Blog Post from MY MOM–> Sparkly Things and Life Shapes Us Too!

I’ve had requests for my mom to come back and chat some more with you on the blog after her last post that she did HERE.  I admire my mom for a million reasons. I always get excited to share a little part of her with you on the blog.  Enjoy!

Sparkly Things and Life Shapes Us Too!

Hello!! Hungry Runner Girl Mom here.  Guest post day.  Janae didn’t give me a subject soooo- I decided to share a little about my passion- I love rocks and gems!! I love color!! Gem cutting tour coming up!

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I first start with a piece of gem “rough”.  I ALWAYS buy the best rough because it is so annoying to do all the work of cutting the gem only to find out there are interior flaws.

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Next up, I decide what shape I want to cut the gem.  I decide this by the shape of the rough.  The goal is to lose the least amount of gem material/carat in the finished gem.  Below is a picture of a typical gem cutting instruction sheet.  Just a different kind of recipe!

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My faceting machine.  I start cutting with a lap that will grind off a lot of gem material without ruining the stone to get the basic shape.  I use a 260 grit lap for the first go through on most gems.  This is really coarse!  (If rocks could talk I’m sure they would be saying OUCH OUCH OUCH!!)  The bigger the number lap (polishing laps can be up to 50,000 diamond) the smaller the grit and the longer it takes to remove stone.

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With each step/lap I take off less stone and I am really cutting in the facets until the final polishing lap where I’m not removing much at all but making it shiny and beautiful.

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This is a picture of a tiger’s eye cabochon that I cut for my husband.  I made 6 belt buckles for Christmas presents for my husband, sons and son-in-laws.  I tried to make it a surprise so I used someone else’s machine and disappeared for 6 hours!  It was like the border patrol was after me!  “Mom?? Mom, where are you? Why aren’t you answering my texts???”  (Ha! Because I am covered in rock mud!!!)

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Yay!! This granddaughter loves rocks too! She is cutting open a geode that I gave her for Christmas. (This saw is a non injury saw).  I have a grandson in Arizona that loves rocks too.

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There is a lot of technical stuff involved but these are the basic steps.  Looking at colorful sparkly things makes me happy!

Kind of a random thought, but life to me, whether tough trials or the good times, is a little like cutting gems.  There have been many times in my life that I felt like I was on life’s 100 grit lap in a painful step of being shaped or refined.  I would never trade in the trials I’ve experienced because I’ve learned so much from them but I wouldn’t want to do them over again either!  Those of you that are runners know that often you learn the most from the hardest races.  As I get older I see that so much of who I am was shaped during the 100 grit time, not the polishing times.  I think we become the most beautiful, sparkling gems we can be by enduring well life’s challenges.

That seems to be the trick.  Enduring.  One of the things I do if I am stressed out is to look for beautiful things in nature.  ROCKS!! Whether I am looking at animals, the clouds, the mountains or the lake, it calms and centers me.  Mother nature did a great job of providing visual therapy!!

(Janae here for a second… I think this is one of the many reasons we love running… Mother Nature calms us while we are out there).

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We are all in this together and helping others with their trials is so helpful too! I try to remember that each of us is on a different level/step/lap of becoming a beautiful gem and try to be patient.  I love how supportive you are with each other and with Janae.  You are all sparkling gems in my book!


Has anyone ever cut any gems?

What is your favorite colored gem (not diamond)?

What things do you do to calm yourself in tough times? 

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Love how you’re able to take something simple and make it so beautiful! I definitely think people are a lot like gems–each one so special and unique and precious.

You’re absolutely right about becoming who we are (and better versions of ourselves) by enduring all that life throws our way. Whenever I’m going through tough times, I like to go on walks at parks or on trails, and I also like to color (I’m not talking the adult coloring books–I mean with crayons and markers like when I was a little kid). Those both help me feel a little more peace.


Hi Natalie! I love that you color! My husband is oil painting his way through his recovery from a traumatic brain injury. He says it is so relaxing and calming. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


This is so sweet. I especially loved the “life’s 100 grit lap” analogy; I feel like I am just starting to come out of a year long grit lap and I was unable to really understand why I feel different…kind of lighter – I think this is it; I have been shaped and polished and I can move on. Thank you so much for posting!


