26.2 marathon related things before the marathon + life + accomplishment.

WE ARE ON OUR WAY DOWN SOUTH to St. George!! We are staying with a best friend of my mom’s and I can’t wait to see her. Expo time, food time and then sleep… sounds like the perfect Friday right?

I wanted to share some life things first before I get to my 26.2 things.

*I love their little conversations that they have at the table when they are eating.  I don’t ever want to forget them.


*I was going to head out for 2 easy miles yesterday but my right foot didn’t feel great (this happens every taper time) so running did not happen.  Phantom pains are real.  I think my body reacts badly when I don’t run my usual mileage but the rest is best for marathon day.  Remember when my foot swelled up big right before running Boston?  That freaked me out, this just is part of taper time for me.

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*When you really just want to eat funfetti cake all day long but need some nutrients instead.  Funafuti was eaten later.


*You know you are in mom mode big time when you don’t even realize that there are three ballons in the bathtub until the end of your shower.  They like to make sure it looks like a party everywhere in our entire house.

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*It is impossible to ask a child to not help out with blowing out the birthday cake candles if they are in the same room.

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*Andrew is a really good one.  He sent me this yesterday… he is quite organized with his spectator plan.

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*Cafe Rio tacos for dinner last night.  They were heavenly.

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*I picked up some clothes to wear tomorrow morning before the race.  I’m really hoping it is cold at the starting line because that means we will avoid the heat for some time.

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*I kept with the taper requirements to be as lazy as possible.  Success.  I’m glad they were in a snuggling mood too.

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I have an accomplishment to share today!! If you want to be featured feel free to send them in to [email protected] !!!

KAMI!!!! “This is not a huge accomplishment for pretty much anyone, but for me it was HUGE! I ran (walked) my first 5k last summer and I was so worried I would come in last place.  Everyone reassured me that was near impossible… Well I literally came in last place… Pretty embarrassing but I finished and I was proud of myself for at least doing that.  I decided to do the same race this year and try not to come in last.  I pushed myself so hard, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, I kept wondering why everything that day just felt off.  I did finish and cut 3 minutes off my time and six people finished after me.  I couldn’t stop the tears at the end, I couldn’t figure out if I was crying because I was proud of myself for finishing faster than the previous year or if I was just crying because it was seriously so hard on me and I felt so sick the whole time.  A week later I found out I was PREGNANT!!! No wonder I was so sick and emotional! Beating my time and placing was such a great feeling and then finding out I was pregnant made it the best 5k ever!!!”

PS Kami and I went to junior high together so getting this email made. my. day.

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Tomorrow is the day (I bet you are looking forward to it being over so I stop talking about it nonstop;) and I have a few (26.2 to be exact) things about the marathon/training/anything to talk about.

1- For one of the first times ever—>  I am really going to practice patience with this marathon.  A large percentage of my marathons include a first half of the race that is 10+ minutes faster than the second half.  I’m looking for those splits to be a whole lot closer or the second half faster.

2-  I’m really grateful for how things have changed over this last year since the last time I was supposed to run this marathon.  Somehow I met the most amazing guy ever and we got married 2 days later (exaggerating a little bit but not much;).   I’ll be thinking about that a lot during the miles tomorrow.

3-  Heat isn’t going to stop me.

4-  It’s always funny how I will probably tell myself 10 times tomorrow that I am never doing this again.  And then I’ll go sign up for another shortly.

5- It sure is going to be nice to have Josse by my side through this.  That might not actually happen but I sure hope it does!

6–  This is my first race ever with Andrew at the finish line waiting for me.  I think that is just the motivation I need to not slow down too much during those last few miles.

7-  DO NOT FORGET TO DOUBLE KNOT MY SHOES.  I have had to stop and tie my shoes in races before and it is annoying.

8-  I thought that I loved running with a handheld water bottle but then realized I didn’t.  I am taking a little water bottle with me (not loving the belt either…) and then Andrew will pass me one when I see him on the course.  I will keep up with hydration and calories along the course.

