instead of running lately… but I have been getting the itch to run. I just worry about slipping on sidewalks in the snow/ice and it’s just too much of a risk for me! I struggle in the cold just walking, so I typically don’t run much outside when it gets too cold. But I have had some funny looks when I’ve ran in the rain before – people look at me like I might actually be crazy!
I don’t eat seafood at all, unless crab rangoons count… but I seriously dislike fish/seafood. Just not my thing!
Last dessert – I made a vanilla orange chiffon cake yesterday on my last day off of work and it’s SO good!


The coldest run for me so far was the Galloway 13.1 Weekend in Atlanta. 29 degrees! Cold for a FL girl. The last treat for had was Bryers Salted Caramel Gelato… yum! Your pictures of the family are adorable! Do you put anything on the broccoli or just eat it as is?


I don’t do cold, end of story :) hehe. Yes to the salad kits from Costco, I get the Mediterranean one every week, add some protein, best lunch ever! Different store, but love the Orange chicken from Trader Joe’s, so good! Skye is just too darn cute!


Oh and I forgot to add the dark chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joe’s too, I don’t even like dark chocolate all that much…life changing I’m telling you! Okay that is dramatic, but they are really good, and buy the small bag not the big container of it, because they will be gone in a matter of hours…hehe.


Grocery store staples–tons of fruit, Siggis yogurts, filled Clif bars, the half greens/half fruit Larabar, Seedlander bread, spinach, chicken, avocado, Kashi cereal :) For my kids, it’s cheese sticks and Pringles. lol Never enough cheese sticks in our house!!!

Favorite seafood–that’s a tough one! I really like everything except oysters. My favorites are probably shrimp and scallops. But, my favorite meal EVER is the yellowtail snapper with citrus beurre blanc at Blue Heaven in Key West. Oh man!!!!

Last dessert I had—nothing fancy, a Kit Kat bar last night :) It was in my Christmas stocking!

I’m amazed at how much Skye has changed looks-wise in just about a month. She really IS looking more like Brooke these days, where I didn’t really see that at the beginning. And, I think Brooke kinda resembles Knox—you’re all just a big happy family :)


My most recent dessert was a vanilla cocoa cake I baked for new years! We still have some leftovers in the house so I’ll probably have some today! Our grocery staples are eggs, chicken, broccoli, and quinoa! ? I love the sound of your one pan shrimp dinner, yum!!


Boston is FREEEEEZING!! We’re about to get a foot of snow tomorrow and then below zero as a HIGH on the weekend. I have a question – are you on good terms with Knox’s mother/your ex?


Ahhhhhh stay inside and drink all of the hot chocolate! That sounds crazy Kendall! Great question! I never thought I would be at this point when I first got divorced but we all have a really great relationship! We work really well together and always chat for a little bit at the drop offs/pick ups! Same with Knox’s mom… we have a few friends in common and she loves fitness too so her and I always talk when we see each other and she brought skye a present the other day. I don’t think it could be better (thank my lucky stars)!!!


Okay I’m a total wimp when it comes to this running in the cold thing! I’m in central Arkansas and it’s been in the low teens/low 20’s the past week or so and I’m about to freeze to death! I haven’t ever been very tough when it comes to running in those freezing temps, but I can do rain! HA! I’ve run in an almost thunderstorm before because I thought I was beating it, but it caught up with me super fast! I had to call my boyfriend, Nick to come pick me up while I found a dry spot to hide under before the lightening really got crazy! Whew, that was fun! Oh, and it was mid-summer! ;)

I SO wish we had a Cost or a TJs here! We have Whole Foods, Fresh Market and Natural Grocers and they’re all 3 my favorites! I can’t go without buying natural peanut butter, bananas (spotty!), and some form of sweet potatoes! Always, always, always staples in our kitchen!

I’m a total sucker for seafood! Give me ALL the shrimp!!! I don’t do crab legs though…for some reason I just don’t like the flavor much! PLUS, it sure seems like a lot of work just for a tiny bit of food! (Lazy much? HA!)

I had S’More’s made with Bobo bars last night and they were FABULOUS!

Have an amazing day Janae!!!


