Tuesday Tangents (plus a video of Knox and Brooke walking down the aisle at the wedding)!!!

I have quite a few Tangents to share with you today so get ready for a long list of them (along with my favorite video ever)…

1.  I have converted Andrew over to Bombas.  We have less (AHHHHH… ) than 11 weeks to go until our marathon and we are ready to get serious about things (speaking of which, I have a long run with Josse tomorrow morning).  Bombas are my go to running socks—>  they are comfortable (the perfect thickness for running), the blister tab keeps chafing far away from me and I love the arch support.  All of their different colors are amazing (the kids wanted to model some of them for you too;)  I need to buy the purple ones right now because those will be my race day socks!

PS if you use the code HUNGRYRUNNER at Bombas you get 20% off your purchase on your first order of any size (plus they donate a pair of socks for each pair purchased which is amazing)!  I think we look pretty darn good in these


2.  Here is a clip that a friend took of Knox walking down the aisle and then me and the Brookers.  Knox delivers and Brooke gets a little bit nervous once she sees everyone.

3.  I used to be able to do at least one push-up with her on my back but not anymore… I’m going to blame it on her growing up, not on me avoiding push-ups lately.

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4.  What do you think?  They look a little bit alike at least?

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5.  Just the normal sprinkler chasing after a summer long run.

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6.  Beretta isn’t letting Andrew out of her sight… she wasn’t okay with us leaving for a week either.

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7.  Andrew made this salad for me to eat on the go in the car the other day.  WHO IS HE?!?!?

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8.  Do you love popcorn?  You need to try Megan D’s (she REALLY needs a blog;)  combination if you do.  It was quite possibly the best popcorn I have ever had:

“I popped 3/4 cup kernels in my air popper into a large bowl.

Toast about 1 cup shredded coconut (I toast mine in a skillet… it’s way easier to prevent it from burning) and set aside.

In a saucepan over medium heat I melted:

16 oz almond bakr/white chocolate, 3 tbsp. butter, 3/4 cup Karo syrup

Heat/stir frequently until it starts to bubble.  Add 5 oz mini marshmallows and stir until melted completely.  Add the zest of 2 limes and 1/4 tsp coconut oil (not the baking/cooking kind, the essential oil kind).  Stir to combine.  Pour over popcorn and stir/ toss carefully to coat the popcorn.  Add the toasted coconut and stir to combine again.  Spread on cookie sheet to cool.

I drizzled mine with colored vanilla melting chocolate to add color, but that was just for looksies.”

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9.  She makes me really happy to wake up to.   She is the sweetest and laying on my feet as I am typing this:)

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10. My parents have a huge apricot treat that is feeding our entire family right now.  Brooke has way too many of these a day ha!


11.  This picture below was from my wedding day.  Bangs Friend flew out for the wedding and we ran on two treadmills next to each other that morning and talked the entire time.  It was perfect and I am so lucky that she came.  Yesterday I did 10 miles on the treadmill… it wasn’t as fun because Bangs wasn’t next to me but I’m getting more and more excited for race day!

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12. People have been asking about the clothes/swimsuits from my honeymoon post!  Here are all the details!!!!

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Swimsuits——>  This swim top in above pic (this one is the same pattern and just cut a little different) and bottoms (I got this top to match the blue bottoms too and this was Andrew’s favorite) black swimsuit top and bottoms

Coverups——>  this white one and this one (similar to one I bought at a boutique but can’t find online).

Dresses——>  here, here and this one.

Gold necklace that I wore pretty much every day is from here and it isn’t online anymore but this one is similar and they might still have mine in the store.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

13.  A picture from Sunday night dinner at my parents house:)  It’s always a good sign when there are this many shoes by the front door and his little smile too!


14.  Last night we went to grab some dinner at Outback and as we were leaving my parents and nephew were walking out of the restaurant (not a restaurant either of us go to very often.. and kind of far away) at the exact same time!! So we were at the same restaurant eating at the same time and didn’t know it… isn’t that bizarre?!

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15.  Enjoy your Tuesday and we will talk soon!