9- Miles 7-15 are the challenge of this course and I can’t wait to run those miles smart and confident.

10- I’m confident that Eminem will get me through those hills though.

11-  I BETTER HAVE EVERYTHING CHARGED TONIGHT (remember that time I forgot to charge my headphones for my marathon and I sung to myself for 3+ hours).

12- I am going to remind myself over and over again that I have thought I was going to die/my legs were going to fall off/my lungs were going to explode many many times during marathons/races/hard runs in the past, and nothing like that happened.  So when I do feel like that tomorrow I have clear proof that it in fact will not happen.

13- I adore Vega electrolyte enhancer before a long run… especially in the summer, it turned things around for me.

14-  Buses leave between 4 a.m. and 5:20 a.m.  —>  this is going to hurt.

15-  I would pay a lot of money to ensure that chafing is not a part of my day tomorrow.

16-  While I was talking to my sister on the phone yesterday I was out of breath when I got to the top of the stairs and then she laughed and said good luck on your marathon on Saturday.  Let’s really just hope that going up the stairs isn’t a good way to measure my fitness.

17-  Andrew’s wins—>  getting up at a ridiculous hour to take me to the bus and then shuttle kids around to spectate the race.  His support is incredible.

18-  I’m ready for some spaghetti, grilled chicken and extra salt tonight.

19- Last time I ran this race my parents surprised me at the finish line.  They drove the 4 hours THAT MORNING to be there at the finish line.  That sweet memory will be in my heart tomorrow.   It makes me tear up just writing about that moment:)


20-  If I fall along the course at some point (because I am clumsy), I am just going to do push-ups like Meb did in Rio.

21- I can do hard things.  I can do hard things.  I can do hard things.  <—— you know exactly what will be going through my brain at about 8:30 tomorrow morning.

22-  The Launch 3s became my absolute favorite running shoes right now during this training cycle.  I swore I would never change from the PureFlows but I tried the Launch out and fell in love.

23-  If you want to follow along on Instagram here, I’ll probably be posting marathon things there frequently this weekend.

24-  I think I have found that starting my speed work a little bit later into the marathon training cycle is good for me.  I don’t feel burned out or crazy exhausted which usually isn’t the case for me with marathon training.

25-  I think I’m going to really miss the long runs during the recovery time until I can start building back my mileage again.

26-  Donuts.  Donuts.  Donuts.  <—— another thing I will be repeating when things get hard.  I will have a phenomenal apple fritter tomorrow.

.2-  This foot massage was all his idea.  I have concluded that this will now be a major part of getting ready for future races.

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What are your weekend plans?

What have you learned from racing over the years?

What’s your go to mantra lately—>  I might have to steal it!

What is your sweetest race day memory?

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Good luck to you and Josse


Kami! Congrats on beating your time and on your pregnancy!

What a guy Andrew is! That’s so nice that he’s taking spectating so seriously. Adam usually just waits for me at the finish line, although during my very first half marathon he volunteered so I got to see him at the first aid station and again at the finish line when he put the medal around my neck :)


Did I miss a pregnancy announcement!? I’m behind!


Not for Janae, for her friend Kami who submitted her running accomplishment story for this post :)


Oh ok! Thanks for clearing that up! :)


Lol, stairs though….I’m almost 30 weeks pregnant now, can still run 7-8 miles and still do a little ‘speed work’…..yet, every time I climb the stairs at work I almost pass out.
Good luck tomorrow!! We’ll all be cheering for you!!
My mantra has become something like…this is my happy place and I’m a total bad @$$ for being a runner. It’s not a saying, just a thought. ;-)


Good luck at St George! I know you’re gonna rock it and you have a huge support system backing you up! Just think a bout all the apple fritters and good food you’ll get after!


Have an incredible race! No matter what you will always have the love and support of your beautiful family!


