Silentish Saturday! 3 MUSTS + I’ll be there next time…

REUNITED!!!  At last.  My marathon training bff and I went on a nice walk together yesterday after not running together now in MONTHS.  Can’t wait to train hard again together!

She brought her puppy (that weighs more than both of our kids combined;) with us on the walk!

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My morning started early with a treadmill run and Brooke joined me towards the end while pretending to be a puppy.

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She thought it was cool she could see her breath, I’m not as excited about that;)

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Post-school smoothie!

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A trip to Costco happened for our empty fridge—>  they had the BEST samples yesterday.

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3 favorite things that we brought home from Costco:

1.  This.

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2.  This salad is delicious and we topped it with their rotisserie chicken and it was amazing!

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3.  All stocked up on hot chocolate now for at least a month.

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After chores and reading… we hit up cornbelly’s for the early evening!

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They even had FREE hot chocolate if you have a pass (you know I was happy about that).

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Made this goodness for dinner last night… taquitos!

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Picnic while watching Charlie and the chocolate factory!

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It’s the St. George Marathon today and it is my favorite marathon!!  This sign is right before the hardest mile of the entire course….

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I miss it this year but I’m excited that for the next St. George Marathon (if my body feels ready for it of course), we will have another cheerleader to add to the support crew:)  Good luck everyone and I want to hear all about everyone’s races this weekend!

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What are three things you are doing today?!

What was your Friday night dinner?

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Very weird to say but last night I had a McChicken from McDonalds…..CANNOT even remember the last time I had one of those but it happened. ha!

It’s Homecoming weekend over here and its been very rainy so far…bummer for all the kids who want to be outside taking pictures, getting dressed up and heading to the dance way later tonight. So, “fingers crossed” the rain stops and the kids can have a great time. (I have a senior and a freshman this year)


Today is a hill run with friends, flag football for my youngest, and an apple festival just out of town!

Friday night dinner was garlic rice and quinoa (thanks Costco) and roasted veggies.


Hi Janae!
Last night I had tomato soup for dinner. It was sooooo good.
Today I already went for a hike with my sister Sofia and i’m hoping for a lazy afternoon and later on i’m going for a run (hopefully).
Regarding the baby name I would like to bet on Chloe. I have no idea if you like it but I am sure whatever her name is she will be beautiful, happy and loved just like her siblings.


Hi Janae,
I wondered what your thoughts are about compression socks? Do you think they really help, our do they just make you look tough?!


Hey!!! Right now I don’t use them because I’m not training hard (every run I do is at an easy pace) but when I am in training… I definitely think they help! I feel like they help my body to recover more quickly (could be part placebo too but either way it works;)!


Alpine loop for us today. I’m really excited about it being 70 degrees so I’m running outside.


Friday night dinner was chicken breasts over Alfredo noodles. 3 things: dropping dogs off to get boarding, laundry and packing for vacation !!! WOOT WOOT. Haven’t been on vacation for years !! Going to a resort in Branson, MO and they have aqua bikes, paddle boards, kayaks, fishing, sand volleyball, mini gold, paddle boats and so much other fun lake stuff. And I think it’s supposed to be good weather. I’m not going to want to come home.


We live in MO and love to vacation in Branson. You are going at the right time. Summer crowds are gone. The weather is nice in our part of MO although tomorrow’s high is 48 degrees. Last time we were in Branson we ate at Fall Creek Steakhouse for the first time and it was good! Watch out for the throwed rolls. If you have time a quick drive north to Lambert’s near Springfield is a fun restaurant (but go hungry!!). Also all the shows are good but we are fans of The Dutton’s and The Haygoods. Great family shows. Also the IMAX movie on Shepard of the Hills Parkway was a surprisingly great Plan B when it rained one morning. Enjoy Branson!!


Do you really? We just got back. We loved it and had a blast ! But we didn’t make it to the throwed rolls place like we wanted. Next time. We did make the Dixie Stampede show, we thought it was great and my daughter loved it. My gosh, nobody lets you starve there. Great food. We stayed at the Still Water Resort right by Silver Dollar City. And you were right, it was a great time to go with the summer crowds gone. We jet ski’d for the first time. Couldn’t get enough kayaking and paddle boarding. Had so much fun. We have even pinpointed a few areas to possible check out to maybe relocate we enjoyed the area so much. Beautiful. Although my daughter got a little queasy stomach in those hills ! lol


The Mix is the most amazing thing at Costco right now. I bought two bags because I want my own the kids aren’t sticking their hands in. I hope you love it as much as we do.


Brilliant, I should have gotten my own bag!!!! Next time;)


Is Brooke’s kindergarten just half a day? You always seem to do a lot after school and so I wondered if it wasn’t full day. All our schools here go all day.


