My Friday FAVORITES + 10 ways to add unstructured SPEED to your workouts (they WORK)!!

Just one of my rest breaks on a bench with some scratched sunglasses;)  Normally (when I’m not pregnant) I try really hard to not take breaks during a run unless it is part of the workout to or I need water etc but these days… I just find benches all over the place to hang out on before starting up again.

7.07 miles yesterday… every .01 of a mile counts:)  I was going to run on the treadmill but fresh air sounded like a better idea once I woke up!

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During my run I was thinking about when we aren’t following a training plan… there isn’t a big race on the schedule but we still want to mix things up with our training or get faster without hitting up the track or a detailed workout plan.  I’ve got 10 different ways that I love to throw in some speed without a ton of structure.  These can be great too if you are starting a structured training plan in the next few months and want to get your body introduced to some SPEED! GREAT for the early season!!!  PS remember, save your 100% efforts for race day.  I try to focus on staying in the 70-90% range for effort during the intervals of these types of workouts.

1.  If you live in a hilly area (or can find a hilly route) and use the UPHILLS as your ‘unstructured speedwork/farleks’ and sprint up the hills!  Once you get to the top of the hill return back to your normal pace and then do it again once you come to your next incline!

2.  MUSIC… this might be my favorite one.  I will take the chorus of each song and speed up to an interval pace (so closer to 5k pace) for the length of the chorus and then jog during the non-chorus parts of the song.  You can also switch off songs and do one song at an easy pace and then the next song at a tempo pace (or a bit faster than tempo.. maybe half-marathon pace) and then keep repeating that for a few miles.

3.  Finish your run fast (you choose the distance/duration).  Maybe you are going out for 5 miles one day and you decide the last 1.5 miles or 10 minutes or whatever is going to be your fastest of the run… you could also progressively get faster throughout the entire run.  I love progression runs and I think they teach our bodies to speed up even when we are tired—> win-win.

4.  Finish each mile with a little speed… my garmin is set to lap each mile so each time I get to .85 miles (or wherever you choose) I could add in an interval until the end of the mile with a pick-up in pace!

5.  On the treadmill?  I ALWAYS play around with the paces on the treadmill to save me mentally:)  Mix it up and try things like 2 minutes fast, 3 minutes easy or 1 minute fast, 4 minutes easy.  Love short intervals, try 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off!  One mile on, two miles off… the possibilities are endless on the treadmill and you have your water there the entire to keep you hydrated during these speed workouts!  (These ones are a little more structured but I need some structure on the treadmill).

6.  If you have a track close by throw in some straights vs. curves intervals in the middle of your run!  I love doing this… sprint the straight part of the track, jog/walk the curves and repeat until you are ready to hit the roads again:)

7.  Street blocks.  Here in Utah pretty much every block is close to .1 in distance.  Every now and then I will go fast for one block and then easy for the next or fast for one block and then easy for two.  It keeps your mind occupied, that’s for sure!

8.  To go along with the above one, choose different landmarks to run to for each interval.  The next drinking fountain, the stop sign, the yellow car parked down the road… choose it and don’t slow down until you get there (if anything really pick it up more during the last 20 steps or so of the interval).

9.  Have some running partners?  Play follow the leader and have each person decide the length and speed of the interval and take turns chasing each other.

10.  Training with a heart rate monitor?  You could use that to be your thing to determine your interval… get your heart rate up to 165 (or you choose the number according to your current fitness) and stay around that number for 1-2 minutes and then get your heart rate back down to 140 for 1-2 minutes before going again!


Lunch of champions right here:)  I went a full day or two without Bisquick and it tasted better than ever yesterday!

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I always get a little bit nervous when the house is completely silent because that usually means they are up to something but yesterday was different… they were busy ‘practicing school.’

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Before dinner we made it over to the dollar store because these two both had a dollar to spend so they searched the aisles looking for the perfect thing.

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After Brooke went through her book of puppies she decided to start drawing them while Andrew and Knox played army guys for a while.

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I had all sorts of great ideas for dinner but grilled cheese and tomato soup won (mainly because nothing else sounded good).

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And then we had our Family Night.  We talked about how we communicate (non-verbal ((eye rolling is a big thing over here lately)) and verbal:) with others and I think it was a success.  They also had a donut (ehhh the frosting of a donut) as part of the night.