Have an awesome race! So excited for you! I have my half on Sunday and am pumped up for it too:)


So excited for you!! Good luck this weekend!

My go-to mantra lately has been a Shakespeare quote: “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” So go out there and be FIERCE tomorrow! :)


I’m so excited for you for tomorrow, race weekends are the best! It is so cool that Andrew mapped out his spectator strategy too. My husband saw me at 6 different points during my first marathon (I’m slow haha) and it was the best, having him pop up when I least expected and needed him the most. Have a blast and kick butt tomorrow! :)


Good luck tomorrow! I cannot wait to read all about it!!! I am running a race tomorrow too, but just a 5K- nothing compared to a marathon!


Good luck!!! You’re gonna kill it!

Go to Mantra – Tough runs don’t last … Tough runners DO! I saw that on a sign while out for a run one morning and loved it :)

Sweetest race day memory – Having my brother and sister-in-law come to down to DC to surprise me after my first marathon. They had gotten married earlier that month in NYC and literally had just gotten back from their honeymoon in Italy but still made it a point to come see me finish!


Good luck! I have a really good feeling about this race! I think you have trained smartly and you will be surprise with how well you do! Rainy weekend here in Boston, so a run on the schedule tomorrow, COSTCO! and some football! Good luck!!


What happened to that guy you used to go to all the time who scraped your muscles or something. You used to go all the time and now you never do?


best of luck, have a great race!


Foot massages + water supply = I think you found yourself a good one! Good luck on tomorrow’s race! I will be cheering for you from DC.


Good luck tomorrow!!! I will be running my first half marathon tomorrow, and am very nervous……. any last minute tips??


My running mantra since my very first marathon a few years ago is “You are strong. You are fit. You can do hard things!” I think something you said here on the blog actually inspired me to make that my mantra. It’s worked every time!


You are going to do amazing. I’ve loved reading your pre-race posts. Can’t wait to hear how it goes. You’re so lucky to have such an amazing support system! Enjoy the carbs :)



Hitting up a Pumpkin patch this weekend! Apparently, they have an epic corn maze that’ll take over an hour to walk through! Bug spray and sunblock are going to be necessary!!

My mantra lately—> I can do this! I can do ANYTHING!!!

My sweetest race day memory was actually one of my first memories — it was my very first 5K and my hubby was so gosh darn proud that he took all kinds of post race photos and sent them to everyone we know. This is from a man that NEVER takes photos!!!


Good luck tomorrow! Curious, did you like the Huma Gels?

I have two go-to mantras: “I am fast, I am strong, I am a marathoner” and “Think strong, be strong, finish strong”

You’re going to kill it!


I’d seriously die if I didn’t have music for an entire marathon! And don’t worry about being out of breath at the top of the stairs–it happens to me all the time. I’ll be at the top, hunched over with my hands on my quads sucking air like a 120 year old woman, yet I can run a 3 hour marathon. You’re going to kill it tomorrow. When I struggle through a race or a really tough workout, I think about all the hard things my kids have to go through and then I push harder, knowing that if they can push through, then I better be able to too.


Janae good luck tomorrow!! You’re going to do amazing! I’m so excited to hear how it goes. Loved reading the 26 things you wrote. Enjoy that apple fritter/donuts tomorrow, you deserve it!!


Good luck this weekend, I’m sure you’ll do great! I’m taking it pretty easy this weekend, since next weekend is my first marathon ever (Chicago)!


I love #12 and #21! Good luck tomorrow!! You’ll do great!


Good luck on your race! I hope the day is everything you want it to be and more!

My mantra while doing something difficult physically is to just say over and over again that I’m doing really well and to keep going.

I just did my first triathlon and my feelings after crossing the finish line was that all my happiness came mostly from the journey of it all- training, not being injured, having the support of friends and family, etc. That’s what life is all about!


