Running quotes I’m in LOVE with and Utah made me angry.

You know that if your day is starting out at a bakery, that it will most likely be a really great day.

It’s kind of our tradition now to pick up a donut the mornings Knox comes home.  We didn’t mean to start this tradition but it just happened and I am the last person who would want to stop this weekly visit.

Somehow we went from this type of running weather below (I ended up taking off my long sleeve jacket half-way through the run because I was hot) on Tuesday:

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To this running weather on Wednesday:

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Josse and I were planning on meeting Wednesday morning for our run but with the new inches of slick snow (that melted by the afternoon and then it snowed again in the evening), we decided to run by each other at the gym instead.  4 miles total @ 8:45 average pace and then I was off.  It was a short time together for our run but still gave us the time to catch up!

Okay, so I have TWO running quotes that I have been thinking about lately and wanted to share them.

1.  The first one is about growth and the comfort zone.  This type of thinking is what inspires me to get out of my comfort zone and to push myself to try new things, workouts and to get out of my safety net.  We all want to grow in our running right?  The hard workouts, hill climbs, races and long runs aren’t comfortable but there is sure a lot of growth that occurs.

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2.  This one is from Megan Searfoss (See Mom Run) and I think it is  pretty great for women/mama runners:

“We menstruate, we have babies, we lactate, and then we shut it all down in a dramatic fashion called menopause… Through all these fluctuations, running can be the best smoothing factor, helping to keep the hills from being mountains and the valleys from being canyons.  Your running routine might change through the stages of your life, however the benefits will always be rewarding and sometimes lifesaving.  As you run through the stages of life, you will learn how running can help you, when you might need to adjust your pace, and when running just might be the adjustment you need to improve your outlook and well-being.”

I just think it is the perfect way to explain how running evolves throughout our running years.  Along with the things she mentioned about how our bodies change over the years hormone wise, there are SO many other factors that cause change in our running.  I love that running is that piece that can be a constant for us through all of the changes and to get us through those changes.  Running sure has gotten me through the last 500 stages of my life I have had over the last decade and I’m sure grateful for how it has changed my life and the way I think.


Let’s review the last 1.5 days because I can’t possibly skip out on sharing these very important matters:)

*Turns out we probably should have waited another month or so to put up the trampoline.  Utah fools me each year and I get angry but then I remember I love it here.  We get some amazing temperatures each February and I run around in shorts and a tank top thinking I’m cool and that spring has arrived and then boom—>  Winter:

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*Dinner on Tuesday night was amazing!  These honey balsamic brussels sprouts were so good.  Try them!  For the salmon we just cooked it with butter, salt and pepper.

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*The kids attempting to catch some snow on their tongues.

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*Knox just trying to stay hydrated.

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*They were laughing pretty hard about something yesterday afternoon.

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*And then pretending to be ghosts.

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*Kids after their showers (because they think they are too old for baths now?) with clean teeth= perfect.

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*We took Brooke to see the new Lego movie on Tuesday night.  My short synopsis of the film—>  Brooke enjoyed it, I fell asleep and Andrew saved me some of the popcorn for me to eat when I woke up.

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*Beretta is doing well.

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*I was sent this short documentary about a woman that has become an ultra marathon champion.  I hope you enjoy her amazing story and her journey to running.

*We made Andrew a little Valentine’s Day video two weeks ago and we had a two outtakes:

*Also, because I know you really care about my shoes, yay or nay to these ones that I saw last week.  I cannot make up my mind.

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Have a running quote (or one that applies to running) that you absolutely love?  Please share!

Any vegetables that you do not like?

Who else received some new snow this week?

How are you going to get out of your comfort zone with your running soon?

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I love quotes! I feel like I have a quote for every situation! Lately my quote has been “don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done” – I was doing GREAT with running prior to Christmas (my pace/mile was in the mid-9’s which is fast for me) and then Christmas happened and a new job and before I knew it I am struggling with running again – so this quote makes sense in my life now! Happy Friday eve!


We are on the same page! I made those honey balsamic Brussels sprouts two days ago — they are soooo good. I’m pretty obsessed with brussels sprouts right now, although mine look significantly darker than yours because I like burning them. It gives them extra flavor :D

I am going YAY on those shoes I think they look really comfortable while still being fashionable. I could totally see them paired with jeans and a white tee!


