SURVEY kind of a day (with a prize/package from me!!) + our Tuesday NIGHT!

Happy Wednesday! I hope your day is off to a beautiful start!  I decided today would be the perfect day to have a survey because these questions are very important matters to me:)  I cannot wait to hear your answers!  But first, I have to share a bit from our day/night!

Last night Andrew and I went out for our weekly (ehhh try to get out weekly just the two of us) date!  We went to see the new Pirates movie and we absolutely loved it.  It was SO intense but so good.

We also had to stop at Cafe Rio afterwards for the good stuff.  It had been at least 3 weeks since our last visit.

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Brooke had a blast with grandma and they went on a walk, played cards and learned about birds.

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She is always in the best mood at my mom’s house:)

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My mom had us stay for some brownies and catching up afterwards which was fun.

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Oh and earlier on in the day we hit up the pool and enjoyed the sun!

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I am in love with cherries right now.  I can’t stop.

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A smoothie afterwards was necessary because we needed to cool-down!

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Let’s play a game today!  Answer these questions in the comments and I’ll randomly select one person that answered the questions (I’ll use to choose) to send a gift package of some random food/running things:)  PS you don’t have to answer all of the questions to enter for package/prize… just half or more (and if you aren’t a runner then answer them about your favorite workout).

1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?


2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?

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3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)…  WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?

4. Fill in the blank:  If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside.  Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?


5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?


7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?! 

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?


 You can copy the questions down in your comments or just number the questions that you are answering:)  


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I’m allllll about making smoothies these days to cool down too. I can’t believe the temps are in the 90s here already and it’s not even officially summer yet. I can tell this July and August are going to be brutal!

1. After long runs I would really love a Chipotle chicken bowl topped with lots of mild salsa to be waiting for me ;)

2. Okay, so I really like burritos more than donuts, BUT I think donuts would feel lighter in my stomach so I’m going to go with six donuts!

3. The best use of the $100 would be new running shoes, but I just got a pair of new running shoes so I think I would go with new running tanks for summer. I hardly ever splash out on new tanks but I would really more in bright colors for summer! And compression socks. I feel like you can never have too many. The more socks you have the less you have to do laundry!

4. If it is pouring rain outside I will not run outside. I hate when my shoes get soggy and water drips into my eyes! Plus down here we have flash storms where it rains hard for 5 minutes and then the sun gets out and the humidity skyrockets making it miserable — like running through a swamp!

5. I would go running with you, the most famous run blogger athlete :) But first I would need a pep talk from your mom about how to not feel self conscious about having a much slower pace than you haha!

7. My best friend is currently becoming a runner! She plays tennis so she’s already a sprinter haha, but now she is interested in doing 5Ks and maybe more (or maybe it’s just my dream that she does more). I just keep telling her that it does get fun at some point :D


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?
Donuts for sure!

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)…  WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?
I recently discovered Nike-Run Fast shorts and am in love! I would probably stock up on those!

4. Fill in the blank:  If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside.  Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?
Lower than 30 degrees or storming. I would probably not run at all- I hate the treadmill ;)
5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?
Meb Keflezighi… but he would need to slow wayyyyyy down ;)

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?
My first half marathon in 2013. I ran it a month after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and everything fell right into place!

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?! 
Lucky for me, my best friend is a runner! She is pregnant with baby #2 and having a hard time with running, so my advice to her is to listen to her body, enjoy growing her baby, and worry about running after he/she is here :)

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
Sometimes I get so into the music, I dance (arms only, obviously…ha)

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?
Gloating for a few days!

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?
It feels much more like a lifestyle now than a chore!


1. Blueberry pancakes that aren’t fully cooked all the way through with a side of Wheat Thins and Maple Brown Sugar Nature Valley Granola Crunch with banana slices.
2. 6 donuts–a burrito during a run seems like a horrible idea.
4. If it is super stormy and lightning outside, I will not run outside. I’ll treadmill it at that point.
5. John Krasinski
6. The Dallas Half Marathon in 2015 because having all of my family there at the finish line and crossing as third female overall was really special. I had to fight pretty hard to secure one of the top spots, and I loved hearing my family cheering in that final home stretch.
8. I have a weird arm swing with my left arm. I don’t do it on purpose, but it always looks funny in pictures, and people often comment on it.
9. Lots and LOTS of froyo
10. I don’t take it as seriously as I used to. I still love running and always will, but it’s not my life. I do it because I love it, and I love racing, but I don’t let it control my life as much as it used to when I first started racing a lot.


1. pizza
2. burrito
3. a quality sports bra, i tend to keep using mine for just a little too long :)
4. POURING rain/thunder storm, then i would choose treadmill … but i hate the treadmill so it has to be really bad
5. Hungry Runner Girl!! or Michael Phelps
6. Outer Banks 1/2 marathon in 2015. i PRed by 5 minutes even after stopping for a bathroom break
7. be ok with starting slow and doing intervals, there’s nothing wrong w/ walk/running to ease your way into it
8. pretend i am swimming & every step i take is a stroke so it makes it easier (i was a swimmer before a runner!)
9. pizza/burger/good food & a beer
10. actually paying attention to form…and mobility/forward lean


1. Easy…ICE CREAM :) … does this count as a meal?

2. Yikes, but 6 donuts sounds way better!

3. I would spend the $100 on a few pairs of capri pants…love to run in these.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is SNOWING outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?
Depends….but probably use it as an excuse to “not at all” :)

6. My very first half marathon…no better feeling in the world.

7. OMG this would be the best thing ever BUT…to pace herself…literally.

8. I tend not to run with headphones in…I get annoyed by the music too quick and would rather think/look at the scenery.

9. Being lazy the whole day would be my reward after a race or hard run…shower, sweats, & TV.

10. The biggest change in my running from when I very first started would have to be pace….learning to pace myself and not take it too quick out of the gate.


4. If it’s thundering and lightening outside I will not run outside or at all!

5. I would want to run with Shawn Johnson. I think she’d make a tough run fun with her bubbly personality.

10. The biggest change I’ve had with running since I first started is that now I’m actually excited to go. When I started running it was on the cross country team and I was never that excited about it.

2. I would rather eat the donuts. I think a burrito would be way too filling.

1. The one thing I would want out a hard workout (assuming I would be starving) is a fat sandwich! (It’s a New Jersey thing where it’s basically anything and everything on a sandwich)

7. If my best friend decided to become a runner my piece of advice would be to take it slow and only worry about yourself! That way you don’t get discouraged if people are passing you or running faster.


#1 salad with grilled chicken, avacado, tomato, walnuts and homemade ranch (whole30 approved) dressing
#2 the burrito
#3 new Zenzah compression sleeves/Asics running socks
#4 ICY – will not run on ice — and cannot run on treadmill anymore
#5 a run with Derek Jeter please
#6 a half marathon i ran last year and got heat exhaustion — if i could go back, i might actually quit — heat exhaustion is NO joke and effected me the rest of the summer
#7 advice – invest (get fitted) for running shoes
#8 i run at the same place every run — BORING i know
#9 after a long run i usually have a scrambled egg – and then maybe a special coffee
#10 when i first started running all my runs were on the treadmill with only my long weekend run being outside — now all my runs are outside and i cannot run on the treadmill at all (my feet go numb ?? anyone else have that ??)

This was fun !!! Cannot wait to read the other responses…


1. I always crave oranges after a long run for some reason but I LOVE ice cream so it would probably be an ice cream sundae with caramel sauce and sprinkles.
2. I’d definitely go with the donuts (can you tell that I have a sweet tooth?!)
3. I’m currently lusting over the Garmin Fenix 5S multisport watch (I do triathlons predominantely) so that would go some way towards that (and will help soften the guilt of spending all that money!)
4. If it is Icy outside I won’t go running – I’m like bambi on ice and fall over thin air so I don’t need ice to join in on helping me say hi to the ground!
5. I would LOVE to go for a run (or me on a bike trying to keep up with them running) with the Brownlee Brothers – I’ve read their autobiography and think they’d be great fun and incredibly interesting to talk to.
6. My first half marathon, the Great Scottish Run in Glasgow Scotland – I’ve run others since and I’ve run faster since but nothing will beat that feeling I had that day!
7. That it gets easier and to keep going – one day you’ll wonder how you lived without running!
8. I don’t think it’s that weird but I listen to movie soundtracks when running, I love the atmospheric music for my runs particularly any interval / speedwork stuff – I dare you not to speed up / get pumped up when listening to the Gladiators theme or Star Wars etc
9. I love going for a nice brunch after my saturday morning long runs and then of course the obligatory afternoon nap too!
10. My biggest change is that I can actually have relaxed easy running days now, when I first started each and every run was incredibly tough and I couldn’t understand how people used running to de-stress / unwind, now it’s one of my favourite ways to see new places / organise my thoughts.


1. Belgian waffles with strawberries and coconut whipped cream! Yum!
3. Brooks! I haven’t tried a pair yet but really want to!
4. If its over 85 degrees out!
6. Last November I flew to San Francisco with a friend and we ran the Mermaid Run 10k. It was a blast!
9. Ice cold beverage! Coconut water or a smoothie with extra ice.
10. I actually push myself now!


LOVE survey days! I have a question for you too – do you know anyone who has worked at a running store? I am looking at a career change and have an interview with a local chain, so I wanted to get some insight.

1. Maybe it is because I run mostly in the mornings, but I LOVE having oatmeal after my runs. I mash a banana in there, add some flax seed meal and chia seeds, and top with cinnamon. So good! Also, a glass of chocolate milk.
2. Oh yikes…probably donuts. I think that would sit better in my stomach.
3. I would get a couple pairs of Feetures socks (my favs) and a new tank and shorts. You can never have too many and I am trying to transition my shorts to my new favorites – Saucony Impulse.
4. Pouring rain before I step out the door (even though I did run in just that condition last week). I hate being wet from the start and when it is raining hard enough for the shoes to start squishing, no thanks. I would opt for treadmill.
5. I would love to go for a run with Desi. She just seems so down to earth and awesome.
6. NEW YORK CITY MARATHON! The weather was perfect, I felt great the whole time, my time was pretty good, and it was just an overall super awesome experience.
7. Do not be afraid to take walk breaks. I think so many people think that if they walk at all, they are not “real” runners.
8. I am sure there are things I do that are weird to others, but I cannot think of anything right now. I will do a lot of runs without hydration – basically, I will not bring water with me unless I am going over 10 miles (or it is super hot/humid).
9. Puppy chow/muddy buddies
10. Much smarter about hydration and fueling. My first two half marathons I did not drink at all and pretty sure I suffered from some heat exhaustion the second time. Really stupid. And my first marathon, I did not practice fueling AT ALL during training. The race was an interesting one…might be why it was 7 years before I tried a marathon again.


1. Bacon, Egg, and Cheese burrito
2. 6 donuts
3. Lululemon or Under Armour
4. Raining. Will treadmill run.
5. Michael Phelps
6. Fort Lauderdale 5k on my 20th birthday
7. When it gets hard just keep pushing
8. Breathe in patterns
9. Starbucks or Jamba Juice
10. Recurring toe injury


1. Ricotta pancakes from NorthStar cafe! They are the best! I want them now…

2. I hate chewing anything when I run. If I had to pick, donuts. Sounds less heavy.

3. So hard to pick. Always want or “need” something. I do need a new running belt. I always want more fun tanks or a new water bottle. And I’ve got my eye on a new Garmin.

4. Cold! When the temps start getting too cold, I run inside or pick a new workout. I’m a baby in the cold. I’d rather run in hot and humid than in cold.

6. I did a marathon relay a few yrs ago and we had so much fun. Cheering each other one and having our own competition with another friends team. Then all hanging out and eating after. So much fun!

8. I listen to a lot of murder themed podcasts while I run. Lol, not necessarily the most relaxing but so interesting!


1. Kodiak Cake pancakes with strawberries. Every.Time.
2. Just the thought of either of them makes me nauseous! But, I would go with the donuts.
3. I’d go straight to Brooks and get some running shorts and sports bras. I’m in need of them anyways!!
4. If it is snowing/sleeting outside, I will not run outside. Treadmill! I secretly love the treadmill
5. Reese Witherspoon
6. A 10k that I ran recently. It was a fast and fun change up from marathons!
7. Stick with it!! The first few months are hard and defeating. But find a way to stay motivated and it is so worth it in the long run.
8. Sometimes I squeeze my fists so tightly without realizing it that I’ll actually get bruises on my hands. It’s not a cute look, but I don’t even know I’m doing it!!
9. A hot shower and pancakes!
10. Attitude. I used to use running as a way to loose/maintain weight and I didn’t love it. Now, running is so much more for me. I look forward to my runs everyday and it is the biggest stress reliever that I have in my life. I also ran way more mileage now and love the feeling of high mileage weeks and hard runs/work outs.


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
Anything salty! Probably nachos!

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?
oooohhh I love burritos but in the middle of a long run?? I think I would have to say donuts!

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?
New sneakers for sure! I used to get a great discount at the running store near me for coaching, but dont anymore and would love $100 to get some fresh sneakers!

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?
I don’t think there is anything I will absolutely refuse to run in, maybe icey sidewalks, those scare me!

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?
Kara Goucher for sure, I LOVE her!

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?
Boston Marathon 2014, I had run Boston many times before but this was the year after the bombings and the feeling in the city was more joyous than any I had ever experienced, and I had just found out I was pregnant!

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!
Take it one run at a time, and know that every running is working towards making you stronger.

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
I am 36 weeks pregnant now, so I always have to use a bathroom!

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?
Again anything salty! And just laying on the ground for a few moments with my son and dog all over me

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?
I dont feel the need to time every run I go on, or push myself as hard as I used to, worked through not eating enough to be able to get pregnant and since having a kid, my whole image about running has changed to be something I am SO grateful for instead of something I always have to get better and better at.


1. Mmm either a really good chocolate protein shake or a brownie sundae :)

2. Neither- but I guess donuts.

3. I really need a new visor, and I love the brooks t-shirts for summer.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is below 0 and icy outside, I will not run outside. Depending on the future forecast and my workout the day before, I would either run on the treadmill or do something to cross train.

5. Meb

6. Marathon du Beaujolais Neuveau in France

7. Stick with it!

8. I take my dog on almost every run.

9. Ice cream, or sometimes clothes that I really want :)

10. I run a lot less now, due to injuries- and include a lot more cross training


1. Bacon & eggs!
2. I guess a burrito but the thought of eating either of those while running made me ill just reading it, haha, (sensitive stomach!)
3. Those like Normatec recovery boots or some brand of recovery boots, I’ve always wanted to try those.
4. Lightning. I always go to the gym during storms. Ran a marathon once and a bolt of lightning hit in the field next to me and scared me for life!
5. Oh wow that’s a hard one, can I just go through my instgram account and pick out all the running women bloggers that I follow who just seem so cool & friendly? I want to be friends with them!
6. Last 6.2 miles of my first marathon! Happiest miles of my life!!
7. Come into the sport with deep pockets because running & being injured will take all your money! Lol
8. Holding my hand up to the sky trying to get a GPS signal while standing in the middle of the road at 5am!
9. Coffee! Always.
10. Way cuter clothes!! I am much more a minimalist now than when I ran my first races.