I’m in Banff national park today and fly home tomorrow so the rest of the weekend will mostly entail unpacking and laundry and a blog post recapping my trip :)
I had a similar sweet moment last May. My boyfriend was at the finish line to watch me finish the NJ marathon. It was my 6th marathon but only the first he had been a part of. He also came with his daughters and mom and dad to see me run the nyc marathon later in the same year and boy was I happy to see them at miles 17 and 23 :)


You’re going to be AMAZING!! Loudly cheering for you from NJ!



I live in Evansville, Indiana and I ran St. George last year and really enjoyed it. I ran the marathon by effort because of the hills. I did make sure to take the first 5 miles easy. I definitely did not look at my watch up Veyo. I ran even splits to the minute! 3:30 time for me. The marathon was beautiful!

I also do not like fuel belts or carrying water. It makes me angry and I don’t need that in my life while I run. We have had EXTREME humidity this summer so I got this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IOXFGIA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
and I love it! It is small so it does not hold a lot of water, but it does not annoy me.

Good luck! Enjoy having your family cheering you along the way!


Have a great race tomorrow! We just flew in last night from MN to run St. George tomorrow as well. My mantra is…”pain is temporarily, pride is forever” and hoping that will get me the elusivive BQ I’ve been chasing for a few years!


You’re going to do amazing!!! Listen to some Footloose, it always gets me pumped up, Kenny Loggins is a motivational song master!


Tomorrow is your day! You will have an amazing race! From Florida…”GO JANAE GO!!!!!” :D


Good luck tomorrow. I’m confident that you’ll be great.

My favorite memory has to at the finish line of half marathon #100 that took place just recently (09.17.16). My brother drove over (from 90 minutes away) after having worked all night. Some friends were there as well as my niece who made a sign for me. And my husband was there as well with some of those streamer poppers that you’d use on New Year’s Eve. The middle 6+ miles of that race were a downpour but thankfully it stopped by the time they all got there to wait on me so THEY wouldn’t get wet. (I got drenched enough for everyone!)


GOOD LUCK!!!!!! Me and my Mom have loved seeing you work up to this day and I so happy for you in thar you will have your husband waiting for you at the finish line!!!
I will be thinking of you in the morning- and you’ll be my motivation to get my butt outta bed to run 12mi!


Go Janae GO!!! I have a feeling this is going to me an awesome race! Sending good race vibes to you and Josse!!


Cheering you on from NW Missouri!!!


Good luck !! Wishing you all the best for an injury free great race !!! Post request: I would love for you to mention how you put that awesome top knot in Brooke’s hair. I’m envious of how it stays sticking up and so high up on her hair. A hair stylist I am not.


GOOD LUCK!!! You are going to be so fabulous! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!


You’re going to rock it. You know it! I hope the race is all you need it to be! And just think of those folks cheering you on at the finish line!


I am so excited for you to run tomorrow!! Have fun! Can’t wait to read about it! I’ll say a little prayer that everything goes well :-)


What a cute family photo!


Good luck tomorrow!!!

Brooke’s tongue in that first picture – we call it “taco tongue.” There’s a little girl in my church that just loves it when I show her my taco tongue – guaranteed giggles.

My husband is always at the finish line for me, but my sweetest race day memory was during last year’s Canyon City Marathon. The road is closed entirely, so there are no spectators. My husband rode his bike 20 miles on a back road to see me at about mile 15. He then hurried back to the finish line!


That is awesome she completed her first 5k!!!! Hope those phantom pains subside! So weird how our bodies work!! My weekend will be working, playing with toddler, and running my first 5k! I usually just run half marathons so this will be weird!


Good luck tomorrow!! You are going to kill it!!

My sweetest race memory is finishing my first marathon and having my husband, mom, best friend, dad, stepmom, stepsiblings and nieces waiting for me at the finish line!! It made me so happy knowing their smiling faces were going to be there at the end.


I forgot to add my mantra!!!! It is “Running is supposed to be hard. Embrace the pain and know it will end”.


