15 Running Hacks to Make Running Easier + our GOAL with the kids.

Brooke asked for a locket for her birthday and it makes me happy when she wears it.  She asked for a picture of us to go inside so on one side is a picture of my nose and left eye (that is all that could fit;) and her face is on the other side..

I have been using Andrew’s wireless headphones and I’m in love.  They don’t even move when I am running.  They also don’t get caught in my lip gloss (I put on a thick layer of lip gloss before each run because dehydrated lips drive me CRAZY during a run) or my necklace (because taking off my necklace before a run requires too much work).

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I attempted a self-timer photo while I was out but it didn’t work out that well…  Maybe the blur effect makes it look like I’m running a 5 minute mile though?

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Either I felt faster for my run or I had to be back by a certain time… I think it was a combination of both things.  I was happy with the 9:04 average!

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After getting a bunch of work done at home and around the house, Brooke and I had a date to go see Leap!  Tuesday’s are really cheap at the movies here and a big air conditioned room with recliner seats were calling my name.

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I don’t think Brooke stopped dancing around for a full two hours after we watched the movie.  At the end of the movie she said, ‘Good job mom, you didn’t fall asleep.’  I guess I might be known for sleeping a lot lately these days.

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Beretta always gets the biggest hugs when we get home.

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Dinner of champions… thank you Andrew for bringing home the Cafe Rio.

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Brooke went to bed and we hung out watching TV.  We don’t look tired at all;)

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PS this is a random thing we are doing with our kids right now (aka we just started it).  I’m a big fan of going to Disneyland once a year.  Andrew and I decided we would have the kids earn the trip this year and so far so good.  They get a jelly bean in the jar for big chores or doing a good job listening to us or doing something kind for someone else etc.  We’ve got a ways to go but they are excited about it!

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I love life hack articles or videos.  I always get sucked into them because they are the best ideas and they make me wonder how I went so long in my life without them:)  Over the years I’ve come up with some running hacks and most importantly, I WANT TO HEAR YOUR running hacks so that I can copy you!

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1.  Start your long run near a gas station so that when you finish you can pop in and get the largest ice cold drink (whatever is your favorite) ever.  I can’t tell you how many long runs were motivated in the last few miles by knowing that I was just moments away from some sort of delicious drink.

2.  For every negative thought about yourself that pops into your brain while you are running … come up with five positive thoughts. I started doing this a year or so ago and goodness does it help!

3.  My coach didn’t love me doing this one ha but it worked for a few races for me and long runs for years… I love candy (and candy is cheap and easy) so I would use it as fuel every now and then during a run.  I’ve tried—>  twizzlers, swedish fish, gummy lifesavers, mike and ike’s, jelly beans, starbursts and mambas and they all did what I needed at the time.  Now Shot Blocks and Huma Gels are my favorite but every now and then I’ll sneak in the other stuff too.

4.  Feet problems?  Sore feet after a long run?  A few things that I do= freeze some golf balls and use those to massage your feet (put the golf ball on the ground and roll your foot over it).  I also don’t sleep on my stomach to avoid having pointed feet all night (which I think causes feet problems with my running).  I also SWITCH my shoes around throughout the week.  I rotate between three different pairs of shoes (the Launch, Glycerin and Pureflows) to help my feet gain strength in different places… different shoes require different muscles to work more than others so switching them up gives your feet a workout too!  This might help to reduce your chance of a foot injury too!  You could also try to tie your shoes differently like in this post.

5.  If you run with your car or house key, I suggest tying your key to your shoelaces.  I have lost my car keys many times over the years (and one time in the mountains and weirdly enough a friend found it a few days later?!) but once I started tying the key to my shoes, I have never lost one since.

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6.  If you are anything like me and hate more than anything to have cold hands during a run in the winter (I swear if my fingers are cold, it is literally the only thing I can think about the entire run)… USE HAND WARMERS.  I put them in my gloves and they keep my hands happy the entire time.  They add up over time but the splurge is worth it to me and my running:)

7. Ever get a weird feeling about a way you are about to go on a trail or road?? I get that feeling sometimes so I go the other way.  Intuition or paranoia?  I don’t know but I always listen closely to those feelings I get while running.

