Since you and I last caught up + how do you recover?

I hope your weekend is off to a great start so far!  We have a few things to catch up on because I feel like it has been days since I last told you the random details of our life….like Lindsey took our engagement pics last night!

First, I have a few more things from our race last Saturday!

*Chocolate milk post-race is the best.  And it is even better when you are celebrating a PR!  Still stoked for Andrew and marathon training together starts SOON (or nowish;)!! This will be my second time running the St. George Marathon and this will be his 3rd time!

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*One day I will remember to bring a throw-away blanket like Candice always does to the starting line. I am always FREEZING during the time between our bag drop off and the gun going off.

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*I am glad Andrew is very supportive of and deals with my mid-race selfies.

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*Josse rocked her Sorry For What I Said at Mile 20 shirt for her marathon…. now I am wondering what she was saying at mile 20… she actually looks a little too happy this far into the race.

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*Has anyone ever tried these recovery boots after a race or hard workout?  They use compressed air to help enhance blood flow and speed up recovery.  I think I need a pair because I’m already on the couch for the rest of the day after a long run or marathon… I might as well be using these to help my body recover while watching Parenthood for the 5th time.

PS I LOVE learning about all of the recovery tools out there and different things that people do to help speed up their recovery.  I think that the best thing I have ever done was when Josse and I were in marathon training a few years ago and we would sit in the river after our long runs/tempos.  The water was FREEZING (February/March/April in Utah) and the river was the perfect ice bath.  Whether or not it is just in my head… I felt like I bounced back way faster after the long runs whenever we sat in the river for 10-15 minutes afterwards.  I’d love to hear what recovery tools/methods get you back out there for a hard workout asap so I can copy you:)

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*At the same race we were at, John Bozung finished his FOUR HUNDREDTH MARATHON.  I can’t even begin to imagine.

From the article—>  “It was never a goal to do 400 marathons,” he said laughing about earning his 400th marathon finish on Saturday at the Utah Valley Marathon.  “I told people at church today, if anyone had told me after the first or second or third or 10th marathon that I’d run 400, I would have told them  they were up in the middle of the night smoking something.”

PS he was also the first person to run a marathon on all seven continents!!!

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*Another medal to add to the collection.  Andrew and I are going to have a sweet medal/bib wall at our house by the treadmill.  I cannot wait.

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*After the race he went in to the gas station to grab some water bottles and came out with these for us all… when are they going to come out with a scientific study where the findings are that donuts are good for recovery… oh yeah, never.  Bummer.

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*The next meal after our race was at the Pizza Factory.  It is embarrassing how often we eat here but post-race/long run I always feel like lots of carbs and a salad mountain.

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*Lots of peanut butter sandwiches going on over here, especially before church.

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*Kind of perfect how we have wanted a dog for a very long time (as you can tell, Brooke has a thing for them) and we will be a dog family very soon.  Her pink blanket and dog, all she needs in life.

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*We had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows.

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*And we sat at my parents’ counter on Sunday eating watermelon.

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*And Monday’s run= 10 miles @ 7:22 average pace = crazy sweaty = crazy endorphinated post-run.

*CONGRATS KRYSTAN!! You won my Jaybird Giveaway!!  Email me asap:)

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What have you found to be the best recovery tool/method post-race?!? 

Have any goals to run x amount of races?  Races in different states?  Different continents?

Where do your race medals/bibs go after a race?

What summer foods have you been loving right now?

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I’ve wanted to try those boots myself, they look awesome. I feel like I could definitely benefit from them since my calves get so right after running.

My goal is just to cross train through June and hopefully get healthy for July. It seems like a good goal post injury for me.


I’ve only done a handful of short races, the first two were ages ago! I just throw the medals and bibs into my junk drawer in my bedroom hoping that I’ll think of something great to do with them later… never happens :P The ones I got from my first couple of races are long lost!


My goal is to run a marathon in all 50 states. I’m at 39 total marathons and 28 states done so far. My sister has actually run a marathon in all seven continents too. All of my race medals go in a box in my closet. I’ve never figured out what to do with them so that’s where they end up.

