Work IT Out. Uh oh. And just in case you are looking for…

We have a few highlights from our Memorial Day and The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory had to be one of them…. Andrew went with the toffee (I’ve never ever been a toffee person?!), Brooke had the marshmallow covered in chocolate M&Ms and I had the Snickers caramel apple.

Before that we had lunch.  We found a perfect compromise for our marriage tastebuds.  Andrew gets to have his Chipotle (I know, I’m just not the biggest Chipotle person anymore and it’s weird… I will say their guac is the best).

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Right next door to the Chipotle is a Potbelly’s so I grab one of those and he gets his Chipotle and then we eat outside together.  Win-win-win.

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Our day was full of randomness including roaming around some toy stores.

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And a splash pad too.  I have a feeling there are close to 600 splash pad pictures on this blog… it’s a thing we do.

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We played a lot of rounds of Go Fish!  Andrew’s parents came over, hung out and brought these cards to Brooke.  She is a Go Fish expert at this point.

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Our dinner was so amazing… Megan D and her husband (he and Andrew are mountain biking buddies too) invited us over for a barbecue.  We brought the fruit (please not my favorite plate that we used for further below in the post) and a salad.

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Megan has a new puppy (yellow lab) that might actually be the cutest thing in the world and it may have convinced Andrew that he needs a puppy now too…

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Brooke is convinced too!

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If you are ever looking for a bag of chips that will make you want to eat the entire bag in just one sitting… look NO further.  This is the bag.  I couldn’t stop.

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We had burgers (with grilled pineapple, avocado and bacon) and they hit the spot!

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We had a great time talking with them while the kids played hide and go seek.  We had some delicious leftovers that we were excited to eat until they got dropped on the stairs and that plate shattered into a million pieces.  But we do have lettuce and watermelon left:)  The saddest part is that the pineapple was absolutely perfectly ripe and do to the fact that we have a dog… there was no way to save it.

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I don’t think Beretta was very happy about the fact that we were spending time with another pup.

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Go Fish is such a big deal in our house right now that Brooke even fell asleep with a card in her hand.  I seriously do not understand how kids fall asleep in these random positions… I need complete comfort when I go to bed at night.

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I am back to running again (going out for 3-4 miles today wahoo!) but over the weekend (when I wasn’t running) I was thinking about many of the reasons I  love running to be a part of my life.

The below quote from THIS BOOK by Kristin Armstrong definitely describes one of the many reasons why I love running… WE WORK IT OUT.   We work whatever it may be out… whether it is pain or stress or anxiety or anger or frustration or simply the need for simple perspective change.  The miles, sweat, tears, thoughts, prayers or conversations with our running partners just help us work it out.  I know for me I have always found it to be incredible during the toughest times of life that with each mile I can feel more peace or calmness even as my heart rate is increasing.  It’s strange to me that a side effect of more sweat and muscles telling me to quit, a brighter and more grateful perspective comes for me.  A lot of the times I’ve gone out to ‘work it out’ for the people in my world’s problems too. A few months ago one of my sister-in-law’s lost her father very unexpectedly and I went out for the run so upset for her and for what she was experiencing and feeling.  With the tears and running (and many prayers for her) I still felt so beyond sad for her and while I never could fix her situation, I came home feeling more love than ever for her, ideas to help and a more positive perspective.  It doesn’t matter if the problem is huge (for me I ran my divorce out) or small (a minor work problem or a frustrating morning with kids) the run works those things out for me.  It might take a few miles, a training cycle or a year of running with your favorite running buddy but it is amazing how things get worked out on the road.  I don’t know if this is a part of other sports too but one of the things I love the most is the way we WORK IT OUT on the run.

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I have a question for you today from a reader!  She has been a runner for 14 years and now hasn’t been able to run for the last YEAR due to Chronic IT Band syndrome.  She has tried so many different things but I’m hoping someone out there reading has had an experience like this and can help her.  Please leave a comment if you have any ideas/stories for her!

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Toffee… yes or no?  

Ever had IT Band syndrome?  What did you do to help it?  Can anyone help the reader above?

