Our Honeymoon in Cancun!

HELLO EVERYONE!!!  I missed you guys!

THANK you for all of your sweet comments over the last 10ish days.  A few weeks ago some things came up in our life and we then decided we would move the wedding date up to July 8th—>  aka we planned a wedding in about 5 seconds;) Neither of us were very into planning a wedding and we just wanted to get married and to have our people there so we chose a venue that included pretty much everything.   The day was perfect and exactly how we wanted it.  I will do a full wedding post once we get our pics back!

I am SO happy you enjoyed the guest posts (and I’m very grateful my family/friends did them for me:)… that was my first time in a little less than 6 years of blogging that I ever took a break from blogging for more than a day.  I went from taking 70 pictures a day to about 5 a day and zero time near a computer… quite the change!

We stayed at the Beloved (an all-inclusive resort) for 6 nights and we only left the resort once (for whale shark swimming).  The resort was beyond incredible.  Andrew booked it through Expedia and it was about an hour drive from the Cancun airport.  I cannot recommend this hotel enough… it had everything you could possibly want, the food was excellent (although we were ready to get back to our food at home at the end:), the people that worked there were so beyond nice, a ton of pools, an amazing beach and absolutely everywhere you looked resembled a post card:)

As far as Andrew goes, I really have no idea where he came from but he has changed my life for the absolute best.  It is insane how perfect he is for us.  After many years of wondering what the heck was going on with life/complete loneliness/trillions (not an exaggeration) of tears… I met Andrew and he was beyond worth the 30 year wait.  I’m going to try real hard not to be cheesy when I talk about him but I really had no idea that a person could be so great until him.  Thank you for sticking with me/supporting/helping me through all the really hard times over the years… crazy how things happen and how it can all change so quickly.  Okay, I’m done now;)

We stayed up at the Grand America in SLC and then flew out Saturday to Cancun.  We had a layover in Atlanta and then we got to the resort that night and slept in until 10 Sunday (aka we pretty much slept in that late every day… something that doesn’t happen at home with our 3 year olds;)

I don’t remember the order of everything so I will just share all of the pics that I did take over the week in Mexico.

We rented a jet ski one day and I pretty much screamed (watch out for this in the video below) or laughed the entire time.  We need one of those asap because for some reason I find them beyond entertaining.


We tried everything they offered there and of course the desserts were my favorite.

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One night we stopped by the sushi bar and sat outside for hours talking and eating the good stuff.

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We came across many large iguanas.

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And ate some fabulous meals right by the water.  The Mexican meals were my favorite and this was from a buffet that we both loved.

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By far the most relaxing week of my entire life.

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They had 5 different restaurants to eat at and they all had pretty different menus.  We loved the food and FYI they had a ton of healthy meals to choose from (and a really nice salad bar at one of the grills) but we definitely had a ton of treats (and lbs of guacamole:) while we were there…

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One night we realized they had the best peanut butter and coconut ice cream and then we had it every day after that.

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Oh, and LOTS of mango the entire trip.

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The fruit here tasted approximately 20 times better than it does at home.  Dang it, these pictures are making me crave more of it.

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We were in swimsuits every day until about 6 when we would go out to eat dinner.

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Neither of us drink alcohol and so our waiters always made us random non-alcoholic drinks that we loved.

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Oh, and the crepe/waffle bar.  It was insane.

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For our last night there we went to our favorite restaurant.  While we were there the couple behind us (they were from Boston and so beyond nice… we ended up talking to them for awhile) told us they had to take a picture of the scene of our dinner…  A little staged looking but I absolutely love it.

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We spent a ton of time at the pools and the beach and just some good old relaxing.

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Thanks mom (and Andrew’s parents too!!!!) for watching the Brookers so we could go and do this.  We owe you big time!  PS I’m glad you loved my mom’s post, she’ll have to post more often right?!

PS they had an AMAZING gym (we ran twice) but I have no idea what the running would be like outside of the treadmill there because you couldn’t really run anywhere nearby outside.  For the 8.5 miles that we ran there over the 2 days I am currently clapping for all of you runners in the humidity—>  YOU ARE HARDCORE.  Running in a place with high humidity is no joke.  It hurts.

