The 15 Workout and Knowing YOUR Race Distance

Brookie and I got to run some errands with my sister yesterday afternoon.

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And then we grabbed lunch because we were all starting to get a little hangry.  We were much happier after the food was in our bellies.  

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We stopped by our new apartment that we will be moving to and Brooke literally ran in circles in her room.  One of the reasons that she is so excited to move is because she will have a toy room (aka a large closet in the family room area;) for all of her toys.  

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I hit up the gym for a quick strength training workout.  PS I have actually stayed consistent with my weight training for MONTHS now… this might be the first time in the history of

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All I used was a mat, an exercise ball and 2 15 lb weights.  I am NOT a personal trainer and I mainly go to a bootcamp class to get in my weight training but every now and then I make up a workout that is simple but effective for me. 

My 15 Workout:

-15 glute bridge/hip thrusts (with weights on hips), 15 pulses while in bridge position, 15 in and outs with your knees while in your bridge (your buns will really burn after these:)

-15 full sit-ups (I feel my core really engage when I do these so I keep it simple with my sit-ups)

-15 squats with weights either in your hands, at your side or resting on your shoulders.

-15 shoulder raises

-15 push-ups with shins/top of feet on the exercise ball

-15 bicep curls

-15 dead lifts

-15 (15 with each leg, 30 total) mountain climbers

Repeat 3 times! 

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Afterwards Brooke and I picked up Megan and Heather for a bit and Brooke insisted on wearing her metal from her first race.  

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We found a blacklight so naturally we had to take a creepy picture.  

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And then Brooke made some pretty sweet play-doh creations for me while I rolled my foot out and ate apple chips.  

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Feel free to check out my latest article at Women’s Running!

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Something I talk about in my above plateau article is about finding YOUR race and I thought I would talk about what inspired my new perspective on this: 

My mom and I had a heart to heart a few weeks ago over some waffle fries at Chick-Fil-A while Brooke was playing in the play-place.  I was still in my sweats (it was 8 pm and I never actually got into real clothes for the day) and I was just in a funk.  One of the many things I love about my mom is that she is really honest with me, she doesn’t sugar coat things and so I really value her opinion.  We had about 15 items that I wanted to discuss with her and one of them was running. 

I just haven’t felt like I have been progressing with my running (obviously lately because of an injury but I have felt this way for some time).  I feel like I have been stuck for a few years now.  My grandpa was a phenomenal running coach and so my mom grew up learning a lot from him over the years and she said to me—>  well, it’s because you aren’t training specifically for and running YOUR race.  ????.  Ummm mom, my goal is to get a sub 3 marathon.  She replied that while I will be able to get that eventually, where I will really excel and progress is in the 1/2 marathon.  We talked all about how my body is more built for the 1/2.  It is the distance that I can race well.  And until my body is in a better place as far as stomach issues and injuries go… the marathon just might not be where my body kills it right now.   And just like that it all made a lot of sense.  I think the marathon gets the most attention but it can’t possibly be everyone’s “race.”  Every body is different and built a little differently.  

I enjoy the half the most.  I place in our area in the half.  I don’t get injured and my stomach is a lot happier.  I recover better and as a single mom… the 1/2 training is a heck of a lot more doable (being gone for 22 miles… yeah).  So, I might just focus on the 1/2 for awhile because my mom knows everything and this might be one of those things.   I am in a little dilemma because I do love the marathon training and race too but I think for the next year or two if I do decide to run a marathon I will view it a little differently than I have in the past and maybe make goals like sub 3:10, sub 3:05 etc and work from there.  I’m not giving up on my sub 3 marathon goal but if I am really craving progression then my best bet is chasing after the 1/2 marathon this year.  Make sense?    

I’m really excited for some killer half-marathons this year though.   What are your excited for racing wise this year?  What race distance do you think your body responds to the best?

Where do you get your strength workouts from?

What do you do when you feel like you are experiencing a running plateau? 

What snack are you addicted to lately?