I did a 12-miler in Boston this past weekend when it was 8 degrees out. My eyelashes were definitely icicled up, and my whole body was wind-burnt by the end, even though I’d worn 3 layers on top and insulated leggings. It was really rough, and I am not looking forward to running after the 15 inches of snow we’re forecasted to get tomorrow. I see a whole lot of treadmill time in my future…
My weekly staples are zuchinni, carrots, green beans, sugar snap peas, spring mix, bananas, hummus, yogurt and/or cottage cheese, plus chicken or salmon. I love salmon, but I am weirdly freaked out by shrimp and I’ve actually never tried them.
Last treat I had was some dark chocolate from europe gifted to me from one of the kids I teach!


Eyelash-cicles? That’s crazy! I don’t remember how cold it was for my coldest (which was likely this week in 17F) but I went for a run in the freezing rain once. I didn’t know it was freezing rain when I left but once I had little icicles hanging from the brim of my hat, I decided to head home. Once I got home, I had to step out of my vest as the zipper had a coat of ice on it! A memorable run but also because I found $5!


Ahhhh you had to step out of your best?!? Sounds like a freezing rain is crazy! I hope your Wednesday is a great one so far Bethany!


Hi Janae! You look fantastic by the way and baby Skye is just adorable. Coldest run/race I have done was a 30K in Sugarland TX as my last race in prep for my 1st (and only) full marathon. It was 32 degrees and it stayed that temp the entire race. I do not do well with cold weather (I have Raynauds so the cold is not good for me). I survived and actually got a really good time and it was a great race for me, despite the numb hands at the end (as well as throughout the race). Actually here in Cypress, TX (NW Houston area) this morning it was 23 degrees with a “feels like” temp of 15!! My goodness, Texas is not supposed to be this cold. Go away!!

My grocery staples are almond milk, salad kits (especially the chopped salad ones lately), yogurt and pretzel sticks! LOL.


What temp was it in that frozen eyelash picture? It might be dumb question but what makes hair freeze like that? The coldest I’ve run was 15 degrees but it was sunny so it felt warmer and wasn’t too bad.


Not a dumb question at all!!!! I think it was around 12-15 degrees or something but it was humid out and foggy so it felt like we were running through the clouds ha and I think that did it! Utah is normally really dry so it was a new experience for me! I hope you are having an awesome day Mary!


Last year when I started a 9 mile run it was -4 degrees. It made it all the way up to 2 degrees by the time I finished. My kiddo was way impressed with my icicle lashes :)


I grew up in Vermont and now in live in Upstate New York (about 15 min from the Canadian border) so very cold is way too normal :( the high yesterday was +16 and it felt WARM. Worst runs are eyelashes freezing together and inside of my nose freezing and when water freezes in bottles in the first miles of long runs. Since I live in rural area I stopped running on the roads during/right after snowstorms and started driving to the nearest town(sidewalks) so I don’t get in the way/make things more difficult for snowplows and cars.
Weekly staples are salad ingredients, chicken, and fruit. Last treat was two dark chocolate truffles my husband saved for me :)


I should clarify it’s not always horrible here… Sometimes it’s as warm as +30 this time of year.


I used to snowboard as a teenager, and even with a touque on, on really cold days my hair would freeze and get really stiff. Sometimes there’s only so much you can do to stay warm and covered before mother nature wins.


Hah!! Your grocery list looks almost identical to my family’s! And speaking of cold runs, I have always nodded my head along with you when you talk about how hard it is to run in humid weather because I live in south Louisiana, where it is basically 100% humidity and hot weather year round. But now I am getting a taste of what it’s like to run in freezing temperatures because it is randomly 20 degrees here!! I don’t know how you guys do it. I thought my lungs were going to burst.
Also, Skye is an absolute doll!


You are way more hardcore for running through that humidity! I hope it warms up ASAP Lora! Thank you so much and have a beautiful day!


I’ve always lived on the other side of the temperature spectrum. I think the coldest I’ve ever run in is about 30 degrees. I have, however, run when it was 85 at 5:00 a.m. We had two days of “winter” here in So Cal, the week before Christmas it dropped below 40 for a couple of nights. We can’t have anything crazy it would ruin shots of the Rose Parade!

Bananas, Greek yogurt, and coffee creamer are always in my basket. I get bored with the same foods so I tend to buy a big variety of everything else.

I love tilapia and Mahi-Mahi because they are mild. I usually don’t care for salmon but Les’ boss had us over once and the way she prepared the salmon was incredible!

What was the last dessert/treat that you had?


