Tuesday Tangents!

Not a cloud in the sky.  Still a little snow on the tops of the mountains but that probably won’t be there for much longer!

I’m sticking to running places where there are zero cracks to jump up and cause me to trip again;)

Four beautiful, happy knee miles for me! It’s amazing how either after being super sick or something hurting on my body how much more grateful I am to be feeling normal all of the time.  I should just be that grateful all of the time but sometimes it takes me not feeling great to really realize how amazing it is to not be hurting (in just a few weeks I’ll be so grateful for the ability to not sneeze 584 times a day due to allergies).

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Andrew and I hit up the gym for 30 minutes (we were supposed to meet my sister… aka my strength training motivation but she couldn’t come anymore).   I have a hard time thinking of what to do on my own so I googled strength training moves for runners and boom… this was a great workout for me.

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And now, let us discuss some tangents.

*We are really focusing on doing some chores each morning with the kids during the summer (so that they can party hard the rest of the day).  While doing one of her chores Brooke found a bunch of my old memories.  We went through them together.  I told her about each race and she paid close attention to my descriptions but I am thinking that is just because she was trying to get out of doing chores.

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*I’m currently reading the Husband’s Secret (and really enjoying it) but Megan just posted about The Magnolia Story.  I cannot wait to start reading it… ordering it today!  I am probably a little bit too invested in Chip and Joanna! I can’t wait to read their story.

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*I think we might be the main buyers of turkey burgers at Costco… we go through these packs SO fast.  Also, red peppers are delicious right now.  Totally normal to be playing go fish while eating lunch.

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*I think this made Andrew’s life… when he saw Brooke coloring in an Angels hat (including the A and the halo) the other day);

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*We picked up a dog treat from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for Beretta too and it made her life.

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*Root beer floats = summer.

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*Time to go SWIM!

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What are you currently reading right now?  

Has anyone seen the new Pirates movie?  I really want to hear how it is?

Have any tangents to share today!?

What do you do with all of your race medals?

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Now I want a root beer float too!

I’m currently reading Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay and I’m really enjoying it. I usually read before bed and I’m having a hard time putting it down.


I actually focus on doing 15 minutes of cleaning each morning and it seems to keep the house fairly clean. Normally a couple days a week, I’ll do some deeper cleaning stuff.

I hang all of my medals in the basement. Not many people go down there…but they are there LOL..


I just finished Jodi Picoult’s The 10th Circle, and I don’t know that I necessarily liked it. She’s a great writer, but it was too dark for me. I am now reading Karen Kingsbury’s Baxter series because I needed something light and sweet.

My tangent for today. I wrote each of my high schoolers a note for the end of the year and they were genuinely so thankful and it totally made all the time and energy I put into it worth it. Sometimes, they really are the best!

I have my medals on a medal hanger in my workout room at home.


The 10th Circle was a tough one. It was well written but it definitely wasn’t uplifting.


I just finished Option B which was really impactful for me. I went through becoming a widow 18 years ago as a 25 year old and this book could have really helped me in those early years. I also read the Magnolia Story and loved it.

Has anyone seen the new Pirates movie? I really want to hear how it is?

I have all my medals hanging on the wall in my home office.


Couple Next Door great book, almost done need another recommendation. Donate all my medals to We Finish Together. I collect them until I have two dozen, then have my second grade students write the inspiration so tags.


I just read Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine: A Novel and loved it.


I just started I is For Innocent, I like mysteries. I also like that these take place before the internet so detective work is a bit different. I just finished Where We Belong by Hoda Kotb, it was an interesting look a people who have found their life’s passion. Some found it early, some late, and for some it came out of left field. I really think it’s worth the read. (I borrowed it from our library’s online system).

My medals are hanging mostly in my spare bedroom, I also exercise in that room and read in there.

I ran 4 miles yesterday, it was supposed to be 3. The first 2 were hard because my legs felt sore but at the beginning of mile 3 I increased the speed and that felt better. Since I felt good I ran another mile. Why waste the good feeling, right?


My family and I LOVE the Costco turkey burgers!! But, I did stumble across a fantastic recipe on Pinterest for homemade turkey burgers, and they are to die for!
I wanted to share with you that this morning on my run, I listened to the Podcast you did with Lindsey… it was awesome :) And, it made my run enjoyable, I didn’t obsess with my pace, and the miles flew by! I will be listening to more Podcasts on future runs for sure ;) Also, I really enjoyed Lindsey, so will be checking her Podcasts out regularly now, thanks!!
I still have this darn cast on my hand, but I am getting in short runs with core work after, about 4 times a week :) 2 weeks to go, then back for xrays to see how the bone is healing. Fingers crossed!


check out behind closed doors by B.A. Paris! very good!!


I’m reading Lonesome Dove. I haven’t read a new book in a little bit. I’m trying to get through some “classics” that I’ve always wanted to read. I just read Persuasion by Jane Austen.

I like the color of your kitchen island base!


or wherever/whatever that blue beadboard is :) not sure it that is somewhere else. the root beer float picture.


Currently, I am reading one of Hal Higdon’s marathon books! I love it so far. #runningnerd

Tangent: running four miles with a stroller is hard work. I think I need to find a straight trail, so I don’t have to be maneuvering through all of my downtown streets! ;)


Ummm YES!! Running with a stroller is VERY hard work! Way to go Bethany! Keep enjoying that book!!!


Your weather looks beautiful! We are stuck in a cloudy/rainy rut here in MA! I’m reading First comes love by Emily Griffin. Good summer read!


Do you buy the Costco brand turkey burgers?


YES!! The Costco brand is what we get for our turkey burgers… I LOVE THEM!! They are best on the grill but I also cook them in a pan all of the time! Hope you have a great rest of your week!