Hi Susie! I love how you said that you feel lighter after this year long trial. That is such a good description of how we feel when we finally come out of a tough trial. I hope you have a break from the 100 grit and enjoy 2017! Love from HRG Mom


You’re so sweet. Thank you! :)


I couldn’t possibly adore you any more! What a great post! Sending you a hug from Michigan


Hi Amy! Thank you for your comment. I love Janae’s readers. Runners are the best! I wish I could run too but that ship sailed several years ago. I do walk everyday but that’s it. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG MOM


I always look forward to HRG Mom posts and comments – they are always so uplifting! You are a sparkling gem too!


Hi Kristina! Thank you for your comment. It was fun to put this post together. Runners by their very nature, striving to improve their health physically and mentally, inspire me! Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


Ok, you and your husband have the coolest, most creative hobbies! But really, the heart of this post is so true and so reassuring. We definitely learn and grow during those 100 grit times! I think you should offer a regular “words of wisdom” subscription! Just a little text or email with a few sentences for those of us who aren’t as lucky as Janae to have you as a mom!


I love the “words of wisdom” idea! You should do it HRG Mom :)


Hi Kristen! That was such a sweet comment. Thank you! My husband is an artist. I always enjoyed watching him paint beautiful paintings. He has not had time to paint for several decades though. After his accident last week, he now has plenty of time while he recovers so he is painting! Love having a go to hobby for when life slows down. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


aww we love you mama-HRG! I had one of those rock tumblers as a kid that I loved, not sure what it actually did but I remember they would come out shiny and smooth. This was very interesting, I didn’t know that’s how it was done! Love hearing about things that other people love :)


Hi Krista! Those rock tumblers are so fun! You put grit in with the rocks and as they tumble they are smoothed and polished. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


That’s really interesting. I know a couple of people who like gem cutting too. I think it’s important to have a hobby that can relax you and bring you joy.


Hi Hollie! I totally agree! Hobbies can take your mind off of the stresses in our lives. I can only facet for a couple hours a day because it takes so much concentration and if you aren’t paying attention you can mess up the gem but those hours of cutting I never think about problems. I sit and enjoy the beauty of rocks! Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


Oh my this is just the sweetest post and I love the analogy about cutting rocks/gems with life’s troubles and travails. Wise words. Thank you for posting today-this made me smile.


Hi Rosie! Thank you for your kind comment. I’m glad I could make someone smile today! That makes my day too! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


This is such a sweet post-I love your analogy of life to gems. You’re a gem of a mom! (I’m sure you’ve heard that a zillion times). I find it so interesting that you have a gem cutting “recipe.” I’ve never known that before-amazing!!! I love rocks and always search for the perfect holding rock-and by perfect I mean one that feels good when I pick it up. We had a rock polisher when I was little and I loved it when it was rock polishing time. I’m a fan of blue (is that lapis) and purple.

Thank you for sharing your hobby-it’s so fascinating!



Hi Kelly! Thank you for your comment. I absolutely love lapis lazuli. I have cut probably around 30 lapis cabochons, mostly for pendants but some rings and belt buckles. It is such a beautiful stone. The amazing thing about cutting them is the water that drains from my machine through a tube (I cut cabs on my faceting machine too) into a clear gallon jug is the most beautiful color of blue. I have a hard time dumping it out! Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


HRG mom-that is amazing about the water-I would get distracted watching the water swirl into that jug. Too bad it can’t be used for something like dying easter eggs or cloths! ;) Thank you again for sharing your hobby-now when I see cut sparkly things I’ll know a little more about the process!


HRG mom you are also a GEM!
My grandmother wore an opal instead of a diamond for a wedding ring and I can remember thinking it was the most beautiful ring I ever saw. To this day opals still holds a special spot for that reason.


Hi Erica! Thanks for your comment. So amazing how we can remember beautiful jewelry our grandmas wore. Color makes quite an impression on us I think but so do grandmas! I love opals too! One of my goals is to go to one of the opal mines in Nevada. I want to hopefully find an opal that I can cut into a cab for a ring. I also want to do that at a Montana mine for a sapphire. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


You and everyone in your family is SO creative and crafty! And your smile? Pure magic, lady.:)

I have never once considered this craft, but you never know.



