13 things since we last hung out:

I hope your Thursday is off to a great start!  Here are some of the highlights from our world over the last 1.75 days!

1.  My brother (from Kentucky) is in town for less than 24 hours and so we got to hang out last night after his plane landed.   He understands that even if you are just in Utah for a few hours, you have to stop at Swig for one of their pink sugar cookies.  

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2.  He and his fam just got back from the Disney cruise and had the time of their lives.  My brother said that he went running on the cruise ship track and that it was a pretty weird feeling to be running on the boat while it swayed back and forth.   

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3.  Tuesday night I took the girls to the Riverwoods and watched them play tag.  All of this running around with older kids is making Brooke pretty speedy.  Also, don’t those mountains look a little fake? 

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4.  The sunset wasn’t so bad either.   

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5.  We all split an ice cream sundae to end the day off right together.  

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6.  Brooke chose out a bunch of library books to read and this one was rather disturbing.  I had dreams about lice that night.

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7.  We went and saw Race (the Jesse Owens’ story) and it was pretty good.  There were a few parts of the story that I was really hoping they would go more in depth on but overall I really liked it. 

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8.  Brooke held firm to her argument that it is indeed possible for her to sleep with her eyes open.

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9.  I ate my turkey burger, roasted broccoli, sweet potato and bbq sauce mix while watching Brooke tumble at gymnastics.  

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10.  I spent some time up in Salt Lake City for a blog project and chocolate was needed for an afternoon snack.

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12.  I don’t know what my deal is with spaghetti lately but it has just been sounding really good lately.  Spaghetti and meatballs from Bona Vita (best Italian I have had in Utah in a while) for dinner.

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13.  We figured out that her owie was actually a freckle and it magically felt better just like that.  

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Ever been on a cruise?  Where to?  Did you like the food?  Did you run on the ship?

Do you run or take time off from running while on vacation?

Do you have a favorite Italian dish?

Anyone from Kentucky reading?  What part?

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Sometimes I take time off from running on vacation, but I also like to use running to explore a new place! I did that the last time I was in Europe (and also got to do a parkrun!) and I’ll probably do that in the future!

Those pictures of the mountains are INSANE! So beautiful!


Never been on a cruise, but I really want to go on an Alaskan cruise. It will happen! Just depends on the vacation and how much time we have and if there are good (safe) running options available. If we have a jam packed schedule, I’ll probably just take a break from working out.

I’m pretty boring with my Italian food. I like spaghetti and meatballs and lasagna the best. But I’m usually willing to try new things (as long as my husband is the one who orders them!)


I’ve never been on a cruise but it’s definitely on the bucket list. It looks like so much fun!

I usually try to run when I’m on vacation, but only if I’m awake before everyone else. Don’t want running to interfere with everyone’s vacation!

I love all italian food!! We had chicken parm last night and it was delicious.


I also pack a container meal for when my daughter has gymnastics so that made me laugh :) I went on a family cruise 3 years ago while training for my first marathon (bad timing, oh well!) and wound up running on the track on the ship. I hate running on tracks in general but it did its job for that week! Typically I would’ve taken time off or at least not run nearly every day.


I’ve never been on a cruise or to Disney! A part of my childhood is definitely missing!

But when I do travel I absolutely love running to explore the area. On my last vacation I tried to still fit in long runs and speed work, but it ended up taking away from the whole experience so from now on I’m going to stick to leisurely fun runs that only enhance the week!


I really love angel hair pasta and penne with Alfredo (but only Ragu Alfredo–I know, it’s weird).

I want a Swig cookie!! And that sunset is gorgeous.


We were just in Disney for 4 days and it was magical! I think our next visit will include a few days in the parks followed by the Disney Cruise. You and Brooke should come along. :)

PS I wish I had access to those cookies.


brooke is soooo presh i cant get over it :) Ive never been on a cruise, nor do i desire to. Just gimmie a beach and I am happy!!!


I’m with you…no desire to go on a cruise.


I am a cruise lover through and through. I went on one when I was in college and have been aching to go back ever since. It’s like you’re on a city on water with the added bonus of being transported to these magical ports every couple days. By far and away one of my all time favorite runs was getting up early and hitting the treadmills on the boat which were placed in front of a giant wall of windows so you felt like you were running with the water into the port in the distance. It was honestly magical.