-Apple chips.

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Marathons are hard. And I think that the problem that alot of us run into while training for them is that we forget everything else and focus on that distance. Sometimes focusing on something totally different will give you the gains that you are looking for in both the half and the full marathon. Your mom is a wise woman!

My husband is a personal trainer. It isn’t what he does anymore career-wise, but it sure helps me out when I need a good strength workout!


I love that your mom gives you that sort of advice! Seems like she knows you and your running really well, that’s pretty incredible. I think for me, body versus mind is an issue. While I think I’m built for longer distances, mentally those are tough and draining time after time, so I have to figure out where I’m going after Boston this year.


The half is definitely my favorite and best race distance. I just don’t think I’m made for marathons.

I’ve been addicted to animal crackers lately (and Wheat Thins, as always). They’re just so good!


I’m excited to be running my first full marathon this year! We’ll see how my body likes it.

I’ve been using an app called Jefit for my strength training workouts. It has a bunch of routines for all different fitness levels and goals.

I’ve been eating sooo many dates recently. I can’t get enough!


After years of running I finally realized that the half is my distance as well. Due to stomach issues and migraine headaches, I had to put any longer distances on hold, for now or maybe even ever but I’m okay with it. I’ve learned to embrace the fact that I need to do what’s best for me, not what’s best for anyone or anything else. :)


Your mom gives great advice! I’ve never done in and outs with your knees while in a bridge until reading your post today. Thanks for the great workout ideas!


Wow this is such a great perspective and your mom is right! I completely agree with running “your race,” but I’m not entirely sure what mine is right now. I don’t think I’m specifically built for any distance, but I feel best in 10 milers and maybe half marathons so I think I’m right there with you. I also grew up running trails and did mainly that in college and you’ve given me food for thought if maybe that’s what I’m built for. Trails are what make me the happiest so I might just have to shift that way.

I’ve been plateauing like crazy and this might have just explained why! Thanks so much


The half sounds like it is so perfect for you! The ideal distance for my body might by 10-15k? I am always in the mind set of wanting to do more and do better and do it faster everyday than I did the day before but I am learning our bodies cant always function injury-free at 110% every single day. Slowly but surely I am starting to accept this fact… :) listening to our bodies is key!


Do what works for you! I used to race Ironmans, but decided I didn’t enjoy it as much as short course triathlons (Olympic distance and sprint). I switched 2 years ago and have been SO MUCH HAPPIER since!


Your mom gives great advice! I love half marathon training and racing and find it’s where my body does well. I’ve been addicted to Siggi’s vanilla yogurt lately.


While I haven’t run a marathon yet, I love the distance of a half marathon as well! I feel like I’ve got a really great understanding of how body works over the 13.1 miles and while I’m sore after, I know it’s a soreness that was well-earned. However, I am excited to run my first marathon in just over a month and see if I can understand the rhythm of 26.2! Favorite snack right now – vanilla greek yogurt. It’s more of an obsession..


I love this perspective. Although it sounds outcasting, the marathon really isn’t for everyone and we all thrive off different distances, exercises, workout classes, etc. I’ve only run 2 full marathons but after both finished I remember saying “the half marathon is a beautiful distance.”


I think you are so wise to train for the half instead! I have a 7 month old who im still ️nursing and she hates taking a bottle. We don’t have any family around here and my husband works a ton of hours so I only have maybe one run a week I can do without pushing Her in the stroller. I wanted to train for a full but didn’t have enough time between feedings! Excited to see your half training since I will be doing the same! ?


I chose not to run any fulls this year for many of the same reasons. I can happily run a half with friends even if I haven’t trained a ton. And I don’t have to give up so much of my life to training.


AMEN to this post!! Down here in South Africa the nation is a bit ultra crazy (with the Comrades Marathon being one of our well-known races) and if you don’t do Comrades, your looked down on a bit. But you know what? Ultras just aren’t MY thing. Neither are marathons. My body loves and prefers and reacts well to half-marathons and 10 kays, and that’s where my passion lies. And that’s what I train for and enjoy – no matter what the nation says!


