My Tempo Tips (DON’T PUSH THE EASY BUTTON) + we need your opinions on this important question.

Yesterday was EXTREMELY rough for me to get out the door for my run (I mean, it is not normal to feel exhausted after 8.2 hours of sleep!?!) but by mile 3 I was very happy that I did.  7.1 miles @ 9:23 average and a light rain for the last 2 miles.

I attempted a selfie too but accidentally did a panoramic photo;)  It turned out lovely.

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Came home and had our morning porch discussion for a few minutes before starting the rest of the day!

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Yesterday Brooke and I went for a little nails date together!

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Funny how we both chose the exact same color… great minds think alike (or maybe I’m just having a hard time growing up;)!

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Lunch was tuna on one piece of toast (the first time I’ve had tuna in like a year?! It sounded really good) and one piece of toast with pb and j.

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And then we hit up the pool!  I posted this on Instagram but I had to post it here too because I love it so much:)

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We caught up on Clifford’s current life happenings.

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And decided that it is never too early for pajamas:)

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The three of us came up with what we should have for dinner… a cereal party.  Great minds think alike.

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This combo was everything and I can’t wait to have it again too.

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TV watching snack in bed… frozen grapes that are the size of golf balls.

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Of all the workouts that I miss doing… my number #1 would have to be Tempo runs.  I think the confidence that comes after a tempo run is absolutely amazing and it gives me quite the mental boost for race day.  My body prefers the comfortably hard workouts for longer distances over the short and fast stuff too.  I think that is why I choose to race more half-marathons/marathons than 5ks & 10ks (although, I’m making it a goal after this baby is born to get in some of the short stuff too)!

I personally usually do my tempo runs around race pace.  If I’m training for a half-marathon then I do my tempo runs at half-marathon pace and if I am training for a marathon then my tempo pace is usually about 10 seconds faster than marathon pace (and sometimes right at marathon pace for the longer tempos of 8-10 miles).  I love the tempo because it trains my mind and body to really know a certain pace and on race day my goal pace feels normal to me because I’ve practiced it so many miles during the tempo.


There are a lot of awesome benefits that come with the tempo run!

“During tempo runs, lactate and hydrogen ions— by-products of metabolism- are released into the muscles.  The ions make the muscles acidic, eventually leading to fatigue.  The better trained you become, the higher you push your ‘threshold,’ meaning your muscles become better at using these by-products.  The result is less-acidic muscles, so they keep on contracting, letting you run farther and faster.”  (source)

From Hanson’s Half Marathon Method:

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I’ve got a few tips (things that I do/remember) with the tempo!

*Remember with tempo workouts (like any workout) that it isn’t always going to be perfect (and sometimes far from perfect)!  BUT there are always positive lessons.  There are always things learned from the good and the bad workouts.  So if you don’t hit the paces, focus on the things you learned.  What works and what doesn’t work for you.  Think about how you can grow and excel next time.

*Remember throughout the workout that some pain/discomfort/uneasiness is good for us.  I think our world tries to convince us that when things get hard we just need to hit the easy button (i.e. buy more, scroll more, addictive behaviors, etc to skip the pain and feel numb)… but life isn’t meant to always be easy.  The hard stuff really is what brings the most growth and change in us.  It’s necessary to have the hard parts and when things are feeling rough during the workout, learning to be comfortable with the pain (not injury pain) will help us really grow into the runners we are meant to be.  Embrace the pain!  Focus on how this is making you stronger and that hitting the easy button on this workout isn’t going to get you to your running goals.  ***Talking a bit more about this tomorrow:)

*Believe in yourself, you are stronger than you let your brain think.  You’ve got this.  Below is a picture from a 4:45 a.m. run where my dad drove next to me:)

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*Break the workout into smaller increments… think about the mile you are in rather than thinking about how much longer you have (something I constantly need to remember).  If you did a tempo workout recently, focus on remembering how you DID THAT and rocked it… you did it before, you can do it again!

*Focus.  Tempo workouts take a lot of focus for me.  Learning to pace ourselves and avoid going out too fast or slowing down too much when we are tired takes a lot of concentration.  Tempo runs are not time trials… save your racing legs for race day but focus on holding your comfortably hard pace throughout the miles.