1. scrambled eggs on wheat toast with side of hashbrowns and coffee + juice or chocolate milk…yum!
2. 6 donuts!!
3. the juno sports bra from Brooks and a running tank/shirt that can work during pregnancy (currently 15 weeks with second child!) and beyond. I’m using my husband’s shirts right now
4. icy! if it is icy I would prefer to run on a treadmill
6. Ironman Racine Wisconsin 70.3 – everything clicked for me during this race, such great memories
10. this is my second pregnancy so I think my running career has changed as my body has changed – the feel of it and the need for it has changed over time. Taking time to slow down makes you realize how much running helps with all things!


1. A big huge Greek salad with either grilled chicken on top or blackened tuna.
2. 6 donuts!
3. New Brooks Ghost running shoes
4. Lightning. I would either do a spring workout on the treadmill, because that is all I can handle on the treadmill, or do a strength workout.
5. Kara Goucher!
6. This past year I did the OBX Half Marathon. I loved it because I got my husband to run it, as well. We trained for it together and had the best time (at least I did, he probably didn’t)
7. Listen to your body. If something starts to hurt, stop immediately and assess if you can continue or should stop before something serious happens.
8. When I am dragging, I will start to imagine being chased. It helps but I am sure I look like a crazy person.
9. I love a big omelet after running!
10. The usual life changes that have caused me to not be able to run as often as I would like. I used to run everyday, now I am lucky to get in 3 runs a week. However, I do mix that with early morning weights on the other days. Turns out I really like weight training, as well.


1. Waffles with lots of syrup
2. Don’t hate me but I can’t stand donuts (or coffee). So even though my stomach would hate me…burrito.
3. I so need new pure flows and a pair of ghosts. So the $100, would go towards one pair.
4. Below 20 or above 85 and yes I would go on the treadmill.
5. Chrissy Teigen
6. Hamot 10K, I took 3 min of my time from the month prior and I could have pushed harder. It may have been almost 20 degrees cooler that really made the difference.
7. Not every run should be fast and I tell her this all the time!
8. I wear ear covers even when it is warmish. I can’t stand wind and it gives me a headache.
9. A Nap!!!!!
10. I really am not training for a race right now so my runs are just fun. When I first starting running I was always training for a race.


I feel like I need to get out to a Cafe Rio, it always looks so good when you post it.

Right now, I don’t actually need anything running related. I think if someone hands me 100 for running related stuff, I would save it. I’m looking forward to trying the new Brooks Glycerin though.


1)PB&J all day
3)I would choose Athleta or Lulu. I really love the fancy razor back tops BUUUUUT I start training for NYCM very soon so I think the most important thing for starting marathon training in July …in GEORGIA… will be any kind of fancy running shorts that don’t chafe me (size M on everything ;-))
4) If it’s raining I won’t run outside…oddly I don’t mind if it starts raining mid-run but I won’t start in the rain. Also I don’t mind the treadmill, especially for speedwork!
5) Mindy Kaling. I think I’d have to run very slowly though from laughing so much!
6) My very first marathon, the Georgia Marathon in 2013, which I did with my best friend to raise money for an incredible non profit org ( So many friends and family members came out to the course to cheer for us- my dad even found me at 8 different places along the course!
7) intervals are where it’s at but start slow and small; also sign up for a race as a goal to aim for
8) If I start feeling tired, I start counting down “3-2-1-3-2-1-3-2-1…” out loud, almost by habit
9) always something sweet- love peanut butter m&m’s; dark chocolate bars, frozen yogurt
10) I’ve been a runner for 8 years now and until this january I was always an evening runner. I was always afraid to run in the morning in a fasted state but this year I’ve been doing AM runs before work almost exclusively and I’ve seen YUUUUUGE improvements in my times (10:00min 5k pace >>>8:45min 5k pace)


1. Egg white omelet, with: feta, onions, mushroom,peppers, tomato, black olives, bacon, sausage, and roasted potatoes.
2: Burrito from chipotle (though I’d probably get sick)

3. New Balance Minimal Shoes, and a tank top.
4. If it’s hot, I’d rather run on the treadmill inside or lift at the gym. I hate the heat.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be? Ron Paul ( who wouldn’t want to run with a libertarian?!?)

6. 2017 Harper’s Ferry Half. I felt great all through out(despite the HILLS, rain, and almost breaking my face falling in the mud on multiple occasions) SOO HILLY…look it up!!!!

7. Just run. Don’t take it serious. Have no expectations and just do it

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs? Freak out when I see dogs ( if they’re not on a leash) or cats. I’m terrified of them.

9. Burger and fries

10. I enjoy running much more now


1. This is a hard one! I love pizza, but my favorite meal (if cost isn’t an issue) is filet mignon and roasted potatoes ? so healthy and nutritious ?
2. I don’t like donuts all that much (sorry!) so I’m gonna have to go with the burrito!
3. I would probably put the $100 toward a really nice running watch, like the Garmin Forerunner 225. Mine is OK, but I haven’t made the leap and it’s mostly because of cost.
4. Ice storming. Ain’t nobody got time for a broken tailbone from slipping on the ice. I’d try to get on the treadmill instead if I could (but I love the treadmill!)
5. Oooh I don’t know. I’m such a loner runner!
6. Two years ago I did a 5K at a work conference in Orlando and it was 1000% humidity at 6:30 in the morning and I thought I was gonna die, but I ended up PR’ing! I’m going to be running the same 5K in a couple of weeks, so I’m actually excited to see if I can replicate the experience.
7. Start slow and don’t worry about pace! If you want to stick with running, work up to being able to run for 30 minutes before you worry about hitting splits and all that stuff. Otherwise you’ll get discouraged too easily!
8. I pretty much stopped listening to music and just try to enjoy the run. Is that weird?
9. A nap! There’s nothing better than being freshly showered and pleasantly sore after a race and just vegging and napping afterward ?
10. My biggest change is my motivation for doing it. I started running to prove my doctor wrong after I broke my food and he told me it might not heal completely. Now, my motivation is completely different and I run because I love it and how it makes me feel. Life is just so much better after a run!


Oh this is fun :)

1. A milkshake! Preferably cookies and cream :)

2. 6 donuts but man it would be terrible to run after that!

3. Right now it would be Old Navy sports clothing. I’m in need of some new running shorts and sports bra’s. A few cute yoga outfits wouldn’t hurt either ;)

4. If it’s over 100+ degrees I will not run outside. I live in Florida so I have lots of 5am runs in store for me for the rest of the summer! I actually like running in storms here!

5. Kara Goucher

6. Oh good question! Probably a 10 miler I did on Thanksgiving one year. My soon-to-be husband surprised me by showing up (we had just started dating) and it was one of the best race days ever weather-wise and pace wise!

7. Start slow and give yourself plenty of breaks. Don’t be too hard on yourself!

8. I don’t run with music when I’m doing 5am runs, and I run with mace when it’s dark outside. Maybe not super weird but a little different I think.

9. Eggs however I want them (if I’m treating myself they’ll have lots of cheese, salsa and spinach) and a homemade fruit smoothie! Maybe even a mimosa or two!

10. I am much easier on myself now. I don’t make every run a hard run, it’s much more fun that way :)

Thanks Janae!


1. Can’t be Beet Smoothie (Run Fast Eat Slow)….I live off these!
2. Burrito….I like donuts after.
3. Brooks sneakers
4. -20 windchill is my limit. I have not been on a treadmill in years. Snow, ice, -17, no problem.
5. Hmmm….David Goggins or Jen Shelton….Scott Jurek and his wife Jennie. I know you said 1, I am not good with limits.
6. My first 5K just over 3 years ago. I was so proud of myself….almost ugly cried.
7. Buy good socks!
8. I think about my dog an say to myself: I am coming Papa!
9. Chips and chocolate soy milk.
10. I started out running to race….now I run for pure joy with no watch.


1. Definitely an acai bowl LOADED with all the good stuff– granola, peanut butter, banana, cacao nibs, you name it!
2. 6 donuts for sure
3. New running shoes! I constantly feel like I need a new pair, then put it off at least 3 months after it’s time to trade them in because I don’t want to spend the money
4. If it is a blizzard outside, I will not run outside. Treadmill time!
5. Mia Hamm… My childhood idol!
6. Boston Marathon 2015… My first Boston, and the most amazing race ever
7. Be PATIENT… Endurance and feeling good while running takes time, it’s not going to happen right away
8. Tap be fingers together to the beat of my music the whole time
9. Usually some sort of food item
10. How I feel when I run a comfortable run… I still remember the days when it would be the hardest thing in the world finishing a 5 mile run, now I look forward to a nice 10 mile run at a comfortable pace


1. Ice cream
2. Doughnuts but both during a run sound terrible
3. New nike running shorts and tanks.
4. Ice. I would treadmill it.
5. You.
6. Monster dash half. It was my first one and it was such a feeling of accomplishment.
7. Spend the money on good shoes.
8. Run up and down the street to get the right number of miles.
9. A couple days off from running.
10. Making my easy days easier.


1. Pizza
2. I prefer savory over sweet so would have to choose the burrito; although I’m not sure I’d be able to finish the long run after :-)
3. Nike rival shorts and a good sports bra
4. I HATE running when it’s windy outside. I’d stick to the treadmill
5. Amy Poehler. She’s hysterical and the run would fly by because we’d be talking and laughing so much.
6. My first marathon
7. Get fitted for decent running shoes
9. I focus on what I can eat when the run is over
10. I have learned to not go out to fast and to pace myself for the whole distance.


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?

Any giant plate of pasta would be my ultimate dream meal … and if I had to be more specific I would say ravioli with a yummy marinara sauce mmm

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?

Definitely the 6 donuts.. I don’t think my stomach would be able to handle a burrito and the results would not be fun for anyone.

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?

Mostly on running tights … I LOVE having every color in the rainbow. Also sports bras, can never have too many and always seem to be running low no matter how many I have. Lastly, I would buy the perfect pair of running shorts. I’m so picky with shorts and have trouble finding ones that aren’t too tight/short/long/high rise… etc!

4. Fill in the blank: If it is COLD AND RAINY outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? Treadmill! (With Netflix)

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?

Mary Keitany: I watched as she finished the NYC Marathon and was in total awe.

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?

I recently did the NYC united half and beat my PR! It was a beautiful course, my family came to cheer me on (and raced around the city to get to THREE different points to cheer). It was such an amazing feeling that I would want to relive it!!

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!

Set realistic goals and don’t be too hard on yourself. When I first started running I could barely run a mile, but if you set attainable goals for yourself, your accomplishments will help motivate you to keep pushing and trying!

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?

One of my hands is always in a loose fist and the other looks like I’m going to give a karate chop. ALWAYS. And always the same hands.

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?

FOOOOOOOD. If it’s a race then definitely a big beautiful brunch afterwards.

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?

My stamina, my drive. I used to have so much trouble getting motivated to go out the door, but once my body learned how good running can make me feel, I CRAVE it and don’t feel like myself when I don’t run.

Thanks for the questions!!


1. So. Many. Things. But I’d have to go with a huge salad with all the yummy stuff in my kitchen on top!!

2. right in the middle of the run?! Donuts. Always the donuts!

3. You can always use new running shoes. But I’d really like to buy some new running accessories i.e: sun glasses, running belt, some cute running clothes…

4. If it’s 55 degrees or lower I will not run outside. The cold air kills my asthma. I don’t have a treadmill so those days I head to the gym.

5. I’ve used the Nike running app to train for races. At the end of runs Kevin Hart comes in to give you attaboys. I’d love to run with him because it would be hilarious!

6. I just did the Broad Street Run 10 miler in Philadelphia this past spring. It was my first time and it was amazing. I would love to redo it.

7. My best friend is becoming a runner AS I TYPE THIS! It’s so much fun. Sometimes she is discouraged when there are tough days , or she is too tired to go for a run, i just tell her to look back on how far she’s come. When she started she could barely run a mile and she just recently finished a 10 mile race. That’s amazing!

8. When I’m feeling great and the perfect song comes on I might dance or cheer myself on (out loud!) yes. I get funny looks. Haha!

9. ICE CREAM!!! ?

10. The biggest change in my running is how much I love it now and it’s become a part of me.

11. This was fun!


1. COLD Fruit
2. 6 Donuts
3. A pair of Lululemon leggings.
4. Below 0. Treadmill.
5. I don’t really know?
6. Color Run 2014. My daughter ( 6 at the time) ran it with me.
7. Find a rhythm for your breathing.
8. I like to listen to classical while I run, really loudly.
9. I brag about my run to my husband. :-)
10. My reason for running.


1. I think a large bowl of fruit (grapes, pineapple, cherries) & large hot tea & a bran muffin heated up with butter and honey.
2. Donuts!! Of course. That is straight sugar/carb FUEL!! The burrito option makes me nauseated to even think of how painful that would be to run with that in my stomach.
3. New Brookes shoes – glycerin.
4. If it was a “wintery mix” which from my experience is what they call snow/ice/WIND – no go. I hate precipitation WITH WIND. It is like being attacked the entire run. I would chose treadmill if I really needed to get a run in for training, otherwise, take a rest day and do some yoga.
5. Jesus – and I would have a list of questions! And I would record it for everyone ;)
6. Chicago Half
7. Start SLOW! Start only with run-walking, walk 5 mins, run 1 min, for 30 mins. Then next week walk 3 mins, run 2 mins for 30 mins. Just starting to run will be a definite injury.
8. Not sure on something weird. I pray during the start b/c I run in the AM. And I listen to podcasts mostly.
9. Immediate is fruit b/c it is sugar and watery! And then reward would be a brownie sundae with that thick gooey chocolate sauce on top! And a burger – possibly in that order.
10. Less obsessive about it. Life > running.

Janae!! So glad you are over your fall injury. I actually tripped over my dog last year and hit my knee and everything – it was a real wipe out, I rolled, and everything. Haha. Not fun. And there was no snow or anything. Just straight concrete.



1. Chocolate-banana-PB protein shake

2. 6 donuts – for sure!

3. A new pair of Hoka One One

4. If it is HOT outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? I actually love the treadmill! Outside is my favorite, but there are a lot of pro’s (for me) to treadmill running.

