Sanity. Me-Time. How I Know Andrew and I Were Meant to Be;)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of your input yesterday… I am SO brand new to all of this and you guys helped out big time.  I didn’t even think about how hard it would be to clean light colored grout and I have this weird OCD CLEAN EVERYTHING PERFECTLY tendency (poor Andrew) and so that would have killed me off.

Seriously, yesterday’s comments helped out so much so be prepared for a lot more questions.

My new dream job = getting good at house renovations, learning everything possible about it and flipping houses.  Wouldn’t that be fun?  I should probably start by liking painting more;)


Let’s talk about Tuesday!

Yesterday’s run turned from finishing 8 miles at 8:00 a.m. to finishing 5 miles at 2:30 pm.  I was literally just about to jump on the treadmill when I got a phone call that the floor guys were ready to start a DAY EARLY.  How often does that happen… I was worried that they were going to start late.

They were away from each other for a day and pretty excited to be back together again.

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First, we had to stop by Home Depot for a few things and then we went over to the house to pick up everything off the floors in approximately 22 minutes.  It felt like a workout, I was sweating by the end of that—> And by the end of Home Depot if we are going to be honest.

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We are doing laminate everywhere except for the bedrooms.   Next on our list, is to do our blinds ourselves… our friend showed us how to do them when you buy them at Lowe’s.  They will be way cheaper this way.

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After we left the house we then searched around for couches.  They were convinced that these belong in our house.

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When we got home I finally jumped on the treadmill.  I’ve got a long run today so it wasn’t really about getting mileage in yesterday but more just some sanity.  Running (even if just on the treadmill with 3 years olds and a dog right next to me) just gives me that me-time each day.   I can go without it but goodness gracious, even if it is in the middle of the day… those miles alone in my head are SO needed.

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Post-run activities included a walk with the pup.

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Just a few more days until we have a kitchen again.  Until then, I’ll just have a bowl of guac please.


Andrew had the burrito.


And Brooke is all about tacos these days.  The tacos may only have chicken and cheese.


And I had this magnificent salad.


Andrew bought a bunch of juice and I had this one… it was SOOOO good.  I’ve been easing back (just the bi-annual thing I like to do) a lil’ on the treats during the week (the weekends are different;) but bring on the fruit and drinks.

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Can I tell you a little story that is probably strange (maybe just scroll over it;) but I’ve been making a bigger deal than I should about it?!  So a year or two ago a company wanted to send me some necklaces and bracelets.  I requested the jewelry to either have the letter B on them (for Brooke) or J and B (for Janae and Brooke).  They sent the stuff and everything had either the B or J B except for this triangle necklace.  I was quite confused about where the A came from.  I absolutely loved the necklace and wore it for months straight but with the A J side facing in because the letters made no sense so I just didn’t show them.

Last night I was untangling a bunch of jewelry that I hadn’t worn in a little while in order to pack them and came across this triangle necklace.




Andrew and Janae.

I was freaking out and Andrew was laughing at me and then said that God has a good sense of humor.

Okay, it is nothing but I’m just going to go ahead and think it is a sign we were meant to be;)

Yes, I’m crazy.  You’ve known that for years;)

I mean what are the odds that an A was on the necklace… 1/26 or something hahaha!

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Megan sent this to me….  we went to Jason’s Deli together with Ash just before Brooke made her appearance.  (I’m still positive the airplane put me into labor… she came early after being checked and the doctors told me she wasn’t coming for awhile)

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I’VE GOT A NEW TANK FOR YOU!!!! It’s my life motto pretty much!!

Post-running Janae is a lot happier than pre-running Janae.  It’s a proven fact.

They will sell for about 2 weeks and you can find them HERE!! They are the perfect gift for your running friends and obviously yourself;)  If you send in your pic of you in your tank (or t-shirt) then I will post them!!!    Also, my last shirt is still available——>  Sorry For What I Said At Mile 20!!!



Time to go out for the LONG run for the week! LOVED seeing this quote on Alana Hadley’s instagram:

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Anyone into juicing?  Favorite combos for juice?

