Why I love the half marathon the most and our day together yesterday!

One of the many reasons that the half-marathon is my favorite race distance:

***I don’t have to spend weeks recovering after I run one.  Even though during the last mile of a race I am completely exhausted and I tell myself that I am not going to run again for two months because I’m so tired, I really just want to start running again as soon as possible after the race.  After a marathon I take off around 10 days COMPLETELY from running and then it takes weeks after that for me to feel normal again (I might be the extreme but the marathon just takes it out of me).  After a half-marathon I take a day or two completely off, run easy for a bit and then by the following week I am more than ready to get in the speed work again.  I LOVE the recovery after a half marathon… I still get in the chance to race and push myself but my body bounces back way faster after the half than it does compared to the marathon.

I took Sunday off, yesterday I hit up the treadmill for 7 miles @ an 8:34 pace and today I get to run easy with Josse—>  running is off to a great start this week.

Do you see my necklace in my hair? Yeah, it was majorly caught up in there and it took some time to untangle that.  I don’t know how that kind of stuff happens but it always does to me.  Maybe I just need to stop wearing jewelry while running.

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Right after my run we then took my mom out for a Mother’s Day lunch!

BROOKE’S GOT SOME MAJOR ATTITUDE these days and I love it.  Just worried about those teen years hahah!

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We spent the afternoon together at home and when I told her that it was time to go to dinner she said she had to finish her ‘homework’ first… I’m hoping that mentality sticks during her teen years too:)

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We had a picnic planned for the evening and right after we picked up our food a storm rolled in so we took the picnic inside.

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I have a deep love for Corner Bakery salads… the bleu chopped salad is my favorite right now.  The fact that they have more toppings than lettuce is the key to my heart.

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We then stopped by Meg’s house and I just still can’t get over the fact that she actually likes these….

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I’m all about the mini Twix these days and Brooke was clearly really into watching Home.  Thank goodness there are so many kid movies now that are enjoyable for parents to watch too.

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Talk about peaceful:

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PS while we are on the topic of Brooke sleeping, she snoozed on me the entire time I wrote my race recap the other day ha.  She needs to do this more often:)

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What is your favorite race distance and WHY?!?!?

What is your recovery time like after each different race distance?

What is the worst candy in your book?

Where is your favorite place to go get a salad?  Which one do you normally get?

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I too love the half marathon, by far my favorite distance.

Worst candy ever: Good N Plenty, just why? gross


My husband has asked me if I will make him salads with no lettuce and just the other toppings. I haven’t yet, but I should since that is my favorite part too!

Black licorice. Can’t stand it. My grandpa used to love it and I could never understand why. Probably because it was the only candy that none of the grandkids would eat so he didn’t have to hide it from us!

I’ve done the marathon for so long and so few other distances that I’d have to say the marathon is my favorite. I usually take a week off after it, but I’m only sore for about a day. Although now that it’s been awhile since I’ve run one and haven’t been training much for it, that probably isn’t true anymore!


You’re inspiring me to run/train for a half now :) My favorite distance was the marathon but honestly, it just takes too much of a toll. Yes afterwards I feel amazing but it impacts other areas of my life. I think I might target a half for fall, we’ll see.


My favorite race distance is definitely the half marathon! I discovered I’m not quite cut out for marathons and marathon training. I love that I don’t have to take a super long recovery period after a half, and it just always feels like the perfect distance.

I LOVE salads from Panera and Corner Bakery, but I also love this place called Crisp and another called Snappy Salads. They have some of the BEST toppings. Now I am really craving a salad, and I’m thinking I will need to go to one of those places for dinner tonight. :)


The half marathon is my favorite race distance too! It’s both challenging and yet forgiving in a way that a 5K just isn’t, but it doesn’t put you out the way a full marathon does. It’s the perfect distance for a race :).

Tbh, I think the worst candy ever is any candy that doesn’t include peanut butter!

I love your white shoes with the dark denim. I’ve been thinking about getting a new pair of white sneakers for a while but I am so bad about keeping them clean. Seeing your outfit has confirmed that I need to get on board and buy a pair!


