Happy 4th of July and my HIGHEST weekly mileage ever!?!?

I left Eugene at 8 am yesterday and decided that a run was pretty much necessary before leaving.  The track where the USA Olympic Track and Field Trials were held was in the area right about where my hand is.  I loved how close we were to everything!

When I left the house at about 5:50 in the morning it was perfectly light outside.  PS whenever I run somewhere new I always take a picture of the street signs just in case I need to enter the address into my phone to get home:)  PPS I only run on Sundays if I am somewhere ‘new to me’ without Brooke because it means I get some time outside on the roads.

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10 miles total and when I got back to the house somebody asked me how many miles I ran last week… ummm (I did the math in my head real quick because I hadn’t thought about it yet) 67.5… MY HIGHEST weekly mileage ever.  In my entire life.  I had no idea that I did that many miles last week but somehow it happened.  I didn’t do any speed work but still… that is a lot of running for me so I’ll cut way back this week!

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And then it was time to leave…  2 more pics of the whole group first!

MeghannAnneDorothy, Me, EmilyTinaLoraKristen and Jessica!

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Amazing girls.  I miss them already.  This was my 5th yearly trip with Brooks and I see about 59 more in the future.

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I boarded the plane and fell asleep sitting straight up in my seat for the entire flight.  Andrew and Brooke picked me up and then we made our way back into town.

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First, a donut though.

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Brooke and Berretta are the best of friends.

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Andrew made us dinner.

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Oh and a bunch of people were wondering about Brooke’s braid on Saturday…. Megan D did it.  Andrew and Megan’s husband go mountain biking together and so Brooke was over there that morning for an hour and Megan did the amazing braid (she is good at everything).  Maybe she can teach Andrew how to braid like that but she is going to have to teach me too;)

She is pretending she is a dog!

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And her gorgeous nails from her date with Andrew.

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Happy to be home with everybody.

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Andrew sent this to me yesterday morning.  Brooke doesn’t eat the cookie/donut/anything… just the frosting and sprinkles.

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And the last thing I did last night—>  I added my new Desi shoelaces!

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I hope you have an awesome day! We have a parade, some swimming, a bbq and lots of fireworks.  It should be a good one and I hope yours is too!


PS don’t forget to check out the amazing sales today——>  GAP (40% off everything.. code= JULY 4), Old Navy (everything on sale here up to 60%… they have the best Active Wear), H&M (up to 70% off), Forever 21 (up to 70% off too) and JCrew (up to 50% off)!!!!

Also, you need to make something like this today for the 4th (Very Berry Vanilla Cake Trifle ((with raspberries, strawberries and blueberries)).


What are your 4th of July plans?

When was your HIGHEST ever weekly mileage?  How’d you feel the next week?

Best thing you are going to eat today?

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Wow! Niiiice. That’s a lot of miles! I think my highest is somewhere in the 50s.

I don’t have too much going on, and I’m really hoping it stops raining today. :/ But I am definitely going to eat some froyo from my favorite place later, and a cheeseburger would be nice, too!


Great minds think alike! Cheeseburgers… YAY!!! *\(^-^)/*


Celebrated during the weekend. Gloomy weather over here in NC. Going to just spend the day with the hubster indoors.


Happy Fourth of July!

My plans for today include (1) relaxing with family, (2) grilling burgers and eating them, and (3) watching fireworks while swatting away bugs! [Do they swarm you too? I read somewhere it’s because I eat to many bananas, but I’m every mosquito’s favorite snack! ^_^ — worth it, bananas are delicious]

My highest mileage so far in a single week was 16 miles (in training for my first ever half marathon last September). But, I’m training now for my first every full marathon, so I’m looking forward to crushing that record! (And of course, sinking my teething into today’s hamburger!! :D)



I made red white and blue flag pancakes for breakfast!
I ran about 70 miles one week because i did 5 half marathons in 5 days in 5 states. It was something I’ll probably never get the chance to do again.


Wow thats crazy high mileage!! I think my highest has only ever been in the 30’s and then I got shin splints! (of course)

Also, how did you become involved with Brooks running?


