22 (my favorite number) tips to help you with your long runs and Sunday stuff!

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Whether you are training for a 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon, marathon or ultra-marathon… your mileage is going to be increasing over the course of your training plan.  The long run tests us mentally and physically.  It sure isn’t always rainbows and butterflies (well, every now and then I get one of those magical long runs where I feel like I am on top of the world) but there are things you can do to help you rock your long run!

1.  Just do it.  Just start.  Don’t think.  Don’t dwell.  Don’t worry.  Just get out and start.  Nobody likes a complainer.  

2..  Bring in the troops.  Whether it be people to run with, your dad to follow you in the jeep while it is dark and cheer you on (thanks again Dad for all  of those runs), your bff to send you a motivational quote at a certain time or your kiddos to bring you a water bottle.  Your people want to help you achieve your goals so let them.   

3.  Put your favorite comedy on your phone and listen to it while you run.  I have a friend that swears by this… he would put his favorite comedies on for the long run and because he has seen them 400 times he was able to visualize the movie while listening and laughing.  Podcasts, books on tape or Netflix (Friends—>  I’m looking at you) shows are also fun to listen to if you are one to bring your phone along on your long run.  

4.  Do it at whatever time you want (if your weekend schedule is flexible).  It is nice to practice starting your long run at the same time as your race starts BUT… something I learned this last training cycle was to do it when I wanted.  If you can only do it at a certain time then obviously stick to that but if your schedule is flexible then run with the best temperatures and a well-rested body.  It is amazing how much better your long run feels with an extra hour of sleep.  If you run your best super early in the morning then go then.  Don’t feel pressured to do it a certain way because everyone else does it that way, do what is best for your body/schedule/life.  

5.  Count.  When you are getting into those last few miles of your long run and you are tired mentally and physically… try out counting.  When I am really toast I start counting my steps or side walk cracks or poles that I pass by.  It doesn’t take a lot of brain power but it sure does distract me from thinking about how tired I am.  

6. Don’t you dare attempt your long run in a piece of clothing that you know is going to chafe you or shoes that are going to leave you with blisters.  Wash your favorite running clothes in advance, make sure your shoes don’t have too many miles and have everything out and ready to go long run morning.  Not a lot worse than feeling the beginnings of chafing when you still have 14 miles to go on your long run.  

7.  I LOVE It when I can combine a race and a long run… i.e. training for a half-marathon?  Why not run a few miles for your warm-up and finish with a 10k and a mile cool-down if you have a 10 miler on the schedule.  Gotta love the course support and adrenaline from races and the more races that I do the less nervous they make me feel.    

8.  Don’t let social media get into your head.  It’s hard to not compare our training plans to what we see online but you just gotta stick to what is right for you, your goals, your body and your season of life.  If so and so is doing higher mileage/more 20 milers/faster splits/no fuel/less rest days… that is fine!  They are doing what is right for them and you keep doing what is right for you.  We are all in different places with our training and you do the long run distances and paces that are right for you free of comparing yourself to your instagram peeps. 

9.  Take time to research/ask around/explore for the prettiest places in your area for your next long run.  Yes, it is convenient to just leave from your front door and do the same routes you do every day but if you have some extra time on the weekends then maybe drive somewhere new, beautiful and exciting!

10.  Plan your routes (if you can) to mimic the race day course.  FYI if you are running Boston in a few months try to include long runs that start with a downhill and end with some nice rollers.  Talk about some physical and mental preparation for your upcoming race.  

11.  Remember… it isn’t easy for anyone.  Completing the long run each week makes us pretty hardcore.  

12.  Let go of the perfection attitude (something I really need to work on with my running).  If you don’t hit a certain pace… who cares?  If you aren’t killing the hills… it is okay.  Running isn’t our job and putting excessive pressure on ourselves to hit certain splits sure isn’t going to help us out mentally or physically.  This next time around I want to focus more on effort than exact paces because sometimes numbers drive me crazy.  

