Do you run for the ‘how I feel the rest of the day thing’ and all of the food in our life lately.

****THANK YOU FOR YOUR SWEET COMMENTS YESTERDAY!!! I absolutely loved reading about your weddings/stories… you guys are amazing!


The other day I was talking to my brother on the phone and he said something that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately.  He is just now getting back into running after taking a few months off because of a knee injury.  It’s hard to get back into running shape (as we all know) and building up again especially with 6 kids and a crazy work schedule like the one my brother has.

He told me that he doesn’t enjoy the “during running thing” right now but the reason he does it and continues to do it is for the “how I feel the rest of the day thing.”  I don’t know the exact percentage of runs where I feel like I absolutely love the act of running and it feels heavenly but I do know there are plenty of runs where I do not love the feeling of running.  I think more often than that I do not have the desire to start my run (aka Monday August 29th, 2016) and during my run is either fun/hard/amazing/calming/painful/boring/lame/frustrating/no feelings/exciting/a combination of all of them/whatever the emotion—>  but the thing that always gets me to start and finish the run is because of the way I know I will feel the rest of the day.  *Please note that I’m not just talking about running… this applies to whatever is YOUR thing—> a different type of exercise/sport/hobby.

It’s always pretty eye opening when I am struggling during an injury and taking time off from running, how many other things are affected each day because I’m not running.

I love to run for how I feel the rest of the day too:

*I sleep SO much better at night when I run.  When I’m not running I feel like I am an insomniac but when I am running I fall asleep when my head hits the pillow (it’s kind of ridiculous actually).

*I eat so much better.  It’s like starting off the day with a run makes me crave more fruits and veggies and non-running days I think about candy 30 times more.

*My patience increases 400% with the days I run vs. the days that I do not.

*We’ve talked many days about this in the past but those days I run I feel like I have way more energy vs the days I do not run.  I mean, a short little nap always sounds pretty great at 3 pm but on the days I don’t run I feel a lot more zombielike.

*I feel like I accomplished something ha… you know those days where you feel like you didn’t actually check off anything on your to do list?  Well, if I get my run in then I feel like I did check something as completed!

*Those endorphins just last in my body for a very long time that day…

So yeah, I definitely run for the rest of the day feeling that comes with the miles.  It’s always a gamble with how things feel during a run but that after stuff is almost a 100% constant.  If you are needing extra motivation to get out for your run these days… do it for the positives that you get the rest of the day after a run!


Time to discuss some important meals that have been going down in our household.

1.  Andrew made us fish tacos using this recipe.  The fish was perfect and that avocado-cilantro sauce he made to top it off was heavenly.  I was also pretty excited because Brooke tried tilapia for her first time ever.

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2.  We made Peanut Butter Oatmeal No-Bakes (I prefer these way over the ones with chocolate in them) and Brooke topped her cookie with sprinkles of course.


3.  Fall is upon us and so the crockpot needed to be broken into for the season:)  I made cream cheese chicken chili (a family favorite) and I think you need to make it a part of your fall season too.

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4.  Andrew got into an incredible program that he has been wanting to for awhile now so we celebrated in the most crazy way with some DQ treats.

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5.  I met up for lunch with Lindsey and Megan (it had been way too long since I last saw them) at Guru’s.  My Waldorf Salad was perfection.

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Friends and food.  One of the best combinations.

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6.  This simple meal at my sister’s tasted perfect. I will never get sick of this… Add two more things of corn and some more chicken to the plate for the night:)

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We ate at my sister’s house the other day to celebrate my PARENTS’ 45th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!  Wowzer.

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Brooke practiced her slam dunk skills and we sat around eating and talking all night.  Congrats mom and dad:)

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*A few other scenes to discuss with you, it is shocking how many toys I keep in my purse at all times.  Brooke can create a city with them at church.

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*Blending family successes are pretty fun for me to see.

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They’ve been bonding over some Ariel and American Girl Doll playing too.

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*Brooke’s blanket was misplaced for about a week and when I found it she didn’t let it out of her sight for the rest of the day.  I have a feeling this blanket isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

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*My nephew’s legs make me smile every time I see him:)

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*Somehow Andrew and I starting singing this song from forever ago and I loved running to it during my 7 miler yesterday.  Took me back to my 9th grade memories.

