5 Goals That I Am Working on and an Awesome Giveaway!

I hope your Monday run/workout is a great one today!  I love starting out the week with a great run.  Maybe I’ll even do a different distance today than my current go-to of seven miles:)  This post is sponsored by General Mills to celebrate the #ButFirstWholeGrain Challenge.  I cannot wait to share with you 5 goals that I am working on this September.


September is here and I am pretty sure that this summer went by faster than any summer ever has for us.  The kids have both started school and Brooke has started KINDERGARTEN.   Brooke’s first day of school went really well and I didn’t even cry in the parking lot.  I cried for a few minutes on my morning run but all I could do once she got to school was smile.  She gave me a big hug (two actually, not like I was counting;) and a kiss and ran inside.  I watched for a few minutes from the window but it was impossible for me to be sad when I saw how happy she was to be there.  Her confidence and excitement (that morning she woke up 1.5 hours before she normally does) just made me happy.

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With all of the changes that come with this time of year, I came up with 5 personal goals that I want to work on right now!  I would love to hear about any goals that you are currently working on too!

1.   To eat more WHOLE GRAINS!!!   September is National Whole Grain Month and it is the perfect time to start adding in more whole grains to our diets each day.  With the kids back in school and things settling down around here I’ve really been wanting to take time to evaluate my nutrition and how I can make sure I am getting what the baby and I need each day!  According to NHANES, Food Patterns Equivalents Database 2013-2014, 99% of the population is NOT getting enough whole grain in their diet!  Time to choose foods with more whole grain!


My goal for the #ButFirstWholeGrain Challenge is to consume 48 grams of WHOLE GRAIN daily and to continue to do this each month!  As a runner, I’m a big believer in the importance of whole grains and how it helps me and my running!  My running times are better, my running is happier and I have the energy I need to hit my workouts when I consume enough whole grains!  A healthy diet including whole grains has so many benefits that are so important to me including heart health, improved digestive health and reduced risk of certain cancers.  I believe that whole grain is such an important part of our diets because of the energy, B vitamins/minerals, fiber and flavor they offer our diets!

My absolute favorite way to eat whole grains—> CEREAL!!!


All General Mills Big G cereals have at least 8 grams of whole grain per serving and many of them have 16 grams!  Whole Grain is the FIRST ingredient found in EVERY box of General Mills Big G Cereals!


I have about 50 reasons why I love General Mills Cereal but the first one has to be taste.  I don’t know what it is about cereal but it has me craving it all day long… I love it after a run and for my breakfast, as a late night snack while watching The Office with Andrew, or during the day with the kids too.  It makes mornings with the kids so much easier and they love it too.  I love knowing that the kids are starting their day off with whole grains before leaving to school or running around the house with all of the energy on the planet.   I love cereal because it is something that ALL of us love so much and it is so easy for us to eat before we have a busy day!  There are zero complaints when I get out cereal for our meal!  I cannot get enough cereal lately and the combination of cereal with milk hits all of my current cravings perfectly.

PS If you haven’t tried the Pumpkin Spice Cheerios, you need to now.  Come over for a cereal party:)


I’d love it if you joined me this month by taking on the #ButFirstWholeGrain Challenge and consuming 48 grams of whole grains each day!

2.  To multitask less.  I heard this quote from an Oprah podcast with Arianna Huffington and it really hit me.  Ariana said, “I abhor multitasking.  Being connected in a shallow way to the entire world can prevent us from being deeply connected to those closest to us- including ourselves.  And that is where wisdom is found.”  My normal brain (whether learned or partly just part of my nature) multitasks ALL OF THE TIME.  Whether it’s doing dishes while talking to the kids and thinking about my next blog post or writing emails while playing Go Fish and organizing my desk, for some reason I turn to multitasking often without even thinking about it.  When I think about the quote above it makes me realize that I am not fully engaging in anything when I multitask, I’m just giving a part of myself.  My goal this September has been to truly connect with who I am with or what I am doing before moving on to the next task.