Let’s play a fun game to go along with that time-hop pic of me pregnant with Brooke… WHERE were you in life about 4 years ago?  What was your running like?  Where were you living?

Let’s talk—>  what do you think is the absolute best breed of dog?

-Beretta is a lab so I’m going to have to go with that.

Any lunchtime runners?  Afternoon runners?

-Back when I taught high school I would occasionally go for a run during lunch and somehow it gave me a bunch of energy to keep up with teenagers for a few more hours;)

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best breed of dog is a mutt haha. I did so much research about dogs before getting mine, but ended up with a mix of everything when I adopted her from the shelter haha. not even a little sad about it.

also, very into the idea of flipping houses. I’m obsessed with HGTV and it always seems like so much fun (and a whole lotta work).

I’ve been an afternoon and lunch runner, but never an evening runner. The later in the day it gets, the more likely I am to talk myself out of it haha.


Working full time requires me to get up each morning at 4:30 to get my run in (especially during the summer). I’m pregnant now which makes it even more important to beat the heat but does make getting up that early even harder! It had definitely turned me into a morning runner and after getting off work I have no desires to run! ha! However; I have a feeling once this little boy comes along things may change :)


I’m sorry to jump in but I just wanted to say, great job! I feel you on being a morning runner. I wake up at 4:30am every morning too to fit my runs in, making everyone’s lunches, getting ready for work, getting the kids ready for school, the list goes on! awesome job :)


God really does work in mysterious ways :)

I tend to be an evening runner but someday when I maybe a little more of a morning person, I’d like to start running in the morning. It’s just so hard! I’m too sleepy lol.


I think your lab and my lab Boomer should have a play date . Of course you have to come to Florida first


Four years ago, I was teaching high school and about to experience my first real heartbreak. That guy charmed me for way longer than I should have let him. But I was running some of my best times and in probably my best half marathon shape I’ve ever been in.

Every once in a while I’ll go on a run after work, but I don’t usually go during lunch or anything like that. I don’t want to have to deal with showering and re-doing my hair. :)


I remember reading your blog back when Brooke was born – I had just moved to Ohio to start graduate school. It’s so weird to me that that was four full years ago: sometimes it seems like yesterday, sometimes like another life.


Four years ago I was just setting into my new home of Orlando, FL. Very into running around 3 miles a day and working out at an awesome gym!

Best breed of dog is the labradoodle! I have had my dog Bentley, for a little over 7 years and he is THE BEST and smartest dog I have ever had! I post pictures of him and talk about him like he’s my child..but let’s be honest he pretty much is ;)


I’m obsessed with my Labradoodle so I will say he is the best breed. He is playful, smart, chill when I need him to be and energetic when I take him to play.
Let’s see 4 years ago I was training for the NYC marathon that ended up being canceled due to hurricane sandy. I was probably up to 14 or 16 mile long runs by then. I ended up running philly marathon that fall so all my training was not lost and it was my first time breaking 5 hours. Squeaked in at 4:57 :)


Four years ago I had just graduated college and was back living with my parents and searching for a job. That’s when I first started running consistently because I had a lot of time on my hands!

I wish I had time to run at lunch, but I usually have to run after work. I prefer to run in the morning though!


Green juice! Romaine, kale, lemon, cucumber and apple. It is so good!
Wow, 4 years ago I was getting ready to start school! Crazy! Glad that’s over though!!! But my kids were so little and now they seem too big to me!
I have a jack Russell mix. We got her from a friends aunt who was moving to HA and couldn’t take her with her. But my absolute favorite is a pit bull!


Couldn’t agree MORE about me time! I’m now a lunchtime runner, and while I don’t love it, it’s better than NO run most days! I just don’t like how it’s limited to an hour. But juicing! Yay, I’m so glad you’re getting into it! My husband and I love it, I’m all about the green things (kale, spinach, cukes–whatever those are–limes :)) and he likes anything fruity. I go more green because I try to limit the amount of sugar I’m drinking, it can be a lot if you’re not careful, and it’s just straight sugar without the fruit fibers to help digest it (or something like that, I’m clearly not a nutritionist). I could totally go for one right now, I woke up with a cold and ain’t nobody got time for that…
Happy Wednesday!