This has been the warmest winter I can ever remember in DC. It snowed once, and that was only two or three inches. Today it’s supposed to be 70, and Friday and Saturday too. It’s ridiculous. I love spring–it’s my favorite season–but I really wanted snow!

Favorite running inspiration: “You can do hard things.” I think I got it from you, and I’m not sure where you got it from, but it really helps me, both in running and just running my life.


Snow?! It’s going to be 88 degrees here today. I can’t even imagine snow right now. Oh, and I like those shoes–they look really comfy, and I would probably wear them with pretty much anything!

I need to get out of my running comfort zone more during harder workouts and races by pushing myself beyond when it hurts. Sometimes I cross the finish line and feel like I could have gone faster/pushed harder, so I need to work on that a bit. I want to feel like I’ve given it everything I have and not hold back.


Oh my gosh, that video of Brooke and Knox is SO CUTE! I love how well they get along and obviously love each other so much.

Yes yes yes to those shoes. I love them. I would probably wear them almost every day.

Those brussels sprouts look good. My favorite are still the one’s from Chrissy Teigen’s cookbook. I feel like I could live off of them.


Definite YAY on the shoes! I love Steve Madden’s slip-ons – I’m a huge fan of any sneaker that looks a little bit dressier!


Ohh those brussels sprouts look amazing! I just got a bag so I’ll have to try that recipe. We’ve been having amazing weather the past week in Pittsburgh and it’s supposed to hang around for a while. If I don’t have to see any more snow during marathon training I’ll be happy!

I would say nay to the shoes..sorry!


a lot of people here have those steve madden shoes but I tried them on last year and found them really uncomfortable! I love that first running quote – so true!


I kinda wish snow was happening here. New York has expected highs in the 60s again. Our winter was here for a split second and then left :( I love my seasons! Plus I like the freeze that kills all the bugs.

I haven’t been eating veggies much the last two weeks. Been sick and they just don’t appeal to me. But I think I might be craving a nice stir fry with onions and mushrooms.


I love those shoes and they seem to really go with your fashion style! I don’t like celery and I don’t really like mushrooms either. I’m going to start pushing myself to run further and longer! Just get out there and keep going !


I don’t like cucumbers and pickles. Which is comical since I live in New Jersey. My favorites right now are Brussels sprouts and beets. We haven’t gotten any snow in the greater Philly area…in fact, it’s been super humid!


Yay to the shoes!! I’ve been eyeing those up on Amazon for weeks after seeing them in the store.


I just loled at your synopsis of the lego movie :) :) thanks for making me laugh!


here are my 6 favorite running quotes!

no snow in NYC!


The trampoline looks so sad with snow on it. We had some nice weather here for a week or snow but I woke up to snow outside this morning. Luckily I live in the north part of the city, and the south got quite a bit more snow. I can’t wait for spring!


I do not like olives, okra, and eggplant. Really, I think all 3 of those are gross and once olives have touched something you can’t eat it. That is one thing you can’t just pick off!


I have to 100% agree with what you said about olives and when they touch other food… I just can’t do the taste!


My veggie eating game has been strong this winter! I fell in love with brussel sprouts. I had tried them once before & hated them, but they were from a microwave steamer bag, so yeah, I think that was the issue.

I cannot handle green beans. In ANY capacity. I swear I can walk in someplace & tell if they’ve been cooking. And it grosses me out. Every time they’re served to me I try one in hopes I’ll like it, but NOPE.

Ooh running – I am making a PR HM attempt this spring. I’m trying a TOTALLY new type of training program. It’s shorter, but more intense than some I’ve done in the past, but I’ve kept up my running outside of training so I feel like I started it in a good place. My PR is 1.5 years old, and it’s been a year since I even ran a half, but I AM READY.


I don’t think there is a veggie I hate! I pretty much love them all…. luckily my kid has taken after me so far. :)

My favorite running quote is “when your legs get tired, run with your heart” I do this often in my races, will think of who is waiting for me at the finish line and then my heart gets so full that carries me to the end. :)

Now I am craving me some salmon hard core, thanks! ;) lol


Those shoes are dope. Case closed.

My comfort zone has always been the “control zone”- if I control what I eat, push myself to exhaustion every day, and shut out unnecessary distractions (aka having a life), then I am comfortable. Getting out of that control zone and sitting in actual discomfort in a run (rather than just numbing it out) and actually working through it, running wayyy easier than I have in the past, letting go of food as a thing to micromanage, and allowing other things into my life has been so freaking uncomfortable but also, has been so rewarding. I can’t wait to get to the start line of races, the start line of life changes, etc. and show up with a new kind of fitness. The kind of fitness that thrives in every weather, not just controlled-numbed out conditions.

