This might be a problem, the lake with the peeps and training last week!

So we found a minor problem….

We both have the exact top 4 favorite cereals (thank goodness his 5th is Captain Crunch… but other than that our favorites are the same).  But don’t worry, we’ve already discussed how we will handle this so that we don’t fight over our cereal and we will just be buying two large Costco boxes at a time of our favorites so that we always have enough.  Glad we got that figured out.

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Our Sunday started off with church together.

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After church we stopped by Andrew’s brother’s house for a little while and Brooke was pretty stoked to meet his horses.

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Just your average chocolate milk mustache.

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Once it started cooling off we took everyone out for a walk because fresh air is good for human’s and dog’s souls.

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We left once all of the mosquitos came out.

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I’m pretty happy that we are never leaving this place.

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And for dinner Andrew made us zoodles (and squash noodles) and corn.

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And then we kept things extra classy for dessert:

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I am sure ready for a great week of running… I hope you are too!!!


Here is how the running looked last week!  I have a 1/2 marathon on Saturday so I will probably get in an 8 and 9 miler at the start of the week with a few strides and take Thursday easy and Friday off.

Monday: 7 miles @ 8:19 pace in sunny St. George

Tuesday:  9 miles @ 7:56 pace

Wednesday:  5 miles @ 8:00

Thursday:  1 mile w/u, 9 miles @ 6:38 average pace), 1/2 mile c/d.  That was a rough one.

Friday:  8 miles @ 8:20 pace

Saturday: 9 miles @ 8:20 average pace

Sunday:  Off

48.5 miles for the week which felt nice to cut back a tiny bit after 56.5 miles the week before.  ——> random but this is about where my mileage is at during marathon training too… I just usually take an extra rest day each week (or one day with a really short run) and my long run is longer during marathon training.  It is my favorite mileage range mentally and physically so I do it for both the 1/2 and marathon.


What is your mileage around usually during 1/2 marathon training?  Marathon training?  

Top 4 favorite cereals:

-Life, Raisin Bran, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Frosted Mini Wheats.

What was the best part of your weekend?

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Ha that’s too funny about the cereal! My husband and I aren’t big cereal eaters so I guess that solves that problem right?

It sounds like you had a great week of training Janae and I enjoy this week too!


Love Crunch chocolate macaroon granola mixed into any cereal! But my favorite “regular” cereal is: Life, Rice Chex, Raisin Bran, Frosted Mini Wheats, and Honey Bunches of Oats (but they get soggy too quick). Sadly I have a fructose and sorbitol intolerance so I really throw caution by the wayside with those cereals. So now, my top tolerant cereals are Rice Chex, Rice Krispies, Corn flakes, and random mixes of things to give me a bowl of crunchy, flaky, deliciousness.

Best part of the weekend was hanging out with my daughter and her friends at the Relay For Life then coming home and watching a movie and her falling asleep with her head on my lap (she’s 16 so moms of teens know this is a sweet moment!)

I love running between 42-48 miles/week. I had to take almost 2 weeks off for a respiratory infection and it’s slow getting back. Glad I topped at 51 miles the week before ;)


ps-I just want to say that your postings are so sweet and happy filled! You sound very content and I am happy for you!!!!


Love Crunch chocolate macaroon granola—> I MUST HAVE THIS ASAP!! That sounds absolutely amazing! Oh I sure hope Brooke will do that too when she is 16! I am so glad that you are coming back from your respiratory infection… that sounds awful! Thanks so much Kelly, we are sure excited!!!


The Love Crunch is so good on vanilla ice cream……seriously delicious.


The best part of my weekend was running an 82 mile trail relay race through Missouri. I’ve neve done a relay or trail race before but I loved it. And I learned that while trails through the woods are beautiful, they’re definitely something to specifically train for next year. So hilly. I’m still sore everywhere two days later!


Adam doesn’t like cereal so he doesn’t touch my Honey Nut Cheerios. If he did we would have a problem! :)

What a great week of training! This training cycle I’ll be in the 40-45mpw range for the most part which is more than I’ve ever sustained before. Usually I hang in the 30-35 mpw range but I have goals that need to be met so it’s time to push out of my comfort zone! I know that’s still low mileage for a marathon but I’m working my way up :).


I am usually in the upper 30s to mid 40s for training. I can get by on fairly low mileage for marathon training.

I love Lucky Charms, Capt’n Crunch, Multigrain Squares, and vanilla flax granola.

I had a rough weekend, so the best part about it was it being over! Is it bad when you’re looking forward to Monday?!


Don’t hate me but I’m not really a big cereal person :-/ I don’t even remember the last time I bought any! I guess in college?

Best part of my weekend was seeing my grandparents and buying a Nespresso machine!