8.  Running a hot race where they offer little packs of ice?  I am convinced that those packs of ice are actually meant to put put in my sports bra because it is amazing how quickly those cool down my core body temperature!  Put your phone/electronics in a ziplock back too for these hot races so you can poor water on yourself too!

9.  This is a new one that I’ve learned but one I’ll use for the rest of my running.  If you are feeling bored with your running lately, switch up from listening to music to listening to a podcast.  I get SO excited for new podcasts that I find or when a new episode comes out from my favorite podcast.  It gets me out the door and running because I only let myself listen to certain ones while I run:)  My current favorite podcasts are here and add Super Soul Conversations to that list too:)

10.  Take some time for injury prevention because otherwise, injuries will take time from your running.

11.  A hack that is silly but it took me years to learn… if you want to enjoy early morning running more—>  GO TO BED EARLY and turn off all of your distractions at night haha.  Your morning run will feel so much better if you aren’t scrolling IG the night before until midnight ha.  So simple yet so hard to do:)  If you are still having a hard time getting out the door to run in the morning… do not think about anything running related until you are actually running.  Avoid all thoughts about it and before you know it, you are going and feeling some endorphins start to kick in.

12.  Have a long run coming up and not loving the idea of looking for water fountains or carrying a water bottle?  Josse and I used to plant water bottles along our long run course the night before to have and it was SO nice.  Bonus hack that I’m not sure I will ever do again ha… save money on buying ice for ice baths by sitting in the freezing cold river in Utah in February.

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13.  I try to eat more iron (get tested too while you are at it)… as a runner and a woman I try to get in plenty of spinach, broccoli, red meat, beans, baked potatoes etc.   My running feels so much better when I do!

14.  Run places.  If time is limited and you need to fit in a run you can run to do an errand you need to get done.  Every time my car has to get fixed you better believe I show up to the car place in my running clothes and go run while they work on the car.  Last year I would drop off the kids at their school, park there and go for a run.  My sister and I one time when she was living in Wyoming would run to the grocery store and pack up the groceries in the bottom of her running stroller and run home or we would run to Blockbuster to get the next season of Alias on DVD:)

15.  Andrew and I did this last Christmas break while on vacation together… we would run to a beach or place that we really wanted to see, grab some breakfast or lunch and take an Uber back to the hotel.  Point to point courses are my favorite and Uber makes them possible;)

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PS one that I’ve read of that I haven’t tried… shower in your running clothes after your run (for the first few minutes of your shower).  Rinse them out and then lay them out to dry!  This way you don’t have to wash them as often and they don’t stink up your house?  Has anyone tried this?

PPS another one I’ve seen… has anyone tried this?

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I WANT TO HEAR YOUR running hacks!  Things you do to make your running easier/more enjoyable!?!  I really want to hear these!

Disneyland fans… how often do you go?  My parents took us every summer so I blame them for my yearly need to go.  

Parents reading… have any goals that you are working on with your kids?

Have any shows that you are really excited about starting to watch this fall?

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I love the idea of showering in running clothes to reduce amount of washing. I take really hot showers though. I wonder if I would shrink my gear? :)

I am a fan of shoe pockets for car key etc. road ID makes one that you can have your emergency contact info engraved on.


I tried the candy as fuel before with gummy bears during a marathon. I love gummy bears, so it was a nice little treat!

I’ve never been to Disneyland, but my new job is in Anaheim, so I’m going to have to go soon. I’m so excited to move to California!


I’m not sure they would be effective for anyone except me, but my main running hacks are:
– Wait as long as possible before starting a podcast or music. It gives you something to look forward to on your run. I’ve been known to run over 2 hours in silence before I finally put on a podcast.
– To give yourself something to think about while running in silence, make lists in your head. Your top 10 favorite cereals, movies, teachers, whatever you can think of.
– Wear your running clothes to bed to save time in the morning! (Especially for those of us who have to get up at 5:45 to run…)


LOVE THESE GRANT. I’ve never tried the lists idea… I’m going to use this tomorrow:) Also, I love the idea to wait to listen to your music/podcast! Have an awesome day Grant!


I used to run to work (at my old location we had a shower). I could get two runs in (one in the morning and one in the evening..they were shorter distances). My daughter’s daycare is along a 5 mile route to my new work location, so once I’m able I’d like to explore either biking with both kids in the bike trailer or a double bob! It’s such a nice way to start the morning AND efficient.


