Avoid the terrible too’s, healthiest group of injured people and YOUR Running Accomplishments!

Nine miles for my Thursday morning done in the low 8’s!  Today I get to run with a friend and then Saturday it is all about the treadmill.  I need to get in a double digit run soon… the last one I did was while watching Boston and I’m wanting to get in those miles again!

Andrew is currently upping his mileage for a half-marathon so we talked about something I learned in my coaching classes while we are coming up with his plan (he is my first coaching experiment;)—>  AVOID THE TERRIBLE TOO’S:

TOO much mileage

TOO much racing

TOO much speed

TOO much hard surface

Runners are the healthiest group of injured people;)

Making sure to not add TOO much of any of those above things too quickly for him to avoid any injuries!

Just like I have switched to be an Angels fan for Andrew, he has also changed to something important for me… Don’t the Launch’s just look fabulous on him?  I’m really proud.

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NEW SNOW IN OUR MOUNTAINS!?!  I do not want to see snow any closer to me than this for the next 7 months though.

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Post-run peach smoothie before going over to my parent’s house to eat lunch with them!

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While I was eating lunch there I had a flashback to when Brooke and I lived with them 3 years ago:) I love my time with them.

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We went home and the kids combined dress-up and cops/robbers into one lovely game that they played together.

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The kids had a soccer game yesterday and it was freezing…  we were all ready to jump back in the car once it was done.

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Wednesday night we made my Mom’s Lasagna and last night we had it for dinner too:) The lasagna love must truly run in my DNA because Brooke now says that it is HER favorite food too and she went back for seconds.

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Cuddles and stories before their bedtime.

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And the show that never gets old for me, once they went to bed (Andrew was working on his bike… he is NOT a Friends fan).

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It was my brother’s birthday yesterday!  He turned 40 and I’m so incredibly grateful for him!!

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I was so excited to see how he celebrated his birthday… a new personal distance record.  I think he needs to get signed up for a marathon;)

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LOVING your running accomplishments!!! Keep them coming in —> [email protected] !!


MALERIE!!! “This was my (I’m in the gray) first half marathon as well as the twins next to me!  We were able to train together which was so much fun.  It was also difficult with school, work, sickness, Spring Break.. but WE FINISHED!  I totally psyched myself out, but we didn’t do too bad- we finished in under 2:20!  So yay:)”

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ASHLEY!!! There was a 1st Annual Bunny Hop 5K in Uniontown, PA over Easter weekend.  I felt strong and ran hard and ended up being the 1st Female Overall in 22:16.  It was a great feeling to break that tape especially since I had a stress fracture last year complete with a cast!!!  So don’t get too down if you have an injury.  Sometimes God permits forced breaks from running and brings you back stronger than you can imagine!”

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AUDREY!!!  “My name is Audrey and today (Sunday, April 23rd) was the amazing day that I got to run my first half marathon, the Gazelle Girl Half Marathon in Grand Rapids.  It was an all women’s race that benefited local women’s charities.  It was incredible to be surrounded with the strength and determination of so many women runners.  I was a little nervous but mostly really excited.  I wanted to do the second half faster but I ended up starting off fast and managed to hold the same pace throughout the whole race!!  I had a goal time of under 1:40 and finished in 1:35:06!! I placed 1st in my age group and 19th overall! I am so thankful for my awesome family who came to support me and made tons of encouraging signs that I got to see throughout the race.  I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome for my first half marathon!!”



SARAH!!!  “On April 22, I ran the Tarheel 10 Miler in Chapel Hill, NC and was really excited to do so!  I ran through the campus of my alma mater, as well and ‘ran’ into old friends of suite mates and sorority sisters.  I have also never run this race before, nor a race where 10 miles was the total distance, so no matter what I would get a PR!  Ha.  The weather was overcast and a little breezy, but SO HUMID, which made the rolling hills of the course so much more challenging.  There is one hill at around mile 8-9, called Laurel Hill, and it’s so infamous your time is clocked starting from the bottom to the top!  I finished the race in 1:50:51 and it took me 10:34 to get up that hill- WHOA.  While during the race, I was thinking ‘is this going to be over soon?’, my finish was very satisfying because my goal was to finish in under 2 hours.  I really wanted 1:45, but now that I have set a bar, maybe I’ll tackle it again next year:) My friend and I took this picture in the football stadium after the race.  I am on the left and just love the bling of  our medal!”

