Silentish Saturday!

Her knock knock jokes make me (well, the both of us) laugh pretty hard.  

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Hung out with the morning pool crew for 30 minutes of pool running.  

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Turf toe pic that my mom printed off for me;)  Maybe all of the games of football I have been playing contributed to it…

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She pretends she is a dog and wants me to scratch her belly.

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Donut shoes have arrived.  

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I could eat tacos every day for the rest of my life.

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Thanks for the directions (on the door leading into a restaurant).  

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Play place regulars.  

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Meg took me for an ice cream date.

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Too bad the entire thing landed on my coat.

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I want to be able to sleep like a kid again.  

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PS while I was in the shower Brooke found the gingerbread men and enjoyed the frosting…

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Do you have a long run this weekend?  Fill me in with the details and I’ll live through you pretty please!

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Nothing worse than lost ice cream on a jacket! I’m probably not going to be doing much exercise this weekend either between bad weather and getting over a cold this week. But I’m at least happy that we’re only going to get a few inches of snow instead of the blizzard that’s hitting just south of us!


Ha that frosting picture made me laugh hard…Brooke is a clever one ;-) Long run tomorrow morning : 90 minutes including Hill cut-downs (as suggested by Lauren Fleshman) = 4 x 1:30 controlled, 4 x 1:00 strong, 4 x 30 sec very strong, 4 x 15 sec 100% effort. I did it two weeks ago and really enjoyed it. 10 healthy toes are required though… ;-) Have a great week-end!


I’m working today (my last day at this job!) so my long run is 15 miles tomorrow morning. I might do a short run today after work but we’ll see what the day has in store!

It cracks me up that she gets all the frosting and none of the cookies! ha! And the donut shoes are freaking awesome!!


Running plans put on hold by a huge snowstorm! I don’t think we’re leaving the house at all this weekend. Maybe some baking?


Hi janae! Oh I laughed so hard when I read about Brooke eating the just the frosting! I used to do this too as a kid! – well OK maybe I still do it sometimes ;) lol! No long ru. For me this weekend just a quick 5 miles because bf’s best friend is coming to visit :) so no time!


You are raising a wise girl, love the frosting picture!!!! I ran 16 miles with friends before the blizzard began yesterday. Today I have a date with the treadmill and all the good food in my blouse!!! I love a blizzard!!


Running a half tomorrow and super excited to be back on the course! Have a great weekend!


Literally laughed out loud when I read about Brooke and the cookies! And those tacos look amazing!


We are expecting 23 to 28 inches of snow and blizzard conditions here!! So no workouts, just cuddling and watching some movies with my little ones. We are in a temporary break so we are going to venture out before the wind and snow pick up again.


No long run this weekend for me…working three night shifts so barely going to get a few treadmill miles to get a good workout.


18 treadmill miles this morning with a nice blizzard view:) Brooke is hilarious!


My plan is 8 miles this morning! So far we’ve played in the first snow of the year (or basically my entire 3 years in South Carolina), baked carrot Apple muffins and caught up on married at first sight. To be fair, I’m waiting for my husband to wake up so he can watch the baby…I don’t think she’s enjoy a snow run.
Brooke is seriously the cutest! You must be one proud mama!!


No long run this weekend. We are kinda getting a blizzard right now, so I’m just gonna flop around on the couch and eat snacks all day ;)


Too funny about the gingerbread men and I’m sorry about your ice cream cone!

No official long run planned for today but I would like to get in a nice 4 miles or so. I’ll see what this little baby will let me do. I walked/jogged two miles yesterday and was pretty tired! It’s amazing how my running endurance/effort varies from day to day during pregnancy.

Also we are experiencing snow flurries! Snow! I live in the south – like the Deep South so I don’t know what to do. Fleece lined tights are foreign to me!


Losing ice cream to the jacket = Worst.

There is no snow in Chicago and the temps are in the high 20s (which is like a heatwave for us) … But I don’t feel like going on a long run. I kind of just want to pretend we’re getting the East Coast blizzard and stay indoors all day :)




No running this weekend, but I am going to spin! Can you spin with a football toe?


Long run done on Friday, relaxing & resting today! Speedwork on Sunday. Oh man, bummer about the ice cream incident! :) Hate when that happens.


Waiting to see how much snow we end up getting before I make any running decisions this weekend. I may get out tomorrow when it’s not so windy out.

Brooke and the frosting cracked me up – she knows what she likes!