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Fill me in with some tangents please!  

Have a garden at your house?  Any fruit trees?  If you could pick any fruit and vegetable to be grown in your backyard at all times what would it be?

Favorite type of popcorn?  Sweet or salty popcorn?

What’s going to be the best part of your day today?

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AhhH!! Maaja makes the prettiest (and comfiest) bathing suits. Janae–Thank you for sharing that video, it was so beautiful and sweet that you and Brooke walked down the aisle! Tangent- yes Megan D should start a blog. So should bangs friend. and maybe Beretta. Also- salty and sweet popcorn mixed (i’m from chicago). And lastly, my husband and I eloped for our wedding last year and i’m thinking of possibly putting the video on my blog to share with friends/family/readers. Do you think this is too personal to share or maybe I should just edit a few segments to share? I’m walking the line (husband is ok with me either sharing or wanting to keep it private!) Have a great week back Janae!


THANK YOU CORI!!! Hahaha yes, all three of them should start a blog asap! Oh… I LOVE that you eloped (we almost did that:) I personally don’t think it is too personal but go with YOUR gut feeling. What feels best for you and your people? Do what makes you feel best! Congrats on your wedding!


Love the video of Knox and Brooke!

Congrats again and I’m so happy your back although all the guests posts were fantastic! Your mom is a real gem (see what I did there? She’s a gem? Get it? She cuts gems…hahaha…yeah I might need some more sleep)! In all honesty you are so blessed and I am so happy for you!


BAHAHA I love it (and I’m going to have to steal your joke… she will love it:) Thank you so so much and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Tangent 1 – who decided how early is too early for people to mow their lawns with the oldest tractors ever invented? *this morning it sounded like a fighter jet by my bedroom window at 5:40AM!! Maybe they’re trying to beat the heat too?

Tangent 2 – I have no tupperware appropriately sized for salads in my life. They are either the “sandwich square” size — which is too small for me to mix everything up OR the “a whole watermelon can fit” size, which is perfect but I might be sick after I devour all that salad.

My mom always had a garden filled with specific Korean greens, herbs, and veggies — and also cucumbers (randomly). My grandparents had these gorgeously tall brown pear trees and when the fruit was ripe we’d use this huge pole with a can attached to gently bring the pears down to earth. Nothing like a freshly picked warm pear!

I love to get both sweet (caramel) and salty (cheddar) popcorn at our local theater. They let me order a kid’s tray which has a little cutout for gummy bears, a small drink, and popcorn — then they give me both kinds as a “half and half”. Hubby and I are movie buffs, so the theater folks know us fairly well — and take good care of us!!! ^_^

Today is laundry day — but I’m most looking forward to being all done with the laundry O_o. Does anyone else ever feel this way?


MOWING THE LAWN at 5:40 a.m. NOOOOOOO That is so early:) I say go for the whole watermelon can fit size for your salads… hahaha build up to eating that size:) Okay, those pears sound AMAZING. Hahaha Andrew feels that way about laundry for SURE!


I am going back to work after several days off today, so that’s not going to be too much fun, but I got a run in with some friends already this morning, so we are off to a good start! I love kettle corn, so sweet for me. I do love a good sweet/salty combo though! Have a wonderful day!


I think your lab and my lab should have a play date, that is all.


I fully agree. Let’s make it happen!


THAT POPCORN OH MY GOODNESS! I am making that 100% sometime soon because I am a salty/sweet fiend and this is all kinds of up my alley.

I actually live on a farm, so we have a nice garden full of summer squash, carrots, lettuce, and all other kinds of other veggies, which I can’t wait to be ready to eat. there is NOTHING better than fresh veggies in my mind, not even one thing.

except for maybe that video of Brooke and Knox because the cuteness is next level.


Okay I LOVE all your swimsuits! Once I am no longer pregnant I am going to have to stock up on the cute swimsuits again!

The video of you and Brooke walking down the aisle was precious! Such a wonderful memory to be able to look back on for years to come.


Thank you so much Sara and GOOD LUCK with the rest of your pregnancy and I hope you are feeling great and sleeping well!