Good luck tomorrow!! I’m rooting for you and I know you’ll do amazing and have an amazing time regardless of the time you finish in! I just want to say I loved this post today and I’ve been so happy to read your posts this training cycle because my first marathon is this Sunday!!! So in a way I feel like I’ve been training with you and I’m so excited for this incredible opportunity! And I know no matter what my finish time is I know I’m going to have a blast!! If nothing else I’ll at least be a marathoner!!!


Good luck, good luck, we all wish you good luck!!! (Friends episode – Phoebe sings this :)


Good luck tomorrow Janae! I’ll be cyberstalking you and a few other friends running the race too!


Mantra…slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Good luck on that long run.


Good luck this weekend! I’m excited to see your hard work pay off and I’m hoping that you get a negative split. ;)


Good luck tomorrow! You got this.

Weekend plans….researching and purchasing a new treadmill. Mine is 8 years old and the belt is ripped in two places. It’s supposed to be rainy so everything else will be indoors.


My favorite race day was when my mom finished her first double-digit mile race – a 10 miler – last fall and I got to race it with her! We’ll be revisiting the scene of the crime (AKA The Perfect 10 Miler) on October 23rd this year :-)


My current mantra is sort of a funny one. I picked it up when I ran past a group of kids playing Ships Across the Ocean: “Ships across the ocean, ships across the sea. Captain, captain, you can’t catch me!”
It reminds me of running as a kid and the rhythm of it works great for keeping a steady pace!
And when I get tired, it’s something one of my brother-in-laws said: “It’s never going to get any harder than this.” So true! I usually follow it up with yours: “I can do hard things!” The pain is temporary and the finish is sublime!

My favorite is running Boston this past spring and seeing my fiancé (now husband) after I finished. We set Boston Gardens as a meeting place for after the race and I was so happy to see him there waiting for me! My legs were spent and I totally tripped over a jagged pole sticking out of the ground, gouged my knee (still have that scar!), and fell over onto to the grass! I didn’t care though since it felt so good to lay down! :)

Have a great race tomorrow, Janae! You’re going to have a great run!!! I’m excited to read about it! Have fun!!!


Eek! I will be in St. George today as well!! My favorite hill mantra is, “it’s just a hill, get over it!”! I also recently heard its helpful to count your footsteps to take your mind off the hills. I tried this in my last half and I was up the hill before I knew it!! Best of luck tomorrow! Maybe I will see you there!


I love how positive you sound about this race!! So happy for you! I think you are in for a great one!

Congrats, Kami!! What a great race accomplishment! I can feel the thrill just reading your story! :-D


You can do it!!!! I’m so excited for you and will be cheering you on from AZ this weekend!!

We are going to AZ this weekend to see my parents and to attend an Oktoberfest at a local microbrewery. No running for me yet, so probably just some walking and strength.


First off I have to tell you I’m wearing the moto leggings today as well (I see your green ones above – I have on the tan ones!) LOVE that recommendation from you :)

I have a feeling you are going to kill it tomorrow! Good luck!

My sweetest race day memory was at about mile 25.9 of my first marathon (Des Moines). I heard someone yelling “GO MOM” and notice my daughter (15 at the time) had come downtown with a friend and was cheering for me right near the finish line. I started bawling!


I hope your race goes awesome this weekend! There’s nothing better than having your peeps there to cheer you on!

I have 18 miles planned for tomorrow, I’m praying that my foot will hold out nicely!

I have definitely learned to not go out to fast and to have a good attitude!

My mantra is “I am strong and powerful.”

I have a few sweet racing memories! I didn’t expect my hubs to meet me during my first marathon and he did and he ran the last 3 miles with me. I definitely cried when I saw him. He did the same thing for my PR 1/2 marathon. He brought the kids out and had my signs, it was just the best!


Hey Janae, Second post of the day. Saw this and thought of you and your new hubby.


A good celebration meal after that St George.