Oh that is so awesome that you used to run to and from work! Keep me updated with how it goes with the new work location! That is awesome Megan!


I’ve never actually been to Disneyland in California, but I’ve been to Disney World in FL a lot! In fact, I’m leaving for a trip this weekend and I’m so excited! There’s nothing like the magic of a Disney vacation.


Love that Brooke asked for a locket – how sweet! Your belly is really starting to pop – you look amazing!
Thanks for sharing your running hacks – I used to tie my key to a hair tie and wear it around my wrist but now I can stash everything in my flip belt. And low iron was the reason why I started taking vitamins – have you heard of Juice+??
Have a great day!


I stash mine in my flipbelt too! The little key hook attachment thing makes me feel so secure about not losing it. Have you got the water bottles for yours? I’m super tempted to grab some for longer runs – in the summer (I’m in winter right now) I use a camelbak but it gets SO hot underneath it!


Thank you for getting me hooked on Super Soul Conversations! I love it!!! I can’t wait for fall tv, This is Us and Will and Grace are my top 2:)


I am so so glad you are loving the Oprah podcast, I am so hooked. LESS THAN A MONTH UNTIL THIS IS US!!!! Have an awesome Wednesday Amy!


This is similar to one you already said but I love running to my favorite breakfast spot. My boyfriend and I do seasonal work so in the summers, we live in a van :p When we both have time off, he drives down from where we are camped out to our favorite breakfast spot… and I run there. He doesn’t mind waiting and it’s very motivating to think about the delicious cinnamon roll I’m going to eat at the end of my run!


Oh I LOVE that you and your boyfriend do this. Nothing more motivating than a cinnamon roll after a run… now I am craving one of those haha! Have an awesome day Kristina!


Okay, I’ve totally gotten that weird feeling before while running and have turned and gone a different way! It’s rare and super weird but I always listen to my intuition!


When I used to to get oil and what not checked, I would use the hour to run or do what I needed to do. It was the perfect time to do and great advice Janae.


I agree with so many of your hacks! The majority of my runs start at my apartment and end at Whole Foods so I can pick up all the drinks (seriously sometimes 5 drinks) and food! My phone has Android Pay so I can use it at Whole Foods, but often I will carry $5 or $10 in case I need to stop somewhere for food/drink. Also, I love point to point runs and then have my bf pick me up so we can go get lunch somewhere! And yes, hiding water bottles when I don’t feel like carrying my hydration pack. I also carry my phone in a ziplock bag (in my fuel belt) when it’s raining. When I am at work downtown Boston where it takes 100 years to pick up satellites, I turn on my Garmin and set it by my windowsill until it picks up satellites. Then when I go outside, it should be good to go. I also write workouts on my hand; that way I don’t forget and I’m holding myself accountable for hitting the paces my coach prescribes!


Oh I LOVE that you end at Whole Foods… that is perfect! I also love that sometimes you have your boyfriend pick you up and go to lunch sometimes:) THANK YOU for sharing your hacks… I love them! I’m going to copy you and write workouts on my hand when I am back to doing them again. Thanks Kim!


I have the habit of buying fancy cupcakes from a bakery and using those as a reward after long runs when I’m training for a half. I only let myself have them once I get in 8 miles or more, so I feel like I have to earn them. I LOVE cupcakes so it definitely works for me, especially when I am struggling and know that a yummy treat is waiting for me to finish at home. I also just started going different places for long runs this year – traveling to nearby towns to get a break from my usual routes made it so much fun. I paid more attention to the new scenery than the fact that I still had 10 miles left to go.
Never been to Disneyland but I did got to Disney World for the first time 2 years ago and I loved it! I want to go back!
I don’t think I am excited for any new shows, but I am excited for some of my shows to come back! I need something to get me through my sadness now that Game of Thrones is over!


I heard Leap was actually a really cute movie – for both kids and adults! Although I feel lit would be odd if I just went to go see it with a friend haha. I love your number 2 running hack – that could actually just be a life hack, too. I have about a thousand shows I am excited for this fall….Ellen, This is Us, American Horror Story, Stranger Things, Shameless, Scandal…the list goes on and on.


For long runs, I listen to a Broadway show soundtrack! Hamilton is great for it since the whole story is basically told in song. But this helps me get lost in a story instead of random songs. I freeze a golf ball to rub my feet on too! A half frozen water bottle works too. For that, I’ll drink a disposable one then fill it with some tap water. This way I don’t waste a perfectly good water bottle and it’s less waste.