What would you say to be the most addicting type of chip?  Are you a chip person?

What was your dinner last night?

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Love that y’all have a Chipotle and Potbelly right by each other (I have that out here, too, so maybe it’s common)–that’s definitely a good situation. And yes, Chipotle’s guac is AMAZING.

The most addicting chips for me are the Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips. I could probably eat the entire bag in one sitting. But a huge no to toffee.

I’ve had a tight IT band before but never ITBS, and I was able to feel better with rolling and massage. I hope she finds a solution soon!!


Janae, I need your help! What is your bedtime routine with the kids? My kids fight me for hours but Brooke seems to go to sleep when she’s tired. What’s your secret?


Oh this is a tough question ha… usually there is a lot of stalling that occurs for us:) So we do pajamas, brush teeth, read a book, sing songs and finish by saying prayers. The kids each have their nights of sleeping with Beretta and that is a HUGE motivation for them. If they don’t go to bed or complain or make a fuss then they lose that privilege. We also let them play with toys in bed or read books and so it isn’t as hard to get them to get in their beds (same thing though, if there is complaining then we don’t allow toys). Brooke is like me and actually likes going to bed/sleeping but Knox takes a lot more convincing ha. I guess we start getting not so nice and taking away privileges when they aren’t being good about going to bed and that seems to work… those night hours when kids are asleep are sacred ha! GOOD LUCK and let me know if you have any other questions Teresa!


Thanks Janae! That’s quite helpful!


I had ITBS for around a year. It started from running hard work outs on an indoor track. It got so bad I was up in the middle of the night with sharp pains. So I took off from running for probably 8-10 months and then very slowly eased my way into it. Foam rolling constantly was key, it was the first thing I did every morning. The doctor prescribed me Voltaren and it did wonders. It’s a topical anti inflammatory for your muscles. Also, make sure you aren’t constantly sitting at a desk, that seemed to make mine much worse.


I love that quote about working it out! Running is definitely the best therapy, and my anxiety is much more manageable when I’m running more.

I love chips — which is probably not a good thing! But honestly a good ol’ fashioned salted kettle chip is the most addicting for me. A classic — you better take the bag away from me now!

Dinner last night was pizza from Pie Five (it’s like subway for pizza, but good!) It was a nice little treat to cap the holiday weekend, but now I need to get back to some more wholesome foods! BUT — I have three Blue Apron meals waiting for me in the fridge and I’ll be getting to those this week!


Oh no!!!!! That’s the worst when you have perfectly ripe pineapple and you can’t eat it. There is nothing better than pineapple when it’s sweet and soft!

Last night I had turkey meatballs and spiraled butternut squash. The spiraled butternut squash was soo so sosososososo so good – I highly recommend it!


My mom is a big runner and I know she had IT band issues a couple of years ago. I would say YES to toffee and last night i had a big salad and tuna steak with roasted fennel and asparagus!


I have the EXACT same IT band issue as your reader, and am dying to see any other options- as I have gone through exactly the same treatments over the past year+….. and right when I think I’m back and try to increase over 1 mile— KNEE PAIN it is!!!!!!! And then we go in the same circle. Hope some people have recommendations!


I have a ITB niggle from time to time. I’m running the Comrades marathon (56 miles) on Sunday and I’m going to strap my ITB just in case!!
It is almost winter in South Africa, so I had soup last night.


Comrades is on my husband’s bucket list. Good luck Sunday!


Thank you, it will be my 4th Comrades. Tell your husband he must enter for next year, it is a down run next year, really a amaizing race!!


Stuggled seriously with ITBS for several months. Two approaches helped clear it up and (luckily) have not had issues since. Hope these can work for you as well.

First was relentless work on my core, hips, and especially glutes. Did a daily regimen of squats, clamshells, planks, leg lifts, etc. to “activate” the rest of my muscles so the strain on the IT band could be reduced. If the rest of the body is not helping with the running motion, all stress and strain heads right to the IT band/knees.