5. Kara Goucher. I love how real she is.

6. I would re-do the 2002 Bix 7 in Iowa. It’s a hilly 7 mile race. My grandma, who lived in Iowa, always wanted to walk the race. I am normally pretty competitive when it comes to races, but that year I decided to walk with my grandma. It was one of my favorite races ever. I love helping others achieve their running/walking goals and dreams :)

7. Focus on YOU and YOUR running – not everyone on social media/Garmin/Strava/etc.

8. When I’m running on the treadmill, I have to be watching HGTV :)

9. I know food isn’t supposed to used after a reward, but give me all the donuts or some sort of M&M Blizzard like creation the night after a race.

10. My dedication to the little things – yoga, strength training, regular massages, REST days, sleep, nutrition (basically, I’ve learned from ALLLL my mistakes…although I still keep making new mistakes and learning from them too :)


1.) A protein smoothie.
2. Donuts
3. Shoes- probably another pair of Brooks Launch!
4. Thunderstorm. If a race wouldn’t be held in it, I won’t run in it.
5. Desi.
6. Charleston Marathon 2017. Set a big PR!
7. My bestie is a runner, but my advice for any new runner is to get fitted for shoes and be consistent. Consistent years of running give you success, not necessarily a 12-18 week “plan”
8. I almost always stop at .1 or more over the distance. So instead of 7, I would run 7.1 miles.
9. After a race my go-to meal is shrimp tacos. And Ben & Jerry’s that night.
10. Being consistent and running as many days as possible, but also taking a full rest day when I need it. Because if you train, you really do need to rest and recover. I’m not a streaker.


2 – 6 DONUTS! Actually, I think this could be my answer to #1 as well. HAHAHA!
3- I don’t have a proper running watch and my Vivofit just isn’t cutting it anymore now that I am training for a 10k and looking ahead to a fall Half. I would love a Garmin 230… in purple!
4- TOO FOGGY. Roads in my area are very windy and pretty hill. I won’t run in fog, even with all my nighttime visibility gear on. Too dangerous. I’ll hit up the treadmill at the gym instead.
9- A latte!!! extra whipped cream :)


1. Man I really love a hearty breakfast so a Kodiak pancake, eggs, and turkey bacon would be the BEST.

2. I like burritos better, but I tend to get sick on runs when I eat too heavy so donuts it is!

3. Tissue thin brightly-colored tank tops (it’s so humid out already) like a bright yellow nike tank, and running shorts with a flat waistband (meaning no ruching) like the UA tulip shorts! And if I had any $$ left over, I would buy some Nuun tablets since my hubby loves them so much and drinks all of mine :)

4. It it is super wet outside, I will not run. I’m so afraid of either slipping on black ice or a puddle and hurting myself! For those days I think treadmill running with a new Netflix show would help pass the time :)

5. Meb Keflezighi!!!! He was actually racing at my second half marathon ever (Gasparilla Distance Classic) I got to see him killing it around mile 9-10 (I was so much further behind haha) and it was such an inspiration!

6. The same race listed above :) I had a major PR, the weather was perfect, and I had my parents / husband / aunt / MIL cheering me on at the end which gave me all the push I needed.

7. Do not feel guilty about where you are today, all that matters is that you are out there on the pavement.

8. When I have a certain song come on, I totally mouth the words, and “dance” along to keep me going!

9. I usually go to a fun brunch with friends who raced with me!

10. Learning to find joy in every run and not every run is meant to be a PR / race run.


1. Veggie pizza
2. A large burrito
3. Running clothes (I can never have enough)
4. Lightening….not at all. I don’t run on my treadmill during storms
5. YOU! Though I’m not fast enough to keep up…
6. My very first half marathon in 2010. It sadly was my fastest one and I remember feeling so proud of myself and so strong!
7. Don’t think, just run! It’s my motto
8. I talk to myself. Even during a race? Just quick pep talks. People next to me may think I’m saying it to them and that’s fine too.
9. Rest and cuddle with my kids…..after a shower or they won’t come near me?
10. I don’t run as much as I used to and not in a good way. That needs to change!


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be ?!? Homemade egg mcmuffin with turkey sausage

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run? I think 6 donuts would sit better.

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)? Some new Brooks Ghosts, I am about to start marathon training and need a new pair. If there was any left, I would use it to buy a new running hat.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? ICY. I will usually pick the treadmill if it’s a shorter run, but otherwise will reschedule it.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be? Katherine Switzer
6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be? Hmmm a half marathon I did in March with my running pals, I felt really strong.

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?! Make sure to foam roll

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs? When I’m by myself I will do math problems in my head to keep from getting bored.

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other? Burger and Beer

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now? I run with friends on a regular basis, running with others has made me a better person and a better runner.


1. Not really a meal but a salt bagel always sounds amazing when I’m finished with my run!
2. Both sound awful during a run but I guess I would choose the donuts
3. I need tank tops and a new sports bra :-)
5. Desi Linden!!! Love her!
7. Just to have fun and enjoy running and know that it will always be there for you no matter what.
9. Chocolate milk!
10. I think the biggest change is my speed. I was much heavier when I started running and my pace was super slow. I’m not fast now but I’m faster than I was!


1- I am currently loving this random bowl of mashed sweet potato and banana topped with cinnamon, almond butter, and apple butter! It’s like oatmeal without oats :)
2- both sound awful – but donuts maybe is less bad.
3- new sports bras, tops, and shorts for the summer! unfortunately, $100 doesn’t go very far…
4- raining – I would opt for an inside workout, probably a HIIT
5- I have NO idea!!! Someone I could keep up with and someone who would make me laugh the whole way.
6- I got really mad at a 5k once bc of all the pressure I put on myself. I’d redo that with a better attitude!
7- buy a good pair of shoes


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
Grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, and homemade mashed potatoes.

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?
yuck to either but probably 6 donuts

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)? New Balance Fresh Foam 980 shoes, size 6

4. Fill in the blank: If it is _lightning_ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? I would do some type of cross training or weight lifting instead.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be? This one is tough, probably Prefontaine.

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?
The first half marathon that my husband and I ran together, his IT band blew up so I would love to do that again with no injury.

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!
Don’t be so hard on yourself, take it easy and enjoy the process.

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
Pray and smile for no reason other than I’m happy to be running.

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?
Diet Pepsi and something sweet.

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?
More easy runs


1. In the summer – Watermelon! and if we are really talking anything is healthy, id never turn down Mac and Cheese
2. without a doubt large burrito
3. Brooks – my Ghosts are in desperate need of replacement
4. Cold and Rainy – Depends on the planned workout / ability to move schedule
5. Too hard to decide!
6. Ironman MT
7. I’d have to find a new best friend because mine already is :) – to any new runner I always encourage them to just run, for as little or as long a they can! youll see improvement and be amazed by yourself.
8. pretty standard
9. food of some sort!
10. seeing yo-yos of change of pace based on fit levels! it always amazes me what the body is able to do!


1. A fried egg sandwich on an English muffin with a side of cinnamon bears!
2. 6 donuts please!
3. Brooks! Ive never run with a hat but I think I’m ready for it, plus shorts that don’t ride up and a zippered running jacket!
4. If it is sleeting outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?
5. I’m not a big sports fan, but I would love to run with my dad. He ran 25+ marathons before herniating a disk in his back. Now he just coaches me and bikes
6. The Milwaukee Summerfest Rock n’ Sole run was by far my favorite race. The weather was perfect, I was in great shape (ran Ragnar the week before) and was running with one of my best pals.
7. Mind over matter, Buttercup!
8. Listen to talk radio.
9. A Strawberry Milkshake from Culvers Frozen Custard (Wisconsin Style)
10. My 2 year old has really mixed up my running schedule/routine. It was really hard to get back into the swing of things after he was born but it feels fantastic to be back at it!


1. Spaghetti with lots of veggies
2. Burrito, I prefer savory foods?
3. New sports bras and a new pair of shorts from Brooks
4. If it is over 100 degrees or less than 10 degrees I’ll run on the treadmill instead of running outside
5. Kara Goucher!
6. My first half marathon I did in April. The weather was great, all my family was there, I was feeling super relaxed, and it was overall a great race!!
7. Don’t get mad if you don’t always hit the paces you want to be hitting, just enjoy the run!
8. I sometimes snap my fingers when I am listening to music or I sing along
9. Iced chia latte with a shot of espresso and a spinach and egg white wrap from Starbucks
10. I’ve been able to do more long runs and just stay relaxed in between races.


1. Ice cream!!
2. I would probably choose 6 donuts but want to throw up! Haha
3. Running shoes! They get pricey and I always want new ones
4. Icy, I don’t have a treadmill so I just don’t run on those days.
5. I have no idea
6. Hmmmm probably the halloween half I did in 2011 I felt so strong and it was an awesome course.
7. Foam roll and don’t go cheap on shoes! Make sure they feel good
8. Talk to myself and plan out my future or I sing primary songs
9. Burger and fries
10. I actually push myself harder. When I ran in high school I never got the hard work feeling after practice or races. Sadly I am faster now than when I was in high school


1. Chile Rellenos! Not at all healthy but if it was I would eat them quite a bit.
2. 6 Donuts!
3. Some Brooks. I’ve been a Asics wearer, but I am thinking of trying the Brooks line soon.
4. Snowing! I would rather run on the treadmill.
5. Meb Keflezighi! From what I have read on blogs he seems like a really cool guy!
6. My first half marathon!
7. Don’t worry about pace! Just get out there and do it!
8. When I first started running and I would get a side stitch, I would wave my arms around. You know how Phoebe did when her and Rachael were running, it seemed to help.
9. Whatever I can stuff into my mouth first!
10. I just started running again after having an injury and then baby. Right now I’m sad to say that I don’t love running as much as I used to, but I know I will eventually get there.


2. Ugh. 6 Donuts sounds terrible, but it would be better than a burrito.
3. Some SUPER LIGHT tank tops. I live in Florida, so in summer even some tank tops can be too hot. (Only in Florida do you have “winter” tank tops and “summer” tank tops.)
4. The only weather I won’t run in is lightning. I’m okay with the treadmill.
5. Joan Benoit! (Samuelson.) I want to ask her how it felt to win the very first Olympic women’s marathon in 1984.
9. On long run days, my reward is pancakes with chocolate chips in them. I eat them really slowly while reading blogs and sipping earl grey tea.
10. When I first started running I ONLY RAN (what a concept!) Now I stretch, strength train, cross train and foam roll every night, all to keep myself injury free and running. And it’s all worth it!


1- Mac and cheese with chicken in it and chocolate milk.
2- donuts
3- brooks running shorts and bombas socks
4- windy weather. My last half was windy and my mental game shut down as soon as I stepped out of my car. :P
5- Gosh. Haha I’m so picky about who joins me #introvertpribs but I’d enjoy getting to know you better!
6- my Rocky Mountain 5k around Lake Estes. I want to do a half out there some time but the altitude gets me every time.
7- Bite the bullet and get the right gear down to your socks and headbands. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just comfortable. I spent a lot of time in my early stages of running wasting energy on adjusting something on my run!
10- I’ve learned the importance of control and not flying and dying! Still a work in progress but I’ve seen the difference so I’m motivated!


1- Salmon Salad from Run Fast eat Slow – SOOO yummy
2- I’ve run a Krispy Kreme challenge before and could only eat 5 of the 12 donuts… so I’ll go with burrito (small burrito :) )
3- Nike 5.0+ in Black (Nike’s for some reason never seem to cause my IT band to flare up)
4- 100+ degrees… will run on treadmill for sure!
5- Carly Llyod (I’m a big soccer player)
6- Downhill at Dawn Half Marathon (my PR race thru the beautiful mountains of NC)
7- Currently trying to accomplish this!!! Start with one mile, then go from there.
8- Plan all the hills for the middle of the run!
9- Vitamin Water Zero Slushie
10- Patience! Sometimes you need to slow down for progress…


1. Fried eggs and avocado
2. Neither
3. Shoes-always go through them and they aren’t cheap
4. Snow/sleet
5. You, Janae-you seem like such a nice sweet nice person and although I’m not nearly as speedy as you (you would need to slow down!) and we have a good 20yrs in between us, I bet the miles would fly by as we are chatting away
7. get fitted for proper shoes!
9. Beer? it really depends on what i’m craving
10. rest and recovery are as important now as the miles themselves


1. A SMOOTHIE! 1 banana, frozen strawberries and blueberries, two scoops of peanut butter, a scoop of coconut milk yogurt and extra coconut milk. And probably a double chocolate chip muffin on the side :)
2. Donuts. Hands down.
3. A new pair of Books Adrenalines
4. Fill in the blank: If it is OVER 90 DEGREES outside, I will not run outside. Yes, I would run on the treadmill.
5. Rob Gronkowski from the Patriots
6. My very first marathon, the Marine Corps marathon – nothing ever tops that feeling of crossing the finish line the first time!
7. This is YOUR journey – no one else’s. Try not to compare yourself to other runners. The only person you should be competing with is yourself – to crush your old records and become the best runner YOU can be
8. I can’t eat carby gel’s because they upset my stomach, so I bring Dove Promise’s Dark Chocolates in my pockets and eat them on long runs
9. A big brunch is ALWAYS the reward!
10. I used to run just to burn the calories. Now, I turn to running for stress release and #beatyesterday


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
Frozen yogurt!

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?
Running clothes–I currently buy all my clothes from Target and I need some quality gear

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?
Snowing–depending on the workout planned, I’d probably take it to the treadmill

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?
My half marathon last year where I pred by 9 minutes!

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!
Take it slow and enjoy it!

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
I don’t think I do anything weird!

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?
Frozen yogurt

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?
My pace—I’ve definitely gotten faster


1. Grilled Cheese, Watermelon and a jug of water
2.6 Doughnuts for sure.. not a Burrito fan at all :)
3. Its not a running site but I am really lusting after this new running Lululemon tank they just put out that has a pocket in the back for your phone so I wouldn’t have to wear the arm band thingy (
4. If it is colder than -10 degrees Celsius outside, I will not run outside. I would then go to the gym and run on the treadmill
5. I would love to run with you… don’t follow too many people in terms of running and I think that you would be a great dose of motivation. Otherwise I think joining Mark Zucherberg for his runs would be interesting.
6. My first 5k that I ran… I ran it in 37 minutes and since then I haven’t been able to finish one in under 43 minutes… so very big time difference.
7. That this is one of the hardest things you have to do mentally.. that often you aren’t pushing your body to say you can do more you are trying to convince your mind that it isn’t tired.. it doesn’t need to stop and that you can do this
8. Hmm… I sing outloud to the music when I am able to and not panting :)
9. I don’t really think that I do reward myself… maybe a glass of wine?
10. I wish I could say that I feel like I am further along than when I started… I woudl say that my body doens’t hurt as much.. my joints don’t hurt as much…


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?

I really only usually want water after a run, but a couple minutes later I love pretzels!

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?

I’d rather have 6 donuts because a burrito would tear my stomach up! However, I’d prefer neither :)

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?
I definetly put it towards one of the newer fancier Garmin watches. I still have my old Forerunner!

