6 words per picture and JAYBIRD FREEDOM GIVEAWAY!!!

These kids have zero fun together;)

Somehow my snack becomes ‘our’ snack.

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“We definitely need one of these.”

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Dark chocolate almond and coconut—> shemakesmesharethesetoo.

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Just sound asleep in my arms:

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My arms tired= he takes over.

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This salad from Corner Bakery = heaven.

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How we celebrate—> candy + The Office.

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And to finish things off for the morning—>  I’ve got a sweet (and sweat-proof hahaha) giveaway for you!!!

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Wireless headphones will change your running life.  I was using normal headphones for a few months and then got the new Freedom Bluetooth Headphones from Jaybird and I’m hooked.

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“The smallest wireless buds ever with insanely big sound in a stunning patented secure-fit sweat-proof, ultra-comfort metal design.”  These have incredible sound, stay in place perfectly (even during speed/tempo runs) and NO MORE CORDS getting tangled while I run.

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To enter giveaway (giveaway ends on 6/10/16):

 *Leave a comment telling me anything that you would like… how your day is going?  Why you run?  What you last ate?  Anything at all!!! 

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Ah! I want these so badly! Do you know how often I’m running and my hands get tangled in my cord? What is wrong with me?!


I run for me, for those who can’t, and because I can do hard things. ? Lately I’ve been eating everything in sight…SO hungry!


Ummmm, the last thing I ate? A chocolate covered cream filled donut, and I’m not sorry!


Signed up for a gym today (cause the snap down the street closed ?) after the paperwork they asked if I was going to workout “LOL um No”.


Wow! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! The last thing I ate was delicious crab-fried rice (cooked in coconut oil) with avocado, mango and a bunch of veggies. I love when the hubs cooks dinner!


I just had Mac and cheese for dinner (sorry not sorry ;)) and now my dog is desperate for a run outside…sorry puppy momma has to digest :(


i would love to try these! I bought the jlab bluetooth headphones bc theyre more water resistant, but I have had to send them back THREE TIMES bc they just crap out after about 3 months!!? (thank goodness for warranties)


I run to decompress after work. Thanks for the giveaway!


I need these at the gym. I’m so tired of fighting with wires.

Random comment: I ran in 95 degrees today. It was hard.


I really want to try wireless but am always shocked by the sticker price. As for telling you anything thing? Hmm. I wish my cough would go away so I can run again . Do you follow the “rule” of not running when you are sick below the neck?


My day was great for a Tuesday ☺️ I love your blog, congratulations on the engagement!! So happy for you!!


I’m eating fresh blueberries I picked with my 4 yr old!


My day was good! Busy with school work and research but I loved the weather ☀️


Today was my second day at my new job. I feel like I”m in over my head but at the same time, it’s a new job so I know it’s got a learning curve. haha.


Woo these are awesome, and I’ve wanted a pair of wireless headphones for a while now! I run because it makes me feel good, body and soul :)


I last ate tuna after spin class. I’m trying to eat more clean so I didn’t eat my husband’s chicken nuggets!


I always get tangled in the cord! Gah!! Also I run to prove to myself that I actually CAN do it :)


I’ve been reading your blog for eons. Ok. That’s an exaggeration. But at least a couple years, and it’s great! So from one hungry runner to another, thank you ;)


My run today was much warmer and hillier than expected ;) Oh well, it makes you stronger!


I run for my sanity and most importantly for myself :)


I lost my wireless headphones a few months ago and would love a new pair! I hate the cords while running but love watching youtube videos when I do sprints on the treadmill


I just started reading your blog and wish I could want to dedicate myself to running as often as you do and still enjoy it!!! I’ve decided to take a few weeks off to heal an injury and see if returning to running is enjoyable again for me. I grew up running cross country in as mall township where I didn’t want to hear music as much as I wanted to count my breaths in my head and listen for traffic behind me as I ran the streets. All that to say, I’ve only ran with music and headphones about 3 times in my 17+ yrs of running, and when I did, it was with the dratted corded earbuds where the cords always rode up to choke me..it was so annoying!!! I’ve looked into cordless , wireless earbuds and have wondered if they really work very well with the jostling of running …and is the wireless connection really that good?