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Absolute favorite fruit?  Best place you have ever eaten fruit?  

Humid, dry or just right where you live?  How do you handle humidity?  What makes it easier for you?  

FILL ME IN on what has been going on in your world the last week?  I need details!!!

Do you take a break from running while on vacation?

-Not normally but it felt SOOOOO nice to take some time off and just hang out!  

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Watermelon on the boat going anywhere is soooooo good. I highly recommend it.

I live in Florida and the humidity is crazy but you get used to it somewhat. Wee run very early in the morning or very late in the day and I usually wet my hair first and also in the extreme heat of summer I put some ice cubes in my pockets. I swear by it. When it melts its the best feeling ever!


omg that mango looks to die for. I just had my first mango last year and it changed my life. so good. I think my favorite fruit is apples though. I can eat them all year round and never get bored.

what an epic honeymoon though. even with the humidity. I used to live in houston aka the humidity capitol of the world. somedays I swear my hair would grow three times it’s regular size haha.


That place looks absolutely amazing!! I would love to go there someday. :) I love fruits, especially pineapple, grapes, blackberries, strawberries and bananas. (I couldn’t pick only one.)

It’s pretty humid here in Texas. You kinda get used to it after a while and know that pretty much EVERY run during all of the summer months is going to be super humid.


Sounds like you had a fantastic honeymoon!
I am more relaxed on vacation about running. Usually I get a few 3-4 mile runs in but that’s it.


Awww what a great honeymoon!!! You both look so happy and relaxed!

Running in the humidity is no joke, I’m glad you took time off to just enjoy your honeymoon instead of pushing through the heat/humidity. During a cruise I once tried to run in Jamaica — that was HARD.

We have high humidity here in South Florida but the Caribbean is a totally different animal! Or maybe it’s the time, but trying to run through it on vacation made it extra hard haha! I try to run on vacations but I’m not strict about it. If I feel like sleeping in I’ll do it! Or if something sounds more exciting than a treadmill run I’ll do it! During our last week long vacation I ran three times but they were all super easy runs of about 60 minutes but with no regard for pace/distance!


Your honeymoon looked amazing!!! All of the food.. the mango looks to die for. I also really like those first two dresses you were wearing! My favorite fruit are peaches at the moment. It has been terribly humid ever since I moved to St. Louis which I should have expected. Going to Phoenix this week so the heat will still be real but at least it will be dry. And I tend to run less on vacation yes, but I try to still get a few runs in. Can’t wait to see the wedding post!!


We stayed at an all inclusive in Costa Rica last year which had really good fruit. And pico de gallo. And amazing doughnuts. Ugh, still dreaming about the doughnuts…

It’s been crazy humid here on the east coast this past week. Running outside has not been fun!


I want to go to Costa Rica so so bad! They had amazing doughnuts too… Okay, I am SOLD:) I hope this week is better on the east coast!


Chris took a break from competitive cycling when Hope was born. He said he is ready to go again and his training started. I started doing the workouts too. It has been so much fun for us. I miss running a bit, but I am going to stick with this while it has been a great joint adventure for us!


Best fruit: Mango in the Philippines! So happy for you all :)


I’m so glad you had a great time :) I went to Cancun earlier this year and the views are just incredible. And the fruit there- all the papaya, mango and berries. I scream/laugh non-stop while jet-skiing too!
Yeah the humidity is awful (I’m in FL). Need to come up/over to your area for some relief!


Congrats, Janae!! Would you mind sharing where your bathing suit top is from in the first photo?? I love it! Thanks!


HEY SARA!!! YES!!! I’m going to look up everything tonight and post all the links tomorrow! If you miss out on tomorrow’s post wanna email me and I can send you the links? Hope you are having an amazing day!!!


I hate humidity but humid summers is what we get in Ontario. Apparently we were worse than Florida the other day – yuck! We go to California every summer and even though the temperature is hotter than Ottawa – the lack of humidity makes it tolerable. I remember one summer getting off the plane in Chicago and feeling that wall of humidity. Not fun!