Have a great day Janae :)


I live in Austin, TX, and summer runs leave me and my clothes completely soaked. I definitely rinse off my clothes in the shower, wring them out, and then hang them on the drying rack I keep in my bathroom. Otherwise I would have to do laundry every day to keep the stink down. I sometimes wear a tank and shorts twice before washing, but definitely not a sports bra. Generally everything goes in the hamper once it’s dry though. Austin sweat is real and it stinks!


Oh I cannot even IMAGINE running in the summer in Austin! You are amazing to do that each summer Elizabeth! Have an awesome Wednesday!


This is a great running hacks list! Definitely relate to most of these. The cold drink one is a good one for sure. For one of my marathons, I did almost all of my long runs with my running buddy and there was a coffee shop near the end point that we would always go to after for iced coffee/ tea. We would usually spend like the entire second half of our run talking about what drink we were going to get and how delicious it was going to taste. I have such great memories from that training cycle of us hobbling home, iced coffees in hand, talking about how great it felt to be done with our run.

Podcasts! I’m all about these on runs too. I always save up my favorites for my long runs and it’s such a treat. I’ve also been doing auto books recently. I just started listening to Tina Fey’s Bossypants and I literally had to jump off the treadmill yesterday because I started laughing and couldn’t run at the same time. Pretty sure the girl next to me thought I was nuts.

My favorite morning running hack is to set up all my running clothes the night before and to put my phone next to my clothes, as far away from the bed as possible. So when the alarm goes off, I have to get out of bed, and once I’m up and my clothes are right there, I figure I might as well just go through with it. I swear like 90% of my morning runs would never have happened if I didn’t use that trick.

Love your Disneyland idea with the kids! I don’t have kids yet but I’m going to file that idea away for the future :-)


Oh I LOVE that you guys would end at the coffee shop and think about your drinks for those last miles haha! I am the same way with food:) Thank you for sharing!! OH I LOVED BOSSYPANTS hahaha I can see why you had to jump off! Yep, I do the clothes thing too and my runs wouldn’t happen either if I didn’t. Have an amazing day Diana!


I would love to run around Disneyland 1 day! I currently live in Canada.


I rinse out my running clothes when traveling for a race so they don’t stink so much going home. I live in too urban of an area to leave out water bottles, I’m just not that trusting. I have a Road Runner ID (which I recommend for anyone who runs or bikes alone) and I got the little shoe pocket with it so I put my keys or mad money in there. The id can go on a fitness tracker, on a necklace and a few other options, as well.

If you are eating green vegetables for iron pair them with something that has vitamin C for better absorption. (tomatoes, peppers, or lemon all work).

Fill a water bottle 1/2 way with water, freeze overnight, and top it off with cold water in the morning before your run. You’ll have colder water for longer in the summer.


THANK YOU NINA for the tip about including vitamin C for better absorption! I also love the idea of rinsing running clothes when traveling so you don’t come home with all of the stink! I need to get a road runner ID asap!! Thank you for the water bottle tip too… love these!


I’m not sure showering in my running clothes would allow me to wash them less often, but I can see where it would help with the smell! Maybe I can train my husband to do that with his stinky clothes. ;)

When I was first starting to do long runs – aka trying to get on board with the idea of waking up super early on the weekend – I would sleep in my running clothes to save myself a few minutes in the morning.


It’s amazing what sleeping in your running clothes does… it gets me up way faster because that is the hardest part and I know it’s already over ha! I hope you are having a beautiful day Joy!


Hmm.. why a golf ball specifically? I roll with a (room temperature) tennis ball, and it helps my feet so much. I love it. My “hack” is I keep a tennis ball at the office so I can roll my feet all day long secretly under my desk :)


Hey Cat!! Oh I love that you roll your feet out at the office with your tennis ball:) I use a golf ball because it is a little bit more firm and smaller so it can really target the hard to get spots. I hope you are having a beautiful day!


My CA training partner and I would plan our 16+ miles runs to end at the donut shop. Buy a donut, buy a drink, walk 3/4 mile home as a cool down.

I’ve always stashed drinks and snacks the night before, even in San Jose. I just make sure to hide them really well at less populous spots (banks and schools and restuarants are not open at 5am so no people around to interfere).