Girl, your Costco groceries look so similar to mine that it’s scary haha. I got the BEST pineapple from them yesterday and we also stocked up on salad kits, cauliflower rice, broccoli, brussels sprouts, chicken, and a bunch more. Costco is just the best. My current favorite is their dark chocolate covered blueberries – do they have those at yours?!


I hate most seafood. I’m ok with crab or shrimp sometimes but I just don’t like anything fishy.

I love getting cheese blocks at costco. Like their Parmesan! I love that. And their produce is always pretty amazing. Milk, bread, kid snacks…


This week is so much colder than it usually gets here in central Florida. The past couple days my runs were in the high 30s. I loved it actually, haha. Not quite my coldest runs, but pretty close! Today we’re expected to get snow, whaaaat.

My grocery staples are almost all on your list. Above all else, I must have sweet potatoes, plain Greek yogurt, and carrots in the house at all times.


I feel like a wimp when I say the coldest temp I’ve run in was 15 degrees. I really think the wind is what makes it bad.
My weekly staples are greens, broccoli, bell peppers, apples, some other type of fruit (whatever looks good), milk, English muffins, chicken breast, ground beef, steak for stir fry, cheese, bread (Dave’s or sourdough or rustic country from the store bakery), greek yogurt
My favorite seafood is salmon or crab. I’m not a big fan of shrimp or lobster.
I just ate a chocolate caramel :) I might get a cookie at Bread Winners during lunch!!


That shrimp looks good!! Just bookmarked the recipe :)

Last dessert/treat that I had … Omg I think it was on NYE. I made sugar cookie bars with cream cheese frosting that were so good. I can’t believe I haven’t had dessert since then!


I live about 25 minutes north of Boston. I hadn’t run outside since last Tuesday, so yesterday, after I dropped my kids at school, I piled on the layers and ran outdoors. It was -9 degrees at the start and finish (windchill was -15)…insanity! At one point I took off my glove to feel my face and it was covered in a film of ice. The air was super dry, so no icicles on my lashes, but last year, training for Boston, I ran through a snow storm and was completely ice-covered when I finished. I feel like now that I’ve endured -9, anything warmer will seem easy, so hoping that helps with the remainder of the winter.

I never leave the store without bananas, avocados, spinach, peanut butter or rice cakes. And my favorite fish is Salmon (I make it with this yummy panic/mustard/garlic crust), favorite seafood – shrimp :-)


Skye is getting cuter and cuter each day if that’s even possible, and I agree that she looks a lot like Brooke did as a baby. Coldest run is probably only around 9 degrees F, but we did run one New Years Day morning when it was 14 degrees and then jumped in Lake Tahoe. Way to go on the healthy eats, even while you’ve literally got your hands full!


I ran a 10k on Thanksgiving a few years ago when it was 7 degrees. I used to run all the time in Logan is freezing cold temps and I remember how my lungs burned.

I have some strawberry balsamic glaze that you need to try on your brussle sprouts. You drizzle it on them and then roast it. It is so good.

Salmon is my favorite seafood, but no one else likes it so I never eat it unless we go out to a restaurant.

A friend bought that peanut butter trailmix from Costco a while back because I told her how amazing it was. Well, she wasn;t a fan (I don’t comprehend) so she brought it over to me. It was half full. I legitimately ate the rest of it…HALF OF A CONTAINER…at 9:30am yesterday….and that was the last treat I had. Give me 15 minutes though and it will probably be something new.


Ha! Thanks Janae! It is supposed to warm up to the 20’s today and tomorrow, but we are getting a big storm and then it gets really cold again.
That picture is amazing! Have an amazing day! :-)


It’s cold in NYC now and will be even colder by Friday. I have run when it’s 17 out but I opt for the treadmill if it’s colder than that.

Grocery staples: salad, red cabbage, broccoli slaw, carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, beets, chicken or turkey burgers, chicken breast, seasonal veggies, sweet potatoes, avocado, blue corn tortilla chips or beanitos, almond milk (dairy makes my skin crazy), Ezekiel bread, and Van’s or Nature’s Path gluten free frozen waffles.

I love most shellfish, cod, salmon, monkfish, swordfish, catfish, and branzino. I will not eat mussels – I had food poisoning from them and that ended any chance of eating them again.

We still have cookies from Christmas baking and I had a sugar cookie.


I hate running in the cold! I ended up getting a Planet Fitness membership just so I could use the treadmills during the winter (That and I don’t feel safe running in the dark!).