One of my favorite running quotes “My friend Sally told me once that some fear is healthy. That it keeps you diligent, refines your senses, and prevents you from getting too comfortable…three things absolutely required for the highest levels of success. The challenge will always be respecting fear without bowing down to it…I want more. I want to give myself permission to want it. Fiercely. I want to walk arm-in-arm with fear and say, “I’m glad you’re here,” because that’s where the magic happens”-Lauren Fleshman


Favorite Running Quote: There’s magic in misery. Just ask any runner. HAHA.

I’m not a huge fan of bell peppers. I don’t know why it has always been like that.

I didn’t wake up this morning to get my run done. So, I will have to get out of my comfort zone and do it after tonight’s class. Lets see how that goes.


I really can’t stand the after taste of beets. I must need some better recipes because everyone in the blog world raves about them!

We woke up to snow here too! 70 yesterday, 20 and snowing currently.

And most importantly, the shoes. My motto is, if you’re still thinking about it a week or so later, it’s probably a yes!


I like beets when they are roasted. Steamed they can sometimes have a bit of “dirt” aftertaste. (which actually doesn’t bother me but I can see how it would be gross to others). Golden beets are generally sweeter tasting to me.


Those shoes are super cute. However, if there’s any doubt, take em back. Find ones that you 100% love. Try the new line of Vans. Super cute for spring!


What an amazing story! Thanks for sharing that little documentary about Ultra Angela! Such inspiration!!

I love all kinds of veggies :) But, I am definitely going to have to try those brussel sprouts!


I say NAY on the shoes but only because of the color…


I too fell asleep during the Lego Movie when we went on Monday. Glad to not to be the only one.

We are finally getting some decent outside running weather so we are soaking it in before the next round of snow.


HAHA okay I feel a lot better now about sleeping through the Lego Movie! I just could not keep my eyes open… we need to catch up on our sleep whenever we can! Enjoy those beautiful days of outdoor running! xoxox!


Our snow melted due to some unseasonably warm weather. We’re getting cold weather back on Sunday but not cold enough for snow. NYC is fickle though, who knows what March will bring.

You’re the 2nd mom who posted that she slept through the Batman Leggo movie this week. :) Get your rest where you can.

I despise lima beans and green beans. I am told I make an amazing green bean salad. I like the dressing/marinade but gag if I eat green beans. I was able to eat some haricot verts in Hawaii, they were crisp and cooked in enough garlic and butter to be edible. Lima beans have to be in a pasta fagioli that’s cooked so long I no longer recognize they are limas. blech.

Cauliflower needs to be roasted, stir fried, or otherwise embellished but I can eat it.


YAY to the Steve Maddens!!! I have had two pairs of those ones (in different colors) and one new knock off pair from target in olive green (you can’t even tell they aren’t the same) and they are always my favorite shoes. I love them.

This is a comment about yesterdays post, but I loved reading about how you became a blogger. I always thought I would love to do it just to have a diary of things and be able to look back at what was happening and when. Like you I am not sure anyone would read it (except my boyfriend and of course my dog if he knew how to read, haha), but Squarespace is cool and I think I will start one just for fun. Thanks for the tips!


Nay on the shoes – sorry!

I don’t like peppers.

When no one is at home, do you leave Beretta out of a crate? My dog is only one year old and I was wondering when/if Andrew (if it was before you) started leaving Beretta alone without being crated. Thanks!


Ultra Angela is amazing. I cried. Her experience in an unhappy marriage and coming out of it a champion, was really powerful for me. Running most certainly makes us physically stronger but it also makes us emotionally, spiritually and mentally stronger as well. Thanks for sharing that video.


Angela’s story is amazing and very inspiring, thanks for sharing!!


I have those exact shoes, but in black. I love mine.


GOOD to know, thanks Audrey:) Time to make the purchase!


So. much. snow. I’m so ready for Spring! I found some dry pavement the other day before the latest storm and almost shed a tear.


You had me at “honey balsamic brussels sprouts!”


We had two days of almost 60…record breaking temps and we are suppose to get the snowstorm all day tomorrow!! I am kind of crying inside about it truthfully….


OH NOOOOOOO snowstorm tomorrow after all of that great weather? Not okay, you should drink a lot of hot chocolate and watch your favorite movie during the snowstorm tomorrow night!