I like compression socks (the boots would be amazing!), chocolate milk, a banana and a nap! Oh, and a shower. I usually crave pasta a few hours after a race too. Who am I kidding, I crave pasta all the time. :)

Grapes and watermelon have been so good lately! Can’t get enough!


I have always wanted to try those boots. I bet they feel freaking awesome.

Honestly, I just have time goals for different distances. My husband and I run at least one race a month — it keeps us motivated, and sometimes it’s FUN speedwork!<3


That compression boot thing looks amazing! It’s like foam rolling without all the work. Can I buy one for my house?

I keep all of my medals (and all of my neat looking bigs..not the plain white ones) and have a medal hanger. It’s all filled up so I need a few more!


best recovery- lots of walking and foam rolling before bedtime!


Brooke and the dog are so adorable together! How sweet!

I have my race medals hanging above my desk at work! My colleague put hooks in the ceiling so that I could have them dangle above me all day :). My goal is to someday cover the whole entire office with them haha!


My medals are somewhere in the spare bedroom. I’m not as sentimental as I once thought and I cannot get enough watermelon right now. Seriously, I ate a whole watermelon in a day and a half. Oops.


Currently tomatoes, zucchini and any fans all fruit I’m craving. That’s one of the reasons I love summer. I eat better!


My favorite recovery for after a race is eating a lot of froyo and taking a long nap. That combo is perfect.

My race medals don’t go anywhere special. Some are shoved under the backseat of my car, while many are just in a box hidden in a cabinet.


Best recovery for me is fitting a yoga class in my tight schedule ;-) My hips/IT bands feel so much better when I run… Running a marathon in every province is on my bucket list… but I want to be smart about it and take it one at a time. Long term health is my first priority. When I’m done with Canada, I’ll start thinking about the USA haha


Best recovery “tool” for me is food. Of course, enough protein and carbs within 30 minutes, then usually I have to force myself to eat a meal after my long run, but it makes me feel 20 times better afterwards. My goal is to run the World Marathon Majors (6!) before I turn 30. My sister got me a Race Medal/PR Chalkboard which has been awesome. Digging all the watermelon and pineapple right now!!


I’m always impressed when I hear about people running tons of marathons, they are just built differently I think! As for me, I hope I make it to 10 total for a lifetime, as of right now 6 are done and I’m taking a break. Also as for recovery, really gentle yoga is my favorite.


I wear compression tights after a tough workout or race. To me it’s the best thing ever! My medals hang in my home gym. I like to look for a different race to do every year. If I am planning a trip somewhere I look to see if there is a race that weekend.


Do you have a certain brand of compression tights you would recommend? I am hoping the tights will help with the gluten and hips as well.


My 2016 goal has been to run a race every month (doesn’t matter what distance just something with a race bib)! I’ve been successful so far!

I used to just keep a big stack of my bibs but have recently put together a few bib collages to decorate my walls. I got a big frame and it actually looks pretty awesome. Still trying to find one of those medal hanger things for all the bling! :)


Eating is super key with us right after an ultra especially. After 24 hours of running, it is easy to get complacent right after the race and not really eat much. However, we always feel a ton better when we are diligent about it and keep up the calories for about 5 hours afterwards (hahaha…and then the entire next week, which was my case for this past race!).

We have a shelf with trophies we have won for finishing in top places, but all our belt buckles and medals are now residing in a box in the closet. We do wear out belt buckles occasionally, though, just b/c they are fun and no one gets why we are wearing belt buckles (we are not typically the belt buckle types:)).

Not really a summer fruit, but I am craving bananas right now. I am odd and like the super brown kind, but they have to be COLD, so I put them in the fridge for a day before I eat them.


compression sleeves all up on my calves after a race makes a world of difference. I’ve also taken sport legs before after reading about them on your blog, and I can’t say they hurt either haha! Right now, my medals are dangling off a sad little nail on my wall, but some day I’ll get organized enough to put them on a nice hook. as long as they’re displayed proudly, does it really matter haha?