Friday nite was the best part. I went on a 6 mile run along a beautiful trail after work. Just enjoyed solitude and the aroma of honeysuckles.


My ideal weekly mileage is right around the 47-50 range. Any time it gets higher than 50, I can start to feel the aches and pains in my legs start. This past week I ended at 53 because I paced a race on Sunday and I’m hurting today! Taking today (and probably tomorrow) off running and looking forward to the break!

Top 4 favorite cereals: Kashi Honey Sunshine (which I can never find anymore), Honey Nut O’s, Reese’s Puffs, Golden Grahams/Cinnamon Toast Crunch (Love them both)!


I have not trained for a full marathon yet but i think my half marathon weekly mileage was around 30 a week! It’s awesome though that you can do around 50 a week. Do you ever get injured during the training cycle? What do you do when you get small pains that you know might grow into something bigger but you don’t want to stop running?


Top four cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch (BEST EVER!!), Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds, Honey Nut Cheerios and the maple-flavored Kind granola cereal.

The best part of my weekend was my run at the lake on Saturday, followed by froyo and relaxing at the pool. :)


I love cereal. I haven’t had it in forever. I feel like I need to fix that. Today.


Mmm Cereal! Josh and I have the same favorite too (Honey Nut Cheerios) we just buy extra large boxes! haha


he has horses!? this guy just keeps getting better and better.

top four cereals: special k vanilla almond, corn chex (with chocolate chips mixed in if I’m feeling daring), honey nut cheerios, lucky charms.
I think I could live off cereal if it came down to it. There’s nothing better to me than just a big ol’ bowl. My only issue is I like it dry with no milk and most people think I’m crazy. Why ruin the integrity of delicious cereal by making it soggy and sad haha!


During half marathon training, my mileage is usually between 35-45 miles a week.
Top 4 favorite cereals: Peanut butter cheerios, frosted flakes, rice krispies, frosted cheerios!
The best part of my weekend was hanging out with my mom! We went to Bonefish Grill and I had the best sparkling white sangria ever!


O….I have soooo many! Cereal = life! Right?


My mileage is so all over the place! But this summer I have a plan and I’m going to stick to it…as in, I actually have someone to keep me accountable and will enforce that I stick to it. So I’m hoping to try getting up to 70 miles…normally I cap out in the low 50s, but want to try to see if I can handle the increase.


I don’t even remember the last time I had a bowl of cereal but, going from memory…Golden Grahams, Honey Nut Cheerios, Raisin Bran. Cinnamon Chex straight out of the bag, no milk is amazing.


Favorite cereals: life, Apple Jacks, fruity pebbles, wheaties ( i think. It’s hard to choose haha)


The only cereal I ever eat is gluten free Chex. That’s maybe once or twice a year. All the other cereals have a ton of sugars and additives which hurt my stomach or cause me to gain weight. You must have good genes!


Top Cereal for sure is Life.
2 and 3 would be Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran.
Rotating 4th: Honey Bunches of Oats, Honey Nut Cherrios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Golden Grahams.


I’m not a huge cereal eater but if I had to choose one I’d say Honey Nut Cheerios (LAME! I know).
Best part of my weekend was finishing my first 50k!


HUGE CONGRATS CASEY on finishing your first 50k. That is incredible!!!


Haha I almost forgot about Life cereal! What?! So good!
I’m a Wheaties, Golden Grahams, Fruity Pebbles, Peanut Butter Crunch girl myself.
Mileage for the half and full are still being determined, but my body did just fine for half training around 50. 60 doesn’t feel bad either, though. No idea what I am doing so this experimenting is taking some time, ya know?


I had zoodles last night for dinner as well. Yum however I wish I had purchased the crank spiralizer instead of the had held that was quick tiresome. I don’t really eat cereal once I awhile I will get a craving for oatmeal. The husband once in awhile wants raisin bran but he never finishes a box before it goes stale so we don’t really buy any.


Your top four are the exact cereals we have in our pantry right now. And Cheerios because they are a basic staple.


Ohhh top 4 cereals! I have to think – this is random order- life cereal, cocoa pebbles, waffle crisp and Cookie Crisp. I think.


Not much of a cereal lover but when I do it eat I like Trix, Cheerios Protien the cinnamon flavor, Kix and Apple Jacks! I never feel full after eating cereal so I usually have something else for breakfast. Worked all weekend but started today out with a nice workout!


I’m hoping to peak at 42 mpw while training for my first marathon. I think the average for the 18 week plan is 35 mpw. That is more than I’ve ever done and I’m nervous/excited! :) The best part of the weekend was celebrating my husband’s birthday with huge amounts of homemade pasta. :)


I love the Special K Fruit & Yogurt cereal! So good. The best part of my weekend was having one of my best friends from college visit and stay with me for the weekend!