Every so often I run during lunch, but I only have time for 2-3 miles. But sometimes that’s better than nothing! And it keeps me awake the rest of the afternoon! :)

We have a chocolate lab named Sam, so I’m with you, Labs are the best!

We are at the end of our house building process. It’s been a year and I am SO OVER IT. I’m ready to be moved in already! But yes, trying to make decisions on little things is insane. And yes, white grout is hard to clean, but light colored grout will also get darker (esp if it is anywhere where you will walk and the oils from your feet/body get into it). No one tells you these things!! Good luck with all your home renovations! I hope they go smoothly!


4 years ago I was just starting my first job out of college! I moved out on my own and was starting a long distance relationship with my boyfriend (now husband). Crazy to think how far I’ve come since then (and you as well!)

My dog is a lab as well so I have to agree with you on that one :) Seriously the best temperament and so good with people.


My absolute favorite dog breed is a golden retriever. We have had 2 of them over the years and I’m obsessed.

4 years ago I was just going into my junior year of college! And absolutely zero running was taking place at all haha. Ahh so weird to think about!


4 years ago I was a newbie to Wisconsin with my almost husband…. just enjoying life and training for a half marathon. I love that I found your blog a few years ago, it was right before I got pregnant with my daughter and I look forward to her running along with me when I do my workouts and I cherish our mommy daughter dates like you do with Brooke! :)

Cute shirt – I always need more running clothes! Have a great day!


YOU TOO APRIL!! I can’t wait for Brooke to be running along next to me too! So neat… I hope you have an amazing mommy-daughter date again soon!


I think that necklace story is SO CUTE. So amazing what the universe knows before we do.

I agree with Labs being the best. My lab/border collie mix is fast asleep next to me with one foot touching my leg, because if she wasn’t touching me she’d go insane.

4 years ago I was just about to move out of my parents’ house, my running was pretty much non-existent, I was incredibly depressed, and I had no idea what I was doing with my life. Now, I live with the love of my life and our pets, my running is mostly-consistent, I’ve got my depression under control, and I know the general direction that my life is heading. Things have definitely improved :)


Four years ago, I was in the middle of a horrible divorce and realizing what a lie the whole relationship was. I discovered running as a great outlet for all the emotions and haven’t stopped since! I did a marathon last year, which was completely unthinkable 4 years ago! And on the relationship front, I met a wonderful man, my soulmate, and we married last year. I am so grateful for what these last four years have brought me! I am so happy way beyond my wildest dreams!!


Well, Liz. It sounds like you have overcome some HUGE trials and I am SO happy that you accomplished your marathon and have your amazing man. Congrats on the marriage. I get it. Life gets sooooooooo much better! It’s always darkest before the dawn, right?


I’ve been trying to get into more juicing but honestly I can’t stomach it. Your new shirts are super cute.

It’s hard to believe Brooke is neatly four. So much has changed since then. I think you might be the only blog I consistently read since then.


That necklace story is so cute! I’m glad you now have a reason to wear it :)

Four years ago I was just about to start college in Boston and not even thinking about running. Now I’ve run in two 5k races and am trying to increase my mileage slowly but surely. Reading your blog and the comments about how far you all run definitely inspires me to go further :)


I love labs, but both of my doggies are rescues. I think the necklace thing is so crazy!!! Love that story! Favorite time to run is in the morning… when I am still half asleep! :) I love juicing.. favorite combo is carrot, ginger, apple, and lemon!!! so good!


I love your necklace story…and have a very similar one! A couple years ago I was out shopping and fell in love with a coffee mug with a C on it. My name doesn’t start with C but I loved it and had to have it. Fast forward about 6 months and I meet an amazing guy named Cory. And the rest is history. When we moved in together he asked me why I had a mug with a C on it. :) It was meant to be.


OKAY… that gave me goosebumps. Seriously, goosebumps everywhere. I LOVE that story Alison!


I like to run in the middle of the day, but that doesn’t normally happen.

4 years ago today I was celebrating my first daughters first birthday. So 5 years ago I was holding that little baby girl for the first time.

The A J thing… Totally something to that.


