Silentish Saturday!!!

1 mile warm-up, 1 minute fast (9.5-10.5 mph) 1 minute easy (7.0- 7.5 mph) repeated for 5 miles (6:45 average pace), 1 mile cool-down and the launch 3s (my review on them) work wonderfully for the speed.

PicMonkeyd Collage

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Hung out with a friend at the hospital after she had a procedure and Brooke played hide and go seek.

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Brooke was given two of the cutest Easter cupcakes ever created.

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Over to Paige’s house to bring lunch because she had a baby! 

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My lunch:

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Her reaction to us having to leave (that bottom lip of hers…)

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And yep, some more packing….

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My sister had FREE FOOD coupons for The Habit so I had the dream team meal of a salad and sweet potato fries.

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Brooke had a cousin slumber party

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And a long run for me this morning!  Time to get going!


What are your Saturday plans?  What’s your run looking like?

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My long run is 8 miles at easy pace and another 4 miles at goal race pace. I’ll do my long run tomorrow morning though.

Sleepovers are the best! I used to get so excited for them when my best friend and I were young. Heck, they are still fun now, I just can’t sleep on the floor as comfortable as I used to!


1 week post-marathon (#6 and a priority registration BQ for me!!!) so only an easy-peasy 4 miler for me! Hate the post marathon time- would much rather run hard and long! But I learned the hard way one year about the importance of recovery time so I’ll be taking it easy for another week. On another note, about to head out to my daughter’s track meet where she will be running the 1600 and 800m! Woohoo!


Today is my swim instructor certification test. I’m so nervous and didn’t sleep a wink last night. Wish me luck!


Good luck! : )


Good luck!


I’m planning on running a 10K this morning. Can’t wait to get outside because it’s looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day!

This afternoon I have orientation for my second job. I’ve been trying to make some extra money recently so decided to find a weekend job…haven’t even started yet and I”m regretting it! I don’t want to give up my relaxing weekends! Hopefully it’ll be worth it when I start getting an extra paycheck!


I am tapering for my 10 mile race next weekend, so a short 6 mile long run is on the schedule for me today. It is a lovely morning here and I can’t wait to get out and enjoy the morning sun. Then home to enjoy a post-long run donut :) (after of course refueling with eggs and fruit)

Have an awesome Saturday!


I had a nice easy 5 mile run. I’m seven weeks pregnant and some days I feel so slow! I think my pace was like 9:30. I wanted to do a half marathon in early April, but will have to try to see if I can get up to 11 miles again. Been a few weeks since my long run exceeded 7 miles.

It is a beautiful spring day in New England. Think we are going to go see Zootopia with the kids.


My Saturday plans are strength training at the gym in just a bit! Ran a half marathon last weekend so I’m taking a few days off from running to recover! I’ll be back at it next week though!

That salad looks yum!!!!


Saturday plans? 19 miles and then we’re getting a DOG! First time I’ve ever lived with one (I’ve only ever been around cats), so it should be interesting :)


Did my long run yesterday. I’m headed to the city to see The King And I with my mom, niece and sister in law. Tomorrow a short run.


Gah, that salad. Good loaded ones like that have been my craving all week. Now I want it for breakfast :)

No run today (maybe a couple of shakeout miles with the dog) because half #5 is tomorrow!


Yard work for us today. And some cleaning. I’d rather do the yard work.


It is supposed to be 55 degrees around 10 am here in Wisconsin when I am hitting the pavement for a run with a friend I have not seen in almost two years and she is training for her first half!! So we are planning a 7 mile run. Currently eating breakfast, going to walk Theo, and then head out to meet here. I did all my cleaning yesterday, so after my run and everything I have no set in stone plans. Maybe catch up on some reading and blogging!


Just finished an easy 6 because it is cut back week. Now getting ready to gear up for the next few weeks of this training cycle. And it’s hard to type with cold fingers!