*Find the right course for you.  I usually stick to flat areas for my tempo runs and places where I can keep going without stop signs or having to cross streets (once I stop, it’s hard to get back up to pace again).

*I feel like the first half of the tempo run is all mental and the second part is all physical.  For the first half my body is feeling fresh and ready to run and if anything I am tempted to pick up the pace more than I should.  BUT during the first half I have to mentally continually tell myself to not doubt myself and to not think thoughts like, ‘holy cow.. I have 5.12 more miles to run at tempo pace… I haven’t done this forever, how am I going to do this?’  BUT THEN for the second half the mental part gets easy because I am getting closer and closer to finishing and I have already gone for x amount of miles so mentally I feel more confident that of course I can finish.   The second half of a tempo run switches over to a physical test for me and my body starts getting tired and my muscles tell me to stop.  Once you finish the tempo run, you have an amazing runner’s high because you realize you just got in some killer mental AND physical work.

*Make sure to have an easy day before and after the tempo run!  Tempos require a lot out of us so go into them recovered and recover well after!

*If holding a pace is really hard for you, practice this on the treadmill first.  On the treadmill your pace isn’t going to change unless you jump off or change the speed yourself so try adjusting to learning how to hold a pace by starting on the treadmill!  I LOVE doing tempo runs on the treadmill because it allows me to just FOCUS on the task rather than checking my garmin, watching for cars, crossing streets etc.

*Take tiny steps.  Don’t just start with a 6 mile tempo run or something.  There have been training cycles where I start out with a 2 mile tempo run.  You are probably following a training plan or working with a coach but if you aren’t, remember to take baby steps (What About Bob)!  I’d rather take some time to build up my tempo distances than take some time off because I jumped into doing too much, too soon.  If you are just starting to include tempo runs and learn how to do them try breaking up the tempo in the beginning—>  you could do 3 x 10 minutes with recovery jogs in between each 10 minutes @ tempo.

*You can also try out wave tempos!  These are fun and keep your mind occupied thinking about what is next:)  I explain why they work and the benefits in this post.  This was a wave tempo that I had while training for Boston one year:

WORKOUT FROM LAUREN!! She coached me for Boston in 2015:)

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*Don’t forget to start your workout with an aerobic warm-up for 10-15 minutesish followed by some dynamic drills and then doing the workout itself… followed by an aerobic cool-down for 10-15 minutes.


IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!!  Andrew and I had this discussion yesterday.  Do you ever buy the generic brands of products?  We are wondering what you think are a few things that you don’t like to buy generic (because the brand stuff tastes much better)?

-We concluded that graham crackers, cereal and ice cream (Tillamook, Blue Bell and Ben & Jerry’s please) are three things we don’t like to buy generic!

Are you a tuna fish fan… yes or no?  What do you eat with it?

What are your thoughts on the tempo run?  Any tips?  Would you rather do the longer comfortably hard stuff or the short really hard stuff?

For those of you that like mixing cereals… what is your favorite combo?!

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All of your tempo points are ON POINT! Tempo runs (and hill workouts, for some reason) are my favorite workouts (I MISS THEM SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!). They’re so challenging but also help us with our training in so many ways. And they’re so applicable to what we go through in life, too–it’s super hard and hurts for a period of time, but then it’s over, and we realize that what we went through only made us stronger than we were before. I keep trying to remind myself of that during this season of my life.

Cereal combos are the real deal. I love me some Cinnamon Toast Crunch with Honey Bunches of Oats (with almonds). Also, I’ll buy some things generic (ketchup, syrup, milk, and lots of things non-food-related), but others I won’t (like peanut butter and Wheat Thins).


My husband agrees with both of you! Graham crackers, Frosted Flakes and ice cream always have to be name brand. I definitely prefer name brand bread over the cheap store brand, it just seems more substantial!

I haven’t commented in a while, so I have yet to say congrats on your baby girl. I can’t wait to see what you name her!


Totally agree on the generic item list, Cereal off brand seems to be the worst one.
I just did a tempo run today 2 miles and it was so hard. Baby steps!
Tuna is definitely one of those things I have to be in the mood to eat. Only one of my kids will eat it so I usually make it when she requests it.
Hope you have an awesome day!!


Cherios, Blue bell Ice cream and medicines are one thing I definetly DON’T buy generic.