Second was my running form. I shifted to front-mid foot running from more landing on my heel and also increased my step cadence to 160-170 steps per minute by running to a metronome. There are running metronome apps available that can click out a cadence pace for you and you just hit each step to the click. Boring at first, yes, but once the practice became habit, I didn’t need the app anymore. Shorter steps and landing mid-foot take much of the stress off each landing, requiring less of the IT band/knees.

Hope it helps!



THANK YOU TONY for sharing your story and what helped! You have worked so hard to get your body happy and working efficiently.. way to go! Thank you for sharing, I am sure you have helped her so much. I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Very cool! Awesome post today and quoting K.A. made my week! :)
For the IT band–> try rolling out/working on your back. I deal with IT band problems and working on my tight back really helped. Also, staying away from hills for a while and not crossing over my stride in front of my body really helped to calm down the flaring.
Hope it gets better for you fellow reader, a tought IT band is a toughie!


I’m a toffee and caramel person myself. im glad you had a good time and are back to some quality miles.

IT band syndrome is one of the few injuries I haven’t had but I am intrigued to hear what other runners dig up. I feel as though there is probably a knot or trigger in the muscle they haven’t found yet. Like a game of cat and mouse chasing an individual trigger for each person. Those types of umbrella injuries (like plantar fasciitis) are always the worst because there is no clear cut answer or one answer for everyone. But I’m not a medical professional.


Love toffee. Also love potbelly and agree with you on chipotle.



Regarding the IT band issues, I had this, knee pain, etc. I went to physical therapy for months only to have it reoccur. I then decided to try Pilates reformer, and other machines in the studio and it changed my whole body. Great coaching at my studio to realign my pelvis and a bit of chiropractic. Especially if you have had kids. Everything gets a bit off. I am back now slowly, and it is such a different running experience. My body is working so much better and in alignment! Hope this might help for some who are suffering.


Heather, thank you SO much for sharing your experience and what has helped you! Having kids really does change so much about our bodies and our running! So glad you are back running and everything is working better. Thank you!


I haven’t been to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in years but I used to get a peanut butter rice crispy treat that had a chocolate drizzle and it was AMAZING, not related to your questions but I thought you would maybe want to try it sometime if they still have them. ☺️


And now you have me drooling at 10:17 a.m. We might have to go back today, thanks Heather!!!


I’m all about the toffee, even if it is horrible for my teeth.
Last night I was at school late for a meeting so when I got home I was pretty hungry. I heated up a piece of leftover vegetable lasagna. It hit the spot!


Like Tony above, I also have been struggling with ITBand issues and with LOTS of the right stretching (hip, glutes, etc) and I mean relentlessly…I don’t give myself an out ever…yoga is my friend…I finally went to Newtons. I’m from Denver so I went to Newtons Running in Boulder (they were (Danny Abshire was a co owner and helped run the place until just this last March and I’m not sure what the situation is now but he’s amazing in the running community here) and he watched me walk, heard my story and said …yeah…you need Newton Fate. They are up to the Fate II now.

They totally work. They feel so much better on my leg. They “encourage” you to run on your forefoot. I’ve always liked them, some people may not but I think they’re pretty comfortable and I love the feeling. My leg noticed a difference immediately. He told me he had an ultra runner with the same problem and hers cleared up in like…three days just from switching to Fates. I was sold. You can probably get them online if anyone is interested and if not, through Shoekicker. They can always find me a pair. Their Boulder store is moving to a different location so it’s closed for a month I think.


I am so glad that the stretching and Newtons are helping you! They sound incredible! I hope these help her too! Thank you so much for sharing Tess!


For the IT band sufferer! 20 years ago (eek! Sophomore year of college) I limped around for 3 months with severe IT pain. I tried ultrasound, electric stimulation, rest, NOTHING helped. I went to a running store and the guy handed me the name of a massage therapist. She dug into the band in my hip area (even though my IT band pain was on the outside of my knee). She spent an hour breaking up the fascia all in there. You need an EXPERIENCED person to do this. She used her thumbs and elbows. You can’t just go to some massage place and have them rub their hand up and down your leg. You need someone who knows runners and knows what they are doing (I bet Janae’s friend Joss would be great! hee. I’ve read this blog for too many years! :) ). After the massage, I was definitely sore from the digging. I then took the next day off (light walking). The NEXT day I ran pain free!