I love the white shoes, brand?


Brooke looks so cute napping! I haven’t tried those mini Twix bites yet because I’m afraid that I’ll become addicted to them….I think it’s better if I just don’t know how delicious they are!


I also love the half-marathon – basically for the same reasons that you do. The perfect distance to train for and race as a full-time working mama!


My favorite race distance depends on my mood – when I was faster I loved 5k and 10k races, now that I’m a little slower I like the half. I can’t say I’ve ever really loved the full, and I did five to make sure.


I love the half marathon distance the best. I think for the full marathon it takes me time to recover and not feel stiff and sore, but for a half I am usually back to running after just a couple days rest. I love that it is still impressive to say you ran 13.1 miles, but it doesn’t take it out of you like a full marathon does…………..and training is faster and easier, too!

I hate butterfinger………….I just don’t like how they get stuck in my teeth………….anything with toffee I am not a big fan of.
And I like the fruity poppy chicken salad from panera (only offered in the summer) and then I like salad bars where I build my own, like whole foods.


Favorite race distance: half marathon because it is challenging, but does not take as much out of you as a full marathon.

Recovery is usually pretty good after each race distance. Half marathons I usually take a few days off from running and just do some light biking and lifting.

Worst candy: black licorice and black jellybeans

My favorite place to get a salad is a place in my hometown called Farmer in the Dell. It is all farm grown and raised food. My favorite is the kale salad with grilled chicken. It is baby kale, cornbread croutons, leeks, feta cheese, and chicken.


After running the cherry blossom 10 miler last month I decided it’s my new favorite distance!


half marathon is an awesome distance because it’s just challenging enough I feel. And its attainable for those who are just starting out.

Best salad place is easily sweetgreens. I’ve only ever seen them on the east coast, but they are everything.


My favorite right now is the 5k. Honestly, the only one besides a 5k I’ve done is the relay marathon that I ended up running on accident. I want to try some others but I’m just getting to the point where I progress more in the 5k than before. And they are cheaper to sign up for haha.

Worst candy really is any kind of licorice. I don’t get it…and peeps (are they considered candy even?) but ew.


My favorite distance is the half marathon! You get the fun of long distance running and can push hard in training but it takes less of a toll on the body. Plus you can peak and race for more than one per year!
I’ll take a couple days off after the half, but after the full I need 10 days off.


Yes to the half marathon! It’s definitely my favorite for the same reasons. I am starting to like the 10k distance but can’t always find a lot of those to choose from


As you might know, the half marathon is my favorite distance as well. The best part is you don’t have to spend days, weeks or even months recovering from the half. I also like 5ks because they are such a fun, intense burst of speed.




Completely agree that the half marathon is the best distance! I love the satisfaction of crossing the marathon, but it takes such a toll on our bodies that once a year is enough. But with the halfs, you can do a bunch a year if you train and recover properly!


My favorite races are relays. I’m a big fan of the social side of running.

My least favorite candy is black licorice (torture me!) followed closely by those circus peanuts. Bleh!


We just love the 100 mile races, but it does take a while to recover. We take at least 7 days totally off and then it takes some time to get the “spring” back into our legs.

I actually don’t like any sour candy but know that you do!

We love Cozi’s salads. Do you have those in Utah? We don’t have them in Louisville but they are in Lexington, so we get one when we visit our relatives.


I have really loved the half marathon distance!! The marathon was really enjoyable for me too, so I think that’s a close second. However yes, the marathon really takes it out of you for a few days. For a half, I’m feeling pretty good two days after, and then the marathon I can start working out light a few days later, but no running for a week or two at least. Salads – I love just going to nicer grocery stores like Whole Foods and just making my own.


Like you, I absolutely love the half marathon distance. It still feels challenging without going overboard on the body. I will usually take a day or two to recover after I race and typically will swim or bike for a few days to give my legs a break.

Worst candy → black licorice, without a doubt. I just don’t get it.


