An HRG Track Workout and 10 Life Pictures!

I’ve got a workout for you to try and that makes me WORK!!!!

Having this view from the track always makes track work a tad bit easier.  PS Shalane Flanagan & Amy Cragg were at this track just a few months ago doing their workout.


Tis’ the time of year when I’m not training for a specific race and I want to throw in a little speed and strength training into a workout all at once.

Running in between sets of strength work always makes it more fun and doable for me:)  Here is what it looked like (you can also do this with a treadmill and go easy for the first .25 of the run and fast for the second portion of the .25 run):

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Don’t forget to PIN this workout (there is a pin save button that pops up if you click on picture) or share it if you love it:)

And below is a little video (including Brooke cheering me along for my run:) to show each of the different moves!  Good luck and let me know if you try it… Nothing like breaking up your workout to get both your run on and strength in!


I’ve got 9 life pictures to share with you today too!!!

1- Her first action when we got home.  I don’t know how she ever lived without Beretta.


2- We were all beyond happy to see Knox again.


3- We grabbed some spider donuts to start off our Halloween celebrating right.

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4- Andrew and I picked up some pumpkin bread from the bakery for us.

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5-  Turns out this lunch is now the lunch I crave often… grilled cheese sandwich (with turkey too) and tomato soup.


6-  Brooke doing her ‘Andrew’ impersonation.


7-  Just an Ariel and Ghostbuster hanging out at the mall.


8- She wanted lipstick like Ariel:

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9-  Finished off the evening with some pumpkin carving.  Our new tradition.


10- Andrew’s ‘SO EXCITED to watch This Is Us w/me’ face:

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Do you ever mix strength in during your runs?  OR do you do it before or after your run? 

Do you carve pumpkins?  What are some of your Halloween traditions?

I wanna hear about YOUR run/workout today!!!

Addicted to any TV shows right now?

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I painted my pumpkin to look like Nemo the fish from Finding Nemo. I had to carve his fins from a second pumpkin and use screws to anchor them. It came out cute!


I think Brooke gets cuter by the second!! :)

Today’s workout was a progressive tempo for me. I got a little frustrated that I didn’t hit all of the times I needed, but it still felt pretty good overall to get in some faster miles.

And I LOVE “This Is Us,” but I am really behind (I am only on the third episode) and need to catch up this weekend!


In our neighborhood, everyone goes trick-or-treating down the same street. I’m looking forward to taking my two little witches, a cup of hot chocolate, and all our friends.


Parenthood is what I’m addicted to right now. And I actually found it from reading your blog. I decided that if Janae liked it so much, I might as well give it a try. :)


Oh Kourtney, that makes me so very happy!!! I am so glad you are loving that show (and I’m a little jealous that you are getting to see it for the first time right now haha:) Enjoy your Thursday!


Yes, we always carve pumpkins together….each getting their own although, lately I am more the picture taker than the carver ~ not sure how that happened.

Regarding push ups on your knees…..our body pump instructor always says if doing them from your knees keep your toes touching the ground???? I see your toes/feet are in the air……any reason as to either option?


Oh great question… I have no idea ha. I think I switch off doing it but I would imagine it is probably a little harder to keep your toes on the ground. I need the answer ha!


No particular Halloween traditions yet, but I imagine when our new little man gets a bit older – we’ll start all sorts of traditions. This year I’m thinking Hotel Transylvania and popcorn!


We might just have to copy you and do that tradition tonight:) Thanks Megan!


My workout was a pre-sunrise trail run. So much fun and just the right amount of spooky before Halloween! :)


This is Us is SOO GOOD! I don’t know if it’s because it takes place in Pittsburgh (where I live), the fact that Milo and Mandy are the main characters, or the storyline, but I’m so obsessed with it.


I would normally do strength workouts during days I don’t run.

My run for today was of 4 miles. But since my family is in town and they leaving in a few days, I might skip it to hang out with them:)


Wow, that is a pretty darn awesome view from the track!!
Our Halloween tradition is to make “candy twins” after we return from trick or treating. It’s a art form all in it’s own! You might want to try it :) Here’s what they look like…


I’m addicted to watching 90 day fiancé on tlc lol. I just can’t get enough! and I love tomato soup right now!


I do strength training after my run normally. I have tried it during my run and enjoy it when I do it but mostly I just want to run.
My boyfriend makes fun of me because I bought pumpkins to carve but I love having them lit outside our house!
This morning I woke up for a 2.6 miler with a BIG hill that first I got to go down and then I had to go back up (it’s like a half mile long and takes forever!!!) I ended up walking the last lightpole (there are three along the way, so I just tell myself get to the next lightpole). But then once I got to the top I ran the rest of the way home. Then I did some planks and supermans and arms before my shower.


That looks like a great workout (plus those views! wowza). I am so terrible about doing strength training in general. I do core, but that’s it. Something like this would keep it fun and interesting though. We aren’t big Halloween folks. I do love candy corn though. Does that count as a tradition? Haha. No running for me this week. I tripped while running last weekend and managed to bust my knee and lip pretty badly and as it turns out, I also have a mild concussion. How does that even happen?! Anyway … This is Us is sooo good! It hits you in all the feels!


I’ve been doing Orange Theory twice a week while half marathon training and so I’ve been incorporating alot more strength workouts in my training (we do moves like the one you put in your above workout). I run the half on Saturday and I’m so curious to see how having the OT workouts impact my race and time!

I’m binge watching Downton Abbey right now – obsessed! I only have a few episodes left and I’m so sad I won’t have it to watch soon.


That sounds interesting. I’ve never even heard of diagonal bounding before. It sounds like it would be really helpful. I need to get back to the track again so this is motivating.


Great track workout. I don’t usually mix in strength but I work out with my team. Maybe I’ll suggest it.