That’s such a great perspective! I love that. I don’t know what race distance my body prefers. I really like the half marathon distance because I enjoy the training and challenge of it. That’s the longest race I’ve done but someday I do want to run a marathon. It’s the #1 thing on my bucket list!


Man I really needed this post today and the article you wrote for Women’s Running. I was JUST talking to my boyfriend (also a runner) last night about how disappointed I’ve been lately and how I feel like I’ve plateaued. Your last point really hit home with me too, about the mind and body being so connected. I have mile repeats tonight and I went to bed last night really worried about them. But I’m going to work hard today to think positively and get myself excited (not anxious!!!) about them. I’ve also been extremely stressed lately and I think it’s affecting my running. Thank you for sharing, I needed a little perspective today! xo


That is awesome advice! You’re gonna kill ALL the half-marathons you enter. Go get ’em!

* I get my strength workouts from my coach.

* I have yet to hit a plateau because everything still feels hard ;)

* I keep making (and then eating all of) the Marrakesh Carrot Salad from the Sprouted Kitchen blog, and I’m ready to admit that I’m addicted. It’s insanely good!


Once I have my baby ill be focusing more on racing again. Right now my goal is to just keep running as far as my body will allow. Which right now seems to be about 2 miles maybe a little over. The race I’ve been focusing on is the 5k. I want to try a 10k and a half and eventually maybe a marathon. But I also just started placing in the 5k which is something I worked for all through high school and hardly ever got. So my mind probably stays with improving that race instead of trying others and seeing what happens.


I can definitely relate to this Janae. I think anything below the full marathon distance is for me. I haven’t had a good full marathon and I tend to get injured training they long for one! I like the half and below. Maybe we can sign up for a half together!


Im running my first real half in April and I’m pumped. I’m run the distance unofficially before, but I figured it’s time to actually get a medal for all my hard work, so bring it on.

I get my strength training in from Kayla Itsine’s BBG program which I started on a whim last year when I was injured from running. It’s a mixture of plyometric, body weight, and weighted moves and I found it incredibly beneficial to my running. So much so that I’ve gone a year+ being uninjured which is unheard of for me.

current snack obsession: enlightened broad beans. a one ounce serving has 100 cals and 7g of protein and they are darn delicious. you’re welcome


I really love that bit of advice and perspective! I have actually never ran in a marathon or 1/2 marathon and have just always run just to run but sometimes I feel like a hamster in a wheel with nothing to train for. My goal this year is to change that, and I have a couple of awesome 1/2s on the radar. I think the next couple of years will be interesting as I find “my race”.


That strength workout looks great! I’ll definitely have to give that a try.
I felt really strong during my half marathon over the weekend. This was my first time running it and for some reason, I just felt like a runner. Even though I wasn’t very fast, it felt like such a great distance for me and my body responded really well to it. I like to get a lot of my strength from group fitness and from kettlebell workouts on Pinterest.
When I feel like I’m not progressing, I usually take a couple days off. I think sometimes our bodies just need some good ole rest. I then try to do better in the fitness classes, like not taking as long of a break or maybe doing more reps. I also try and increase my speed a little when doing tempos or speed workouts. Only if I can though. You definitely have to listen to your body!


Your mom is so wise! I completely agree with her. My race is the 1/2 marathon and I’ve never run a marathon (injuries!). Every time someone finds out I love to run, they ask if I’ve ever run a marathon. It’s like you HAVE to run one in order to be considered a real runner. I hate that mentality. The half marathon is what I love and where I excel and I will continue to train for that race. Maybe one day I’ll do a marathon, but it’s not a “have to” anymore.


Awesome, awesome! Such words of wisdom.


1/2 marathon training is so much more doable than marathon training, especially with a job and little kids. This is my 3rd Jan/Feb to be injured, so I am definitely changing my plan this year to hit my faster races in Oct/Nov and xc for Dec/Jan.