I think that also answers the do I run on vacation question. the answer: of course. this girl doesn’t stop for anything haha. plus, the best way to get to know a new place is by a good run if you ask me.


I have been on a cruise ship and ran on it, one word, strange!

I also always run on vacations.

Favorite Italian dish is Manicotti(sp?)

And I’m from Tennessee originally, now I live in Florida but Tennessee is fairly close to Kentucky.

And Curly’s face in front of that ice cream is hilarious!


I’ve never been on a cruise. It sounds fun in theory but then I always choose vacations where I can easily move about and explore, whether it’s a big city or a national park. What type of vacation affects how much I run, but I usually cut back on mileage. When I was in London I had awful jet lag and sleep mattered more than running.


I like going on runs during vacation to explore the area even if I have been there before. Spaghetti is my go-to the night before a run, but I love gnocchi!


Come to DC and I will make you authentic Italian food!!!
My fav dish is polenta and donkey meat stew, which is typical of Veneto (that is the region where I was born and grew up – Venice is in Veneto) but unfortunately I can’t find donkey meat in the States.


Cruises scare the crap out of me for some reason!
I’ve also been daydreaming of spaghetti this week. I could eat pasta every day and be so happy. Life is carbs.


OMG I am terrified of lice!

Your pictures really make me miss living in Salt Lake City. Man I loved it out there!

I have been on a Caribbean cruise. It was many years ago so before I even started running. And I remember I gained 10 pounds on the cruise because there was food available 24/7! Now that I am a runner, I do like to run on vacation (especially because I’m trying to run a race in every state!). Running is a great way to explore new areas!


Utah is the prettiest state! Your pictures make me want to visit. I love running on vacation. I have only ever vacationed at the beach and there’s nothing like running with the ocean in view (I could do without the humidity though). I think my favorite Italian dish is penne with vodka sauce!


I have been on three cruises and every time I use the treadmill and the track. It is so so weird to feel the swaying of the ship but it is also calming in a way. Being able to run while looking out at the ocean is awesome! The worst thing about it is that I have terrible balance so I have to be really careful on the treadmill and go slower than I would on land.

Also, spaghetti and meatballs has been and forever will be my favorite dish of all time.


I’ve been on three cruises and I ran on the ship’s track this last time, definitely is a strange experience, but running on the treadmill when the ship is moving is even more challenging.


I love to exercise while on vacation… I like running around a new town or working out in a new gym. My husband and I went on a cruise in college and I ran on the treadmill in the ship’s gym and it always felt SOO strange. It was kinda neat because it kept my mind preoccupied, but I never felt really stable.


I’ve been in two cruises both to Bermuda. And I have run on the treadmill and out on the deck track. Both were weird. I had to hold on to the railing on the treadmill a whole lot. Lol.


Most of my past work trips have been to Europe and running in the middle of the night (because of time difference) feels really weird! It seems I always have to go on work trips when I am in the middle of 1/2 marathon training so I kind of use it as a recovery week. I do some running when I can over there (usually on hotel treadmill!) but don’t worry if it doesn’t go according to plan. Travelling is exhausting enough without training ;-)


Are you planning a cruise and I missed it LOL? I love cruises because everything is done for you and you’re able to relax and enjoy yourself without the pressure of booking hotels or restaurants. I quite enjoy them.

That sugar cookie looks awesome, I would come to Utah just to try it LOL..,maybe do a race as well. ;)


Last summer I went on an Alaskan cruise and it was amazing! I ran on the treadmills in the gym several times and man it was strange. The boat was swaying so much and I had to grab the handles a ton haha. It was gorgeous though; the treadmills were right in front of a huge window so it was perfect scenery for running!


I’m loving how warm it is. I hope it stays around.

We went on a Bahamas cruise for our anniversary last October. Heavenly! I ran on the treadmill there but not the track because it was crazy humid and I would have given up too fast. But I thought the treadmill was counting miles and was so excited that I was running super fast! And then my husband told me it wasn’t miles, it was kilometers:( dang it.


I have been on three cruises, the best! The last one was two summers ago, to Alaska, and this was also my wedding cruise! Yes, the captain married us, and it was rainy, so we were married in the little chapel. I really loved the package-deal/minimal stress, and our close family and friends came along, so it was very special!
On this cruise I was training for a relay race, so I visited the gym a few times. It was very odd to be on the treadmill, but feel like the land was swaying, looking out the windows! I didn’t last very long!

