Silentish Saturday!

Thank you so much for your sweet comments yesterday, they mean a lot to us!  I’ve got a few things to share from our day yesterday!

Knox left early with his mom so the two of us went on a short walk first thing in the morning (probably going to wait until next week to run).

Staying goodbye to each other for a few days.

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Snack of champions (I’ve added strawberry jam to my toast/pb/apple slices combo).

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Brooke happily joined me getting back into bed.

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And somehow I got talked into watching another movie where dogs talk.

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Totally worth it for the mid-morning snuggles.

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We have become quite the salad makers over at our house (cucumbers, apples, grapes, peppers, chicken, cottage cheese, romaine and strawberry poppyseed dressing)..

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I had some of Andrew’s salad too and it was amazing (romaine, chicken, corn, pico, peppers, black beans and another new dressing ((we have a problem right now))…

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We got in a little book reading too.

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I left the house twice… once to take Brooke to a play place.

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She insisted on carrying my purse because she was worried about me after Thursday.

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The second time we left was to get a concrete shake from Culver’s… my third this week.

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We ate them while watching Deep Water Horizon (SO INTENSE).

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Both kids were with their other parents last night.  Knox comes home this morning and Brooke comes home on Sunday night.  It was so weird to not do the normal bed time routine.

PS Isn’t it funny how kids will wake up way earlier than they need to when you don’t have anything to be to and then on the mornings where you actually have to be somewhere they refuse to wake up:)  Story of our lives!

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Running (and more interesting things than a discussion about how I stayed in bed all day;) talk coming your way soon… but first, I’m taking another day off from running and maybe I’ll do a little walking or something and a whole lot of resting again!  I felt drained yesterday and I’m just going to keep listening to my body and this little girl:)


Tell me three things that you are doing today!?!?


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I’m headed out to yoga in a few
Then I’ll be snapping real estate pics for a client
And then over to the boyfriends house for the rest of the weekend. I’ve been warned that we need to go to Home Depot to get a few things so that’s my exciting Saturday nite :)

Rest up! Running will always be waiting for ya. (Says the girl who has only been able to run 3 weeks since March.


3 things…………… and a short run today, taco night tonight, and i just got my first smart phone so I have to learn how to work it. ( I had been trying to avoid getting one, but my slide keyboard phone was having so many issues not receiving things and turning itself off even when fully charged) Went with the Galaxy J3 Eclipse……….don’t have the screen protector until Monday afternoon, so I am being SUPER careful with it right now…….ha!


Finally paint my bathroom. I’m giving a blister one more day before I run again, but hopefully tomorrow because the weather is wonderful here. Enjoy your rest day. Watch a good grown-up movie while the children are not home.


Oh I hope that blister is better and you get in a great run! Thank you so much Lew!


1. Run
2. Grocery store
3. Making food for the week


I already did my early morning racewalk and played Wii with my 6 year old who creamed me and said ” wow for your age, you aren’t really good at this”. We are headed to my in laws for an afternoon of swimming with cousins who my girls love but don’t see often!!


HAHAH oh do not worry… I am not good at any video games or the Wii either! You are not alone. I hope your day at your in-laws swimming was an amazing one Carrie! Great job on your racewalk!!!!!


I’m so glad you are okay!
Today I’m taking my daughter to get her haircut and I’m making my parents an anniversary cake for their 46th anniversary. Lemon raspberry cake, I think. And then probably chores like mowing the lawn and laundry so I have something to wear to work on Monday. Super exciting stuff! ;)
Take it easy and have a lovely weekend!


Thank you so much Christina! AHHHH that cake sounds incredible! It is my parents 46th anniversary this week too:) Thank you Christina and I hope you got everything done today that you needed too!


1. Fixing my blog because I broke it last night :( hopefully that’s a lot less work that it was getting to be last night.

2. Shopping with my mom and sister for my birthday. I started to notice that 90% of my clothes are around 10 years old haha.

3. Maybe a run, for sure dinner with my husband!


I’m also resting today:) I’m seriously so glad everything is ok with you and the baby.

Today I’m my three things are going to be: 1. Resting. 2. Spendinding time with my boyfriend. We plan to go to this car race. 3. Cooking a delicious breakfast because I’m hungry!!!


I’m glad you and the baby are ok. It’s always scary when those things happen. Those milkshakes look good…….

Three things: 14 mile run, breakfast, and back to school shoe shopping with the kids. I may need to get myself some new shoes even though I’m long outta school.

Enjoy your weekend and get some rest.


Thank you so much Lee! Great job on your 14 miler, that is awesome! I hope the shopping went great and that you find some shoes you love.


3 things….first XC meet of the season for my son!! Go Knights!! Laundry and running/weights!! That shake looks really good!


Oh that is so so exciting!! I hope you had an amazing run and time at the XC meet cheering on your son:) Thanks Nancy!


Brooke carrying your purse out of concern is absolutely precious!! Today I ran 7 miles, a friend is coming over for dinner and I get to try out a new recipe.

Have a great day Janae :)


So happy you and baby girl are still doing well! Brooke is just a beauty-and such a sweetie. Both she and Knox look happy which is a great testament to all of their parents!
I’m chilling today with a sinus headache and since my son is older I’m stuck watching Marvel superhero stuff on Netflix. I’m thinking right now that a talking dog movie would be a nice break-ha!


Three things: Just finished 17 miles, prepping some materials for school (the kids here start on Tuesday…ahh!), and hanging out with my husband.

