A RUNNER’S GLUTE workout (w/ a movie) for you to try and 8 things from yesterday!

HAPPY TUESDAY everyone!  I hope your week is off to a good start.

I’ve got a killer glute workout for you to try if you would like.  You can do this one with or without weights, at the gym/your house/the track/your hotel/wherever the heck you want.  I’ve been focusing big time on strengthening my glutes these days and hoping that pays off come race day when I am in better running shape too.  I’m positive by doing all of these little deposits into our running bank account that it will pay off when the right race comes along and we are ready to make a huge withdrawal with a PERSONAL RECORD.  <—I don’t make any sense, I know.  

Just grab some sort of timer (I just use my phone) and do each exercise for about 30 seconds (or until it burns) before moving to the next move.  Some of the exercises (like side lying abduction and side planks) do for 30 seconds on each leg/side before moving on.  I was pretty sore after the first few times that I did this workout but I love that because it means I challenged myself!

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And an awkward movie with some talking and me doing each of the moves.  I wish I could add music to it to make it seem less awkward but ya know… copyright laws and such.  


A few things from yesterday!!!

1.  I did a little bit of yoga yesterday.  If I’ve learned anything about myself when it comes to stretching—> it is that I need somebody telling me what to do in order for me to actually do it.  I need somebody guiding me through the stretches or else it ain’t gonna happen… I quit after two minutes on my own.  This wonderful lady below has helped me to stick with stretching the last week or so.

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2.  I’m sure you’ve done this stretch but try pushing your elbow into your leg (below my left elbow on my left leg) to push the stretch a little bit further.  It burns so good.

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3.  Brooke is part of a biking gang now… I wish they would let me join but they are pretty exclusive.

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4.  Pink clouds at sunset are pretty great.

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5.  Megan picked up some summer chairs for her porch and I feel like we will be spending large amounts of time together here.

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6.  These popsicles are everything.  Dessert last night:

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7.  Brooke is a huge fan of bath time and I have to convince her to finally get out after a long time in there.. her prune hands always make us laugh.

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8.  It looks like we are wearing lipstick for some reason but we weren’t… random but just a right before bedtime pic together.

Photo on 4 18 16 at 9 32 PM


What are some deposits you’ve put into your running bank account (besides running) lately?  More sleep/stretching/strength training/more water/massages/etc?!?

Do you like videos or are pictures easier when it comes to workouts etc?

On a scale from 1-10… how good are you at getting yourself to stretch?  How many times a week do you spend time stretching?

Name one thing that you are looking forward to the most about summer!?

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Typically I’m really good with stretching but over the past month or so fell out of the habit! Now with Boston behind me I’m ready to shift gears and do a lot more yoga which I love.


I love some of the runners world yoga workouts on youtube. Not only are they awesome workouts but they are geared toward runners.


I have been getting regular massages, foam rolling nearly everyday and stretching whenever I watch a tv show or movie in the evenings. I feel better when I do those things, so I’ve been working on it. I haven’t been sleeping well lately and that needs to change, but I’m trying to fix that too!

I look most forward to summer being over! It gets super hot here and it doesn’t cool down in the evenings. There’s not much fun about being outside on 90+ degree evenings. Plus I’m allergic to mosquitoes, so it’s hard to spend much time outdoors without getting baseball-size welts on my arms/legs, which is pretty miserable. All the other seasons I love, summer, not so much!


Videos are so much easier for me! I’ve tried to do those workouts in magazines but I can’t figure out some of the moves and I love motivation QUICK! I love how it looks like you took a selfie with the lady in the video..looks like she was posing with you haha!

I’m looking forward to sitting on my back deck with a glass of wine and relaxing this summer :)


I definitely need to be better about stretching. Thanks for the tips lately. My glutes and hips get tight way too often!

I am looking forward to pool time and snow cones this summer!!


I’d say I’m a 6 when it comes to stretching. I always stretch a little bit after I run, but definitely don’t stretch for long enough. I used to go to yoga twice a week so at least I would get a good stretch there, but I haven’t been able to make it for a while (ugh work) so now I need to step up my stretching at home.

I enjoy the workout videos! Excited to try your glute routine. I’ve been kinda freestyling it at the gym recently because I got bored of the strength routines I was doing. Thanks for sharing something new!


I enjoy videos. I feel as though it’s easier to understand something when you see it being done. That might just be me though. Flutes and hips have always been a weakness of mine, I appreciate you sharing.


I’m good with stretching lately because I came close to injury recently and that sparked me to get more consistent.


I love when you make videos! You can add music in iMovie for free using their Audio library, or when you upload to YouTube if you go into Video Editor there’s an Audio tab where you can select free music to add. If you have any questions just shoot me an email :) I’m not a pro at creating videos at all, but I enjoy doing it for fun on my blog!

I never miss a day of stretching! My hips get SO TIGHT if I don’t stretch, heck they sometimes are tight even when I’m stretching a lot, so it’s a “can’t miss a day” kind of thing for me.