3.  This one also goes with #2 but it is something I’m truly working on doing and it is helping me to multitask less.  Spending time each day where my phone is in the other room.  It’s so easy to constantly be stimulated by social media but I am loving having my phone either on airplane mode (so I can still snap pictures) or in the other room.   Dieter F. Uchtdorf said this and it is one of my all-time favorite quotes, “Love in family relationships is spelled T-I-M-E” and while I am able to spend a lot of time with my family, doing so without a phone makes that time even better.

4. Prenatal YOGA.  During this pregnancy I have done a great job getting in my cardio exercise each day but my body is telling me that I need to be stretching more.  I have not done prenatal yoga with this pregnancy but I am starting now.  I found some awesome videos on YouTube and can’t wait to start!

5.  Mentally, I have two goals that I am working on mentally.  I have been reading a lot about meditation and the benefits that come from this practice.  Most mornings I get up and either leave for my run or procrastinate leaving for my run by picking up around the house.  I have started to spend the first 15 minutes of each day sitting still.  Thinking, praying and writing down things I am grateful for.  This goal has been amazing so far and I am so excited to continue to do this.  My other goal in this category is to read two books per month!  Maybe we should start a book club together?

I’ll be focusing on these five goals and I’ll keep you updated with how I am doing with them!


**Join me in this challenge this month to get enough Whole Grains each day!  Put yourself first with #ButFirstWholeGrain by adding whole grain to your diet, including adding your favorite General Mills Big G Cereal with whole grain as the first ingredient!**


This week you can check out Monica from Run Eat Repeat, Tina from Carrots ‘N’ Cake and Jen from Fit Bottomed Girls and their AWESOME #ButFirstWholeGrain challenges as they are also working towards hitting their WHOLE GRAIN GOALS this month!  We are all going to be sharing ways each day this week on our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages about how we are celebrating National Whole Grain Month!


To enter this giveaway for some delicious and awesome General Mills goodness:


1.  Join me in my goal this month to get 48 grams of whole grains daily and leave a comment telling me that you are doing this challenge too!

2.  For an extra entry to the giveaway, leave a separate comment telling me your favorite General Mills Cereal (I will probably have to eat mine while I read your comments so I don’t drool the entire time)!

Giveaway ends on 9/18!

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I am going to try and participate in the whole grains challenge as well for the health benefits!


I am in for the challenge, but is it open to Canadian residents?


I have a few favourites!
Honey Nut Cheerios, Maple Cheerios (only in Canada?), and Cinnamon Toast Crunch (never eat this one anymore, but I do love it!)


My favorite General Mills cereal is Vanilla Chex!


I’d love to join the #ButFirstWholeGrains challenge. I probably need to be eating more whole grains, so I will add that to my goal of drinking more water each day!

And my favorite General Mills cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch (that post-cereal milk is incredible), but I also love Honey Nut Cheerios and the Pumpkin Spice Cheerios!!


I can’t wait to try out the #ButFirstWholeGrain challenge!


I am starting the challenge today. Thank you for the info.


My all-time favorite General Mills dessert are Vanilla Chex… The perfect after dinner dessert, in my opinion :)


I am in for the challenge!!


Favorite cereal would have to be honey nut cherrios with super cold milk and raspberries


My favorite General Mills cereal is without a doubt Cheerios! I eat them without milk by the fistful. When i am up for something a bit more sweet with milk- Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my go-to!


Ready for the challenge!

My favorite General Mills Cereal is Chex! I love the honey ones or the cinnamon ones mixed with tons of fruit! Yum!


I am in for the challenge. I’ll have to buy some cereal to help :)


My favorite is the flavored chex. Honey, vanilla, chocolate.


Joining you in this challenge!!


I’m in for the challenge!


My favorite is Cheerios with fresh fruit and powdered peanut butter!


I think my favorite GM cereals have to be Honey Nut Cheerios or the Peanut Butter Cheerios – YUM.


I am in for the challenge!


My favorite is definitely the Pumpkin Spice cheerios! Vanilla Chex is a close second!


I am joining the challenge!