I usually take a break from running when I go to California. Mostly because the place we have to go to isn’t the best place for running by yourself – or at least that is how I feel. In the 3+ times I’ve been to this one town in the summer, I’ve never seen a single runner on the streets. Lots in the Disney area and other place, but none in this town. Luckily, we are staying in a better area and I hope to see some people running :-)


It’s so nice to see you happy again Janae! Hearing you talk about Andrew is so sweet, and I can completely relate because that’s the exact way I feel about Dan. I am thankful every day that we found each other, and I’m so happy that you and Andrew found each other too! My favorite fruit is mango, so I’m drooling over your pictures! Looks so good!


Oh man — it’s SO super humid here — I talked about this before, but it’s over 100 degrees, 95% humidity, and a dew point of 75 degrees. Even at 6am, it’s brutal!

I loved it when I went to Mexico (it was many years ago, but we stayed in Playa Del Carmen) — you are so right about the fruit (pineapple was my fav when I was there) and the iguanas!! Apparently they are equivalent of squirrels in Mexico — our resort staff warned us not to feed “el iguanos” or they’d follow us everywhere!! LOL!! ^_^

Did you hear howler monkeys in the mornings where you stayed?

My fam is planning a vacay starting this Wednesday! We’re doing a road trip and then visiting some historical sights (for they hubster — shopping for me!). I’ve already planned my running routes around where we’re staying — and I love using these opportunities to take in the sights and see all the nooks and crannies of a new town.


It’s so hard to go back to regular grocery store fruits after tasting real tasty juicy fruits haha I was marathon training last time we took a beach vacation so I went from running at -20F to running at 80F in 24 hours (Early march). Wow, that was brutal! But I took it easy for a week and had fun… Vacations are all about body and soul recovery, aren’t they? ;-)


So happy you had such a wonderful time! Absolutely loved all the pics and reading this recap. So excited for you and Andrew to start your married life together!!


It sounds like such an incredible adventure and I’m glad you guys had fun. That’s what the honeymoon is all about. Depending on my mood, I’ll either run or take a break…I’ve done both. Not too much going on during the last week for me…just making it through the heat.


I usually plan to exercise on vacation but I end up giving up structure and decide to be active instead. It’s hard isn’t it?! The best fruit I’ve had was in Australia. My grandparents owned a fruit farm while I was growing up and I can’t tell you how amazing it is to sit down at the table for breakfast and eat fresh peaches that were picked from the tree 10 minutes before. Ughh I need some good peaches!


Looks like you guys had such a blast!! My favorite fruit is either peaches, bananas, or mangoes. I think the best place I have ever tasted fruit was straight from a farmers market in Florida! It was amazing:)

In Maryland this time of year, we definitely get some humidity, but it’s just a matter of what time of day you run.

I haven’t been on vacation since I found my love of running this past January, but on Wednesday I’m heading out to a tropical location, so we’ll see how it goes!!

Hope you all are doing well!!


Looks amazing!!!!

Also, can you tell us about your fun outfits! I’m especially loving the white coverup over the blue bathing suit — tell us more!!


Good idea Emma!! I will include all the links in the next post:) Hope you are having a beautiful day!


Those pictures are making me miss our honeymoon in the Bahamas – it was swimsuits every day, dinner and piano bar every night! lol Good times :)

I try and run on vacation and am about 80% successful at it. Glad you enjoyed your honeymoon!


This looks wonderful! I am going to have to check it out for a possible trip in the near future. My favorite trip ever will probably always be our honeymoon. We went to an all inclusive resort in Riviera Maya and there are not enough amazing things I can say about it! There is just something about a honeymoon! I’m not sure vacation is ever so fun and care free!


Aww, my heart is just bursting for you guys! It’s crazy when you find the right person, isn’t it? But sometimes you just have to wait until your lives are ready to coincide. I’m so happy for you!
I moved from San Diego to Charleston, SC three years ago for my husband’s job (we’re moving again soon and I couldn’t be more thrilled) and was shocked by how horrible the humidity is. I still remember our very first run outside when we were here house hunting. We ran about three miles–it was literally ALL I could do–and I was dizzy, exhausted and almost threw up. It took a while to get “used to it” (you don’t), but I’ve adjusted enough for long runs during the fall/winter/spring months. I still can hardly run outside during the summer. I did a 10k over the weekend and, while I am pregnant, I felt like I was completely melting after about five minutes of running at 8am. It’s not fun.