If I’m looping by my house, I also freeze my bottles half full of Gatorade/Powerade the night before and top off with water in the morning. Usually after about an hour or so (depending on outside temperature and ice/water ratio), when you grab the bottle you can shake it hard and turn the mixture into a slushy for a very cold drink mid-run. If it’s still too frozen, I jam the bottle down the back of my sports bra…a mile or two later my core is cooler and my slushy is ready.

In San Jose I also ran for most of my errands – run to Target/Sprouts/WalMart/library/post office/bank, fill up the bottom of the running stroller, run home. Unfortunately that does not work where I live now.

For long runs or half marathons, I try not to turn on my music until at least mile 8, holding it back as a reward. For a marathon, I try to hold off until mile 15 or 16.


Okay, the donut shop idea… BRILLIANT. I love that idea, I want to marathon train with me:) I love your slushy idea too! Thank you for sharing these with me… I LOVE your hacks! Have an awesome day!


Speaking of podcasts, I was listening to I’ll Have Another during my run this morning and you got a shout out on her latest episode :) She was talking to another woman whose husband is a nurse, and your blog/Andrew came up !

I’m most looking forward to season 2 of Stranger Things to come out! Did you watch the first season? It’s creepy but so good!


I LITERALLY LISTENED TO THAT ONE THIS MORNING!!!! It was so good. Sam is incredible. Oh I can’t wait for season 2 of Stranger Things! Thank you for reminding me!!!


One time my sister ran to the grocery store thinking she was being so productive and healthy. Then she realized she had no way to take the groceries home lol. She had to carry them back home uphill. But the running stiller is a great idea!

I used to work for my dad so I would drive to work with him and run on the way home.


We just saw Leap too !! We loved it. My daughter was glued to it but she requested I don’t get the soundtrack when I commented I loved the music. (I sing along and I’m NOT good). I sang the other day and our dogs howled. Not sure what that means exactly. We slow down on chores a little during the school year, to focus on school rewards. She’s 4th grades and is starting to not like school as much, so for reading, doing good on test, showing an interest with a positive attitude, and stuff like that, she earns points towards something she really wants…right now it’s Beauty and the Beast and Leap movies. So same idea, but we decided to focus on school. Not sure if it will help her like school, or if it’s just simply bribery, either way, it’s all good. lol


Has anyone tried that pantyhose trick? Does it work?


I really want to know too!!


My kids did it for a Pioneer Trek reenactment this summer. They walked about 7-9 miles each day and no blisters. Not sure how it’d go for running but they said they were walking at a really fast pace.


I have never been to Disneyland, but Disney World was a family destination for many years when I was growing up. I have so many fond memories of riding the monorail around the park when it was dark and the park was all sparkly. Love it there!


My pet peeve when running is floppy headphone chords smacking me in the face– so I tuck them into my shirt! It’s as simple as dropping the plug down the back of my shirt and plugging them into the iphone in my belt that I keep behind my back. All the excess chord is both behind me and under my tank!

I’ve never been to Disney — am I missing a vital life experience?

American Horror Story!!!!!!!


Is 7 miles your daily run ??


Lately it is:) I’m not training for anything so I just go out and run until I need to be home and pretty much every day it is 7 miles. I think my days of anything longer are over for a few more months:) I hope you have a great day Kathy!


Okay I’m definitely going to have to get some golf balls to freeze for my feet! Such a great idea.

I’m SO excited for This is Us to start!!!!


I have been going back and forth on where I am going to go on a vacation in December. Disneyland/California and or Disneyland/Florida are in the running and I think you just sealed it for me :) I’ve never been to southern California and everyone tells me I’d love it ( I love good weather and need to escape a lot during winters (here in Boston!) ). So yes, I’ll be the 39 year old single woman walking around happily in Disneyland!


YES YES YES… you have to go to S. California:) You will love it and let’s meet up at Disneyland:) I’ll show you all of the best eats! I hope your day is a beautiful one Amanda!


I love love love running somewhere for breakfast and getting an Uber (or someone really nice) to take you home! That’s the best :) And I’ve jumped in my pool afterwards and then hung out my clothes, but taking a shower with them is a great idea!