I’ve been using Fitness Blender (YouTube) for strength and HIIT workouts and they are really good! And they have a huge range of times (10 min to 80 min) and workouts.


Love heart to hearts with mom. Those are just the best.

I’m excited to only be running ONE full marathon in the fall instead of multiple throughout the year. My body responds best to halfs so I’ll be sticking to plenty of those this year!

Snack I’m addicted to lately – Turkey jerky from Trader Joe’s. Sometimes you just need protein!


As a runner with a chronic medical condition, I have to focus on long-term goals for myself. Focussing on half marathons (and removing the marathon from my list of races) for the past five years has been the best decision I ever made. It’s not always easy because “society” tells us that if you are strong and blah blah blah you should run marathons but I disagree. Half marathon are not half anything… they are full 13 miles ;-) I find that I am way less prone to injuries and that I recover quickly with half marathon training than marathon training. For me, who needs to run almost everyday of her life to keep her lungs healthy, this is crucial. I believe chosing a running distance that suits our bodies and needs should be a decision that comes from the inside not from the outside (only exception : listen to your mom ha)


Sounds like your Mom should be your running coach. Sometimes it’s hard for us to see ourselves the way others do. It’s good to getvthatbpwrspwctive every now and then to ground us!


Love your mom’s advice! Why not try something new anyway? And you have to focus on something that fits your schedule as well. Love it! Good luck :)


Pretty sure I love your mom, & I’ve never even met the woman. What great advice. It’s why I think I may have run my last marathon. Not that I was sub 3 material, but I do feel a lot better all around when training for a half. I would love to work on some shorter distances & that’s what I plan to do this summer after my May half.


You definitely rock the half!

I’m running a Marathon in May – it will be my second marathon and I’m not sure I like the distance. I tend to love 5K and 10K races, but starting to like the half as well.


I like top get creative with my workouts cause I get bored really easy :) So i read a lot form here and there and different blogs etc and then I choose and pick what I like and modify or come up with new exercises :) I am not a personal trainer either but I really like coming up with new workouts and sharing them on the blog :) As for favourite snack, currently is cottage cheese with pinnaple bits in it! Yum!!! I have a new goal race wise :) I want to run 1 race/ month. A lot of 5k and 10ks and few half marathons and 1 full :)


Good for you! You just gotta do what your body feels is right! I love body pump classes for strength training. My favorite snacks right now are homemade granola bars, apples, almonds, and think thin bars!


I struggle with weight training. It just doesn’t give me the same “good feels” that running does! Last year at this time I was living in Virginia and I had 2 roommates. We did the Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises workouts and they were hard but good!


I’ve been reading Run Gently Out There by John Morelock and he said something that really clicked. There is ‘racing’ and there is ‘running’. I like running the 10k, I don’t know if I love racing any race but the 10k and 1/2 are things that my body feels great doing. I have never run a marathon, but have a goal to do that before I’m 40… if I keep having kids at the current rate that I am cracking them out… I might BE 40 by the time I can do it!

I worked with a trainer for about 2 years on strength training and he wrote out all my workouts so those are my go to. I prefer to do full body workouts rather than a specific leg day, back/shoulder day, arm day. Some of my workouts focus on one aspect over others, but they are full. When I am on my game I run 3x a week and strength train 3x a week.

There is nothing I love better than a fresh orange… Mmmm..


I am excited for my 2 half marathons this year-Salt Lake half (hint hint, you should run it!) and San Diego RnR. This is the first year I’m running halfs so close together, so it might be interesting.
And this isn’t necessarily a “plateau”, but I have been working on improving my pace for the half to attempt a PR. I’ve been including speed/hill workouts and although my 8 mile run this weekend was pretty decent, I’m not sure I’m seeing the results I’ve been hoping for. I’m a little frustrated but am going to keep at it and see how the next couple long runs play out.


My mom is the same way. She will tell you like it is. It’s really nice to have someone be truly honest with you no matter what. That’s love.

