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ENJOY the rest of your day!!!! I’ll se you in the morning:)

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That view!!! I would cry too ;)


I’m so glad I’m not the only one that’ll cry during their runs! A gorgeous vista is guaranteed to get me misty eyed.

I’m just always so grateful for the ability to be out and running – even if it’s not very fast – because so many of my loved ones aren’t blessed with health the the ability to be as active as they want.


Pumpkin waffle/pankcake mix?! Oh how I wish TJ’s was near me :-(


the view is just soooooo beautiful. I would definitely get emotional too if I was running there. wow!
I hope the weather is nice and clear, not too hot, not too cold!!! I also hope your family gets better soon and get over the cold. Someone told me during tapering period, people tend to get sick…so hopefully yours went away already.


Thank you so much Eri!!! I think you are right… our bodies are so worn down from training and so any bug that comes along gets us!


I want that pumpkin mix!!


This is super random, but you should change your about me to add Andrew and Knox :) I just happened to click on it on accident and smiled when I saw “single mom adventures” because your new little family is definitely having some awesome adventures already! I’m a daily reader and have been for some time, so it makes me so happy that you CAN include them in your about me now. Just a suggestion :)


YES YES YES!! THANK YOU!!! I will do that right now, I really appreciate the reminder. I totally forgot to change it! THANKS!!!


As a Florida girl I am used to flat flat flat and just want to say WHAT A BREATH-Taking view! Enjoy!! Thinking about you as you prepare for your marathon. I know you will be AWESOME! hope everyone feels better soon.


So excited for your marathon! Quick question, is your Nume promotion still going? The coupon doesn’t work, but it’s supposed to be good till the 30th.


That is such a cool view! Maybe one day I will run this one…

I wish we had a TJ’s nearby, but I will be making a stop when we hang out with a girlfriend and her daughter next month!

Hope everyone feels better and you stay healthy!


Oh and I saw this and immediately thought of you lol


OH MY GOODNESS. I need to make all of those right this second. And I need a donut. THANK YOU APRIL!!!


Last salad and your T-shirt (I need that!) are my faves. Where can you buy that T-shirt?!?

I SOOOOO wanna run St. Georges now. You will crush it, lady.


THANK YOU!!! Here is the link:

Hope you have a beautiful day and come run St. George one day please!!!


Must have the pancake mix!


I love Sambucol, I swear it works.

I have a house shaped cake pan that is pretty versatile – it could be a sand castle, gingerbread house, fairytale castle or haunted house. I’m thinking Knox would love a haunted house. (I bought it because I’d watch my niece on Christmas Eve so my mother-in-law could get stuff done. None of us liked gingerbread enough to eat a gingerbread house but we all like cake)!


Knox taping his presents = the cutest!

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