I love spaghetti too! That sounds very good!


I’ve done Royal Carribbean cruises twice to Cozumel and San Juan/St Maarten. Food, meh. I ran on the treadmill SLOWLY. Rough seas and I watched someone fly off a treadmill, yikes! The track would probably be a little safer in that respect.

Do you run or take time off from running while on vacation?
When I can. Two weeks in Europe? Need to pack light, no room for exercise clothes and running shoes. One week in Mexico? Yup – great runs along the water and I got my International badge on SmashRun!

Do you have a favorite Italian dish?
All of ’em. I’m Italian. :)


Those mountains do look fake!

The only time I have gone running on a vacation was in Seattle, all other trips I become rather sedentary. :)


Whenever I see your pictures of the mountains I feel as if I need to move to utah immediately, it is breathtaking. Where I live we have a “mountain” but it is really a large hill in the middle of wisconsin that has decent skiing. It is so funny. Have you decided what kind of dog you’ll be getting? Super excited to see your puppy when you get it!


Running on ship?!?!?! That would feel pretty weird but i d love to try it!
I always run on vacation ;) It is nice to run in a new place! As for KY i ‘ve been once to louisville and I quite liked it! I am hoping to get a position to a lab there after my PhD so i might be moving there :D


Sometimes I take time off from running while on vacay, but usually I love getting out and exploring new areas! Running on a cruise must be fun- and with beautiful views! Speaking of- that’s one gorgeous Utah sunset!


We went on a cruise about 20 years ago. I didn’t love it. I like to be free to come and go on my own and not have set times to do things. Bermuda was beautiful though. I did run on the track but to hit a mile you needed to run it 8 times. I’d run in the opposite direction to make it more interesting.

I like running on vacation, I get new scenery.

My favorite Italian dish would depend on my mood. Pasta fagioli, lasagna (but I’m picky there) or chicken piccata.


Love your sneakers in the last photo, where did you get those?

My favorite dish is stuffed shells!!


I’ve never been on a cruise ship, but I’ve always wanted to go on one just to see what it feels like to be in constant sway!


Wow – the mountains definitely look fake! I love all the lights that are strung across the sky. ☺ Someday I hope to visit your neck of the woods.

I love running while on vacation. It’s a great way to start the day and see the area by foot. Running IS a vacation for me, so I always take advantage of that time.

I went on a cruise of the Mediterranean years ago. It was a great way to see a number of beautiful cities in Spain, France, and Italy!


i went on a disney alaskan cruise (LOVE IT) and had all my workout gear to use their awesome gym…until i realized i forgot my sports bra…yeah kind of a crucial bit of equipment. i was even going to buy a supremely overpriced one from the store on the ship but they didnt sell any!!! oh well, more time for relaxing and eating all the things (delicious food by the way).


I’ve never been on a cruise before…I’m not sure why because endless amounts of food sounds right up my alley!!

And Brooke’s face with the ice cream is SO adorable!!


Love a cruise! I’ve done the one from New York to Bermuda. The food was my favorite part!!! So delicious and so much to eat !


Jason’s grandparents took the whole family on a cruise to Alaska! It was beautiful, but the kids were little and Katie was still nursing and not sleeping…ever…at night. And the rooms are tiny with bunk beds, so I pretty much walked the ship with her at night and then napped during the day. Ha! Kids. I tell ya.


Utah looks so beautiful!

When I’m on vacation, I usually take time off my Saturday long runs but always still manage to get in something. My favorite is when I can convince someone to run with me :)

Favorite Italian dish – Give me all the warm bread, red wine, and anything involving vodka sauce!


I imagine running while drunk would deliver the same feelings I felt while running on a treadmill while the cruise ship was moving….it was difficult, to say the least.


I so want to visit Utah again. I was in SLC once for work about 10 years ago and it happened to be during Sundance (saw Jennifer Anniston and Robert Downey Jr.!). The mountains were incredibly gorgeous and unlike anything I see around here (also in KY!). Keep sharing those pictures!


I love everything Italian, just depends on my mood – Alfredo, Marinara, Pesto, Oil and Garlic, love it ALL!