Such a cute video :-)

I love salty popcorn – with butter. Real butter, not the pretend stuff


Fruit tree would be apple (any kind but green) and veggie would be cauliflower. Love both and can eat a ton of each at on sitting, so it would be super cool if they were free for me to pick in my back yard!

My “fun” for the day is hopping on a plane. It’s for work, so definitely not as fun as vacation but I am blessed to love my job and to get to see new places often.

I guess my tangent is that I am kind of missing actual training!?! We do a lot of ultras in a short time frame in the summer, so I feel like I am either tapering, racing, or recovering. I am kind of craving just a relaxing 20 miler. Weird. Remind me of this next time I complain about training…


Kettle corn !! Love sweet and salty.
My dad has a garden with zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, Swiss chard, basil, oregano and corn! And he only lives a mile and a half away so I can get my produce whenever I want.


I do like sweet homemade popcorn! I’ve been making it more often lately. Love seeing wedding pictures/videos!


I don’t remember the first time I tried Bombay socks but they are great socks. I tend to like thicker socks personally.

The best part of my day was probably about an hour ago and finishing my longest injury free run this morning.


After my husband and I got back from our honeymoon our dog ignored us. We joke that he has serious fear of missing out but we could tell he was upset that we were gone for a week without him!


I don’t have a garden yet, but that’s on my list of projects! We have a pretty big yard, so there are a few spots that need some flowers and veggies. Next year!

Thanks for sharing all the links….love the back of the blue bikini top! So cute!


At first I thought the popcorn had avocado on it. That wouldn’t be a bad addition though!!!


That is the sweetest video <3
O popcorn! I love making it fresh with my popcorn maker, just the corn kernels and nothing else! So fresh!


How adorable is that video! And how amazing does that salad look…geez, I wish my husband made me to-go salads. ;-)
I’ve been looking for some new socks, I might try these. Especially if they have a some bonus arch support. My feet are ALREADY SWOLLEN and I’m only 19 weeks pregnant. :(
I definitely go for sweet and salty, cheddar and caramel…YUM.


NOOOOO I do not miss the swollen feet. I’m so sorry Mollie and I hope that they disappear asap and don’t come back again until the very end!


That video is ADORABLE!! :) And I need to try that popcorn ASAP.

Tuesday Tangent: The pain of heartache is so much worse than any physical pain I’ve ever felt. Do guys not realize what they do sometimes?!


The video of Brooke walking you down the aisle is precious. Congratulations on your marriage!


Love the bathing suits! I’m jealous you have so much success with online shopping … I can never seem to get the right sizes!

Best part of my day will be tonight! My good friend from Atlanta is coming into town for work and staying with me tonight. Drinks/dinner/gossip/slumber party!


I have a few flower gardens, but haven’t attempted a vegetable garden. When I do it will be filled with Cherry Tomatoes! =)

Popcorn is one of my favorite foods! I prefer it salty with the cheddar cheese flavor stuff. It is amazing!


So at what point did you move all your stuff out of your apartment?! Such a big job after having only moved a little while ago :o I love how Brooke was so shy but it looks like she didn’t want to leave your side when you both got to the front. You all are an adorable family.


Hey Meagan!! We are going to move out next week (and paint all weekend)!!! Haha right? I hate moving but this time it is totally worth it. I hope you are having a fabulous day!


That video is too cute. Knox and Brooke both look adorable! My niece did the extra same thing as Brooke when she walked my sister down the aisle.

Kettlecorn is my favorite! Sweet and salty!


Love both of those bathing suits!!! The video of the kiddos walking down the isle is so precious!!! Thanks for sharing with us!


Oh my goodness the cuteness of that wedding video! <3


The popcorn = drooling right now!

The wedding video = melt your heart <3

And the Outback scenario .. I get so amused when things like this happen. I was at the Keg on Friday night and saw on FB that my best friend and her husband were downstairs at the same time (they checked in). I was smiling from ear to ear for some reason haha


Oh my, trying not to cry at work while watching that precious video!!!!

