Junk miles or easy miles and Thursday at our house!

Easy Miles vs Junk Miles!!!

Over the years of running, there are a few things that I’ve learned.  While I might be slower than I used to be right now (that will change with some good ol’ fashioned hard work) I am injured a WHOLE lot less.  I’m pretty sure at the beginning of this blog there was a quarterly major injury going on.  I think one of the many parts of that is that I figured out the difference between easy miles and junk miles.

Yesterday I jumped on the treadmill, had a book to read on my iPad and everything ready to go and I pushed the stop button at 22 seconds.  Not because I was tired or didn’t feel like running but because I have learned to listen closely to what my body is saying to me.

I quickly realized that my 6 easy miles yesterday that I had planned would actually be 6 junk miles within 22 seconds into the run.

Hungry Runner Girl’s opinion on this matter (without any scientific proof backing it up which has changed over the years):

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There are so many incredible benefits to doing our easy runs.  I don’t personally think that if we just make sure to do our long run and tempo/speed run each week that we are then able to just rock our races, I think that easy runs are also a huge part of our training.  There is a reason that easy runs are built into each training plan, they are part of the plan to help us get stronger and faster.  The physiological benefits are there and mentally those easy runs are great because they give you a chance to sit back and enjoy the scenery and/or conversation with your running pals. 

But then I think there are days  where what we call ‘easy runs’ are really junk miles because they are doing more harm than good —> that is when I call miles junk miles.  I don’t think it happens very often because I think that there are benefits that occur with most of our miles but they do happen.  And I think junk miles are when the injuries start to happen.  

I knew from the very beginning yesterday that running the day after my 20 miler was not going to build me up, but a day of stretching (above is my current favorite stretch) and some core work would.  Today I’ve got a trail run with Josse (with some ridiculous hills involved) and cutting out the run was going to be better for me than pushing through it (like I used to do no matter what my body was screaming at me).  

Plus, I’d most certainly rather be a few miles undertrained when I get to the starting line than overtrained.  

Knowing the difference of ‘yeah, I need to push it and stop with all of my excuses if I want to hit my goals’ and ‘yeah, running today is probably going to do more harm than good’ is key (I think) when it comes to marathon training.  


(From Hansons Marathon Method—> my usual goto book on training)


With summer feeling like it is going to end before we know it (and be back to that fun snow/icy/2 degree weather again) we decided we were going to fit in as much as we could yesterday.

The kids first came up with this idea.  Probably not the most efficient form of transportation but they did get up to about .002 miles per hour.  And Beretta just stood there staring at the ball (well, it used to resemble a ball at one point) waiting until we started playing fetch with her.  


We found a river to sit at and throw rocks in for awhile.  


We visited my sister and had a deep conversation with little O while I fed him rice.

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There was even an Elsa sighting.  I don’t think Brooke’s face in this picture is an accurate portrayal of what she was really feeling during this moment.  

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We hit up Riverwoods with my mom and made it through the fountains without getting wet.

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Oh, and we ate peaches.  Not much better than peach season and trumpets.  If you come to Utah at anytime, I strongly believe this is the time to do it… because then you can just eat peaches from the orchards close by all day and you’ll be happy.


Fun fact—>  Andrew and Megan D’s husband are buddies and they mountain bike together.  Megan D and I eat treats while talking a lot and so the combination of the four of us works out quite nicely.  They invited us over for dinner and we were both excited for one of her fancy meals.  

She needs to give me cooking lessons.  Andrew and I kept going back for more.

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We brought over dessert… Andrew requested me to pick up Shirley’s bakery cinnamon rolls.  

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It was a marvelous selection decision.  Cinnamon rolls are the new donuts at our house this last week.

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Oh, and this is exciting.  We will have baseboards soon!!! We bought them at Home Depot (already primed) and painted them and then have someone installing them today!  We will definitely do a tour and before/after of the house once it is all done!

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What are you excited for this weekend?!

What are your definitions of easy runs and/or junk miles?

Done any renovations yourself at your house?  Any that you want to do?

Who has a race or long run this weekend—>  you excited?

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I’m excited for just a relaxing weekend with my husband! And of course my “long run” tomorrow which I use the term loosely because now that I’m 24 weeks pregnant it varies on how long that will actually be. We’ve been on the go a lot lately so a weekend just the two of us sounds amazing!


I’m definitely excited for froyo and naps this weekend. And spending some time with my sweet niece who is one week old today!!

I try to make sure I don’t put in junk miles. I’m kind of like you–some days your body just kind of knows when you need to rest rather than run miles that aren’t going to benefit you in any way. But tomorrow will not be junk miles. It’s my long run at the lake, and I love my Saturday morning runs at the lake. :)


Is it weird that I live for home renovations and remodeling projects? Good, because I do.

