Catch Up, LOOK ALIKES, Friday Faves & Accomplishments!

2.5 miles of walking on the good ol’ treadmill for me on Wednesday and 2 miles on Thursday!  A few people have asked me why I am walking on my treadmill instead of outside with Skye… it’s because we have really bad air quality around this time of year here (the inversion is pretty bad) and because my brother that is a doc told me to wait until it is warmer.  The treadmill makes it so I can move for a few minutes and be able to jump off if Skye needs to eat!

Let’s catch up on a few things over the last few days!  On Wednesday, Andrew and Knox went up to Andrew’s family’s house because some more of his family came to town (we aren’t taking Skye to be around other kids yet so she and I stayed home)!

I found this Quicksilver shirt for Knox and had to get it because it reminds me of something Andrew would wear and love:)

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PS I think that Skye looks way more like Andrew than me!

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Below was our Wednesday in a nutshell.  Netflix needs to stop making me feel weird for watching so many episodes of Friends in a row.

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At one point on Wednesday we did decide to go out into the world…

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We ventured out to drive-thru the bank and meet my mom for a few minutes to talk with her in a parking lot.

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Skye already understands how amazing my mom is and loves to cuddle with her.

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I think that people really missed giving me candy during my pregnancy so they are making up for it now.  Thanks mom for the treat!

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This is Skye’s shocked face.  I SLEPT FOR 5 hours and 45 minutes in a row on Wednesday night!  I’ve started to pump so Andrew gave Skye a bottle in between two threeish hour stretches of her sleeping.   I woke up feeling like a new human and we were both quite shocked about it!

Skye is three weeks old today!!!  Also, my mom and I had a deep discussion the other day about how baby shoulders might be the cutest things ever and she is starting to develop little rolls on her arms which makes me happy!

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Also, Skye kind of reminds me of when Brooke made this same shocked face a few years ago:


I remembered to take a picture of all three of my meals yesterday!  I didn’t take a picture of the snacks but they were boring:)  I’m trying to make sure to eat often throughout the day and stay attached to my water bottle (130 ounces yesterday!!) because I really want to build up a great milk supply!

Breakfast- English muffin, bacon (one slice eaten on the way to my desk;) and eggs with cheese, mushrooms, spinach and avocado.  Also, ketchup with eggs is an absolute must for me.

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For lunch I had noodles, steamed broccoli, ground turkey, marinara and parmesan.

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And for dinner we made salad along with sweet potatoes and toast (with honey butter) on the side!  I have had some questions about how I cook my sweet potatoes and I just cook them in the microwave.  My favorite way to eat them is when I rub them in some coconut oil and then wrap them in aluminum foil and bake them in the oven for about 40 minutes but lately I don’t have the patience to do that ha.  Dessert= milk duds.

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Knox wanted a picture with his baby sis!

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And a Brooke update—>  She is having a great time and missing me like crazy (okay, I made that part up;)… I can’t wait to see her in 2.2 days!

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Time for a few Friday Favorites!

*19 Secrets About Trader Joe’s That’ll Make You Go “Huh”..  Marie sent me this article and if you are a TJ’s fan, you are going to love this!

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*Who else feels this way?

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*THIS HOODIE.   I am obsessed.  Andrew bought me the pink one for Christmas, I wore it and then got another one in grey (in all of the pictures above) with a gift card from my mom because I am so obsessed with it.  Just know I’ll probably be rotating between the two sweatshirts for the rest of winter:)

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*My brother gave us the Google Home Mini for Christmas and I think we have all asked this thing about 400 questions each day so far!  It’s crazy how convenient this thing is!  Thanks bro!

