Our Sunday in 15 pictures and my running last week!

I’ve got 15 pictures to share with you from our Sunday together so let’s get down to business.

I’m always grateful that I pack a lot of snacks for Brooke to eat at church because I end up eating half of them.

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The man made us these egg burritos straight from heaven for brunch.

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We all took naps yesterday and it felt glorious (do naps make it so you can’t fall asleep that night?!?  Not for me… )

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Brooke spends about 40% of the time we are at my boyfriend’s house pretending she is also a chocolate lab.  Her impersonations are dead on.

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My mom put us in charge of making dessert for family dinner and we took her assignment for us very seriously by making two things.

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I’ve got the best mixer helper this side of the Mississippi.

We made cake and also my family’s favorite ice cream dessert.

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You could say they were excited to see us once we got to my parents’ house.

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My sweet dad got to work on the barbecue making burgers for everyone.  Their view from the deck is my favorite.  My sister and I used to spend a lot of time on this deck when we were younger (my parents have lived here for 22 years and they better never ever move:)

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4 beans on her plate.  I’m not really sure why just 4 but I guess whatever floats your boat…

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And he just reached the opening doors stage.  My poor poor sister.  But THOSE LEGS.

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The second dessert that we made ——>  funfetti cake.  We love having options.

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Dessert was eaten on the deck and somebody was happy about the sprinkles.

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Ice cream cake—>  (it tastes better than it looks) A layer of Oreo crumbs (mixed with a few tbsp of melted butter), a layer of hot fudge, cookies ‘n cream ice cream, whipped cream and Oreo crumbs on top!   It’s always a hit (and my dad can eat it too because there are no eggs (he is allergic to eggs)).

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And then you guessed it—>  more time on the deck.  PS if you are wondering… my whole family really likes him.  A whole lot.

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Last week’s training (I have another 1/2 marathon in 3 weeks, one in August and then a marathon in October)

Monday:  9 miles total —>  Pyramid speed workout!! This was killer!  Try it out:)

Tuesday:  7 miles @ 8:15

Wednesday:  8 miles @  7:26 average.  Progression run… started in the 8s and ended in the high 6s.

Thursday:  8 miles @ 8:06 pace.

Friday:  8 miles @ 8:25 average pace.

Saturday:  9 miles in the pouring rain @ 7:52 pace.  It looked like we had been jumping in a pool in our clothes by the end of this run.  A great adventure!

Sunday: OFF:)

49 miles total for the week!


What was the best part of your weekend?

What is your weekly mileage around these days?

-I’m a huge fan of about 50 (give or take a few miles) miles a week and so that is right where I am sticking!

Favorite brunch foods?

Best run last week?  Hardest run?

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I’m not training for anything so I really only run about 15 miles a week and I love it!
Just got back from a weekend getaway in the Adirondacks. I’m headed to work now and super sad. It was so nice to be in the mountains and have such awesome views of Lake George


My best friend was in town, that was the best part of my weekend! That was also my best run this weekend, we got to spend lots of time catching up! Worst part – found huge snakes mating in my back yard. Not cool.

I love funfetti cake. I’m 31 and still love sprinkles, so I’m totally down with that. I need to make your oreo cake for my niece! She’s allergic to eggs too!

Naps don’t bother my sleeping habits unless I take one too late in the day or my nap ends up being like three hours long.


Awww what a good weekend! That oreo desert looks ah-mazing!

I did a lot of relaxing since I start marathon training today!! Yesterday I lounged by the pool and took a nap to celebrate my last non-marathon training day for a while!

Usually when I nap I don’t have issues sleeping that night but last night I tossed and turned a lot. Maybe I was just excited to wake up for day 1 of training, haha!


Great job with your workouts last week! I had an off week..just started a new job and had a 2 day conference, so running was the last thing on my mind! Hoping I get back to it this week :)


Sunday naps are the best!! And yet I still sleep just fine that night. :) My best run was probably on Saturday. The weather was gorgeous, and even though it was a VERY HILLY run, it felt great!

The best part of my weekend was getting to spend time with some of my best friends at the Byron Nelson golf tournament. That and froyo, of course.


My little sis got married in Atlanta this weekend, so it was a blur of driving, decorating, taking photos, eating cake and the best chicken wraps, and then sending them on their way! Fun but such a whirlwind!

And I would love to be between 30-40 miles a week, but with my busy work schedule I average 25 a week. Right now I am tapering for a half marathon in just under 2 weeks, so I am not going over 25 this week or next.