My go to snack lately has been hummus and pita chips! I love the salty goodness.


I hope the half becomes my favorite distance. :)

I got my strength training workouts from PT.

Favorite snack: chicken jerky


This really does make a lot of sense! Thank God for moms! I am not really sure what I am made for. Out of all the 1/2’s I have run. All but one of them was with other people helping them get to their goals. I love the race but I am at the point where I need to focus on me and my running so I can work toward my own goals. I wish I would have noticed sooner how much running with others (for their goals) slowed my own running progress.


Carrots with almond butter is my latest obsession (odd?)

Ps. I can’t wait to see pictures of your new home. The space looked huge in the Above!


I think we always want the golden ring and the marathon represents that for a lot of runners. But sometimes we overlook what’s actually best for us. If you know you can excel at the half-marathon I say go for it. Your mom is a smart lady and I give her kudos for not saying anything until you asked.

I have 3 half-marathons coming up: March, April and May. That’s a lot for me, although I know I can handle the distance. I plan on racing the one in April. It’s the easiest route of the three, it’s not crowded and I enjoy the scenery.

I do a workout video or just do my own strength moves. I’ve worked with personal trainers and physical therapists so I know what I need. Barre workouts help a lot as well.

Have you tried the Archer Farms Chocolate Double Chocolate Chunk Granola from Target? It’s like a drug. (I measure it out and put it away or I’d munch on it way too often). It’s almost like oreos but the sugar content isn’t bad for granola.


Good for you! I have read a ton on people’s perfect distances for THEM. You are an amazing halfer and I think if you trained for that and dialed that in – man you could do some damage (not that you haven’t already!)

My son is an amazing 5/ 10k er and places in most races – so that is where he should compete at. Not sure when the “marathon” became the holy grail but I am super happy to hear your revelation!


I found a quote the other day that really spoke to me and where I am in my running right now (I wrote it in my planner for this week!). After reading this post about your 1/2 marathon goals, I had to share it with you :)

“I’m learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me.” – Tracee Ellis Ross

Small goals are the way to go– I can’t wait to see what you can do in the half!


LOVE this Janae. I know it probably was not easy to make this change, and it even more difficult to share it with the world. I’m proud of you. It takes true courage to listen to your body when you want something different. I resonate with that. But I just know you’re going to thrive in training for halves. You are the best, Janae! Love following you and all of your thoughts. :)


I used to be the same way. I only ran marathons…anything less seemed, well, wussy. But after 12 and an ultra…I just lost my drive…and suddenly discovered the magic of the half marathon. Having done so many marathons (and racing Boston twice), I didn’t feel I needed to prove that I was a runner (and really, if you run, on your own, regularly, YOU ARE A RUNNER), and I was able to to appreciate the half because it didn’t take over my life, I could miss a workout here and there and not having my entire training fall apart, I could train and race and not spend days preparing or recovering. I just raced my 21st half marathon and I really have no idea if I will ever run another marathon…and you know what? That unknown doesn’t bother me one bit.

So I am super stoked that you are thinking about focusing on the half…you will love it!! :))


Love love love this!! I finally worked up the courage to train for my first half this pay weekend in Phoenix and I felt so accomplished and proud that I completed it in the first place but what killed me was when people started asking “so when are you going to run a full?” I wanted to punch them in the face! Running any long distance is awesome, you rock it at the half marathon, keep it up!!!!


Great advice/words of wisdom from your mom!! The idea of running YOUR race is something that I have thought about over the past year-ish. I love (I use that term loosely) training for a half-marathon. We will see how things go in 2016 with a few that I have planned out, but part of me thinks that my body might be better at the 10k or 15k distance. This is potentially a really tough pill for me to swallow…because I absolutely love the feeling of completing a half-marathon. It is very gratifying.

I wish you the best of luck as you run through 2016 for YOUR race!!


So exciting that you and Brooke are getting close to moving into your new apartment. It’s always a good feel to start fresh!