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I hope you have a fabulous morning from Beretta and Beretta (when Brooke pretends she is a dog now she insists on us calling her Beretta also).

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Josse and I have a workout to get done today!  Something about some mile repeats was mentioned… wish me luck!

PS as marathons get closer to me I find myself finding all sorts of running clips on YouTube.  I really loved this one:


What are a few benefits for the rest of your day that you get from running?

Parents reading—> are your kiddos picky with their food or will they try most things?

What songs remind you of junior high or high school?

Have any awesome motivational running movies to share with us?

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I like to run in the morning because I feel accomplished for the rest if the day. I don’t have that “should I run” lingering feeling you know? It’s my personal time to just relax as well.


I know exactly what you’re describing and how your brother feels. Since I am not an early riser I always run after work and I’m not exactly jumping for joy to do it everyday. BUT I am always glad I did it when I am done. The first mile is usually terrible too, my calves are almost always tight during the first mile, but I know if I get through that I’ll be so happy!


It’s SO true about running making you feel better the rest of the day. I don’t run on Mondays, and I don’t think it’s any coincidence that Mondays are usually the toughest days for me to get through. Running just puts an extra bounce in my step for the rest of the day. Like Elle Woods said, endorphins make people happy! :)

“Screaming Infidelities” (and really any Dashboard Confessional song) always takes me back to high school. Oh, and Nelly’s “Air Force Ones.” Love that one.


Oh wow… you took me way back with both of those songs ahahah! I love it! Love the quote too:)


I always always always sleep better when I run during the day. Also, working from home, running in the morning is the perfect way for me to switch mental gears from just rolling out of bed to getting focused. If I don’t run in the morning, I just feel weird and off and have a hard time buckling down and getting to work.


I usually like the act of running itself, but I enjoy how it makes me feel the rest of the day. I have a higher quality of sleep when I run and am less jittery.


Yes – I would agree. Usually I have a few moments while running asking myself why I do this. But then I feel great after! I slept really well last night after running a sunset 14K run.

My kid is pretty picky but not at the same time. He actually loves vegetables but sometimes he wants specific kinds/types. For example red/orange/yellow bell peppers are ok, green are not :-\


YES, definitely feel better the rest of the day. And wayy more patient like you mentioned – it’s like magic! I can focus on my work better, too. All of the Hanson songs remind me of junior high!


My employer gives me time of in the mornings to run. I only get to work by 10h00 and I ALWAYS walk in with a smile on my face. When I was injured, even my husband was praying for me to heal!! I’m just a better person when I’m running. My son is 7 and he does not even eat different foods on one plate. I run up and down with different plates, 1 for the meat 1 for peas, 1 with corn, you get the idea!! He eats so much chicken that I don’t eat chicken any more. Most of the time I cook 2 meals a night 1 for him and 1 for us.


My whole system seems out of whack if I don’t get my run in for the day!

Your taco shells look incredible! Are they homemade?!?


HEY!! They aren’t homemade but I got them at Sprouts and all of their food is just delicious;)


When I run, I definitely lose my “edge” — I’m not as irritable or intense. It mellows me out — and it’s easier for me to adopt a “go with the flow” attitude. Normally I’m totally type A and since I drink 78,914 cups of coffee a day, I’m wired like crazy!

Hubby will sometimes look at me when I’m in my “gotta get everything done perfectly at this exact moment” moods and tell me to go run.

Anything from the early 00’s brings me right back to middle/high school — Destiny’s Child! Remember that? OMG before Beyonce was queen!


Mmm tacos! My fave!!


I totally agree: getting up early in the morning and start working out can be tough sometimes, but the expected feeling afterwards helps me get put of bed almost every time. Except: yesterday :D I had to go deep water running in the afternoon instead, and I can tell: it was awkward. The whole day I thought about any possible excuse for skipping this session. However, I am proud I made it to the pool. Yet the good feeling afterwards lasted only for a few hours – until I went to bed.
Therefore, running in the morning gives you many more hours of a good feeling compared to evening workouts I would say.