Best part of my weekend — visiting home and being able to spend time with family and friends
Weekly mileage is about 25ish right now, but will probably go up once I get more into half marathon training
Favorite brunch food — quiches! I barely ever eat them, but when I see them at brunch I have to have a piece!!


you’re so lucky to live so close to your family! i’m always jealous of your get togethers and makes me miss mine a whole heck of a lot. also, that dessert looks heavenly. I need to incorporate more dessert into my life.

favorite brunch is really good waffles. my dad used to make them sundays after church for my family growing up and I’ll choose good waffles over anything else. especially if they have chocolate chips :)


Brook’s little jeweled shirt is too cute!


Our average weekly mileage has been around 100+ for the past several weeks as we have been in base building for our upcoming races. I will have a blog up later this morning to recap our weekend runs. We had a super muddy run on Saturday on some technical and hilly trails. I only fell once, so that was a victory:)

I LOVE pancakes and often want to swing by Utah to partake in your pancake and waffles. I always end up seeing pictures of your pancakes and waffles when I am super hungry!


…and now I crave funfetti cake…! :)


Agree ice cream cake tastes a whole lot better than it looks! Best part of the weekend was watching all 3 of my kids in their dance recital – total proud mom moment! Love those breakfast burritos :)


Funfetti cake is a family favorite-we call it Dopey Funfetti because it’s so simple and extra moist and fun.

The pic of your guy holding Brooke makes me teary-so sweet!

I’ve hit 51 miles twice this spring-record weeks. Usually I only have time for mid 40’s so I embraced last week and pushed myself to bump up. The last mile of Saturdays 15km run took some convincing but it got me over 50 :) We had 81F weather Sunday so glad it was a cycling day (100km!!!) instead of a run. I don’t do heat well.


ps-I forgot to ask how Josse’s race went?!


SO GOOD!!! She did amazing and she is writing a race recap that will go up on Friday! WAY TO GO WITH YOUR SPRING RECORDS!!


I had a lazy weekend, which was probably the best part of the weekend actually. Sometimes it is nice to just take it extra easy!
I prefer to run 35-40 miles per week, although one of my goals is to increase that a bit.


I love that your family loves him! Families definitely know what’s up and who’s good and who’s not. This is great :). And dessert looks great too!


Funfetti is always the right decision.

Weekly mileage for me is also usually around the 50 mile mark. This past week was at 47 which was perfect!

Best part of the weekend was pacing the Chicago Spring Half Marathon yesterday! Such a fun and rewarding experience!


What a fun day and that’s awesome your family loves him! The best part of my weekend was getting all my homework done and making some delicious pina colada muffins yesterday too!


Did you ever watch That 70’s Show when it was around???

I just had a flash back to Kelso (Ashton Kutcher) when one of the episodes he drinks raw eggs and shortly after remembers he is allergic to them…they rush him to the hospital and his face is all blown up….its pretty funny (but, maybe it wouldn’t be funny to your dad) ;-)

I think the lab must love Brooke too!


Cannot stop being happy for you!
Favorite brunch: a fork full off of everyone else’s plates so that way I can have sweet like pancakes and savory like eggs and bacon.


Thank you sweet Erica! You guys need to come to Utah again to meet him!


It sounds like you had a great week of training Janae.

My mom actually used to make the Oreo cake and it brings back a lot of great memories. I am craving it now!


Naps usually make me feel worse after taking them. But if I’m sick or pregnant I’ll nap and feel better after. So yay for yesterday’s nap for me too!

Is there any bad brunch foods?


I need both of those desserts in my life. Can’t wait to get back into baking at sea level! Also, that lab is adorable. Best part of my weekend was exploring Petrified Forest! It was like three parks in one. My weekly mileage is just getting back up to around 20, only three runs a week. Favorite brunch food is eggs benedict. But any brunch meal is really my favorite meal!


Both of those desserts look so good! The highlight of my weekend was spending it in Chicago for my half marathon:) Lately I’ve been running around 30 miles per week.


I am tapering, so I ran 16K and then 10K – both were kind of hard as the temperatures are on the rise here in Ottawa. But they were both great runs as the pace and distance felt ‘easy’ to me. I remember when 16K was a really hard distance to cover!

We got a large amount of home renos done, but last night chilled with another family and ate pizza. Fun evening!


The best part of my weekend was a stroller run I took with my baby. She’s getting chatty, and I love it when she babbles to me.
That last picture makes my heart melt. So happy for you!!


Best part of my weekend: a date night with my husband. We stayed in, I made homemade mac and cheese (hello delicious) and watched movies. It was so needed.
My weekly mileage right now isn’t anything spectacular, 15 miles or so.
I’m not training for anything right now and 26 weeks pregnant, so I’m focusing my running on preparing my body for labor and enjoying those endorphins. Can’t wait to run my favorite weekly average though (30-40 miles) post-baby.
Oh, the picture of Brooke and your man. Heart.melted.


I tried hard to nap Saturday but it didn’t work out. I feel best if I can get a 30 minute nap, longer and I feel like a zombie afterward.

