Runner’s Skin Health and a personalized plan with Dermalogica (plus a discount)!!!

***I’ve got an incredible Dermalogica discount for you at the end of the post—>  you do not want to miss out on this one!!!

For my teenage years and most of my twenties I tried out every face wash possible in hopes to achieve clear skin.  I would try everything and if a particular treatment worked for somebody else, I assumed that of course it had to work for me (spoiler—> it didn’t ha)!  I experimented and bought these different items with one thing on my mind—> NO MORE ZITS.  It never even entered my brain to think about the actual health of my skin or about what the ingredients were of what I was putting onto my skin.  It was kind of like how I viewed food and exercise for my early twenties.  I was motivated to eat the way I did and exercise the way I did by the look that it would produce, I didn’t think much about the actual health side of it all.  I never even began to think about my digestive health until last fall when gastritis knocked me down for some time.  The older I get, the more and more I think about my health as a whole, not just eating right and exercising—> but my overall health in so many different areas.

It wasn’t until I found Dermalogica that I truly started thinking about the HEALTH of my skin (our skin = is the largest organ on our body)!

Dermalogica was founded on the belief that good skin care is not about pampering/luxury… the brand is COMMITTED to skin health and helping us to achieve our healthiest skin.   They believe that the best way to achieve healthy skin is through a regular regimen—>  just like to achieve our running goals we need to stay consistent and make it a priority and part of our routine.  This whole way of thinking has been really eye opening for me so excuse me if I seem a little too excited about it.  I just can’t believe I had never really viewed the health of my skin as something so important before.  I’m really grateful that I’ve had this experience so that I can be a good example for Brooke of taking care of my skin and help her over the years too!

The beauty of Dermalogica is that they help you to find the best regimen for YOU (our skin is so different from one another so why would we all use the same plan for our skin’s health?!?).

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To figure out the most effective regimen for each person, Dermalogica employs FaceMapping!  FaceMapping is a skin analysis that divides the face into 14 zones so a professional skin therapist can determine where skin conditions such as congestion, breakouts, dehydration, etc. might occur!!

FaceMapping is free at any authorized Dermalogica salon—> Like Ulta (I went to basalt in SLC and Amber ((above)) was amazing and the salon was beautiful).   You can also try online SpeedMapping HERE and read more about FaceMapping HERE if you’d like.

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Below is a picture of the 14 different zones that Amber analyzed on my face.  We talked all about the different sections and how hormones, outdoor elements, aging, heredity all play a role in our skin.

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I look so serious because I wanted to absorb every word she was saying.  Nothing felt rushed, I felt like she truly wanted to educate me on something she was so passionate about which translated to me wanting to do everything I can from here on out to take care of my skin.

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She then wrote out a plan of action for me based completely on my skin and my skin concerns.

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I’ve gotten pretty good at covering up problem areas on my face with my makeup so I took a before picture (below) without my makeup a few months ago.  I told Amber before my FaceMapping that two of my goals with Dermalogica were to protect my skin from further aging caused by things I can control (THE SUN for example) and to wear makeup less by being more confident with my skin.  Both goals have been achieved.

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PS something really important that I have started to think a lot more about lately is the ingredients list of everything I am putting on my body or in my body…  EVERY product is formulated with ingredients backed by science and research (and without common ingredients that can cause irritation or breakouts, such as lanolin, mineral oil, SD alcohol, artificial color, and fragrances).  Also, all of Dermalogica’s products are formulated to work together to achieve the best results.

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At first I thought that this new morning and nighttime regimen was going to take a whole lot of time and result in me stopping after a week or two.  Nope, it takes about 3-4 minutes and that is completely worth it to me with the results I am getting and knowing that I am truly taking care of my skin.

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One of my favorite products is the daily microfoliant that I use each day.  It is an exfoliating powder (you add a little water to it to make it a paste) and HOLY COW… I am hooked on this.  My skin is so much smoother and balanced with this.  I look forward to using it each day because it feels like it just cleans my skin so well and gets rid of all of the junk I don’t want to be there:)

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Also the skin smoothing cream and multivitamin power firm are my favorite way to end my regimen.  You know how good it feels after a long hot run and you are super thirsty and that first drink of water feels like heaven… that is how my skin feels with these.  It feels like it is getting the hydration/moisturizing it needs and the softness levels afterwards—> yes please.  The power firm is used around my eyes and it is full of vitamins C and E which help improve elasticity along with botanical extracts that help firm.  I really wish I started using their products A LONG time ago but I’m grateful I have them from here on out to keep my skin healthy!