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I LOVE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!  If you want to be featured then send the amazing things you are doing to [email protected]


Eva!!!  “Two weeks ago a 15k race I’d been training for was cancelled because of a lot of snow.  Holland isn’t prepared for such weather, I think it was a good decision to keep the runners safe.  But still I was disappointed because I couldn’t test my training.  Last Saturday there was a 10.5k race in a village about 20km from us.  I’ve raced there twice already and I really like the course.  So I decided I’d run there to finish my running year.  On the day itself I debated if I really wanted to run, but I kind of forced myself to go, because I knew I would regret it if I didn’t go.  (That’s the downside of not being registered beforehand).  After a short train trip, and a shuttle bus later I bought my bib and waited around for the start.  To my surprise I felt really well.  It wasn’t cold, but there was a headwind at km 7 along the lake we ran around.  After that we crossed a highway where people honked their horns.  I thought it was them encouraging me to just keep on going, so I did.  I finished in 1.02.09 for the 10.5k distance and finally after almost 5 years of running ran 10k under one hour (59.28), my goal since I started.  I pr’ed with more than a minute since September.  So happy my training paid off, while I’m still keeping a balance with my family and work.  (the picture is from Jeroen Tibbe Fotografie, I’m the one in the purple top).  Yesterday, the day after Christmas I went out for a run, I planned on about 7k, and to try a new route.  I missed a turn, and it became a 12km run.  It went very well, I didn’t feel tired at all, and I was quite amused with myself and my mistake.  (did this ever happen to you?) I texted my husband it would take a bit longer so he wouldn’t worry.”

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Tracey!!! “I really enjoy running! I have been running on and off again since college as a way to workout and deal with everyday stresses, etc.  I am a wife, a mom to 2 girls, a sixth grade teacher, and currently a student as well.  I continue to run because it helps me with “all things life.”  I also like having a race to train for-it keeps me going, no excuses.  I really loved running while pushing my double-wide stroller when my girls were younger.  My girls are older now and I have ran some 5k’s and kid races with them.  I just love how a run makes me feel strong.  My 2017 New Years Resolution was to run a half-marathon every month.  I achieved my goal! I began with an indoor half around a track in January and ended with a half that had me eating donuts at aid stations.  My May race was cancelled because there weren’t enough participants- so I used Map My Run and a trail near home.  I display my medals proudly in my classroom.  I plan to work on my speed in 2018.”



Would you rather eat peanut m&ms, peanut butter m&ms, caramel m&ms or another variety?!

Ketchup on eggs—>  yes or no?  Salsa?  Hot sauce?  Other?

How do you make your sweet potatoes?

What are your weekend plans?

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Skye is seriously SO adorable!! Your sweet family makes me so happy :)

Ketchup on eggs—absolutely. I eat ketchup on a lot of things, though.

Weekend plans hopefully involve hanging out at the beach and getting some extra sleep! I’ve enjoyed having these last few days off work, so I’m going to soak up every ounce of rest I can, but I’m also trying to make sure I get some fun adventures in there, too!


Caramel M&Ms are my fav and definitely no ketchup on eggs :) I do like sriracha though!

I prefer my sweet potatoes baked but the microwave is a good option when you’re short on time and the crock pot works well too!

I’ll probably get some running in this weekend and a small kid friendly New Year’s Eve party where we’ll stream the ball drop at 9 since we’re in Cali.


You look great 3 months postpartum!!!

Does Brooke have another little sibling over at her dads? My son whose 9 months old has the same walker Brooke is sitting next to.


I meant 3 weeks postpartum :)


Oh thank you so much Laura! Brooke is in utah with her dad this time so they are staying with brooke’s aunt/uncle/cousins! No other siblings! I hope you are having a great day so far!


Peanut butter m&ms are the best kind! It’s currently 8:30 am and your pasta from your lunch yesterday looks amazing! I wish I had some right now lol. I’m not a fan of ketchup on eggs but always drench them in Frank’s hot sauce.

I love that sweatshirt and am totally going to look for it in my size later today. Have a great day Janae!


That shocked face photo of Skye is SO cute!

I hope to go visit my sister this weekend, as long as the snow holds out.

I always cut up my sweet potatoes and roast them with salt & pepper on them.


Oh I sure hope you get to go visit your sister too! Thank you and I’m going to try your method of eating sweet potatoes!


Janae! I love how comfortable and happy you look when you’re baby-wearing! Skye’s expressions have me laughing so hard :)


Oh thank you so much Kelly! Yep, Skye is already mastering her facial expressions haha! Have an amazing weekend!


Do we have to pick just one flavor of M&M’s? LOL. I would like a new flavor of caramel and peanut butter combined!!

Oh how I love my sweet potatoes. I bake, roast, and spiral them for noodles.