Hope it helps. Good luck!


oh – and also, I switched to Brooks running shoes (I had been running in something else). And No, I am not a blogger or sponsored or Janae’s friend in real life! Ha. Brooks just worked for the IT issue. Never a problem since.


KEEP READING AMANDA for many more years… I LOVE hearing from you:) It makes me so happy…. also, the Brooks switch makes me so happy too:) Which ones are you currently in? We should be friends in real life. Thank you for sharing, this is totally going to help her! Maybe she can come see Josse for help!


Yes, we should be friends :) I can’t believe I spelled Josse’s name wrong ( I DO read religiously so I should know! ha). I am in the Pure Flows, Ghost, and Launch right now.


To your reader: I cannot even imagine what you are going through! It’s been 4 weeks for me and I am losing my mind. That being said, ask your PT or look into Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). It’s just a simple blood draw and injection, but it helps the body heal itself faster. My doc recommended it to me for my hamstring tear and it’s been 3 weeks since my injection. My hamstring already feels a ton better, and I already started some slow running on the Alter G last week. It’s fairly new, so it isn’t mainstream treatment yet. It’s also fairly expensive ($500 ) and not covered by insurance. But honestly so worth it. It definitely can’t hurt to ask about it and find out if it applies to your injury. I know it has been successful for chronic and hard to treat injuries. I hope this helps! And I hope you can get back ou there soon! HUGS


Annemarie, thank you for sharing! I really appreciate it! I am SO sorry that it has been 4 weeks for you but I am SO glad that your hamstring is doing better and that you were able to go on the Alter G last week (those treadmills are incredible)! Continue to keep me updated with how you are doing and thank you for helping!


Well looks like the pup had a delicious weekend! We overbooked ourselves with too many bbqs (never a bad thing) so it was a whole lot of burgers and buns and sweet treats! Feels good to get some veggies in today.


I had a really bad IT band problem a few years ago. I could hardly walk. I think time helped the most. I took six months off running, and just cross-trained. Also, though, I went to PT, and got really hard massage and graston on my hip, glute, and the side of my leg, and did a ton of strengthening exercises. Eventually, it went away, and it is now 100%. Good luck!


Oh I am so sorry it got so bad but I am so happy you are fine now! Thank you for sharing M!


Oh no:( all of those delicious leftovers in the floor.

My dinner last night was Olive Garden. Parmesan Pesto Rigatoni with grilled chicken and a side house salad. Delicious.

I’m totally a chip person. To me, the most addicting kind of chips are plantain chips, Doritos and potato chips. Just love all of them.


I love Kristin Armstrong! Actually, there are 2 Kristin Armstrongs and they are both amazing women. The “other” Kristin is a pro cyclist (Olympic gold medalist) and she is an incredible person.

Love toffee! That is exactly what I would have chosen from RMCF. We are kind of boring when it comes to chips – I usually just buy plain, BBQ, and tortilla.

Dinner last night was kind of late – my husband went on a 7 hour bike ride so I wanted something I could keep hot in the crockpot – Chili Colorado Burritos ( fit the bill.


Okay, I’m going to have to have to check out the other Kristin Armstrong, thanks Kathy! SEVEN HOUR BIKE RIDE… that is amazing. Just checked out the recipe on your blog… we are going to have to use that! THANK YOU and I hope you are having a wonderful day Kathy!


Toffee!!! MMMM yes. It’s like fancy caramel. haha.

I am addicted to Doritos sweet chili chips. OHHHHH MY they are definitely crack. I’ve seen the sweet chili popchips but haven’t tried them yet.

I feel bad for the IB girl. Wish I had a solution but it looks like she’s tried way more than I’ve ever known of. Speaking of injuries though, I tried your brother’s lace trick over the weekend from my foot fracture and it worked! I didn’t feel any pressure on the top of my foot while running. I was very thankful, so thanks for sharing that tip!