Hi Tiffany! Thanks for your comment. It is a very fun hobby. Most rock shops know of people who will give lessons so you can find out if it’s a good hobby for you. They usually teach making cabochons first because it’s a lot easier than faceting and a good way to see if you like it. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


What an amazing post- thank you HRG mom! Your comparison with refining gems and life really resonates with me. You have a wonderful family and I love your guest posts :)


Hi Anna! Thank you for your comment. It was fun to do this post. If someone asks me about gem cutting they usually get an ear full for sure. I get pretty excited talking about gem cutting! Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


This is such a lovely post – I’ve never really thought about gem cutting but this looks awesome! I’d quite like this sort of hobby – it must be so nice to be able to make presents for people :)

Besides going for a run, I’m really into coloring at the moment although it isn’t always therapeutic – I forgot how difficult coloring was!! I think I was better at it when I was a child so I’ve now found an app on my ipad which means I can colour AND get it all in the lines, winning!


Hi Lauren! Thanks for your comment. I love to give beautiful gems to my family and friends for gifts! If you want to try out this hobby go to a rock shop and find someone who will give you a lesson on their machine. Cabbing machines look completely different from my machine and are easier to cut cabs with. They are also very messy and I cut gems in my house so I figured out how to cut cabs on my faceting machine which is not messy at all. It’s a great hobby. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


this was fascinating! I love gems but know next to nothing about them. I’m always drawn to the purple ones though whether they be a deep violet or lighter, it doesn’t matter I think they’re beautiful! I also love that this hobby gets you so in touch with nature.

To calm myself down, I love mindless activities. Sometimes it’s a run, other times it’s singing and playing the guitar, other times still it’s knitting or doing another craft. As long as I can escape my thoughts, I’m all for it.


Hi Steph! Thank you for your comment. I love amethyst too! I have cut a lot of amethyst over the years. I always buy Uruguayan extra color with a magenta flash rough. It is beautiful. Sounds like you have several great and relaxing hobbies! Thanks for reading!


What a fun and beautiful post. Thanks for sharing!


Hi Kristina! Thanks for your comment and reading. It was fun for me too! Love from HRG Mom


So wise and so true. I can’t wait to share this message with my kids who both love rocks and get frustrated with their “rough” times. :)


Hi Christina! Thanks for your comment. Rough times are frustrating and this is a great hobby for kids. One of my adult kids asked for a giant size tumbled tigers eye piece for his desk this past Christmas and he loved what I got for him. Rocks, nature, soothe us. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


HRG Mom – you ROCK. Haha, sorry, couldn’t resist the pun. But seriously, I love when you post here. :)

I love sapphire – but mostly for the vibrant royal blue color I’ve come to know it for.

As far as calming myself – the gym // running, much like many of the folks who read here seems to be my haven. Something that will get my blood pumping & heart pounding. I like that for a few minutes it forces me to focus on things like breathing & putting one foot in the other versus whatever not so great things are going on at the time. Not a permanent solution, but definitely makes me a kinder person.


Hi Jesse! Thanks for your comment. Sapphire is my absolute favorite color. The Princess Di ring is absolutely stunning to me. I’m so glad you have running in your life. Janae sure loves all of the wonderful perks from running. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


PS I loved your Rock pun!!! HRG Mom


It’s a cold, rainy, miserable day here, and this was exactly what I needed to read to start my day off on a better foot. I’ve always loved rocks, gemstones & geodes, so I really loved seeing how it can be a hobby. Thank you so much for sharing!


Hi Jill! Thank for your comment! Weather can sure make a day gloomy. It is so fun to hear from other people who also love rocks, gemstones and geodes. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


Wow, what a unique talent!!! I calm myself with a simple walk with my dogs or some me time on the treadmill. A good book never hurt, either. :)


Hi Taylor! Thank you for your comment. Walking a dog is the best. We have always had a dog but lately asthma troubles have meant no dog and it is sad. Animals relax us for sure. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


Hey HRG Mom :-)

Thanks for the really interesting insight into your hobby! It’s great to have something that’s fun to do but also produces such great results that you can enjoy or turn into gifts. I work in an office so I love to switch off by going for walks (usually with our Sheltie), or doing something with my hands. This week I’m creating cake decorations for my husband-to-be’s Birthday cake on Saturday, which takes a lot of time and patience but rewards me with a total brain break! Otherwise cooking, sewing and writing are relaxing and calming (sometimes infuriating too but it usually all works out in the end!)