I try and change up the scenery often, and sometimes that means driving a bit to run somewhere different or new. If we have dinner plans with family, sometimes I’ll run to their house and have the hubs bring me a change of clothes :)

We had Disneyland passes about 3 years ago and we went 31 times! Ha. We live about 2 1/2 hrs away, so we took full advantage! We’ve only been once since then because we burnt ourselves out a bit, but this last time it was sooo much fun! I think we’re going to try and do one of the races next year with our kids and then hit the park for a long weekend. My kiddos are a bit older, so they are more interested in the thrill rides now.

We are really trying to nail down chores, earning money, and splitting money into spending, saving, and tithing. It’s just a lot of work on our part, but I know it’s well worth it! I also saw a blog post that talked about adding prayer and reading the bible to their kids’ chore chart, and I had never thought about doing that. Not that it should be a chore, but to use it as a reminder and I really like that!

I cannot wait for This is Us! And Narcos season 3 will be out on Friday.


Ok, I have tried the running clothes in the shower trick. My crazy expensive compression tights are supposed to be hand washed/only rinsed in water. So I peel them off just before stepping in the shower and rinse them that way. I do however run them through the hand wash cycle (with detergent because I needed the sanity of knowing soap had been used) of my washing machine once a week. It’s a good trick to try.

I’m a Disney fanatic and so are my kids. My husband is good to us and tolerates the trips. Now that they’re older, I can’t convince him to do it yearly anymore. ? BUT, he did just take us all to Disneyland Paris on a recent trip to France so…I CANNOT complain! ? Great idea on the jellybean jar!

My husband and I learned a great parenting tip last year that has worked SO well for our kids (I can send you the book reference if you want). But basically, at the start of each school year, we sit down with our kids and help them set their own goals in 4 areas: spiritual, academic, social, and physical. We help them make a plan for each goal. Then, our job is only to check in once a week or so (or more often if we see them bailing on it) with phrases like, “How can I help you with X goal? Is there something you need from me this week while you work on that?” Or if they go totally off the rails, we’ll say “Well, this was your goal, not mine and dad’s. Do you want to change that goal?” It was life changing for us and our kids! It’s great for adults too. ?

Happy Wednesday, Janae!


MICHELLE!! THANK YOU so much for sharing this idea with me… I absolutely want to use this and this is perfect timing for us. I would love the book reference too. Thank you, I can’t wait to try this.

Also, DISNEYLAND PARIS… WOW! I bet that was incredible!


I’ve totally washed my running clothes in the shower while on vacation. I bring some Dr. Bronners in a little travel bottle. Works great and they are ready to go the next day, especially if you wring them out w/ a hotel towel. Saves room in the suitcase for sure.


Happy Hump Day Janae and everyone! I LOVE #2 listed above! I need to try that. After a long hiatus, I am coming back to running. Yesterday was not pleasant at all so I am going to try to this, thanks Janae!
I do the shower trick every day…living in humid Hawaii it really helps and I don’t have to do laundry as much. It was crazy how much laundry I was doing as a single person. I think I am just a little lazy in this department. haha!


Disney is the best! I’ve never been to Disneyland, but we make it to Disney World every 2-3 years. We usually go with my parents and my youngest brother and his family. Sometimes other family members join us. It’s a fun trip! We are already planning our next trip there for June 2018!


I’m currently sitting at my desk less than 5 miles from Disneyland… I rarely go! I think it’s a local thing, but I try to avoid *all* the places with tourists!

I need to finish up Season 1 of “This Is Us” but I’m definitely excited for Season 2 already!


Can’t WAIT for “This is Us” to come back on!!!!
Do you love those earbuds? I have tried 2 different types of wireless buds and they fall out!!


I am having a hard time with earbuds as well! I need to try Andrews. I am currently rotating through three pairs and none work. :( I have heard though, that Jaybirds make a great pair and they are next on my list. Luckily, I have been training for a 50k this summer so I haven’t needed them as much as I would a road race!


I can’t wait for How To Get Away With Murder to start back up again. Viola Davis is one of my favorite actors.


HI Janae! Love all of these hacks :) For toes and feet that get blisters, I know a friend who lubes her feet up really well with body glide or Vaseline and then puts her socks on. She said it prevents blisters every time!
PS- Your baby bump is looking adorable :)


Run in pantyhose??? Maybe just the socks–otherwise I think I’d rather get a blister! Pantyhose are so annoying!

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