So glad that you and your newest little one are doing ok!! :)


17 MILES!!! DANG!!! Way to go Emily… hope your Saturday has been great. Thank you so much:)


Wow – your salad game is extremely strong! I need to start adding grapes and cottage cheese to my salads. Looks sooo good.

I just did a Soulcycle spin class with my boyfriend – it was my first time spinning since my foot injury! And no foot pain woohoo! Hope you have a lovely Saturday :)


Listening to your body and doing what’s best for your family is always a priority! I hope you’re feeling better and letting go of stress while you lay in bed all weekend:) We all need some good rest sometimes!!
Those shakes look incredible!
I’m headed to a family party for lunch and a friend’s 27th birthday tonight. Evidentially my friend got an inflatable bouncy house for his 27th so…that should be interesting!
Have a wonderful, restful weekend Janae!


Thank you so much Kerri! I really appreciate you:) Sounds like such a fun day… enjoy the bouncy house!!!


Glad you are feeling better!

I’m doing a short little run soon, we are going to the beach later cause it’s going to be HOT today, hmm…..can’t think of a 3rd thing. My life is pretty boring and predictable haha.


I’m glad you’re feeling better.
The three things I’m doing to day are studying for my personal trainer exam, blogging, and watching Halt and Catch Fire. Half just started it’s last season, I’m so sad for it to end.


Those culver shakes are exactly what I need right now.

Three things I’m doing today:
1. 20-miler – DONE! (Hence the reason those shakes look extra delicious!)
2. House-hunting. I already own my house and my boyfriend own’s his but they just built up these beautiful new high-rises in our area that we’re both dying to check out. No intention to move but fun to look! :)
3. Dinner with some girlfriends! Love a good ladies night!

Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


WAY TO GO ARTHI ON 20 MILES!! That makes me tired just thinking about it ha. Oh house-hunting is the best! Enjoy your night with your girls!!


I’ve been praying for you and your family. I know this is weird, since I am an internet stranger, but I was thinking of you the other day when I was listening to a sermon and church service on itunes. I was like is this weird? Then I remembered that you and Andrew watch your general conference together so I figured I was probably on the right track. I hope you rest well this weekend.


Rebecca, sweetest comment ever… thank you so much for thinking of us and your prayers:) I just woke up from a 1.5 hour nap so I’m sure rested:) I love this community and can’t thank you enough!


I’m glad everyone is okay! I feel when I was about 7 months pregnant with my oldest on black ice. It was so scary but she’s perfectly healthy!

1. Run with friends. 2. Clean 3. Grocery shopping and hanging with the fam.


Oh Marissa, that is SO scary! I’m so glad she was okay:) I am nervous about the ice in the next few months… I can’t even stay standing upright at home! Sounds like a great day!!


1. 1/2 day of work, 2. some grocery shopping, 3. Hunt for a good movie to watch on my night alone!

Love Brooke’s horse sheets – do you remember where you got them?
So glad you are feeling ok!


Thank you Anne!!! Oh let me know what movie you watch tonight and if it was good:) The sheets are from Pottery Barn kids about 1.5 years ago. They are my absolute favorite. Enjoy your evening!


So glad you are doing okay!! Falling while pregnant is the scariest!

Random…is there a concrete shake or is that chocolate? Mainly because I would be really interested to know what would go into a concrete shake!! I could come up with some creative ideas!!!

1. Getting my car cleaned up to sell.
2. Trying to convince the kid to go for a bike trailer ride!
3. Finish mowing the lawn (I mow 3 acres and it take a WHILE.)

Enjoy your resting!! And your shake….it looks delicious!!


Thank you so much Leeann!!! So I’m not sure why exactly they call it concrete but basically you just choose chocolate or vanilla frozen custard and then add in mix-ins. If you have a Culver’s near you I highly recommend going asap haha! I hope that the bike ride with the kids was amazing and THREE ACRES… yeah, that must take forever!


That sounds absolutely delicious! And such Ann interesting name! We don’t have one near us, but I will absolutely be googling it for potential road trip stops! Yum!!


I can’t imagine how anxious you must have felt after that fall. I’m clumsy, and worried during all 3 pregnancies that I’d do something like that. :( Hope you’re feeling better.

We have a rare Saturday without a scheduled commitment, so I ran, cleaned the house (for hours – but didn’t do the dishes or laundry so it doesn’t look like I did anything UGH), and now the kids have friends over. Hoping to go out to dinner tonight!!


Thank you Lisa! Yes, I was so anxious! I feel like I am extra clumsy while pregnant. OH I LOVE Saturday’s without a million things planned! I hope dinner tonight is delicious!! Enjoy!


So glad you and the baby are okay! How scarey.

8 mile run
Wait for the plumber (our faucet in the bathroom went and it’s impossible to get the sucker out. It even took the plumber over an hour to get it out).
Trader Joe’s quick run

Don’t be jealous of this glamorous day! ;)


Thank you Nina!! I hope that the plumber fixed everything! Great job on your run and I hope you found some delicious things at TJ’s!!


Your salads always look so good! Do you make your pico and if so, can you share the recipe?


Hey Tiffany!! Thank you so much! So we do not make our own pico… we sure need to start though. We just buy it at our grocery store! I hope you are having a fabulous weekend!


Ohmygoodness. I tend to go through phases where I’ll buy like, 4-5 different new salad dressings to try, rotate through them all, buy another bottle of my favourite of the bunch, and then go through the process again with 4-5 more new ones. I always tend to always keep a bottle of my all-time favourite on hand as well for the times I’m having trouble deciding which new one I want. Weird? Perhaps … haha. But it helps me keep things interesting! ;)

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