Totally agree with you about running because it makes you feel great for the rest of the day. For me, running is sort of like drinking the best cup of coffee ever that makes me super energetic, happy, excited and ready for the day. The only exception to that is if I have a bad race. After a bad race I feel like I’ve been poisened.


I definitely ride that endorphin high after a morning run, and some days I love every second of it, while others it feels hard/meh/disappointing. But such is anything in life worth fighting through/sticking with, I think. Fish tacos are my fave food!


Running in the morning just leaves me feeling HAPPY all day!


I ran yesterday for the first time in 3 weeks, and man, did that hurt. But I felt so good for the rest of the day, and I know tomorrow’s run will be just a little bit better.
I’m stealing that fish taco recipe, BTW. It looks delicious.


I don’t run every day, but if I’m not running I’m cross training, and if I don’t exercise during the day I feel totally weird! (Although I do try to take rest days :)). I definitely agree with the patience thing. If my husband is working weekends and I’m on solo duty and I don’t get a run in, I’m totally cranky. If I do get that run in, I am good to go!
My daughter is super picky. Her current foods are zoodles with sauce, cheese, grapes, blueberries, these kale cheerios, peanut butter cereal, applesauce and grilled cheese (which I make on sprouted wheat bread for some protein). I’m always trying to get her to eat our dinners and 99% of the time she throws them on the floor. But her face when she doesn’t like something is absolutely priceless.


Happy belated anniversary to your parents! Very exciting!

I’m totally with you on the piece about feeling like you accomplished something for the day. When I get in a good run (or a swim), I feel like I did something good for my body. Gotta take care of yourself first and then deal with the rest of society hah!


Morning runs are the best! My attitude is so much better and I feel more energetic, even on those long run days. Plus, I have an excuse to have some chocolate if I want and that makes anyone’s day better, lol ;)

Congrats to your mom and dad, wowza – 45 years!!!!

Right now my 1 year old will eat pretty much anything so we are lucky there, but sometimes she will let us know if she’s not in the mood for something, lol. She was a bit skeptical of the zucchini tots I made for her last weekend, but eventually she gave them another shot and loved them! Right now her favorite foods are peas, strawberries, blueberries and peanut butter. (Gets that all from me, I think! LOL)

Have a great day!


Yes, running makes the rest of the day so much better! That’s exactly why I try not to run in the evenings, even though I have the most energy then. Though I haven’t been able to run for a month (and counting) due to a knee injury as well so I completely understand your brother’s struggle. It is feeling amazingly better today (aside from a few random dull pains I’m getting) so I’m going to try to run! Fingers crossed that my leg doesn’t seize up after a mile like it did last week :)


Benefits of running: I feel more energized for the rest of the day, I’m happier, I’m more patient, and I sleep much better.

I have 3 kiddos that range across the picky spectrum. My middle is definitely pickiest and my oldest will try anything. The only foods she absolutely doesn’t like is egg plant and blue cheese.

I was just listening to “It Wasn’t Me” by Shaggy and it took me way back!

My students have their first race on Wednesday and we’re watching McFarland on our way there!


I usually run in the night. But I feel the benefits even the day after. Starting from the fact that I sleep better and wake up more rested. Overall, I’m happier the next day (and more hungry too). My mood improves and I get to face difficulties with a better attitude.


Currently injured and not running however I’m still exercising because I find that any type of exercise helps me just be better throughout the day. More energy, happier, etc! Both Prefontaine (Prefontaine and Without Limits) movies are so motivational to me as far as running movies go. High School songs…well that’s going back a long ways but I would have to say C&C Music Factory with Everybody Dance Now! lol. Now I will be hearing that song in my head all day! haha


I haven’t been running a ton lately, but lifting before the kids get up definitely changes my whole day. It’s partially the endorphins and just getting moving early, but for me part of it is also not having to stress naptime struggles because I’m not in a huge rush for anything. It’s way less frustrating to be interrupted a thousand times while I’m hanging laundry (I’m not tired! The sun is up so I don’t have to nap! Jonah hit me! I want to sleep in your bed!) than when I’m trying to workout. I made that mistake yesterday, and even though I worked out for almost an hour, my fitbit only registered about 20 minutes of “active time” because I was stopping and starting so often.
My kiddos are pretty picky, but I can usually get at least 2 of them to at least try new foods most of the time. With Micah it’s a huge fight, but it’s easier with my youngest and oldest so far…


Totally needed this post today! I love running, but some days I just don’t have it so I keep questioning if I should keep at it. But, deep down I know I really love it and I just need to accept the ups and downs of running. Thank you!