I’m just glad my 18 miler is done and even after having eaten all your food is making me hungry again. A hungry day this is turning out to be, the possibilities are endless :)


One minute fast, one minute recovery sounds like a great way to stay entertained on the treadmill – but I hope your treadmill let you automatically set those intervals. I hate when I have to manually up/down the speed. I feel like the whole gym can hear my beeping even though I’m sure everyone has headphones on and really can’t! :D


Finished my long run and hoping my son is feeling better and wants to get out and do something today! He been home sick all week.


I love one minute hard, one minute easy type speed work—a favorite workout of mine both for myself and for my athletes.
Not sure about running this morning, I take the week after a goal half or full marathon off/easy. Excited to resume my long runs next week!


got an easy 6 miles in this morning and I’m off to a bootcamp with friends this afternoon. also, you are so right about salad and sweet potato fries being the dream team. I am now craving that like mad and officially figured out what I’m having for dinner. yummmmmmm.


Popcorn is always a must at sleepovers. My husband and I enjoy homemade popcorn 4-5 nights a week.

No run on the schedule today. Thank goodness because it is a downpour outside! I am going to be doing a 2-hour ride on the bike trainer today. Fun fun. Hopefully I can watch a movie or something to make the time go by.


20 miles today in snow/rain/wind! Seeing all this food makes me excited to eat after :P


DANG CYNTHIA!! Way to go girl! I hope your post-run eats were delicious!


I love how speedy you are!!! This morning was 5 miles with the hubs. I’m still coming back with shin splints so I’m trying to take it super easy! I am meal prepping with 80lbs of chicken!! It should make about 35 meals for 5 of us! And the hubs is setting up our new outdoor furniture and fire pit so we can grill shrimp for tacos and roast marshmallows tonight!


Did an impromptu 10 mile race today! Really surprised myself with 7:20 avg pace! Have a wonderful day Janae!


Mallory, that is incredible!! WAY TO GO GIRL! You rocked it… and it wasn’t even planned!


I hope your move is going well. Moving is a workout!!

I am not running today so my legs will be fresh for my 5k tomorrow.


THOSE CUPCAKES! Almost (almost) too cute to eat!

And where do they learn that ‘bottom lip’ trick!?!? Gets me every time!

Good luck on your long run!


Taper week, seven miles done. After I met my husband and at the doc’s office, he’s cleared for surgery. The end is in sight.

Packing, I don’t envy you. Good luck with the move!


Not much on the agenda for me today except a long run (18 miles) and a visit to my local running store to get some new shoes!


I had a 5 mile treadmill run this morning and it was lovely!!!! Went to the Dallas Aboretum and walked around afterwards! Have a great weekend!!


I’m so jealous of all your salads! I have horrific IBS and can barely tolerate one salad a week, much less two in a day :( I’ll live vicariously.
Working this weekend, so it’s a couple little 3 milers for me. I’m hoping for some time for workouts and a longer run later in the week.


It’s Sunday here for me. I did my long run today, after chilling out yesterday with some much needed couch time and Netflix. Loving the Fuller House reunion show!

I seriously need to do some washing today, and I am going to get my house nice and clean. Want to start burning some nice relaxing candles at home. One month into marathon training and I’m realising how important it is to keep your stress levels under control. Your body is going through enough as you keep pushing it harder!

Have an awesome weekend everyone xx


No run for me this morning. Did 18 yesterday after 26.2 on Sunday. My legs are tired! And it was great to wake up w/o an alarm this morning. The hubs and I are working on balancing our training since we have a little and both have a marathon a week from each other.

The wind has arrived which means a snow storm is blowing in. I’m hoping it’s a fast moving once since we and the kiddo are doing a 5k race tomorrow AM.

Off to make homemade pizza for dinner tonight.


thought you might like this if you haven’t already seen it. have a great day!


I haven’t seen that yet. SUPER interesting and of course I totally agree! Distance running is where it is at:) Hope your weekend is fabulous Mariam!


Your lunch looks amazing! Where is it from and what salad is it?? I have been obsessed with salads almost my entire pregnancy and that one looks amazing! :)


This weekend was 5 miles for me, in the pouring rain and hail.


My dream race is the New York City Marathon. Something about that city to me is magic. I would love to experience it with my running shoes on. I know you have and that makes me just a little bit jealous :)

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