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Sara wrote this about her sister STEPHANIE!!  “This past Monday she got to run the Boston Marathon starting in the Elite field!!! She has worked her butt off over the past 4 years and has accomplished more than even seems possible.  She finished the race with 2:47 flat, 31st woman!  Ah-maz-ing!  It was SO fun to watch the coverage and catch glimpses of her with the starting pack and then again at Heartbreak Hill when the Elite men caught up to her.  What a cool experience!  She’ll always be my running hero!”

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Friends fans….. Have a favorite character or episode?  What shows never get old to you? Who has a birthday coming up in the next few weeks? Have any fun Friday night plans? What running shoes are you wearing today?

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Friends: My favorite episode is where Chandler pees on Monica. I cry tears of laughter every time I watch him tell the story.

Today’s running shoe is the Mizuno waverider. It’s my first pair of Mizunos, and so far I like them a lot. Plus they are a very pretty blue.


That is such a good episode of Friends! So much about that beach trip is just downright hilarious.


I’m with you–I don’t think Friends can ever get old. Neither can The Office or Gilmore Girls. I LOVE those shows! :) It’s difficult to pick just one favorite Friends episode, but “The One Where No One’s Ready” is such a classic. There’s so much going on all at once, and it really brings out all of the personalities in such funny ways.

I have a pretty busy Saturday ahead tomorrow, so I probably won’t do much tonight other than watch the draft and hopefully go to bed early. After the week I’ve had, I could definitely use a night of quality sleep.


I love Friends! I can watch any and all episodes no matter what! A few of my favs are where Rachel sings “Baby Got Back” to Emma to make her laugh, where they go to the beach and Monica gets stung by a Jellyfish, and where they play the trivia game to lose/win the apartment……….they are all soooooo good!

Tonight it is taco night with the husband………..after a run in my purple Mizunos! (wave enigma)

Have a great day!


I’m taking a day off from work today to run a fundraiser 5k! I do it every year with a fun group of people. I will be wearing my Adidas Adizero but my first pair of Brooks Launch are in the mail! You convinced me to give them a try ;-)


OH FUN!!! Mel, that is awesome! I hope the 5k goes amazing and that you love your Launch’s! Let me know what you think! ENJOY!


Favorite Friends episode might be The One with Rachel’s Book. The jokes still make me laugh even though I’ve watched it way too many times. I rewatch Friends on Netflix all. the. time. :) Happy Friday!


BAHAHAH that one is AMAZING. Have an amazing weekend Ashley!


I think my favorite Friends character is Rachel! It’s REALLY hard to choose because everyone is so hilarious and perfectly fit on that show though. My boyfriend is definitely NOT a Friends fan either which totally weirds me out. Ha!

Gilmore Girls never gets old to me. I re-watch episodes ALL the time!

I’m wearing my Brooks Pure Cadence 6’s! They re amazingly comfortable!

My Friday night plans are relaxing because I’ll be on a field trip all day with my cute niece to a museum!!

Happy Fri-YAY Janae!!


Thanks for reminding me about Gilmore Girls…. how’d you feel about the new season though? I wanted to love it but it just felt so different from the original! Have such a fun time at the field trip today:) Oh the Pure Cadence’s are a good choice!


I 100% agree! I really wanted to love Rory but for
some reason she just came off so different than she was before, kind of cold??? The last episode seemed to kind of be he best one as they had all warmed back up into their original characters somewhat. But I totally agree with you! I re-watch the originals though all the time on Netflix! ;)


YES YES & YES!!!! We think a lot alike Chelsea!!!


Awe it looks like a fun time. I’m super close with my parents so I know the feeling! I’m just relaxing for the next few days. I don’t have anything major except work, which is nice! I’m not running but I’m wearing the Asics Nimbus which are nice.


Too much of anything is bad in my opinion–you will burn out or lose the enjoyment part after a while!

Oh my gosh i still watch friends re runs almost every night. Chandler is the best, followed by Rachel!


Ah, Friends and Seinfeld – never get old! I remember when they were on back to back with new episodes. My birthday is coming up quick – June 5! time is flying. Going out for a good dinner tonight – have a great weekend!


I love Friends! I really start to love it most when Chandler and Monica get together. So one of my favorite episodes is where the one where “they don’t know that we know that they know we know” ;) Monica is my favorite character and my friends sometimes call me Monica because we have some big similarities haha


I liked Friends when it was on, but have not rewatched any episodes. Maybe I’ll have to try it out again!

The show that NEVER gets old for me it How I Met Your Mother. I love pretty much every episode of that show and can watch it over and over :)


Well now I need to go and watch How I Met Your Mother!!!! I needed a new show to watch on the treadmill, THANK YOU NIKKI!


Some people really hated how the series ended but after watching it for the 3rd time I feel ok about it?. It’s still a phenomenal series!