3.5 miles this morning in 90% Missouri humidity. It was HARD after my San Diego work trip/vacation, running there was a dream.

Now onto to work and trying not to fall asleep!


Love the video!

Best part of today is going to be….when I leave work to pick up my kiddos! I wish I could be home with them!

I would have to say that it depends on my mood if I am more sweet or salty. Love the “chicago” mix – especially the mix of cheese and caramel (I think GH something or other) at costco!


You & Brooke look so beautiful on the wedding day & as always. I love how shy she got :)

Yep – doggies dont like when you leave them behind either :)


We used to have a pear tree that was not well taken care of when we bought the house. It never made all that great of pears and just brought bees along. This year I decided I want raspberry plants though so that might have to happen next year!


I am continually amazed by Andrew. I think what works about you two is that he tries, and you acknowledge that he is trying and appreciate it. When I saw the salad he made you, I thought about my parents and how their relationship does not work. If my dad does something for my mom, it’s never good enough. Even if he does it right, she makes a big deal about how he actually did it right. I feel so bad for him.
I also feel bad for my mom because my dad doesn’t like to try anything new. They don’t go anywhere or even dance at weddings. My mom is bitter, my dad just doesn’t change. It makes me afraid to get married because I don’t want that to be my life.
When I see you and Andrew, it gives me hope. You had a bad relationship that ended, but you didn’t give up and found a perfect guy for you and Brooke. That is really special and I am encouraged reading about you.


Wow, Ellie. I am so so sorry about what you’ve been through with your parents and I hope things get better. I was honestly terrified of getting married again after my first one… but then Andrew came along and made me super excited for it. Just find the right person for you and do what is best for you! Keep me updated on how you are doing girl!


That salad looks amazing! He’s a keeper.
We have a very small garden with just tomatoes and strawberries and a pumpkin that I hope will grow our Halloween pumpkins this year. I would have strawberries growing year round if I could.
Popcorn = salty with a few chocolate chips.
Today is “read the day away” day at our house! It’s on our summer bucket list and it’s supposed to thunderstorm all day. Perfect day for it.


I LOVE that idea… so much fun! I hope you are enjoying the reading day (I love reading when it rains outside:) Sounds like the perfect garden! Thanks Ali and enjoy the rest of your day!


I have a garden at my in-laws! It is pretty big and I love the produce. I’m counting down the days to when the cantaloupes/tomatoes are ready!

Tangent: Baby T has been moving around like CRAZY! I love love love feeling movement. So fun :)

Best part of my day today: my mom and sisters are coming over (!!) and we are all going to go visit me and my husband’s new apartment! (It has granit counter tops that I just want to stare at all.day.long.) ;)

Can’t handle how cute your family is!! I am so excited to see all the adventures that are ahead for you four.


We have a garden that is producing tomatoes (still green…hoping for some to turn red soon), zucchini, and yellow squash. I really wish we had an avocado tree…not possible in Indiana, but I would eat every single avocado off of that tree! My favorite popcorn is kettle corn–so sweet and salty and delicious. :)


Thanks for the sock tip. I just ordered eight pair — 4 for myself and 4 for my daughter!


OH YAY!! Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!


Congrats again!!!! I have been loving your posts lately!! So much excitement :)


Sweet video, Knox was clearly on a mission!

I have a fig tree and I love it. If the weather could handle it here I’d have citrus and avocado trees.

I prefer salty popcorn. A good post run mix – popcorn, mini chocolate chips (I prefer dark) and pistachios. (whole grain, protein, healthy fat and antioxidants and it tastes amazing).

It’s mission night for Team in Training. Stories from survivors, family members who lost someone, updates on new research, boot camp stations and a silent short run. After that we are going out for tacos and a belated birthday celebration (for me). :)


Your popcorn mix sounds so good. I will be trying that pronto!


Growing up I had two apricot trees in my yard… That will forever be the taste of childhood summer to me. Nowadays I’d like to have a dozen tomato plants.
Salty popcorn only! I don’t like sweet popcorn at all but am addicted to white cheddar popcorn (like Smartfood or popped at home with butter and white cheddar powder).
Best part of my day, so far, was 8 mi on the treadmill before anyone else woke up! Best part of my day, coming up, is lasagna for dinner.