Congrats on the wedding! This post reminds me of my honeymoon in Mexico – My 1 year anniversary is next month!

I almost am (Ok, I am) tearing up typing this because I think you are one of the lucky people that truly found their better half. That is how I feel about my husband. He is my everything and I love his so much… He makes me a better person!

Ok enough with the sappiness! Mexico is the BEST!


We have been recovering and now tapering for our next race. I have also been CLUMSY, which you can see pics of on my post today.

I am a simple girl who loves apples (all but the super green kind).

We typically go on RUN-cations, so we run a race and then vacation afterwards.

Congrats and I enjoyed the great recap and pictures…now I really want to go to a beach and eat and sleep for a while:)


Your honeymoon looked magical and oh so relaxing!!! Your peanut butter ice cream reminded me of my favorite peanut butter ice cream I had in Puerto Rico! I’d go back just for that, haha.

Favorite fruit is cherries, I’m so happy they are in season right now!

So humid in Boston this past week – I do my runs early morning, before 7am (even then it was 71 degrees!) and I just listen to my body, I don’ t focus on pace, just getting in the miles. I think running in the humidity will make me that much stronger come Fall!

I run on vacation – I have to, else I’ll feel like a blob! hahaha


My husband and I honeymooned at the Excellence, right next door to the Beloved! We are dying to go back but heard that Beloved is kid friendly, so we are hoping to bring our kiddos there someday. Glad to hear it’s as great as it looks! So happy for you that you found someone so wonderful! You two seem perfect together!


AHHH yes we saw the Excellence and it looked amazing!!!! Okay, so this might just be a rumor but they told us the Beloved won’t be kid friendly anymore starting this fall! We wanted to take the kids too… we were super bummed. Thank you Emily and let me know if you make it back and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Your pictures of fruit make me want all the fruit! I think watermelon is probably my favorite when it is really juicy and in season, but I pretty much love all fruit. I live in the Midwest, so we definitely get some humidity, but luckily get breaks from it unlike those people in the South. I’m not sure how they do it! :-| I try to always run at least a little bit while on vacation–it is usually a nice way to explore the area. However, if I went to an all exclusive resort, I might give up on running while I was there and just enjoy it! Congratulations again to you and Andrew! :)


My favorite fruit is probably cherries (or maybe blueberries), but I love all fruit. Hawaii had the best mango and papaya – so juicy and flavorful. Apple picking in NY is pretty spectacular too. I think anywhere your fruit is allowed to fully ripen on the tree, like nature intended, is pretty delicious.

It’s hot and humid. I go a bit slower, try to find some shade and freeze my water bottles (top them off with cold water right before the run) to ease the temps. I also put cold water on my neck and wrists to keep my core temp cool. Sometimes humidity is higher in the morning, so I’ll do a treadmill run or wait for evening.

I usually run or workout on vacation.


Oh I love this!! You guys look so happy :)

I agree humidity is the worst!! I lived in Houston my senior year of high school and running outside was really difficult. My dad did it all the time though and said you get used to it. I don’t believe him haha

Ok, I’m texting you this week to set up a lunch date!! Xoxo


Ah, what a beautiful trip! Such a perfect way to start your lives together!
And Yay mangoes <3


in Colombia they slice up Mangos when they’re still green and serve them with salt = SO good!

It’s 94% humidity where I am! It’s insane, I didn’t even know that was possible! I’m always low-key sweating, usually full-on sweating. I bring a towel with me when I run to wipe the monsoon of water off with and try to drink powerade when I’ve been outside or working out. There’s really no good tricks to getting around weather like this, you just gotta do what you can.

I think it always depends on where, how long, and with who I’m traveling with if I still workout or not. If I’m staying in a hotel with a gym, I almost always try to take advantage of it and workout! Since usually I stay in hostels or airbnbs so that’s not always on the table; hotels are “fancy” for me when I travel ;)


I love the pictures! They are taking me back to our honeymoon last year. I completely agree with you about the fruit. We went to St. Lucia and we ordered fruit plates with every meal (and many other times to snack on!)!


So happy for you and your joy!

I’m dreaming of fall because the humidity is so high here. (NJ) but I love summer running because once you suffer through it race season is a breeze.