Take care of yourself and best wishes to you and your husband, you’re in my thoughts!
Hugs from Germany :-) xx


Hi Lucy! Thanks for your comment! Taking walks with your Sheltie is great! We had a sheltie for 14 years. He was the best dog. You are so creative! I usually feel accomplished if I can just frost a cake with frosting and have it still look appetizing. Ha! Wow decorations. I hope you have a great week! Love from HRG Mom


Loved this post! What a great way to think about how life shapes us! Also, I had no idea so many steps weren’t into rocks. Super neat!


Hi Libbie! Thanks for your comment. Life sure does shape us! There are really a lot more steps to cutting a gem but I didn’t want to bore everyone so just gave a basic overview. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


Hi. I’ve been reading your blog for years. You mom is so stinkin’ cute and to find out she cuts gems as a hobby — OMG, she’s even more adorable :)


Hi Christine! Thanks for your comment. Gem cutting has been my most satisfying hobby. I also knit, have pieced a few quilts, work on learning foreign languages (Spanish and French) but by far my family and friends love my gem cutting hobby the most. Hahaha! I wonder why?! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


I always love your posts so much! So inspiring and I always take away some type of wise/kind message! :) This is so cool that you cut gems! My daughter is into gems. We bought her a couple collections and she still loves them and reads up on them. She wanted some crystal growing kits for her birthday/Christmas and used them right away. I didn’t know there was a machine that is pretty safe for kids to cut their own! She would love that! Thanks so much for all the information! :) Have a great day!


Hi Marie! Thank you for your comment. How fun that your kids are interested in rocks and crystals. There are a couple of saws that are pretty safe. Rock saws and tile saws that have no teeth are generally safe for kids to use with supervision. It is so much fun for them to see what beautiful crystals are inside of pretty plain looking rocks. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


Oh my gosh, Janae, your mom is so cute. What a fabulous interest. :) thank you for sharing a little bit of her with us. ❤
If she ever needs photos of her gems, let me know- I’d love to work with her! I’m a commercial photographer and I’ve had the pleasure to work with several jewelers. It’s so exciting and such a challenge- trying to minimize reflections is very difficult with gems that have lots of facets. :)


Hi Heidi! Thank you for your comment. You are so right! I am not a photographer and had a dickens of a time taking pictures of a couple of my cut gems. I never have gems here at the house after they are cut so I only had a couple to work with and it was hard. My husband is better at photography but he is not available right now to do that kind of stuff. Thank you for your offer! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


This was awesome. Thank you, Linda! Great words of wisdom. And also just a great, well-written explanation to someone who has never cut gems. You were so thoughtful to think to put a dime in the picture so we could get sense of the size you were displaying. Smart lady! You are a great instructor.

Thank you :)


Hi Amanda! Thank you for your comment. If you have never worked with rough it is hard to tell from a picture how small it really is. The gem rough that I facet is pretty small in comparison to the gemstones like lapis, tigers eye, larimar etc. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


I think they’re all beautiful. Opal, amethyst, tourmaline, topaz, sapphire, emerald, even garnet. Do those all count as gems? Obviously I don’t know much :-). I just read Ann Voskamp’s 1000 Gifts and I have started listing every gift I see (things in nature, snuggles with my kids, etc) and it really is balm for the soul.
You do beautiful work!


Hi Ali! I just replied to your comment but it went down the list a bit. Computers are not my thing so not sure how to fix this! Thanks! HRG Mom


Such a great post! I just love your mom and you can tell that your outlook on life and determination come from her! LOVE this!


Hi Sara! Thank you for your comment. Janae has a great outlook on life and strives to always be up and happy even in the tough times. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Dear Ali! Thank you for your comment. I need to get that book! It sounds really interesting. Yes, those are all gemstones. I have cut most of those except emerald. Any emerald gem rough that is available has tons of flaws in it. I love perfection and can’t stand to see the flaws so I don’t buy emerald rough. Topaz is my least favorite to cut because you can get a very “stubborn” piece that is very hard to polish. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


I wear an aquamarine in my college ring – matches my eyes, lol. But my favorite stone is tanzanite. Looks alternately purple and/or blue depending on the light. But it’s a bit too fragile for daily wear.