4 years ago I was on a plane flying to AZ with my boyfriend. We were going for a business conference with his work. Little did I know, I would be coming home with a FIANCE! He proposed at the Grand Canyon a few days after we got to AZ before his conference started!

Best breed would probably be mutt. My dog, Sadie, is a Doberman Lab mix and she is awesome! She has all the great qualities of both breeds.

I prefer to run in the evening if it is during the week. I am NOT a morning person at all. On the weekends I run around 10 or 11.


I have a Golden Retriever (named Brooks :)) and he is the best dog ever! Labs and goldens are pretty similar though. 4 years ago … I honestly don’t know. I mean I know where I lived, etc., but I so wish I had a blog back then! I was definitely not running as much or as fast as I run now. I guess it’s good to be moving in the right direction!


I love all your renovations! Just so you know, when we bought blinds for our house we used and it was cheaper than buying them at Lowe’s or Home Depot. I also really liked it because you put in the measurements so they are an exact fit, you don’t have to worry about cutting them down or having them extra long or anything. Also, they usually have some kind of promo code to get a discount. I promise I’m not getting paid or anything by telling you this, I’ve just been happy with them and thought I’d share :). Hope you have a great day!!


THANK YOUY FOR TELLING ME THIS… I just went over to and it looks awesome (and CHEAP)! Seriously, thank you!


Brooke looks so old in the Home Depot pic! So cute. And I think that necklace was totally meant to be. I got into juicing when I lived in CA and we had a Nekter down the street. The Toxin Flush is my favorite: I think it’s apple, parsley, ginger, lemon, and kale? The recipe is online and totally worth the hassle of cleaning the juicer. 4 years ago we were living in Orange County, CA, I had a 4 year old and a 2 year old, and I don’t think I was running then. Hot yoga was my thing then.


I love stories like this! I totally believe in signs like that even when we don’t understand them at first. Love it!


Thank you Meredith! I didn’t know if I was just crazy but I really think it is a sign:) Hope the rest of your Wednesday is fabulous!


Four years ago! So long. Ummm I was pregnant with my second baby (4 now) living in Kansas City while my husband was in Dental School. I wasn’t running all that much but tons of walking!

I’ve always loved mini Australian shepherds but we recently got our first dog together after 7 years of marriage and she’s a lab! We’ve only had her two weeks so I’ll let ya know! :)

When I run it’s always at lunch. I set my 4 kiddos up with their lunch and a movie and I run on the treadmill and then go get them ready for their naps and eat lunch after that! It works. . for now!


So excited about all of your rennovations! What kind of blinds are you thinking of doing? With your light gray walls and that new wood floor you’re putting in I think a bamboo woven shade would look so pretty. They really round out the room and add a little warmth. You can even find some cordless ones that are awesome especially for the future little ones ahead :) happy renovating!!


Oh that is a great idea… we will have to look into that. Thank you Amanda, LOVE that idea! Hope the rest of your day is amazing!


Let’s see, 4 years ago I was living in Logan working for Utah State. I want to say that I was training for my second half ever. It would have been coming up at the end of August. I definitely was more out of shape than I am now (except for endurance) but it was also before I was injured so my feet were blissfully happy for every run. Haha Even though I would give anything to not deal with plantar fasciitis I’m so happy for how far I’ve come in 4 years in running, fitness and health in general, and life overall. It’s been a good 4 years!


When it’s not a million degrees outside, I usually run at lunch. I’ve been running in the evening lately, but really want to switch to morning running! I just don’t have the motivation to wake up early early since I also work full time.

Also, 4 years ago I was a senior in college, and I didn’t really run consistently and was overweight. I started running a few weeks after I graduate/got married, and started losing weight. Haven’t turned back since, love running and I may need one of those new shirts lol!


Your necklace story is so magical!

Your question about what we were doing in August 2012 really shocked me into thinking how far I’ve come along in running. 4 years ago I think I was on the C25K program, and today I’m in the middle training for my third marathon. Crazy to think I couldn’t run 2 miles put together back then. Seeing others progress in their training and accomplishments really helped motivate me.