We went to Hawaii and it was magical. I can’t wait to go back. I had onion rings and they were so sweet and it was a blend of apples and onions


OMG coconut peanut butter ice cream? That sounds like something I have to try making!


It looks like you guys had a blast!!

I think my absolute favorite fruit (I have several) is a good fresh pineapple! I usually don’t take a break from running unless it’s unsafe where I am or they don’t have a treadmill or the airport loses my luggage with my running shoes…


I live just south of Chicago and most days our humidity is 100%!! Couldn’t believe how much better it felt when I was running in Utah during our vacation this summer. I actually haven’t been able to run outside the last 7 weeks because the humidity & heat combo is so bad I either pass out or throw up (30 weeks pregnant with #6) so I’ve run 250 miles on the treadmill instead. Boo!! Can’t wait for fall!


Eating tons of pounds of guacamole in Mexico is doing Mexico right! So happy for you girl!


Your honeymoon looks amazing!! I love the pictures and am so happy for you both!

The humidity is crazy here! I have to sneak out and run in the early mornings in order to beat the heat/humidity. Although, this week I’ve barely run at all… (I sprained my ankle while falling down a stair.) At 34 weeks pregnant, it is a real bummer to be laid up! I seriously can’t wait to get back to my normal running routine! Until then, you’ll find me cross trianing and dreaming about running.


You SO deserve some time off to have couple time on!
Sorry if you already mentioned can I ask which resort this was? I like to travel and you sold me;)


Looks like you guy had a blast!! And good for you for taking a running break on vacation. I’m guilty of always sneaking in runs on vacation but I’d like to eventually take a trip where I don’t think about running. Maybe someday when I go on my honeymoon :)

This week in Chicago has been hot and humid! No fun running in that kinda weather but you just push through it and keep thinking about that ice cold chocolate milk waiting for you in your fridge!


Oh wait I reread Beloved I thought you said it was beloved lol sorry sleep deprived here…ignore above post


NO worries Christina! THANK YOU and if you go please let me know and I want to hear what you think about it. Hope you are having an awesome day!


That sounds like a heavenly vacation! It makes me want to go back to the Bahamas. I’m sure that’s why when you retire you go on vacation after vacation. As soon as you get home you want to go back. Kind of like how when you get done with a race you want to run another one immediately


that sounds so wonderful! I am so happy for you guys.
i bumped into your blog, when Brooke still was a Baby, and I have been reading it since then, thanks for sharing so much of your life, I have been hoping with you and now are happy, that’s so good to see!
Yes, those guest pst were great!


I think a good ripe peach is my favorite. But I love blueberries too.

It’s 93 and humid today here in NYC. I hate it!

I usually run less on vacation but always manage to run. In Jamaica last year I did the same and mostly ran indoors on the dreadmill because it was so hot and humid.


Welcome back! I’m so glad you had an awesome time on your honeymoon! You can talk about Andrew any time you want! ;) I come here for your life updates mainly and love how happy and upbeat you are so any topic that makes you happy is great in my book! ;)


Thank you Marie… your comment made me so happy! Lots more lovey dovey talk about Andrew coming up ha. Hope you are having an amazing day and thank you so much for reading!


Congrats to you all, Janae!! You look so happy and whole! Mexico is gorgeoussssss. We went there for our honeymoon but in Cabo San Lucas. Hoping to get back there, same hotel, everything for our 10 years ! We have 4 more years. , ha!

Absolute favorite fruit? Best place you have ever eaten fruit? Apples! I don’t think a day goes by without me eating an apple, and sometimes with peanut or almond butter. Mexico had the best fruit!! Fresh mango and pineapple….oh man.( your pic!!) I have too many favs actually.

Humid, dry or just right where you live? How do you handle humidity? What makes it easier for you? HUMID! I’m in New Jersey and it’s been quite brutal here. I have to do my runs around 5am and even then lately, it’s up to 75-80.

Do you take a break from running while on vacation? I think since running for over a year now, I’d like to try and stick with some runs on vacation or just do some weights at the hotel gym. I’m the one that rarely ever worked out and enjoyed my trips, which is still good, but these days i’d like to try and keep it up as much as possible.