I’m pretty sure this is the same stone, different color, in both pictures. (Largest found):


Hi Clark! Thanks for your comment. Tanzanite is a beautiful color. I have never cut any because unless the laws have changed recently it is illegal for any uncut “rough” tanzanite to leave their country. Most of the cut gems that leave their country is poorly cut so I know cutters that look for a beautiful tanzanite piece (big) and then recut it (which means you lose some carat) and sell as a better stone. It sure is beautiful if cut properly! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


What an interesting hobby!! It is so important to have something like this in your life. This must be what keeps you so young!!

My brother is a geologist, but he’s not working in that field right now. My grandfather had the most beautiful geode in his office when we were kids. Now my brother has it. It always makes me happy when I see it at his house. Maybe I will find one for myself someday.

I love your posts! Can’t wait to read the next one…
Elizabeth (the girl that also has a funny waterbed story…lol)


Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for your comment. I love the field of geology and if I had to do it again I would study geology instead of math. I have a beautiful quartz crystal cluster on my kitchen table that everyone enjoys looking at (I think anyway, I sure do!). Sometime you will have to comment with your waterbed story. They are usually pretty funny. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


That’s very cool, thanks for sharing. I love stones and gems, I have a small vase of crystals in my living room. I find myself taking one to rub on when I’m worried or to focus on for meditation.

Ruby’s and moonstones are among my favorites.

When I’m stressed I usually do something physical – exercise, cleaning, or taking the dog out for a walk. My dog reminds me that there is joy in the simplest of things.

It’s definitely the tougher times that shape us and help us to be more empathetic.


Hi Nina! Thank you for your comment. Rubies are beautiful! Yes, the simplest things are what calm us and animals seem to point us in that direction. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Hello HRG Mom! I really enjoyed this post. I’ve never cut a gems, but I love the analogy. I love to play the piano when I am stressed – usually old hymns do the trick. Of course running is a big help, too.

Praying for you and your husband!


Hi Kathy! Thank you for your comment. My oldest daughter plays the piano and used it for a stress relief for years! Thank you for your prayers. We are learning that calm, oil painting etc., is what my husband needs to do to heal his brain injury. It’s good for all of us though! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Wow! What a cool and interesting hobby. Go HRG Mom!!


Hi Candice! Thanks for your comment. It is an interesting hobby to me and one that I can continue learning about constantly which I love. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


What a beautiful message! Thinking of you and your husband!


Hi Michelle! Thank you for your comment. We sure appreciate everyone’s prayers and concern. It has been a tough week but we are seeing some improvement today. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Such a sweet post! Thank you HRG Mama!

My youngest absolutely loves gems and cutting rocks. We’ve bought him a few that he has had to break open with a hammer and he thinks it is just the coolest!

Continued prayers for your family and a speedy and thorough recovery for HRG Dad.


Hi Marissa! Thank you for your comment. Makes me so happy to hear about kids that enjoy rocks. Thank you for your prayers. He does seem better today! Thanks for reading HRG Mom


Thanks HRG Mom! Always read the blog from over here in London, UK having never visited Utah. Thanks for you wise words of advice and wishing your husband a full recovery. You have a family who kindly share their stories with so many people they may never meet.


Hi Sarah! Thanks for your comment. Wow! London! I have always wanted to visit your beautiful city. I will someday. Thank you for your concern for my husband. He does seem like he is improving today. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Hi Hungry Runner Girl Mom. Your posts always make me teary- eyed. Good tears! Because your wisdoms and advice on life always ring so true! “We are are shaped during the 100 grit time, not the polishing time,” Love this! And, “you are all sparkling gems in my book.” What a nice thing to hear! (And remember about others as well!) Thank you!!
Also, thanks for sharing your passion for rock cutting. What a great and unique hobby. Keep up the beautiful work. :D


Hi Kimberly! Thank you for your comment. You are so sweet. You guys are all the best! I wish I could meet every one of you! I do have a passion for gem cutting for sure. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Opals are my favorite (so much color!) but I am too scared to wear my grandma’s opal ring daily because I worry about messing up such a soft stone (plus I really, really have to have it re-set or massively re-sized – I wear a 4-1/2 and she wore a 10 or so). But my next favorite is sapphire (beautiful blue) and that is what I have as the center stone in my engagement ring…half the time people are surprised (What? No engagement diamond? Why?) and half the time they think it isn’t a wedding set. But I don’t care – color is my thing, icy clear is not. :)

I’m glad HRG Dad is improving – head injuries are so scary!