My boyfriend’s birthday is Wednesday. And I just celebrated my “1/2” birthday 3 days ago. :)

We’re going to the New Jersey Marathon/half Marathon EXPO tonight. While it’s pretty certain I’ll be DNS’ing the race (thanks to this toe injury) he’s still running it and I’ll most likely spectate and see him at the finish line. Going through the motions is very hard. I’ve gone to expos of races i DNS’ed before. I usually cry. I can’t hide my feelings. Luckily my boyfriend gets it and doesn’t hold it against me when I tell him I’m jealous of him being able to run it. Last time I spectated at one of his races he PR’ed so maybe I’ll bring him good luck. Hard to believe my last run was 6 weeks ago.

I’ve been wearing my asics cumulus every day since I hurt my toe. They are so cushioned and are my go-to running shoe as well.


Hi Sally – I’m so sorry and I totally get that feeling of going through the motions at an EXPO for a race you can’t run. BUT remember that you do have an amazing wealth of knowledge about racing and you CAN be a huge supporter and good luck charm for your boyfriend. Focus on what you CAN do. You’re still a runner. You can still rock this race.


Yes, I love Friends!! Thankfully my husband does too and we are on our second round through (thank you Netflix!). :) I think my favorite is Monica because I see myself in her in so many ways (toned down I hope!)
And your birthday question – I turned 30 yesterday eek!! I’m actually excited about it though and started off the day with my long run for the week (9 miles). The whole time I was running I was just so thankful for the gifts of my twenties – marriage, 3 kids, Utah, and even running! Never saw myself doing this but I love it.


HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY (yesterday) LAURA!!! Way to go on your long run bday run:) I loved your thoughts during your run… SO much to be thankful for! I hope your 30s are even more amazing!


How does Andrew not love Friends?!?!?!


I don’t know. I ask him every day and he hasn’t offered me a valid answer yet. Give him a year or two;) I hope you have an amazing weekend Sloan!


Ha, my husband hates Friends too! I really liked it when it was on, but I don’t really re-watch it anymore. I loved the Thanksgiving episodes – especially the one where Monica puts the turkey on her head. Still cracks me up. I can watch Gilmore Girls and The Office over and over not tire of them. What is it about those shows?!

No big Friday night plans over here. My baby is under the weather so it will be a quiet night in. Hoping he gets the rest he needs this weekend.


You always make me hungry for lasagna, and I’m just too lazy to make it! lol One of these days…….

I agree with the TOO MUCH HARD SURFACE. I did 98% of my speedwork on the roads this winter, and I think that’s what “got” my lower back. I’m trying to do more recovery on softer surfaces and speed other than tempos on the track. It really does effect the body–all of that pounding on hard surfaces.

I was just “so so” about the Launch 3s, but I adore my Launch 4s. I think they’re my favorite shoe right now, maybe even almost up there with my trusty Saucony Zealots!

Have a fun weekend!!!!!


I can’t believe that half-marathon debut in the running accomplishments – that’s amazing!
I’ve always worn mizunos but trying out a pair of asics right now (nimbus 18) – not quite sure how I feel about them yet!
Have a nice weekend!!


I’m running in my Mizuno Engimas today! My sister is coming over to watch the little man + hang out so I can get a solo run in PLUS sister time. Friday is already going to be great.

Friday night plans = a walk/hike with my husband and a game night. Hope your Friday is great, Janae!


You, me and Brooke are absolute fans of Lasagna. The other day I had THE BEST one I had (after my Mom’s, of course), and that made me really happy.

I have to say that Sex and The City is my favorite show and to me, it will never go old.


I totally agree about runners being the healthiest group of injured people! I was definitely in the category of too much running too soon. I learned from my mistakes though and I force myself to be patient now!


My Friday night will probably include some gym time and watching Shark Tank. Maybe I’ll get a little crazy and drink a hard cider to celebrate the weekend ;) Also, you must check out the show Rules of Engagement. I think it’s still on Netflix, but it never ceases to make me laugh!


I discovered Rules of Engagement on Netflix too! Watched every episode (having never watched one when it originally aired). I think you might like it, Janae, because it’s about couple-stuff :)


I thought we were going to wake up to snow, but instead its absolutely gorgeous and sunny – I’ll take that as a win for this Friday! Hopefully slipping out soon for a run. I’ve been running trail in the Saucony Peregrine and road in the Mizuno Wave Rider.


Minutes ago I printed a return label for my first pair of Launches, because after 100 miles they still give me blisters. I love Brooks return policy, will never buy anywhere else. I bought a new pair of Adrenaline GTS instead. Why mess with a good thing?