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I had Rhodes Rolls for my Family Night treat:)

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We got to work on making Brooke’s rainbow birthday cake.  A sweet reader sent me some awesome tips on how to do this one including making the layers beforehand and freezing them so that it is easier to frost it all… THANK YOU!  You guys teach me so much!  So far the layers have all turned out really pretty.

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Time for a few of my current FRIDAY FAVORITES!!!

1.  This race memory popped up on my Instagram yesterday and it made me happy to see these kids so young.  This was my first race to ever break 1:30 in the half-marathon and I had all of my family (that live in Utah) there to cheer me on.   I decided the morning of the race to do it and I remember using swedish fish that day as my running fuel:)

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2.  This is random but I have been trying to help my hair avoid damage (I don’t sleep with a ponytail anymore wahoo).  I even have stopped blow drying my hair and only do sometimes when it is just about dry for a minute or two.  I shared what I’ve been using for my shampoo and conditioner but I thought I’d share my other favorite hair products lately (most recommendations from my sister because her hair is ridiculously beautiful).  My sister always recommends having some good product on your hair before doing any styling so this is what I love:

*This Biolage gel!  I don’t wash my hair often (usually ever 3-4 days) but each time after the shower I use a little bit of this on my hair before styling.

*Biosilk Silk Therapy. I LOVE how shiny this makes my hair.  I love the smell too.

*Bed Head Hard Head hairspray.  I use this when I curl my hair and it holds the curl SO good for a long time.  If you aren’t a fan of heavy hairspray then probably don’t use this one but if you really want your hair to stay in place, I love this one.

*Kerastase Nutritive Hair Thick Mask deep conditioner.  I use this usually every other week on my hair to condition (and I wash it out with cold water… another tip from my sister) and my hair feels so soft after using this.   You just use a little bit of it and it lasts forever!

*Argan Oil.  I LOVE using this for hydration and moisturizing my hair.  I use just a little bit on my hair (before the gel) after I wash my hair and I apply right to my scalp and hair!

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3.  A reader tagged me to this post about a heated shirt and this is absolutely going to help me get through the winter (well, probably after the baby because she is doing a really great job being my own personal heater that goes everywhere with me:).

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4.  Best life reminder for me… this was one of the biggest lessons I learned as a teacher!

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5.  I asked Brooke and Knox for their Friday Favorite and they are still team trampoline.  Especially when they get to wear pajamas until the afternoon (oops).

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6.  Stephanie shared with me the BEST tips video to help kids to pick-up!  It talked about ways to motivate them and it completely motivated me with a whole new list of methods to try… and then I got sucked into watching all of the other WhatsUpMoms videos on their channel.  I’m hooked.  The Toy Organization hacks one is everything.  I spent way too long watching these yesterday ha.

7.  Jenny Simpson’s INCREDIBLE (I get goosebumps when I watch that last 100m) 1500m finish at World’s this last Monday.  You can watch it here… her final kick is insane!

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8.  That leggings season is almost here… it is the perfect timing with my pregnancy too:)  Just as my normal pants aren’t fitting anymore (I haven’t been able to button them for a while) it is turning into the time of year where it is perfectly acceptable/comfortable/cool enough to wear stretchy leggings every single day of my life.  These are my current favorites:)

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A reader asked me this question yesterday so I thought I would ask you too!

“My husband and I have been having this ongoing debate… What utensils do you use to make a PBJ?  One knife, two?  Other friends swear by one spoon, one knife… I’m curious!  Everyone has a method but so far we are both stubbornly sticking to our own:)”

Use any products in your hair after you wash it?  Do share!

How do you add in speed work (outside of what a training plan tells you to do) into your runs?

Have any Friday Favorites to share… what is your favorite part of today going to be?

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I definitely use a spoon for pb&j. And I need to try those Rhodes rolls for sure!!

My weekend won’t be too much because I’m having to have another surgery for my kidney today. I could really use some prayers that it goes well and that I could get rid of all of my kidney stone issues for good.


Sending you positive thoughts and prayer for your surgery today!


Sending prayers and healing vibes your way!! Praying that everything goes well and that you have a speedy recovery!!


Thinking about you Natalie!!! I am so sorry about this and you will definitely be in our prayers! Please keep me updated with how you are doing!


Prayers for a speedy recovery.


I think I definitely need a better hair routine. Right now I just use It’s a 10 Leave-In product, which is a really great pre-styling product, but I still find my hair gets really gnarly after I shower, so I think I might need to switch up my shampoo and conditioner (again!)