Also, thank you for that cinnamon roll picture, now I NEED to have one.


Tomorrow my boyfriend and I and his two kids will be taking a road try for the week. We are driving down to Virginia from New Jersey. We will be hitting up some amusement parks and spending a day in colonial Williamsburg. I’m looking forward to it. I already did my long run but will probably run on Sunday a few miles.


I like that you’re learning when to take a step back! I’ve always wondered how you manage to run almost every day without getting burned out. I know my body can’t handle running that frequently (I learned that the hard way in high school and was injured for about three years straight with plantar fasciitis, shin splints, stress fractures, etc., etc.–all due to overuse). It’s so much better to listen to your body and work on strength or low impact cardio! My definition of junk miles are the one’s where I feel worse afterwards, like running did nothing for my mood or my body. We’re redoing our bathrooms before we move and they looks sooooooo much nicer. I can’t wait for my husband to get orders (navy) so we can find a new house and make it our own!! I’m really hoping I can get a long run in early, early, early tomorrow morning, but I woke up today with awful lung and back pain. Baby had a growth spurt. Usually it only lasts a day. Fingers crossed! :)


I agree so much. Easy runs are important for building aerobic fitness but too many miles can be detrimental. I think it was Tim Noakes who said anything above 75 miles per week for recreational/non-elite runners reaches the point of diminishing returns. Junk miles to me are also when miles aren’t run at the appropriate effort – like when easy runs are actually at a moderate pace or practically at marathon pace.


I’m excited to decorate my apartment a little bit finally! IKEA, here I come. All of that food looks amazing. My current training plan doesn’t really incorporate easy runs and I’m kind of thinking I need to go on one every now and then. Training has been really hard this time around and I think it’s because I’m losing sight of why I’m training for a marathon. I have a 20 miler this weekend – fingers crossed that the humidity is tolerable!!!


I have a 12 mile long run planned for tomorrow. And I’m genuinely excited about it! Last week’s long run felt great so hoping this week will feel the same.

I’m not very good at figuring out junk miles vs. easy miles. But I am getting much better at slowing down on my easy runs and actually running easy! Baby steps!


easy vs. junk miles is a constant debate for me. I think I’m getting better at differentiating between the two, but sometimes I end a run and go, why did I just do that haha?? runner’s brains are a different kind, that’s for sure.

this weekend’s got a lot going on, so I’m really looking forward to it. get to spend some time with some good friends at a fitness retreat and then jetting off to dallas for work. busy busy busy busy busy haha.


I needed this post about junk miles today. I got up to run yesterday and my legs just were not feeling it. So I didn’t run and it’s been hanging over my head for the last 24 hours. I feel much better now that I listened to my body instead of pushing it past what it was trying to tell me. Thank you!!!


Those cinnamon rolls look delish!

I’ve always been awful at home renovations (usually have my handy man do them for me!) … BUT … I really want to put up a backsplash in my kitchen and am going to do it on my own (with the help of my mom of course). Looking forward to a mother/daughter project!

Running today would have been considered junk miles for me, therefore, I decided that I’m going to go for a swim instead! 16-18 miles on the books tomorrow and I could use some low key cross-training today.

Happy Friday!


We try to follow the pros and do our easy runs at about 2-2.5 mins/mile slower than our tempo runs. I love the easy runs and agree that they are hugely important.

We are excited to just chill this weekend!


Totally missing your classic Friday Favorites!


I will do one next Friday! Thanks and I hope you have an awesome weekend!


I do agree and I think it’s an important to take your easy runs easy. I’ve found that if I do make my runs easier, I am less like.y yo get injured…which of course I’m coming off an injury now so take that with s grain of salt. ;)


I needed to do a recovery run yesterday but I ended up walking for like 2 miles. I was extremely sore from a speed work that I did the day before, and I just wanted to get rid of some of that lactic acid which worked really good! Thank God I decided not to run, I guess those would’ve been junk miles.

I’m pretty exited to take some more hours of sleep this weekend! Also I’m going to see my sweet aunt and cousin who are coming to visit. It’s been two years since the last time I saw them.


First, is that mango, red onion, avocado over chicken and brown rice? Anything else in that mix? I need to make that. My husband won’t eat the mango/avocado but that’s more for me.

We’re going to the beach, I cannot wait. Flat runs, ocean, biking, seafood and this really amazing cake. (It’s vacation, after all).


HEY NINA!! I will post the full recipe in my post tomorrow.. is that okay? You are going to LOVE IT!! Enjoy the beach—> yep, that sounds like the best kind of vacation! Have a blast!


Oh, thank you! That will be great.
After the year we had, we need this time.


