Silentish Saturday!!

Another run where the belly band saves me.  Also, my belly button wanted to say hello.  Andrew had another day at the hospital and I was very happy to be able to get my miles in while the kids snoozed.

Rainy day.

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Knox and I helped in Brooke’s classroom.

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It sure is.

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It was a pick up a sandwich and eat it in the parking lot while the kids were being hyper in the back kind of day.

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Shakes are out for me and donuts are back in.  Picked up some for us, some for Andrew after his shift and some to take to my parent’s house.

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They were much too busy for a picture.

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GRANDMA.  My mom currently walks about 5 miles a day … she beats me in steps pretty much daily.

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Are these worth it?  Please let me know.

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We already have their costumes but we might have to rethink them now…

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Wild and crazy Friday night over here.

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+ a show.

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I put out a bunch of our Fall stuff and added these caramel apple Dove piece (caramel on the inside).

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Andrew came home and the one thing that sounded good to me last night (for some reason the nausea has come back a bit)… baked potatoes!  He has the day off today but then is back at the hospital tomorrow!

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Remember this if you have a long run, race or a hard workout!

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What I’m going to listen to on my run this morning… I love her!

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What are three things that you are doing today!! Fill me in!!

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This dove candies look yummy! I am so ready for fall and cooler temps!

I’m taking some kids to run trails/hills today, which should be fun after a race and the homecoming game yesterday ;). I am definitely taking a nap! And I’m picking up my niece for a birthday shopping/dinner date.


You need to try the dove candy! Oh I hope the trails were a blast today and that you are taking a nap right now… I think I’m going to take one too ha. Enjoy tonight with your niece, the best!


I’m grocery shopping then doing some tie dying and slime making with the little girl I mentor:) I might have to pick up some of those fall candies while I’m shopping!!


That is AWESOME Kerri! Mind if I ask how you are doing the tie dying? Our kids would LOVE to do that!


I just buy the kits and plain white t-shirts in the craft section at Wal-Mart! Most of the kits come with soda ash powder, so I soak the T-shirts in a bucket of that and some water for a few hours before we start squirting the dye on them. After we’ve gotten them all colorful, I let them sit for a little while before throwing them in the washer. It’s a whole lot simpler than it seems and your kiddos would definitely love it!


THANK YOU KERRI!! I am totally going to have to do this! The kids will love it:) I hope you have a beautiful Sunday!


OH my gosh s’mores candy corn?! Eeeek not sure about that one! Excited to start the costume hunting!


Let me know what you end up choosing for your costume! I hope your weekend is a beautiful one Juliette!


Did you know it’s Guacamole Day?

I’ll be getting my fill at lunch — chicken tacos with extra guac at my fav local place. And a thick slice of chocolate almond pie. I’m sure I’ve talked about it before, but it’s my favorite Saturday lunch!

But first, I get to teach a workshop for future teachers. I’m a math professor and the workshop is a sort of “basic skills” math refresher. It’s two hours and I’m always so happy at the end of it. I love teaching math — especially to future teachers!!! :D


I did not know it is Guacamole Day… I just ate avocado so hopefully that counts;) Your lunch sounds delicious! I want to go:) I love your love for teaching, thank you for all you do to help the future teachers Susie!


HUUUUGE Cross Country meet that our team is hosting…..We are the Course Marshal Leads so we will be out on the course all morning and some of the afternoon watching and “marshaling” kids while they run… my three things are 1. yelling encouragements 2. keeping many safe as possible and 3. HAVING FUN!!!


How did it go!?!? I love your three things today… sounds perfect!


Picking up our race kits for tomorrow (15km with the hubby!!); swimming lessons with the little one and enjoying the last weekend of the summer! Hope you guys have a great day!


AHHHH I am so excited for you guys tomorrow! Let me know how it goes:) Thanks Mel and enjoy the last weekend of summer!


Oh my gosh…you HAVE to get those costumes! Lol…
1) Went on my run this morning
2) Going to Prairie Gardens with my Mom later
3) Maybe a little cleaning…nah..probably a nap ;)
Have a great weekend! :)


YES to the nap… I am just about to take one myself ha! I hope the Prairie Gardens were a blast! Thanks Leanne, I agree… we need those costumes!


Brookes favorite food made me literally LOL! I’m with ya girl! It’s also my favorite color.
I get to work all weekend with the sweet little babies in the NICU.


HAHAH yep… sprinkles for LIFE! I hope that your work weekend is a great one Amanda! You are amazing!


Yesssss, to the s’mores candy corn. I really like it, but nothing will ever replace the original. It’s worth a try though! I know you are a fan of s’mores (my whole family loves when I make your brother’s snores bar recipe)! Enjoy your Saturday!


THANK YOU ASHLEE!! I am so happy that the s’mores bars are a hit at your house:) I’m going to have to try them! I agree, the original is always #1! Enjoy your weekend!


I would say the S’mores Candy corn are not really worth it. I was underwhelmed when I had them last year – And I LOVE S’mores! I prefer the regular candy corn for their slightly buttery flavor…the smores version lack that and are just really sweet.


Thank you for letting me know Alison! The classic really is so good:) I hope you are having an amazing weekend!