Today I attempted a tempo run and it went ok for one mile. Then my hamstrings were in horrible pain. I stoppped and walked for a few minutes:(. I think I’m better at longer distances at a comfortable effort.

I’m a super fan of tuna fish. Love to eat it in salads and sandwiches. My boyfriend hates the one that comes in the can. So I make sure to always eat it away from him lol.


My husband is more into buying the generic brand of things. I normally buy my tried and true. The only tuna I will eat is the one from Whole foods that has cranberries in it. Don’t know why but its the only one I will eat. My favorite mix of cereals right now is vanilla Chex with pumpkin spiced life.


I still have to work my way up to tempo running (baby steps), but I know where to come when I need advice! Right now I’m just focused on actually completing the distance haha

I usually shop at Aldi and Fresh Thyme and buy their brand products, but there is one thing I know I have to buy the real deal = La Croix! I tried the Aldi brand sparkling flavored water and it just did not hold up, even though it was $2 cheaper. Also, toilet paper.


Ice cream is actually one thing I do think tastes different from generic brand to brand.

But medicines have to be the same whether they are generic or not. We mostly buy generic or whatever is cheapest…we aren’t really brand loyal.

My only tempos or even workouts are races for a while. I will say those are the hardest days to get out of bed. For me personally, paces feel harder on treadmills so I avoid doing any workouts on those!


I will buy store or generic brands of things like paper towels but oddly nope I tend to be brand loyal.


I buy pretty much everything generic (I really like the Kroger brand at smiths) except Oreos and swiffer dusters. :) maybe there are other things but those are seriously the only 2 things I can’t think of off the top of my head that HAVE to be name brand. :)


Not food but I definitely don’t buy generic toilet paper or paper towels. No thanks! I also usually buy name brand only for nut butters, almond milk, Cheez-Its, candy, and cereal.
I usually dread my tempo runs but always feel awesome when it’s over! I don’t have many flat areas near me where I can easily do a tempo run so I mostly do them on the treadmill to avoid hills and traffic. Every now and then I attempt it outside though. I am super particular on what kind of music I listen to while I’m pushing myself like that – I actually have an Urban Latin playlist (and I don’t really speak that much Spanish) that I rely on for racing or speed work. There’s something about the fast beat that keeps me pushing even when I don’t want to. I don’t really understand the words but the music sounds good so I like it!
I don’t think I have ever mixed cereals before. Maybe I need to try!


I haven’t done a tempo workout in FOREVER! I used to love them in high school, but finding motivation now is a struggle. I should probably do one at some point in the near future :)

I get generic brands of a lot of stuff – but never peanut butter (Jif all the way), ice cream, allergy medicine, butter (Land O’ Lakes ftw), and laundry detergent (my husband is obsessed with Gain haha).

Have a great day Janae! You are rocking pregnant running :) You look amazing!


What about bob is probably my favorite comedy movie!

I just did a tempo run last night and it felt way better than I expected. I don’t run with a watch, just my phone so it’s hard for me to know if I’m hitting pace right every time. I’m still not where I want to be pace wise but I’m getting there now.

How do you take running pictures that always turn out clear?! Mine are super blurry every time hahahaha.


We do buy generic with quite a few things, frozen vegetables, medicine lactaid free milk, etc. But laundry soap, dish soap, cereal, etc we can just deal the difference. We also have specific things like Annies or Kashi granola bars that just can’t be duplicated.
When I informed my youngest awhile ago that she could mix cereals it sort o revolutionized her breakfast. The combo of Cheerios, life cereal, and a few frosted mini wheats are golden for her. She will not mix anything with Kix cereal and that is her favorite. She used to have a condition called FPIES which prevented her from eating oats and after so many years of avoiding Cheerios, I finally got her to not be afraid with the combo process!!

My girls LOVE tuna fish and my husband can not stand it. When he travels the first thing my girls ask is “can we have tuna fish??” Most of their friends will not go near it.


Um, does Costco’s Kirkland brand count as generic? Because if so, yes we buy pretty much the generic brand of everything haha. I also really like Target’s generic brand – I can’t remember what it’s called though. But I have never been disappointed in a Kirkland product!