I just use one knife for PBJs… no point in dirtying more than one utensil. But I always do the PB first because it’s easier to wipe off on the rim of the jar (or err, to eat off the excess…) and usually won’t get stuck in the jam jar and make the remaining jam all gross. Vice versa and the jam tends to stick to the PB in the PB jar and that’s nasty the next time you use it. Works for me!


I use the It’s a 10 spray (the one with the pink cap) as a detangler and anti-frizz treatment. Then I let my hair air dry a little before parting it and using a little a gel from Pureology. I don’t know what the exact name is because I don’t have it with me at work and can’t find it on Ulta’s website, hopefully it didn’t get discontinued!
When we would be on a path for cross country and track we would do light post sprints so sprint for the length between two light posts then go easy for the next two lengths.
My favorite part of today will be pizza for dinner after my 6 mile run.

Have a great day Janae! :)


One knife only for PBJ… I usually do the jelly first and then use the other slice or half of bread to wipe any remnants on. No sense dirtying more dishes than necessary!

I swear by the CHI heat protector spray. I usually only wash my hair every other day, but if I do want to straighten or curl it, I use this spray beforehand, and it’s wonderful. And not too expensive either! I have tried to go more than 2 days without washing but I can’t figure out how people manage that…I think my hairline is where I sweat the most when I run, so I feel like it’s really “dirty” if I don’t wash every other day. And I’m paranoid about it smelling or looking weird.

I LOVE progression runs – that’s the “easiest” way for me to get in speed work without a training plan. Plus I think it’s kind of fun to compete with myself. Otherwise, I do use the block trick – run one block fast, one easy, repeat!

My favorite part of today will be when I get off work… I enjoy my job but it’s been a really hectic week and I am looking forward to just going home and doing nothing! That and I made two kinds of scones and brought them in for my coworkers and there’s just something I really enjoy about providing yummy food for other people… so I have a sense of satisfaction from that!


I would love to know more about how you plan your family nights (choose the discussion topics, activities, etc.) I have two four-year-olds, and I think it would be an awesome thing to implement at our house.


HEY LAUREN!!! Yes, we seriously love family night and our kids get so excited when they find out it is Thursday (the night we do it because we always have both kids on Thursday nights:). Andrew and I usually plan it out together each week and figure out something that we think would be great for our kids to learn about/work on/understand better. From there we plan an activity to do (yesterday we did a puzzle) and a treat! We also get lesson ideas form here: (Family Night is something that our church encourages to really help strengthen family relationships and communicate… I even did it growing up with my family)!

Let me know if you have any questions and if you try it… I want to hear about it!


I love the Kerastase line of products! I’ll probably pick up a few new ones this afternoon because I’m getting my hair cut into a short and sassy bob!

I always use a butter knife for PB and a spoon for the jelly! Otherwise it cross-contaminates the jars and that drives me crazy, haha! Also, then the jelly doesn’t slide off of the knife!


Love the idea of a rainbow cake! Can’t wait to see how it turns out :)
I use one knife and I always do the peanut butter first, then jelly (I use the other slice of bread to clean the knife). My husband swears that you’re supposed to do the jelly first! Men are so weird ;)
I have stopped sleeping in a ponytail too and have noticed so much less breakage!
Have a great weekend Janae!


I don’t really eat PB&J but I do LOVE a piece of toast with peanut butter, drizzled honey, topped with blueberries. For that I use a knife for the PB and a spoon for the honey drizzling!
I really only like to add speed work on the treadmill because I generally find the treadmill boring and I have such a hard time controlling my pace otherwise (because I don’t have a watch anymore). I’m slowly getting back into to shape after a year-ish of not really doing much so I haven’t been doing much speed work.
Have a great weekend & happy Friday!


Well, now you are making me crave your toast/pb/honey/blueberries creation right this second! Seriously, speed helps so much on the treadmill to keep it fun ha! Keep me updated with how you are doing and have a great weekend Meg!


One knife. If you’re worried about it getting peanut butter in the jam, just wipe it clean on the jam part of the bread before you dip it in.

I NEED that shirt!!


For my PBJs I use one knife and one napkin. I will wipe the PB out of the knife with the napkin and then proceed with the jelly. I think it’s easier and I only have to was one knife afterwards.

Adding speed work out of my training plan is so easy for me. Just give me an easy run in nice weather conditions and after two miles, I’ll be speeding without even realizing it. I normally will stop doing it If I still have lots of miles to go, or if I have lots of runs to complete that week. But if that isn’t the case, then I’ll just let it go until I can’t hold that fast pace anymore.