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PS I asked my Amber (my skin expert) to share her tips for skin care and runners:  “I would say that my number 1 tip would be to have a really great facial sunblock.  One that blocks both UVA and UVB rays.  One that is sweat proof and one that can be customized for your skin type.  I feel Dermalogica does an amazing job at offering this spectrum.  I also feel like it is important to drink plenty of water and be sure to cleanse the skin after a long run or extensive workout.  Dermalogica offers skin purifying wipes that you can throw in your gym bag if you can’t wash right away.  These are great for people that can be prone to breakouts.  Using products that are professionally recommended for your skin type and skin condition can really go along way and make a huge difference as well.  I have always said that when caring for your skin, it’s best to protect, preserve and prevent (the 3 P rule).  Protecting your skin with SPF will protect your skin from aging and hyper pigmentation.  Preserving your skin by following a good at home skin care routine will help maintain great skin.  Prevent further aging and other skin conditions by following the first two rules.”

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I really haven’t thought much about it until these last few months but we as runners sure exposure our skin to a lot!  During the winter in Utah we have a ton of inversion, bigger cities experience a good amount of pollution and  we are out in the sun A LOT (without a lot covering us especially in the warm months).  I think that skin health is something that runners should especially be mindful of and pay attention to the 3 p rule—> protect, preserve, and prevent)!  Adding the dynamic skin recovery (spf 50)  by Dermalogica to my morning routine has been so nice because it is sweat proof and it keeps me protected while I’m out on the roads or trails.  Routine is one of my love languages (is that a thing?) and having a skin routine each day now has helped my skin feel smoother, healthier and cleaner than ever.

*******Go HERE and use the code HRG20 to get a 20% DISCOUNT (for the first 50 readers!!!) through 5/30/2016!

Sponsored by Dermalogica!  Try them out… you’ll be just as in love as I am:)


How do you take care of your skin’s health?  Do you put on sunscreen before running?

Over the years, how has your definition of health changed?

What are you doing today to take care of your OVERALL health?

What’s making you happy today (I love hearing these things:)?

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Haven’t tried it myself before, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about Dermalogica!


I struggled with skin issues in middle school. Thankfully, it’s gotten much better over the years. I use Aveeno products and love them and try always to remember to put sunscreen on my face if I know I’m going to be outside for a while.

Today, my coworkers are making me happy. I’m really glad I’m at the company I am now (can’t believe it’s been almost a year), and I LOVE the people I work with. :)


I’ve tried Dermalogica before and I love it! Lately I’ve been really good about using sunscreen, because skin cancer is common in my family and I’ve had a few scares already. Not worth taking the risk!

Right now the breakfast burrito and coffee I’m having for breakfast are making me very happy :)


The last year or so my husband and I have been really focusing on not only the things we put in our bodies but also what we put on them. We’ve been using products with more natural ingredients and with things that won’t end up hurting us down the road. It is so important!! I know exactly what you’re talking about, when I was younger, my focus was on how I looked, not what my workouts, eating habits or products were actually doing to me. Now the focus is so different, and so much healthier for me! I love Dermalogica products, glad to know someone else is loving them just as much!


I so needed to hear all of this! I’m terrible at taking care of my skin – just rely on make-up to cover up any blemishes. And I never put sunscreen on before running!

The biggest thing I’m focusing on at the moment for my overall health is rest! I tend to try and cram too much into each day and don’t give myself time to recover.


After being on so many topical creams and medications for my acne, I am always looking for products that are gentle on my skin and prevent aging it. I haven’t tried Dermalogica out, but it looks great — I love that they use face mapping!


One of my goals for the summer is to wear sunscreen on runs and hikes. With all that time outdoors it’s important to think about skin health!