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?

Icy. I have no balance on normal ground, let alone icy ground.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?

I would love to run with Caroline Wozniacki. Partly because I’m a big fan of hers and partly because she is gorgeous.

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?

I don’t think I really want to go back on any of them. I’ve never had a bad race, but I feel like I’ve progressed with each one enough that I don’t really want to go back.

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!
Get good shoes! Go to a running shop and get fitted and spend the money. It’s worth it.

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
If I get bored or tired, I snap to the beat of the music I’m listening to. I get a lot of people looking at me :)

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?
I never drink Gatorade/Powerade, but after a hard run I will reward myself with one.

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?

The biggest change in my running is that I have to watch my weight. When I first started running in college, I wasn’t overweight and never had any aches or pains. Now that I’ve gained some weight, I find that I get injured more and have more aches. So I have to pay more attention to my diet to make sure that I’m not going to suffer while running.


1. Since I like to run in the morning it would be french toast with fresh berries, bacon, and a good latte

2. Neither but if I had to choose- donuts

3. Brooks glycerins. I need new shoes badly!

4. Icy will not run outside…I live in NH so I do run on the treadmill when it’s icy or too snowy that there’s no room on the roads.

5. Not sure

6. My first Half Marathon. I’d be better prepared!

7. Stretch stretch stretch after each run….

8. I sweat an unusual amount.

9. Ice cream!

10. It’s been a roller coaster, I’ve gotten faster, then slower as I enter my mid 40s. Been able to run longer but now running shorter distances again..but I’m still getting out there.


1. A large pizza!
2. Doughnuts!
3. Brooks running shoes! Probably pink ones!
4. Snow! Every time I try it burns my eyes. I would run in the treadmill
5. I would love to meet you!
7. Don’t give up. Believe in yourself and just do it.
9. A longgggg shower and all the desserts!
10. I stop when I feel something hurting. It is definitely not worth it to un through it. And cross training!


1. I’d say the meal I’d have waiting for me would be a giant grilled burger with fresh pineapples on the side with guacamole and chips! ;) Hangry is totally real!

2. DEFINITELY 6 donuts!

3. I’d probably buy some new running socks because I’m always more excited to run when I have new fluffy socks to run in! :) Id also buy a few new tops because you can’t ever have enough tanks to run in for the Summer!

4. Storming. I’d definitely choose the treadmill! I don’t really mind it as bad as some. It’s nice getting to control the speed without any thought!

5. I’d LOVE to run with Kara Goucher! She’s so inspirational and seems so down to earth! Plus I’d love her tips on getting faster! :)

6. I’d run my first full marathon over again. There were so many things I could’ve/should’ve done differently to make the process go a little more smooth and a little faster.

7. I’d say don’t go in thinking you can start with running a full marathon on day 1! Start slow and build up and you’ll enjoy it more!

8. Ummmm…..I like to eat fruit snacks for my fuel! Ha! Is that weird??

9. Anything chocolatey sweet!

10. I’d say my biggest change is my approach to recovery and prep. I know so much more now after ALL the miles that have taught me SO much! There are some necessary evils that go along with running that really do make a huge difference in the long run. (Literally and figuratively!)

Love this survey Janae! How fun!! :)


1. I always want a smoothie after I run – need that cool drink in the Texas heat!
2. Definitely donuts.
3. After the last edition of the pure flow being a flop, I switched to launches and love them, but would spend the $100 trying out the new pure flows! I miss the lightweight feel of that shoe.
4. Fill in the blank: If it is snowing outside, I will not run outside. I’d pick the treadmill.
5. Joan Benoit Samuelson – I actually have met her numerous times but it would be so cool to run with her.
6. The Wicked Half Marathon in Salem, MA. It was my PR in the half!
7. Get in the right shoes before you begin tacking on the miles.
8. Chew gum??
9. Hanging out on the couch haha
10. My milage – I hated running when I first started and now, 10 years later, I’m looking forward to training for my first marathon!


3. I would buy new socks and fancy workout underwear! That stuff is expensive!
4. Raining. I will probably just skip the run and go take a fun kickboxing class at the gym.
5. I think Kristen Bell would be a great running buddy.
7. I’d tell my friend to drink a lot of water the day leading up to her long runs. Hydration is key to a good run!
8. I listen to a lot of Disney music.
9. I love taking a long nap after my hard runs!


1. A turkey sandwich, with guacamole, lettuce and tomato!! Chips on the side, too, to add something salty and crunchy.

2. Six donuts, since they are light and fluffy compared to the heaviness of a burrito. My stomach turns at the thought of eating either during a long run, though.

3. This is such a tough question because I can think of many, many running related items to purchase with the help of a $100 gift card! Probably a new pair of running sunglasses. I had a great pair of lightweight, polarized running sunglasses and am in need of a replacement pair.

4. If it is icy or dark, I will not run outside. I am so afraid of falling on ice. I’ve heard many stories where people have broken bones during a run outside when it’s icy. I turn to the treadmill on those days. Also, if it’s dark outside I pick the treadmill.

5. I’d love to go for a run with Richard Jefferson from the Cleveland Cavaliers. He has a podcast with Channing Frye, also a Cavalier, and he’s absolutely hilarious! I think the miles would fly by just listening to him tell jokes.

6. Boston Marathon 2015! It was my first Boston Marathon, I PRed and most importantly my husband proposed after I finished the race! It was easily the best race moment I’ve ever had and I would relive it daily if I could.

7. Start small and pick a goal 5k race. I think so many people want to run a marathon during their first year of running, but that can lead to injury. Start small :)

8. I often do butt kicks and high knees during runs to shake my legs out a bit.

9. A warm shower and dry clothes. Silly, but really wonderful after sweating so much from a hard run or race.

10. Even though I’m still competitive with myself and want to PR in races, I’ve learned to take running less seriously so I can really enjoy each run I GET to go on. During a hard training segment it’s so easy to say I HAVE to run instead of I GET to run. It’s a great gift to be able to run. I’ve come to realize that more and more.


1. PIZZA!!!
2. 6 doughnuts-duh!
3. Socks-I always lose my favorite pairs. Also, shorts & tank tops
4. I hate running in the rain, so I’d hit the treadmill if that happens.
5. Gary Robbins- His ultra running career is pretty impressive to me.
6. Mucka Mania 10k in Wynne, Arkansas- it’s the race that I ran my fastest 10k!
7. Rest days are a must!
10. The biggest change from when I began running to now is, distance. I can remember just barely being able to run 1 mile-now I can do SO much more!


1. Warm bagel with cream cheese and a late.
2. Dear God! GAG! But if I HAD to choose I’d go with the burrito.
3. I REALLY want a pair of the Lululemon Smooth Stride shorts in dark gray.
4. Icy surfaces…no go! I don’t have a treadmill so those would be cross training days.
5. Joan Benoit Samuelson.
6. 1996 local 4th of July run. It was perfect weather, course and I was in great shape. All the stars aligned!
7. Be sure to stop and smell the roses. Enjoy the process. You will get there!
8. I sometimes imagine pain floating away in a balloon from my body.
9. I’m not usually hungry after hard workouts/races. But a hot shower or dip in a pool…yes!
10. I am MUCH more apt to enjoy my runs now and not push it. I used to abuse myself…not a good choice!

This was fun! LOVE reading the responses!


1 – Spaghetti and meatballs with a side of garlic bread
2 – donuts of course
3 – a pair of Brooks shoes – don’t have any but love the ones you have!
4 – extreme cold – would not run at all – extreme cold calls for blankets and snuggles
5 – I have several – such a hard choice – Carrie Underwood or Candace Cameron Bure or your sister – I would love to pick all their brains about strength training, balance, faith and life in general – obviously this would a loooooong run
7 – run for yourself and long as you enjoy the runs – when it become a “have to” instead of a “want to/get to” it’s time to move on


1. I am usually not hungry after I run… but later that day, I’d pick pizza!
2. 6 Donuts
3. Clothes- specifically socks! I don’t have great running socks or compression socks… it’s so hard to pay so much for socks!
4. Icy… really windy… super cold… super hot… I’m a wimp, but I do love my treadmill! (Treamill love is like blasphemy in the running world!)
5. Kara Goucher… she could probably walk at my pace ;)
6. Disney Princess Half Marathon! I want to do it every day!
7. Run your own pace and race.
8. Walk! And I never wear my hear in a ponytail- french braid or bun only. I can’t stand my hair swinging or hitting me.
9. Gatorade after a long run- the only time I drink it. And after a BIG race, I get a pandora charm.
10. Consistency.

Have a great day, Janae!


1. Tacos for sure!!
2. A large burrito
3. Tank tops and short!
4. If it’s hailing outside I’m not running at all
5. Shalane Flanagan
7. Nothing new on race day!
9. Mexican food!
10. I started as a 5k runner and now I’m training for my second marathon!


1. I’d probably go with a burger and sweet potato fries.

2. Burrito! I ‘m not a big fan of donuts, and eating 6 sounds too gross. I do love burritos, though.

3. Probably a nice pair of running shoes. I go through them really quickly, and can always use a new pair.

5. Michelle Obama.

9. a looooooong hot shower


1. Watermelon! Not really a meal, but the best post-run food.

2. Donuts for sure

3. Shorts and tanks for summer

4. Lightening or icy…then I stick to the treadmill.

5. Kara Goucher

6. 2003 Eau Claire Buckshot run: low pressure race that was tons of fun that I did well in

7. It gets easier!


1. Eggs and avocado toast
2. 6 donuts
3. running shorts from lululemon
4. raining; run on treadmill
5. meb
6. seneca 7
7. smile
9. diet coke
10. i’ve become faster


1. For morning runs, donuts and coffee. For afternoon/evening runs, Korma Masala with tofu – YUM!
2. 6 Donuts! Donuts are my favorite food (followed by watermelon, so it evens out, right?!)
3. I need shorts – not too short, breezy with a zippered pocket. Otherwise, I need a medal holder – one that says “Celebrate Every Mile”.
4. If it is storming/raining more than a drizzle outside, I will not run outside. Treadmill is fine, but I’d honestly probably choose to sleep in! ;)
5. Deceased: Marilyn Monroe. Alive: you or any of the other blog authors I love!
6. Austin Moontower Run. It was quite the night – over 10 miles we got lost, ran into a gang fight (Molotov cocktails!) and laughed the whole time!
7. You can do this!! If I can do it, so can you!
8. I’ve been wearing a back brace recently to help with some stomach muscle pain (possible herniated muscle).
9. Breakfast carbs! Pancakes, waffles, donuts… anything fattening and delicious! :)

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?


1. This first question was the hardest for me :). I’m a lover of all foods, but if I HAD to choose just one, it would have to be a big bowl of ice cream, specifically chocolate chip cookie dough.

2. This was an easy one – DONUTS FOR SURE!! I’d even go as far as making it a dozen if they’re Krispy Kreme donuts :).

3. Nike sports bras. They’re my absolute favorite but I don’t buy them often because of the price tag.

4. Raining – I will gladly take the heat, frigid cold, and even snow over the rain.

5. Chris Pratt; might have a small celebrity crush on this guy. Plus, I’d think he’d make the run go 10x faster with his humor.

6. 2016 Pittsburgh Half Marathon – I felt great during this entire race. My legs were light, it was overcast (can’t stand the sun in my face), my music playlist was perfect, and it is my current half PR. I reminisce on this race often.

7. Don’t compare yourself. It’s easy to look at others and become down on yourself when your paces aren’t as fast or distances aren’t quite as long. Running is supposed to be something you enjoy doing, and getting down on yourself is a sure way to suck the fun out of it.

8. Whenever I’m listening to music while out on a run, I’ll play little mind games with myself, like challenging myself to hit a certain landmark before the chorus hits, etc. It helps break up the monotony of the run and gives me that little extra push when I need it.

9. Hands down, Chinese take out. This was part of my usual diet back when I was in high school and my metabolism was slightly speedier :). I’ve cut WAY back since then, but when I’m training and have a really hard run, I have zero guilt to indulge in some sesame chicken and fried egg rolls.

10. I feel like I’ve gained a lot more confidence when it comes to running. My paces haven’t improved drastically, but I’ve learned that I’m out there doing something for MYSELF, and not for others. When I first started running, I did it strictly on the treadmill at my parent’s house, because I didn’t like the idea of other people watching me run. Now I don’t even think twice about it.


1. Watermelon. But to be honest I want watermelon all day everyday.

2. Donuts. Sweet tooth will always win.

3. Capri tights and tanks. I don’t like working out or running in shorts. I prefer tights and the same with tanks. I would always rather run in a tank top. I have a few pairs of good shoes, so gimme all the clothes!

4. If it is under 70 degrees outside I will not run outside. I live in Mississippi. I would rather run in the 95 degree heat any day of the week. If it is slightly cool I’m inside on the treadmill.

5. I don’t have an answer for this one. Running is my me time. I don’t like to run with anyone. Famous or not.

6. I ran a half marathon a few years ago. My first big race. It was awful, but I was so proud of myself at the end. I did it.

7. Use a program. Build up little by little. You will not be able to run 10 miles your first day. But if you stick with it you’ll surprise yourself.

8. I don’t drink anything. I know it’s important to hydrate but it tends to make me sick.

9. A good meal. I’m running a 10K in June and I’m planning a good breakfast afterwards.

10. Faith in my abilities. I never knew I could be a runner. Now I do.


1. After a long run – I like to have a Protein Shake and then bowl after bowl of cereal.
2. Definitely 6 donuts
3. New running shorts – I’m always looking for some with a longer inseam
4. If it is ICY or below 30 degrees I won’t go outside and run.

Thank you. Love these kind of surveys.


1. Tacos
2. Burrito of course
3. Compression socks or new shoes
4. Extremely hot-treadmill or bike
5. J.K. Rowling
6. I’ve never run a big race, just small 5k’s
7. Listen to your body and know you can do more than your mind thinks.
8. Sing to my dogs
9. Chocolate
10. My health has been up and down the last few years so I had to stop running. I am getting back into it now and I am so grateful that I’m able to get out there. My distance or speed does concern me as much right now.


1. Protein smoothie with banana, pbutter, and chocolate
2. 6 donuts! But that sound pretty terrible and I like donuts!
3. Probably new running shirts! My old ones got stretched when I was pregnant!
4. TM for sure! I love my treadmill ?
5. Boston Marathon 2014! So hard but so inspiring!
9. Ice cream! And cereal- I could live in just those two things
10. I’ve gained a lot more confidence in my athletic abilities and feel proud of what my body can do!


1. Fruit smoothie (after a run in the summer) and a huge vanilla long john with sprinkles (shout out to Brooke)!

2. I would rather eat a *chipotle* (team Andrew on this one) burrito for sure!

3. I would spend it on running tank tops because we Wisconsinites don’t have many warms days so my warm running gear is lacking. Also, leggings because I wear those every day!