I have never tried a wave tempo run – I will have to sometime!! Unfortunately I’m struggling with hamstring issues right now (high hamstring tendinopathy) and anything even slightly “speedy” is not a good idea, and beyond my skill set right now. But hopefully I will get back there next year!!
Cereal night is enjoyed around our house too. With cross country season back again, I see it happening quite a bit in our near future!! :) I might have to try the pumpkin spice Cheerios. I’m intrigued!


There are certain things we buy generic and some things we never do;

Will buy Generic:
– Canned tomatoes
– Vinegar/Flour + other assorted baking/cooking needs
– frozen vegetables
– Mustard
– sour cream + cottage cheese

Will not buy:
– Cereal
– Soup
– Coffee
– Toilet Paper
– Ketchup
– Pickles

I actually grew to like tempo runs in my last training cycle – I basically love any run that is different from just going out and running for a set amount of time.


LOVE YOUR LISTS and I completely agree with you Rebecca:) I am so happy you started to love the tempo:) That is awesome! Enjoy your Wednesday!


I think cereal and ketchup are my only two things I’ll never buy store brand.

There’s a cereal cafe here in NYC with so many options to mix a bowl of cereal. Going there feels like being back in a college cafeteria lol.


Oh I completely agree with the ketchup too… just can’t do generic. I need to try this cereal cafe asap! That sounds amazing! I hope your Wednesday is a great one Stephanie!


I can’t buy generic Mac and cheese. Kraft is where it’s at. Haha Such a silly thing to be so particular about but I stand by it!
Ok, so this is weird. I don’t mind tuna at all but I don’t like any other fish. Weird right? Seafood lovers are always so confused by me.


It took me a while to embrace the tempo run but I am all about them this training cycle! I’ve been doing them Thursday mornings before work and they put me in such a great mood for the day! All of your tips are on point – definitely feel you on the mental vs. physical battle. When I’m really hurting I remind myself of how great I feel when I’m done and that I can handle another x minutes of discomfort in exchange for that awesome feeling all day. I’ve also been getting better about not staring at my garmin the whole time, so it’s fun when the mile split pops up and I can see my paces get a little faster this week.


Diana, I am SO happy that you are loving the tempo runs this training cycle… good luck tomorrow morning! You are going to rock it!!! Keep me updated with how you are doing:)


I’m ok with generic on almost everything! Exceptions: ketchup, toilet paper, and pet food.


I think I buy EVERYTHING generic….

OH, but now I am looking at the other comments and I realize that I never buy generic Toilet Paper…I always buy Scott’s brand that is NOT fluffy soft but pretty flat and simple…my hubby bought the fluffy Charmin stuff once and oh, the discussion we had that night!!!! Yikes!


I don’t buy generic anything, probably why my grocery bill is always so high! I do however try to buy the fruits and veggies that are on sale each week. :)

I love tuna fish on Sea Salt Nut Thins, so good!!

I need to try a tempo run, I’ve only been running (on and off, I have trouble getting back into it after a race) for about a year. I just started 10K training last week after taking a month off (for no reason :|) and it was HARD! I pretty much just set a mile goal for each run and just go. I’d like to start trying to branch out though! :)


I’m so happy you posted this today! Tempo runs are the workout I have the hardest time with and with my third one tomorrow, I’m interested to see how it goes. These tips are awesome to help me tackle the run.

I’m all about generic products. I don’t see the point in paying more for name brand items when the generic brand tastes the same. Although I will say, sometimes the name brand is necessary. Oreo’s are an example of this. Not that I ever buy Oreo’s but the generic ones just aren’t the same!

Have a great day :)


I’m one month out from the Berlin Marathon, so I’ve been aiming for one tempo a week. This morning I did a fartlek tempo, with 10 w/u, then 2 min on, 1 min off x10, and ending with 10 min c/d. It was hard, but the different intervals helped it go by faster since I knew I only had to go hard for 2 minutes at a time before a recovery minute. Felt easier to get through this tempo than some of my others of simply running hard for extended periods.


This post was perfect for me today because I have a 7 mile tempo run to do after work! Looking back at my past tempo workouts, all the ones in the summer I have deemed as failures; the heat and humidity here in Boston just kick my butt! My last great tempo was 16 miles back in March when the 10 tempo miles wound up being faster than a standalone 10 mile race! Today is yet another hot and humid day, my Coach had me run hill repeats yesterday so I’m a bit fatigued, but I will do my best to stay in the moment and embrace the suck. This is what the BQ dream is made of right?

