Silentish Saturday–> IT’S GO TIME!

Woke up and was going to walk on the treadmill but got on the computer instead and started doing stuff… then Brooke woke up and she was ready for snuggling.

We made it to Target right when it opened.  I love to get there right at opening time because the store is packed the rest of the day.

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PSA if you live in Utah… Target has the best peaches (even better than Costco) and they are on sale. Yes, I went to Target just for the peaches…. and I ate two in the car.


When you accidentally order the wrong size of sandwich, I’m not mad about it.  Zantac has been helping me so much and food is tasting good again h.a.l.l.e.l.u.j.a.h.


Said goodbye to Knox for the weekend.


Brooke and I took my aunt to the airport and stopped at stores on the way home.

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Yeah, this is official my favorite stage.

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Went to my sister’s house for her kitchen reveal and caught her taking a selfie with the fake phone… maybe I shouldn’t take so many selfies.


HER KITCHEN IS AMAZING.  AMAZING.  I can’t wait for her to show you guys… you know when you have paint in your hair that you are working hard.


Off to a date night with Megan D and her husband.


The best way to carb load;)

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Her favorite way to carb-load:)


Somebody was gettin’ tired… Brooke and me.  Some days I think I could get in bed at 4 pm for the night:)

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An outdoor race expo!

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IT’S GO TIME!! We have to leave our house by 4… that’s fun.  PS I love the shirts the AF Canyon Run Against Cancer gives out… plus socks!

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They also included sun block, an emergency blanket for the start, gloves for the start (it will be cold) and fresh wipes to use after… they’ve got us covered!

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My breakfast is ready!

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My mom sent this to me and it made me laugh…

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What are three things you are doing today?

Favorite type of bagel and favorite type of cream cheese (if you like cream cheese)?

Do you like huge expos or little expos best?

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good luck today! when I was pregnant I stopped at a bagel store every morning on my way to work for a whole wheat bagel with vegetable cream cheese. I was obsessed with cream cheese during my pregnancy! not so much anymore but my favorite bagel right now is a French toast bagel!


I always say I like bigger expos but realistically I don’t stay long and I don’t typically buy a lot. So I guess it doesn’t matter. My favorite regular bagel is cinnamon raisin or chocolate chip.

However going to a bagel shop, I really like nova lox on an everything or garlic bagel.

Enjoy the weekend Janae!


Swimming, planning for CAMP (just finished teaching for the summer, now onto my summer job, woof), and heading to the grocery store to re-stock! I’ve also been so into peaches lately- they’re so good this time of year.
I’m not a huge bagel person anymore, but I do like a plain gluten free bagel with some peanut butter and banana slices before a long run or race.
I love huge expos! free samples are my favorite.
Happy Weekend!


YAY for summertime as a teacher:) Oh planning camp sounds like a lot of work. I hope your day is amazing Kerri and that your swim was perfect!


I’d have to say my favourite bagel is an everything with herb and garlic cream
Cheese! Good luck on your race today:)
Would LOVE to know where you got your shirt in the sandwich photo? It looks very similar to the Roolee one you shared! Thank you!!!


HEY ASHLEY!!! That is the roolee one from awhile ago… I just searched for it and can’t find it anymore. I am SO sorry! Thank you so much and I hope you get an everything bagel with herb and garlic cream cheese… that sounds so so good!
This one is pretty similar though:


Good luck today!! Hope the race goes well:) I suffer from chronic fatigue, so I feel you on being ready for bed by 4. You’re growing a human and deserve lots of sleep:) That picture made me laugh out loud, that is so my grandma and reminds me of time I taught her how to copy and paste for over an hour!! Have a fabulous weekend :)


Jasmine, I cannot even imagine what you experience with chronic fatigue… that must be incredibly hard. I hope you are able to have plenty of rest this weekend! Hahaha yep… that is how it is with my mom too:) I hope you are having a beautiful day!


That swag looks great! Zantac saved my life with my last pregnancy. My doctor even started to rotate medication towards the end. I still cannot eat shaved ice because when I was pregnant I think the red dye set off my heart burn to an unbelievable level and it just hasn’t been the same since!

The hubs and I are driving into Galveston with our munchkins today for a cruise and we set our alarm to run a quick 3 before driving 4 hours and a thunderstorm woke us up first so it was 4 treadmill miles for me instead ;)

I love a good blueberry and a jalapeño cheddar bagel. I like just plain ol cream cheese.


When my husband and I got married, he used to make me this really amazing breakfast sandwich. Beagle toasted with chive and onion cream cheese (I think that’s what it’s called) sausage, fried egg, bacon, cheddar cheese. It was amazingg. I really should have him make it again.

I really like the race shirt for that one. I’m glad they are getting better and better shirts! I don’t eve have a race until September at this point…


Do you take Zantac for indigestion? Or nausea? I’m having third trimester indigestion like nobody’s business and Tums aren’t touching it.