I was really into alternative when I was a teenager (I graduated high school in 2001), so that’s pretty much all I listened to in the 90’s.


Those baby legs are everything! Love, love, love baby rolls!

It has been so very hard to live without the post-run feeling. I’ve been dealing with a nagging injury for just over a year so there has been just about zero running. Sadly, no other activity does the same things for me…yoga makes me happy, cycling gets the heart rate up but nothing matches the runner’s high. By the Grace of God, I’ll be back to running eventually!


I love how fond of the camera Brooke is! Her ‘pretending to be a dog’ kills me every time you post a photo haha


I am going to talk about the opposite! The feelings I get when I DON’T workout and eat crappy.

That was me yesterday! I was like “I am going to have a cheat day.” So, I didn’t work out and ate fast food. Oh, my gosh. I felt so lethargic and worthless. I felt like I was dragging butt all afternoon/night because I was. I think the whole “cheat day” is something I battle with. I LOVE a greasy cheeseburger, but I have got to get it in my mind that the cheat days are when I feel the worst. Physically and mentally… it just not worth it.

And now I am ITCHING for lunch time to be here so I can hit the gym!


YES YES YES… I completely feel like I am dragging all day long without a run and eating junk. I hope that you had a fabulous workout at the gym at lunch and that you are feeling so much better!


I think there’s one kind of obvious thing that nobody’s pointing out about why running makes us feel better throughout the day: knowing you burned a ton of calories!! :)

Of course that’s not the only reason to run/workout, but it’s why A LOT of people do it and there’s no reason to pretend otherwise


VERY true Kate!! That sure is nice!!!!!


A couple good running movies? The classic- Chariots of Fire (so good!) and A Mile from Nowhere is another pretty good one.
Benefits of running?
– I sleep like a rock at night!
– I feel like a superstar and accomplished when my run is done (especially when the run is finished in the morning!)
– Like you, I crave healthier food on the days I run.
– My mood is 10000x more happy, content, etc. (endorphins = magic.)

And oh my goodness, that picture of Andrew playing dolls with Brooke is priceless. Love, love, love.


One more video:


Hi Tayna! Great video links! For some reason my program took them off. I didn’t delete them! Sorry! I think it had something to do with the link.


No worries! Technology can be finicky sometimes. :) I have a marathon this weekend so I’ve been finding lots of motivational stuff to watch! Thanks for sharing your life with everyone. I love reading your blog every day!


Ha! I finally got them back up! Have a great day and thanks!!!


Hi Janae!

Soooo I used to run for ALL of those reasons! It’s almost addicting?! However, I was always getting injured and no matter what I did another injury would come about sooner rather than later. I relied on running as a way for me to feel stronger and confident in myself, so when I would lose running I would feel so helpess (as many of us know).
I sustained a bad back injury (from running) and had to take off a few months. My chiropractor finally gave me the go ahead to get back into running but you know what….I’m not going to. I think I relied too much on that “feeling after a run” to determine my life and my actions that day. I want to now find that strength within myself that I found in running. I just remember every few months or so I would become almost depressed when I couldn’t run (how is my body going to react? Will I be able to focus during the day? Will I lose confidence in myself?) I’m now forcing myself to find that in other way’s in life. It’s taking me ALOT of time to adjust, and I’m still doing reformer pilates and spin classes.
I’m by NOOOOO means dissing running! I am so jealous still of everyone who rarely gets injured!! And maybe one day I’ll get back into it but for now at 26 years old I want to focus on myself, my boyfriend, friendships and faith to encourage me to be a stronger person :)
And of course I’ll always still read your blog haha!


You are on a great track. :-)


I have one picky eater and one not so picky eater.