I too. love the half marathon! It’s a great distance! You need to do some training for it, but yes, then you feel totally ready to start running again in just a couple days. I do have to admit that I really do enjoy the training for a marathon. I love the mileage increase each week and pushing myself to hit those long runs.
I love the grilled market salad from Chick-fil-A!!! So yummy with the apples, blueberries, and strawberries! Plus, the avocado lime ranch dressing is fantastic!


Worst candy…I really don’t like skittles at all. I think it’s because I want them to be M&Ms and chocolatey and then I’ll eat one and I’m so mad that it’s not chocolate.
I’m definitely a fan of the half marathon. I also really love 5ks because they really let me race and test my speed! And they’re over before you know it!
And the topping to lettuce ratio is key! I’m a big fan of Sweet Green and it is my mission to try all the salads on their menu!


The half marathon is definitely my favorite. Its long enough to be mentally and physically challenging but its not life consuming like a marathon is.


Nailed it Whitney… I could not agree more!


I adore the half marathon too! It’s my favorite because it’s enough to stretch me and make me feel uncomfortably awesome ;) but it doesn’t kill my body. I am super excited to run one after my baby comes.

Worst candy: anything with black licorice. Makes me want to gag.


Truthfully I love the half marathons because they’re much easier to train for and recover from. There’s so much competition in running and blogging to always do more but that more isn’t always healthy or realistic.


I love the half, just crummy that most of mine have been logistical failures (oh well!) Once my body starts to get along with me, I am gonna chase those half times I have been dreaming of (but mostly, just love the process and blessing of a run) :)
My recovery is pretty quick after a half, but I definitely feel fatigued a few days after.
Salads- Noodles & Co., Au Bon Pain, and Jason’s Deli= the holy trinity.


HAHAH the holy trinity.. I completely agree! We used to have a Jason’s Deli close by and I miss it like crazy! I love what you said about the process and blessing of a run… you nailed it! Hope you are having a beautiful day Kaytlin!


My favorite distance is 10 kilometers, because it combines speed and distance (but not too much). And, recovery is easy, so I can plan more races, compared to a half or full marathon.
I loooove black licorice, the sweet, soft ones! It’s addictive! But forgive me, I’m Dutch, we grow up with this stuff (when we lived abroad this is what I asked our Dutch visitors to bring)


I totally agree! I really like half marathons! Not too short not painfully long!


I think I like the 10K and the marathon distances the most. 10K because it takes me 3 miles to warm up and then I can gut it out for the last 3. Marathon because I like getting the most miles for my entry fee and the snacks are the best.


I have never ran a marathon, but I feel like recovery after a half marathon was very doable for me. :) I love Cafe Rio salads and they will always hold a special place in my heart ha! I also love Cubby’s tri tip salad and the new southern salad at chickfila. I hate those peanut candies that are orange and look disgusting. :/


LOVE the half marathon distance!! Like you said – you can run hard and still be able to function afterwards without this massive amount of downtime. It’s a great distance to do on vacations for that reason.

Worst candy….anything lemon or orange or green. lol

Salad — LOVE Jason’s deli and also Chipotle. Never too much corn salsa.


I’ll dare to be different and say 10 miler.

Seems the consensus here is that licorice is awful. I agree. Also do not anything with coconut. Ick.


I love Armadillo Willy’s china town chicken salad. MMM Peanuts, chicken, sriracha, lots of good stuff. And they have the best cornbread and cinnamon butter

Right now 10k is probably my favorite because it’s all I know.. but I hope I like the half distance the best!


Ugh the tangled necklaces! I have to take mine off when I run because while they don’t get caught in my hair, they DO get caught in my headphone cables!