Best recovery after a race is coconut water, a salty meal, and elevating my legs. I usually gain a couple pounds in the weeks later since I tend to lean down for race day, and that helps a lot with recovery.
I crave corn in summer! I could just eat huge plates of grilled veggies all day long.


Ohh can’t wait to see how the pictures turned out!


I totally want to try those boots! I just love massages when I am really sore. I am loving watermelon right now. I can’t keep them stocked in my house because I eat them so quickly!


those pics did my heart good this morning. Glad to see so much happiness in your life.


My race medals go on my medal rack; I’m probably going to need a second one soon. My race bibs also go on my medal rack until the end of the year. Then I make a book with pictures from each race, the name of the race, the date, and my finishing time and tape the bibs in there. It makes it really easy and fun to look back at the races I’ve done.
No goals for races this year. A couple years ago my mom and I made a goal to run at least one race every month. We had a blast with it! We might need to make a similar goal again soon.


So far I only have 2 medals but I have a handful of bibs. They are all taped to the wall in my at home gym. I plan to eventually buy wooden letters spelling out “Run” and I am going to mod podge the bibs to the letters.

Right now I am loving the strawberries I picked up at the store Sunday night. I found out that if I clean them in 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water it cleans them right up. I can store them in a glass container in the fridge for way longer than washing them as I eat them.


I feel happy after seeing/reading this post….you guys seem like such a natural family already…hard to believe it hasn’t been this way forever. I guess one really never knows what path there life will take; but you are proof that the “bumpy-muddy-rough roads” in life are certainly worth going through to reach the “smooth-flat-trail” of happiness.

And Brookers and the dog….LOVE!


I currently have a bib holder on the wall, but am realizing it is overfull, after adding an extender – eyeing up a table top one next, i think!


Love your sunglasses in the picture of you with your medal. Can you link to the style they are?



HEY!! Thanks KD!! They are actually Andrew’s but I love wearing them:)

I hope you are having a fabulous day!


I don’t have a medal rack yet. I am going to get one, eventually, when I get a new house.
The fruit loop necklace…pretty sweet! I remember having a couple of those made for me to wear when my boys were younger.


I am currently addicted to all things Summer fruit/fresh produce. It’s like the flavor is 1000000% better than any other time of the year.

I don’t have a bib/medal hanger but I need to buy one for sure! I keep them though and try to just hang them on my wall on a hook I have. It’s so neat to look back and see what all I’ve done!


I really want those recovery boots as well. At one point I thought I had my husband talked into getting them (they would be great during his Ironman trainings after all) but then we probably had some house expense come up. :( But I after ever race – once I’ve showered – I always put on my compression sock and I leave them on until my shower the next morning. I’ve never had any issues with my calves since doing this!

I will be running my 100th half marathon this September!! Not sure what the “goal” will be after that and I am also on a quest to run a half in every state. 21 states have been completed. Utah (in April) was my most recent “new” state.

I don’t have a fancy medal rack but my husband made something for me in our basement so I get to look at all my pretties when I’m on the treadmill.


I have two medal holders filled hanging on my wall in my home office and two empty ones ready and waiting to be filled over the next few years :)


Both of the kids sitting in one chair–so adorable! :) I made a medal/bib display a few months ago,which I love, but I probably should have made it a little bigger. I’ve been eating and loving all kinds of fruit this summer: watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, grapes…yum!


Chocolate milk is by far my favorite post race recovery drink!!


I would say recovery tools = compression socks + a nap. I also try to follow a race or long run with a super easy day, so that promotes recovery as well. It would be awesome to run a race (any distance) in every state, but I haven’t really made that a priority. I like to keep sentimental things and so I keep all of the bibs and medals from my races. My husband runs too, so we have quite the collection going. We write our times on the back of our bibs and I made a bulletin board with some clothes pins that we hang them on. Watermelon and honeydew are were it’s at for summer foods for me currently :)


That pic of Brooke and doggie!! Isn’t it amazing when things just work out? Have you told us his (her) name yet?