JENNY, seriously that makes me so so happy… huge congrats on all of the huge progress you have made over the last 4 years. That is awesome!


Are there any plans to add more colors in the Sorry For What I Said At Mile 20 flowy tank? I love that style and that phrase, but am a weirdo when it comes to colorful shirts. Am hoping there will be more at some point in the future :)

Four years ago, I was living in Philadelphia. About this exact time, I completely overhauled my diet because I was really unhappy with my weight and health, and needed to stop eating the standard college student diet of cheap but unhealthy takeout all the time! Part of that included working out more, and I ended up running because it seemed like an efficient way to burn calories… and it soon turned into SO MUCH MORE than a way to lose weight :) So in August 2012, I was just gearing up for my first 5k that came at the end of September… which then turned into signing up for a half (my first) that was 8 weeks after that, and the rest is history!

I LOVE big dogs – my aunt had a black lab mixed with something (we think Great Dane, but who knows! we adopted him from the Humane Society) and I helped her pick him out and played with him all the time while I was growing up and absolutely loved him. Another aunt and uncle have had Bernese Mountain Dogs in the past, and those are also beautiful and friendly.

Not a big mid-day runner – I prefer morning (6 or 7am start) or evening (6 or 630pm start)!


HEY JANNA!!! Okay, that is a great idea… would you mind telling me more specifically what color you would like so we can make that happen? OH I LOVED hearing where you were at 4 years ago and training for your 5k and that running is now your love!


Hi Janae! I’d love to have the flowy tank in black, or something similarly dark, like that charcoal color that’s available for some of the other shirts. All of my shorts and tights are super bright and crazy colors or patterns, so I usually like to work out in plain black tops… added bonus is that they seem to hide sweat a bit better than colorful shirts :)

AH I just looked back at my emails because I remembered sending you a message shortly after I started running since I followed your blog even before that… it looks like I sent you one just a few days after that 5k when I signed up for the half. You gave me some awesome advice and eased the total panic I had – thanks for encouraging my love of running (and froyo) from the get-go :D


A mutt for sure….but if you don’t think that’s a breed than I like the Australian Shepard. ;-)

(Even though I own a mini dachshund its honestly not my favorite….ha!)


I absolutely love juicing. I find it does wonders for my moods, hair and skin!

4 years a go I had just finished my first 10-mile road race (it was right around the time I started to really ‘love’ running).

Ps. The floors are awesome and I’m such a junkie for a ‘sign’ or a crazy ‘coincidence’ so the AJ on the necklace got me so excited this morning haha :) :)


I have to admit that I like cocker spaniels the most. We had one growing up and I loved him so much. We ended up having to put him down a few years ago and every once in awhile I forget he’s gone and I think that I should take him for a walk. It’s amazing how much of an impact they make in your life.


-We have the best Lab right now (sorry, Beretta) but I’ve always been partial to German Shepherds, too. That said, I’ve loved several mutts in my life and all our dogs have been rescues except this last one.
-The gray couch/chaise lounge that Knox is sitting on? We have one…most comfortable piece of furniture ever…constant race in our house to see who gets to sit on it for movies/computer time/reading/napping/everything.
-I run early in the summer: 5:30-6:30a start weekdays so I can be stroller free, 4:30-6:00a start for Saturday long runs. During the school year, weekday starts are random depending on the day (7:30a or 4:00p, with stroller) and Saturdays are 6:00-7:00a starts.
-Four years ago I was living 10 miles up the road from where I am now, working in the library at the elementary school, chasing 10 and 13 year olds through pools (summer), soccer and homework (rest of year), directing Cub Scout camp, filling huge church assignment, and running decently for me. (The three years in between then and now…total change…twice!)


That’s quite interesting about the necklace!! It was meant to be :) Good call on doing the blinds yourself. We hung ours at our house too. Very easy. Just make sure you measure correctly and you’ll be fine!