4. If it is humid outside, I will not run outside. I can run in a blizzard but not humid weather!

5. If I could go on a run with anybody it would be Emma Coburn.

6. I ran the Disney half marathon 2 years ago and It was the most exciting race ever. My friend and I ran it together and we were sprinting so fast because we were so excited. Mile 10 was not the most run, as we were obviously exhausted! So much fun.

7. Well, my best guy friend decided to run a half marathon this summer. He never ran more than 3 miles a week and I helped train him to a half marathon! It has been so much fun answering his questions about race day. He is 9 days out and is getting super nervous. Yesterday I had to reassure him that it is OKAY with whatever time he gets. It is most important to have fun and think back on how far he has come.

8. Hmmm… I don’t know if this is different because I know you do it too but I listen to podcasts while I run!

9. My favorite post-race treat is a burger and an oreo shake!

10. My nutrition has changed the most. When I first started running, I just ran a lot and didn’t eat a lot. I didn’t know how to listen to my body and fuel it properly. Eventually I figured out how to fuel properly!


1. Watermelon and eggs florentine with the egg cooked hard.

2. Either makes me feel sluggish just thinking about it, but I guess the donuts.

3. I would use it towards a pair of Brooks Gylcerin. I chose the slightly less expensive pair over the Brooks when I was fitted for half training and, while I love my current pair, I dream of those cushy soles.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is seriously icy outside, I will not run outside.
I would if I had a treadmill. Luckily, it doesn’t get or stay that icy here.

5. JJ Watt

6. I did a 5k with my friend last summer. It was a mostly walked race but it was so fun.

7. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else; just enjoy the run.

8. I have this deal with myself where I can only check my watch at every fire hydrant.

9. If it’s the weekend, a big breakfast out with my family.

10. I actually have a goal. Before, I was just running to run. But now that I’m racing, I have something to work for.


1. This might change with time, but I think it will be Chick Fil-A. Anything from there will make me more than happy after a long run.
2. Donuts for me please:)
3. Running bras. I’m in serious need for them right now.
4. If it is Hot, Sunny and humid outside, I will not run outside. I would go to the treadmill instead.
5. One of the Hanson brothers :)
6. My last 10K. I loved it.
7. Be Patient. Running is all about being patient and consistent.
8. Sing songs with my lips. Dancing with my head. I imagine I must look like a total weirdo haha.
9. Coffee with some sort of pastry.
10. Running 4 to 6 times a week. Going into stability shoes. I never imagined how running would be come such a huge part of my life.


1. Chocolate chip pancakes and turkey bacon. Sweet, salty, and filling.
2. Donuts might feel less heavy.
3. Sneakers because you always need that next pair.
4. Pouring rain or ice keep my from running outside. I will run on my treadmill instead.
5. Meb because he is probably one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of meeting. (Briefly).
6. Nike Women 1/2 Marathon D.C.
7. Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t push too hard too fast.
8. I stop to pet dogs along the way.
9. I drink a green smoothie with some turmeric and cinnamon to help ease inflammation.
10. I make sure to cross train and strength train now.


1. Chipotle bowl

2. Donuts!

3. New Brooks Launch, I’m on my second pair and love them.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is __storming__ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? Treadmill all the way!

5. Kara Goucher

6. I haven’t had many races fall into place, but for the experience, I’d repeat my first marathon in New Orleans.

7. Don’t compare yourself to others, YOU DO YOU!

8. I get more from slower, Texas country music than the faster stuff. My sister thinks I’m crazy, but it really relaxes me.

9. A margarita!

10. I have learned how my body reacts to certain conditions and paces. I don’t have to fret as much over things like I did 5 years ago.


1. Crunchy peanut butter and banana sandwich
2. Ugh both sound miserable! Probably the donuts for quick carbs
3. New running shoes. That is the one thing I will splurge on, but I get all my running clothes at Marshalls and TJ Maxx
4. Cold (and by my Florida standards “cold” is anything below 60)
7. Take as many walking breaks as you need
9. Shower, make a meal or snack (depending on the time) and relax on the couch


1) Vanilla protein powder mixed with chocolate almond milk & shaken vigorously in the shaker cup…so refreshing!

2) I guess I have to say a vegetarian burrito because (and I know this is weird) but I cannot stand donuts!

3) I would buy myself a super cool running tank that isn’t on clearance…because I always buy from the clearance rack & it would be a special treat!

4) Below 20 degrees…I have renauds in my hands really bad & really struggle if its below 20. I would run on the treadmill for sure.

5) Meb for sure!

6) The mini marathon in Indy in early May…because I ran it with my daughter for her 1st 1/2 marathon & it was the BEST to experience that with her!

7) Go get a gait analysis!

8) I like to stop at mile 2 to “give thanks” for the ability to run & stretch.

9) I am not a beer drinker but I do love a super cold Michelob Ultra after a race…seems so refreshing. Don’t usually finish the beer but a few good sips is great!

10) I had NO idea what I was doing back in 1998 when I 1st started…then I got kind of fast for a while & I find that I am slowing down as I approach my late 40’s. I think I am enjoying it more now,.


1. Tacos
2. Neither – :)
3. New pair of Brooks! I tried the Addidas and they are just not the same!
4. raining – yes I’ll take it to the treadmill
5. Jeff Galloway
6. NYC 1/2 Marathon – 2014 (my 1st and best race yet)
7. “don’t compare yourself to anyone”
9. Wine & chocolate
10. I am more grateful now for being able to run!


1. Diet mountain Dew. (no judgement)
2. Large burrito.
3. Birthday running out fit. Buy new shorts and shirt for each b-day run.
4. Below 50
5. Janae Baron…..your blog makes you famous, right?
6. First 1/2 marathon.
7. It will become more than just running……..on that day call me and say “I now know what you mean.”
8. Don’t eat or drink anything
9. HUGE salad and a nap.
10. Form of exercise to a form of church.


1. Chocolate-chip pancakes! This would also be my choice for last meal on earth, the only meal you could have if you’re stranded on a desert island, etc. etc.

2. Burrito, obviously, and I think anyone who answers the other way is completely crazy.

3. A new outfit, probably something summer-y: nice lightweight shorts, tank, and a good sports bra. Then, I’d way overspend the $100 and probably get a second top, compression socks, and another pair of Sauconys (even though I have two-week-old ones).

4. CRAZY HOT. Screw you, summer. I’ve been doing treadmill classes for speedwork, so I’d do that, but they’ve spoiled me for treadmill running by myself.

5. Chuck Todd. I saw him in that “I’m a runner” feature in RW one time, and he seems like he’d be super interesting to talk to.

6. The Portland, OR marathon. It was my first marathon, and, it turns out, my best. I’ve now done four, and they’ve all been lousy compared to Portland, and I didn’t appreciate it like I should have!

7. Run with my running club! Running with a group is NOT intimidating or overwhelming, and the running community is the most welcoming group of anyone ever.

8. I run to meet my running group, .75 miles from my house, and some days I can’t even go that far with music/podcast. So I’ll listen to my iPod on my way to meet them, and then stuff it into my sports bra for the rest of the way because I hate those stupid belt thingies and it doesn’t fit in my water bottle pocket.

9. See above, re. chocolate chip pancakes.

10. I tell people I run now. I heard quite a few “If you run so much, how come you’re so fat?” comments, both out loud and in my head, so I used to keep my running on the DL. Not a secret exactly, I just didn’t talk about it much. Now I’m older and more confident and those people can bite me.


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!? Pasta, all the pasta!!

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run? 6 donuts for sure

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)? I really like the Calia capris I’ve been seeing on IG, love Bondi bands for my sweat problem (LOL) and all the athleisure wear at Athleta please!!

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ANYTHING BUT NEAR PERFECT CONDITIONS outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? I prefer the treadmill usually (weirdo, I know)

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be? Ummm you! But it would be really cool if it were you and Kelly Ripa. But lets be honest, I’d be way behind you guys and you would be having a totally cool conversation without me!

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be? Well I’ve only done 6-7 races, but my favorite race to date is the one that is a flat 5k by lake erie on a trail when I do run outside, I run on.

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?! It is so awfully hard at first, but competing with yourself helps.

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other? a nap

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now? I’m actually slower, but I’m ok with that. I love that my 6 year old daughter and i can go on 1 milers together now.


1. HOMEMADE MACARONI & CHEESE! (With a side of ice cream.)
2. 6 large donuts, definitely.
3. Probably cute running clothes. Like, some lululemon shorts (with a million pockets).
4. I recently ran a marathon in a Nor’Easter. Like, wind/driving rain/cold combo. I’d rather not repeat that! Also, I live in the northeast, so there’s a lot of winter weather that I avoid on the treadmill. I don’t mind the treadmill as much as most people.
5. Meb, for sure!
6. I ran a half marathon last fall, during marathon training, and it was the best running day ever! I felt great, I PRed, so many of my friends were running it… I had so much fun!
7. Don’t expect it all to be easy! And be nice to yourself when it isn’t.
8. I spit a lot. :-D I don’t know why. It’s gross.
9. There is a local donut place in town that makes THE WORLD’S BEST DONUTS. It’s their chocolate sea salt flavor, every time.
10. My long runs! They used to be a huge deal and an enormous undertaking… now I don’t overthink them and just look forward to them.


1. Breakfast sandwich
2. Burrito
3. Apparel
4. Windy or in the teens – ugh! I head to the treadmill!
5. Kara or Meb
6. Bay State Marathon 2009 – first BQ in a rainy windy N’oreaster
7. Just have fun and it’s okay to walk!
8. I stick to the same routes often because the less I have to think about the more I can focus on the run
9. A cold BEER!
10. I run a lot more distance race now than I used to


1. Fried bacon and eggs. And a Dr Pepper. :)
2. Yuck. But I guess I’d pick the burrito because anything sweet sounds horrible while or after I run.
3. I’d put the money towards a new watch. I’m pretty sure mine is the original Garmin 1.0.
4. Way windy! I hate running in bad wind.
6. St George marathon last year. I felt great and ran my best time ever.
7. Don’t worry about other people’s pace. Find your happy pace!
10. I’d love to Boston Qualify!


So fun! Thanks for doing this.
1. Smooth peanut butter, grape jelly, on non-fancy wheat bread.
2. 6 donuts
3. Brooks running shoes (size 9, Pure Flows or Launch :))
5. Kathie Lee Gifford (she is on the Today Show)
9. Shopping
10. I used to run to improve my times. Now I run for the pure joy it brings me.


1. Because of the rising temperatures right now, a white cherry icee, fresh fruit salad and maybe some ice cream :)
2. Donuts during the run, burrito after!
3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)? That Nathan belt you have mentioned (I bought a thin one and don’t like it and just haven’t splurged for the better one), Nuun tablets (I LOVE these, but always cringe at the price) and some new shorts!
4. Raining harder than a drizzle – I hate running in wet shoes and the knot in my hair that always is present after rainy runs. I would definitely choose the treadmill!
5. Meb Keflezighi, although it would probably be a walk for him! I work with one of his relatives and they say he is just as nice in person as he seems in interviews!
6. My PR marathon. Everything was spot on during that race and the post-race endorphin’s were amazing! And, having my family, friends and husband (then boyfriend) at the end was amazing!
7. Every step counts, regardless of pace.
8. I have only found 1 public water fountain around where I typically run, so I always plan long runs around that one fountain. Some runs, that means running past it 3 or 4 times! And, if I am carrying a water bottle, I can only carry it in one hand. If I try to switch, I feel off balance!
9. Something sweet!
10. Slowing my easy runs down a lot – I used to always want to go faster than the day before and had a hard time believing that easy runs were meant to be EASY!


So fun!!

1. I’m usually not about eating something heavy after a run, so I’m going to say a big fruit smoothie!
2. Hmmm. Donuts.
3. Well, this is boring, but I need new shoes, so I would probably go with that! I’ve worn New Balance for years, and my last two pairs have been other brands, so I would go back to NB – but I don’t know what kind!
4. I’m a delicate snowflake, so if it’s colder than about 25 or warmer than 80, then I’m definitely hitting the treadmill!
5. Scott Jurek!
6. The first (and only – I can’t get him to share my love of running!) race I ran with my husband. We ran a 5k in Penscacola, FL on our vacation last year, and it was super-fun to run with him (and also an insanely flat course!).
7. Don’t worry about being slow and don’t compare yourself to other runners. I’m a super-slow runner and have trouble with this myself sometimes. But if you are out there running – you are a runner!
8. I don’t think I do anything that different or weird!
9. I usually run at night, so my reward is flopping on the couch with my pups and chilling out!
10. I make myself stretch and strength train now. I’ve struggled with some injuries over the years, and all could have been prevented with proper body maintenance, so I force myself to do it now (even though I’d rather just be running!).


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!? Pizza. Every time.

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?! Burrito!!!

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)? New shoes and a running belt for my keys. I’ve started running trails I have to drive too lately and its always fun trying to hold on to my key or put it in my bra.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? Snowing. I will choose the treadmill, at least I can watch tv!

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be? Jennifer Lawrence. I bet she would make an awesome running partner.

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be? My first road race. Looking back at how nervous I was is funny now!

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs? High knees randomly.

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other? Chocolate Milk

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now? I used to push way too hard too soon and with no training plan. Now I take it at snails pace trying to add mileage to avoid injuries and have a calendar for the next 3 months of runs.


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
Depends on the weather! If it is hot out, a smoothie would be my fave, but if it is snowing I would opt for hot chocolate and lasagna.

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?
Donuts, no question.

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?
A hydration vest (the thin ones with the little bottles). Trail running means little support and I hate holding things in my hands.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?
Lightning-ing? Probably a rest day ;)

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?
Kara Goucher. I think she is awesome. Or Neely. She seems pretty amazing too.

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?
Star Valley Half Marathon. First post-baby race.

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!
Start slow and find some dirt!

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
If I am on a long run and am struggling, I will tell myself that I cannot look at my watch until a certain point so that the miles seem to go faster.

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other? Typically some kind of fruit and tart cherry juice/water mixed.

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?
Leaning more forward rather than being upright.


1. Probably whole grain toast with butter!
2. Neither?? haha Donuts if I had too choose
3. I’ve been dying for some lululemon but it is just so darn expensive so I’d buy something from there – probably yoga pants
4. If it is raining/cold/hot outside, I will not run outside. I’m not a runner, but I like other workouts, so I’d do pilates or something like that.
5. you!!!
6. I don’t do races, I don’t run :)
7. Read

Sorry I had to skip a lot, I don’t run!