How are you guys doing over there Nina? Thinking about you!


aw, thanks Janae. He’s doing better and had his 3 month scans which were all clear, thank heavens. His walking is improving a bit with PT. (the docs believe his body, in trying to fight the cancer, attacked his spine and there’s some nerve damage). He’s looking forward to swimming in the bay, where he can easily get in and out of the water.


Nina, that is so good to hear that he is doing so much better and that his recent scan was clear… that is HUGE!! Oh I hope he is out swimming ASAP! Keep me updated, thinking about you guys!


I totally agree, I’ve learned (am still learning?) over the years the balance of pushing myself through excuses/boredom/whatever and overtraining. Injuries = no fun.

I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend with my husband, a run, and hopefully this little one decides to come early ;) if you need me, I’ll be trying to hunt down any hills I can walk, over and over again.


This is the last weekend before the semester starts which is both exciting and sad. The summer flew by, and I’m not sure how school is already starting again, but I do generally like the structure of the semester, so I suppose it will be a good thing. :) I have an 18 mile run this weekend, which is my longest run ever. Let’s hope that it goes well!


I need to know what that chicken thing is that Megan D made!! Looks so good. Also, thanks for the huge cinnamon roll pic…I can almost taste it :)

I like your definition of junk miles. I’m getting better at listening to my body. It sure helps to have other runners to share their thoughts.

I am excited for this weekend. Lots of running planned!! I always look forward to my Sunday long run with friends.


I want Megan D’ s chicken recipe too!! haha


Hey Elizabeth and Mel!!! I will post the full recipe tomorrow for the chicken dish.. it was amazing! Enjoy this weekend!


Omg those cinnamon rolls! I want.


Can’t wait to see your before and after! We’ve done a ton to our house in the few months we’ve owned it and have so many more plans. One of our big projects is transforming our backyard (which is about an acre) to have a waterfall, patio, and what my husband is calling “the tranquil forest” haha!


I really appreciated your thoughts about easy miles vs junk miles. I feel like I am FINALLY figuring out when my body is just not in it on a particular day and I never thought of them as junk miles, but they really are. Yesterday I did my best to have a true “easy” trail run and I listened to my body and went as slow as I needed. I died a little when I looked at my average pace at the end, but I felt great and like I could keep going and I feel great today. Win win. Easy vs junk. Learning. Hahaha.

This weekend I am excited for running a new trail on Saturday (TBD but somewhere on Mt. Rainier) and Sunday I am going hiking with some friends to a lake that has been on my bucket list for over a year. I cannot wait.

Happy Friday!


“Kind of” excited for my first 20-miler this year (on Sunday morning)! Somehow I feel it is more mental than physical (I’ve done two 18-miler in the past month) but 20 is 20 (or 32km for me in Canada!). Going over 30km is serious business ;-) ha I’m lucky to be on vacation this week: it helps with the recovery process (more time for sleeping and foam rolling!).


AHHHH GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY!! You’ve got this Mel… go rock your 32km on Sunday and eat something extra delicious afterwards.


I agree with you on the miles definitions! I am sadly not there yet on listening to my body. But I’m working on it! It is a very fine line! I feel like I am making excuses but I know I’d rather be safe than sorry!

Those cinnamon rolls look so yummy…and with all the frosting on them!!!!!! ??


School started for us this week, so I am excited to get back into the schedule of things like church and a family bbq on Sunday :)

I love that you wrote about junk miles! I went to do a track workout this morning and I felt a twinge in my IT band and realized that I had not taken a rest day this week, so I cheered on and timed everyone else instead!

We built our house 3 years ago, so thankfully no renovations yet! Although, I am thinking about painting soon.

We have 7 miles of hills on Saturday and 14-15 on Sunday before church.


Peaches right now are so good! I don’t know if there is anything better than an Allred’s peach (the little family owned orchard stand on University) My dad works right by them so we try to get them as much as possible. seriously the juiciest peach you’ve ever had!


I’m excited to finish my final and practical this weekend which means this round of nutrition classes are over! It’s been a rough month and next month I have biochemistry. Lord help me not flunk. Happy Fri-YAY!


Excited to relax and spend time with family! My husband and I are trying out a new restaurant tonight. My husband is all about the DIY projects. He is constantly asking me what new thing he can make me. lol. At the moment, we don’t need anything done, but I am sure he will come up with some new soon. Have a great weekend!


Twelve easy miles with a gaggle of girls in the AM followed by several hours soaking up the last bit of summer up at the lake and then a 10yr anniversary party in the evening. I think Sunday will be a much needed lazy day!
We renovated our entire kitchen 4 years ago. It took 5wks. I think I’m still finding construction dust! It was def worth it. I can’t wait to get a tour!
Have a great weekend!