I feel like food and hormones affect my skin more than anything I actually put on my face! I’ve also noticed when I take downtime from running my skin feels healthier, I do think hormones play a huge factor but I’d also like to think more about what I put on my face.


I’ve been much more conscious about my skincare regimen over the last few months too. Maybe it’s something about us turning 30 this year? haha! I’m also trying to be more aware of the ingredients used and whether a company tests on animals or not.

I’m very interested in Derma based on the face mapping. My face used to be pretty even and the skin was easy to manage, but lately it has been all over the place. My t-zone is an oily mess while my jawline is super dry… driving me crazy! When I get back from vacation I’ll have to book an appointment!


I use spf 70 sweat prof sunblock on my face and re apply throughput the day. I get melasma easily and it practically impossible to get rid of.

Happy that I looked at the weather for Sunday and it is perfect for running my half marathon. Hoping it stays that way.


Can I just leave a quick PSA? Please wear sunscreen ALWAYS! After a bout with melanoma in my late 20’s it’s been a staple for me. It is so important to protect your skin. Do it. Okay, done. Thank you.


I honestly don’t have a skin care routine. Mostly, I just use face wipes to clean my make up off at night. I know that’s bad! I have noticed a few fine line wrinkles coming that I’m not ready for. But I haven found anything that is anti aging that I like yet.


My definition of health has sure changed a lot over the years. Today I am very focused on making sure to take care of my emotional and mental health along with my physical health. I started using Rodan and Fields last year for my skin and I will never go back. I used to break out all the time and now I don’t at all. I have been without it (forgot to reorder) for a few weeks now and my skin is terrible! It is so nice when you find something that works for you and it is totally worth the effort!


This looks really cool! I like the face mapping and the 14 zones on our face. I’ve never seen that before! I feel like my definition of health has changed over the years. I actually pay attention to what I eat now and consistently run and work out. Also, just taking time to treat myself or relax regularly is important to me too!


I just recently researched their products b/c I had heard many good things and was sooooo happy to hear that they DO NOT test on animals which is so important to me!


I’ve been using Dermalogica for years! The microfoliant is my holy grail of products. :)


I am careful to always use moisturizer that contains sunscreen, and do take care of my face as much as possible – but i need to be more diligent about the rest of my body, esp my shoulders/arms/legs since I am tend to underestimate the amount of time I spend in the sun due to running!


Love dermatologica! I have always taken good care of my skin and use a great sunscreen in the summer for my runs. I actually need a new bottle! I use skinceuticals sunscreen. It’s great!


I’ve been fortunate to have really easy skin that doesn’t break out too much. I’ve seen the effects bad skin can have on people’s self confidence though and it sounds like this is a great product!

Something that made me happy today: a 3 mile run outside (burrr!) followed by a hot chai tea before work!


The facemapping sounds like a neat tool! I always use a moisturizer that has sunscreen in it. I love the way it makes my face feel too. I used to think that everyone that was “skinny” was healthy but I now believe it’s not how you look but how you take care of yourself that makes you healthy. I always have a water bottle on hand and I try to eat vegetables every day. 33 days til the wedding is making me happy right now!!


I’ve never tried dermatologica or face mapping. I’ll be honest, I just buy oil of olay and call it a day. That’s what my Grandma and Mom used so that’s what I use. I would love to try something else, but on a student budget these days!


Thanks for sharing :) I have never heard of dermalogica.

I hardly wear any makeup and I think that it has helped my skin stay clear. I had some acne and when I started running 3 years ago it just cleared up. Sweat is so so detoxifying! I think exfoliating probably helped me a lot too, and I often forget it.


I LOVE Amber!! She’s the best!


Glad you’ve found products you’re happy with. I haven’t dealt with acne, personally, but my son has. I cannot recommend using Frankincense essential oil more!!! He had terrible acne on his back. His dermatologist said the only thing that would clear it up was oral medication. Since we weren’t willing to try that I started applying frankincense to his back. It started clearing up immediately. Now whenever my son or daughter have even one pimple they apply it and it’s gone by morning. I recommended it to my sister in law who starting breaking out due to menopause and she can’t believe how well it works. We use young living oils. I don’t sell them I just believe it them!! We’ve successfully used them for other things as well.