Well you just solved all of my problems… okay, that makes me so happy! THANK YOU!! I use iMovie so that is perfect. THANK YOU KRISTINA!! You might be hearing from me soon with any more questions:) Way to go on the stretching!!!


i’m looking forward to the beach more than anything! and sweaty, hot runs! I love the videos, they feel personal :)


I need to be better about stretching and foam rolling! I feel it when I skip over foam rolling in my calves, quads, and glutes.


I cannot do yoga if I’m not watching a video. I give up instantaneously. That being said, I go through waves of stretching. I know it’s good for me, so I try to do it, but I get so bored. Right now, I’d say I’m about a 3 on the stretching scale which is no bueno. But this is as good a motivation as any to get back in the game!


Your video was great! Videos are definitely easier to understand what’s supposed to be done than pictures :)

I’m awful at making myself stretch, I’m a lot like you I can’t get myself to commit for more than 2 minutes :P At least we know we’ve got something to work on!


I am not as good as I should be about stretching, but I’m much better than I used to be! Stretching is what helped me turn the corner on IT band pain, I think. I was already stretching the muscle attached to my IT band, but after I started stretching everything (glutes, hamstrings, calves), I was able to run with waaaaaay less pain!


I am probably a 5 on the scale of stretching, as in I only do it when I start feeling tight (not regularly after a workout, which I know I should). Love that glute workout though! Will give it a try :)


I’m with you on the stretching thing … Absolutely need someone to force me to do it or it won’t happen!

Thing I’m looking forward to most about summer – Being able to walk my dog in shorts … And wear sundresses … And flip flops .. And eat so much froyo :)


One of the best exercises I think I do is the crab walk with a resistance band around my ankles. My hubby is a PT and helps me make sure I’m doing it with the right form because that’s like the easiest exercise to cheat on but if you do it right, it has the best results! Glute meds get ignored too much!


THOSE ARE KILLER!!! Way to go girl and that is awesome your husband is a PT… he keeps you on top of your game with all of the extras! That is awesome!


Speed work, workouts, long tempos, and fartleks = been putting those in the bank and I feel like they are paying off.
Videos are the bomb, especially for yoga- my tv subscription has great yoga workouts and Steve sticks it to me every time.
That’s right, Steve and I are on a first name basis (well, one of us is ;)
But…on a scale of 1-10, I am at a 1…stretching and I need to go on a few more dates before we can be considered “steady”
Summer = Watermelon, Wall climbing, and Willow tree swinging :)


I am so bad about stretching. I will get into a good routine, but it usually doesn’t stick for long. I am looking forward to lots of boat time this summer!!


I’m bookmarking this bad boy because I desperately need some core/glute strength help! I don’t stretch very much, but I do more now that I’m older than I used to! I never ever used to stretch. Like, ever.


I’m exactly like you when it comes to stretching. If someone isn’t leading me I hold it for a short time and call it good. My husband and I recently discovered ROMWOD which stands for range of motion work out of the day. They are daily 20 minute videos that focus on passive stretching and really opening up the body. You hold the poses for 2-4 minutes, which can be brutal but feels so good! Plus the daily stretches are already chosen for you. I love when I don’t have to think about it and just do! We have both noticed an improvement in just a couple of weeks. I’m in no way affiliated with them just like sharing good finds!


I love videos for workouts/stretching over photos! And when it comes to stretching, I do not do it enough. I’m similar to you that I like to have a video or some kind of guide to follow.

Something I’m excited for this summer is hopefully a trip with some of my high school friends!


Summer = everything!
I am awful at stretching on my own. I’m better than I was in high school and I’ll at least stretch my calves but unless I’m stretching with someone else, I almost always forget.


Woo – thank you for the glute workout! I’ve been on a good habit of using 8 Minute Abs now so I guess video is the way to go! For my last training cycle, I focused on getting a lot of sleep, drinking a ton of water, and oh, eating everything in sight? It’s weird to have a normal appetite again. One thing I’m looking forward to about summer – just plain old warm weather, not having to wear a coat, and enjoying the sunshine.


I’ve gotten good at stretching! I have a few short yoga videos I like that help with it


I ran my fastest ever tempo today!!! I broke the record I set last week, so I am super excited today!

As I wrote about on my blog post yesterday, I prioritized massage last weekend and it was terrific.


AHHHHHH WAY TO GO!!! Congrats on your fastest ever tempo. You rocked it!!!


Rosy lips from the ice pops?

I’ve been adding in glute and hip work again. I felt like my hip was starting to ache and I didn’t want a repeat of last year’s injury. I stretch regularly but I think I could do it for a little bit longer. I’m not good about foam rolling at the moment.

Videos let you see the whole move so they often make more sense than just a photo. (bridges don’t mean the same thing in PT as they do yoga. The form is completely different).

I look forward to the beach, vacation and grilling dinner.


Thanks for making this video! Did you use an app to make it? I’ve been trying to make a similar one for my clients but I’m not sure what to use.


Hey Amy!!! I just use iMovie on my computer. It is super user friendly!