1. A peanut butter sandwich
2. Doughnuts! (Burritos = beans = bad idea)
3. Probably shoes. Or inserts. They can get pretty pricey.
4. Hot. Rainy. Muggy. I live in the south so I treadmill it a lot haha
5. I usually run solo, so I have no idea! It would just be nice to have a friend to pace with.
6. Haven’t done any races, I just run on my own.
7. Advice? Start slow, build up, don’t get discouraged. It starts out awful but gets so much better!
8. I cough a lot when I run. It’s kind of embarrassing, so that’s why I have a treadmill at home.
9. Cold Powerade Zero is the best after a good run.
10. I have had a lot of ongoing injuries, so I’m such a fearful, cautious runner now. I always assume any run may be the last one I can do for months on end. I miss going all out and really letting loose and doing long runs, but I miss running more when I can’t do anything at all!


1. A smoothie (i am not always ready to eat a lot right after a run)
2. Burrito
3. New pair of running shoes
4. Snowing – because I a scared of running on ice
5. Meb, for sure!
6. My first (and so far only) marathon – the Chicago marathon from 2015
7. Just do you – there will always be someone faster and slower than you.
8. My hair always looks pretty weird :)
9. Ice cream
10. Recognizing my body’s limitations change over time and not trying as much to force things.


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
**and endless supply of watermelon
2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?
**6 large donuts
3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?
**new shoes (you can’t have enough)-Skechers Forza
4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?
**pouring rain-no treadmill and would do a strength workout instead
5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?
**Andrea Barber aka Kimmie Gibbler!!!!
6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?
**my second time running the Aramco Houston Half Marathon!!
7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!
**get good shoes and lots of body glide (I know that’s 2 but they are both important)
8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
**rub my thumb along the tops of my fingers to distract myself from what I’m doing
9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?
10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?
**I really love it now where before I was just going through the motions


OOOH I love this! I love surveys! :)

1. This is a tough question but I would say avocado toast… with eggs, or veggies, or cheese, or bacon, or….you get my point!
2. Are we talking 6 mini donuts or 6 regular donuts?! I think I would have to go with the burrito, as much as I love donuts, I don’t think I could eat 6 of them in one sitting.
3. I would spend the $100 on another pair of running shoes – I’ve been eyeing the new PureFlows for awhile now (plus I accidentally bought a pair from last season that is just a smidge too tight :( so I need to get another pair).
4. If it is icy outside – I am wimpy when it comes to the cold, so I usually either hit the treadmill or do other workouts to compensate.
5. I would go with The Rock – don’t ask me why, I just love him. And I feel like he would be entertaining!
6. I would like to experience the first 5k I ran after about a 4 year break from running… I was super proud of myself and was hitting about 8:00 min miles (which, for someone who had just started running again, it was amazing!). It was really what reignited my love for running.
7. HA! This is funny, one of my best friends has tried desperately to run but it just doesn’t work for her. But if it did, I would tell her to listen to what her body is telling her. Sometimes you need to give yourself a break, but sometimes you can really push yourself!
8. I always know exactly where I am going to go – my town is along a bluff and a river, so there are a LOT of hills. I have to prepare myself mentally if I know I am tackling a particularly hilly route. Sometimes if I feel really good, I will run extra, but I don’t remember the last time I just left my house and ran without knowing where I was going to go.
9. My favorite reward after a really hard run or race usually involves pizza… and maybe a fancy cupcake!
10. My biggest change has been my overall ability – my form is better, I’m stronger, and I can run faster. It’s just taken a lot of persistence!


1. Scrambled Eggs. I could eat them every day multiple times a day.
2. Neither – is that okay to say? I have exercise induced anaphylaxis, which means I can’t eat before or during runs or I get hives (and then some…).
3. Brooks Launch 4s (I’m still using the 3s). I’m holding out hope they come out with a 4th of July pair!! Although I love the anthracite color!
4. Fill in the blank: If it is precipitating outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? I’m such a fair weather runner, I’m inside all winter. Which is crazy, because I love running outside, but not when it’s raining / snowing!
5. That’s a hard one…maybe Meb, although I’d never be able to keep up!
6. I’d probably go back to some of those first Susan B Komen 5Ks when I was younger. They were always so fun with all my friends and the expos after were BOMB!
7. When it stops being fun, take a break and try something else for a little (listen to your body!!)
8. Little bit of dancing haha when I have a good song come on. LOVING Walk the Moon’s Work Your Body right now!
9. Brunch. Big ol’ plate of eggs (haha yep, eggs again) and a banana!
10. I go up and down in distance and pace, but I think the more years I’ve run the more I love it. I was a shorter distance runner in high school and hated endurance. Now I can’t get enough!


1. A bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit with an iced mocha.
2. I think the donuts… maybe all of the sugar would give me energy!
3. New shoes for sure!
4. Hot! I live in South GA, so a few months out of the year I rarely run.
5. Thor 
6. Tallahasse half marathon… my fastest half ever and I felt great the whole time.
7. Get good shoes!
8. I always have to end my run on an even distance (example: 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00)… even if that means running back and forth in front of my house or car until I get there.
9. A beer and a burger w/ fries.
10. I feel like I know what I’m doing now 


6. My first Half Marathon
7. Start slow.
8. I chew gum with I run.
9. Pizza
10. I now have better gear


1. Oven baked broccoli with a thick layer of cheese, and a sweet and hot tomato sauce for dipping.
2. I’d go with the donuts – they appear to be the “lighter” choice :D
3. That ist not easy to answer – I guess I’d spend half of it on singlets in light colors (because I love to wear them), and the other half on running socks (because I am too thrifty to buy them as often as I need to – most of them are at least mended once).
4. If it is too crowded outside, I will not run outside. (I’d go with the treadmill instead) .
5. Jan Frodeno (triathlete), because he is the embodiment of a perfectly shaped athlete with the right attitude, enormous will power and an incredibly pleasant personality.
6. The half-marathon I ran in 2014 – PB, and I was just happy throughout the entire race: My husband was cheering on every corner, and during the toughest kilometers I hat two very nice fellow runners by my side (don’t even know their name) that decided that they wanted to support me in being the fastest European woman in this race and kept up the pace with me.
7. Run as far as you want to and stop the moment, you don’t feel good anymore during a run.
8. I pause my Garmin for every flight of steps that I need to take because I fear to have a wrong pace recorded.
9. A short restorative yoga session (long Savasana) and a large hand full of trail mix (maybe even the entire bag)
10. When I started running I pointed my feet inward. Running faster and concentrating on the stride helped me to stop that, even in everyday life (even though the pediatrician told my parents that I would have to live with that).


If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
Black bean burger, fries and a beer!

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?
6 donuts, for sure!

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3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)? New shoes, Brooks Ghost 10;s.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is icy outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? Definitely the treadmill!

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?

2015 New Jersey Marathon..still my PR!


7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?! Try not to focus so much on your pace, just have fun and the faster pace will come.

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
Different thing is that I don’t cut my hair when training for a race. Superstitious I guess.

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other? Burger, fries, beer and a brownie sundae. Not every hard run but definitely after a major race.

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now? Not worrying so much about missing a day of running or keeping a certain pace for every run. Realizing that long term running health is more important than day to day.

You can copy the questions down in your comments or just number the questions that you are answering:)


Your question #6 caught my eye because my dad was a marathon runner when I was growing up. Unfortunately, I had no interest in running back then. He is now in his 70s and his knees prevent him from running. If I could go back in time, I would have given running a try when I was younger so we could have run some races together. Now he just cheers me on.


1. French toast…maybe even captain crunch french toast if someone else was making it for me!
2. 6 Donuts….. I actually did a Donut run 2 weeks ago and ate 5 donuts in 5 miles. I could have ate more and ran a few more which I am not sure what that says about me.
3. Brooks PureFlows in the peacock print!
4. Storming….and yes then I go to the gym to hit up the treadmill
5. Do you count? Or Desi or Meb. Or Anna Kendrick but I am not sure she runs.
6. The Mini-Indy Half Marathon I did and got a PR despite being super sick (I was pregnant and didn’t know it yet)
7. Don’t get discouraged, we were all newbies at some point.
8. I always drink chocolate milk BEFORE I run. I know they say dairy is not good before a run but it works for me.
9. It changes after every race but usually some kind of savory food.
10. I don’t hate speed workouts like I used to.


1. Sweet potato fries! That may not be a meal but I’m counting it ;)
2. 6 donuts
3. Oh man, anything and everything Saucony! Specifically the Guide 10 shoes and bullet shorts- the pockets on the sides are amazing!
4. Hailing- no thanks! I would do the treadmill, but I wouldn’t be thrilled. Haha
5. I’d HAVE to run with Meb!!
6. Definitely the 2015 Flying Pig Half Marathon. Fun hills and perfect weather!
7. Rest days are your friend. Overtraining only leads to overuse injuries!
8. I always have a post-it note with route directions on it since I’m super prone to getting lost :)
9. We have an awesome local brunch spot called the Sleepy Bee that my good friend and I always get post-race
10. For sure the importance of rest days (after learning #7 the hard way one too many times!)


1. I would have macaroni and cheese waiting for me.

2. I would have 6 donuts in the middle of my run, just plain glazed.

3. I would buy a really nice pair of running tights/leggings. I LIVE in tights – especially Lululemon. They’re just so comfortable and flattering and cute!

4. I would not run in hail and I would run on the treadmill instead.

5. I would run with Jordan Hasay – her Boston run was really inspiring.

6. 2016 Pittsburgh Marathon – my mom organized a relay team so that I had someone to run with the whole time.

7. Rest when your body tells you it needs it and DON’T PUSH THROUGH AN INJURY just to get a workout in. I learned that the hard way!

8. Not sure if this is weird or different but I describe myself as a “shuffle runner” because my stride stays low to the ground.

9. A big margarita and PIZZA!

10. The endurance I have built. I never imagined I could run more than 30 minutes when I started and now I run marathons.


1. Watermelon and mac and cheese.
2. 6 donuts
3. Shoes- I feel they are the most important.
4. Lightning- I almost never run on a treadmill. I don’t have one at home and usually take a class when I am at the gym.
5. I would run with Amy Poehler. I don’t even know if she runs, but how entertaining would she be?!
6. Either my last half marathon (PR), or the Chicago Marathon (but I would want to change the weather it was 80*+ when I finished).
7. With the good come the bad. You can’t have great runs without the frustrating not so great runs.
8. I never run with music. Just me and my thoughts.
9. Carbs.
10. I run faster and more than I ever did before.


1. Pizza!!
2. Burrito, donuts are too sweet for me.
3. Running shorts-I really want to try Lululemon ones….I have heard great things about them. And a good sports bra!
4. I HATE running when it is too hot. If it is greater than 80 degrees, you can find me on the treadmill.
5. Jen Shelton because I am fascinated with ultra running and would love to get into it someday!
6. My very first half marathon in 2012-It was then when I realized how strong and capable I am.
7. Never judge a run by the first mile.
8. I count steps and repeat to myself “I can do hard things” over and over and over
9. Food—pizza, cinnamon rolls, ice cream
10. My speed and my attitude about running


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?

FRIES. The saltier the better.

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?

The burrito…probably

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?

Tanks and shorts (not too short); visor; garmin

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?

Icy. I would hit the treadmill or do some strength for cross training.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?

LeBron James –> Go Cavs!

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?’

The half-marathon I did in Sept. 2015 riiiight around when I got pregnant (I was probably like a week pregnant when I ran it). I was int he best running shape of my life, PRed and felt so strong at the end.

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!

Use cross-training wisely – HIIT workouts have helped me become faster

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?

Talk to myself!

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?

Probably a delicious craft beer, or two

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?

My confidence…I consider myself a runner now!


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
Hmmm….I crave salty after a run and really love mexican food. So any combination of enchiladas, chile rellenos etc.. so good.

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run? I can’t imagine either but I’ll go with donuts. Burritos weigh you down!

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? ICY! I will run in the cold and snow ( I live in Colorado) but we had an ice storm and I couldn’t walk out the door without slipping. Ice is not a friend to runners.


1. a big breakfast burrito and a mimosa with mango

2. donuts. i think they might sit better.

3. probably new shorts

4. icy. probably not at all.

5. oh this is tough. maybe emma stone? i bet she’d be fun to talk to on a run.

6. the rugged red half marathon – the first year i did it.

7. don’t be too hard on yourself

8. idk if i have a weird thing.

9. i love going out for brunch after.

10. i’ve been doing long distance the last few years. i think i’m going to go back to the shorter distances though!


1. After a long run, a big cheese burger with all the fixings :)
2. Donuts
3. Probably a bra or two…I could always use more!
4. If it is lightening outside, I will not run outside. I would go to the treadmill if the gym was open.
5. Bart Yasso
6. Rails to Trails 50K
7. Don’t give up when it gets hard
8. Change my route on a whim…
9. Maybe a relaxed day…no worries about what I am eating and kicking my legs up
10. I know it is hard and to embrace the suck!


1) protein smoothie
2)6 donuts
3) new running shoes
4)snowing, and yes I would run on the treadmill and start a new HBO series.
5)the “Hungry Runner Girl”!!!
6) My first 1/2 marathon @ The Montana Governors Cup!!!
7) Start slow
8) Not sure
9)salsa and chips
10) Walk breaks!!!!


Love these questions!
1. This is such a hard one but I would go with a giant smoothie bowl with almond butter and fruit and granola on top, with a side of avocado toast :)

2. 6 donuts!

3. With $100 I’d have to get a new pair of running shoes!

4. If it’s humid I’ll run on the treadmill.

5. Kara :)

6. I would love to do Boston 2015 uninjured. I ran it just to have the experience but I wish I could have felt strong during it!

7. I would tell my best friend to be patient, track your runs and progress, and dont compare yourself to anyone else (even yourself) every day is different and every run makes you stronger in some way!

8. I sing and dance if a really great song comes on :)

9. Post race I always find a great brunch spot!

10. I enjoy running and feel like I can really do it for the long haul (not as a means to get more in shape for a sport, lose weight, etc). It is my sport!


1. Chocolate chip pancakes and mango
2. Large burrito
3. A Brooks sports bra and running tank
4. If it is really windy outside, I will not run outside. Depends on whether I am training for a race or not, but would probably try to run on the treadmill.
5. Lauren Fleshman :)
6. My last marathon in St. Louis. It was a great course and I had a lot of fun during it! I ran with one of my good friends and my parents were there to support me and cheer me on.
7. Running looks different for everyone. Make it what you want it to be for you and don’t compare yourself to others (even though that is hard to do!)
8. Listen to Anna Faris’ Unqualified podcast…I find myself laughing out loud quite often haha
9. Food or drink. I might treat myself to a latte or pastry at a coffee shop.
10. I have realized that I don’t have to run everyday and taking some time off, especially after a race is a good thing.


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?


2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?

Donuts. The burrito will sit waayyyy too heavy in my stomach.

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)? Sports bras, running tops

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?

Icy. I would hit the treadmill or do some strength for cross training.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?


6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?’

My 2012 marathon where I PRd by over 30 mins!

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!