Hope you have a wonderful Friday, Janae:)


I love using Redken Anti Snap after I get out of the shower.


I love Redken products… I’m going to have to look into this! Thanks Katelyn!


I LOVE your family night ideas! If I ever have a family of my own, I would do something like this. Full credit given to you and your family for being the great idea makers of course ;) Wising you a wonderful weekend!!


Oh thank you Amanda!!! I hope you have an awesome weekend too and thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it a lot!!!


Try lululemon align pants!!! They’re life. changing. High waist, no compression, full coverage/always flattering. They’re not a running tight but an awesome everyday tight! Have a wonderful weekend :)


Those sound amazing!!! I need to go get them now! Thank you and I hope you have a great weekend too Katie!


I use the squeeze container jelly so only one knife for the pb :)


Yay – thank you for helping us settle the PBJ debate! I will be stalking these comments all day :) For what it’s worth, I have always used 1 knife only for PBJ and my husband always uses 2. Interested to see what everyone else says!


Well, it’s an important question so thank you for asking!


I’m a one knife PB and J’er! PB first, wipe off the excess on the bread(or lick it off lol), then jelly!


Janae- I listened to the Lindsey Hein podcast episode you were on finally. I’ve been reading your blog since you started and I found it so interesting hearing about your life on a podcast. I know it’s weird but I felt like I “knew you” already through the blog, but hearing you talk more about your personal life & being in that different setting made me feel like I knew you even more. I used to have 10-15 blogs on my reader and over the years it’s down to just you. So I hope you continue to blog for a long time haha! I’m so happy for you & your family!


CAIT!!! Thank you so so much for reading over the years and for listening to the podcast. That means a lot to me that you still read, seriously thank you! PLEASE keep in touch and let me know how you are doing and if you are ever in Utah, let’s go to Cafe Rio! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


Knife for the peanut butter and a spoon for the jelly.
Also, love the bible (with all the note papers sticking out) on the table in the background of one of the pics!


Oh thanks Susan:) I hope you have an amazing weekend and a spoon for the jelly is an excellent idea (I can never get enough on with just one swipe of the knife;)!


I am mixed with the pb and J thing (almond butter or wow butter at house due to a peanut allergy). I set out with two utensils, a knife and spoon and typically just use a spoon!

I know this was yesterday’s post but we do have a chore system for my girls (ages 6 and almost 10). It is tough with the age difference because the oldest thinks that the youngest should be doing the same chores. For the most part she does, I just go a bit easier on the 6 year old and there are some differences. My oldest has been doing her own laundry since age 7 and the youngest will start when she turns 7. Both girls switch off weeks in which they wipe down their bathroom counter top and sink every day and they also have assigned days for setting the table. They must make their beds. Stripping sheets and putting them back on are also expected 1x a week but I do help my 6 year old put them back on. So that is the required items, the rest are our popsicle stick chores. I have random chores written on popsicle sticks and we have a ton of blank ones. They must do 6 a week. This gives them choices and prevents boredom. We have been doing it for over 6 months and it works well. At the end of the week I add up the sticks and put it on their points chart. They fill up a points chart and pick prize (can spend a gift card, a donut coupon card, special outing, etc). Keeping their rooms clean has been a learning curve. They know that we must be able to vacuum and that things need to be off the floor. It is their rooms so I have found that I need to realize that they have their own expectations. If my youngest choices to put a bunch of toys in her basket trunk then I am now ok with them. It is easy clean up for her. We have a play room and that MUST be kept organized. The number one thing I have learned is that we don’t have one day a week in which we do a big clean up, we do a little bit at a time. My girls do more then most kids. I might have the rare 6 year old who knows how to clean a toilet, mop a floor, and dust an entire first floor!!


THANK YOU X a million for sharing what you do with your girls! I completely agree about different ages having a bit different chores! POPSICLE STICK CHORES and the points chart… I seriously LOVE THIS idea. This would work so well with our kids:) I also love the idea of doing a little bit at a time, I love it and you sound like such a good mama! Teaching kids to work is SO important!


Also, feel free to send over any other parenting tips that you have used and works:) Thanks Carrie!


it never occurred to me to use two knives to make peanut butter and jelly. one knife it is over here!


I use a pretty thick conditioner and then a detangler for my hair. Then I follow it with ten layers of gel…ha.