My coach gives me all my strength workouts. Half of the time I have no idea what they are, so he always posts a YouTube video next to the workout. I’m a visual learner.

Whenever I reach a running plateau, I add in a good speed workout at the track. I feel like the only way to break through a plateau is to push the body beyond what it knows. ☺


I saw apple chips at Costco yesterday and I ALMOST bought them! I wish I had!! My favourite snack right now is apple and peanut butter. It never gets old!

I love your mum’s advice (such a wise woman haha). It makes me think about my own physical strengths and weaknesses and what I can do to tailor to those.

Good luck with your races this year!!!!


Your Mom is so wise! You really have to do what is best for you, not what other people expect or what you think you should do. I decided I wanted to do more 5k’s, 10k’s, and up to 10 milers max after my half marathon (Disney) this year. I did not have any injuries or problems, it was just a feeling/direction I wanted to go in the year ahead. My latest addiction, Lululemon. I got some “What the Sport Shorts” (a 6 inch and 4 inch pair) in the WMTM and they did something to my hips and invigorated my leg muscles as I ran. I felt no issues in my knees, legs, hips or anything afterwards. Now I want more of their stuff. I wish it was Apple chips because it would be cheaper. :)


Your nephew is delicious!! And the best- and painful running advice I have learned from my 2:09 marathon boyfriend is “enjoy the run”! He gets upset when people stress over long runs – “it’s just a run”, but I get it now, why are we doing something that we stress about and don’t stop and enjoy, and worry about before and after. I have a sensitive stomach too, so I have to be careful what I eat the night before a long run, and we had date night Friday night and I couldn’t enjoy it :(. Boston this year will be my last marathon(I know – never say never). I want to enjoy life and running, and marathon training is a big lifestyle commitment. I am going to switch to half’s as well. How about picking a 1/2 destination race Janae and see how many of us can get there!

Just had apple and PB and shared with my boss!


Fantastic advice from your mama! Super excited/nervous/more nervous about running my first sub 2 hr half marathon. I’ve been running for about 13 years and my PR is 2:04. We are in week 7 of 13 and I’m hanging in there. Keep your fingers crossed for me friend!!! I get so much inspiration from your daily tips! Favorite snack right now…peanut butter stuffed pretzels and Tostitos with salsa, yum….now I’m going to go eat some ha!


I don’t yet know what my race is because i have just started! i have only done a couple 5ks and a 10k but am training for a half. So far I love the training for the half and I’m excited to find my race.

I get my strength workouts from beachbody!!! I’ve done p90x, brazil butt lift, and insanity. So whenever I need a good strength training day I pull on my knowledge from any of those.

My addictive snack lately has been cookies. oops. :)


I’m so glad you wrote this about finding your race. I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been struggling in the marathon distance and it just doesn’t match up to what my 1/2 times are…heck it doesn’t even match to what my long training runs are. I feel so discouraged cause all of my friends just kill it in the marathon distance. I still want to try to better my times and hopefully one day BQ….but I’m honestly not sure it’s ever in the plan for me and I need to start feeling ok with that. Also it doesn’t help that i always gain weight in the marathon training cycle when I don’t have that problem with halves..,,so I don’t know, I’m rambling. But it’s nice to see I’m not the only person who feels that way.

Good luck with your training, I know you’ll kill it no matter what you decide to do.


I could have written what you wrote. I can totally relate. I’ve run 5 marathons and now I am focusing on 5ks, 10ks and half marathons where I am much faster and can place in my age group and not gain weight!


I too am embracing the half right now. I really want to improve my time there and I have little ones so for now it’s the right amount of time I’m willing to be away training. That being said, I’m not feeling this training cycle and I’m worried I won’t improve my time at all!
I need your mom to give me a pep talk!!