I have been known to put peanut butter and nutella on my popcorn. Very messy to eat but I guess that is the best part!


Well that sounds absolutely amazing! I’m going to have to try that out Jessica!!!!


My parents had an apricot tree when i was little, i loved it so! We have a plum tree, is still small so we managed 4 plums this year, but that is an increase from 1 last year so I’m happy!

The best part of my day will be book club tonight!!! I love getting together with my friends and chatting the night away (occasionally about the book!)


You seriously find the cutest clothes. I love that they are modest, yet oh so striking and feminine! And your bathing suits….even though our lifestyle and activities do not take us into the water too much, I would still like to have more bathing suits. Will you please come be my personal shopper?!?!?! :)


Thank you Aimee! You are way too nice to me:) I will definitely be your personal shopper but that just means we go for a run together in the morning, to lunch and then shopping together:) Come on out to Utah!!!


Knox practically ran down the isle haha.

We have a big apricot tree too and at the moment way too many apricots than we know what to do with. We need some good recipes asap! We don’t eat enough of them plain and we are running out of people to give them to.


HAHA he really did… he had a mission to accomplish:) My sister keeps making apricot jam… or you could try fruit leather?!?


I would have an avocado tree! But I love the smell of citrus trees, so maybe a few of those too.

As far as tangents… My older boy wants to start running :) yay! Today would normally be a rest day for me, so I’m not too worried about getting the miles/speed in. I’m going to let him set the pace and distance as we go. But his idea of getting up early is like 9:00 (he’s 13), so it might be a bit hot out there.

Your kids :) are so cute, they definitely look like brother and sister!


That video is so cute! The best part of my day is a visit to the water park with my daughter. The weather is supposed to be beautiful!


Omg Knox speed walking down the aisle and Brooke hiding behind your wedding dress. Cute cute cute!


THANK YOU… I have to agree with you:) Hope your Tuesday is an awesome one so far!


The video of Knox and Brooke was just adorable. I can see Brooke’s shyness in walking down the aisle with you!!! And how fast Knox walked to his daddy. It’s too cute!

We don’t have any fruit trees (we should!!) but my coworkers have mango, papaya, banana trees, and they are usually good about sharing :)


Oh my goodness! What a cute video! Congrats on your beautiful family! :)

I like both sweet and salty popcorn but I must say white cheddar is one of my favorites!


After some time away from your blog, I found it again and am so happy I did! You look so happy and congratulations on everything!


Oh thanks Ashley!! Good to see you again:) Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!


Your suits are really cute!! I need to learn to buy them as soon as I see them in my size, as I found some cute ones a month or two ago and now went to buy them, but of course they are out of my size.

Trader Joe’s has this great cheddar and caramel popcorn mix!! I need more. And heck yes to the avocado tree! I put avocado on everything: toast, bagels, tacos, oatmeal, burritos, etc. :)


Andrew is quite the salad-maker….and that popcorn looks amazing! Love seeing all the fun pics of your cute little family :) Reading about how happy ya’ll are makes us happy too!


Right?!? He has perfected the salad!! Thank you Kenzie and I hope your day is an amazing one!


HA HA HA! I love the parents thing! That’s something that would happen to me if I were home in Orange County!!!! I’m not very jealous of the popcorn but I would steal that salad from you any day!!!! And we need more wedding deets!!!


So are you giving up on the sub-3 marathon time to run the marathon with Andrew instead? Or do you each have your own goal?

Also, I think you have piqued all your readers’ curiosity with the deception of the wedding date change! Understandable that life things come up, but weird that you didn’t mention it at all until the wedding was over. You have your right to privacy, of course, but it kinda felt like out-and-out lying.