13 and 14.  Two of my favorite things that apply to ALL runs whenever you are tired—>  Repeat to yourself over and over again, “I CAN do hard things” and when your legs get tired pump your arms harder (focusing on your arms will make you forget all about your legs).  

15.  Think about what doesn’t hurt.  During your long run you are going to have a lot of time to think.  And that means you probably will have a lot of time to think about what hurts, what is uncomfortable and how nice it would be to just quit and hang out on the side of the road for a bit.  If you are in almost injury or injury pain then please do stop BUT if you are dwelling on the little niggles and how tired your quads are then think about the things that don’t hurt.  Focus on how strong your arms feel, how your core is killing it or how amazing your calves feel after X amount of miles already!

16.  If it is broke, then fix it.  AKA the opposite of that ‘if it ain’t broke…’ saying.  For me this is fuel.. it is broken right now and once I am doing the long runs again you better believe I will be experimenting around to fix it.  The long run makes for the best dress rehearsal for race day.  If something isn’t working out for you (gear, fuel, hydration) then fix it.  

17.  Split it up.  I did this in 2014 while training for the St. George Marathon and for some reason it really helped me to get in the long runs really well.  I would start on the treadmill and get in a few miles, move to the roads once the sun came up and then finish up the last few miles on the trails with my girlfriends.  It turned a 22 miler into 3 smaller runs which made it all much easier for my brain to mentally wrap around the idea of running 22 miles.

18.  Save your music for when you will really need it.  If you are like me then music really motivates you to get moving.  If I start my long run with music then I have nothing to really pump me up for the hard sections because I’ve already been listening to it the whole time.  I love to do the first portion/half of the long run musicless and pay attention to my breathing, form and goals for the day and then put in the Eminem/Linkin Park/Justin Beiber for when I need a fast beat to keep me going when I’m fatigued.  

19.  To go along with #18… have a SPECIAL long run playlist.  Put songs on this long run playlist that you ONLY listen to (to avoid getting sick of it and to increase your excitement for when you do listen to it) during your long run when you need that extra boost!

20.  Try out a fast finish!  Now if you are training for your first marathon/half/etc then I would stick to focusing on completing the distances rather than a certain pace BUT if you are wanting to really test yourself try out a FAST FINISH long run.  This type of long run builds endurance, leg resistance to fatigue, it works out your mental game and it helps you to practice race pace.  They will also help you to train your body to negative split on race day!  You can read more about them HERE.

21.  Remember that long runs are all about time on your feet!!  Don’t stress out too much if you need to take a few breaks along the way, stop for the bathroom or adjust your music.  I try to avoid stopping for tempo runs/speed work (and if I am doing a fast finish but I cycle those in with steady state long runs too) but on the long run you are really training your body to be on your feet for a while and to learn how to use glycogen and to burn fat stores effectively for long periods of time.  

22.  Enjoy it.  Take in the scenery.  Listen to your breathing.  Feel your blood pumping and your muscles working.  You are CHOOSING to do this activity.  You GET to run and run long. 


And like always, I’ll share some tidbits from our Sunday.

We woke up to some more snow.  Brooke might be a weatherwoman when she grows up because she goes straight to the window each morning to check out the current conditions.  

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Church—>  Brooke read (well, she repeated what I read to her) the scripture in front of the whole primary.  She rocked it.   

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Much later on I locked myself out of my house and my car.  Luckily Brooke was with my mom because waiting outside for awhile didn’t feel super great.  

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Dinner at my parents’ house and Brooke told me she wanted pb toast more than a brownie?  That is true pb love.  

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I have to share the growl that my nephew makes when he wants more food.  


My niece treats me real well and makes sure I am nice and cozy.

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PS I love Mary Jo in her Donut top! Check out her awesome post about indoor track tips!

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Favorite number?

-22… I have no explanation why but it has always been my goto number.

Favorite long run distance?  The distance that feels just right for you.. not too long and not too short?  Also, what are your long run tips?

-I think right around 16 is my happy place.

Do you ever use an indoor track?  Do you have any close to where you live?

What was the best part about your Sunday?