I use two knives for PB and jelly but my husband and I both eat them so we end up only using 2 if that makes sense.

I find when I’m not seriously training, unstructured workouts are best for me. I haven’t been to a track since the winter.


One knife. Do the jelly first since the excess will wipe off more easily and then pb. Done. Although I can’t remember the last time I made a pbj!

Without even trying my runs usually involve me getting faster as the run goes on (when I’m running outside). When I’m on a treadmill I also tend to speed up as I go and I love to finish the last .15 or .10 like it’s the finishing shoot at a race and I finish strong!

My dad’s cousin is a big hairstylist in Hollywood and she came out with her own line of products that I’m loving! It’s called Ouai. So far the dry shampoo and the medium hair spray are my favorite. Though I did get a sample of some special shampoo and conditioner with my last order and whoa, it made me hair SO soft and shiny.


That is so cool! I’ve seen the Ouai products and really want to try them!


Leggings are the best. Even when you’re not pregnant. ;) You are such a good mom for many reasons, but also for making that rainbow cake for Brooke! It looks like a ton of work! I love that quote you shared. Such a great reminder, especially for me. I find myself being judgmental way more than I like. Have a great weekend!


My husband & I both are team ONE knife for a PBJ, we do PB first, and I use the second piece of bread to clean the PB remnants off the knife before diving into the jelly.

I make a traditional PBJ, hubs on the other hand makes 2 open face sandwiches if he’s eating them at home. I personally think that makes the bread to stuff ratio all wrong, but, he seems pleased with it, so I let it go. ;)


HAHAH I agree that makes the ratio off but that is sure a creative way to eat it:) I love it! Thanks for sharing Jessie and I hope you have a great weekend!


Happy Friday!
I definitely use one knife only for my PB&J. But in a pinch I’ve use a spoon before and it works alright!
I also use argan oil after I wash my hair! What’s really helpped my hair is pressing pause on the heat tools. I used to dry/straighten/curl my hair every single day and it was looking pretty damaged. I weaned myself off the heat and figured out when to shower so I have time to let it air dry. I still curl it for special occasions, but my hair is so much healthier now that I don’t even feel the need to heat-style it!
I loop around a pond near my house a lot and I definitely push myself to run the straight sections and jog the curves. It really helps me gain some speed:)


Seriously, I think that is the best thing you can do for your hair! I just need to take a break from the curling iron now too! Oh I LOVE your pond workout…. sounds perfect!! Have an awesome weekend Kerri!


I use 2 knives because I have OCD and CANNOT allow the jam or PB to be “contaminated”! I’m like that with all my condiments/sauces.

I love all those unstructured speedwork ideas. I can’t wait to try them someday when I am finally not training for a race.

About Rabbit, I have to thank you for introducing them to me because I would never have heard of them otherwise! I had to hold myself back after buying 2 pairs of shorts and 2 tanks from them, all of which I love, fit so well, and are currently my favorites :) I’m always sad when they are dirty and I am forced to wear my other clothes on my runs… I haven’t tried their tights yet since it’s still summer, but I am already afraid for my wallet.


AHHH I am so glad that you are loving Rabbit now… they have the cutest stuff. Oh maybe don’t try the tights hahah… they are awesome! I hope you have a great weekend Cat and thanks for your comment!


I’m not a PBJ eater, so I’m no help here. I’m cracking up at these answers :)

My favorite hair product right now is R&Co Dallas Thickening Spray. It’s great for my fine, straight hair. It gives my hair a little body without making it big and poufy. I also like BedHead Maxxed Out hairspray. A little goes a looooong way.

I like to do hill workouts for extra speed and strength. There is a very hilly neighborhood I run with my friends and every time we start the hills, I think I’m going to die. It’s five streets up and down and then we turn around and run them again for a total of 6 miles.

I finally listened to your Man Bun Run podcast! Loved it! It’s so fun to listen to you on a podcast. I learn something new about you each time. Brooke’s cake is going to be so cute! Can’t wait to see the final result.

I’m looking forward to a birthday party for one of my running friends and maybe some pool time if the weather permits and of course RUNNING!! Yay Friday!! Happy weekend!!


Oh thank you for listening to the podcast! Glad I got to join you on a part of your day:) Thickening spray… that sounds awesome! Oh hills are the BEST for getting faster (I need to start running up hills again ha)! Enjoy the birthday party and your entire weekend! Thanks Elizabeth!