My recovery is to eat whatever I crave. Right after the race, I can’t get to the fruit soon enough. I love when they have watermelon and oranges cut up an ready to grab. At my last race, I went back to get watermelon about 5 times :)
When I finally have a real meal it’s usually something with meat. I LOVE a good steak salad or beef nachos!
Walking, cycling or yoga the next day helps ease any soreness in my legs and back.

My medals stay in my running bag until I dig them out and hang them up in my office.

Can’t wait to see the engagement pics!!!


I love chocolate milk after a race, especially the protein chocolate milk ones.

My medals are all on a medal hanger – before they used to just hang on a picture frame.


Mm mummy chocolate milk and watermelon!!! I love those post race! And I have my race medals by my treadmill-it is great motivation!


That was supposed to be mmmmm chocolate milk! Crazy auto fill


Putting my legs up the wall and cold water for my feet. I’m too much of a weeny to try an ice bath just yet, but the cold water feels great on my feet and I swear it helps recovery.


Post long run I do an ice bath (a dip in the ocean would work, too. no rivers here). If my legs are especially tight I wear compression sleeves or L’eggs sheer energy stockings. The stockings are easily available, fairly inexpensive and make your whole leg feel good.

I’ve been eating berries, peaches and watermelon. I can’t wait for more veggies to come into season.

My sister-in-law bought me a bib and medal rack last Christmas so my stuff goes there.


Right now my bibs and medals are on a shelf. My girls like to pretend they are running a race and winning medals. I have mixed feelings about them playing with them. Someday I might make a medal and bib wall but we will see.


Love those pics of Brooke with the dog :)

Loving watermelon, pineapple, berries and a strange obsession with chocolate avocado pudding lately (healthy fats, right?)

We ran the Rock Tahoe 1/2 last year and jumped in the (cold) lake after – I swear it helped with recovery.


I can’t wait to see your engagements! You guys are the cutest couple. Oh and donuts may not be the best for post race recovery, but they are good for the soul so that’s enough right?! ;)


Post very long run and marathon recovery: walking a bit after finishing helps me tremendously (even though it’s the very last thing I want to do!). Also, legs up the wall, foam rolling and STRETCHING. I have never done the ice bath thing – I don’t think I could last more than a second!


You are so right Amber… walking around totally helps me too! Oh and the legs up on the wall… why does that feel so amazing. Thanks and I hope you are having an amazing day!


I don’t save my bibs but I think when I do get my PR at my half I will save it with my medal, and find a creative way to display it!

Right now all my medals are hanging on a closet door so when I open it I hear “clink clink clink.”

I definitely believe being in cold water after a run helps you recover.


I don’t have a specific number of races that I want to run, but I like to run a couple per year.

Favorite summer foods: watermelon, cantaloupe, and iced coffees!

Can’t wait to see your engagement pictures- you two are so adorable together.


Re: where do my race medals go afterwards… I have a medal holder with the words “Believe” on it. When I’m on the treadmill it’s right across from me holding all seven half marathon finishers medals. It definitely keeps me going when i’m working on those long indoor runs.

I’m hoping to complete at least three half marathons this year. Two down… one registered for this October. Maybe one destination half in November/December. Got any good ones you would recommend trying?? Will travel. :)


I’m usually a silent reader, but it just had to comment on this post! I met John Bozung almost 20 years ago at the New Hampshire marathon in 1996. It was my first marathon, and I hadn’t really trained properly (did a few 20 milers and called it good). My dad and I were going to run it together, but he wanted to BQ and it quickly became clear that sub 3:20 was not gonna happen for me! Anyway, John, who we had met at the spaghetti dinner the night before, ran with me the entire way, distracting me talking and telling jokes. I seriously would have probably quit otherwise. We finished in 3:38 and he went to run another marathon the next morning! (Apparently there are crazy people like that in this world.) Anyway. Very, very kind man, and it was nice to read about him on your blog and to know he is still running and doing well.