I have been thinking a lot about this too the last couple of days. Funny that you wrote it right at the same time. I was just writing a post about this. I thought a lot about it yesterday and how much running helps me be a happier mom and wife. The endorphins certainly help. And right now when we are in the middle of schedule and life changes with school starting and what not, I could definitely use those extra endorphins.


Sooo, I definitely know what you mean when you say you run for the feeling that you get AFTER the run… and I do too, but I do most of my runs in the evenings (unless I get out in the morning on the weekends)… so it’s not an ” all day feeling for me” … but for some reason I can trick myself into thinking that the upcoming run in the evening does make me feel better in the morning (or maybe it’s a delayed affect – you feel great the NEXT morning when you run at night)? IDK :)


That totally makes sense… I think you are right and maybe the endorphins last for a full 24 hours:) Your morning happiness is from the run the night before! Hope you have a great run tonight!


My son usually tries stuff and if he doesn’t like it or it’s new then he lets it fall out of his mouth. If I let him see me eat it and offer it to him a couple of meals then he starts to eat it by himself. Oh man all of those meals look so amazing!!!! I just throw food together. ? I agree! My days are so better and more productive when I run in the morning!


I sleep SO much better if I’ve had an intense workout!


First, your dining room table and chairs/bench = perfection! So beautiful!

I usually do get that feeling of “yes! So happy I’m running” but on the days when I don’t (like today wasn’t the worst but it also felt like a bit of chore) I’m even more grateful I powered through because I feel great the rest of the day. And yes, when I’m consistently working out, it also makes me want to eat better. I don’t want to throw away all that hard work! But I also get to eat more because running makes me STARVING! haha It’s a balance ;)


My most running benefit is the feeling I get the rest of the day, not the actual run itself. But the ‘me’ time during the run is priceless. My family loves me when I run. :-) My daughter says I get “a widdle cwanky when I don’t wun”.
Very, very picky eater I have. She went through a phase of trying new foods (ok, I paid her a quarter for every new food she tried), now she’s back to not trying. Maybe it didn’t pay enough. Oh anything by Bon Jovi or Europe brings me back to high school. The Final Countdown, Living on a Prayer !!! Good times !


And now I will have ghetto superstar stuck in my head all day long. Thanks ;)


Anytime. See you SOON!!!


I’m off my game when I don’t workout regularly. I love the endorphins, moving my body, and the way it clears my head. I will be glad when the marathon is over and I go back to running when/how long I want to. I don’t hate it but it does get tedious some days.


I totally feel the same way about running. Sometimes its not so great feeling while you are doing it but the feeling afterwards and the rest of the day is well worth it. I also sleep better like you and I like the feeling of being super tired before bed and that I accomplished something good for the day. I, like you, am also more patient with everything….it is just so nice feeling!!!


I agree with much of what you said… I just feel healthier which has me make healthier food decisions throughout the day!


Running… makes me feel like I “tried” that day. And when I can get it in before work, it is even better to look down at my watch and see that i’ve already gotten a bunch of steps in that day!


My kids have always pretty much tried anything. They might not like it, but I make them at least try a bite. Also I don’t make them separate meals so they pretty much have to be adventurous! ?

Oh wanted to share with you I have a 20 year old and she still sleeps with her blanket that she had as a baby!! It’s pretty thin now and who knows how long it will last but I find it amusing.

Have a good day!!


NSYNC and Backstreet Boys and Dixie Chicks and Spice Girls were the music of middle and high school for me!


Another benefit for me is when I listen to a really thought provoking podcast that really gets my brain going for the rest of the day on that topic. I feel like I’m learning a bunch and also being inspired. Sometimes I will literally think about a podcast for days which will transpire into all kinds of tangential thoughts and realizations that I wouldn’t otherwise have had!

Also, I am a fairly anxious person and I find that starting my day with an intense crossfit WOD or run… it levels the playing field for me with anxiety. I start from zero instead of 10000 :)


I love that Ashlee. So so true… about the anxiety. I totally understand that. You have inspired me to listen to more podcasts while I run!


What I love about running is how I feel afterwards. I always feel more refreshed like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I also feel more optimistic overall!