I looove the Pumpkin Spice Cheerios, but Multigrain Cheerios are my go-to the rest of the year :)


I don’t discriminate across cereals, but those Pumpkin Spice Cheerios are AMAZING! Probably my favorite ever.


I started the challenge today


I love Cinnamon toast crunch


I started the challenge!


I will start the whole grain challenge today AND I want to try your pre-natal yoga challenge along side you as well :-)

I will get my whole grains via cereal as well! I love gluten free cherrios with whole milk and blueberries!


I am in for the challenge!


I am in for the challenge! #ButFirstWholeGrain


Golden grahams is definitely my favorite, but its hard to come by! So my back up is cheerios


I am ALWAYS multitasking – especially with my job as a teacher! How else are you supposed to do it?
I like honey nut cheerios :)
Enjoy your day!


I am up for the challenge!


Any my favorite cereal is Apple Cinnamon Cheerios!


My favorite cereal is Pumpkin Spice Cheerios!!


I don’t know that I can pick one favorite cereal, I love them all!


I love this challenge! I am definitely doing this !


That statistic of 99% of people not getting enough whole grains each day is crazy!! I need to up my cereal intake!


I’m in for the challenge! Whole grains keep my body feeling good and regular!


My favorite is good ole Cherrios!


My favorite is multi Grain cheerios


I definitely need to try those pumpkin spice cheerios ASAP! My normal honey nuts might need to take a back seat for fall. I also really love your September goals. Especially the multitasking less one – I am going to listen that Oprah podcast episode at work today. Love the phone in the other room, meditating, and reading ones, too. All ongoing goals of mine that don’t get enough attention when things get busy!


challenge accepted!


I’m in! :) Love eating whole grains!


multigrain cheerios


I’m in for the challenge! :)


My favorite General Mills cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios!


I’m in…the kid in me will forever love Lucky Charms =]


My favs are Cocoa Puffs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Sometimes I’ll even have cereal for dinner or a late night snack lol


Training for my first 10K- most definitely will be participating in the challenge :)


I am doing the challenge! I love Honey Nut Cheerios and the Cinnamon Chex!


Multigrain Cheerios mixed with Cinnamon Chex!!!! The best combo!


I’m in for the challenge!


What a great challenge idea. To be honest, we do struggle with whole grains sometimes so I feel like I could really benefit from trying. I like pumpkin spice everything so those cheerios are calling me.


I LOVED Team Cheerios! There were frosted, regular and brown sugar Cheerios in one box! Sadly they were discontinued :(


I just noticed another commenter named Kim K – small world but maybe I should change my moniker to Boston Kim K!


I am ready for this challenge


My favorite right now is pumpkin cherrios. So good.


I think I will try and commit to this challenge. Thank you.


I am doing the whole grain challenge! ❤️


Cheerios. A classic.


I’m definitely doing it!


And I’m in for the challenge


Cheerios!! The whole family eats them.


I’m a cereal KILLER honestly, but ny favorite General Mills cereal would have to be cinnamon Chex! (If you haven’t tried the blueberry yet, though, it’s a MUST) ❤️


What a great challenge! I try to opt for the whole grain option when possible at restaurants to try to get all 48 grams I need. My favorite cereal is probably Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Not the healthiest I know but it’s a good treat when I want a sweeter breakfast.


I love this! Enter me in that giveaway!
I am excited that the no carbs trend is out the door, because whole grains fuel our runs and we are BIG fans of a post-dinner/pre-bed bowl of cereal (even my 1.5 year old can spoon cheerios like a champ). – that’s how we get some of our 48 grams.


I love honey nut cheerios. When I asked my nephew (2) his favorite cereal, his dad said “well by volume, it’d have to be cheerios!” He eats them all day.

Also, I love your honey bee sweatshirt, so how can that not sway my vote?


Pumpkin Spice Cheerios (when in season) and Honey Nut Cheerios all the other days of the year!


#ButFirstWholeGrain accepted! I just went grocery shopping yesterday and bought a family size box of Lucky Charms.. my favortie!!!


And as mentioned in my previous comment.. i do love lucky charms but also LOVE the pumpkin spice cheerios… i’m probably going to need to stock up!