Wish I could run today but I’m just not up for forcing myself to run in 105 degrees :( tomorrow will have to to do!


My three year old little lady ran her first kids race this weekend and had a blast! She told everyone she met that day what she did. And I met my goal at the corresponding 5k race. So it was a great weekend for running.


I ran 8 miles this morning by the beach before the humidity really set in! It felt so nice before being cooped up inside at work all day! I would love a new pair of headphones for my long runs! Keep me entertained!


The last thing I ate was wheat thins dipped in almond butter – so addicting!


Ooh, I need these! Recovering from a hamstring injury and easing back into running… Slowly. Your blog def gets me motivated! Thanks!


I am always struggling with headphones. I would love to try these out!!!


Love your blog! You are a motivation!! And a big congrats on the upcoming day. It took me until my second marriage to find Prince Charming. We are about to celebrate our 7th anniversary


I am craving a donut!


I run for myself! It’s time alone with my thoughts to either forget stressors of the day momentarily or meditate while in motion :) AND we celebrate Taco Tuesday over at our house so I just ate a bunch of amazing homemade tacos with some wonderful people.


Been reading the blog for a few months now, but this is my first time commenting! Love all the Brooke updates and excited for you and your upcoming wedding! Good luck on the race this weekend!


These headphones would be amazing!! I’m always getting mine tangled when I run. The last thing I ate was a chocolate chip cookie :)


Last thing I ate- cereal for dinner :) Sweatproof earphones would be a game changer in the east coast humidity!


I’m just catching up on your blog posts! Congrats on your engagement!!!


I want these headphones!! My day has turned around – this morning was crazy (I’m potty training my twin 2.5 yo boys!) but I was able to turn my attitude around in time to teach yoga tonight. Finally relaxing on my couch. Anyways, congrats on the engagement!!!!!!!!!!


I recently started reading your blog and you are inspirational!!


I have tiny ears and am ways on the lookout for headphones that stay put! I have plantronics now, but they still are not *quite* right!


The only thing on my mind right now… MY HUSBAND COMES HOME FROM DEPLOYMENT TOMORROW!!! :) :) :)


I’m in Atlanta for work and just ate at the cutest restaurant on the river, Canoe!


About to head out for a quick 4-miler…only 3 more days until my first half marathon of the year!


It’s been in the 100*s out here for the past week! Working outside has NOT been fun!
Have a great day, Janae. And Congratulations!!!


Ahhh – I want a pair! Ok – tell you anything, today is my youngest’s 2nd birthday. I do not know where the past two years went. While every day he learns something new, has new “tricks”, and pretty much becomes even cooler that he was the day before…I want to freeze him here. Keep him my baby <3


Where did you get your white top!!


I’m still looking for a headphone that fits comfortably and doesn’t get ripped out by accident mid-run.


I had a great day with my kids at the zoo! Love your blog ;)


These look awesome! I definitely need to transition over to wireless headphones for running! Thanks!


Okay… “anything.” :)

Also, it’s a riot how you’re taking pics for the blog and Andrew’s just chillin’ back there on the floor. No big deal. :D


Those headphones look amazing! My regular headphones often irritate my skin leaving scars on my chest all summer. I love running for all the benefits, mental and physical, it provides.


OMGosh! I need this! ps. Belated congrats on your engagement! So happy for you!


Not the greatest start to my week at work, but with my headphones plugged in and my nose to the grindstone I am hoping to make the week better than it started.


These headphones look incredible! I swear as soon as you put a pair in your pocket little elves or something tangle them up in .2 seconds…. :)


I last ate: a blueberry smoothie. :)


I wear ear buds most of the time for running and for work! Couldn’t get the job done without good tunes or audio books! Thanks for sharing your stories with us. love the blog!