I have a running buddy at work and we hit the streets around London bridge at Lunch sometimes :)


I have a lab mix and I love her and she’s the best! But I would have to say the best breed… is a shelter dog! (be it a mutt or pure breed). I love all dogs, but I have to say, bigger dogs are my favorite. Mine is gigantic (she’s got the long legs of a greyhound/Rhodesian and head like a lab & their crazy energy) and she loves going on walks, runs, hikes, and backpacking trips.
I prefer afternoon running or even evening running, but in the summer, afternoon is so hot and evening running, i’m just tired, so morning works out to be the best…


I LOVE this shirt! Just placed my order.

4 years ago I was just starting to take running seriously. I’m so glad I did because it has given me so much. Like a whole closet full of fun running shirts, LOL.


Four years ago I was living in DC! I was traveling a lot for work so likely bouncing around the country somewhere!

Favorite dog breed – Mutts! My pup is a German Shepherd/Rott/something else mix … Super sweet and got the best of all breeds!


Aww what a sweet, and kind of crazy story! Life has a funny way of working out!


Wow! That story about your necklace literally gave me chills. I always wonder if those things happen by chance or because they’re meant to be. I would be pondering over that for days!


I love my two goldendoodles. I think the best dog breed is whatever you have. :)
I would totally take your necklace as a sign. Did you manifest Andrew? Just awesome


Guac for days! Brooke & Knox are so cute together!

I LOVE juicing! My favorite combos are pineapple/apple/mint and cucumber/lemon/ginger/apple/celery/spinach! But, I love them all. Not tooooo much ginger though.

4 years ago, I was 3 months graduated from college, lost in life, and living at home with the rents. Still slightly lost but loving life & living with my bf! Running was just a 3 mile run every day in order to lose some weight.

The absolutely best breed of dog is golden retriever HANDS DOWN! I may be bias because that’s all I’ve had my whole life but they are seriously THE BEST. Minus the hair but that’s alright, I have a shirt that says ‘dog hair don’t care’.

Have a great day!


Four years ago my Girlie had just turned 6. We were living in NH and she was getting ready for…First grade! I actually started my blog in August 2012 and my first post went live on her first day of first grade. Wow!


Pekingese!! My fur baby is a Peke and he’s soooo sweet! We live in an apartment — so he’s the perfect size. He can run all around our single floor apartment and get tired out with just a quick game of fetch. He’s also a snuggler! He likes to snuggle feet (when they’re cold) or sit on my lap when I’m working. He’s the sweetest thing!


I’m definitely more of a smoothie girl rather than a juice girl but anything with pineapple or blueberry is pretty much delish.

4 years ago, I lived about a mile away and had an 8, 6, and 5 year old and had just finished my first year back to work after babies.

We have a pug and she is seriously the sweetest dog ever. She loves being near people and doesn’t mind kids holding her or dressing her up.


4 years ago, I was training for the Chicago marathon (my first!) and still blogging…living in an apartment with my boyfriend (who turned to fiance by the end of August!)…its crazy to see how things have changed. Now happily married in a house with our 7 month old and 2 dogs (and 2 cats!)

Best breed of dog to me is an australian shepherd. I wanted one for years but wanted a house before adopting one. Rory is actually an aussie/border collie mix…she’s insane on the energy scale but she’s so smart, loving, funny and amazing with the baby. I don’t think i’ll ever get another breed!


I dont have a dog but I pet sit often……wiener dogs are my favorite!
I usually run after work-it’s my me time!


Four years ago we were leaving Chicago to come back to grad school. Seems like forever ago! And I wasn’t running at all, I didn’t start until Spring 2013. We also have a lab (a black one), so I’ll agree that’s the best breed. She is super smart and loving, and I can’t imagine our lives without her. :) In the winter I love running at lunchtime or in the afternoon. In the summer it’s just so hot at that time that usually I am not a fan.


Do you remember where that necklace came from originally!?!? That’s crazy! Can’t wait to see the floors! YAY for starting early! Haha that NEVER HAPPENS


I’ve started turning into more of a morning runner. I would love to run at lunch but I only get about 35 minutes for lunch and most of that time is actually spent driving between my two work locations (I work at two different schools). Even if I didn’t switch schools, running at lunch is next to impossible unless I don’t want to eat, which isn’t happening!