I think that focusing on the half is an excellent idea for you! I am really excited to be able to push myself with my running after baby boy gets here. I have been able to run up to this point (almost 30 weeks), but it will be fun to really push myself again. I am hoping to do a half sometime in the Fall and I’m really excited about it! :)


It’s probably time for me to push my PR goal (in the full marathon) aside, but I am just way too stubborn. It’s debilitating. Why are fulls so freaking hard.


Mom’s really are the best aren’t they! Running will always be there for you, as well as the marathon goal that you have. It’s not going anywhere. You can kick butt and take names in the half marathon for awhile, and then go and do the same in the marathon once you’re ready. :) I wish you all the luck in the world with everything!


Mothers always know best! ;)


Wow, I’ve been feeling the same thing. I love marathon training but giving up all that time really cuts down on our weekend lives. The Hubs and I have decided to focus on half marathons. But to add a little twist, we are going to do them in different states. That way we can run, vacation and enjoy the miles a little more. Come run with us! :)


Your mom is a smart woman. That is so true! An olympian who competes in the 100m race likely wouldn’t also compete in the marathon because it’s not their distance. You obviously kick trash (using a Janae-ism) at the marathon, as well, but you kick even MORE trash in the half. You WILL get that sub-3 but I agree with your mama – she knows best. :) xo


Great advice from a great mom!! I love to see training for a half-marathon or marathon. For all long distance runners, it is vital to improve and develop the perfect style of arm swing action which will help to reduce injury, pain and hence will improve their running performance, speed and stamina for long distance cross country marathon or half-marathon.


I have never done a distance longer than a half marathon, but I love the half distance. It isn’t a huge time commitment to train for it which is key when you have young kids and a full time job and I just feel amazing after finishing one. I have caught the marathon bug and really want to run a full at some point but my husband and i are still trying to get pregnant (with ivf) so not sure when marathon training might commence.
Your mom is so wise!


Such a great post. You are mature and wise enough to realize who you are and what works for you! There is so much pressure to do the full marathon, but you have to realize what works FOR YOU. And as much as you may want to force certain things in life, sometimes you have to acknowledge things are not working, and just DO YOU! And that is not defeat. It is actually maturing into realizing who you are. This is something I am working on right now: YOU DO YOU. I am trying to stop forcing certain things in life and just figuring out what actually works for me and go in that direction, where things flow. Great post, J!


I’m training for my second half-marathon. It’s been 4 yrs since the last one. It’s a challenge for me still and I can’t imagine running a full marathon. I get my strength workouts from all over. Blogs, Instagram (Muncher Cruncher!!), and programs like Tone It Up. I’ve been slacking on the strength workouts tho. I did this one you posted yesterday and I am super sore today! I guess I lifted a little too heavy! ;) Glad an easy run is on the plan for today!


That pep talk from your Mom is gold! Sometimes just focusing on a different goal can make another goal happen as a by product. The sweet spot is figuring that out. I am heading over for the full article. Have a great day!


I feel like the half is a great distance for me, 5k is too fast, and a full marathon takes so much time to devote to training, which is hard when you work full time. I have my next half this weekend, hopefully it will be a good one!


I’m in the same boat. I want to excel at the full marathon and i have big goals, but i’m built for the 1/2. I want to train my butt off for fast halfs and then the goals I have for the full should be much more attainable


I actually signed us up for our next race. We are doing a color run for my Mr. 8’s school. It is a fundraiser for the PTA. It will be a 5k, it is more for fun than to race. I have been wanting to do a color run so this will be good. I haven’t actually ran for some time, I have been using the elliptical and the bike but running is different than using the elliptical.


I love this about racing your distance. My personal favorite is the 10k for many reasons. It seems to fit well with my family’s lifestyle right now, and I’m making improvements without sacrificing huge amounts of family time or experiencing injuries. Also there is a manageable recovery time than with longer distances. People often ask when I’m doing a half or a full marathon and I have little desire at this point. Maybe at some time but I do it to enjoy it and so far this is working for me.


Half marathon is the best distance! So exciting for you to come to this revelation. Congrats and I look forward to following your training.

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