I could watch Friends every day for the rest of my life and be a happy camper! Chandler is by far my favorite. My birthday was yesterday so still riding the high of that for the weekend. Have a wonderful one!


I LOVE Friends – how does Andrew not like it?! My favorite character is definitely Ross. And I love the episode where he is just drinking margaritas and pretending everything is fine when it’s not haha.

Happy birthday to your brother! 15 miles is amazing.

I am getting a facial tonight and I am SO excited. A wild Friday night ;) Have a great weekend!


My husband also cannot stand Friends! Usually he will suck it up and watch a show with me, but he draws the line at Friends. It really puzzles me! I LOVE that show!


Love that quote “the healthiest group of injured people”!! So true. My husband is recovering from a hip issue and it’s glutes & hamstrings for me. So hard to take it easy… but I know it’s good for me!
I used to watch Friends all of the time, but now I’m more into all of the reruns of the Big Bang Theory. I could also watch Modern Family returns all of the time too. Hilarious show!


Friends is the best! I watch it all the time but unfortunately my husband isn’t a fan either! What is wrong with them??!?
Not my running accomplishment, but my 9 year old son’s. He joined track through Provo Rec and last night had his first meet. As you know, it was cold and windy last night but he ran the 1600 meter race and one 1st place!! He did it in 6:45!! I was so proud of him that I almost cried! He has worked really hard to be this good and loves to run! It is soooo much fun watching him and running with him. I am excited what to watch him as he gets older and to see all his accomplishments!


My birthday was yesterday, too!! Happy day to your brother! We took our bikes to Santa Monica and rode from Santa Monica to Redondo Beach and back. 40 miles – my longest solo ride ever. We finished the day at Duke’s in Malibu – saw whales and dolphins, ate great food and devoured a piece of Hula Pie, guilt free.

Rest day today, but I’ll be wearing my Brooks Glycerins tomorrow for my long run.


I love Friends! I used to sneak out of my room at night when my parents watched it, which worked until my brother gave us away by laughing. My favorite episode is definitely “The One Where Everybody Finds Out.”
I’ve been running in the Brooks Launch 4s in bright pink. I’m a big fan because they have the perfect amount of cushioning without feeling clunky. Six miles for me after I get back from class today.


I LOVE Friends and it will never get old to me! I wish I could remember the name of the episode, but my favorite is when Chandler and Rachel are helping Ross move a couch into his apartment and he’s instructing them to pivot in the stairwell. I have rewatched that one scene 100 times and I laugh hysterically every time. EVERY TIME! Not sure I can pick a fave character. They are all on a pretty equal playing field, which is why the show is truly an ensemble! I could also watch Dawson’s Creek over and over. One weekend in college, some friends and I binged watched the entire 1st season, before season 2 started that next week. Now, that’s love – ha ha!
Friday night plans are going to the Outcry tour in Raleigh, NC to hear great worship music. I am very excited!
And thanks for the running accomplishment shout out – it’s so awesome that you do this and it’s very encouraging for us all to see other runner’s successes!


I love the episode where Ross goes tanning. Hilarious.

I can still watch Friends anytime and of course Gilmore Girls. Those are probably my top 2 ever. Although, I wasn’t a super huge fan of the new Gilmore Girls, which made me so sad. I really wanted to be!

Friday night plans include grocery shopping, library, and bbqing chicken burgers!

Today I ran in Skechers GoRun5’s. These shoes have impressed me much more than I expected.


I never comment, but had to today to answer the Friends question haha. Season 7, episode 5. The one with the engagement pictures. It is the most hilarious episode!! Just thinking about it makes me laugh. One year for Christmas I got all my friends the season 7 DVDs so they could watch that episode. I think I’ll watch it tonight….


BAHAHAH YES… that one is so amazing!!! I hope you are watching that episode tonight! Thanks Sarah!


I don’t watch Friends – I know, it’s crazy! Maybe one of these days when I stop being obsessed with Gilmore Girls and Parenthood (best shows ever). I just got the Launch 3 since I always buy the older model and I really like them. They are a LOT heavier than the Pure line, which is what I usually run in. But they’re SO purple, so I’m okay with it :-)


Love Friends! Two other shows I never get sick of: Parenthood and Northern Exposure


Everyone is wrong. The best episode of Friends is The One with the Embryos. Not for anything with Phoebe and the babies, but for the game show for the apartment. ‘Ms. Chanandler Bong’


Wasn’t Andrew training for a half marathon awhile back? Is this still the same?




Uhm does anyone else see how much your brother looks like Chandler in the photo above his? ha!

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