Okay, I need to try those chips asap… thank you!!! I am so so glad the lace trick helped… thank you for letting me know! Keep in touch Leanne and I hope your Tuesday is a great one!


I’m not a huge Chipotle person either. My stomach always hurts…
-Heck yes to toffee!
-I’ve started using a FasciaBlaster and I swear by it! It took about two weeks to truly see results, but my massage therapist recommended it and I’m so glad I tried it. I use it in the shower with massage oil all over my legs.
-Dinner last night was a chicken and avocado salad :) now that it’s hot, I can pretty much eat this every single night.


Hi Janae! Happy Tuesday :)

Just listened to the podcast you were a guest on – loved it! You are so positive and optimistic, thank you for that!
My boyfriend LOVES those Jalapeno chips but I cannot handle spicy so I stick to the plain or salt & vinegar! My dinner last night was BBQ chicken, homemade pasta salad and lots and lots of corn! Happy summer finally :)


Oh Ashley, thank you so much for listening and for your sweet comment… it means a lot to me! OH I LOVE salt & vinegar chips too… so so good. Now I need some:) Keep in touch and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Ohhhh nooooo!!! nothing worse than dropping food ;-) That puppy is so adorable :-)


I LOVE toffee, but I randomly developed an almond/tree nut allergy a few years ago that puts me into anaphlyaxis so I had to stop eating it. So, so sad :-( I did find a recipe for a “toffee” that I make around Christmas with saltine crackers, butter, and brown sugar…I call it Christmas Crack. I have had IT band issues on and off, but I’ve always been able to fix it quickly with foam rolling on my IT bands and using a t-ball on my piriformis. So I’m not much help!


Let me start by saying I made that Strawberry Shortcake recipe you posted a while back and Oh My Gosh! Those biscuits were amazing and so easy to make!!! We had it for dessert all weekend!

Dinner last night was roasted pork loin and a greek couscous “salad” with feta, olives, cucks, tomatoes, dressed in a lemon greek vinaigrette. I’m having leftovers for lunch and I’m really happy about it!

Toffee – meh, I love it but I don’t like it stuck in my teeth!
Cape Cod reduced fat potato chips (because the ratio of folded chips is awesome!) and helleva good onion dip = the best chip/dip combo ever.


I have dealt with IT band issue before and foam rolling, core strengthening and hip strengthening workouts have helped a lot for me! I’ve also noticed that switching shoes between different runs helps!

Dinner last night = comfort food to the max. My husband requested Ritz chicken so we made that + sautéed veggies + watermelon. So good.


Dinner last night was burger on a pretzel bun, topped with avocado, arugula, tomato, pickles. Delish.

Love Kristin Armstrong……………on my list of people I would love to have a cup of coffee with. :)


Can I come with you two to hang out too? Ummm your dinner sounds so good, I want that tonight! Erica, I think you are the greatest!


IT TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO FIND THE RIGHT SNEAKER, insert and I now get monthly massages. The massages make all the difference.


Yes to toffee.

I did acupuncture for my IT band along with strengthening exercises and it seemed to help. I know we can’t actually stretch the IT band but myofascial release therapy may help as well. It focuses on getting the fascia to relax and have more suppleness.

I like Kettle Chips Salt and Pepper and the salt and vinegar. I prefer tortilla chips though.


Yes to toffee! Even better if it’s dipped in chocolate!!

IT trouble is one thing I haven’t had trouble with, knock on wood. I do have reoccurring back problems and some knee and ankle issues from time to time. Massage and physical therapy have always been my go to.

Fav chip flavour? YES!! I love them all!! ?

Last night my husband and I ran 2 miles to the Y for boot camp then 2 miles home in the pouring rain so we had a nice warm bowl of Zatarain’s Jambalaya with sausage!