These headphone looks like exactly what I need!


Those would be awesome! I need new running shoes (Brooks of course) and in saving up for those so new earphones are out of the question right now.


I know that I’m finally hooked on running (after years of starting and stopping) because I look forward to going to bed early the night before my early morning runs. It’s like Christmas Eve and wanting to get to bed before Santa shows up :)


These look incredible…my current earbuds were a huge investment (6 bucks) and after a week only one ear piece works. My days are always busy but thankfully they always start with a run…..your blog is a sweet place to visit and I wish you great joy on your journey…..


Wireless headphones are the bomb.com!!


I need new headphones! Also, congrats on your recent engagement!!


I would love a pair of sweat proof headphones because I do most of my running indoors and I get very sweaty very quick! I’ve gone through too many pairs of Apple head phones because of this issue!


I love running with my friends! It’s my girl time and my stress reliever! Our husbands are much happier when we get our runs in too :)


My earbuds just died, so I need these!


Hi! Hmmm… Last thing I ate were some BBQ chicken meatballs with corn and Gouda mashed potatoes. So so good!


I am so happy for you, Janae! He looks like a keeper, for sure.

Also, I need these headphones! I bought my hubby a pair of Jaybird’s for Christmas. Definitely should have gotten them for myself instead:) The freedom’s are so pretty!


I run because I love to and it makes me a better mama to my 3 littles! :)


I look forward to your posts everyday, keep them coming. I am so happy you have found someone. I can’t wait for the wedding posts even though I started following you for you running!


i’m trying to lower my sugar intake to just two desserts a week, buuuut i think i might sneak off to the store right now because i am now craving sour punch bites after that picture you posted!


I had snap peas carrots avocado feta cheese and boiled egg for dinner. Now im ready for my candy and popcorn! Ps, i hope i win!


Getting a pair would be amazing, and a great gift for my wife! Running is her sanctuary, her place to relax and find herself, and these would be great for her.


I would love to go wireless I am starting back after ANOTHER injury grrrrrr….motivation and commom sense needed!


A way to listen to music without my glasses getting in the way! These would be awesome!!!! Last thing I ate, a blackberry bliss chia squeeze pouch. YUM.


I’m having a great day. Our swim team just won their first meet of the season! Go Sharks!!!


I am sooooo happy you and you’re fiance found each other!! And i’m so excited for you and brooke and this new chapter of your life! congrats! xxx


The ear buds look so cool. I just did a half on Sunday and those would have been sweet!! I hope you have a great run.


I am three weeks away from my due date with baby #2 and we just moved so I am furiously unpacking!!


Agh, I need these! I am ALWAYS getting tangled in my cords at the gym and end up wrapping them around my wrist while I run just to keep them out of the way! I would love to win a pair of these :) Congrats on the engagement by the way!


I hAtttte my wireless headphones. I need to try these! My last run was Saturday… Too long ago !!


My daughter cooked dinner for me tonight, and it was perfect. :)


Those look sweet! I spend as much time getting my headphones untangled as I do actually running. Definitely Ned to get a pair!


This reminds me of a funny quote you shared once; “to make the strongest knot ever just put earbuds in your pocket for two seconds.”


Going to a specialist tomorrow about chronic Achilles issues. He does a procedure called tenex.


I was denied admission to MIT. I hope that by working out and being active, my discipline–and therefore my mind– will become even stronger. These headphones will aid in the process of becoming more fit… A process that may very well help me transfer into the school next year!

Thank you so much for the article!


Love how much your personality shines through your blog! Would love to replace my old headphones with these!


i was super tired after work today, but made myself run! always glad and never regret it :) followed up with a big smoothie. and just had a late night snack of watermelon!!


My day was exhausting but it was the good kind of exhausting filled with spin class, house work, work work, and my girls’ softball games. Summer is the best!