Hi R! Thank you for your comment. I’m right with you on sapphires! They are beautiful and I think color makes a gorgeous engagement ring too. I have never cut diamonds, rough is not really available to me, but even if I could find some, to me it would be boring because color is my thing. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


The world needs more moms like you <3


Hi Becky! Thank you for your comment! You are too nice! Thanks for reading. HRG Mom


These stones are so pretty!

Mother Nature definitely has a calming effect on me. Get me into the woods, on a trail, and I feel better with every single breath.


Hi Shay! Thanks for your comment. Mother Nature is the best at calming me too! We sure live on a beautiful planet! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Love this!! You have such a way with words. Random – where do you buy your gems?!


Hi Kristy! Thank you for your comment. I used to buy my gem rough from Jeff Graham. He was a world class gem cutter, internationally known, he was my gem cutting mentor and even has pieces in the Smithsonian. Sadly, he passed on a few years ago. I don’t really have anyone that I would recommend. His sister let me buy a lot of rough after he passed because I already had an order in so I added a lot to the order. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


I think I’d rather poke me eyes out than let my mom even discover I own a blog!

Your mom is super cool and it’s admirable the supportive relationship you guys have.


Hi Linda! Thanks for the comment. Janae and I do have a great relationship. I really appreciate her readers that feel the same way that I do about her. She is a keeper! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


My mom loves rocks too:) this post reminded me a whole lot to her and I’m missing her like crazy!!


Hi Nathaly! Thank you for your comment. I am sorry that you are missing your mom. Mom’s are the best. Sounds like she appreciates rocks too! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


This is totally unrelated to this post, but I meant to leave it on your last guest post but never got around to it. Your water bed story reminded me of a water bed story from my childhood–so I had a sleepover at friend’s house and she had a water bed, only I get severely motion sick. Like unbelievably motion sick and couldn’t even lay down without feeling ill. I tried to tough it out, but ended up getting violently ill (embarrassingly ill, really). Well her parents call my parents and I had to go home.
My dad stood at my doorway waiting for me to get into bed, only I had been counting my pennies earlier that day and instead of cleaning them up like I was asked to I merely put them on my bed and made my bed. Knowing that I would cause the 100s of pennies to make noise while I got comfortable I just pretended I was hot and slept on top of my made bed. I was pretty proud of myself for “getting away with it” until it took like a month and few washes to get the copper smell out of my comforter.


Forgot to add, hope you’re having a good day and I hope your husband recovers quickly. I loved the tidbit about wishing your elder daughter multiple happy birthdays, such a sweet man.


Hi Em! Thanks for your comment! That is a funny story! The things kids will do to get out of trouble is pretty hilarious sometimes. I can imagine it took quite awhile to get a copper smell out. My husband is doing some better today so it’s a good day for us. Thank you reading. Love from HRG Mom


I have never met anyone who cuts gems for a hobby so I knew nothing about what it takes. It seems like a very intricate and detailed job. The instruction looks like a giant math problem! lol. It must be so rewarding to see your final project! I loved your analogy as well. It is so true. Our challenges and trials make us who we are. How we react to the trials we have been dealt that shape us.

Sometimes I find myself zoning out to a show to relax myself. I need to a find a more productive way to calm myself ;) but seriously.


Hi Megan! Thanks for your comment. Cutting gems is a lot about math because of the angles etc. If you don’t cut it correctly the light won’t flash back to make it sparkly but instead it “windows” so you can see through the gem which is not good of course. You have mentioned that you have had some pretty rough health issues so you know that “endure” word well. We all enjoy your great sense of humor which really lifts others too. Thanks! Love from HRG Mom


Hi Hungry Runner Girl MOM!!!!! What a beautiful post. I love listening to my friends moms and the advice they have for us. I always take it to heart. And I agree with what you said about life’s trials. I look back at the 5 years of marriage God has blessed my husband and I with and we have been through some trials and we never understood going through them but after we have looked back and we get it. The refining process was rough and it was tough but God brought us out stronger and sparkling.
So thank you! Thank you for sharing your heart and your passion with us!!