Love your happy family photos, as always :)


Strength and running workouts are my favorite when I don’t feel like working out. They go so fast and you’re always changing so you don’t get bored! Saving this to try next time I have one of those days.


I usually do my strength separate from running, either early or later in the day.

I’ll have to decorate for Halloween today. We only get trick or treaters if I stand outside. If it’s a nice day I’ll sit on the side steps. I also keep some dog treats on hand to give my 4 legged trick or treaters. :)

Yesterday was Pilates. I pulled a muscle in my calf and it was too sore to even walk much. My abs and butt are pleasantly sore today though.


I don’t know. That pumpkin bread looks like it may actually be cooked in the middle. Was Andrew still able to eat it?? ;)

Brooke scootering by while you were planking was the best.

I have been meaning to start watching This is Us for a long time now. I need to get on that. Where are my priorities?

I am thinking I will do the stepmill at the gym today. Or maybe Chisel Balance (it hurts my glutes so good). Maybe both. I guess that is the great (and sometimes not so great) thing about not training for anything is I don’t always have a plan or rhyme or reason for some of my workouts.


I love This is Us! Ahhh it’s amazing. I got my mom hooked on it too:)


What a view! I would be up for a track workout every day!


That Ariel costume is just precious! I love the poofy red hair! Eeek I cannot wait to get back to the track post-pregnancy!!!!!! And I’m finally going to run today after being sick with the flu since Sunday. I did a spin workout on Tuesday when I thought I was better, then threw up in the middle of the night (not better) so I’m super excited to get some endorphins going after work today. I’m taking my daughter to her first Trunk or Treat tomorrow at the ward near us. One of my good friends here is Mormon and invited us, and I can’t wait for her to see all the costumes and kids. She’s 19 months now and just starting to get into dress-up, so this Halloween has been so fun! I can’t wait to start some traditions for my FAVORITE holiday! :)


Oh my gosh those costumes are so cute! Also, those spider donuts look delicious :-)


Mmm pumpkin bread!


That video was so precious! My heart can’t handle Brooke cheering you on. Love. Love. Love.

My workout for today is some strength exercises (maybe I will try these!) and an evening run. I’m normally a morning runner, but our the new little one has forced me to become an evening runner (for a season.) Although I’m super happy to be running again, I can’t wait to get back to my morning runs though, I miss them!


I love their costumes!!!! Awesome workout!!!!! I always do strength after my run…either right after or later in the day. It hurts too much to carve pumpkins with my wrist so I draw or paint them! Today will be a stroller run, I think it will be 4 miles. I am still in recovery mode from Saturday’s race. Last night I got scared my run!!! Totally hooked on Vampire Diaries right now!


I am going to be so addicted to This Is Us. I feel like it’s the new 30 Something. Does anyone even remember that show? There hasn’t been anything like it since. Maybe Grey’s Anatomy but I feel that’s different.


Thanks for sharing the workout!

I usually don’t mix strenth in too much on the same days, but I try to do some warmup exercises like squat jumps to activate the glutes.
After I run I usually do planks, if I’m not too tired.


That workout had me shook, my goodness girl get it!
Since the man ran his marathon and we are both in “base/recovery” running right now, we are bribing eachother with hot cocoa in order to get strength work done! (P.s. he got second and ran a 2:36 (he baffles me) and most importantly, crossed that finish line with a smile and came home to me :) )


A 2:36… HOLY COW!!! And finishing with a smile, that is amazing! Tell him congrats and have fun in the base/recovery stage right now!


The track you use does it belong to a school? And you have access to use it anytime?


HEY MARY!!! It is a university’s track (Brigham Young University) and people can use it as long as track practice or a meet isn’t going on. They have an awesome indoor track for the public too (as long as they aren’t using it for something else). Hope you are having a beautiful day!


This is Us is soooooooo good!! I even got my husband into it and he only likes action shows about superheroes (how are there so many??? haha)


Brooke copying those moves in the video was SO CUTE. The Halloween costumes, too! Perfect!

I’ve been binging This Is Us, it is too too good. (Also, Gilmore Girls, but it’s a rare day if I haven’t watched an episode. Revival is released in less than one month!)


You live in such a gorgeous area. I’m so jealous of the scenery you get on your runs!


We have 1 pumpkin carved so far and 3 more to go – running out of time!

I am loving This Is Us, Secrets and Lies, and How to Get Away With Murder!

What kind of tomato soup do you use? Is it homemade or store-bought? Growing up I hated tomato soup but I think I’m ready to try it again and it actually sounds good but I want to make sure I try a good one!


I have run five 1/2 marathons and said I would never run a full marathon. Wellllll, now I’m thinking maybe. If you were starting all over again and could choose which marathon anywhere in the country for your first….. which would you choose. And why?


That track workout looks awesome! I love mixing in strength training with running like that, seems less painful for some reason when you do it at the track rather than in a gym :) Brooke has some nice moves, go girl!!


I usually do strength before/after running — but I will definitely be giving this track workout a shot!

Since I’m still recovering from my marathon — I chose to do mostly yoga and stretching and rehab last week. This week, I felt stronger but still not ready for a run, so I did a bit of dance fitness! It’s crazy how dancing to a few high intensity/party songs can work up a sweat! I really got my blood pumping!


Is this a track that anybody can use (for public use)? I wish they would have one like this nearby!!!! The only track that I know of is at the nearest high school and I’m not sure if I’m allowed to go in there to use it or not! The view is outstanding!!!
It’s really quite a view :)


I love the show This Is Us!!


Those two kiddos are just the cutest!!! I just made my husband watch This Is Us with me and he was so bored lol. I actually like it so far. Can’t wait to try that workout!! Thanks for sharing!

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