No ketchup on my eggs but sweet potatoes are great in eggs:)


How long do you microwave the sweet potato? Yes, I could google. Just curious on how long you do it for since you seem like an expert and google is no expert :) I usually bake my sweet potatoes at ~375 for an indeterminate time – until it is nice and mushy.

Super cute pictures!


Hey Amanda! I usually cook them in the microwave for about 7 minutes but sometimes more if they are huge! I hope you are having a great day so far and I’m glad I’m more of an expert than google on this matter ha!




Skye is SO stinkin cute! I think she looks JUST like Brooke as a baby…at first, I totally thought you posted two photos of baby Skye! haha


Oh that makes me so happy! Have an awesome day Juliet!!!


yum ketchup on eggs! in the Philippines, it’s expected. :)


Sweet potatoes in the microwave are the easiest thing ever! Do you poke holes in yours before cooking? I love ketchup but have never tried it on eggs before! I have a feeling ill love it! Also, I really like the sweatshirt! It looks super comfortable!!


Hey girl! No I don’t poke holes. I just wash them really good! I hope you have an awesome weekend Dawn!


Plain ole m&ms or the crispy ones. Yes ketchup is a must on eggs. I cook my potatoes in the microwave.


Yes! I made it into an HRG post! ;) I think peanut m&m’s but I haven’t tried caramel yet! I love ketchup with eggs and some sriracha. I bake my sweet potatoes, although I’ve heard they are really simple in the instant pot! My girl and I are still getting over a cold and it’s so cold and dreary out so probably just church and some relaxing at home while we get through all the new board games the kids got. Also trying to get through the Santa Clause series before Netflix takes it away. :) oh! Almost forgot, for some reason I think babies hands and feet are super cute!


Salsa and hot sauce, yes. Ketchup only if it was on potatoes and accidentally got on the eggs too. My weekend–> home with my 7 mo old who is sick while the rest of the family hangs with Grandpa and Grandma for Christmas.

I have a great milk supply. Honestly it’s about the carbs for me. And I’m not talking about sweet potatoes (which I love and eat daily). Bagels, pizza, pasta, white potatoes, cereal. Things I normally do not eat much of…but when I cut them out in favor of healthier carbs, my supply does dip. Also GATORADE is magic for milk supply. Not that you asked for advice and I’m sure you’re doing great!! Keep it up mama.


Yay! Love the sweatshirt, it looks so comfy!

I LOVE peanut MnMs… yum. Now you have me wanting some at 9am!

Salsa is a must for me on my eggs… my husband likes honey??? Like what the heck??

I love just simple baked sweet potatoes, but my favorite way to eat them is when I chop them up into small cubes, toss them in olive oil, salt, pepper and smoked paprika, and I roast them in the oven until they are soft on the inside and kind of crispy on the out side. Yum!

Well I’m currently a day overdue with my first baby so I hope I spend the weekend giving birth!! If not I’ll be wallowing in self pity. JK haha I just really want to meet my son!


Honey is very strange. Haha I like honey on my chicken nuggets or chicken biscuits from chik fil a but I don’t think that is too crazy.

My oldest (also a boy) was 4 days over due but then everything all happened in one day. Water broke at 6am, first contractions ever started, and he finally arrived at 12:01am the next day. Such an exciting time – maybe go out for one last date night with hubby that’s what did it for us.


Oh Amanda!!!! I really hope that your little guy comes ASAP! I am so excited for you! I want to hear all about it too! Honey? Yeah I could not do that ha! I’m going to make your sweet potato combo this weekend! Thank you!


Peanut m&ms!

We have some fun plans for the weekend! Hopefully we are all healthy enough to do them (croup). And I’m not sure I’m ready for school to start again and have to follow a regular routine.


Peanut butter M&Ms have got to be my all time favorite. Although I did really love a special edition PB& strawberry they had at one point.

Since you mentioned milk supply I thought I’d mention something I didn’t know with my first but I learned the second time around and that was it’s really important to wait 6 weeks to start pumping to establish your milk supply. It was so nice to not even look at my pump until closer to 3 months with my youngest (as I had to return to work). With my oldest I was pumping all the time and washing bottles and my maternity leave was just so stressful. We just weaned at 17 months so I’d say we had a wonderful go of it.