Home renos can be fun, but lots of work. We basically flipped a house in California last year and that was exhausting. We did the same thing to our house this winter/spring/summer. We just finished the last of our home renos at 3am on Friday and was on a plane to California by 6:30am. Our jobs had more to do with the length of time it took to get things done. But I did learn how to install hardwood flooring, tiling (including how to cut tile) and how to install new shower/tub fixtures.

I believe that about 4 years ago, I might have been in California! Max was 8 months old and we were in SoCal.


4 yrs ago after several failed IUIs to get pregnant we decided to start IVF. My miracle daughter just turned 3 in June. The best decision ever.
We have laminate flooring though out the house except the bedrooms. Very smart especially with 3yos! I can’t wait to see how it turns out.


I started reading your blog about a month before Brooke was born!

Four years ago I was training for my second marathon (I had run my first marathon 2 months earlier.) One of my nieces came to visit and we were having our own Summer Olympics in my backyard. I ended up with a pulled left hamstring/glute after trying to do a cartwheel. They aren’t as easy as they were when I was 10!


I would LOVE to run at lunch if someone can tell me how to do it and still look discent after for the rest of the work day.
1. I live in Alabama – hot and humid
2. I work in an office where we have to wear suits/dress/heels
3. I sweat BIG time.



I used to run on my lunch break during work. It sounds weird but I would bring these face wipe makeup remover type things and then deodorant or whatever else I could to kind of clean up afterwards. The key is giving yourself a few minutes after running to sort of cool down. I luckily don’t sweat a ton, but I think it can be done if you just wash your face and change and make sure you have time to do so. I probably sound crazy but it is worth it I didn’t have any other time to do it so who cares?! you do what you gotta do.


4 years ago I was one month away from my due date with my first child too! She ended up being born September 7. My how time flies! My dream dog, that we are currently on a waiting list for, is a mini Bernedoodle! All the awesome goofiness of a Bernese Mt. Dog but much smaller, longer life span, and little to no shedding! Perfect family dog!


4 years ago I just finished another Masters degree and was moving back to our home. We only had one child and I was running only as much as I had to.

Dogs: I have always said I want a black Lab named Darkness, but I also really like Beagles. There’s also two really strange dogs that I think look really cool; Borzois (aka Russian Wolfhounds) or their little brother breed Silken Windhounds – which is a cool name if nothing else. But I won’t have a dog until I can have a fenced in yard in a warmer climate.

Here’s a pic of a Borzoi and a Silken:


I had a beagle growing up. Amazing dogs but so hard to train!


You and Andrew were meant for each other!! Does the tank top fit true to size? I’m between a small and medium.. I’ll order the small
But don’t want it to fit snug . Thanks Janae, I love reading your posts !


HEY!! The flowy tank is a little loose so I would go with a small if you are in between!


Four years ago, I had no running life. I just had a baby. I guess,my son and Brooke are only a few weeks apart.
The necklace thing is too funny! That is a cool story to be able to tell.


I agree with you…labs are the best breed! I have a black lab so I am also biased :)

4 years ago I was on my honeymoon in Puerto Rico! My marriage is going through a really tough time right now and your previous posts on this subject and seeing how you found happiness now is very helpful. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’m trying to be optimistic.


Sending good thoughts & a big virtual hug, Diana. XO


Oh Diana, I am truly so sorry about what you are going through! Let me know if you need ANYTHING at all.


I have never been into juicing or even tried it. For some reason I have this weird thing where I feel the need to eat any food rather than drink or except the occasional smoothie. I LOVE fruit so I feel like I’m wasting it by just having the juice.

I am obsessed with my dog who is a mix. We adopted him from Arkansas and they said he was a german shepherd/lab mix but I have no idea if that’s right. Mixed breeds tend to be healthier than full bred ones which is something to consider if you’re getting a dog. And adopting is aweeeeesome.

4 years ago I was just getting out of being in the hospital for almost a year. Life is crazy and I am so grateful to be healthy again.


Such an adorable story about the necklace! I totally believe in signs like that.