I’ll admit to being like Meg. I love Good and Plenty!!! But, I like the pink ones better than the white ones. Isn’t that weird?! I mean, they taste the same! One time Cold Stone Creamery had “black licorice” flavored ice cream as a special flavor. I got it with cookie dough in it, and my husband was grossed out the the max. I WAS pregnant at the time, but I still think I’d order it again today. No, I KNOW I’d still order it again today! lol

WORST CANDY!? DOTS, for sure! My husband loves them! Yucck. I don’t get it. ha ha

1/2 Marathon is my favorite, too. Training is good distance wise, long runs are in there, but training doesn’t consume your life. It’s not a short and “suicidal” feeling either, like a 5K!


HAHAH I’ll send you a big back of pink ones! HAHAH I don’t think I could do that ice cream flavor but pregnancy does weird things! My Dad LOVES Dots with a passion! I totally agree with you on your thoughts about different race distances!


First, Circus Peanuts are the worst candy.

I love the half marathon distance! I’m with you, a marathon really takes it out of me. My stomach is out of balance, my muscles are sore, and I miss running. I’m in recovery from one right now and I’ve run enough to know that everything just feels off for about a week. I loved reading your race recap! Congratulations on an awesome half! Happy running!


Hate Good and Plenty UNLESS I’m pregnant! Weirdly, pregnant me loved them. Worst candy is lemon candy- Starbucks, skittles, etc.


Ha ha! I’m the queen of tangled necklaces when I workout! I’ve broken a few chains and also ripped my own hair out trying to untangle workout tangles.

I agree; the half is the best distance! Long enough to feel like you have accomplished something huge and not too long that it gives you the runner’s flu (what I call the feeling the day after running a marathon!).


I’d have to go with the marathon. Even if I don’t PR, I still feel such a sense of accomplishment for just completing the distance. Or the 15k. Long enough that’s it’s not pure speed (like the mile or 5k…ugh!), but short enough that I can wrap my head around really pushing the pace the entire time.


i like the 10k for the same reason you like the half, its a much quicker recovery time and it doesnt take as long as the half marathon. i might change my tune once i run my first full though who knows!!! i dont know how you run with jewelry that would annoy me too much…or end up hitting me in the face with my luck lol


What is your favorite race distance and WHY?!?!?
10 miler. It is a long run, but no days off needed after.

What is your recovery time like after each different race distance?
I take one week to two weeks off after marathons.
I take three to seven days off after half marathons.
I take no days off for shorter distances.
What is the worst candy in your book?

Where is your favorite place to go get a salad?
The Old Pear in Boyana Bulgaria.

Which one do you normally get?
Shopska! Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, and fresh Bulgarian cheese.


I used to do team duathlons with a friend. He’d do the bike portion and I’d do the runs. I ran everything from 2 miles to 6 miles (per leg) each time and that was a lot of fun. My second leg running always felt awesome. You should try that with your triathlete friend sometime if you haven’t already! Other than that I’ve run every distance except the half, and I’d have to say my favorite is the 5k. I’m an injury bomb and I just can’t do long distance. I can do anything for 20 minutes though!

Worst candy is probably tootsie rolls. Yuck. I love the mini twix, too, and those cute little Swedish fish.


I have done 5k’s, 10k and half marathons and the half marathon is definitely my favorite. I have gotten the bug to do a full marathon now though, so that’s next on the agenda after I’m no longer pregnant :).

anything with black licorice is the worst candy. Ever.

Anything with peanut butter is a little piece of heaven.


Love the blog’s new look! Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but loading your delightful space is slooooooow on my android phone. If I was a tech-head I’d totally suggest a fix. But I’m not, so hopefully this note is helpful. :)


THANK YOU for the heads up! I NEED all the feedback I can get! THANK YOU!!!


Favorite race is the half but I am very interested to try a 10k and I have never run a full marathon. Circus peanuts completely gross me out


I love that Brooke has some sass going through her! Also, I totally agree with you about Home and other children’s movies. When they are just as enjoyable for adults, that is amazing!


I’ll take your Good n Plenty. You can have my Candy Corn ;)

Circus Peanuts are also ‘blah’.


Agree totally, I love the distance of a half marathon as well…it is just perfect. Oh yeah and chop salads are amazinggg!


I totally agree! I really like half marathons. Happy running!

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