We have a Sam’s Club membership, and my current staple there is maple syrup. Plain Greek yogurt was on my list too, but they seem to have gotten rid of their 2-pack of Member’s Mark brand. =( That was the cheapest place to get Greek yogurt, too!


My coldest run was last winter and the thermometer temp was 5 degrees, the “feels like” was negative 11. I would not have gone out by myself, but I was training for a 5k with my (8 year old) daughter at the time and she really wanted to give it a try… Any mother runner understands when I say, I have no intentions of ever saying no to a run with my daughter! It turned out to be a fabulous run -we laughed about how cold it was and then talked about how strong we were for being out there. It’s one of those days that just made me love being a mom… my 8 year old reminded me of how strong I can be… how crazy and wonderful is that?

Also, can you tell us what you do with cauliflower rice? I so desperately want to like it, but have yet to find anything I actually want to do with it.


Wow! What a great example and support for your daughter!
Just wanted to share that I stir-fry random leftover meat/veggies into cauliflower rice and throw in an egg to make “fried rice.” I’m not very adventurous beyond that, though.


Def not running but have been teaching ski school in -25 degree weather. We’ve also played hockey and gone crossing country skiing in -25 F degree weather. Such is the life of a northerner. If you don’t play outside in it you’ll be couped up for months on end!


Maybe not my coldest run, but I used to be part of a casual group of women runners at my old job. We went for lunchtime runs at least 3x/week, including one during a big-fat-flake snowstorm. Coworkers thought we were insane when we returned with a dusting of snow.

Gala apples, shredded brussels sprouts, deli turkey or chicken lunchmeat…all staples of the grocery list. Those avocados look fantastic & better than what I’ve seen in my store, lately.

Shrimp is my favorite seafood.

Just ate 5 dark chocolate Hershey kisses after lunch :)


I do the majority of our shopping at Aldis. I always get spinach, carrots, brussels, eggs, apples, turkey breast loins, pork chops, chicken sausage, and tons of frozen veggies!


I live in Fairbanks, AK so most of my running November-March is inside. Two years ago I ran outside at -34 in janury. I won’t be making that mistake again!


My coldest run ever was 7k (about 4.5 miles) in -39C including wind chill (-38F). I had multiple buffs that I had to rotate since they froze as soon as my breath hit them. My eyelashes and hair were frozen. I had on 2 pairs of mittens and my hands were still cold….which says a lot for me since I don’t tend to put mittens on until it gets below about -15C (5F). Never again. This is why I have a treadmill in my basement.
That being said, I still run outside all winter. I’ll go outside until about-25C including wind chill (-13F). We had a small reprieve from a recent cold snap so I went out today…it was only -13C (8F) and felt downright balmy!


One time I set out on a 10 mile run through farmland by my house. When I started, there was a light flurry and it was super beautiful. About 5 miles from home it turned to the kind of heavy sleet that HURT my face – but it was so cold my phone turned off and I had no way to call someone to pick me up and I just kept running (faster than normal to get the heck home haha)

I love almost all seafood unless it has suction cups (like tentacles….shiver). Scallops might be my favorite!


Here in Detroit it has been unusually cold the past two weeks and tomorrow and Friday will be even worse. Luckily we are on break or we wouldn’t be having school with these negative temps in the morning.

You look amazing lady! How does one look so fit only a few weeks after birth? Does your stomach just go back to normal that fast? So very envious of you! Happy New Year and can’t wait to see you squash some great goals in running this year!


Oh forgot to mention I ran a 5K on New Years Eve that was probably the coldest run I’ve ever did. It was negative degrees but so many people still showed up including kids! The first mile was the hardest then it felt good then boom, we were done! gotta love the 5ks!


Lol it wasn’t necessarily a run per se, but definitely in Germany in January. My husband and I went backpacking through Europe for a month while we were dating. We got out of the train station and had to get to our hostel and underestimated what negative temps would feel like lol. We had to stop part way through so I could get some hand warmers (under 2 pairs of gloves) and I almost started crying because it was so cold. My poor husband had to put his pack on his back and mine on his front and then we “sprinted” to the hostel ?


I’ve run in single digit temps in Iowa for 5 or 6 miles. I remember runs there where I’d run outside, then finish 3 or 4 more miles on their treadmill. Texas has had quite the cold snap, and this Tuesday I ran 12.5 miles at 31 degrees (felt like 25). No icicles on my eyelids, but I’ve got a touch of wind burn on my cheeks.

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