Today is all about about marathon prep! We pick up our bib numbers today, have an easy shakeout run, and eat all the carbs ;)


AHHHHHHH GOOD LUCK TOMORROW BETHANY!!! I am so so excited for you and I can’t wait to hear all about it!


I’m doing some running today since I didn’t get to yesterday. And I dong know what else because the weather dropped and I’m not ok with that. Next Saturday needs to be warmer because I have a race and I hate running in the cold…ugh Utah! Lol


I hope your run was amazing today! It was COLD this morning.. I could not believe it! I’m so excited for your race next weekend. I want to do it too!


You should! It’s just a 5k. You’d for sure beat me in it haha. If you feel like signing up let me know :)


Three things I am doing: charitable soccer event for International Refugee Committee, finishing up maps/volunteer emails for school fundraiser 5k, work-related gala with husband.
I have to laugh that 10 donuts will last you through the day, some for Andrew, and some for your parents – 10 donutes can, and usually do, disappear in 15 minutes at my house.
I refuse to try anything other than classic candy corn – I’ve been burned too many times with alternative flavors of yuckiness. (And even on the classic corn, I don’t like the white tips – the texture is different than the orange/yellow and throws off the whole experience. The orange/yellow-only “accidents” are by FAR the best corns in the bag.)


That event sounds amazing and so does the fundraiser 5k, way to go! Normal Janae = 10 donuts gone ASAP. Pregnant Janae= I get full after one. It’s ridiculous. Okay, I totally agree with you said about the white tips… no thank you. I just want the orange and yellow but will deal with the white tip because I love the rest so much:) Enjoy the gala tonight!


Good silent saturday post. Three things for us today:
– ran this morning the 5k route I’m doing in 2 weeks, went well!
– mowed the lawn and readied the yard for the weekend
– tonight we’re throwing a neighborhood bash in our backyard (do this 1-2 times a month to get to know our neighbors!)


That is awesome that you got to practice the course before the race, I love when I am able to do that! Great job and have a blast at the bash… I LOVE that idea. I want to be your neighbor.


Sleeping in ✅
Lunch with a friend
Girls night, including going to see Pillow Talk at Hale Center.
Have a great weekend!


SOUNDS PERFECT Alyssa!! Enjoy Pillow Talk!!!


Hope you have a great day!! Love those Halloween costumes! Are you and Andrew dressing up too? I always think it’s so fun when the whole family coordinates costumes ;)
My 3 Things:
1. Wakesurfing on the lake
2. Hit up the farmers market
3. Shakeout workout – I found a great low intensity cardio workout in popsugar fitness! And I might run a couple miles at some point.


I really want to dress up this year… I want to find something that would be funny with the pregnancy belly:) WAKESURFING… how fun! Sounds like the perfect day Erinn!


Your mom looks fantastic!!! What a rockstar!!


Thank you Amy! I agree… she is killing it! I hope you are having an amazing weekend!


Did Brooke purposefully wear her donut shoes when you went to get donuts?! If so, I think the way she thinks haha. My Saturday started with a 6 mile cut down run, now I’m working on my boyfriend’s anniversary present and later we’re meeting with his friend from college. Have a great day Janae!


I think her donut shoes inspired me to go and get donuts ahah! Oh you will have to tell me sometime what you are making him! ENJOY the rest of your day Maureen!


My three things:
1. Leisurely 11.5 miles (still dealing with a nagging injury, so slow but steady runs have been the theme for me lately)
2. Baking chocolate chip cookies for a college lunch tomorrow at my church
3. Working from 5-12:30am… I will likely be chugging coffee at 4:30.


NOOOO that injury is still bugging you!?! LAME!! I hope the cookies were amazing and I hope work goes great today! Thanks Grant!


Ran 10 miles with my favorite running friends (my friend is training for a marathon and it was the last 10 of her 20 miler).
Now I’m taking my daughter shopping for her first homecoming dress.
Later I’m headed to the movies with a friend. It’s a good day. :)
I hope you and your little family enjoy a lovely day together!


Way to go Christina on your run today… love that you got to be with your favorite running friends! Oh enjoy the shopping and movies:) THANK YOU!!


That dove chocolate is a must try for me!

3 things: run, cleaning, hot shower!


Had Subway with Grandma today. Had an odd really hot day so we hit up the splash pad, just never know when that last day will be. And we made my husband a birthday cake. This evening I will go for a run. That alarm just could not get me up this morning. So tired !


I ran the Huntsville half marathon with some friends, and the best part? Swedish fish at the last aid station! Yum! I even ran back to get a second handful ☺️


That is awesome Dorene!! Congrats! Would you recommend doing that race? I’ve always thought about it and the swedish fish makes me really want to!


3 things I’m doing today… blogging, eating garlic pasta, and waiting for my husband to get home from NYC! :)


Love all the sprinkles! S’Mores candy?! I am intrigued!


Yes! Brene Brown on Lewis Howes. It was great. I’m 28 and always list rainbow sprinkles as one of my favorite foods! They actually make me happy just looking at them!


I have the at same belly band and LOVE it! I also used it after I had my babies to help bring my hips back in and to wear on my runs cuz it just felt good on my hips till I felt stronger…I may be crazy though haha

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