That’s a fantastic amount of miles!! Way to go! I think my highest weekly mileage has been somewhere around the 50s? I don’t remember exactly though… I’d have to go back and look in my running journal. (Yes, I have one of those…) ;)

Best thing that I’m going to eat today? I don’t know what my in laws are cooking for dinner, but my smoothie this morning tasted like ice cream. I think I’ll call that a win.

Plans: lower body/core workout, cleaning the house, church family get together, in laws house for dinner, and watching fireworks with my family.


I think my highest was like 97 ish but that was in high school.

Provo on the 4th is the best!


What’s up with the shoelaces?


Happy 4th of July! We went to the parade this morning near my old neighborhood and even though I don’t live close by anymore, I still had to go! It’s a lot of fun and lots of Tootsie Rolls. Have a great day with your family!


I ran a race this morning and later we are headed to the mets game. Have a great holiday!


I love that picture of all you girls jumping! So fun!


Today we are going for a hike. Hoping to try a new to us trail! Then back home to make food to go to a party at my parents’ house. There will be swimming, music blasting, and all the yummy BBQ foods!

The best thing I will eat today will be homemade ice cream! And homemade guacamole, but not together. =)


Happy fourth! We have an unlucky streak with the fourth and this year was no exception so after our annual trip to the ER at 3am, I’m taking it easy for the rest of the day.


Happy 4th!

No plans for today and that makes me happy! I ran 6.5 this morning, went to the grocery store with the family, and will probably play a game of Clue (I always win!) and watch a movie, because it is cool and rainy.

We are having burgers for dinner and root beer floats for dessert! I drink soda maybe once a year, so I’m pretty excited about my float!

My highest mileage week was 71. That was three years ago when I averaged 50 mile weeks and ended up really injured. :( Now I stick to 30ish mile weeks and my body is much happier.

Have a great day!


wow what a fun weekend!!

LOVE those patriotic shoes!!


My daughter only eats the frosting as well! I read your blog back when you were pregnant and first moved to California. I have since then moved and had a daughter of my own!


Why not string together a few weeks of 70 mile weeks and go for a marathon PR? You’re capable, just not training properly.


Thank you for your advice.


Ha, I do that too (take pictures of street signs, in case I get lost ;)). What a fun weekend trip!

Happy 4th of July, we’re laying low today.


My right IT band starts hating me after 50 miles a week (haha) but it’s great that you can handle so many miles! I’ve learned to accept it over the years and cross-training has helped me a lot. I’m Canadian so we celebrated our national Holiday on Friday around the pool with the family and a lot of food (BBQ and a gigantic amount of watermelon!). Wishing you all a happy 4th of July!


The best part about high mileage weeks – when you don’t even realize they happened! Haha. The Brooks trip to Oregon sounds fantastic! And what a beautiful place to go for it.


That is a lot of miles….and you’re just all easy breezy about it. NBD. My highest mileage was 32. Which, I realize pales in comparison to most, but it was a lot for me. Frick. I would love to run 10 miles a week at this point.

I wish people could see Brooke impersonate a dog in real life. It isn’t even an impersonation. She IS a dog.

I’m still laughing over the great braid debate. I’m gonna start trademarking my braids. Maybe I will use a specific elastic with my name on it #GiveCreditWhereCreditIsDue #You know


Janae, please say mere mortals like me can get those ridiculously cool laces?!?


I just devoured a blueberry scone. I’m guessing that’s the best thing I’ll eat today. The runger was real!


Congrats on the miles!

I just devoured a blueberry scone. I’m guessing that’s the best thing I’ll eat today. The runger was real!


That is a lot of miles.. you go girl!!!!


I just want you to know that I have been lusting after those Launch 3s, but couldn’t rationalize buying them because I already have a back up pair ready to go. I ran a race on the 4th and a friend of mine had them on… between your posts and her pretty feet, I took the plunge and bought them anyway. Now I have TWO back up pairs ready to go! ;) Needless to say, I’ll be wearing the stars first. ;)
Also – my IUD made me feel funny for the first two months… BUT, after that my body kind of stabilized and things have been all good since. Give it 2 months, but if it doesn’t get better, look into something else. Our bodies are too precious to mess with!


Just realized that I posted this under the wrong day. Whoops. :P

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