Listen to this crazy story.
My husband and I started dating I high school…we’ve been together now for 25 years…one night at dinner with his grandmother, she was telling us how she worked in the garment district in New York when she was in her 20’s and became friends with a red-headed woman named Lily who would bring in all these Jewish foods for everyone. Well….my mother and I turned to one another with our mouths agape because MY grandmother (my mom’s mom) was a red headed Jewish woman named Lilian who worked in the garment district in NY as well. Is that insane!?!?


4 years ago- we were in Japan, and I was only running maybe 2 miles at the most (because that’s the furthest I thought I could run back then….I can’t believe how things have changed!). It was also when I was working full time, finally getting the house unpacked (right after we moved in, the big earthquake happened and we all kind-of-evacuated/kind-of-got away from the chaos, because really, we didn’t need to evacuate at all but everyone from the States was freaking out for us), also enrolled myself for my master’s degree program, and I became the president for this one support group for the families at my husband’s work.


I love juicing. I like Beets, carrots, pineapple, and a green apple. I use more vegetables than fruits for juicing. It took a while to get used to the taste of some vegetables. I don’t like cleaning the juicer.


Brooke’s Dear Mom shirt is my favorite thing ever! I adore it! And it’s a great color on her too. Who would have though I like toddler fashion so much, but Brooke rocks everything she wears.


I LOVE!!! the necklace story! I totally believe that sign stuff so I’m all over that story. <3 love love love!
We have a schnauzer so I'd have to go w/ that as my fave breed of dog 'cuz she's our baby & sooooo sweet!


Hey, I know you went through a divorce a while a ago and I was wondering how long it took your heart to heal before you found someone again.


Great question! I met Andrew about 2.5 years after separating! It probably took me about a year to feel normal after I left my ex. Hope you have a great day tomorrow Linda!


While Labs are great dogs…always had at least one growing up. Beagles rule now!!!


I think your “about me” section needs a cute update to reflect your lovely new life!


GOOD CALL!! Thanks for reminding me:) I’ll get on this right now! Hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow Ann!


pro tip to like painting more, BUY EXPENSIVE PAINT! Even though the good stuff costs an extra ~20 a Gallon or so, the coverage is always so much better which means you use less, and get it done faster.


Four years ago I was in England finishing my Masters degree, starting to date my now fiance, and happy with myself that I was finally able to push myself to run more than 4 miles. And now I am training for a marathon one month after my wedding!

I love lunch running in the dead of winter, in the Midwest where it is literally freezing. I am all about the winter runs. Summers I run after work, sadly in the worst heat, but I need to be at work too early to get up at 4am and run every day!


Hey Janae! Do you have a special way that you display your race bibs and medals? Sorry if this was in a previous post that i missed. I came across this on pinterest tonight and thought of you:

Hope your Wednesday went well!


Ah! Four years ago I was in Honduras on an internship that completely changed my life and led me to where I am now

I think the necklace thing is pretty cool! Now you have something you can wear with meaning :)

I like to make carrot + beet + kale + ginger juices !


Love love love the necklace story ! It’s kinda crazy in the greatest of ways!
I pretty much love any dog, but am partial to labs. Our charcoal lab Shadow is one of my best friends. <3
Have a blessed day


Wow, four years ago seems like a lifetime ago! Rewind four years, I was buried in a eating disorder, exercise addiction and waay too skinny. Running wasn’t just fun, it had control over me.
Thankfully, after years of abusing my body, I was freed from that mindset, married a wonderful man, and am now 36 weeks (!) pregnant! I am still a passionate runner but it no longer controls me! God is good.

Love love love the necklace story- so awesome.


I TOTALLY believe God sends us messages that we may not understand at the time but we eventually “Get It”.
A & J was a message for you that love, support, happiness, companionship would be yours forever………you just had to wait until God was ready for you to figure it out……..and how beautiful it is!!!!


I completely agree with you Tess! Thank you so so much! I hope you are having an incredible day!


that necklace story is so, so great! God def put you two together. i’m ALL ABOUT fate and things happening for a reason…i really live my life that way. (maybe why i’m still single ?! haha)…now will be looking for signs all over.

4 years ago–just starting pediatric residency in bloomington IN. miss it!
we’ve only had Labs in my house growing up, so i’ve gotta go w/ that breed, too.

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