I finished the Brooklyn Half Marathon. It went better than my last half, which was an easier course. I had a tough time toward the end, my hands were crazy swollen and I felt a little dizzy. A spectator called me over, squeezed my hand and told me he believed I could do it. It was what I needed at that moment and I got my run back on. I have no idea who he was but a huge Thank You to him! (my hands went right back to normal after I stopped running. I checked, it’s basically nothing).

I had carrot cake pancakes after my race and they are a pretty awesome brunch food.


Oh my goodness I am so
Happy for you and this boy! Every post just seriously makes me so happy for you. He seems so great! That picture of him and Brooke! Ah! I died. It’s funny how invested as all in your life when you don’t know us back, but I have been reading your blog for probably 6? 7? Years. So of course I feel like we are the best of friends! Anyway. Just so happy for you ?


Mindy! Your comment made my afternoon. Thank you so so much!! We are the best of friends:) Keep in touch!


Love the pic of your boyfriend and Brooke. Darling!

Today I am doing some weights before I go to Boston. I cannot wait to run there!


I am the nap Queen! Any time, any where! I ran 27 miles last week. That was the most I have ever done. Trying to go from 4 to 5 days. Want to add some speed work. Not sure what to do or if what I have been doing is right. I just try to read a lot of running info.


CHRISTINA!!! Huge congrats on your highest mileage week! You are rocking it:)


Naps don’t usually ruin my sleep at night, but yesterday I took a longggg nap and I could not fall asleep/stay asleep last night! Best part of my weekend was my best friend coming to town and getting to catch up with her and spend lots of time together!!


Your post is making me excited for summer BBQs! I love grilling outside. The view at your parents’ place looks amazing!


That dress you’re wearing is so dang cute!!! Where is it from?


HEY!!! I got it from Soel boutique in Orem a few years ago. If I find it somewhere else I will totally link to it! Thanks Becky and i hope you are having a beautiful day!


chunky baby legs are really the cutest things.
All the desserts. YUM!
Can Brooke give some good barks like the lab? :)
& yep, a nap messes me ALL up. I try to avoid them just for that reason


That breakfast burrito looks amazing! I am super into eggs benedict style anything right now – basically an english muffin, and a dippy egg on top… with ANYTHING in between… whatever greens i have on hand, or some hot sauce, or salsa or guac. Whatever I’ve got!


Best part of the weekend was seeing my best friend (after MONTHS of not seeing the nugget) who is moving to Kansas City this week with his girlfriend :( :( :(
Best run last week was the day I was going to say goodbye- ran fast and dealt with my feelings, thank God for the run.
Those breakfast tacos look bomb-diggity, that man is a keeper for sure!
Weekly mileage ranges from 55-low 60s, depending on whether the red-winged blackbirds are attacking or not. Those things ruin lives…


So happy for you and your boyfriend! :-)

I am so impressed with your running, especially your speed! I just finished my 19th marathon yesterday in Salem Oregon. Great small town race! I am around a 4:10 marathoner and want to get faster! I run 35 miles a week and think I need to up mileage maybe try Hansons method.

My company Girl Power Sport would love to send Brooke a free leotard for gym class. Let me know size and address ?


Have you seen the funfetti cheescake? Funfetti is a favorite in my family and so is cheesecake, so will have to try it out! I see the man is an Angels fan, that is a win in my book!! (I’m a SoCal girl :))


WHAT!?!?! I must try this asap! Thanks Heather for letting me know about it!! Yes, he is a HUGE Angels fan!! We might be going to a game soon:)


What a fun Sunday! I love that you seem so happy. :) You deserve it! Both those desserts look amazing. I want to make the ice cream cake. My favorite brunch needs to include fruit and something salty.


That picture of Brooke and your boyfriend is just heart-warming :)


YUM! I want that ice cream cake!


Your boyfriend looks cute!!


Oh thanks:) I have to agree with you on this! Hope you are having an amazing day Courtney!


That ice cream cake sounds delicious! My brother always requests funfetti birthday cake.


the best part of my wknd was running my 4th consecutive Brooklyn Half Marathon, annnnd having my boyfriend run it as his first ever half (and kill it with a 1:45!). love having a super fit man to work out with and share my running passion!


That picture of him holding Brooke melts my heart. Swoon!


that oreo dessert looks so good! i can totally see why yall spent so much time on the desk those view are to die for!!!


can’t do high mileage…my body just won’t, so i keep variety the name of my game. spinning, kettle bells, insanity, boot camps, runs. never boring that’s for sure, and keeps it fun.
best part of the weekend–definitely the out of town visitors! mom and aunts…very good time and always awesome to see my amazing mom!

ps–dying to know how you two met???!!!


Your family eats so well!! Everything looks amazing…everytime!

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