Our day in a MOVIE + do you think you could run with this on?

I’ve got a baby update for you HERE!!!  It’s long and very detailed and I have a million pictures included:)   I hope you like it!


Good morning!! I thought it would be fun to do a video for the majority of the post today!! In case you can’t watch it… the video includes: Brooke training Beretta, the kids telling me why they love having a little sister, Andrew showing us how Skye is spoiled, Andrew’s bright running socks, a view from Andrew’s run, something I do that helps me during this newborn stage, Brooke wanting to eat a sweet potato with me, chocolate, a walk with Brooke, dropping Brooke off at a birthday party and saying hi to my family real quick, In-N-Out and Brooke giving me advice! Enjoy!

A few more scenes from our day!

I absolutely love seeing the kids play with Skye!  PS you don’t wear a beanie and Elsa costume around the house regularly like Brooke?


Just had to document this very happy moment for me.  She wanted a sweet potato and chicken for lunch too.  Maybe it’s hormones but this did bring a tear to my eye.  Before we know it she will be wanting to eat 5 lb salads with me.


I dropped Brooke off at my niece’s birthday party and is it just me or do they look like TWINS.  I can’t believe it.  They are about 9 months apart but seriously, they look so much alike.

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The sweetest reader sent the kids presents.  It made Brooke’s life.

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I listened to this podcast yesterday and Ashley is absolutely amazing.  She has been through (and is currently going through) one of the hardest things I could ever imagine… she is so real about everything and inspiring with how she is dealing with it all.  She is very encouraging about how to get through the hard stuff and I definitely cried listening to her story.  HERE is the podcast.

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A reader tagged me in this… a jogging stroller that is hands free?!  What do you think—>  could you run with this on or not?

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One last reminder that I’ve got a Skye update ready for you!  Find it HERE!  Some of my favorite pictures are there too, like these two:




Do you like video posts or do you prefer normal posts?

Could you run with that jogging stroller connected to you?  Do you ever run with a jogging stroller?  Which one?

What was the last podcast that you listened to?

How many miles are on the agenda for your run today?

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I have a one month old and I 100% agree with the showering and getting ready everyday. It makes me feel so much more like a human! Congrats on Skye she’s beautiful!


Congrats on your one month old! Our kiddos are so close in age! I hope your shower today was extra great ha! I told Andrew yesterday I have never loved showers and getting ready as much as I do now:)


I don’t know if I prefer video posts over normal posts since both are perfect to me! The picture of Brooke holding her doll and you holding Skye is precious – she wants to be just like mom.

I’m finally feeling better enough to run today and I’m SO excited. First run in a week and just 4 recovery miles to get back into it. Have a wonderful, snuggle filled day Janae :)


I know you’ve talked about it before BUT do you cook your sweet potatoes in the microwave or always wait for them to bake in the oven?! I love the podcast Ear Biscuits, it’s from the guys from Good Mythical Morning on youtube ( you should look them up youtube Carolina Reaper GMM). My son and I every night listen to the podcast Peace Out – relaxation and mindfulness stories for kids, and I cannot recommend it enough!! They are ten-ish minute episodes. You might really like it for your kids too.


Hey Carly! Thank you sooo much for the recommendations! I can’t wait to try them out. Okay, my favorite way to cook a sweet potato is in the oven. I rub a little coconut oil on it and then wrap it in aluminum foil and it is heaven! Also, cooking them in a crockpot is really good and easy too! BUT usually I just cook them in the microwave for like 7-8 minutes because I am too hungry to wait any longer ha! I should do a post on this! I hope you have a great day Carly!


I prefer normal posts and just wont watch a normal post. But if you mix things up, this will ensure you keep your content fresh and appease all parties. In the end its a business so you need to do what works for you.
Mileage today is an easy 4 miles. I tune into the Another Mother Runner podcast during my long weekend runs so that was the one I listened to on Saturday. Jogging stroller-too hard. Luckily, my stroller days are behind me so I’ll never have to choose.


oops..wont watch a VIDEO post. sorry!


Thank you for reminding me of Another Mother Runner podcast! I met her a few years ago and she is amazing! Thank YOU for letting me know about the video… I want to know what you guys think so thank you! Have an amazing day Rosie!


I loved seeing you all in the video, so more posts with videos would be great! But honestly, I like all your posts :) The last podcast I listened to was Ali’s podcast with you! It was great, listened to it on my runs the last couple of days. I will definitely check out the podcast you suggested. You always have good suggestions. Just a short run today. Been icy in northeast Ohio this past week. It finally melted and was 40 today, but no time for a longer run. Boooo.