Hill repeats and speed work.

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?

Count steps

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?

Cheat meal!

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?

That I can’t run outside painfree :o*( I had survey about 6 months ago fro lower compartment syndrome in my right calf and while the survey was supposed to give me relief from the pain when running outside, that is not the case at the moment. More often than not, I am a treadmill runner :o(


I love these surveys! :)

1. Hmm…Cereal & milk. I LOVE cereal, but I don’t buy it for myself often because I just eat it too much otherwise :)

2. 6 donuts, definitely.

3. A new sports bra – I love the Moving Comfort/Brooks Juno. They’re the best! I’d also get some honey stinger waffles since they are SO good.

5. Mindy Kaling! I remember reading that her big goal was to run a 9:00 mile, so we’d probably be about the same pace :)

6. I’d re-run any of the Twin Cities 10 milers. Gorgeous course and perfect distance for me, and the weather was gorgeous both times I ran!

7. Don’t worry about your pace or what other people might think of you (really, they aren’t even paying attention)! Just relax and try to enjoy the run, and the gift of being able to be outside in the fresh air. It gets better the longer you do it!

9. A big indulgent meal (after a good shower)! Usually it’s a burger or a big plate of pancakes.

10. I was *really* into getting the right gear when I started running, and spent a lot of time and energy worrying whether I was using the best stuff for me. Also, shopping for running gear can be addicting! Now I don’t care about it as much. I just want to get out and run!


1. Ice cream sundae. My favorite food, always and forever!!! Especially after a run so cold and refreshing

2. Donuts! Clearly I have a sweet tooth :)

3. New Brooks Pure Flows!! You got me hooked

4. Windy. I swear I’m not copying you, but seriously bring on the heat cold snow rain… wind is the worst. I once quit a run because it was too windy

5. Hmmm… Sara Sigmundsdóttir, because I am a CrossFitter and I love her

6. the Pittsburgh Half Marathon. The good weather, the pretty bridges, crushing my goal… it was great!

7. Strengthen your legs with weight training and do lots of mobility so you don’t get runners knee/bad hips/shin sprints etc. Also, that it does truly suck at first when you feel like you’re going to die… but then one day… it’ll be something you can’t live without. Keep it up!

8. Um.. I spit a lot :) I also talk to myself

9. Beer! IPAs.

10. Since I added CrossFit and strength training I have not been hurt once. I used to have really really bad knees and its amazing what its done for me!


1. Smoothie King’s Strawberry Slim-n-Trim smoothie. I’m obsessed with this smoothie and often end up splurging to get this after my long runs to cool me down, so it would be nice if I could have this for free :)

2. Definitely 6 donuts. I feel like they’re basically just air, right?

3. I’d buy a new pair of Brooks Launch 4s! I’m trying to be better about rotating my shoes.

4. If it is snowing outside, I will not run outside. I’d probably go on the treadmill. I’m always amazed by the runners I follow that brave running in the snow.

5. Katherine Switzer! Sometimes during my really long runs and during my marathons, I’ll remember her and what she went through to run Boston. It helps me remember that running marathons is a treat, even if it doesn’t always feel like it :)

6. The Disney Marathon this past January. After a really horrible previous experience with marathon training and the marathon itself, I trained with a friend with a completely different mindset and had a fantastic race and fell in love with running.

7. Run your own race. Never ever ever EVER try to compare yourself to anyone else.

8. My right arm always falls asleep, so I have to shake it around and do windmills a lot with it to wake it back up.

9. A giant bacon cheese burger, sweet potato fries and sweet tea. Mmmmmm. It almost makes it worth the pain :)

10. I’m running because I genuinely love it now and not because I’m trying to burn the maximum amount of calories. I’ve spent many, many years running as a punishment for things that I’ve ate or if I’m feeling guilty about my body image. This mentality was one of the reasons I decided to do my first marathon and it made me hate everything about running. I’m not exactly sure when my brain just made a switch, but running has become an actual hobby now. I love to see improvement in my speed workouts, and then enjoy the slow days and actually be okay with it. I’ve been following your blog for a long time but I’ve never commented on it, but one of the reasons for this “switch” in my mindset came from seeing your own journey. It’s been really inspirational :)


1. A sushi buffet!
2. A large burrito; donuts make my stomach hurt!
3. A new running belt with a larger pocket and a spot for a large water bottle that sits across my lower back.
4. If it is over 100 degrees and sunny, I will NOT run outside. (I live in Phoenix, so that means all summer running has to happen before sun-up.)
5. I don’t think he runs, but astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson! He’s my favorite famous person.
6. Freedom’s Run marathon in West Virginia. It was not only my 3rd and last marathon, but also a PR (3:46). My boyfriend jumped in for the last 6 miles and tough-loved me to the finish and the course was breathtaking! It was amazing.
7. You should be having fun at least 90% of the time. If not, something’s wrong.
8. Not on purpose, but I stick my thumbs between my pointer and middle fingers. I don’t know why.
9. Ice cream!
10. When I first started running, it felt like work and I also tried to conform to my running group’s expectations (it’s easy to fall in with the race, race, race mentality). Now I run because it’s fun and sign up for events that look enjoyable. I no longer care what anyone thinks of me or my running speeds. It’s great.


1. Chocolate milk and a huge fruit salad
2. 6 donuts (beans + running = NO)
3. I’ve been wanting to try Hokas so I’d probably buy a pair of them. Maybe the Cliftons?
4. ICY! Yes, I like the treadmill so I would run on that instead.
5. Kevin James – totally not running related. I just think he’s hilarious and I want to be his BFF.
6. Boston Marathon 2012 – my first Boston!
7. Your body is capable of much more than you realize. Don’t think that you can’t do something; it may just take time to build up to a certain mileage or pace.
8. I do this weird thing where I rub my first finger and my thumb together, just on my right hand.
9. Burger and fries and/or an amazing dessert
10. I put more pressure on myself now if I don’t have a great run – not a good thing. I need to go back to my original mentality and not take my running so seriously sometimes.


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
A full English breakfast prepared by my hubby. I love the way it feels me back up and is oh sooo good, especially after a long run.

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run? 6 donuts. I love donuts. And if they are donut holes, then that’s even better. Bring on the dozen.

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)? I hate the new running shoes I got (why do they mess with a good thing…speaking to you Asics GT 2000). But I do need some new shorts.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ______Hurricane or flooding__________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all? I probably wouldn’t run at all.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be? Hmmm…this is a hard one for me. I think since Gordon Ramsey trains for triathlons, then I would love to run with him. We would just yell at people and throw our food at them saying, “IT’S NOT DONE!”

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?I think the Jingle Bell 10k was probably my most memorable. My friend and I dressed in costume and got lots of compliments. We had so much fun just smiling and finding every single one of the photographers. Our pictures were great.

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?! Take it slow.

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs? I crack my knuckles alot.

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other? A big beer.

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now? I’m much slower now.


1. I love inlets after I run but it’d be better is someone made them for me!

2. Donuts

3. Leggings. I live in Northern California on the coast and I don’t feel it’s ever warm enough for shorts.

4. Fill in the blank:  If it is RAINING outside, I will not run outside. And treadmill (or spin class)
5. I’m not sure….anyone who can teach me how to be a better runner. Haha

6. My first half marathon. I felt fantastic the whole race and have yet to beat that PR

7. Just have fun! (And remember to stretch after)

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?

9. Usually I go to Starbucks and get coffee and a breakfast sandwich

10. I’m a lot more relaxed about it. It used to let it ruin my day if I had a bad run.


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?

An ice cold smoothie with something salty and crunchy on the side.

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?

6 donuts, for sure! Let’s call it fuel. :)

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?

On any given day, running capris and a good top. However, I’m currently wanting an apple watch or garmin like crazy, so definitely one of those!

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?

Cold. If I can warm my fingers and toes, I’ll do a treadmill run. This South Louisiana girl is spoiled to running in HOT weather and can’t function otherwise.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?

You! Accept, by “run” you meant “to get froyo,” right?

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?

We have a local half/full called Zydeco that has the best vibe. I’d do that every day if I could.

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!

Go get fitted for shoes! And learn your ideal breathing patterns.

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?

Listen to Disney Mania (circa 2003ish?).

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?

Usually something I’ve been wanting but was having a hard time justifying. Or a few new songs from iTunes. It kind of depends on how hard the run/training was, if I feel like spending money or not, etc.

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?

SHIN SPLINTS! I thought I could run in any shoes I had, so I ran on Nike Free for years and couldn’t understand why my shin always felt like it was about to snap. Then I got new shoes and I’ve never felt that way again. It was MAGIC.


1.Apple pie and hot coffee
2. ugh… Burrito?
3.I am in desperate need of a few new tanks
4.Very hot—Not at all
5. Someone funny!
6. Running a turkey trot with my husband and two boys (it was 17 degrees!!, but still so fun :)
7. Start slow and Don’t Give Up
8. I don’t run with music but I do sing (in my head) when it gets tough (I guess it would be weirder if it were out loud ;)
9. I always think about chocolate cake while I’m running a race but I don’t think I’ve actually ever had it after?!
10. I started running in middle school in keds and a regular bra! I can’t even believe it…so having good gear for sure!


1) a huge salad bar – like Whole Foods style. Some type of frozen coffee drink and a maple donut!

2) donuts for sure. Not a burrito can unless I make them.

3)I’d say running shoes but I just opened a new pair, so probably a new race outfit -tank, shorts, socks, bra

4)raining. before this year the Ogden half marathon has been so rainy and it has been some of the most miserable experiences of my life.

5)either Jackie Joyner kersey or Michelle Akers (I played soccer my whole life and she was a phenomenal player for the us national team. She also had chronic fatigue syndrome which is something I have)

6) the run elevated from last year. Earlier that week I had been told that I may have breast cancer and that I wasn’t going to be able to run. Then two days before the race, the mass went away and I was able to run. Not only did I run, I took first place overall and hit my ultimate goal time (which I never thought would happen after being diagnosed earlier that year with cfs) of 1:18.

7) stay consistent, stretch, and believe in yourself

8)this may not be weird but I don’t run with music. I do a lot of trail races and you aren’t allowed to have music during them, so I have just gotten use to having no music.
Actually what I do that is weird is i match all my clothes- bra, shorts, shirt, socks, and even underwear

9) my reward right after is usually a donut or a coffee chiller from Grounds for coffee. If I don’t have either of those or sometimes even if I do , later that night I’ll have a glass of wine or some mixed cocktail

10) biggest change for me is when I started running I had an eating disorder. So I would try and not use fuel during my runs and when I did, I would barely take any.
But after I got through that and started to become a good runner, I realized how important fuel is to my body. Now I take anywhere between 1-4 gu’s depending on my distance.


1. Tough question! It depends on run. I’d say an egg sandwich on an everything bagel.
2. Doughnuts seem easier on the stomach.
3. The perfect rain jacket- hard to find! Nothing too hot, stifling, or sticky, just something light to keep dry. Long enough in the torso.
4. Icy. I would hit the treadmill instead.
5. Kara Goucher. I have dealt with several running injuries and I find Kara’s perseverance inspiring.
6. My first marathon. I paced myself well, felt good for most of the race, and the weather was perfection. From mile 20 on, I knew I would finish and I was so happy. There is nothing like finishing your first marathon.


1. Crispy Chicken salad with cheese, avocado, tomato, black beans and corn. (I craved these both times I was pregnant too!)
2. Burrito! I know you don’t love Chipotle, but I do!
3. A new running outfit, sports bra, leggings and a running shirt. I’d of course go to Brooks website!
4. sleeting or hailing. I’ve been stuck in a few storms before. It would be a sign to take the day off!
5. Oh…thats a tough one. I don’t have a favorite famous person, I would like to run with someone from another culture where I could learn about their life and see great scenery. My first pick would be a run with a friendly Italian that would invite me to dinner afterwards.
6. The half marathon I ran where I missed my goal time by 1minute and 30 seconds. It was my first half marathon and I was on track and hitting my splits, but couldn’t finish strong. I would practice speed work to help get my goal time.

What a fun survey today!


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be?
-A sandwich made with whole wheat bread (the good, nutty kind) with an egg over-easy, cheese, and a side of fries with fry sauce.

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?
-Gross, six donuts. Burritos put me into a coma even if I’m not running

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?
-Probably Lululemon and I guess I’d get, like, one pair of really great leggings or a pair of shorts (I’ve got my eye on the Tracker Short V) and a headband.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?
-This is very specific but bear with me. I live in Idaho and in the late summer we sometimes get very bad smoke-inversions from all the wildfires. The smoke can get so thick the sun turns into this red orb. It’s gross. I guess I would go to the treadmill in those conditions.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?
-William Shakespeare. The run would suck but I’d learn a bunch of new insults. Plus, I’m an English nerd who loves Shakespeare.
6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?
-I’d do Bloomsday again. It was so much fun and they had live bands playing all along the course.

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!
-For the love of God, buy good shoes. Not the cute Nike ones with sparkles. The obnoxiously bright pink and orange ones with padding and stability. Running is a fashion show for those who struggle to see color.
8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
-Um…I wear my hair in two French braids? I don’t know.
9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?
-Coffee. And oatmeal. And goldfish. And lemon-flavored Propel.
10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?
-Is it boring to say I’m stronger? It’s true, even if it is boring. I can run much farther, at a slightly faster pace, and I have a much stronger mental game too.

This was fun, thank you!


1. Acai bowl and an iced coffee
2. This is a tough one! I don’t think I could possibly eat either, but if I had to choose I think the donuts.
4. I always choose outside no matter what. Of course, I live in San Diego, so…
5. I would run with Paula Radcliff! Would SO love to meet her!
6. BOSTON for sure!! Best race EVER
7. OMG. ALWAYS warm-up before and stretch after. OH and when something hurts back off for goodness sake (I need to take my own advice!)
8. Hmm, well a lot of people think it’s weird I don’t ever listen to music. Not even during my super-long 20+ milers.
9. I always get an iced coffee .. the meals vary depending on the distance – after a marathon it takes me all day before I can actually eat a full meal. But after a half marathon I ALWAYS want Mexican food!!
10. I have been running consistently for about 15 years. When I began, I hung around 5 miles or less for a long time and I never competed. It looks SOOO different now! I typically run 6 days per week, vary my speed a distance, and I am usually training for some sort of race. The marathon is my favorite distance now. I have also won a lot of age-group awards, and even got 1st female in a 5k last year. So, I guess you could say that I am a TON more competitive!


1. Chocolate Milk, Diet Coke, and Maple Long John
2. 6 donuts
3. Mizuno Wave Inspire 13
4. Super Windy- I will still have to run outside anyway because my treadmill is broken.
5. ?
6. 2011 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon
7. Run for at least 2 months before you decide on whether you like running or not.
8. Nothing really. I prefer Airheads or Dots instead of gels during long runs.
9. Five Guys
10. I am no longer afraid of distance.