I love the shoes….especially the neutral color.
Your weather in Utah reminds me a lot of what we have been experiencing in Nebraska. Last weekend and up to today, we were running around in flip flops and shorts with temps in the 70’s- – tomorrow we are getting a snow storm and the high on Saturday will be 31. We get teased and then BAM! we are reminded that it IS still February!
My least favorite veggie is asparagus.


NAY on the shoes.

My favorite running quote: It’s not the Triumph, but the Struggle!

I think it sums up so much about what this sport means to me, I adore the struggle. The “growth zone” of your quote. The place where it hurts, when it sucks, when the run is the last thing you want to do. That’s what I run for, the struggle. The medals are the easy part, the struggle is what gets me up in the morning before dawn.

Snow, no way. We’ve had more above 80 degree days than ever this “winter” in Houston, Tx.

Veggie I don’t like – mushrooms. Blah!

I’m on a continual push to move outside of my comfort zone as I keep chasing the sub-5 hour marathon. Going for it again in Napa Valley on March 5th!


Jenn, your explanation about the struggle that comes with running was beautiful. I read it over a few times… thank you for sharing that. I love that struggle too, it’s what makes me feel most alive:) AHHHH I am so so excited for your Napa Valley marathon soon… please let me know how it goes! I am going to be cheering you on from Utah!


OMG – thank you so much for sharing that documentary. So good.


I love the Babe Ruth quote, “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

I think the only vegetable that I am not in love with is eggplant.

No new snow, just wind and cooler temps.

I have been talking about joining a running group for a while, and I know this would push me out of my comfort zone and help me to reach some of my goals!


I love love LOVE the Steve maddens. I have them black and wear them all the time since I basically live in athletic leggings and some cute athletic top. They make me feel a little more casual and a little less like I just left the gym. Ha!

Are you doing a race this weekend still? If so, which one? I know Ogden is far but if you want a good 10k with lots of hills, then you should come run the
Striders 10k this Saturday. Race starts at 8. ?

I think the only veggie I don’t like is beets. I use to hate all veggies until after I graduated from college and now I eat way too much of them. Never short on fiber, that’s for sure. Lol.


Hey Rochelle!! I was planning on doing the Dogtown 1/2 in St. George but not sure if I will make! Are you doing Striders 10k this weekend? I bet you have a ton of snow. Let me know! I am right there with you on the beets!


I like the shoes!!
Oh my gosh, your trampoline!!
Also, we haven’t had any snow recently in Cleveland. It’s been in the 60’s. I have a feeling we will still get some snow soon :( .


Favourite quote right now…
“Whether it is a 14 minute mile or a 7 minute mile, it is still a mile!”
We’ve been having the same weather here in SW Ontario. It was so warm this morning I went to work in a t-shirt!! I’m afraid that your snow is on its way here?.
Yay on the shoes, they look super comfy!


I am not a runner but I love your blog! ❤️ Def yay on the shoes–they will look great with jeans and pretty much any shirt! Love! I’m in Atlanta so no snow for us. Oh and I think I like most all veggies!


Hey Christina!!! Thank you so much for your comment:) I think you are very right about the shoes! I think we might need to move to Atlanta for the winters haha! I hope you are having a great Thursday!


O-V-E-R SNOW! and ice and the wind. While our region desperately needs the moisture, we’ve had the wettest water year since 1982 and it’s only February. It def makes marathon training and driving miserable.

As I get older I’m starting to love sneakers and loafers more and more. Yay on the shoes.


I found the Steve Madden tennis shoes very uncomfortable. I saw many reviews that people had a hard time breaking them in. I ended up buying the same style in black UGGs Fierce. The most comfortable sneaker! I wore them once for a few hours to test them out with no problems. I packed them for Disney and ended up wearing them everyday! 5 days averaging 6-8 miles in them without any pain or blisters. Nordstroma has the best variety of the Fierce style (more than on the UGG website)


Mmm, I haven’t had a donut in so long, I need to come up with a donut tradition… maybe Friday afternoons (I like them for snacks better than breakfast), is that enough of an occasion?? I hope so!


PLEASE send that snow down here. We are already in sleeveless tops. . . I know I live in NC but still. The summers are way too long and hot here for them to be starting already!!!
And I can’t think of a veggie that I do not like which I guess is a good thing. When we have kids hopefully they will inherit that from me. My hubby has a list of ones he does not like!!! LOL


I love those quotes! As a 53 year old woman, the quote about running through the stages of our lives really spoke to me. “helping to keep the hills from being mountains and the valleys from being canyons”– I LOVE this!!