Your story made me so so happy! That is so awesome that he helped you through the entire marathon… he seems like an incredible man that is out helping other runners all of the time. Thank you so much for sharing Rebecca! That is awesome!


I love those recovery boots…the sports Chiro that I see has them! Also, I have not done this yet, but my Chiro has a cryogenic pod, I am going to try it after my next hard 1/2! Maybe there is one in your area. Here (in Orlando) it costs around $75.00 per visit. Might be worth it for the faster recovery, especially if you have back to back weekend races. Have a great day!


My husband has recovery boots and LOVES them! He actually uses them at work some times. Gets some funny looks, but hey! haha. We line the walls of our garage with race bibs. Looks cool and livens up the place ;)


I LOVE that he uses them at work! That is awesome:) You gotta do what you gotta do! Oh I bet your garage looks awesome!


I am all about an ice bath! Also, donuts as recovery should totally be a thing.


Oh my gosh, four hundred marathons!?!?!? I’m still trying to talk my way into one!


I love ice baths!! Anytime I run 15 miles or more I always do around a 10 min ice bath. It makes a huge difference! This marathon training session though (race is on Saturday!!!) the first 15 miler ice bath didn’t go so well… I went to the gas station after my run to get ice and couldn’t remember what size bag of ice I usually get. I looked at the smaller bag and thought, well that can’t be enough ice! So I got the big bag. TWENTY POUNDS OF ICE!!!! Holy hannah that bath was FREEZING!!!! I had to put hot water in it to warm it up enough to be able to stick even a toe in it!! Lesson learned…. it’s the small bag of ice! Always the small bag of ice!!


Those recovery boots look awesome! I wanted to comment today because I saw that I won the jaybird giveaway, which I’m still in shock about! So excited! I emailed through your contact link but I wasn’t sure if that was the right way to do it. If you see this, let me know!


ahh Parenthood! One of my favorite TV series ever, yet I had completely forgotten about it now that it has ended. I may have to watch it from season 1 again thanks to your reminder (aka goodbye productive weekend).

How perfect that Andrew already has a dog: Brooke gets her dream realized AND you get to skip the stressful parts of raising a puppy (currently in throes of puppy parenthood myself….consider yourself lucky ha!)


I’m about to go make myself a peanut butter sandwich too! This looks delicious and simple.


For my first half marathon, hubby and I split a $5 pizza as our recovery food. Then we passed out!

I’m also currently LOVING watermelon this summer for breakfast or a snack. For a sweet treat, I’ve been obsessed with Medjool dates stuffed with fresh/homemade almond butter — SOO GOOD!!!


Josse is amazing-half marathon, half ironman, then marathon?! And she is so fresh and perky in that photo! Way to go Josse!

I love to have some salty carb after a long run or race. Luckily in Germany the pretzels fit that bill. I also need/want hot coffee to perk up a bit. The salt helps my stomach for sure.

Have a great week!!!!


I think the best way to recover post race is to be active. I’m tired but moving keeps me from getting stiff/as sore.

I feel weird admitting to this, but I don’t know where most of my medals are (I think my parents may have 2). I really don’t care about them other than my NYC full marathon medal. That sits on a shelf above my desk. Maybe I’ll care more about my other full marathons (I run my second in November) but as for halves or anything else, I don’t really care.


Jumping in the pool for a few relaxed laps has been a great recovery tool. My hubs and my BFF both made me a medal hanger that is on the wall in front of my treadmill. It’s great motivation! I have been digging anything BBQ’d or smoked and lots of fresh salads with fruit. Yummo! And of course summer desserts like cobbler and homemade ice cream!


I have 3.5 years left to accomplish my one and only race goal and that is to qualify for Boston (I said 5 years when I made the goal). I don’t have a number of races in mind.

Recovery for me is protein and occasionally a dip in the ice cold river.

I have a little hanger for my medals in the dining room. My collection is outgrowing it and now my husband is starting to add to it, so it’s time to find a bigger one. I save my bibs, but keep them in a shoe box.

I love veggies and it’s hard to find good ones in Montana so I love summer when there is a bigger selection.

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