I’m happy to be finally be getting back into shape after back to back pregnancies. I’ve finally lost enough weight that my knees don’t hurt (often) when I run, and now that it’s 90 degrees out by 7:30 am, some seriously sweat proof headphones would be amazing!
I think I run just to prove I can…I don’t super enjoy marathons or Ironmen, but I love the feeling of accomplishment when I cross the finish line. Makes me feel like a total bada$$ :P


I’ve been on the search for new headphones for forever! None of the headphones I’ve tried actually stay in my ears. Plus, I’ve got headphone cord knots for days. Would love to try these!


I love reading your blog, Janae! And I didn’t read through all the comments, but please tell me I’m not the only one whose hand has accidentally clipped my headphone cord only to have the headphones and my phone dive to the ground, or worse, onto the treadmill belt while I frantically try to turn it off without destroying my phone. Probably just me. :)


I ‘ve always run (slowly) and I swear I spend the first mile if every run messing with my headphones so I really want some blue tooth headphones!
Unrelated to running, I’d really like a job. I’ve been staying st home for 5 years and I’m ready to go back!


I use headphones all the time and would really love to try some good wireless ones! :-)


Just had an 80 calorie Artic Blast salted Carmel faux ice cream bar. Satisfying!


I run because I can! Sometimes health issues mean I have to take some time off, so that makes the days I can run even sweeter. And I always feel like I get to see a secret quiet side of the city running in the early morning, that most other people don’t ever experience.


Kerri Walsh and you wearing these…they got to be awesome!


What did I last eat…barbecued chicken and lemonade :)


I love running with my kids! 4 of my kids and I are training for the Mt Nebo marathon in September woohoo!


First of all, congrats on your engagement. So sweet and exciting. Second, I’d love these headphones. Stay at home on budget so these are out of my league but would be so amazing to use.


I was just looking at these the other day! If you say so ? They are added to my list c


Awesome! Thanks! For dinner I ate frozen blueberries dipped in peanut butter. It’s been 100 degrees here today and nothing hot foody sounded good.


Would love some headphones and a big salad. Those salads looked delish.


I love running with music, a bag of orange slices and my favorite shoes! :)


I would love these! I’ve never had wireless headphones but I imagine they would be amazing. Oh and I’m eating my favorite after dinner snack of apple and peanut butter.


Just BQ’ed in San Diego! 5th times the charm. Even got to run the whole race with my two super fast runner friends who paced me. Could not be more excited!


I run to keep sane!!


Hi!!! On the days I don’t feel like running you are my running inspiration :) Also you share my obsession with donuts. Thanks for writing this blog!


Last thing i ate- blueberries! I’m also wedding planning and got to cross photographer and caterer off the list today! Fewf!


I can’t wait to sign up for my next race after this baby comes!


I acrually need to get back to runninng. The time is not thenproblem, ur’s the whole being away from my four-month old thing. Hopefully soon!


my last run was a 10k on sunday-in the rain-that was mismarked and ended up being 7.2 miles-yuck!


These would be perfect for the days that I need a break from my overthinking brain-I could tune out! (haha, get it?!)


These would make life SO much easier! And the color scheme is cuuute!


I was just saying to myself this morning that I really need to get a pair of wireless headphones because the wires make me so frustrated!!! I am enjoying working on my 5k time, it’s currently at 23 mins 10 secs and I want to aim for somewhere in the 20 minute mark! I may never get there but it’s fun trying. :)


I mostly run just because I can! And I’m always searching for the groove you sometimes hit where everything just falls into place and moving forwards just feels like the most natural thing in the world to be doing right there and then; no thinking necessary. ☺️


Man I am exhausted today! A full day of work with an early morning swim and after work walk (to destress). I have been scoping out some wireless headphones last weekend but couldn’t decide if I wanted to spend the money instead of joining a gym. Super excited about your wedding planning :)


Those earbuds look awesome. I’m constantly getting tangled in the cord on mine – how does that even happen?! A great gift idea too.