Whole grains are incredibly important to me as I get back into running and get over a fear of carbs. Thanks for the motivation and giveaway!


My favorite General Mills cereal are all the flavored Chex. And I’ve been oddly loving Corn Chex… random, but so good.


I am definitely going to try to get 48g per day! I’ve been trying to eat whole grains at most meals during my pregnancy, but don’t often think of cereal to help me achieve that goal.


Enter me! I love cereal!! I have passed that love down to my daughter, for sure!!!


Cinnamon Toast is my FAVORITE!!!


I’m going to participate!


Ahhh pumpkin spice Cheerios sound amazing! But I think my favorite right now is Cinnamon Toast Crunch- it’s like eating dessert. So good!


Cinnamon Toast Crunch is by far my favorite cereal!


I’m up for the challenge!! Greater excuse to buy more CEREAL! ?


I’m in for the challenge! Although I think I do pretty well with this already because of oats and cereal :)


My favorite GM cereal is the vanilla Chex!


My favorite is a 1:1 ratio of honey nut to multi grain Cheerios. Perfection!


My favorites probably shift weekly, but right now I’m loving Pumpkin Spice Cheerios with fresh blueberries or regular Cheerios mixed with all different kinds of berries or fruit… YUM!!


I’m in! Going to try and focus on whole grains like quinoa and rice!


My favorite is probably cinnamon or chocolate Chex! Yum!!!


I am in for the whole grain challenge!
And it is hard to pick 1 favorite, but I love Honey Nut Cheerios…it was the only “sugar” cereal my mom would by growing up so I think I will always love it.
Thank you, Janae!


I’m in!


We always have Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the pantry. It’s a house favorite!!


I love pumpkin spice cheerios, as they aren’t as crazy sweet as other pumpkin spice offerings we see


Such a great goal! I am in for this challenge :)


My favorite is honey nut cheerios but I do loveeee the pumpkin flavored ones!!


I’m in for the challenge!


My favorite is Honey Nut Cheerios!


Honeynut cheerios have to be my favorite, but now I need to try the Pumpkin Spice ones!!! I love everything pumpkin once fall weather hits.


I’m doing the whole grain challenge!


I eat cereal every night for snack/dessert! I usually eat Cherrios because we always have those in the house because I have a 3 year old!


Like Knox…Cinnamon Toast Crunch for the win! Can’t beat that sugary crunchiness!

Count me in for the month! #48gramsofwholegrains


I am in for the challenge!


My go to favorite is Honey Nut Cheerios! My special occasion “treat” cereal is Cocoa Puffs.


I think this is an excellent idea. Grains (aka carbs) are so important for runners, but unfortunately there are so many popular “diets” etc. out there that eliminate or really reduce carbs that people feel confused about whether or not we really need them. I’m all about some general mills cereal. I have cereal for dinner way more than I probably should. Haha!


My favorite is the Vanilla Chex. So yummy!


I will join the challenge!

My favorite cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios; however, in the fall – Pumpkin Spice Cheerios are my jam. They are so good!


I’ll join the challenge! It’ll help me fuel for my marathon in October!


And my favorite GM cereal is honey nut cheerios! But pumpkin spice are awesome too!


I’m in for the challenge!


I’m joining in with the challenge!

My favorite General Mills cereals are Honey Nut Chex and Reese’s puffs!!


Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my favorite!


I will totally participate in this challenge.


My favorite cereal will always be plain Cheerios.


I’m in for the challenge!

My favorite GM cereal was Banana Nut Cheerios. Sadly, they do not make them anymore :(
I love all the snacks you can make with Chex, so I guess that’s my favorite now.


Good Morning!
I love cereal and I am definitely up for that challenge!


My favorite GM cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios!


Sounds like a good challenge-I’m in!


Since pregnancy has always made me crave cereal, I am all in for the #ButFirstWholeGrain challenge!


I love regular Cheerios, especially while I’ve been pregnant! I ate a family-sized box by myself (or not by myself if you count the baby ;)) in like 4 days.