We buy generic for pretty much everything if it’s cheaper. Not brand loyal at all, except for like Gatorade and Powergels :)

And LOOOOOVE tuna fish. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Love a good tuna melt!


GOOD LUCK TOMORROW ON YOUR TEMPO KIM!!! Oh I can’t imagine the heat/humidity in Boston during the summer! Way to go on your hill repeats today, that is AWESOME!! Can’t wait to hear about your BQ:) Ohhhhh I need a tuna melt asap!! Thanks Kim!


I agree with you, I prefer the comfortably hard stuff over really hard and short races/runs annny day! On a side note: I have my first 20 mile run on Saturday! Any tips on fueling? I finished an 18 mile run a couple weeks ago and felt amazing, but after my 14 miler, Saturday, I threw up like 5 times and didn’t have an appetite. (I blame it on high temps/humidity) Do you have any fueling strategies you use though?

Tempo runs are my favorite too! So fun!


I buy generic pasta, cheese, and sometimes medicine. Never cereal!
I ate tuna sandwiches from subway weekly when I was pregnant! I would typically never eat that, but it always sounded amazing while pregnant. Weird craving!
Every single morning I eat a mixture of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Golden Grahams, and Honey Nut Cheerios. The best!! ?


I started craving tuna around 30 weeks pregnant and it hasn’t gone away. The doctor was all about it because of the iron and the great fats in it. But before that I hadn’t eaten tuna in months. I buy mine in a pouch, easier to eat at work!
The one brand thing I HAVE to buy is Almond milk, the generic brand tastes funny to me. Since I drink a lot of it and use it in smoothies I have to get the brand I like.


I buy generic tissues, paper towels, sandwich/storage bags, foil, parchment, wipes and trash bags. I’m loyal to brands for coffee, mustard, milk, TP, laundry detergent, yogurt and orange juice. Did you know that stuff like frozen pie crust, buns, cookie dough, bread and canned biscuits are all made in the same place regardless of brand? Some of the generic brands have a slightly different recipe at the store’s request.

Not a fan of canned tuna, but I love grilled tuna steak. Leftovers are great in a salad the next day.

I love tempo runs. Such a great confidence boost. I get so excited when I see the “new lactate threshold” on my Garmin after a hard tempo. You are so right about the first part being all mental. Once I get to the half way mark, I know I can finish even if it hurts. Thank you for the tempo tips! I needed the reminder :)


I’m a generic queen for the most part with some exceptions. Hygiene stuff = name brand all the way. Ice cream is hit and miss…of course the name brand tastes creamier, but some generic flavors are really good (Smith’s Private Selection flavors and Walmart’s Sea Salt Caramel Truffle are top notch). Mostly, I go by best price per ounce on things, though. So if a sale gives me a comparable price for name brand, I’ll always choose that. One thing I’m a real snob about though, taste wise, is pop tarts. Name brand is better. But we eat those maybe once a year, so, it’s not a big deal. :)


Name brand tuna! I love, love tuna. Fresh sashimi tuna, tuna steaks, poke, and canned tuna. StarKist or BumbleBee Spicy Thai Tuna packet only though. I’ve tried other brands and it just isn’t the same.

I love Cheerios and Cinnamon Life together.

I’m at the beginning of a training cycle for the Rock n Roll Savannah half. I’m going to incorporate some tempos in there. I’m pretty slow so it seems like all my runs are tempo. Just not on purpose.


I can buy most things generic but not ketchup (Heinz all the way!) nor Diet Coke. The rest, I can deal with. And tuna…there was one summer growing up when all I ate was tune melts every day for lunch. Delicious but that extra added effort to make it means that I just eat turkey.


Oh I could not agree anymore with you on ketchup and diet coke! The off-brands taste so so so different. Now I need to make a tuna melt asap:) Thanks Caroline and have a great Wednesday!


I love how interactive you are with your readers! :) I am not a runner and especially not now trying to heal a herniated disc, but I love your blog all the same! :) I come here for your positivity, energy, family, and overall kindness. :) Hmm, probably random for the brand-name question because I can’t think of much right now but Philadelphia cream cheese is one I like to stick with brand name. We just got into Korean style ramen and oh my goodness, we will never be switching back to any other brand. Have a great day, Janae! :)


Marie, thank you so much for your sweet comment… it means a whole lot to me. I am SO sorry about your herniated disc, please keep me updated with how you are recovering! I need to try the Korean style ramen… Brooke’s favorite thing right now is ramen:) I hope you have a beautiful day!