1. Scrambled eggs mixed with cheese, hot peppers and spinach
2. Ugh! I don’t like either very well. I know, blasphemy!!! Can I eat 6 milk chocolate bars instead?
3. BRAS!!! I’m in need of a couple of new ones.
4.Raining. Short runs in the rain are okay. Anything past 4 miles sucks so bad! I hate being soggy.
5. This is hard. I think anyone who has good positive vibes. I think it would be awesome to run next to Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon. You know, like a total creeper just listening in not participating in the conversation. Those two crack me up.
6.Ogden…this year. Everything was perfect including the weather. I wasn’t as prepared for that “beautiful weather” as I should have been. I think I was not taking in enough electrolytes/water. My muscles starting cramping at mile 19 and there was nothing I could do at that point. It was my first, so lesson learned. I want a do over so bad though!!!!
7. Good shoes!
8. You can catch me singing out loud to my music. I probably look like a crazy person.
9. Hot shower in the colder months and a nice cool shower in the warmer months. Nothing is better!
10. I started running to help me get back in shape. It has now turned into so much more for me. That and my shoes are way better ;)


1. watermelon
2. neither – how about frozen grapes?
3. Brooks Pure Flows
4. ICY – terrified of falling
5. Molly Huddle – I saw her last night flying down the boulevard that is a popular running spot in Providence, RI last night. I see her a lot actually. She would have to slow waaayyy down for me.
6. 2016 Turkey Trot in Oak Bluffs, MA. 6 weeks after major surgery and so happy to be able to run a 5K ! I felt normal again.
7. Foam roll, good shoes and go to an exercise strength class for runners
8. I listen to a lot of movie soundtracks
9. Long shower and watermelon
10. Since my double mastectomy I’m re-learning how my body is responding to running and figuring out how to get my body back. BUT running has helped me so much with my recovery. Get your mammogram. It saved my life!!! I want to make a T-shirt that has that message on it, so that when I run I can remind everyone how important it is.

Thank you for this survey Janae, enjoyed reading all the responses!


1. If you could have one meal that was in your kitchen and waiting for you to eat each day after your run, what would it be (for this meal we are pretending that anything/everything is fair game… it’s all healthy, nutritious and will help your recovery so say whatever you think would be the yummiest)?!?
– Giant bowl of mini wheats with almond milk YUM

2. Would you rather have to eat 6 donuts or a large burrito in the middle of your next long run?
– woah- probably 6 donuts. Can’t say the second half of that long run would be fun though

3. If I handed you a $100 gift card to a running website (that has EVERYTHING running related)… WHAT WOULD YOU SPEND THE $100 on (details are appreciated)?
– Ohh this is a fun one. Probably Patagonia. They have the BEST trail running everything- especially their shorts. They have such fun patterns and are so comfy.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is ________________ outside, I will not run outside. Would you then either choose to run on the treadmill or not at all?
– I can do rain, but once its sleeting I am done. I really do not like the treadmill so I generally will do some cross training if I can;t run outside.

5. If you could go on a run with any famous person or famous athlete… WHO would it be?
– Janae Baron!!

6. If you could go back in time and choose any race that you have done in the past and have that same experience all over again, which one would it be?
– The first time I ran the Richmond marathon- I PR-ed and my family was waiting at the end!

7. If your best friend decided to become a runner today and you could give her one piece of advice, WHAT WOULD THAT BE?!
– listen to your body!

8. What is one weird/different thing you do during your runs?
– 90% of my run I listen to podcasts. Probably not super weird/different but my boyfriend can’t believe I can run to someone talking rather than upbeat music :)

9. What is your usual race/hard run reward afterwards? A food/drink/other?
– All the sweetfrog I can get my hands on (froyo)

10. What has been the biggest change in your running from when you very first started until now?
– I listen to my body and I take rest days. I had no idea easy runs were even a thing and that your body NEEDS rest days.


1. If it’s hot I love smoothies or a salad. If it’s cold soup is always good, usually try to keep it light right after a run :)

2. Burrito, I don’t really like donuts. I know, I’m weird

3. I would want it to be to Brooks so that I could either get some new sports bras or use it towards a new pair of shoes :). I’m a fellow Brooks lover.

4. Fill in the blank: If it is – snowing, sleet, ice, thunderstorm, 100000 degrees, -100000 degrees – I won’t run outside. (Ok, that’s a lot of situations haha). I would run on a treadmill though :)

5. Kara Goucher for obvious reasons or Tina Muir, I loved it when she was the host of Run to the Top and just feel like we’d really get along. I could never keep up with either one of them though lol.

6. I haven’t done a race yet, and am currently nursing a broken ankle (the wooorrrssstttt). But a goal of mine for once I’m healed is to train for a first race. Will probably start small with a 5k.

7. Don’t be like me and do too much too soon over and over so that you’re always getting some sort of injury (one day I’ll learn). Also, don’t be a klutz like me and trip in your yard and break your ankle!

8. I don’t know if this is weird but it probably looks weird to anyone who sees me, I like to mouth/sing along to what I’m listening to sometimes, when I’m not too out of breath that is.

9. Going out to eat and having pizza/a burger/wings/whatever my heart desires.

10. The fact that I CAN’T run right now because my ankle is broken. It is awful and I’m counting down the days until I’m back out there (say a prayer or 1000 for me) ;).


1.) An egg sandwich with turkey and avocado with a side of fresh fruit.
2.) 6 donuts for sure. The amount of sugar might make me feel a little sick, but not as sick as the heaviness of a burrito.
3.) I’m in the market for new running shoes right now, so those… but I’d need to shop around a little to find what I like. I’ve never loved my current ones, though they’re serviceable :)
4.) Icy. I trained for my first half in a Chicago winter, so it was cold and crazy windy, but not icy this year. If it’s icy and I want to run, treadmill it is.
5.) I have no idea if Emma Watson runs, but I want to be her friend, so I’ll say her.
6.) My first half! I ran the Disney Princess Half in February and it was so great. I overtrained a little and wore my body down, so it might be a while till I run another half, but I soooo want to.
7.) Have fun and don’t worry about your pace! (But if you want to get faster, you can do that, too!)
8.) Sometimes I sing if I’m alone out there. Also, my arms fall asleep sometimes, so I shake out my arms while I’m running.
9.) Hmmm. Nothing huge. I usually schedule a massage afterward and definitely refuel with something delicious!
10.) I’ve accepted that some runs aren’t great, but that running is still amazing. I used to think that every run had to be the best ever or my day was ruined. Now, if I’m going a little slower than I want or things feel too tough, I just turn off my GPS and keep going. I need the run more than the speed, and knowing that has made me appreciate every run (even the slower ones) better. Also, I’ve learned that my body does not do well with running every day or even on consecutive days, so I cross train then. I’m super jealous of people who can run every day, but it makes me appreciate the runs I do get more.


1. Bowl of fresh, ripe fruit!
2. In middle of long run… probably donuts!
3. Probably a combination of a new sports bars and shorts. Recently increased how many times per week I run and now I have to do laundry more frequently!
4. Over 90 degrees (I’m in Florida)
5. Meb!
6. Celebration half where I got my PR, everything just fell into place!! And I felt great before, during and after!
7. It’s ok to do run/walk intervals, you are still considered a runner!
8. I’m not really sure that I do anything weird or different?
9. Pizza and beer
10. I actually enjoy it usually now vs when I started I was doing it only to lose weight and hated it.


1. An egg and cheese on a whole wheat bagel with chocolate milk!
2. Definitely a burrito! I love mexican food.
3. Ohhh that’s a tough one – I want everything. But some really good running crop pants. I can never find just below the knee length due to my short height so I would probably go to Lululemon and find some good ones.
4. Really hot and humid days with high heat index. I get really sick when I’m too hot.
5. Des Linden!!!! She seems so down to earth and fun but will also kick my butt and give me good advice.
6. The Broad Street Run in Philadelphia. I was skeptical about it because it was so hyped up but now I know why it was that hyped up. Most fun race I’ve ever done.
7. Be persistent and don’t give up. It is going to be hard and you going to want to stop but the feeling of reaching your goals like your first mile without walking or your first 5k make it SO worth it and rewarding. And get some good running shoes. It’s worth the investment. Happy feet = happy runner. My favorite quote – “A river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”
8. I catch myself signing out loud haha
9. Tacos and queso from Moe’s southwestern girll and Ice cream!
10. I started running to lose some weight. Now I run because it gives me goals other then focusing on my weight!


1. There is nothing I crave more than watermelon after a run!
2. EASILY 6 donuts. I’d be fine with beginning middle or end of the run :)
3. That would take me a while since I’m extremely indecisive…I would probably go with lululemon shorts, or a brooks tank.
4. I’m pretty sure I’ve ran in all conditions…ice is pretty much the only thing that will stop me. Then for sure something fast and quick on the treadmill.
5. Sage Canaday, Molly Huddle, Jenny Simpson… you!
6. No feeling like finishing your first half marathon, a distance I never thought I would do. Although that seems short now.
7. Don’t run for anyone else but yourself, you have to love it.
8. Say things like “feet don’t fail me now” in my head, pretend any slight downhill on the trail is a technical mountain descent where I have to jump over roots and rocks… dance when i’m alone on the treadmill….
9. Stretching, coffee, feelings of accomplishment that last the whole day.


1. Fresh fruit – especially in the summer. There is nothing better than a fresh banana or pineapple after a hot run!
2. 6 donuts for sure
3. Either shoes or just a complete new outfit
4. If it is extremely windy or extremely cold I will not run outside. If I have access to a treadmill I would. It would just depend on how my running week has gone so far!
5. I’ve always wanted to run/workout with Carrie Underwood. Maybe she would sing to me while we worked out :)
6. Definitely my Rock ‘n Roll Nashville marathon. It’s my only marathon (so far) and I couldn’t have felt better throughout the whole race (with the exception of miles 21-24).
7. Be patient! It takes time to grow in your running but it’s so worth the process.
8. When I’m not having a good run, I sing old Makin’ Music songs. (Makin’ Music is a performance where I went to college where we combine about 7 songs, change the words, and tell a whole story.) I sing those because they last about 7 minutes and it gets me through a big chunk of runs!
9. Chocolate milk is always a post race reward. It’s delicious and it’s a great recovery drink!
10. I am more confident. My times aren’t what they were in college but I am more confident in myself because of running.

Thanks for these fun surveys! I love them :) Have a great rest of the week Janae!


1. Chicken Pad Thai. Just sounds awesome after a run

2. Neither?? But I guess donuts. Burrito sounds too heavy.

3. Shoes! I have everything else I need. so SHOESSSS

4. Above 100 degrees outside I will run on a treadmill instead.

5. Jennifer Lawrence. She just seems like she would be fun to run with.

6. Any of my mud runs. They are so much fun

7. Train slowly at first to avoid injuries

8. I count cadence in my head. No clue why

9. I love bananas after a run. I always get excited when I see them after a race.

10. Listening to my body and needs. I never listened before. Hence loads of injuries.


1. Chipotle burrito

2. 6 donuts – no contest!

3. fun running socks – Balegas are my favorite! Also fun arm warmers and sports bras :)

4. If it is pouring rain outside, I will not run outside. To the treadmill!

5. Meb!

7. Ease into it

9. Food! And a nice long epsom salt bath :)


1. Pancakes- but I also want to lick the bowl!

2. Donuts- way nicer burp factor

3. I’d stock up on shoes

4. I don’t run outside if it’s in single digits or negative wind chill. I don’t mind treadmills

7. Know that starting to run SUCKS but stick with it and you’ll love it


1. Baked potato and watermelon
2. Burrito
3. New shoes
4. 100 degrees – skip it
5. Bradley Cooper :)


1. I would love to have an Acai Bowl waiting for me. I make them but they need to be in the freezer for about an hour and I can’t wait that long post run!
2. I would die eating donuts or a burrito during a run, my stomach can barely tolerated gels. It would NOT be pretty :(
3. This was the hardest question for me. I did a huge shopping spree a couple months ago at Road Runner Sports, I honestly can’t think of anything I need right now! Of course you can never had too many shoes!
4. If it is super windy (+25 mph) outside, I will not run outside. I don’t own a treadmill, so I would skip the run, but I might put my bike on the trainer.
5. I would love to run with Meb, he always seems so kind. Of course it would be more like walking for him!
6. I ran a Turkey Trot in 2016 with my 11 year old niece. She was so fun and spunky. We did a lot of walking, but just being with her was fun (she lives in TN/we live in CA.)
7. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else.
8. I wear my watch on my right arm – I’m left handed and have always worn my watches that way.
9. I love just walking in the back gate after a long hot run, taking off my shoes and socks and falling in the pool!
10. I actually call myself a runner. It took a lot of years to say and believe that.


1. Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Jam
2. That sounds horrible – I don’t like either!!!
3. I need new runners
4. Cold – Treadmill
5. The apostle Paul since he had incredible endurance
6. Maui Oceanfront Half
7. I try to tell my husband this – be patient!
8. I eat candy corn for fuel on long runs and races
9. Coffee and grilled cheese
10. I’ve gotten a little faster


1. A salad, baked sweet potato, and salmon
2. Donuts
3. Skirt or sports bra…spending any left over $ on socks
4. Ice…elliptical
5. MEB
6. my 1st marathon…I ran it pregnant and smiled the entire time talking to my baby
7. make stretching a priority
8. dance
9. soft pretzel with cheese
10. staying injury free


1. Mexican Beef Tacos
2. burrito
3. altra shoes
4. icy or too cold (like single digits) or super hot
5. Kara Goucher
6. Hobble Creek Half 2008
7. Be patient
8. no music
9. ice cream
10. how often and how much and i do most miles on a treadmill


Love this! How fun! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
1.I would have an Acai bowl waiting for me- YUM!
2. I would rather eat a large burrito with guacamole than 6 donuts!
3. I would spend $100 to a running website on new running shoes. I am always so inspired to run with a new pair.
4. If its raining, I won’t run outside, I will most likely run on treadmill or do a YouTube Zumba class
5 If I could run with a famous person it would be celebrity trainer Anna Kaiser- she would keep me motivated and encouraged.
6. I wold repeat the Boston Marathon if I could. It was amazing. I ran it in 2007
7. If my best friend became a runner, I’d tell her to make sure she has good running shoes.
8. I don’t know if this is that different but I run with a stroller and stop periodically to look at bunnies and lake fountains for the baby lol.
9. My reward is Netflix-binging, chocolate, and sleep (well it used to be that, but now I have a 10 month old lol)
10. My biggest change in running now is that I don’t run as long as I used to in my marathon days. I give myself more walking days. I am more balanced with my exercise and maintaining a healthy weight instead of pushing hard and training for something in this stage of my life. Not to say I won’t ever race again but for now this works.

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