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I’m definitely in need of motivation and tips now that I’m about to get back to long runs for Boston training! It’s a big transition.


Fantastic tips – thanks, Janae!


This post is everything! I talked about my motivation today too and for me it’s different each day! It’s hard to stay motivated when you’re not training for anything in particular but when you absolutely just love running, you get out and do it!

My favorite long run is usually around 14 and my favorite way to do it is through cut down runs. I usually start around 8:30 and cut it down to closer to 7:00 minute miles and that keeps things interesting since each mile is a little faster than the one before.

My favorite number is 11 for unknown reasons too!


FAvorite number – 13. Always has been. 15-16 miles is my happy place too. It doesn’t take forever to get it done, I can start a bit later if I don’t want to get up super early. Perfect.

I count too. Sometimes I won’t look up (just a little bit in front of my feet so I don’t trip) until I hit 100 steps. Or something along those lines. When I’m really tired or hurting, it helps me. I also break it up into shorter runs in my head. If I think about a 20 miler in my head it seems like alot, if I do four 5 mile runs, it seems more doable. I do the same in a marathon. I do 14 miles, then I break it up into 5ks.


Mine, too. 13. It really is the best number. All others fall sadly short of greatness.


Ha! True story! I really love it when the date falls on a Friday the 13th. Is that weird?


Not weird at all! Those are the best days! I just laugh when it’s all “doomsday”. Whatever….


12-14 is my favorite long run distance, which makes senses since the half is my favorite racing distance.
I only used an indoor track once in college. I’d much rather run on a treadmill than in circles if I am going to run inside.


me too on the treadmill vs circles indoors :)


I love the numbers 2 and 13. And my favorite long run distance is 12 miles, though I don’t mind 13, for obvious reasons.

The best part of my Sunday was eating froyo, seeing Peyton and the Broncos beat the Patriots, and finding out that my sister will be my neighbor soon! I am SO pumped about that one!! :)


I’ve always had something for no 8… no idea why ;-) Long run tip: when I get really tired, I tend to lose my form and drop my head = less oxygen going to my muscles. Focusing on my breathing, even if it’s just for a minute, usually makes a big difference. Bringing more oxygen to the brain and the rest of the body feels always give me a boost!
Favorite long run is between 90 mins and 2hours depending on the weather. I count in minutes and hours in the winter because counting in miles with all the snow and the ice would be disappointing! Mental games ;-)


Great post. Love all the tips!


My favorite number is 12.

These are great tips Janae and ones I agree with as well. I’ve always found the longer I dwell on a run, the less likely I am to get out there.

I’ve locked my keys out of my car a few times so I completely understand your pain. The worst part was the time the wind blew my car door shut at aNJ turnpike rest stop and I had to wait for AAA.


Best part of my Sunday was walking around my city as everyone was digging out from the snow:)


I think 12-15 is my happy place for a long run. Doesn’t knock me out for the rest of the day (although I still do take a nap!) but is just enough to challenge my comfort zone. My favorite number is 12!


I’m with Brooke! PB toast is my absolute favorite!

Best part about my Sunday – I got to spend it at home! I was supposed to fly to D.C. Sunday night for a week of training at my new job. Flight was cancelled and offices are closed through Tuesday which meant I got to spend Sunday Funday in Chicago :)


My favourite number is 5 I have no idea why and also i have always paired it with the colour blue… Long run i think 13 – 14 is a good place for me :)
Indoor track, yes i have tried it. In my old gym in NYC the track was literally hanging all around the gym – it was a little creepy floating up there but handy for when there was 2 feet of snow and no treadmills available or for some speed exercises.
Favourite Sunday part I got to try hot white bourbon hot chocolate BUT not the drink with like milk and stuff in it…the really thick runny chocolate!!! It was awesome!!! I did feel like a puppy that ate PB tho LOL!!