Thanks so much for kind comment! I’m doing so much better with my back. I got the steroid shot last November and the pain went away but my foot is still numb in areas and I have some problems if I’m standing too long, etc but I can’t complain. For awhile there, I couldn’t even sit without pain. I had to alternate between standing or lying down.

Here is a link to the first Korean ramyun noodles we tried. We love Korean style because it can sit longer than regular Ramen and not get soggy. Hope Brooke likes it; my kids didn’t like ramen before but love these.

These are the ones we love now. I was looking up a link for you and found that there is a blog that rates instant ramen noodles. :)


Oh goodness, you have been through so much with your back. Back pain is literally the worst… my sister can totally relate to you! THANK YOU for sharing. Off to get some now:) THANK YOU MARIE!


Yep I run that blog! In reality I don’t run, but we make a point of walking a lot. Enjoy your noodles!


If it’s available where you live you should try Umpqua Ice cream my love works for them it’s amazing even better than another Oregon ice cream Tillamook. We dont buy generic toilet paper, beauty products, paper towels but do buy a lot.


I’ve never heard of Umpqua and now I’m going to be on the search for it until I find it:) Thanks Courtney!!


I’m totally with you on your list! I think store brand graham crackers are the yuckiest things in the world. I also won’t buy generic PB. I have to have Justin’s. My wallet isn’t a fan but I can’t do anything else.


Oh Justin’s… so insanely GOOD. I need to stock up on some of that asap! I don’t know where they went so wrong on store brand crackers but they are so bad! I hope you have a great day Katie!


I buy a lot of things generic- salad dressings, popcorn, rice, hummus…but because of my gluten allergy, its a little more challenging to buy generic.
I do love tuna! My favortie tuna salad recipe is cherry tomatos, diced red peppers, and sweet corn with a little bit of olive oil (instead of mayo, which is not my fave)
I love tempo runs! They make me feel so strong and empowered. That said I often need to remind myself that not every run should be a tempo run!


Ohmygosh! Blue Bell truly is the best ice cream on this Earth, and they don’t have it in Cali :( But, I am running a marathon 12/3 and then visiting TX the weekend after and I will definitely have my fill of Blue Bell while I’m there!

There are a few things that I buy brand name, cereal, hair care products, creamer, yogurt, and most cleaning products.

I just made tuna melts for dinner last night. I put it on English muffins with a bit of cheese and bake it for about 10 min.

I am definitely an endurance runner so long runs aren’t overly tough, but speed can definitely be. I like both, but they’re definitely challenging in different ways and for different reasons.


Generic cereal and PB are big no-no items for me. There’s just something about the flavor or consistency that the name-brands get right.

Love tuna, and I mix it with mashed avocado (w/squeeze of lime) instead of mayo, then stir in chopped tomatoes and baby carrots. Delicious!


Okay, the mashed avocado/lime/tomatoes/baby carrots addition to the tuna… you are brilliant. I can’t wait to try this! THANK YOU! Oh I totally agree with you on the PB too! Have an awesome day Corey!


Wegman’s is our main grocery store here in NY. I like most of their generics better than the standard brands. I do stick with Hellman’s mayo though! I love tuna but my family does not…so I usually get it once in a while for lunch at a local deli. I find it interesting your dr is ok with you eating tuna pregnant. When I was pregnant 8 years ago with my son all fish was a no no. Tuna especially bc of mercury levels. It wall changes!


I eat Safe Catch tuna every day! You might like this concoction, Janae… primal mayo, grapes, macadamia slivers-all mixed with the tuna and folded into slaw lettuce for a huge salad.
Your tempo talk has inspired me to work these back into my plan. I need to shock my system!


The Texan in me loves you for giving Blue Bell a shout out!
Speaking of ice cream, on another running blog, I found out that Tillamook makes their own ice cream in addition to cheese! That just blew my world.

Thanks for the tempo run tips!


These are all awesome tips! I get so stressed out on my workouts that involve sprints and tempo work, I much prefer the long runs too! I’m going to definitely try to work on the focus of the mile I’m currently on instead of the fact that I have 5-6 more to go!