No long run for me this weekend. I haven’t done a long run in a long time LOL.

I’m stuck out west since all flights were cancelled going into Philadelphia.

I hope your turf toe heals quickly. It sounds like it is pretty painful but I’m glad you are able to get some cross training at the pool.


Those donut Vans are so cute!! Do they make an adult pair? You two could match :-)
Today is a rest day for me and tomorrow is a longer run.
Hope your toe is continuing to heal and have a great weekend!


Got an early snow run in before it got too bad southeastern PA.

I can never get enough tacos.


Lots of snow here in Virginia this weekend, so no running for me but lots of snow walking:)


Ok Janae, I read your blog everyday but almost never comment. But I had to comment on Brooke eating the icing off the cookies. My daughter Addyson LOVES icing and always has. She is now ten but when she was two (almost three) we went to a friend’s house for their birthday. When it was time to cut the cake we found a completely naked cake. Almost NO icing was left on the entire cake. We looked around and saw an icing trail to the bathroom. Addy was in their covered with icing. She dragged her fingers over the cake until she had eaten it all. We just knew she would get sick. But she never did. It is now her favorite story to tell. Still cracks me up to think about it.
And I think she and I need some matching donut shoes. Those are great!


Ha ha… love this story!


this is my DREAM! story made my day :)


I know that feeling of wanting to be able to sleep like a kid. Whenever our son takes a nap in the middle of the day, we joke “it must be nice to sleep whenever you want.” At least his sleep regression is starting to disappear!

Tomorrow I have a 9.5 mile run on my schedule. It will be my longest run postpartum!!! Hopefully it doesn’t snow. :)


I’m hoping to run outside today for the first time in 3 weeks! It’s above zero here in Minneapolis so that’s outdoor running weather, right?! :)


I loooove tacos! And those doughnut shoes are awesome! Do they make those with tacos on them? ;)

I have 14 miles on the schedule for tomorrow morning. We shall see how it goes – bad shin splints and other aches and pains in my legs have made running not that fun for the past 3 weeks or so. :( I am starting to try to ramp up my running to train my first marathon (still really nervous about that!), but I may take a week or two off in order to cross-train and feel better. It bugs me that running feels like a painful chore right now and that’s no Bueno!!

For today, shopping with my sister and family dinner for my mama’s birthday is on the list!


Just a short run for me today and probably a lot of walking.

Hope your toe feels better!


The gingerbread men made me cringe and laugh. My cousin used to lick the salt off potato chips and put them back in the bowl. It’s not noticeable until you put your hand in the bowl.

Blizzard here so snow shoveling happened once already and will happen again. 6 treadmill miles done. Now it’s time for pancakes.


Donut shoes! The cutest!!


Ha! Love the donut vans and the way Brooke eats her cookies. Ugh I would do anything to sleep like a kid again!

I just did a 10 mile run. I’m not training for anything specifically but I’m keeping up with my fitness by doing anywhere from 8-12 every Saturday! I hope you heal quickly and enjoy this time!


You weren’t missing much from my early longrun. The weather was poop! Crazy windy and rainy. Not so fun. At one point, I thought my petite running buddy friend was going to blow away, so I made her hold my hand. :)

We had 12 scheduled, and decided to throw in the towel just over 7. Hoping for better conditions tomorrow.


Too funny that she only eats the frosting! I did body pump this morning and ran last night! Have a great weekend!


Todd and I are pretty bad at spilling things, too. He could also eat tacos every day, but I am not a huge fan. I love the flour shells, though. I eat them with cheese and also sometimes with cinnamon!

We had an improvised workout/run today due to the snow mountains. We just posted about it, so feel free to check it out!


I love the doughnut shoes!!


Got in 17.5 miles this morning despite 40 degree weather and stupid, stupid wind. Seriously, for a while it seemed like the wind was shifting in perfect time to blow in my face whichever direction I was running. But I feel good now, and my nose has finally stopped running!


10 miles on my favorite Oahu loop (I’m pretty sure I wrote the same thing last Saturday!) Went counterclockwise this time and PRd the loop again. We have been here 2 1/2 weeks and I haven’t been rained on a single time. The weather has been amazing!

Going to the North Shore for coconut shrimp and shave ice.


I had 16 this morning with my good running buddy and some new friends. It was only a little icey, a lot hilly, and very very chilly. Bonus- hot chocolate and cinnamon roll french toast after. Totally worth it.