I’m about to head out on a run and could definitely use those headphones! Mine are semi-broken right now. :/


these headphones look awesome! my current ones often get yanked out of my ears because i accidentally pul the cords when i’m exercising!


I ate a giant bowl of authentic Italian pasta last night (I’m in Baltimore for work). Now my carb-fuels legs are calling for me to taken them for a spin around the Inner Harbor! Wish I had these headphones for the run. #nocords.


I have been working out consistently and eating (a little) better for two months and I’ve lost 13 pounds and 19 inches. I’ve got a long way to go, but I’m pretty excited about my progress.


Woo! Those headphones look awesome. Recently mine have been getting tangled quite a bit so a new pair would be great. Have a great day!


I run because there is constant room for improvement and because it gives me confidence and makes me feel strong. I have used Jaybird headphones in an older model but it is about time for an upgrade and I love the look of these. Thank you for sharing this giveaway!


I have been looking for a good pair of wireless headphones! I am a certified BodyPump Instructor and whenever I practice when my headphones they always fall off or get caught in the bar!


Looks like a good way to reduce carried weight again. I keep lightweighting my gear.


I’m about to start taking an inventory of the school library collection. These wireless earbuds would be perfect for me.


I jad a pair of those, but I haven’t been able to find them since I ran an 8 mile race in April. Boo! I love wireless headphones!


I run for fun! I have had a hurt foot for 4 months that has seriously hindered my running. These earbuds will be perfect motivation to get me back on track ?


I would SO love to try those! I hate getting tangled!


I can’t wait to get back to running. These headphones would help. 39 weeks preggo #babywatch is on.


No run today, but I went on 3 walks totally 10 miles while reviewing my Chinese. Not to shabby!


Oooo I love Jaybirds. I went running a full once on vacation this week so I deserve them right? ?


I’m en route from NY to Tx and after driving 13+ hrs yesterday through 5 states my body is screaming for a run. Haha I actually start reading HRG when I moved to NY 5 years ago and you definitely were a catalyst for my love of running!


Someone to take over when your arms gets tired – very lucky girl! Happy for you.


I cannot stand when I’m running and accidentally pull off my earplugs due to the cords! So annoying! Would ❤️ to own a pair of Jaybirds!!


The last thing I ate were Sweet Chili Popcorners from Cosco, last night before bed! I would love love those headphones. I have had these headphones on my wish list for months.

P.S. I think we have the same taste buds!!


I would love a pair of wireless headphones!! Just got up and getting ready to go to the gym before work! :) and the last thing I ate… Was a big slice of apple pie!


i’ve been wanting to try these headphones for so long!


I would like to tell you…that I’m so excited for you guys! Many blessings.


I had a fantastic race last weekend down Millcreek Canyon. I felt like a rockstar when I finished. These headphones would definitely make training more enjoyable.


These look awesome! Instead of running I took a barre and cardio strength class today and I’m sore!


I would love to win these! How cool to not have a wire to mess with!


I”ve been eyeing the Jaybirds for a while now! They’re the only headphones I’ve tried that fit my small ears!


Next week will start my training for my first half marathon. I’m excited and scared to be training through the hot summer months!


I hope you and your family are having a great day!


I would love headphones that don’t fall out of my ears when running! I am getting ready to start marathon training, hoping for a BIG PR this fall!


It’s been a little humid around here lately, but it’s finally dried out a bit and I can’t wait to run! The humidity kills me a little bit so this should be an improvement :)


Hi Janae! I am currently on a break from running after running a half marathon this past Sunday. I am enjoying relaxing and doing whatever I want. Back to it tomorrow for a light, electronic free run tomorrow :)


These would be amazing!!!!! I got caught in my cord the last time I was out and debated whether I should learn to run without them.


hmmm… well, I just ate my breakfast – yogurt, strawberries, and granola :) And Now it’s all about the coffee — end of the school year = a whole lot of craziness :)


I haven’t run in two months (!) because of an insane work schedule. But your blog makes me WANT to run, so someday soon…


you have such the perfect family! I love reading your blog!

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