Cheerios! These have to be brand name. I notice a difference big time. And I agree with ice cream. Mayfield, here in TN, and BluE Bell. My two boys and I are all cereal mixers. Just whatever kinds we have we mix it up.


What a fun question about generic vs. name brands! I’ll give generics a chance most of the time and have found some that are acceptable, but one area where I never compromise is paper products – TP, paper towels, tissues. The generics are always thin and terrible and break easily. Also my dogs get organic name brand dog food from WF and I will never sacrifice on their food (my own on the other hand…ehhh…ha!)


Hi Janae! Thanks for doing a post about tempo runs! I am still confused by them though :( I ran my first half last year and just focused on running. Now training for my second half, I want to incorporate it all. I started doing speed work from your tip but I have NO idea where to even start with tempo runs. What does this mean: 3 x 10 minutes with recovery jogs in between each 10 minutes @ tempo. ?


HEY MADDIE!! Congrats on your first half last year and I’m excited for your second! Sorry I didn’t explain that better. If your half marathon pace was an 8:30 and you were wanting to do your tempo at half marathon pace then you would do 10 minutes @ a 8:30 pace and do that three times (with recovery jogs in between each 10 minute set). Does that make sense? Good luck!


Try your tuna fish like this: mixed with a little bit of mayo topped with sliced apples, cinnamon, and raisins if you’re feeling fancy. Don’t knock it ’till you try it!


I feel like that is something I would love!!! Thank you Sara, I am so trying this!


I think you were referring to food, but Q-Tips are something I will never buy generic again!! Huge difference!


Haha! My husband and I do a generic/brand name taste off! When we find the generic item of someting we normally buy brand name, we buy both (the generic and brand name) and do a blind taste test. I am surprised at how often the generic wins! Our wallets love the generic better too.
And, I love tuna. Sometimes we use it in place of crab for crabcakes and make tuna cakes. My kiddos love them.


Hi! I tried to look at older posts, I thought I’d remember to share with my husband, but what is the book/training plan Andrew is following for strength training?


Hey Ashley!!! It is called Bigger, Leaner, Stronger! Here is the link! Have a great day:


cereal mixing……the best. Any smaller cereal mixed with Chex (granola, enviro kids choco krispies if a dessert snack), cheerios added to honey bunches of oats. Yum, yum, yum. I feel like the mix makes sure there are no gaps in the bite.

generic ice cream is a no-go for us, too. Oh, and I’m not a mayo consumer but I buy Best Foods (Hellman’s), and for ketchup it’s Heinz just tomato or whatever that label says but always Heinz, organic or the “just” one.


I love how bright your nail color is – perfect for the last little bit of summer.

A co-worker of mine love s frozen grapes too. I have yet to try them. The ones you have are huge!


As I was reading your important question, I was thinking graham crackers, then I saw that was your answer, haha.


Is it weird that I will not buy generic medication? I know Captain Crunch is controversial as far as favorite cereals go because some people have to let it soften in the milk or it hurts the roof of their mouths, but I mix that with Cookie Crisps. Right now, my running coach has me trying to find my tempo in quarter-mile race pace runs. I have never truly said I am an “experienced runner” so I’ve never called it a tempo run. Is that still a tempo run if it is such a short distance to start to practice race pace?


No mixing cereal for me…blech.
The only things we don’t do generic on purpose are most cereals and all ice cream (except for Kroger’s Private Selection brand – that one is very yummy, maybe my 2nd favorite chocolate ever). Everything else is generic intentionally or a mix of generic/name brand depending on which has the better price at that moment.
I like tuna fish but don’t eat it all the time. I either eat it as tuna salad, in tuna/pasta casserole, or just plain out of the can when I feel low on protein and don’t have cold chicken in the fridge.
I would WAY rather do a tempo run than sprints at this point in my life. Too many years and too many stress fractures and knee surgeries for sprints…I’d rather run than limp. ;)


Tuna is AWESOME if you mix it with cottage cheese instead of mayo. Add some black pepper, bill, and Dijon mustard and you can’t beat it. Plus, it stretches a can of tuna pretty far and fills you up!
P.S. Tuna steaks are a completely different food than canned tuna. But both delicious in their own way.

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