So I have been taking it because my stomach has just felt like pure acid which made me super nauseated. Recently I wasn’t throwing up food anymore… I was just throwing up acid. So weird but Zantac has taken away all of the acid (well, I wait to take it at noon so the mornings still have that feeling but not throwing up:) I am SO sorry about the indigestion… not okay! Has your doc told you anything else you can try? I hope you are having an amazing day Suzy!


Okay, totally going to try it. Thank you, my dear!


Good luck in the race! I’m sure you and baby Baron will do great ;)


It depends. The last smaller expo was so the race group could promote all their own stuff, which was annoying. The larger ones are fun but so crowded. A smaller expo with variety would be my pick. Apparently I have a stronger opinion on this than I thought…

The pouring rain had me decide to skip the local 5K, the streets are flooded. My basement ended up getting water from the deluge so my plans are now cleaning up water (not too bad), a little bit of work, and heading out to enjoy the day that has now turned sunny.

Everything bagel with a schmear of plain cream cheese. Unless we’re on vacation at the beach, this bagel place makes the best blueberry bagels. They are perfect with peanut butter.


My favorite bagel is the cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera. I can eat it with or without cream cheese. Put it in the microwave a few seconds and it’s heaven! When you start craving sweets again you need to try it!


I am going to 100% try this plus the microwave trick! Thank you Sloan!! I hope your weekend is a great one!


Yes! I second that! So good


AF always has the best shirts! I haven’t done the half, but did the 10K last year. And Kneaders at the finish line??!?! What more could you ask for? Wish I would have signed up this year but working instead! Have a great race and weekend!


Seriously… they are the absolute best. This was my first year doing this race and I was amazed!! Meet up next year?! Hope you have a great day at work! Thanks Ashley!


so glad you’re able to start eating some food again :) i dont think i have an opinion yet on expos!! the biggest ive been to = boston but i havent run any races with small expos (except the ones that just have a packet pickup!!)

fav bagel = a toasted everything bagel from trader joes with a little bit of butter! i also l o v e a toasted cinnamon raisin with pb&j!


I am not particular about the expo size but kore about the quality. Today will be spent listening to the rain while relaxing with the family. Favorite bagels are everything of jalapeno and cheddar with plain cream cheese.


Everything bagels are my current favorite. They’re so delicious.

Good luck with your race!


Now I really want to see your sis kitchen!
Wow that race goodie bag is the best I’ve seen!
Well if u can run a half pregnant, I can go out for a run on my monthly:/ I always get tired once a month. Thanks for the inspiration!


She is going to show it soon:) Thanks so much Christina and THANKS for inspiring me… that time of month is the WORST (I’m not missing that ha)! Enjoy your weekend!


Favorite bagel is definitely sesame seed. If I had to have cream cheese, honey almond. But I like bagels as the bread for sandwiches usually. If I eat one before a long run, I eat it with almond butter and raspberry preserves because I hate strawberry jelly.
If you’re wondering, yes I was a weird child who didn’t (and still doesn’t ) like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


I could throw down some which wich right now…………mmmmm hmmmm. Not even joking.

I like all race expos, but the big ones usually have more free stuff!

I love Panera’s blueberry bagel. I double up and get blueberry cream cheese so I have double blueberries! Never tried Einstein, but I really want to!

And 3 things: humid 6 miles this morning, work, then pet sitting for dogs, cats, fish, geckos, a snake, and 7 chickens! Going to be crazy fun for a week!
Good luck on the race!


I took zantac twice a day, maxed out on tums, and took mylanta with all three of my pregnancies and I still had heartburn and acid reflux. I slept sitting up from about two months. I don’t have that problem as long as I’m not pregnant. I’m glad it helps you. It really sucks to have that on top of the general discomfort and pukiness.
Good luck at your race! Can’t wait to read the recap.


LEE… oh I cannot even imagine going through that during ALL THREE pregnancies. Wow. I lucked out that zantac is helping me so much! Thank you so much and I hope you are having a great night!


Good luck on your race tomorrow Janae:)

I love whole wheat bagels with vegetable garden cream cheese. That is like my favorite combination of all times! But I skip the créeme cheese before any run.


1. Had a 5K today. Got 3rd in my age group. I met new friends, and saw old friends there. So fun. 2. Got food ready to go camping tomorrow night. 3. Hoping to catch up on some work tonight. So far I’ve checked facebook, blogs, did laundry, played with the dogs, ate supper, stalled more….need to get to that work. Oh I love so many cream cheeses. The strawberry one, or the garlic and onion one are probably my latest faves.


Sounds like an amazing day Michele… HUGE congrats on your 5k!!!


Bagels. You have me craving them now! We never have them so they are def a treat. Cinnamon raisin or everything with cream cheese. and is it weird that I hate my bagels toasted?

May I ask what is Brooke wearing on her arm? Is it just a watch? My 4yo daughter would be totally into something like that.

I can’t wait to see your sister’s kitchen reveal! Have a great day!

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