Silentish Saturday and how did I get this?!

Happy weekend!

Well, these two sure woke up excited for a new day.  PS Can you see now why we went with a sun, moon and stars nursery theme—>  SKYE!!!

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Just relaxing.

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Megan D came over to meet Skye!

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The kids were off with Andrew.

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They hung out at a friend’s house and did all sorts of crafts and baking with her.

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Keeping it fancy and taking lunch on the road.  This was the best almond butter and jam sandwich on the planet (due to the homemade bread)!

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We ALL left the house together for the first time since Skye was born.

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I haven’t been in the cold in a while and was reminded of the proper way to dress this time of year (on the right)!

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Glad I am homebound next week… FOUR DEGREES!?!

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Her first Doctor’s appointment!

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She has gained two ounces and is now 7 lbs and 7 ounces.

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Andrew ran into the store after that to get groceries and I fed Skye in the car.

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Then I fell asleep on the couch for a solid 70 minutes (that felt like heaven)!

A delicious dinner was brought over… people are the best.

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Megan D provided my second dessert.

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And now I have a nice case of pink eye.  I thought just kids got this but nope.  Should be fun with a newborn;)… Just cross every finger that Skye does not get this from me.

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What are three things that you are doing today?

Last sickness that you had?

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Oh no! hope it goes away quickly! Lot’s of hand washing and purrell should protect baby Skye. My husband and son have a cold, crossing fingers I won’t get it. So many germs this time of the year. Crossfit Christmas workout this morning. Can’t wait to see what that looks like ha


Today was errands (gas/groceries/car wash) then baking holiday brownies for a Christmas party. My nose has been stuffed up for about 2 weeks now. Take care of your pink eye! I used to get it all the time and found that carrying a bottle of antibacterial soap (one of the only times I use antibacterial) with me everywhere really reminds me to wash my hands all the times. It will clear up in no time,
Good luck! Tonya


Have you tried breast milk for your eye?


I have to second this. It sounds so weird but it almost always works!!


100% will clear up in no time


Yes I agree with these ladies! My M-I-L is lactation consultant and RN and tells all he new mommies this! Usually she tells them when their babies get pink eye but it should work for you too :)


JUST TRIED IT!! THANK YOU GIRLS!!!!! Good timing to get pink eye ha because my milk came in this week;) Hope you are all having a great weekend!


Was just going to suggest breast milk for the pink eye also! Much easier than going to the doctor for prescription drops when you have a newborn. You could also use it on Skye to prevent her from getting it.


I was just going to say this breastmilk in the eye and can put on babies eye too.


I came here to say the same thing! !


as an eye doctor, i definitely would not suggest putting breast milk in your eye. it looks viral from the picture, and while it is rather annoying and contagious, it will eventually heal. antibiotics can help if its bacterial but don’t really do much if it is viral. definitely lots of hand washing, no touching your eye then touching the other one or someone else’s, and wash all the sheets and such. sorry you got this, Janae!
also, i’m loving all your posts with the new addition <3 many blessings!


Oh man. Make sure Andrew doesn’t get it either. He can’t go into the hospital with pink eye. It’s a big no-no. At least at all the hospitals I have worked at. Hope it goes away super quick.
I’m just working today. All weekend. Bummer. I would much rather make crafts and bake with fun people like Brooke and Knox.


At least you’re totally equipped to take care of pink eye..breastmilk!!! It works?


HAHAH YES!! Thank you Dee… I just tried it!


Oh no! Pink eye! The only time I’ve had an eye infection (not pinkeye) was when I had a newborn too. I wish I had known the breastmilk trick from the comments! I bet it works!
Today: taking the kids shopping for each other, hanging the outdoor Christmas lights, and wrapping gifts!


I third the breast milk cure for pink eye! Hope it goes away quick. Hand washing and wash everything you’ve touched in hot water in the washing machine.

Congratulations again on your sweet girl, makes me want another! :)


THANK YOU APRIL! I just tried it, I hope it works asap:) I say you should have another!