Ahh! The white swimsuit pullover thing (the one you are wearing in the pic with the incredible crepes :) ) — where is it from!?! I’m leaving for my honeymoon on Friday and have been searching high and low for one just like that!


HEY KAITLYN!! I’m going to post all of the links to what I was wearing in tomorrows post. Email me if you need it sooner! AHHHHH have the best time ever on your honeymoon! STOKED for you!


Oh goodness, your honeymoon sounds amazing. It makes me want to book a week at the Beloved. (I’ve been married 10 years and believe it or not, we never had a honeymoon… *sadtrombone*).

I definitely take a break from running on vacation… it’s the only time where you can do that ‘guilt-free’ – hehe.


It’s all what you’re used to…. I run in humidity (which stinks), but “tried” running in CO when on vacation and the altitude killed me!

I couldn’t be happier for you! I absolutely loved your mom and sister’s posts, but am glad you’re back!!

PS- I finally tried a “dirty diet coke” over the weekend and you were right! SO good! :-)


It’s so true… our bodies are used to what we normally run in and anytime we try to change it… BOOM (it hurts ha). Thank you so much Blake and I’m SO happy you loved the dirty diet coke! Delicious:)


That looks beautiful!!!!!

Watermelon!! I hate humidity! Haven’t had it since high school but I am not willing to move where there is humidity! Baby is getting his molars do we have both been just surviving the past week!


I am so happy for you and Andrew!


Thanks Marissa:)


Wow you guys look like you had an awesome time! Isn’t it fun to just do nothing with your best friend?! :-) Humidity in Upstate NY is no joke. This morning the air was thick and it was already 75 at 5:30am! I have really been struggling the last few weeks and it has honestly discouraged me from running. My coach (who is an animal) promises me my performance is weather related and we all struggle. He said it can take years… yes, I said years, for you to figure out what works best for you. I am finding early mornings, lots of fluids (I live in the bathroom) and cross-training with swimming is my fix. I have already shaved 30 seconds off my slow summer miles!


I live in MN – aka HUMIDITY! Oh I strongly dislike it! On days like today, I will do an indoor work-out, and today I’m hitting up the treadmill at the YMCA! I always TRY to work out/run on vacation, but this time, when we traveled with the kids, I did not get a chance to. I even brought weights with me! But – I think walking around Mount Rushmore and Rapid City with a 22 lb baby attached to me in 80+ degree weather was enough work out for me! At least that is what the sweat told me!

Updates?!? Well – I decided I needed to comment more because I read your blog every day, so I am working on being better on that! (I also just sent you a little email!).

So glad you are back and YAY for your and Andrew! Makes me smile!


Thank you for allowing us to live vicariously through you! Looks like it was blissful!
I realize as I’m reading this I’m smiling from hear to ear because I am just so happy for you guys!!! So please be as sappy as you want…because it is so amazing to have found such peace, happiness, and love after such darkness!

I love love love mango, papaya, and pineapple.
The best fruit I ever tasted was in Israel and Italy. So fresh. But I will also never forget the fresh oranges and grapefruits that we ate right off the trees in Arizona. All warm and juicy from the summer sun…

It is humid here in NJ….but at a certain point, you just get used to sweating all over yourself.

I always run on vacay. Which is also why I always have the most luggage!!!

Welcome back! And thanks for keeping us with good reads in your absence. Your guest posts were entertaining, endearing and enjoyable!


It sounds like you guys had an amazing time! So happy for you!!
I love pineapple. It’s the best:) When my husband and I went on our honeymoon we took the Disney cruise to the Bahamas and ate pineapple on Disney’s private island. That was the best pineapple I have ever had!! (Again I will recommend the Disney cruise…..great for kids, too!)
It is very humid here in Tennessee………….you never really get used to it, you just learn to live with it!


Congrats!!!!! Looks like an amazing time. Please include the gold necklace in your details post. Thanks!!! It’s super cute!!!


Good call!! I totally will! THANKS SARA!!!


Ahh all this food looks delicious! I would be in heaven with all the fresh fruit:) And the humidity is probably my least favorite weather condition. I despise it, haha. I’m so happy you guys had a great trip!


Congrats – looks like you had a great vacation – so happy for you!!

When I’m on vacation, I usually never run. There are too many other things I want to do!