My facial moisturizer has sunscreen (SPF 45) in it so I wear this daily. As well, my makeup also does. I am very careful to wear as I don’t want lines or damage! I also wear sunglasses and generally a hat.

Health before was skinny with acne-free skin. Now, health is strong (muscles) and well cared care skin (no harsh tans or chemicals)

I drink tons of water, be very careful what I eat and put on my body. I really try to be a good steward of what i have been given. I am blessed and want to take care of this blessing!

My family makes me happy. Running makes me happy – just being outdoors is amazing!


Ugh, I hear you with the acne/skin problems! My 15 year old cousin has clearer skin than I do! I definitely make face washing and skin care a priority because I mean, besides the obvious vanity reasons, pimples hurt!!!
Things making me happy: printed leggings, turkey burgers with jam, and good mother-daughter conversations (aren’t moms the best?)


I drink so much water. All day, every day. And when I don’t, for whatever reason, I notice a difference.

I actually tried Dermalogica a few years ago and wasn’t overly impressed, and it was especially disappointing because I had heard so many success stories. I would give them another shot–especially if I had a customized plan.


Traci! Have you heard of Rodan and Fields!? #1 premium anti-aging and acne skincare in the country! I a, more than happy to share more information with you! These products are incredible!



I have acne that I wish so bad would go away. I try all kinds of different things and have recently tried going to more all-natural fragrance free etc. brands. Didn’t seem to help me much, but at least I’m not shoving so many chemicals into my pores. I’d love to try something like this, but the price for these systems is way more than I’m comfortable with handing over on something I’m not sure will work for me. Sigh.


Hey Kelly! I just posted to Traci, but I use me also sell Rodan and Fields skincare. #1 premium acne brand. Our products, like Derm, use a solution tool to find the best regimen of skincare for you! Please take a look at my website


I wear mineral sunblock every day, year round, but it wasn’t until I increased my running outside to 4-5 times a week (I’m also outside daily walking my dog) that I started to notice sun damage on my face. Despite all my precautions.


I use Dermalogica too! It’s an excellent product!


I’m so glad you posted about this and friend you are BEAUTIFUL inside and out! I love your thoughts about wanting to take care of your skin and have healthy skin with less makeup. To take care of my skin I drink a lot of water and I swear by the skin clearing power of green smoothies, but I’m ashamed to say I’m pretty lax with sunscreen (which is terrible). I’m so glad there is an Ulta in St. George. I am totally treating myself for Mother’s Day!


I love Dermalogica too! The medibac products are the first thing I’ve found that really help my acne. I really want to do the face mapping to see what I need where. The only drawback is its so expensive, but its worth it!


What I’m doing today to take care of my overall health: getting a good night of sleep, taking vitamins and going to yoga!


This is a great post! We’re so happy you enjoyed your experience at Basalt and are loving your new skin care routine! Just so everyone knows – we offer FREE Face Mapping at our spa! Call 801-532-2991 to schedule your consultation today! For more information about Basalt and the services we offer, visit


I love Dermalogica. I have sensitive, easy burned, easy breakout skin. Everything aggravates it. Dermalogica doesn’t. I have used it the last four years and no longer have real issues. I’m a big fan of the ultracalming line.


Today I’m happy because I had a huge presentation at work, it went well, and now it’s over. Yay me!


I’ve never tried Dermalogica but it sounds amazing!!!


I love Dermalogica! I use their Intensive Moisture Balance moisturizer. This stuff is pricey and never goes on sale… so THANK YOU for the coupon code!!!


A therapist got me through the toughest breakup – The breakup was out of the blue and I was devastated – felt like I was punched in the gut and the air was sucked out of me. But I refused to let him ruin my happiness – I didn’t want to waste my life sulking over him. So the day after the break up I called and made an appointment with a therapist, she was AMAZING. Without her I don’t know how I would have gotten through it. She let me cry my heart out, she gave me hope when I wanted him to come back, she let me get mad, she let me feel all the feelings I had to go through in order to get over him. Its been 7 years and I haven’t seen him since – I’m not sure how I would react if I ever saw him. I think if anything I’d feel anger – I have a few choice words I’d like to yell at him.

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