I love running while on vacation – specifically early in the morning, then I don’t feel as bad laying around the rest of the day and drinking cocktails ;-)


AH! I love Swig cookies so much. They are definitely my go-to when I am in need of a hug in the form of a cookie!


I’ve been on two cruises. Both to the Caribbean. I wasn’t a runner the first time. But a few years later I was so looking forward to running the track on the ship. (Probably more than one should) And, get this, I broke my foot TWO days before our trip. By turning my ankle over in a hole in a parking lot while WALKING. Seriously. Can’t make this stuff up.

Love to run while on vacation! It’s my favorite:)


My husband and I did the Disney cruise for our honeymoon last year! We went to Disney’s own private island in the Bahamas! I was planning on running around the deck of the boat (one level has a running lane!) but found out they were hosting a 5k for anyone on the boat who wanted to run on their island! I did that (for free!) and got a cool Disney race medal and I bought the hat and shirt, too! Not sure if they still do this, but it was a blast!

I love running on vacation, especially in Nashville because the trails go right thru my sister in law’s neighborhood so it is very convenient.

While I am not big on pasta, I love spaghetti and meatballs! I make spaghetti at home with the morning star crumbles in the sauce……really good!


Ps……….the fireworks at night in the middle of the ocean were amazing! Disney knows how to entertain! Plus they have a waterslide tube that goes out over the ocean and around the ship!

Food was good……….the sit down dinners took a while, so the next one we do I think we will hit up the fancy dinner one night, then do quick service food (like burgers, wraps, chicken, and pizza) on the other nights.


I’m in Ky! I line about 90 miles from Louisville. You and Brooke need to come visit again!


Kentucky here! Northern Kentucky, to be exact.

I’m actually going on my first cruise next week to Cozumel, Mexico. I’m looking forward to relaxing, having fun, and eating, of course.


I have always wanted to go on a cruise, but worry I might get seasick, since I do get motion sickness. I’ve heard it isn’t usually bad, but definitely something that keeps me from booking one!


Kentucky reader/runner here!

Coming from Louisville, KY!


That is where my brother is! Next time I visit we will have to do a runner meet-up!


My coworker was in that same cruise last week! Haha. Cruise’s terrify me. I don’t like water, waves and I get sea sick. Those cookies look really good.


I still haven’t seen Race yet – it is my kind of movie!

I haven’t been on a cruise yet – maybe one day!


I actually really like running on vacation becAUSE it’s new and different and exciting and I get to map out a course in some crazy place! I’ve run in West Palm Beach, Little Rock, Provo and this weekend I’ll be in NYC. Even if I can’t do a race, it’s super exciting to run somewhere new!


Omg anytime I hear anything about lice, I have to itch my head. It’s like Pavlov’s dog lol!

I’ve only been on a cruise once, it was over 20 years ago, before I was a runner. I thought it was so-so. I think people either love cruises or hate them. Ours went to the Caribbean. I would try another one, but if I didn’t love it I would be done with those lol.

I always try to keep running on vacation. I usually don’t get in as many as I would at home, but if I can get 2-3 than I’m happy.


I always run on vacation. My whole family loves to run on the beach on the mornings.
My favorite Italian dish is classic spaghetti and meatballs.


We have been on 2 cruises (Mexico and the Mediterranean) and are going on another one for our 25th anniversary in May (South Mediterranean.) I didn’t worry about running on the cruise because we did a ton of walking on our excursions (hello, ruins of Pompei!) I loved the food, but didn’t go crazy and came home 1/2 pound lighter!

It really depends on what we’re doing and who we’re with if I run on vacation. If we’re with sedentary family members, I definitely get out and run.

A family friend, whose parents were born in Italy, wrote a cookbook (Rosalie Serving Italian) so I have a lot of favorites! I also have a pasta maker, so homemade ravioli with marinara beats any restaurant dish.


I grew up in Kentucky! Recently moved away, but I sure do miss it. There are some great running trails there.


I’ve been on 2 cruises: Alaska and the hawaiian islands. Big fun! I like the idea of unpacking once for the week and being in a different city each day. I tried running on the treadmill but the sway and the moving horizon made me unstable and sick. The track is the only way to go! I’d love to do a Disney one but I don’t think I can talk my husband into one. He hates the idea of floating in the middle of the ocean. I might be able to sway him if I tell him it’s for 2.5yo!