I am in TOTAL agreement with you about junk miles! I have found that cutting them out of my weekly plans, I feel SO much better, not as run down, and physically my body feels less achy. Stretching is good and some days I just do nothing at all. Eat a little more healthy fats that day, drink water, just relax. It’s very good for my mind and spirit.

I hope you have a great weekend!! I have no races or big plans, but re:the house question, we are hoping to buy our first house within the year! My dad and bro now live next door to each other, so (LORD WILLING – WILL YOU PLEASE PRAY?) we will join them on the same street or in the same neighborhood as soon as we get our finances in order!!


Love that you listened to your body and skipped the run. I am learning that less is more and it is inspiring to see it put into practice. You ROCK.


Oooo I love home remodel before & after tours! Can’t wait!


OMG those cinnamon rolls!!! <3


We just bought a house and did some work on it. We painted all the bedrooms and took out the carpeting and had wood installed in the master. We also got new baseboards – they look a lot like the ones you got – I like the wide ones a lot! They can be tricky to install so good for you for hiring someone. It seemed like it would be straight forward but between angling the corners (we had to borrow a special saw) and the fact that our floors are not completey level it was a huge pain! But now that it’s done it looks SO nice :)

I have a 9 miler this weekend. I’m currently training for a half marathon I’m running with my daughter – it will be her first half! I’m excited to share the expirence with her:)

Have a nice weekend!


I wish I could edit for my spelling in the above post !


Love your definition of easy vs. junk! So true.

I have an 8k race this weekend. I’m really looking forward to it. The heat wave in NYC has set me back quite a a bit with my running and it looks like Sunday will be hot but tolerable. I’m also moving which is exciting/bittersweet.


Today is my husband’s birthday! Our weekend plans include dinner at Duke’s Waikiki tonight and the Dick Evans Memorial Road Race on Sunday. 112 miles of cycling for him, volunteering at feed zone 2 for me. Good times ahead!

I traded junk miles for cycling miles – my training plan actually recommended it and it’s worked great for me. I get the cardiovascular benefit without the muscle/joint strain. Undertrained > injured.


Tell your husband Happy Birthday from us!!! Oh I love the trade that you do… such a great idea! I did that a lot when I taught spin… I need to get back to doing that. Enjoy zone 2 and have a blast watching your husband!


Those cinnamon rolls look so good!

I’m excited for the weekend because I just wrote a big exam that I was stressing about. It went better than I was expecting so I’m very grateful! It’ll be nice to not have to study.


Weekend plans include 14 miles (AHH!), recovery, and an amazing pizza dinner date! :D

For my level (super beginner newbie), all of my runs are easy runs! I only mix it up when I’m feeling bored or restless on the treadmill on a short run. So the difference between junk miles and easy miles aren’t so easy to see. Every run presents its own challenges and rewards at this stage… is that weird?


YOU’VE GOT THIS SUSIE!! You are going to rock your 14 miles! I completely get what you are saying and you are so right… every run has some sort of challenge and some benefits thrown in too! You can do this and enjoy your pizza date!


I am excited about a low key weekend with no plans. The past few weekends have been very hectic so it will be nice to just take it easy for a few days.


I love the concept of junk miles vs. easy miles. I have never thought of it this way but it makes total sense. I can’t wait to see the before and after pics of your house. You guys have been working SO hard on it. :)


I think saying I like treats is a stretch. I meeeean, I didn’t eat another cinnamon roll after you left and lick the plastic bag clean of the delicious frosting and cinnamon deliciouness. It had been 24 hrs since I had had a treat. Cut me some slack.


Long run, cleaning, crafting and getting life back in order is on tap for the weekend! One day I’ll have a house and not be renting and I’ll get to have fun (well they seem fun from where I sit now) home improvement projects. Have a great weekend, keep on rocking!


SOOOO glad that you wrote on this! As a RRCA certified running coach and a woman working with Eating disorders and disordered eating, I have found that there is a BIG difference between training and intuitively running. I strive for the runners that I coach, tune into THEIR strides of training versus living a life of rigidity and rules : )


yum those cinnamon rolls look good!

I’m excited for some down time to relax and get a few things done; I just got on meds for an infection so hopefully I’ll start to feel better this weekend as well

I haven’t raced in almost 2 years! I need to sign up for something ! But the tight grad school budget makes it hard to rationalize paying to run


My understanding of the term junk miles was always more that it was miles or runs without a specific training purpose (ie, endurance, speed, recovery). So, easy runs aren’t junk miles if they are done right and provide recovery after a week of other training runs. Is this different from your definition? I know you work with coaches so I would love to know how more serious runners define this.


Just wanted to tell you…do as many sponsored posts as you like…you’ve earned it:)

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