It is crazy humid in the summer where I live and since I have never known anything different it seems normal to me to run in it lol! But let’s not confuse that with me LIKING the humidity. I would LOOOOOOVE to live somewhere where it was dry heat!!!


It looks like you had an amazing honeymoon…congrats!

I love every single fruit out there, but right now I pick watermelon. For me, there’s just so much nostalgia attached to eating it during the long summer days.

It’s pretty humid here in WI right now. The only thing I like about it is that I feel hard core with all the extra sweat running down my body (at least that’s what I tell myself!). I generally avoid running outside when it’s super humid, and just stick to the treadmill.

I don’t usually run on a schedule during vacation, just when I feel like it. After a particularly indulgent day food-wise, it’s nice to get a decent sweaty run in – it’s like hitting the reset button for me.


Can you tell me where you bought that white coverup with the wider shoulders? I need . . .


HEY ROBIN!!! Tonight I’m going to put all of the links to what I wore on the trip on my post for the morning. They will all be up tomorrow but if you miss them then will you email me and I can send them to you?


Your whole trip looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And very relaxing! I am so jealous! I don’t think I am ready for a relationship at all after all of my bad experiences but I would love,Love, LOVE a travel buddy more than anything! And you don’t make the romantic travel buddy thing look too bad either! Even if I am not ready! I will admit it- the honeymoon thing is a little enticing! lol

Okay so, about a year ago my whole face broke out in these sores and I rushed to the doctor. They told me I must have cold sores and I got really upset (to get to 32 and never having cold sores I was a little sensitive about it and where on earth did I get it?! Sharing glasses??) so they did a blood test. NOPE! Apparently I am SUPER allergic to mangoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had had this really bad reaction to poison ivy when I was shooting a wedding on the east coast a few months prior and apparently it made me really sensitive and tomatoes (night shade) and mangoes are all kind of related! So my whole face blew up! It was awful!

When I lived in Oregon though, I used to go out an pick berries when I was walking my beagle along this old logging trail. I’d fill up bags and bags with them. It was wonderful! Oh and wild cherries too. That was my favorite. I miss alot of things about Oregon!


Super humid where we are… :( i hate it but i’m hoping it helps for fall training. Once in a while I take a break and get on the treadmill because the humidity makes the easy runs not easy. Your pictures are beautiful! so happy for you two!


It’s so great to hear about your honeymoon and how perfect Andrew is for you! I’m glad you got away from the computer for a while and were able to spend some serious time devoted to only eachother. How a honeymoon should be!
That’s great that you loved the food!! My husband and I tried an all-inclusive resort in Aruba and we swear we will never do that again because we really didn’t care for the food or drinks. Maybe they’re not all that bad?
I live in NC where the summers are beyond humid. I run super early in the mornings and drink extra water or else I have gotten GI distress! I also keep my eyes on the prize: fall!! The best time of year for running! It will all be worth it.


I tend to find that I take a break when I’m on vacation because days are so packed with stuff to do that I am always exhausted. Sounds like a wonderful trip!


Janae, I don’t comment often but I feel like I have been here with you with so many moments of your life over the past few years. You’re honeymoon post made me teary eyed (it could be my pregnancy hormones lol) but I am so HAPPY you and Andrew have found each other. Truly meant to be and I can’t wait to follow along with your new family! Sending y’all so much love!!! :)


Sam, your comment made me so so happy! Thank you so much… I can feel the love from you big time:) Thanks for reading and seriously I loved your comment. CONGRATS on your pregnancy… I hope you are feeling great and sleeping well:)


My mom and I went to The Beloved to celebrate her 60th birthday last year! That resort was incredible – I definitely want to go back someday! Congrats to you both!


NO WAY!?!?! Okay, that makes me so happy! Wasn’t it amazing? I want to go back tomorrow ha. So fun and now I might have to copy you and go with my mom for her next big bday! Hope you are having an awesome Monday!


It was such a fun mother/daughter trip! They even upgraded us to one of the beachfront casitas because they didn’t have a room with two beds like I had requested! My mom and I were fine sharing a bed to get our own pool, though! The service was top notch, the food was incredible, and it was just such a super relaxing place! I am getting married in about a year and you are now making me consider a honeymoon at The Beloved :). Have a great day!