I seem to be good with stretching when I’m injured, but otherwise it seems to fall to the wayside.


On a scale from 1-10… how good are you at getting yourself to stretch? How many times a week do you spend time stretching?

I am a 3… Really bad at stretching. I will do it one day and then…. feel like I am great!! I manage to skip the next few days because I feel fine. Then… it hurts! haha

Name one thing that you are looking forward to the most about summer!?

I am soooooo excited for the pool and lunches I can fix at home!


No training wheels?! Go Brooke!


I’m with you, Janae. I’m so unmotivated to stretch or do strength / bootcamp style workouts on my own! I really admire people who can do this. I need to get my butt to a class to have someone push me! Exact opposite with runnin tho!

Great video ~ and so many ways to progress those moves! For example, try donkey kicks with a 2-4 lb weight behind your knee. Or while in side plank, dip the hips to the floor.

I’ve added barre class into my running bank account. Works every part of the body (core, thighs, butt, arms) with theselittle movements that fatigue the muscles so bad you are shaking! Love it!

Summer = watermelon! Sprinklers! Late night walks! Ice cream (well, more ice cream than usual).


I want to try barre so badly! Thank you for motivating me to actually try it… sounds killer! Great variations too for those moves… I’ll try those too. OH WATERMELON… I cannot wait! Enjoy the rest of your day Caroline!


If you try barre…you must post about your experience, m’kay!?!? Its a killer! The best way to explain it is….you are thankful to be done with one body part…..until you realize that you’ve just moved onto another body part!! ha! My studio does it heated (about 95 deg). And it’s uh-mazing.


Thanks for sharing the video.
I like videos because I can follow along and quit less. When the workout is a picture maybe I’ll cut it short.

I’m a 10 on stretching… twice a day sometimes. I really need it.. my hip flexors don’t like to flex.


You misspelled ‘running bank account’ as ‘ruining bank account’ but it’s a lot funnier that way.

I’m an awful stretcher and I pay for it often. I always say I’ll do better, but I don’t. Score = 2

I hope my allergies will be better in the summer because right now I’m pretty miserable ; (


HAHAHAH good find! Thank you:) Oh allergies are seriously the worst… I hope they disappear FAST! Enjoy the rest of your day Clark and make sure to stretch;)


The only way I ever get a good quality stretching session in is when I go to yoga and the instructor tells me exactly what to do! I loved hearing that I’m not alone on that one!


One of my goals for summer is to get better at stretching, but I think it should naturally be easier to do in summer because in winter I just get inside and want to get into a hot shower immediately…but in summer, I can sit outside and stretch for awhile!


Prune hands unite! I’m a bath lover too. Also, thanks for the video. I will be using that workout for sure!!
I’ve definitely been trying to stretch and foam roll more.
I like videos better because I can pause the video and I can also see the instructor doing the exercise. Sometimes pictures don’t give you enough detail. I’m also not very coordinated so it usually takes me a couple times to get the move down.
I am probably at a 6 on the stretching scale. I usually stretch after every workout, but I don’t do any supplemental stretching, foam rolling, or yoga :/ I am really looking forward to the sunshine, watermelon, and tons of swimming this summer!


When I was marathon training I was trying to be diligent about doing yoga once a week. I haven’t done it now in a couple weeks. It feels so good afterwards but I just have such a hard time making myself do it. This summer I am most looking forward to my 3 weeks trip to EUROPE! So excited.


I’m probably in the middle of the pack on the stretching game – I’m good about stretching after runs/workouts but otherwise that’s it. My goal is to get in a few minutes of stretching and foam rolling daily, but that hasn’t happened yet!

Summer: looking forward to warm weather and not blistering heat (I moved a few months ago from southern AZ to a cooler area in NM and I’m so excited!!)


When it comes to yoga, I am a huge fan of following what someone tells me to do (in class or video). Even though I have been dong yoga for years and know dozens of flows, as soon as I step on my mat my mind goes blank and all creativity goes out the window. If I want a challenging and fun yoga flow, I have to find a teacher or video!


I am so bad at stretching! I need to be better!


I don’t mind stretching. I always remember to stretch after running. And I LOVE yoga!

I cannot wait until summer! We have a family trip to Florida planned in June. Currently, I am working on sprucing up my patio for some fun evenings out there.


Stretching is the best! I’m a dance teacher who HATES to run, but when I trained for my half marathon this February I was so glad I knew how to stretch because without it – I don’t know how runners ever don’t feel sore! When you do the stretch and put your elbow on your knee – take your other arm over your foot and push that elbow on your foot while you pull in. So you pull in with your arms and push out with your elbows on your foot and your knee. That sounds so weird in writing – but if you can figure out my gibberish, it’s my favorite stretch ever!


I cannot do yoga if I’m not watching a video. I give up instantaneously. That being said, I go through waves of stretching. I know it’s good for me, so I try to do it, but I get so bored. Right now, I’d say I’m about a 3 on the stretching scale which is no bueno. But this is as good a motivation as any to get back in the game!

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