Peanut m&ms FTW!
Ketchup only goes on burgers for me. I’m not much of a “dipper.”
I love to bake sweet potato “fries” with coconut oil in the oven and use either sea salt or seasoned salt. The pain is cutting them into fry strips in the first place.
Trying to run more regularly, but the sub-freezing temps in Maryland will probably keep me doing indoor gym/home workouts, maybe cooking chili, and sitting by the fireplace, LOL! Also, I have a movie date to see Wonder with my 9 y.o. son :)
LOVE that hoodie!!


Ahh! I am loving that sweatshirt so much but they don’t have it in my size. Do you mind my asking what size you are wearing? I’m trying to decide if a small would work for a friend of mine. Also, kudos for such great eating! I’m sure it is hard to prepare food while juggling a little one and 1-2 other kiddos!


Kate! Oh thank you! I have a small and it fits perfect! I hope you love it too! About the food… when Andrew is home we are able to make good stuff ha… when he is not home, that is another story! Have a beautiful day!


Congrats on Skye and way to go with breastfeeding!i am a Lactation consultant and I love the way you are promoting breastfeeding as normal and compatible with running/mothering/working/etc. You are rocking this 3rd kid thing ?

Just wanted to say you are doing an amazing job of eating and drinking lots of water which is awesome for your health but doesn’t really affect your milk supply, as long as you get enough calories. Keep up the great nutrition because you will feel 100% better, but remember that you will make enough milk for Skye as long you are removing milk from your breasts! It’s simple as that! Cool right? Your baby takes the milk out and your body responds by making MORE MILK FOR HER! Now try to convince me that women are super heros!!

Keep it up, Janae! You are an inspiration!


Wow! Lara! Thank you soooo much for your sweet comment and for the tips! That is so good to know! If you have a chance would you mind if I emailed you a few questions? If you are busy I totally get it! Thank you and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Skye does look like Andrew when he’s holding her! But I see so much of Brooke in her too. I love that she is already smiling…SO CUTE!!
No ketchup on eggs for me. I like grated cheese on mine. If they are in a tortilla I like hot sauce too.
I micro my sweet potatoes too…quick and easy. I must admit, they taste SO MUCH better when cooked in the oven or on the grill.
I hope I can get all my running in this weekend. Weather looks a little iffy. Planning some cooking and maybe a little shopping! Staying in New Years Eve :)
Hope you have a great weekend!


I searched everywhere for that hoodie in my size! No one has a medium anywhere ? I’m so sad


Noooooo! Okay you should call the store that I got it at because when I was there they had a bunch of mediums! They will ship it to you! 801-224-8400 ! They open in 30 minutes!


Definitely doing that! Thank you ❤️


Skye is SO cute. I love all the time at home you are getting with her!

The only way I will eat eggs is with a bunch of cheese, ketchup, AND hot sauce. I’m not a big egg fan to begin with but I know they’re good for you so I make myself eat them sometimes, but I can only stomach them with as many toppings as possible.

We are up north all weekend visiting my grandma/Chris’s parents! Hope you guys have a great one and a fun New Years :)


You and baby Skye are looking so great! P.S. I think she looks a lot like Brooke! (So really she looks like you ;))
I had no idea the inversion was so bad where you live…good thing you have a treadmill – so convenient than having to go to the gym. I ran outside this morning…it was 17 degrees!
I can’t stand ketchup..on anything. I don’t like it one bit. I prefer poached or over easy eggs – love the runny yolk!
I’m hoping to run my first double digit run since March this weekend…I’m already starting to get nervous/anxious about it!
Happy New Year Janae!


My dad got me a Google Home Mini too and I’ve really liked it for playing music on spotify.


Skye is so precious! Her facial expression looks just like Brooke, which is too cute.
I know you mentioned your pediatrician and brother both suggested keeping Skye away from other kids. Did they suggest for how long? My 7 week old has been pretty isolated but we have several friends with kids who want to visit next week. I’m excited for everyone to meet him but when I realized how many kids there’s going be (at separate visits, not all at once), I’m getting a little nervous.


I got the same “are you still watching” message while binging Friends on Netflix. Seriously the! I just wished I had a sweet little baby to curl up with! Skye is just precious! Happy New Year to you and your family.