Oh that is seriously so so cool.. we wanted one of the places with a pool!! That is so cool Kami:) Yep, you gotta go back (congrats on getting married)!!!


Congratulations Janae and Andrew! It is so nice to hear such a joyful story.
Any time someone is offering fruit all cut up on a platter is my favorite. Especially pineapple.
Chicago has been pretty humid lately, BUT last week i was in Salt Lake City for a work trip and I got to enjoy running in the mornings. I think there was a cold snap or something. Last Tuesday it was around 55 degrees or so when I started my early morning run – it was glorious!
I do try to work out (run or otherwise) when I am on vacation but I don’t beat myself up if it doesn’t happen as often as I would like. No stress on vacation is my rule.
Welcome back!


I don’t think I can choose a favorite fruit! It all depends on what is in season and sweetest during the year. We always have some type of good fruit going here in Florida. Melons, strawberries, oranges….they’re all my favorite in rotating times!

We are humid pretty much all year. It’s terrible to run in! But I also don’t really know any different because I’ve always lived here. Sometimes in the morning the air is so thick you feel like you can even breathe it in!


My husband and I got married the same day. Congrats!


No way!!?!?!? That is seriously so awesome! Congrats to you guys:)


Your pictures look so pretty! My fiance and I have been considering Cancun for our honeymoon next year! I live in Arizona, so we have very high and dry temps out here. The heat can get to you running, so I try to run mostly on the treadmill when it reaches triple digit temps. I got back from a vacation almost two weeks ago, and still l have not been able to get back in the swing of things. :(


Jet skiing in the ocean is SO fun! My husband convinced me to do it once when we were on vacation and now we always try to make an effort to do it again if we are near the ocean! I love when you can see dolphins and whales alongside of you too! Glad you had a great time!


awww i’m glad you guys had such a blast!! sounds like paradise :) and i LOVE all your beachy outfits Janae they’re so frickin cute!!


I loved fresh pineapple and coconut milk they served us in the Dominican Republic. Still craving this 2 years later.

I completed my first 5K since my heart attack in February. I even nabbed 3rd in my age group (there were only 3 in my age group. Sigh!) Slowly getting stronger.


Your honeymoon resort looks amazing! When we went on our honeymoon we went to sandals Ochos rios Jamaica and all of the fruit was insanely good! We moved to San Jose last year so you know how that goes… I’m originally from oc so I really miss that super warm summer sun! There is not one person who won’t smile on a jet ski! Hope you enjoyed a well deserved break!!!


What a fun honeymoon!! The food all sounds and looks so good!!!


Wow, your honeymoon sounds/looked perfect! …. that mango looks perfect too! I actually looked for mango tonight because your blog made me crave it!

My absolute favourite fruit is mango + peaches. The best place I have ever had them were in the Dominican!


Mangos all the way!!!! I love running on any vacation we go on. Cold, hot, humid everything except rain. Love all the pictures. You 2 look so in love. Congratulations. :)


aaah picking a favorite fruit is too hard! cherries, watermelon, pineapple, all berries, kiwi…too many, all so good!
i am so very happy for you two and so, so glad you enjoyed every minute of your wedding and honeymoon. much deserved! and excited for a new man addition to the blog from here on out :)


I think I have heard, at least 1 billion times in our marriage, that fruit in Mexico tastes so much better than it does here. But I didn’t believe it until your post ;) I kid, but really, that mango looks amazing.

This whole post just had me smiling. I am so glad you had a week alone together and it was super chill and fun. It is just what you guys needed. Be sappy all you want. But first…

GIVE ME THAT PEANUT BUTTER AND COCONUT ICE CREAM!!! Ya. I am going to have to recreate that.


Looks like you had an amazing time! Congrats again on your marriage! You look so happy and cute together!


Sounds like perfection! So glad you had a great time!


Looks like your honeymoon was so fun!! I worked out on my honeymoon a couple times too… it was nice to sweat before relaxing all day. Love all your outfits!


Best place i have had fruit-fresh pineapple in costa rica. flipping amazing.


Everything sounded fabulous and the pictures were so fun! Can’t wait to read the wedding recap and see those pictures!

It’s usually really humid here in the DC area. Ugh!

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