Tres cool shoes.


If I had a daughter, I am positive she would be just like Brooke! I have the biggest sweet tooth and my poor future child is going to inherent that joy/suffering.

Tomorrow is a seven miler and I plan on running it with a friend. However, I may try to do it on my own because sometimes I feel like I depend on my friends to get me through long runs. Last week I ran five miles by myself and it felt really good.

Have you always enjoyed running alone or with friends? More often than not, I need the motivation to get me out the door!


YES long run this weekend! 14 miles. Luckily the storm hit us last night/this morning and all the roads are clear. Tomorrow should be sunny and cool!


13 treadmill miles :) What every Saturday is going to look like for many, many months.


Spilled ice cream is way sadder than anything else spilled. Spent the night and today sledding at our cabin. Happy happy kids all day!


Carnitas al pastor?


15mi in the wind but it seriously felt like 18! The little is napping so I’m going to catch a few episodes of Gilmore Girls. I’m in the last season and not looking forward to it ending. I can’t believe it took me this long to watch it.

Donut vans! You’re such a thoughtful & awesome mom. I must find a pair for my daughter just to keep up! Have a great weekend!


Omg I’m dying. Brooke ate all the frosting off the cookies. I love kids. They’re the funniest.


I got in 12 miles this morning. It went pretty well and now I’m ready for a nap!


MAJOR blizzard here. Elliptical this morning but long run planned for tomorrow??? Not going to happen. Shoveling, shoveling, shoveling. UGH! Half on March 6th. Pretty sure skipping Sunday’s long run won’t impact me much. READING all day!


So funny about the frosting! Today is a much needed rest day-my long run is currently 8 miles and I ran that Thursday. Tomorrow is 7, I just hope this wind is gone tomorrow-it is too cold to brave it-better not risk a sore throat!

PS I found a really cute backpack (adult size) with donuts on it at Walmart! you should look online or at a nearby store!


12 miles in the cold in SC! Even saw some snow flurries and that never happens here! My longest run yet!


No long run this weekend, just a got Saturday morning gym session. :) I’m pregnant right now and doing my best to stay active. I love how Brooke licked off all of the frosting. She definitely knows what she is doing! ;)


I had my 1/2 marathon in Key West last Saturday. Instead of tropical it was a tornado watch! Then straight to a scheduled hand surgery..So my workouts now consist of finger exercizes!


Got a cold and blizzardly longish run in yesterday, about 13. Felt good to get it done and be warmed up once inside.


I did 14km today (8.7 miles) which is the longest I’ve managed since my last marathon in October (and a really bad knee injury). So happy now and living on that post-run high.
Love the frosting picture too! :) Have a great Sunday!


I can’t tell if the Donut shoes are for you or Brooke! Haha.

If the donut shoes are for Brooke then I can’t believe how big her feet are growing!

If the donut shoes are for you then Cutest shoes ever and your feet are so tiny!

Super cute.


10 miles on a blistery COLD day! I REALLY dragged my feet on getting out there. Then my phone died 3.35miles into the run. So, I just enjoyed the quiet and fretted in my head about the headwinds (swirling winds) and tried to focus my head on the mile I was running. I felt SOOOOO good (and a little delirious) after I finished!


Oh my gosh! Those donut shoes! My daughter is turning 3 in March and I’m planning a donut-themed party for her… She already has donut pants and a personalized donut shirt… do I really need to spend $35 on shoes??? Probably… now that I think of it.


The gingerbread cookie pic cracked me up! You and Brooke are so fun!


I ran long yesterday–15 miles–on a beautiful Kentucky back road. The scenery along this favorite route of mine was completely covered in snow (remarkably, considering it is a back road, the road itself was plowed, for which I was extremely grateful because there weren’t 15 miles of sidewalk in town where I live and I really did not want to do all 15 miles on the treadmill). We got at least a foot of snow from the winter storm and it made for a beautiful and peaceful run.


My long runs are currently 3.5 miles. My lunges and legs are still getting back into the swing of things since having my baby (sadly, 4 months ago). But, I’m enjoying every minute!


Hey, girl! I have been following you on blog lovin for a while! I also run and I live in Provo and I always connect with your posts! It’s sucks that your injured but you have a great attitude! I have recently started a blog about running and family life I would love to have you check it out!


Love the donut shoes!! I hope your toe heals soon. It sucks to be injured!!

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