ME TOO… I totally feel more optimistic after a run. Running helps us see everything in a better light:) Hope you are having a beautiful day Polly!


Yes, you nailed it! I recently started running at night after years of running in the mornings. While it’s nice to end the day with a run, I miss the lasting energy I would have for the rest of the day when I ran in the mornings. Even when runs were tough and I complained at every step, it was always worth it given the benefits to my mood and energy throughout the day. I often hear runners say they run more so for their mental than their physical health and I couldn’t agree more.


I definitely run for how amazing I feel the rest of the day. It is so worth it! My daughter is super picky right now, so I am always thrilled when she tries something new. Lately I have been trying to get her to try new things, but she does a lot better when someone else (like her aunt, uncles, nana, etc.) gives her the food ha. I guess mom is just boring. ;)


Happy anniversary to your parents! 45 years. Beautiful!!

I had speed work today, so I definitely didn’t love the how I feel while running thing. But it’s done and now I’m feeling great.

Turn on any 70s station – junior high music to my ears. I actually still love that music because of the variety of talent that was popping up in those days.

Oh, and Andrew with the American Girl dolls? Try to stay awake for it ;)


Anything by The Cure or Violent Femmes remindd me of high school. (Like any of you have heard of them, LOL).

Run Free is a cool doc about Micah True aka Caballo Blanco. His story was central to McDougall’s Born to Run book about barefoot and ultra running.


What program?????


A nursing program! We are super stoked about his next move in careers!


That is so exciting! What a great career!


I think my girls are picky eaters but I try to just keep on making them until they get used to it…. I do want them to enjoy what they eat too so I try to be creative. I love to cook so it’s not that big of a deal though :)

I love to run for the way I feel afterwards!!! I totally agree. It does make a huge difference on how I feel for the rest of the day. (especially on that patience part!)


Hi Janae! Love your canisters on the counter behind you in one of your pictures. Where did you get them? Also, can you pass along the chili recipe? Thanks! <3


I feel so much better throughout the day when I start the day with a great workout!.


Loved seeing all of your beautiful wedding photos and hearing about your much-deserved happily ever after.

Also, my parents just celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary as well! So wonderful!

Happy running!


I love,love, love running first thing! It’s quiet and peaceful, and it’s like I can just reset to start the day. I work at a high school and starting next week when the students arrive , I’ll have to run @5am if I want to get in a morning jaunt. Ugh! I hate running in the dark with my headlamp, but I relish getting the run done and feeling accomplished before I see those teenagers @7:15! And if there’s something stressful going on at school, the run helps me get perspective and gain a little more confidence to enter those school doors. That being said, sometimes my best runs are after school when I can pound out the stress from the day!!! Either way, I think I can only count on one hand any regret I’ve had in a run in the 22 years I’ve been running! I’m struggling with a little hamstring injury but the last few runs have felt normal so I hope I’m turning a corner. I just have to keep up w stretching and lots of glute work but I just hate doing that extra stuff!!
Fave old school running songs- “Livin on a Prayer” and a little Kenny Loggins. I know. I’m a huge dork!


I have been struggling to get back into running after my foot injury (that’s still kind of nagging) but I definitely agree that I feel better, sleep better, eat better, etc. when I’m able to run. I’m realizing lately not running much is probably why I feel so blah about everything else right now! I need to get back to running and then everything else will work itself out, right? And OMG your nephew’s legs made me smile!


I eat soo much better after a run and I feel like I have so much more energy. It is such a great accomplishment that puts me in a great mood for the rest of the day!


in particular on morning runs, its that feeling afterwards that i crave…its what gets me out the door most all the time! if i *know* its gonna be a crazy day at work, i’ll really try to get a morning run in, and no matter how the day ends up (almost always nuts!), i am so much calmer, clearer-minded, patient, etc. it really helps my mind so much! but then there are the unpredictable days, or i didn’t have time before work to get some miles in, and that afternoon/evening sweat is so needed and feels amazing, getting out the stress and putting it all behind me. benefits to both :)

ps–those legs!
pps–know every word to ghetto superstar. there are WAY too many songs that remind me of middle/high school. nostalgia <3

Yes! Finally something about waterfallmagazine.

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