When I am stressed I find my way to the kitchen, throw on my apron and cook up something delicious. I love to cook. Its my little masterpiece!


Hi Jarrelle! Thank you for your comment. I am so glad that you are on the other side of the trial. It is nice to look back and see all that you learned but hard to go through it. I love to be around people that cook when they are stressed! Sounds like you are a good cook! I hope you have a great day! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Gem cutting looks really hard! My skills do not lie in the arts/hands on activities but I certainly admire those whose do. My favorite stone is my birthstone a sapphire.


Hi Sara! So many different talents make life so interesting. I agree with you about sapphire. I love that stone. It is a 9 on the hardness scale so it takes some diamond to cut but it is sooooo beautiful! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Moms


So very interesting! The belt buckles are beautiful. Would love to see more pictures of your work!


Hi Karen! Thank you for your comment. I had a lot of fun making the tiger eye cabochons for the belt buckle Christmas presents. I have made 4 different belt buckles for my husband in the past because he loves them so much. To me the lapis lazuli cabochon is the best. If I do another blog post sometime I’ll try to include a picture of some of the other gems I have cut. Thank you for reading. Love from HRG Mom


That is a cool hobby! I love amethyst…………………it just so happens to be my birthstone! I like driving thru the country (Nashville back roads in the country are the best), running near the river, reading with my husband reading next to me, and listening to music…………those are all calming things for me!


Hi Loribeth! Thank you for the comment. I really love amethyst too. It is quartz so easy to cut and looks beautiful. You can get really nice size rough too. Your list of calming activities sound really great and were calming just reading about them! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


What a brilliant post. So interesting and from the heart :) Thanks Janae’s Mum!


Hi Jac! Thank you for your comment. You are so nice. I enjoyed doing this today. Thank you for supporting Janae and her blog. Thanks! Love from HRG Mom


I found myself looking down at my engagement ring as I read this post. I knew a lot went in to designing and cutting a stone, I just didn’t ever really think about the facts specifically that you shared with us today. So great! Thank you!


Hi Kali! Thank you for your comment. There really is a lot that goes into cutting gems. There are famous huge diamonds that the cutter thought about which cut and how to do it for 3 years or more before cutting it! Thank you for reading. Love from HRG Mom


This whole post was so uplifting!
Also, what a fascinating job to have! I had never really thought about it before but I definitely have a new appreciation! :)


Hi Fiona! Thank you for your comment. It was fun to share this today. I’m glad that you found it uplifting too. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


This was wonderful. You are appreciated HRGMom. ❤


Hi Marylynne! Thank you for your comment. Gems are fun to talk about. Thank you for reading. Love from HRG MOm


Your mom is the absolute BEST. I Loooooove her posts and find what she does both beautiful and fascinating!!


Hi Erin! Thank you for your comment. That is so sweet. I’m so glad to hear that there are so many runners who love gem cutting too. It is a very rewarding hobby/job. Thank you for reading HRG Mom


LOVE this post!! Such great advice, and I really loved hearing about how to cut gems. That’s so cool! Thanks, Janae’s Mom! :)


Hi Tiffany! Thank you for your comment. I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed learning about gem cutting. It is fun! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


This is amazing! I also think rocks and the things made from the earth are very cool. How did you first start getting in to gem cutting? It seems like a really brave thing to start trying.

To calm myself I run or I draw or paint. Sometimes one is better than the other, but at times each can feel sort of how I imagine meditating could be. I think focusing on making something helps make everything else less stressful.


Hi Ashley! Thank you for your comment. Actually years ago I wanted to learn how to do woodworking. My husband said no because he felt that I would cut off one of my fingers. So I did some investigating and found out that I could actually afford the equipment to learn my real love which is making sparkly gems. He was fine with that because you can’t get hurt on the gem cutting equipment. I found someone who gave me my first lessons and then switched to a mentor, Jeff Graham, and began my gem cutting. There is always more to learn so that is fun. Sounds like you have great ways to handle stress. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


It sounds like it was a good choice in the end! It’s nice that the gem cutting tools are injury free.