Hey Taylor! Not giving up on that goal of mine but right now it isn’t my biggest priority:) We’ve got a lot on our plates right now and I’m just hanging on to marathon training right now! I’m sure the drive/time will come but I’ll do it when it is best for me and my family and not just to please social media. As far as the wedding date goes… not deceiving. Just wanting privacy for such an important thing. Once we changed the date I never once talked about the wedding being in August again. You can definitely think of it as lying if you would like but that wasn’t our intention! Just wanted to keep it small and personal once we changed the date.


Thanks for the reply and I didn’t mean to sound accusatory! I guess we’re all just used to going along for the ride with you, especially once the excitement of Andrew came into the picture, so it was almost jarring to be thrown off! But glad you got the personal, intimidate day you wanted and good luck with the training, regardless of what the goal may be! Just have fun!


Thanks so much for understanding!! That means a lot to us:) Hope you are having an amazing Wednesday!!!


So I’m confused. As a Mormon, aren’t you supposed to wear modest wedding dresses? But that doesn’t carry over to swim suit choices???


No need for confusion:) As a mormon we each make our own decisions and for me I decided that I would wear bikinis on my honeymoon but not post any pictures of me in one online and at home I always wear a one piece. It’s what felt right for me and so that is what I did! Hope you are having a great day Millie!


I LOVE POPCORN!!! (except cheese flavored popcorn = gross in my world) One of my favorite things to do is to smuggle Skittles into the movie theatre (cheaper than buying them there) and eating a few of those with a few pieces of popcorn. The salty popcorn and the sweet Skittles = perfection. And Kettle Corn fresh from the kettle at the state fair is a must have every year!


I like Bombas socks for every day but not for running or even much walking! I get blisters in them :(


I loved all of your cute outfits on your honeymoon! You looked and always look so beautiful. :) My favorite popcorn is definitely salty, but I love some caramel corn every now and then. Kettle corn is pretty good too. :)


Janae, I just wanted to pop in to say that you look absolutely breathtaking in your wedding dress. Ever since you met Andrew you are just beaming with happiness and it makes you look even more beautiful than usual. Congratulations on such a great find…I’m so happy for you.

The best part of my day today is the weather. It’s GLORIOUS in my part of New York today and it’s just completely making me happy.


You are just the sweetest! I love to see how you respond with such grace and elegance when faced with what could be interpreted as insulting comments/questions.


Thank you for sharing the video. That got me teary-eyed. ;) Congrats again and thank you for letting us into your life each and everyday.


My parents have over 70 fruit trees and a massive vegetable garden. Every time I go home I get to stock up on a mix of oranges, mandarins, grapefruit, persimmons, lemons, limes, plumbs, peaches, apples, feijoas (my favourite), passion fruit and grapes (depending on the season). It is amazing! I love all their fresh vegetables as well. I Just wish they lived closer! I am a salty popcorn girl these days. I love it with nutritional yeast! My Mum use to make it with caramel when I was growing up though and it was out of this world incredible. I haven’t had it for years but maybe next time I go home I will get her to make it for me!


Congrats on the wedding and honeymoon – you guys look SO happy! And the kiddos are just adorable:)

Also, thanks for occasionally posting the shopping links – I love the Moto leggings I bought!


Unrelated to this post, but I am visiting Utah for the first time this weekend from Los Angeles and am currently searching your archives for things to do! You always look like you’re having so much fun and I also want to try ALL THE FOOD from your posts :-). We (my husband and almost 1 year old baby girl) are flying into SLC and staying in Park City. Any quick tips of things we HAVE to do in four days??


This post is bringing tears to my eyes because you look so happy! Your blog gives me hope and I’m so grateful I found it years ago and that you keep posting the best tangents :)


Mmmm. I need more of that popcorn in my life. Really any popcorn will do. Lightly salted, Chicago mix, caramel corn, kettle Korn #allthepopcorn

I love our cherry tomatoes in our garden. Best salad topping.

Tangent…I have never had a fresh apricot. Only dried ones. I am just not realizing this and it is blowing my mind. Which brings me to tangent #2 I need a life.


Ahhh I love how Brooke keeps standing next to you and won’t sit down. Now THAT’S a girl after my heart, it’s about her too! <3

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