Monday Matters!!!

*Monday’s sometimes feel like this image below right!?  My mom sent over some pictures from when I was a little girl and turns out that I can still fall asleep anywhere and at anytime!

*Brooke’s new favorite thing is to dance (this started after watching Beauty and the Beast) and she really excels at dips.

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*You never know what sort of parade you are about to stumble upon at our house.

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*My allergies are just starting to make a way into my life again this year… I can’t wait;)

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*Mornings with Brooke.  PS anyone else have children that are now waking up ridiculously early due to it being light outside early… we need to figure this out.

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*What the picture really looks like after Andrew attempts to lick my face as he is taking the picture.

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*We ordered Chips cookies the other night.  When they arrive at your door they are still hot!  This is a better idea than delivering pizza straight to someone’s house in my opinion.

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*They took a selfie during church… anything to keep the four year old entertained during a long meeting;)

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*This picture is from before Andrew left to the hospital for the day!  Things are starting to really pick up with his days in class and at the hospital this month… so far he is loving it and I AM SO HAPPY he will have a job that he will really love where he is able to help people (that is the key to his happiness).

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*Came home one day to find Beretta nuzzled in on all of Brooke’s pillows… she knows where to find the comfortable spots!

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*The only one that will come near me after a run… thanks Beretta.

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*Her love for Chick-Fil-A lemonade and ketchup as the perfect dipping sauce makes me happy… I get it.

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*A fun workout to try in this awesome article, “From Couch to Competitive 100-Miler” about Caroline Boller!  Caroline started running at the age of 38 to try to lose a few lbs and 4 years later she took FIRST (out of the males and females) in the Brazos Bend 50-miler in 5:48:01!!

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Who has allergies this time of year?  What do you take to help you?

Have any Monday Matters to share?!

What’s for dinner tonight at your house… looking for an idea!

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Sheet pan shrimp fajitas from Pinterest on the menu tonight. I can’t wait. I’m starving.


Okay, that looks absolutely amazing! I need that right now… enjoy every single bite Amanda!


Delicious!! I highly recommend them. I had them as a bowl with greens and Trader Joe’s cilantro dressing. My boyfriend had them as regular fajitas with rice and Trader Joe’s Mexican corn.
So easy and yummy!


My almost 11 month old started waking up at 5am! Any tips on how to make her sleep in? At this point, even a 6:30am wake-up would be nice :)


OH NO… is he/she waking up during the night at all? Will he/she eat something and fall back to sleep? A little bit later bed time? I am so so sorry Shauna, please keep me updated!


BBQ pork chops, roasted sweet potato, broccoli, corn, zucchini.
Homemade banana chocolate chip muffin for dessert.


Okay, we will be over in a few hours;) That all sounds so good Erica!


I take Claritin early on and Zyrtec when/if the allergies get really bad. I use Nasocort and if need be I pop a 12 hour sinus pill. Quite the cocktail, but it’s better than the slamming headaches I was getting.

Tonight it’s hamburgers, sweet potato, asparagus, and a side salad. I’ve been wanting a beef burger. I top the burger with avocado. (neither my husband nor I like ketchup, when we have guests for a bbq I”ll buy a small bottle and someone takes it home).

I ran again today but I strained a hamstring during yesterday’s strength training. My leg isn’t happy with me right now.


That sounds delicious… I want that for dinner now too:) NO KETCHUP… I agree that avocado is the best topping for hamburgers though! I hope that your allergies aren’t too crazy this year Nina!

KEEP me updated on your hamstring, I am so so sorry!!!


i was unusually EXHAUSTED all day so tonight’s dinner was an easy one… frittata with buffalo chicken sausage, spinach, tomato, onion. bread on the side. easy and delicious!


I usually have mild allergies but because California got so much rain this year everything is blooming and I’m going crazy! I’m taking Allegra.

Dinner tonight: my husband is grilling burgers, I’m adding baked beans, corn on the cob, and watermelon. It feels like summer!


Hey Janae, random questions…but I was wondering if you nursed Brooke and if you continued to run while doing so? Did it affect your runs or your milk supply at all?


HEY CAITLIN!!! Great question… I wasn’t the best with nursing. I couldn’t get Brooke to latch on so I tried pumping and she loved the bottle. I did that for about four months (pumping exclusively) and then I lost my milk. Not sure if that was because of stress or pumping or not drinking enough water but I know PLENTY of women that are able to successfully run and train for races while breastfeeding but I do know they pay very close attention to getting enough calories and water! Good luck!


I decided to start the week (and month) with a combo training session (swimming then running) to prepare for back-to-back events on Sunday! Other than that my day was spent in a class for work :(


You are the CUTEST bunch! Such a sweet family! Oh my gosh itching my nose as I TYPE. allergies up the YING YANG here!


Hahaha that first picture cracked me up! Monday vibes for sure.


Tonight we’re having homemade crunch wrap supremes–and green beans (gotta get those veggies).


Okay, I NEED TO MAKE THOSE. They look amazing!!! Thanks Amanda and I hope you are having a great night!


They were really good! I highly recommend them!


We have the opposite situation in our house: my son doesn’t want to go to bed at night because the sun is up later and he wants to play outside, etc. Long days for parents ha
I made curry chicken breasts in the crock pot over the weekend and was happy to have something quick to reheat for dinner. Sweet potatoes and homemade coleslaw on the side.


I just took my very first yoga class!! This is totally a Monday matter :)


My almost 4 years old’s allergies are going crazy (as are my husbands-I know where she gets it!) and I have been doing the Neti pot with her in the mornings. Now that is something interesting to try with a kiddo ;) The mirror in the bathroom is currently a disaster.


We had Panera Bread for dinner. The French onion soup was so good I’ll probably make some for dinner tomorrow. I have terrible allergies and take Zyrtec most of the time.


Try local raw honey to ease your allergies. That might help. :-)


My allergies are just terrible this year – it’s so annoying. And my poor younger sister has it worse than anyone I know. She’s even missed school a few days because of them. Poor girl. :(

I’m with Brooke – chick fil a lemonade and ketchup are pretty much the best ever.


I highly suggest blackout curtains. They help a TON with long summer nights and bright/early mornings. <3


I have allergy induced asthma so once April and May come around, no matter the running shape I am in, I struggle BIG TIME! I have two inhalers, but it’s so frustrating to go into the spring sometimes at my fastest and then to not be able to breathe! Almost a blessing in disguise that I am injured (said no one ever) because I don’t think I would be able to BQ on Sunday anyway with the pollen count being so high!


Brats for supper here. I don’t have allergies, but my husband has severe allergies. He has taken every prescription and over the counter med there is. In January he has started weekly double dose allergy shots. Dr said this is last attempt, last option is to take him out back and shoot him. lol Only relief from bad breathing during it, is to boil water, put drops of peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils in the pot after taking off stove, put a towel over head and breathe it in.


People tell me I have allergies because I’m always sneezing this time of year, and can’t stop crying, but I refuse to believe it. I really hate the idea that Mother Nature is trying to kill me.


That article you posted a link to is SO inspiring! I can’t even imagine doing a 50-miler.

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