I got pink eye right after having my son. I thought it was so weird since I was basically home and the only time as an adult I ever had it. She’s beautiful Janae!


Thank you Tammie! That is so weird… maybe it has something to do with having a baby! I hope the rest of your weekend is perfect!


4 degrees?! Yikes. I hope your pink eye heals quickly!


Chris has a cold. Hope was puking 2days ago. This mother is still healthy!!!!! I like to look on the bright side that everyone can just get this out before Christmas.
Have a great time snuggling that baby!


Oh I hope you stay as healthy as can be and that Chris and Hope feel 100% soon! HAHA yes, no one will be sick on Christmas! Thanks girl!


Oh no! I had pinkeye last month, but I’m an elementary school teacher, so it kinda comes with the territory! I hope you can get better soon and Skye can avoid it! Wash your hands plenty and change hand towels often (to keep the rest of the family from it, too)!
Today I have my work holiday party(I will remember the article you posted a couple weeks ago), willbake M&M cookies to take along, and am stopping by a student’s brother’s bday party. Unfortunately it is at the same time as the work party, but I want to stop by!
Hope you all have a great weekend and get better soon!


Eek! Pink eye is the worst! I hope you feel better soon!
Today I’m running a 10k with my bestie, then I’m making a few dozen Santa cookies and then my brothers and their girlfriends are coming down for an early Christmas. Per my brothers request, we’re having nachos for dinner. Easy and decadent all in one. Perfect!
Enjoy your Saturday! ❤️


Oh no! Pink eye is the worst! I hope it’s gone quickly!
Skye is so cute, and it’s so fun to see how happy Brooke and Knox are with her ?
I have a 7 mile run today, then it’s house cleaning and finishing up Christmas gifts!
Have a great weekend!


My husband and 2 year old got pink eye right after my second was born. I put breastmilk in my eyes and the baby’s and we never got it!


So good to hear. THANK YOU and I just tried it, I hope we never get it again too!


Oh no, pink eye is the worst! Hopefully it goes away quickly for you.
The last sickness I had was probably a month or two ago, I just had a cold but felt pretty awful for a couple days.
3 things today: my husband and I are meeting my mom to finish up some Christmas shopping, hitting the gym later (hopefully, I was extremely unmotivated this morning so we will see how that plays out), and church tonight. Have a great weekend!


Oh no, pink eye is miserable. I hope you’re feeling better soon. The last time I was sick was back in October. I had a cold. A couple family members are sick right now so I’m hoping I dont get it too.


Oh no!! I hope you’re the only one who gets pink eye in your house. Be sure to wash everything!

The last sickness I had is currently a cold. I was hoping to kick it for today’s run but nope :( I’m taking the day off to hopefully get 100% better and will do my run tomorrow instead.


Colloidal Silver drops (for Immune support) can be used for so many things and one is PINK EYE! I buy the Sovereign Silver brand from Sprouts Market or Amazon;) Put a few drops in several times a day. Put it in the corner of your eye while laying down then open you eye and keep it open with your hand while it gets in there. I have used it several times on me and my kids for pink eye and it has worked every time! I wish I would have known this when my kids were little and we paid all the money to go get the prescription drops that sting so bad!

This is for when you don’t have breast milk in the future;) Sounds like that may work too:)


I’ve not managed to comment for a few days – looks like you’re having such a nice snuggly time with baby Skye! So glad to hear the feeding is going well, too :) When I saw 4 degrees I though meh that’s not so bad – and then remembered you guys work in Fahrenheit!! I laughed at your avocado picture the other day – I’m going to look out in Marks & Spencer and send you a photo if I find one :) Oh, and I suddenly remembered the questions for kids journal that you posted about the other week and bought one for my son (for me really, ha ha!) – so thank you, it’s such a lovely idea :)

Today: I did some sewing, took my son to the standard weekend kids’ birthday party, and now we’re watching Home Alone as our weekend Christmas film :)

Hope that eye improves soon! I’ve heard the breast milk thing too…


Hey Lys!! I hope you love the journal, it is so great! Thank you for your sweet comment and enjoy Home Alone (that’s our favorite). Just tried the breast milk:) Thanks and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Oh no about the pink eye! I used to get it all the time the first 2 1/2 years of my daughters life – the first time I had to call in sick on the 2nd of January! *knock on wood* I haven’t gotten it since. I hope you are on the mend quickly.