Haha the video was so funny and cute! I prefer normal posts for the most part, but the videos are fun every once in a while.

I slept in this morning but have some repeat 400s to do after work this afternoon. I need to get fast again, but it’s been a struggle!


I love the video! I prefer normal reading posts with pictures but I will always watch videos if you post them! It’s so great to hear your voices and watch the kids interact :-)

I don’t know if I could run with that stroller…I have a giant double BOB stroller and it’s a monstrosity and so heavy. I only run with it when I have to (and I only have one kid! Imagine how heavy it will be when I someday have two in there!)


I like the videos imbedded in the regular posts. My students are doing silent reading when I read your blog most days, and I can’t listen to the video, lol, so I was happy to have regular blog “stuff” to read, too!

Today is just a strength day for me! I ran 6 and did yoga yesterday, so I’m happy for the running break today. I’m SO looking forward to running next week when I’m on Christmas vacation. Morning running is so much more enjoyable for me than after-school running!!!!

Hope you guys are getting ready for Christmas!!!!! :) It’s amazing how much Skye’s looks have changed already just from a week and a half ago! Your kiddos are all gorgeous. I kind of think Andrew and Brooke look alike as well as Brooke and Knox. You guys were just all meant to be together!


I like the video posts, but it seems like videos between one and two minutes would be best for this type of format. But I’m not a blogger, so what do I know? Why does Andrew look so much more exhausted than you? LOL You look fantastic, and the kids look happy!


I think you are so right! Every time I do a vlog I go way over on time ha but I think shorter clips would be better! Thanks Amy! I get makeup and Andrew doesn’t ha, that’s probably the difference! Have a beautiful day!


I loved the video.
Have a great day Janae!


Very fun! Thanks for doing the video. I like seeing you all in action AND reading :)


That stroller looks better than the pushing ones to me, and it would certainly make you faster when you run without it lol. I saw a stroller the other day that hooked up to the Bluetooth on your phone and you didn’t have to push it at all. It just moved on its own! It was awesome.


I am with Carly and want to know how you cook your sweet potatoes. Post a sweet potato recipe!! I have been wanting one so badly, but haven’t done it yet. I always cube and roast our sweet potatoes which is what I keep doing out of habit. It is a lot of chopping though! The whole roasted one looks so soft and sweet! Love that you put BBQ sauce on it too!

I like the normal posts mainly because I cannot listen to videos at work. I already read your blog at work which is bad enough…. but it is a nice break.

I did a treadmill workout this morning. 1 k repeats x 5 at 6:40 pace. 3 min rest jog in between. It added up to 7.5 miles total. Its only the second week of my 16 week marathon training, and I am hoping I don’t burn out. I am trying a different training schedule than my usual Hal Higdon so we will see what happens. Have a great day with Skye!!


Caroline, amazing job on your workout today! You rocked it (I want to try that workout in a few months)! Good to know about the movies and thanks for reading at work:)! I will totally do a sweet potato post! The oven is my favorite way… I rub the potato with coconut oil and wrap it in aluminum foil to cook! The crockpot is delicious too! I’m lazy now though and throw it in the microwave for 7-8 minutes:) PS what marathon are you training for and what plan are you using? Have an amazing day!


Thanks! Tonight may be sweet potato night!

I am running Boston this year and I downloaded their training plan that was posted to the website: http://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/participant-information/boston-marathon-training-plan.aspx
I am TRYING to do the Level 4 one. Trying is the key work there. So far I am sticking relatively to the schedule though. I hope I can keep it up! It is 20 weeks long. I was apparently confused with my info in that first comment! To clarify, I am in week 4 which means 16 weeks to go.


I am so so excited for you! You are going to rock Boston and I am going to check out this plan. Keep me updated on your training, so happy for you Caroline!


Thanks!! Also, I watched your video… so cute! Video convert.


I typically read your blog during a morning break at work or when I first get here, and I can’t really watch/listen to videos at work – but I wouldn’t mind them on weekends! :) Of course, do what works best for everyone and your business.
I can’t imagine running with that stroller attached to me… but then again, I can barely stand holding a water bottle in my hand while running so I’m a bad person to ask! Ha!
Last podcast – yours on Ali On The Run!
No run for me – I am truly enjoying this time off from running and trying new workouts – still getting PLENTY of cardio in though! I have to travel for work soon and I’m sure I’ll end up running at the hotel on the treadmill. For now, I’m just doing whatever feels right for my body.