My bestie has these exact shoes in a copper type colour – they are shiny and ADORABLE and I LOVE them & am totally jealous of them (she got them when she was in London so I can’t get them)


You know how I feel about the shoes! Get them! I want them too!…Just 2 sizes smaller ;)

I want to take my kids to the lego movie. I haven’t fallen asleep during a movie in a long time. The Summer I was pregnant with Felicity, I took the kids to the movie 2x a week and I would sleep. Every, Time. It gave my kids something to do. It was cold and air conditioned and it made me feel like I was a good parent for hanging out with my kids….you know…up until I started sleeping.

I made Brussel sprouts the other night and the left overs have kept me happy. I think the only vegetable I don’t like is eggplant.


“It’s not so much that I began to run, but that I continued.” Sometimes I think that I just rather not be a runner anymore (it would be so much easier not to) but I am not quitter and this quote embraces (and guilts me into) that mindset.

I love all vegetables! Seriously! No snow here (but we had a snow day two weeks ago) and the weather is getting nice which means I want to get out of my comfort zone by starting to introduce track work outs. I go to school on a campus that has a track so I really have no excuse.


I loved the documentary.

I like all veggies except beets and cooked spinach.

No snow here till maybe Saturday.

Favorite quote: “The only good pace is suicide pace, and today’s a good day to die” – Steve Prefontaine


gah! thanks for sharing the documentary, loved it! super inspiring even though I’m so intimidated by trails!


I ran out of my comfort zone today and then I read your post and thought how perfect. I only did 1.25 miles today but I did three fast Sections, the whole first half was fast and then I did two mins fast two mins slow. I have not been running as much recently so that was about all I could do with the fast Sections but it felt good to push my limit even a bit. I also have been running less so that I have time to stretch and do strength training which most of the time I don’t do, so it is good to get out of my comfort zone for that too.


WAY TO GO EMILY!!!! Awesome job on your hard workout today! You got out of that comfort zone = growth!


That second quote was exactly what I needed to hear today, so thank you!! I don’t run anymore but I do crossfit and lift and hit the gym like a crazy person. I’m dealing with having a hysterectomy pretty young – under 40. Having cute babies did a number on my organs. I guess. It’s under a month away and I was really starting to get down about it, feeling sorry for myself and this was just the thing I needed to read today. I’ve kept up working out when I can, modifying everything I need to and I always feel better after that workout just the way I always felt after a good run. Something about getting that heart rate going is just good for the soul, nothing seems too difficult after getting it in.


Kristin, I am SO beyond sorry about what you are going through right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you and PLEASE if you ever need to email with someone… I’m your woman. I am so glad that you are still able to get in some good workouts. Please keep me updated with how you are doing!


That documentary! Angela’s strength and determination to overcome and achieve such an amazing feat is a true inspiration. I needed this right now – thanks for sharing!

A favorite running quote by Haruki Murakami, “In long-distance running the only opponent you have to beat is yourself, the way you used to be.” All of his books are great, but you may particularly enjoy “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.”

Those brussels sprouts look so delicious! I absolutely detest onions.


Thank you Hungry Runner Girl for the nice reference. We need to catch up! XO


Yes, I would love that:) I love your book!!!


I also slept though the Lego Batman movie (after a 12 mile run in a theater with reclining seats! I didn’t stand a chance!).

Cute shoes but have you tried the Ugg ones? I thought they were way more comfortable. This is just one example but they have several styles.


I have those shoes and they are super comfy! Just bought the black Vans the other day because I had been looking for something similar in black and you had posted them and then I ran across them when I was shopping on Monday. Can’t wait to wear them!


I loved the kids Valentines video, so sweet! Angela’s story was incredible, thank you for posting it.

One of my favorite running quotes is; If you never try, you’ll never know…


Hi Janae,
I’m not sure if I missed where (or if) you shared the recipe for the Brussel sprouts but I would love to have it. I am not that good a cook to just wing it, so if you see this, could you share the recipe please? They look so yummy!!


“Just one more step…” – Me!

I don’t like raw tomatoes (yuck!) Something about the seed texture reminds me of slime. Gross


Someone has probably already left this in a comment, but they had shoes that looked exactly like this at my target (in pink and army green) for way cheaper!

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