Oh my gosh, you poor thing! That’s what I thought a few years ago when I got it. My kids were sick and I got something in my eye and used to be so bad about shoving my fingers in my eyes to get stuff out. And BAM! Pink eye. If you can, hot wash clothes on it feels so nice. It gets so itchy. Just don’t leave the wash cloth lying around after. Three things; biking, church, spring rolls. I had the flu a couple months ago before we got the shots. It’s as horrible as people say. Hope you feel better Janae! And I have said this so many times, but I LOVE Skye’s name! My daughters name starts with an S and is not common either and we love it so much.


We’ve never had pinkeye but once when my son was younger he woke up in the middle of the night with a HORRIBLE earache. I was nursing my daughter at the time so I put a few drops of breastmilk in his ear. He went back to bed and woke up in the morning as if nothing had ever happened. So I would try breastmilk for anything and everything.
Today I had a 12 mile run, we’re decorating gingerbread houses and watching a Christmas movie (haven’t decided which one yet.) Hope you feel better soon!


Oh, my gosh, I hate pink eye! I actually got it right after my one and only hospital stay years ago. Luckily those prescription eyedrops are super easy to get and really effective! I had a cold a few weeks ago, but it wasn’t too bad.
I just got home from my 8 miler, now I’m heading out to see the new Star Wars with my dad! we’ve seen every single star wars movie together:) Then…probably catching up on my special education paperwork because the #teacherlyfe has gotten the best of me this week.
Have a great weekend and I hope your eye feels better!


As someone who gets lash extensions and has had this problem twice before…..I would have someone check the lash extensions you get. If a single lash is placed too close to the skin and plugs up a duct that should normally drain, it can lead to an infection in the eyelid. Sometimes it will form a stye (like a pimple) but othertimes not. See if there is a specific area of the eye that hurts more than others, it might be around a plugged up gland/duct.


I had no idea nor did I even think this could be a possibility! Thanks Melly, I am totallygoing to check this out. THANK YOU and i hope you are having a beautiful day!


I had a could right before Thanksgiving. Hopefully that’s all I have to deal with for the rest of the season.

Funishihg all of our Christmas projects today!


ugh! i had pink eye for the first time back in May and both my kiddos ended up with it, too. it’s absolute MISERY. i am so sorry you have it with a new baby! the Rx drops work really well. i’d ask the dr for scripts for everyone i the family–it’s SO contagious and it will save you multiple trips to the dr (plus, you don’t want to share drops bottles).


This is gross, but not many people know that bacterial pink eye as opposed to viral pink eye is caused by poop in your eye! A lot of moms who change diapers get bacterial pink eye. Wash your hands all the time!


I never knew breast milk cured pink eye! Hope yours heals up ASAP!!
I somehow managed 7 miles today, I finally got some of my speed back and couldn’t be more excited :)
Enjoy your weekend!


I’m sorry about the pink eye! ☹ no fun! I hope it goes away real quick! Glad you guys made it to the doc and back — nice work feeding her in the car! You all are adjusting to life with a newborn very well!


What? How do you get pink eye when you have been home for a week??? OK now I need to google “pink eye”….I kind of remember it being contagious…..guess there will be a lot of hand washing if there hasn’t been already….ha!

The thing I noticed in the photo of all going into the doctor’s appointment was the variety of clothing choices once again. Knox must take after Andrew in not needing coats and the Brooke has her heavy coat on….boys vs. girls once again?? ;-) Your posts always make me smile….thanks for sharing all that you do.


Oh my gosh! That picture of Skye at the doctor’s appointment with her little hands out! So cute! I die!

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