I like the occasional video post! My husband just got the same Nike’s as Andrew. He wore them today for the first time on a run and said he will probably stick to his Saucony’s for long runs but says they are good for a short run. Last podcast I listened to was an Ali on the Run one but not your’s yet. I save those for when I have to run on the treadmill. No run today, did some weights and biking today. And I do run with the Bob Jogging Stroller but not as much right now since it got cold. Have a great day snuggling that baby!


I like video posts and regular posts! I’ve never done a video post myself…are they nerve-wracking?
I would most definitely run with a jogging stroller! No baby yet though ;)
I have any easy run on the agenda for today, so my run will probably get in 3-4 miles this afternoon!
Have a great day Janae!


I like Brooke’s words of wisdom, “write it down, Mom.” too funny, I always think I’m going to remember something and then I don’t. So annoying.

I haven’t been running and I need to start training for the NYC half. It’s a new course and it’s hilly, luckily where I live is also hilly so I can get decent training in.


Nina i will also be running the NYC half! i live here and can train most parts of the course – except for the FDR part haha…! :)


Cool. Yes, I’d avoid the FDR! I do like running up the west side though. (I live on Staten Island). Do you follow emaiuolo on IG? She works for NYRR and they run the new course and post photos pretty regularly.


nice! so you live nearby and can train the course too! i do not follow emaiuolo on IG, but i checked it out just now and will follow. that’s pretty cool that they’re scouting the route!


nice! so you live nearby and can train the course too! i do not follow emaiuolo on IG, but i checked it out just now and will follow. that’s pretty cool that they’re scouting the route –


I have run Prospect Park before and I will probably train on some of the Brooklyn course. I definitely need to do a Brooklyn bridge run beforehand. The good thing is SI is hilly so I’ll be properly trained! Emaiuolo is also pretty fun in general to follow.


you won’t have to run prospect park or brooklyn bridge! the course takes us over manhattan bridge. slightly longer, but SI hilly training should more than keep you adequately trained!

i will definitely have to make it up to central park and ‘train on course’ there as i know it gets hilly there as well…!


I loved the cute video!! You guys are such a sweet family. The jogging stroller in the post would be great in theory but you wouldn’t be able to see the baby. And that would make me super nervous. Lol. I have a normal push kind and I am not a fan of it at all. It is super easy to steer so that isn’t the problem but I hate not being able to use my arms. I attempt to steer with one hand which helps, and sometimes on the downhill I can let go. But for the most part it’s a “have to do this” kind of run. Plus my two year old is only good for about 20-30 mins before she wants out. ?? looking forward to any stroller running tips you may have if you choose to use one. For now enjoy your snuggles and stay warm!!


Do you like video posts or do you prefer normal posts?

normal posts!

Could you run with that jogging stroller connected to you? Do you ever run with a jogging stroller? Which one?

yes, i had the chariot carrier CX 1 – which turns itself into an XC sled, a jogging stroller and a bike trailer. i’ve used it for all 3 purposes, and it is really easy to XC ski with it attached! i’m guessing it would be easy to tow as a “running trailer” as well but i haven’t tried it that way. i really hated pushing the jogging stroller – our jogging wheel didn’t swivel so making turns i had to lift the front wheel up to make turns. it was a really nice ride tho – with suspension and everything. really quality stuff.

What was the last podcast that you listened to?

i haven’t listened to them in awhile but the last two that had me riveted were:
https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/282/diy – about a man wrongfully incarcerated
http://www.radiolab.org/story/rhino-hunter/ – about conservation and hunting

How many miles are on the agenda for your run today?

ran 2.5 quick miles (well for me!) this morning followed by arms and back. getting back on the horse after the cortisone shot subsided from the big toe joint (i recently discovered i have hallux limitus – loss of cartilage in the big toe joint) – will be getting orthotics i hope sometime soon to help alleviate the pain, but likely after the new year. sigh.


I’ve done a lot of stroller pushing with my nieces and kids I babysat and I don’t know how moms run with those things!
I just listened to Run Selfie Repeat’s podcast on getting back into running after a break and it was really fun! I also listened to Lindsay Hein’s interview with Sarah Hall recently.
Today is a cross-training day so I did 30 minutes of swimming before work:) did 3 miles with my students in the freezing cold yesterday, though!


Okay, I need to listen to both of those podcasts ASAP! The getting back into running one after a break sounds especially perfect for me! Thanks Kerri! Way to go on getting a swim (bonus points for doing it in the winter.. walking to the car after with wet hair is no joke!) in before work and three miles yesterday with your students!


i love the matching sweet potatoes for lunch! She is growing up so fast. Also I need to get new running socks, I like how bright Andrew’s are! :) If you’re looking for a show to watch while hanging out with Skye, try Parenthood on Netflix – one of my favorites!