I’m joining! I recently started buying pre-made whole grain brown rice/chia packets to make lunches and dinners easier (necessary being a full-time grad student and working full-time) so this challenge is perfect to hold me accountable!


My fave General Mills cereal is French Toast Crunch – so glad they brought it back!


My favorite general mills cereal is honey nut cheerios!


I’m in! What a great challenge idea!


Go-to cereal is Cheerios (with fresh fruit added), favorite splurge is Cinnamon toast crunch – and that is my kiddos favorite too!


I am in for the #ButFirstWholeGrain challenge!


My favorite General Mills cereal is Wheaties!


I love pumpkin spice cheerios!! I also really enjoy classic/plain cheerios, too, though!


I am in for the challenge!! Love it!! I really need this for health and energy!!


My favorite General Mills cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios!! I love all of them though!!


I am going to participate in the whole grains challenge!


I’m in! I love mixing plain cheerios with almonds :)


I accept the whole grain challenge.


I’ll participate because I have lots of things to work on. I love your goal to spend less time in the same room as your phone because that is something I feel like I need to work on and something that I do that has always bothered me. Phone out of my pocket and put somewhere else now!


My favorite General Mills cereal is probably wheaties…sounds boring but it feels healthier than a lot of other cereals. But then they are all really good so…


I started eating the fruity cheerios! Delicious!


I recommend organic “cheerios” from Whole Foods or Trader joes, Bob’s red mill cereals. GM cereals contain trisodium phosphate (yes, TSP the cleaning agent) and GMO ingredients, and of course have been tested to show traces of Monsanto’s round up. Not feeding my child a cleaning agent for breakfast.


I will join the challenge! I love Honey Nut Cheerios! Thanks for having this giveaway.


Jenae, I love your goals! You’ve inspired me to make some of my own because yours reflected many of my own. And yes to the book club. I’ll join!

1. Do prenatal yoga. I have a video and did it very religiously for my first pregnancy, but I haven’t found the time with this one. I need to do that! I’m sure my little guy would enjoy trying it out, too. ;)
2. Exercise more. I used to be a religious exerciser, but the working-mom life has changed that. I need to do more so that my kids might be interested in it, too. Plus, I miss it.
3. Meditate more. I love this book (10 Mindful Minutes), which is actually by Goldie Hawn. You might like reading it!
4. Read more, social media less. Speaking of reading, I’m going to read more. I LOVE reading, but I have rarely done it since becoming a mom. I can replace scrolling through social media with some quality book time!
5. Leave the phone alone. My 2-year-old and I love to go on walks (he pushes his stroller, and I push the big one in case he gets tired), and we usually stop and play along the way. I don’t mean to, but sometimes I get out my phone and scroll while he is playing, but I need to just play with him and enjoy the quality time!

Thanks for inspiring me!


I am in for the challenge!


Cookie Crisp is definitely my favorite General Mills cereal. I may or may not have consumed an entire box within one day before. They are so addicting.


I’ll definitely be joining the challenge!


My favorite General Mills cereal (newly discovered) is Pumpkin Spice Cheerios!


Yes! Def participating in the whole grains challenge!


And favorite General Mills cereal is honey nut cheerios with sliced bananas :)

Buttt I do love cinammon toast crunch on my frozen yogurt!


I’m excited to start the #ButFirstWholeGrain challenge!


My family’s favorite has to be Cinnamon Toast Cruch! Yummy!


I am going to try the #ButFirstWholeGrain challenge!


Ready for the challenge!


Cinnamon Toast Crunch! the BEST cereal:)


I love the multi-grain cheerios!


This is great that you are doing this. So many of my friends are doing the gluten free fad (not because of food allergens) and are not eating the whole grains needed to fuel running.


Honey Nut Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch! YUM!


I’m up for the challenge!


I recently discovered Blueberry Chex and I cannot stop eating them! I also found a recipe for lemon blueberry muddy buddies and I am DEF looking forward to trying those :)


Cinnamon or Vanilla Chex are my favorite. I have celiac disease, so it is HUGE that General Mills has so many certified GF options!

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