Best part of the weekend was running a trail race. And I love Love Grown Cereal – well, let’s be honest – I love all cereal.


Utah County really is so gorgeous! I know I keep saying this, but I love that you are so happy. You deserve it SO much! I’m not a huge cereal person but I love cereals with granola chunks in them, and my old favorite was dino bites ha. The best part of the weekend was making progress with potty training my little girl. :)


I don’t think I’ve ever had Life cereal, your next 2 are great and are regulars at my house. However, it’s all about Golden Grahams right now! They are so delicious.


Okay, you are so right… Golden Grahams needs to take one of my top 5 positions. Those things are amazing!


Its so funny that you are talking about your mileage being the same for both races. I just ran a 1/2 yesterday. I felt really good until the last 2-3 miles. I was only running one long run a week and that was 8-10 miles. I’m thinking I need to do more 11-12 milers – would that help me with those last miles?
That part of my weekend was the best. The 1/2 was in Deadwood SD on a great trail through amazing views.


I love cereal, but I very rarely eat it for breakfast. It’s usually my snack after I’ve put the kids to bed. Favorites in no particular order: Life, Honey Nut Chex, Crispix, Cheerios Ancient Grains, Great Grains (any variety).
I’ve never run a marathon, but my training for the half is around 25 miles per week… although this year I’m going for a time goal and my plan maxes out at 33 mph (higher than I’ve gone before, so this is exciting/ scary).
Best part of the weekend was seeing my younger daughter’s sweet smile as we sang happy birthday to her at her party yesterday. Love that smile!


Favorite cereals are Honey Nut Cheerios, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Cap’N Crunch, but this past weekend I tried a Kashi cereal involving sweet potatoes (!!!) that might edge its way in. Since I’m single and don’t have kids, I never have more than one or two boxes on hand because otherwise it gets stale before I can finish it, so I envy the fact that you get to have four varieties at any given time :).


I buy my cereal based upon what my kids don’t eat. So usually that means Quaker Oatmeal Squares or Basic 4. I rarely eat cereal and usually when I do it is for dinner due to having a late night! :)


I love cereal! I eat Honey Nut Cheerios a ton but I also love Raisin Bran Crunch. As I’ve gotten older I tend to stick with these two, although I’ve been known to eat any and every kind!!


Don’t make fun, but I love Grape Nuts. Usually in the winter with warm milk. Definitely no worries that my husband will steal mine :)


I totally forgot about Grape Nuts… those are delicious! Do not feel embarrassed:)


For marathons I like to hit around 40-45 miles a week. For 1/2 marathons I am usually best at 30……………although most of my past few weeks were around 25 this time in training.

My husband and I have a few cereal favorites, but there are some I like that he doesn’t. My top 4 are multi grain cheerios, apple jacks, lucky charms, and honey nut cheerios.

This weekend I ran my 7th 1/2 marathon and while it wasn’t my fastest (2:08 compared to a PR of 1:58) it was a lot of fun!


I just rediscovered Apple Jacks cereal at my parents’ place this weekend! Pretty sure it moved to the #1 spot on my favorite cereals list :) Lovely pictures! You all look so happy together :)


Cracklin oat bran is probably my favorite but others are froasted mini wheats, & honey but Cheerios, too.


Favorite cereals: Life, Oatmeal Squares, Mesa Sunrise, and Rice Krispies. Now I’m craving a big bowl of one of those ;)


My husband and I have completely different tastes for cereal. He likes anything sweet and I like less sweet and more natural kinds. I also eat mine dry or with yogurt, so we don’t even fight for milk!

I will admit that I eat all the marshmallows from his lucky charms tho.

My top four: any unsweetened cornflake, Nature’s Path Crunchy Vanilla Sunrise, Peanut Butter Panda Puffs, and Barabra’s Snackimals (any flavor).


I am definitely surprised at your top favorite cereals. For a sweets lover like you, those are pretty adult choices.
1. Lucky Charms
2. Fruit Loops (or Fruity Cheerios)
3. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
4. Apple Jacks
5. Krave, straight up, hold the milk


I’m going to be at around 13 miles this week, which doesn’t sound like a ton but is a huge deal for me since I wasn’t even able to run for around a year before this. I’ve been back to it for awhile now and working on building up mileage and a base for a half in August now!


I have an obsession lately of trying to cut down my kids breakfast sugar intake. Don’t get me wrong we have ice cream most nights! Ha! However, I’ve become a fan of mixing healthier cereals to cut back on favorites such as Rice Krispies with Fruity Pebbles. My current favorite is Rice Chex with Cinnamon Chex!!! I have crazy mixes already in tupperware made for my family. Easy and delicious!


My husband and I both don’t eat cereal. Is that weird? We don’t have any cereal in our house and I don’t think we have in the last few years!

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