I LOVED reading Eva’s and Tracey’s race recaps….very inspiring, you girls rock!
The picture of your mom holding Skye is so very beautiful. Ever since the was born, I really do think that she looks exactly like Andrew. :)


Thank you!


That hoodie must be popular! It’s sold out when i looked it up.


OH NO!!! I’ll try to find it somewhere else. I am so sorry! Hope you have a great weekend Mary!


That picture of Skye DOES look like Brooke! I loved your sweatshirt and went to the site. Apparently everyone loved your sweatshirt because they were completely sold out in every color! You are the fashion trendsetter. :)

I’m so glad you are staying inside with Skye right now. Always best when they are this young.


An allergy free bakery that I like posted a similar meme about the time between Christmas and New Year but they call it “the cake eating time.” :)

No to ketchup on eggs, I really don’t like ketchup. Salsa and hot sauce yes.

I will cook a whole sweet potato in the microwave or oven but my favorite way is to chunk it up, spritz it with olive oil, and roast it. I like them salted but cinnamon works too.

We usually go away for New Year’s but our dog won’t do well on the trip and I don’t want to leave her with anyone so we’re home. In other words, I have no idea what I’m doing this weekend.


Insta pot your sweet pots and your life will be so full! Seriously, the best way to cook them and not have to wait an hour in the oven.


Well, you are brilliant. I am going to buy one for just this reason. Do you put anything else in with it?


Just a little water in the bottom. The potatoes sit on the wire rack that the pot comes with. I set the timer for 12 mins and then let them slow release. It takes about 20-25 mins in total and they come out so amazing. I use my IP at least 4x’s a week. Sweet potatoes, hard boiled eggs, oatmeal, soups and roasts are what I do the most. Love it!


THANK YOU for telling me this! I cannot wait:) My stomach is growling just thinking about it!


Skye looks so much like Brooke..and you look’s hard to believe you just had a baby! I wanted to get the google home mini…does it need to be compatible to a certain iPhone? I only have the 6! They are on sale right now, so I’d like to get the sale price. I have the same hoodie in grey…love it, it’s so warm and comfy! Hope you can get some rest today


HEY ASHLEY!! Thank you so much:) I totally think they look alike too! So Andrew’s iphone is 2 years old and it works perfectly with it and so does my newer one. We are LOVING it! Get it and let me know what you think:)


I really like the Christmas m & m s red and white and green ones (the mint flavoured ones). I also like the caramel ones

Our weekend plans involve climbing a mountain (we have been doing a fair bit of snowshoeing because the snow in the mountains have been amazing) while down here at sea level it is pouring rain.

No but only because we don’t have ketchup in the house right now. But eggs, with franks hot spice and also cheese mixed in with the scrambled eggs are the best.

Sweet potatoes – add a bit of honey and bake in the oven.

Have a good weekend!


Skye is seriously adorable! Her and Brooke look so much alike! I have the Google home and we use it as a sound machine for my 18 month old twins. My husband says it makes a “sound wall” and they can’t hear the noise in the rest of the house. We’ve been doing since we moved them into their own room at 6 months and the sleep really well and take great naps. you can also control it from your phone so if they wake up in the middle of the night I just turn it on from my bed! Hope you have a great weekend!


Janae – Totally understand the NETFLIX guilt when binge watching Friends and I get the “Are you still watching Friends?” Yes, NETFLIX, I am! LOL.


Skye is so snuggly and perfect. I love seeing photos of her and all the kids, and new motherhood makes you glow, Janae!


I am loving watching your first weeks with your new addition! Treadmill walking helped me with energy for the first few sleepless months with my kiddos!
-I love the mint M&M’s, but the candy corn edition wasn’t my fav.!
-pico de gallo on eggs, my hubby is on the ketchup train
-I love the middle of a microwaved sweet potato mixed with 1 or 2 spoonfuls of hummus and salsa on top!
-Our family does an activity an hour counting down to midnight, one of those activities will be the REI nighttime run that I pledged to do:
Have a very Happy New Year!


I love hot sauce on eggs! Especially if they are over easy with some hash browns or home fries. I love to cook my sweet potatoes hasselback style with some cayenne pepper. The spicy really nicely balances out the sweet.

All 3 of my roommates are gone this weekend, so my boyfriend I are enjoying some quiet time together. We’re mainly just relaxing, studying, and cooking!

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