3 miles with a big hill for my hill workout this week. I am going to visit my Lil sister for her bachelorette party this weekend and she is helping me find some trails to run while I’m with her! My tangent is that I *finally* got a handheld running water bottle and now I love it. I think this will really help my summer running. :) I think after reading about your strength workout I will do some today too!


Which water bottle did you get? I’m always on the lookout for a great one:) Sounds like the perfect weekend and way to go on your hill workout!! Thanks Emily!


Ah, sorry it took me a while to get back to you! It is an Amphipod and it has been on two runs with me and I have really liked it so far. I have to take it on a longer run this week to see how I feel going more than 3 miles.


I’m reading The Happiness Project. If you haven’t read it yet, you should. It’s great so far!

Right now my medals are hanging off my bookcase but I want to get something to hang them all from.

PS/Tangent: the last race I did last weekend didn’t have medals for distances shorter than the half (I did the 10k) and I can’t help thinking I may not have tried as hard as I did if I knew I wouldn’t get a medal. Like, what’s even the point?! ;)


I agree there is a certain satisfaction to getting that medal! I ran a 10k a few weeks ago and crossing the finish they handed me a 5k medal — “sorry ordered the wrong ones everyone gets 5k medals!” Really?? Haha felt like I should’ve signed up for the shorter race :)


That rootbeer float. I need to make that happen ;) She looks pretty happy about it too!

Tangent: My sister is flying in this weekend to run the Steamboat Marathon with me. Because I have been injured, I am SO far behind in training that I did 16 miles this weekend and that will be my longest run before the race. Hoping that since I am running with her (and that her pace is a couple minutes/miles slower that mine) that I will just be able to finish it! I’m sure I wont be able to walk normally for a week after.


I’ve been wanting a root beer float for a couple of weeks! Glad you were able to run today.

I’ve been reading a bunch by Charles Martin lately – Chasing Fireflies, When Crickets Cry, Long Way Gone, and Wrapped in Rain. He’s become a new favorite.


The magnolia story is soooo good!! And we are going to see pirates tomorrow! The 1st and 4th ones were great but the 2nd and 3rd ones were sooooo weird. I hope this one is good! I keep my race medals near my treadmill for inspiration!


I want to see the pirates movie! I did just see Alien yesterday and it SUCKED. So, yeah, don’t go see that. Root beer floats remind me of my childhood- ah so good!


I LOVED the Husband’s Secret! I’m now on The Power of Now, a very different type of book but still worth the read!


Speaking of the Angels. How is Andrew holding up today?

I had 2 rootbeer floats for dinner. #killingit #stretchypantsforlife


It’s been a rough day for him.


The Magnolia story was great. My 9 year old is actually reading it! She loves to read and reads at a very high level. Usually my books are not appropriate for her but this one is completely fine!


I am currently reading Homegoing for my book club. Haven’t gotten too far yet, but it’s good! Although it’s also sad…

Currently just hanging all of my medals on random doors in the house. I should probably buy or make an actual place to hang them. ;)


Yay for painless miles! Glad you’re better! Right now I’m listening to Mrs. Grant (Ulysses S. Grant’s wife) and Madame Jule and reading Lost Distinction. I just finished the Nightengale and My Name is Mary Fuller. Both really good books and better than the books I’m currently reading. The Magnolia Story is so good and way better than I expected.


I’m obsessed with Chip & Joanna, too! Already read Magnolia Story. Currently reading Quiet – about being an introvert in an extrovert world.


I hope your knee is better!!! You will LOVE the magnolia story. It the sweetest book! ❤️❤️ Love you so much! ❤️


I’ve been wanting a turkey burger! I never want burgers……


It’s sooo true how getting injured or being sick makes me appreciate working out more. I had pneumonia in March and even though I’ve been back to my workout and running routing for like 2 months already, I still feel the gratitude after being sidelined!


For good stength training for runners look into Jordan metzels books. Running strong and workout prescription are two I have and they have good excercises to do for runners.


I’m not reading anything right now but waiting to start “into thin air” on my holiday next weekend :D It’s a survivors account of the 1996 Mt. Everest disaster – very cheery for a holiday!
I went to watch the new pirates last week, it’s certainly better than the last although it’s a little too cheesy for my liking now a days…
What a beautiful scenery you have on your run! I’d love to live close to mountains like those :D
I’ve only just started my medal collection (2 so far both this year) so I have no idea what to do with them yet!

Rachel | Coffee & Avocados


LOL that picture from Andrew in his bike and your comment really made me laugh :)


Agh! I trip all the time! Great fall story- One mile into my five mile run, I was running down the sidewalk that is next to my parents’ house and I see them going in the back door. So I decide to head on over and say hi. Turn the corner and all of a sudden I go sailing. Skidding along the pavement and completely tear up my palms and thighs! Still have my earbuds in but I hear this noise and when I turn to look, it’s a cop who has seen the entire thing and is now parked in the middle of the road getting ready to get out and come help! When I heard her voice, I realized she is also a parent at my children’s school. Haha!! I mumble that i am ok and get up to start running again. Thankfully, mom and dad’s house was right there and mom was able to fix me up and send me on my way. Of course I had to be cool and finish my run. ;) Hope you had a great weekend and stay safe! <3


We saw the Pirates movie on Monday. Loved it!!! Much better than the last 2.
I am currently reading (always multiple books in progress) : Diet Right for Your Personality Type, Lonesome Dove (reread), Listen Love Repeat.


I just finished Beartown by the same author that wrote A Man Called Ove. It was Soooooo good!

My husband has “man’s world” room under our garage and I get a small corner for my gardening things and I hang my race medals and bibs there.

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