Three things today:
*driving to Portland
*going to the marathon expo to pick up my race bib
*eating a big bowl of spaghetti!


Good luck!!!!! You are going to rock this marathon!


I can’t get over your weather – it seems to have gone cold so quickly! We’re still in between seasons (though we didn’t have much of a summer!) Three things I didn’t today: went for a long bike ride (still too injured to run, blah), went out for pizza lunch with my best people :), went to the library where we found they were having a Lego club – win (for the five year old among us anyway)! We had lentil dahl and rice for dinner last night (egg fried rice and veggies for the five year old who had decided he doesn’t like dahl!)


I love that you are still running so much at this stage of your pregnancy! You keep me inspired for sure!
Last night was our son’s high school football game, so we had dinner from the taco guy at the stadium… So yummy!
3 things today: a good waffle breakfast, a nice longish walk with the dog, then it’s off to Long Beach for race packet pickup for the Long Beach Half marathon tomorrow!! ? It will be a fun morning!
Happy Saturday!!


Ahhhhh have the best time at your half tomorrow Wendy! PS now I am craving a waffle haha!


We went to Costco yesterday too and got that same salad…the best!! I ran 10 miles today(first time in 2 years cuz I had 2 babies back to back?) and I run the haunted half in SLC next weekend?


Girl!!! It is so good to hear from you! Congrats on the ten miles! You have been a busy woman!


First, I totally have to laugh that that is a month’s supply of hot chocolate – maybe two weeks at my house!
Three things today: 4 miles running on greenbelt trail followed by 2-1/2 miles walking following butterflies (major migration going through here right now); scones in the oven; 5-6 miles in a bit with husband. We are totally enjoying the sun in between what seemed like an eternity of clouds and rain and the forecast snow on Monday.


Friday night was pasta and chicken.
Tomorrow I am running the Chicago marathon so today is a light run and relaxing! My run group has a tradition of handing out $5 gift cards(wrapped I. A ziplock snack bag) to spectators when we get to the last few miles to keep our energy up, so I will be buying those today.


Okay, best idea ever! I love this! Mind if I share? Good luck tomorrow and I want to hear all about it!


Please share! I feel like I hit the jackpot with my running group. Everyone is so supportive and focused on having a good experience rather than a specific time.


That is amazing!! Have an incredible time tomorrow! THANK YOU!


Three things I’m doing today:
-Swam laps (last workout before the Chicago Marathon tomorrow!)
-Race day playlist creation
-Eating lots of bread and going to bed early :)


Those chopped salad kits are becoming one of my favorite go-to lunches!! YUM!


Three pieces of Italian bread peanut butter toast….I was carb loading for this morning’s 15k.

Is Evelyn her name? I really wanted my third to be a girl so I could name her that. I got a crazy Ethan!


Our Friday night dinner was a huge salad and wait for, wait for it… Costco’s beef and pork lasagna. If you haven’t tried it, do! It’s so good!

My three things for today: 1. I walked this morning (I had surgery to remove a place from the skin on my leg two weeks ago and can’t run until next week. 2. I caught up on blog reading this afternoon while watching college football. 3. I’ll spending this evening going back and forth between watching my Virginia Tech Hokies play and watching the Nationals in the playoffs.


I did my long run midweek because of my work schedule. (4 Miles on Wednesday morning and 12 on Thursday to get ready for infinity gauntlet challenge) it was so hard! I need an ice bath. I’m so sore! Also, I want to eat all the things!!


Please send some of your cooler weather this way! It’s still in the upper 80s here in the Memphis, TN area! Your posts are always motivating me to run. I had a good 5 miles this morning…it’s fall break for me as a teacher so I’m excited to get in lots of miles this week :)


I love that Asian salad mix and that popcorn. Ross thinks I am crazy because it sounds like it should be gross (cheddar and caramel) but it is so very good. Seems like today was a perfect race day/conditions for the St George marathon. Everyone crushed it. You will be there next year, I am sure of it.

I will go for a walk with you anytime you want. Yep. I am just putting it out there like the desperate person I am not ashamed to be.


HEre in Canada, that Cretors popcorn mix is called Chicago mix!


That popcorn is the best!


Okay… totally random question… what color is that lipstick you’re wearing in most of those pics? LOVE!

Yesterday was college football day (weight training in morning before they got started!) My college rivalry game was last night… Michigan State vs Michigan… we won!!!

Dinner was strictly tater tots. (too much nervous excitement to cook… too poor to order out. lol)

Sometimes I go to Costco or Sam’s only for the freebies and walk out with nothing. I can’t believe it happens.. but it does on occasion. My Sam’s used to carry my favorite Fairlife Chocolate Milk and they don’t any longer and I think this is my silent protest. LOL

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