Hi HRG mom!!! Your ‘hobby’ is amazing!!! I ever actually thought about who cuts rocks and gems and geodes! I have some geode ‘boxes’ from Garden Of the Gods gift store that I absolutely cherish. The smooth rock outside belies such sparkly gleaming beauty inside.
I can totally understand how calming it must be.
I love Tigers Eye — since I was a small child it always mesmerized me.

Running is obviously one way I calm myself. I also practice yoga daily. Being in the kitchen, cooking and baking is also very therapeutic for me.


Hi Caroline! Thank you for your comment. Geodes are so beautiful. I need to check out this gift store. This was my first experience with tigers eye and I loved it. Sounds like you have some great ways to relax. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Love learning something new and getting an inspirational life message. Thanks, Janae’s mom!


Hi Katie! Thank you for your comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. That’s so nice of you. Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


what a beautiful and meditative hobby, and thank you for sharing the words of wisdom. i can totally see why janae says you give the best pep talks! loved reading this, and i always laugh to think about your “super baby” climbing out of the crib. we have one who’s very similar (14 months) and we call her our rumble tumble haha.


Hi Gina! Thank you for your comment. You are so nice. It is very soothing unless I crack a gem or something. Good luck with your “super baby”. Sure makes for funny stories later! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


HI HRG Mom! I loved reading this post! So interesting! And your words of wisdom really touched me. Thank you! You are so right about lifes trials, it shapes us for sure. I am a cancer survivor (remission for 17 months now ?) and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through ….but trials like this make us stronger. Thanks so much for your post, I truly loved it!!! ❤️


Hi Renee! Thank you so much for your comment. I am so happy to hear that you have been in remission for 17 months. That is wonderful. I am so sorry that you have gone through such a tough trial but you are right about it making you stronger. I am grateful that something I wrote touched you. Thank you for your kind words. Love from HRG Mom


Thank you so much for sharing! I love your wisdom and outlook on life. I just love your posts! :)


Hi Jamie! Thank you for your very kind comment. I’m getting pretty old so I have a lot of “outlook”! Thanks for reading. Love from HRG Mom


Wow you are amazing! I can hear the passion you have for this and now wish I can take a rock cutting class from you! And I just love the analogies you made with being shaped into who we are today. Many blessings HRG mom!


Hi Christine! Thank you for your comment. I wish I could give a giant rock cutting class for the readers, so fun! Lots of rock shops recommend people though. Maybe someone around your area would. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


What a beautiful post!! I love Janae’s usual posts, and I love the guest posts too! :-)


Hi Beth! Thank you for your comment. Janae does work hard to have good posts. I’m so grateful for her great readers. Thanks for reading! Love from HRG Mom


Hungry Runner Mama! Hello and, hey, you have a name, cool! I love the name Linda. :) However, I prefer to think of you as HRG mom. Wow, what a brilliant post….;), I love learning about what you do.

I just have to say that your words were very inspiring and wonderful to hear, thank you for sharing what you have learned over the years. I am pretty sure I speak for all HRG readers when I say that we take your words to heart, because you have raised an incredible family, and are such a kind, selfless person (Janae speaks incredibly highly of you, as you know).

Your daughter(s)–shout out, Sissy, LOVE YOUR POSTS–are just incredible (and of course HRG dad and brothers). Janae is such an inspiration to me every single day, not necessarily by her running (although it is also highly inspiring and admirable), but because of her outlook on life, sense of humour, and her ability to act graciously in times of difficulty. I also greatly admire the high value that she places on family and I have no doubt that as the matriarch of the family, you have played a HUGE role in creating such a beautiful, large, connected family. I am sure you all are not perfect, although pretty darn close, but the fact that you all spend time together and genuinely love and support each other is just phenomenal and such a great example for all of us. Thank you, Linda/HRG mom! You are the best, and your family is incomparable.


Hi Jaclyn! Thank you for your comment. I loved that you mentioned, “act graciously in times of difficulty” because it is one of the things I admire about Janae the most too. That’s what shows restraint and character to me. You are right, family is where it’s at. That’s where the majority of my time in my life has been spent. I really appreciate your kind comment. Thank you for reading! Love from HRG Mom


LOVE this post and your amazing and unique talent! :)


Lovely post! How is your husband doing? I hope well! Sending you well wishes from Chicago.

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