Good luck on your race. I have the Chicago Marathon next weekend and I am starting to freak out a bit. I haven’t done a marathon in close to 10 years so it felt like I was training for my first one. I’m just looking forward to seeing my husband at the finish line!


Good luck and have fun!!!! Double tie, no triple tie those laces! (The mention of your parents surprising you at that finish line melted my heart.)

Kami, your story really touched me, you are amazing and I hope your pregnancy is going really well. :)


Good luck and have a great time out there!!!!!!! I cannot wait to hear about the race.
You will kill it.
Charging, double knotting, all of those are very true.

Kami- your story was very touching! congratulations on your pregnancy and hope it’s not making you too sick.


Good luck, good luck, good luck!!!! You can do hard things! You are gonna rock this marathon, Janae!!!!!

And omg hahahahaha on #4! Totally.


I am going out with 2 of my cousins this weekend, there’s trouble right there. :)

I’ve learned to do my best I need to tell the voice in my head to be quiet. No one is making me do any of this and there is no law that says I need to finish at a certain time. (and then I usually can pick up my pace).

I did a half-marathon that had very few spectators, the weather was bad and a lot of runners chose not to do the out and back option but opted for loops. so the course was sparse overall. My lovely husband drove to various spots to cheer me on. I needed it that day and it still makes me smile.


Good luck on your race!! Your gonna do AMAZING!!! :)

And my weekend plans include heading to the beach with my family – it will be my little girl’s first time at the beach. I am so excited to put her little feet in the sand.
And I am planning on running every morning while I am there since I will have lots of extra hands to hold her – I can’t wait!!

Have a great weekend!!


Yay, Kami, congrats you !

And Janae, have so much fun out there tomorrow!!


Love your perspective – you are going to CRUSH IT!!! My sweetest race day memory is finishing my first (and only) half marathon with my dad – we held hands as we ran through the finish line! Special memory with pops.
With all your recovery downtime after the marathon you will have more time for videos for us, just sayin!!!


Love your perspective – you are going to CRUSH IT!!! My sweetest race day memory is finishing my first (and only) half marathon with my dad – we held hands as we ran through the finish line! Special memory with pops.
With all your recovery downtime after the marathon you will have more time for videos for us, just sayin!!!


I am pretty sure that with Andrew at the finish line you are going to run your fastest ever :) Do you and Josse have a pre-race plan for if one of you feels badly and the other feels good? My friend and I ran every step of Boston together in 2014 – our BQ times were 3 seconds apart and our number were 18 apart (pretty close for how many runners are in Boston!). We are super close so didn’t need a pre-race plan. At the end, one of us wasn’t feeling great but we pushed each other along. It IS best to have that figured out ahead of time though so no hard feelings at the end. Although it seems impossible (granted I know you and Josse from PICTURES and words!!) that either of you would have “hard” feelings.

Anyway, enjoy! That is the key part. Because why do it otherwise, right?


good luck, janae! you are going to do awesome tomorrow!!! :)


Best of luck tomorrow!! You are going to have a great race!


Good luck tomorrow! I hope you have a blast and run your best race yet – it looks like you’ll have an amazing cheering section!


I had to stop to tie my shoe during a marathon once and it was brutal. It only recently dawned on me that if you tuck the loops in under your laces, your shoes won’t come untied!


Good luck tomorrow! Get yourself a big ol’ drink at Swig and an apple fritter to celebrate another marathon in the books. You are my hero forever and ever. The end.


Good luck tomorrow! I know you are going to have one of the memorable races of your life! Can’t wait to hear all about it!
I have 6 miles tomorrow! We are finally starting to feel fall like weather in Texas, so having temps in the 50s will feel good.
My last race my best friends flew in from Cali to run it with me. That meant so much to me and I PR’d!!! This next race I have in November will be the first my husband and kids will be able to attend. Knowing they will be there to cheer me on and see me cross the finish line is huge! They are my motivation!


I remember my mom and her friend holding the sweetest sign for me along the way at my first half marathon. It was all the encouragement I needed!

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