Toffee…eh, not so much, but I do like it, I just prefer other stuff. Supper last night was a hot dog on bread….thank goodness for grocery shopping today !! Oh NO on your dropped left overs !!! How awful ! For the lost fruit and to have to clean it up. Ugh. Chips, oh yeees, chips. All chips. Any chips. I absolutely love chips. Love plain, in dip or cheese/salsa, all flavors and kinds. My username for many things is ChotRuns2. (Chot is my nickname). My friends have renamed it to ChorRuns2Chips. lol


I have dealt with ITBS as well on a chronic level. The only thing that I have been able to do to help is (a) complete rest from running (b) build the medius glute muscle by doing fire hydrants, clam shells, and band workouts. Building that muscle to help it fire properly is the only thing that has helped me. The year I also added squats and lunges helped. I hope your reader has success with any of the suggestions that your readers give her…there is nothing more frustrating than the IT pain that a runner feels when they run.


I haven’t had ITBS but I’ve had a persistent inner thigh pain that stopped me from running for about 6 months. Nothing seemed to work. Finally my dad suggested I go to his prolotherapist. She did an exam and found my weak spots, watched me walk and run and identified problems with my form, and recommended some exercises to strengthen my muscles/improve my form. Less than a month later I’m back to running like normal!! It was all in my form, and until I corrected that, no amount of rest or treatment was going to help my leg. Dr. Joy Meyer is who I saw, she’s in New York State but her website has a lot of info.
And totally toffee, so delicious!!


No toffee for me – it is too chewy. I love tortilla chips the best!


Oh man. I had ITBS just before Evan turned two and I was training for the Ogden marathon. I went to physical therapy, foam rolled, Graston, all the things she mentioned and it never went away until I took a break from running. Now, as SOON as I feel my ITband starting to get tight at all, I foam roll the crap out of it. Luckily it has never come back. But now I have the injury that never goes way, so I guess it doesn’t really matter now anyway. Haha.

Tell Beretta sorry, but hopefully she and Digby will be friends in the future. They have to be.

Also, toffee? YES!


I have recently recovered from big time ITBS and strengthening my Glute Medius solved the whole thing!! Things like monster walks with a resistance band around my knees, hip bridges, and hip hikes/dips! I went to a chiropractic orthopedic and within 3 weeks it was gone (after dealing with it for at least 3 months).


The best exercises you can do for ITBS are clamshells and one legged squats, focusing on feeling muscle use right in the middle of your butt. I was all about the foam roller and icing. then i went to the most AMAZING physical therapist and she explained that it is actually disuse of your butt muscles that causes ITBS and not anything to do with your knee, leg, or hip, even though all the pain seems to be in those area (mainly knee, mine sometimes headed up my leg though). Foam rolling, icing, and running breaks only make you feel better temporarily. you have to activate your butt muscles and get them working again.

I religiously did clams and leg squats twice a day for a month. and I am not kidding…I woke up one day and my ITBS was gone. My butt muscles were finally activating and working.

Now whenever I notice symptoms I add in some clams a few days a week and my butt muscles remember to work again! Sorry for saying “butt” so much! :)


Yeah. I had IT Band syndrome for 3 years. Couldn’t get rid of it either. Last and final resort was surgery. Both knees. No more IT Band problems! :) If she would like to ask me some questions about it, you can give her my email


I dealt with ITBS for years, trying graston, dry needling, physical therapy, chiropractors, strengthening, You name it.
The key (for me) seems to be activating the gluteus medius muscle and using proper form./alignment.

I found success in widening my gait;envision running on a railroad track so that your feet do not cross the center line. (My ankles used to actually strike each other as I ran.) A few centimeters of adjustment could make a big difference.

Also check out the form adjustments in the book “Chi Running” (check your library first). Sometimes while running I can make minor form/alignment adjustments and the discomfort ceases. Worth checking out.
Good luck!


This makes me want Chipotle! awwww…..I miss living in the U.S.!


1. Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Jam
2. That sounds horrible – I don’t like either!!!
3. I need new runners
4. Cold – Treadmill
5. The apostle Paul since he had incredible endurance
6. Maui Oceanfront Half
7. I try to tell my husband this – be patient!
8. I eat candy corn for fuel on long runs and races
9. Coffee and grilled cheese
10. I’ve gotten a little faster


shoots – wrong post!!

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