I love speeding up during the chorus of a song and slowing things down during the rest of it – it makes my runs go by so quickly, too!
Regarding PB&J’s – I use one knife for everything. The less dish washing there is to do, the better.
Hope you have a great Friday, Janae!!


One knife for PB&J! Put the jelly on first and wipe the knife clean on the other piece of bread before you apply peanut butter :-)


Ha! I was wondering about peoples’ order after seeing the question. I put the pb on first. I’ll try the jelly first next time to change it up! Such excitement over here :)


I was wondering what kind of tomato soup you buy or make?!


HEY NATALIE!!! So our FAVORITE is the one from Costco (in the refrigerator section) but they don’t sell it in the summer (boo) so we have just been using the campbell’s one until Costco sells it again. BUT if you have a homemade recipe that you love I would LOVE to have it! THANK YOU!


one knife and a spoon all the way!!!


I plan meals a week at a time – DD (11) asked for grilled cheese and tomato soup. Tell me more about your soup! Do you make it from a recipe??


HEY AMY!!! So we NEED a homemade recipe and our favorite tomato soup is the Costco one (it is SO SO GOOD) but when they aren’t selling it (like during the summer), we just buy the campbells soup:) Keeping it fancy! We added turkey to our grilled cheese sandwiches last night and they were delicious! If you have a good recipe for tomato soup ever please share:)


Here’s the tomato soup recipe that I love because it’s so easy. I use fresh tomatoes in the summer/fall and canned throughout the winter. And I just blend it in the pot with an immersion blender so very little cleanup. You can add cream or milk at the very end if you like a creamy version.


THANK YOU SO MUCH Michelle for the recipe, this looks so good. Can’t wait to try it and I hope you have a great weekend!


Since you don’t wash your hair everyday what do you when it’s super sweaty from running? I don’t run everyday and I’m a stay at home Mom so I can get by with dirty pontail hair but you run everyday so I assume it gets sweaty?
I started watching those YouTube videos too and got hooked on watching them. I haven’t implemented them yet but I liked the ideas!
And is it already cool enough for leggings in August? Here in TN it’s still hot like summer in August and September.


Hey Mary! Great q… to be honest my head doesn’t really get that sweaty when I run. The same goes for my sister (we are weird:). If it is, I will just blow dry it for a second and it is good to go! Glad you love the videos, they are addicting ha. It’s not quite cool enough for leggings but I’m just starting early (comfort> temperatures for me ha)! Thanks Mary and have a great weekend!


I don’t really use product in my hair – lazy after shampoo and conditioning haha. Favourite part of Friday – Heading up to Manning Park, British Columbia in a few hours with some friends to cheer and crew for a girl friend who is running a 120 mile race (she started at 10 am this morning!)


Spoon or one knife. Depends on the type of peanut butter. Some you have to stir.


How did you break your habit of sleeping with a ponytail?!?! I do this nearly every night and know it’s probably terrible for my hair.


Great q… it was so hard ha! I’ve always done that but I decided to just stop so I just don’t do it anymore because I think it was causing a lot of breakage. Sometimes I forget and realize right before I’m asleep and then take it out too:) Good luck and I hope you have a great weekend!


Ahh!! So funny about the pb&j question!! I am that reader’s long lost sister. This question so piques my interest since I have pb&j EVERY single day of my life (I want pb&j to be my last meal on earth). I use one knife and I wipe it in between the use of pb & then j. Hmm.. how about this – do you put the jelly on first or the pb?? I put the pb on first :)


I am shocked that this is a question because doesn’t EVERYONE use one knife?! Jam first, wipe the excess off on the other piece of bread, then peanut butter. I cannot imagine using a spoon.. a SPOON?! How do you spread that?! I am speechless. LOL. Also: I cannot STAND a sloppily made sandwich.. I put a LOT of jam and PB and spread completely to every edge. My husband kind of slaps it together and it makes me crazy!


Yay!! I’m so happy you found their videos helpful! My sister and I love your blog and have been following you for years! We love getting to see Brooke grow up (she’s so adorable and SO smart!!) and are so happy you found Andrew and Knox! :)


Right now, on my street, I am running every time I reach a driveway as a way to get a little run-walk-run interval training when it is not a specific speed workout. That is a good idea with the music! What’s your favorite song to do that?


Omg that Rhode’s Roll looks AMAZING. Yes, that’s all I took away from this whole post. Want to eat it now.

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