I would love a video thrown in every now and then;) I love both types of posts;) If you went to all video I think I would miss your describing and talking about every picture post;) I swear I need to make those crock pot candies…..they look and sound so amazing!


Please make them… they are SO good. I just ate another one ha! Don’t worry, I’ll still be doing the picture posts (those are my favorite too)! I hope your day has been a great one so far Amanda!


I love the videos included in your posts.


LOVED the video post and thought the length was just right… anything 4 minutes and under I think is perfect. We all watch that amount of time in multiple Insta-Stories – ha ha!
Last podcast I listened to was “I’ll Have Another w/ Lindsey Hein” – THANK YOU! Love her and her Inta-Stories are hilarious!!
My run tonight will be 4-5 miles; just started formal training for my 6th half marathon – Myrtle Beach in March!!
So happy to see Skye settling in to her family and everyone seems to be adjusting well. You are all so blessed!


Oh I am so glad you are loving Lindsey Hein… she is the best! Enjoy your run tonight Sarah! That half sounds awesome… I want to come. Thank you so much and I hope the rest of your day is perfect!


That is an interesting jogger-I think it would make me run goofy, like with a lurching motion? I’m sure it’s fine, I just have a sense that I’d be herky jerky. BUT, I’ve gone cross country skiing with a toboggan sled (carrying kiddos) behind me and it was fine.

Today was 15km of snow/trail running. Nice and slow because I get freaky about footing.

Love seeing and hearing you all!!


I think as long as it was far enough back that I wouldn’t hit it that would be awesome…..at least in theory.


I LOVE the video posts!! They’re so much fun!

I used to run pushing my niece in her stroller and oh my goodness, it’s INSANELY tough!! I’m not sure if I could run with something like that though!

The last podcast I listened to was an Oprah Super Soul Conversation one! They’re all SO good!!!!

That picture of Brooke and you in the hospital (holding your babies! ;)) is just too cute!!! She’s going to be the best big sister!

Have an awesome day Janae!!


I love video posts.

I would love to see Brooke and her cousin dressed up the same and with the same hairdo….TWINS for sure!! Crazy.


I’m now 15 weeks pregnant and I love hearing about the baby, your pregnancy, and recovery! This will be my first baby. I struggled/struggle with body issues and since being pregnant I am loving my body and my bump! It’s amazing what our bodies can do- and I love reading about it from your perspective.

I think it would be fun to do a post about all the “in the moment it seemed terrible” things. I mean… it’s real life! Surely that sweet baby has peed on you, not slept, you put something away in the wrong spot and found it later because you were so tired, etc.


I would probably trip and that stroller would run me over!!

The Bob jogger is hands down the best jogging stroller I’ve ever used!

5 miles on the agenda today. I’m still in recovery mode after CIM, but my ankle seems to be holding up well so I threw in a bit of speed today! I’m definitely thinking St. George for 2018!!


I prefer normal posts, but this video post was great! I cannot believe you covered so much in only 3 minutes. I think it would be helpful if you wrote how many minutes it was in order for people to plan better.

i always called mine a running stroller, like the ad for this one does, because I do not like the J word. But my running stroller was a push one and my son made it through 2.5 years but not quite to 3 with his patience for it.

The last podcast I heard was one with Jordan Hassay I think.

6 miles today!


I absolutely adore your videos, keep them coming! I agree that the girls look just like twins …and I would have loved one of those hands-free running strollers when my kids were little!


I do video posts once a week on my blog and they get way less views than normal posts BUT I enjoy doing them because it’s such a fun creative process. Thinking what to film, getting shots, editing the video, etc. When I first started posting videos they would get a handful of views, but now they get more.

I think women in our demographic are less likely to watch video than younger people because it’s hard to find time if you have to go to an office all day and then fit in a workout plus cooking, spending time with family, etc. but it is an online behavior increasing in popularity. I work in advertising and I can definitely tell you the research on our demographic shows we’re watching more video than ever now. A few years ago I never watched online video and now I love it – so I’m a fan of vlogs :)


Last podcast was mind pump! I actually listed some of my favorites yesterday up on a new blog my gf and I started!


love the video!! how cute!!


I love when you put videos on your blog!! I love you regular posts too, but every now and then is fun to have a video!


The energetic watch face is cute! :)

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