Your posts always make me hungry haha! I need some chocolate/cookies/spaghetti now. :P


I’ve had lice before. Those things are no bueno!!


Running/being active is just how I like to start my day so I always do on vacation. I was on a cruise in December and they had a track on the top deck. It was a lot of circles – something like 7 to a mile and people commenting along the way how much you were running, ha. But to be in the middle of the ocean you cannot ask for better scenery, and a feeling of calm!


The last time I went on a cruise was almost 15 years ago. It was pre-kids and pre-running, so I have yet to experience running on a cruise ship. We did the Disney cruise (yes, my hubby and I are Disney lovers from way back) and it was magical. We definitely need to save up money to take our boys on a Disney cruise. They’d love it!!

Utah looks amazing!! I’d love to visit.

My favorite Italian is lasagna and anything with a red sauce. I also love toasted ravioli. You need to come to St. Louis and try it. It’s amazing!!

I work in a library and I checked out that lice book to take home and read to my boys. They thought the pictures were hysterical!! We’ve read other books illustrated by that author. He’s really good.


My wife’s lasagna?


Ask her to send me some:)


I was on a cruise once…to Bermuda. No, no running. When I’m on vacation, I am ON VACATION. I have run on occasion, but generally I just want to tour around and do vacation things that I can’t normally do at home and in my normal routine.

I don’t have a favorite italian dish because I just love so many…but was it you who gave us a link to Lasagna soup? If so, I love it – thank you!


Cruised back in ’02 on Navigator of the Seas. Biggest ship at the time. Still got seasick. Went to Bahamas, Labadee Haiti, Puerto Rico and St John (IIRC). Loved the cruise and amenities but probably won’t do it again.


When i was in 9th grade my entire family went on a 3 day cruise to Encinata, Mexico. I don’t really remember the food. I did not run on the ship. But i wasnt a runner then.
When on vacation i do run. I just spent a week in Hawaii and went on 2 runs, a hike, and several swims.
Pizza, that is my favorite Italian dish.


I went on a cruise to Mexico, and I really liked it, but it was in December and much too cold, so I would go when it is warmer next time. I generally run when I’m on vacation, or at least try to do some type of workout. Lindor Truffles are the best! You have my craving them now! ;)


I’ve been on two cruises and ran while on the ship. Def a weird feeling! I love exploring new areas while running on vacay!!! The only downside to running while on vacay is I never get to sleep in b/c I get up early to run so my running doesn’t interfere with our plans.

Fave Italian dish is ravioli! And I need one of those cookies from Swig in my life NOW!


That freckle photo is just too sweet!!


The lice comment cracked me up. I have a sister considerably younger than me. She came home with lice once. I was drunk at my boyfriend’s. Another sister called to tell me our other sister had lice and that I had to come home immediately to be treated. I had to tell my boyfriend about the lice because I was drunk and needed him to drive me home. Talk about a buzz kill.


Oh my goodness hahaha! That is hilarious! I bet every time you hear the word lice you think of that story;) Thanks for sharing Lee!


I just watched a show called Fit to Fat to Fit (it’s an interesting show). One episode took place in SLC. Thought of you.


I love cruisin’! And the only time I didn’t gain weight on one was when I ran on the treadmill in the ship’s gym. So much FUN! And that pic of Curly cracks me up!


I’m a KY reader and first time commenter (lol)!! I live in the northern part, close to Cincinnati OH. I have visited Louisville and love it!!

I have been on one cruise through the Caribbean and loved it!!! I try to get my exercise on vacation by walking and exploring wherever I visit.


What kind of shoes are those in the last pic? They’re adorable!


I ran on a ship a few times during our cruise and it was definitely a little nauseating running in the opposite direction that the boat was going! Hope you had a wonderful time with your BRO!


I haven’t been on a cruise but I am planning to send my parents on a Caribbean cruise for their 45th anniversary this year… I’m still trying to convince them


I ran 6 miles on a cruise. 60x around a little track. I changed directions every five laps to help keep track of how many I’d run. I had some fun with people walking. I went in for a high five for a guy who said some encouraging words and he left me hanging. I could tell he realized it at the last second. So on the next several laps, he made a big deal about high fiving. After a while, it got kinda awkward.

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