I love the tip of breaking it into smaller runs! I did this yesterday on my 13 miler (4 5ks plus a little extra). I also save some of my favorite routes for long runs so I’m enjoying it more- prettier scenery or flatter neighborhoods. I also have to tell myself to just do it..if you put it off then the next long run will be impossible and it’s a domino effect! Those are the only runs in my workout plan that are non negotiable, which makes me get out a lot more often!


Favorite number is 5, and multiples of 5! Random.

I wish I had an indoor track, I miss using the outdoor tracks whenever I want in CA!

I don’t usually listen to music when I run, except if I’m stuck on a treadmill, but even then I don’t like it. It changes my pace hahah but I HAVE listened to comedians and a book on tape… But that’s not the norm for me.

I should get a pic of my donut stop running shirt, but it shrank in the wash ☹ I was so sad!


Favorite number-5. My birthday is 5/5.
Long run tip? I listen to slower music at the start to keep the pace consistent and fairly comfortable. Then I crank up the jams at the end!!


I think my favorite number is the number 20! When I was younger, I wanted 23 on all my soccer jerseys (my birthday is a 23 and MJ… duh) – but the coaches daughter got that number so they gave me 20. When I tried out for an elite team (and made it!!), my number was 1620 by coincidence so it stuck!

Best part of my Sunday was definitely breakfast! I made bacon and egg muffin cups and got in a good run!!


Great tips and pinning this for when my mileage builds back up again. Best part of my Sunday was the four miles I ran (pain-free!) after a 3 month running sabbatical. A stress fracture in my upper femur sidelined my marathon training and this was the first run after my dry spell.


I totally get the splitting long runs up. I did as much as I felt I could outside and then when I felt like that was all I could give I’d go inside to finish up. It worked really well. I’ve done a lot of running at BYU indoor track. I hated it when I was in high school because it’s sorter than a real track and I always got confused. That being said I love it in the winters


Great tips! I love the music idea and waiting to play it until I need a boost. I will do this!
My favorite number is 15 and I think its because it was my soccer # growing up.
I was running on an indoor track yesterday actually to practice for a marathon relay (on the same track) I’m running this Saturday. Its not far from my house and is a good mental test, the whole running in circles thing, ha!


Favorite number: 5. I don’t know why.

My favorite long run distance is somewhere in the 10-14 mile range.

The best part of my Sunday was getting out for a run in the snow/slush. It was so pretty out!


Favorite numbers are 3 and 8. My best long run distance is 14 miles. There is a riverwalk pathway that runs from downtown to the dam, and where I easily access it from home is 7 miles down, then 7 back, so 14 is the perfect distance without having to double back or run circles downtown.

I don’t have many more long run tips (yours were awesome), except to get a nice shower after! I love a warm shower after a sweaty long run!

I have not run on an indoor track, although the college next to us has one, and my alumni husband may have use of it………..we haven’t checked that out yet!


I’m not tech savvy…how do you put netflix on your phone?? Wouldn’t it use up all of your data if you’re on a run?? No wi-fi outdoors!


Hey Jenni!! You can get the Netflix app and use it from there! Some people have unlimited data so if you do you could just stream it while you run. If not, try renting movies off of iTunes the night before your long run…. I think it is a few dollars or something and then you can download it with wi-fi and the rental lasts 1-2 days.


OH I’m with you. Netflix on my phone? Thank the Lord I am married to an IT guy. I just go to him for everything. Then after he does it I make him walk me through it like I’m five….or…6 maybe.


I totally admire Brooke’s commitment to peanut butter – I would always choose PB toast over a brownie too!


I think these tips apply to all fitness not just running! Being consistent is the key. Sometimes we don’t perform as well as we want to, but doing something is always better than doing nothing at all.


My favorite number is 21 (not sure why, maybe because there are 21 letters in my name). Tend to like odd numbers. 15 miles is my not too long/not too short favorite run. Great tips! I have recently started the counting thing. Works like a charm!


When I start training for another race again, I really need to remember #1! Last training cycle I would dwell on my long run for days and I got so nervous for them. Once I took the pressure off they went much better. Love this list!


Love all the tips!! I like breaking long runs up into shorter runs in my head too. Sunday was nice and relaxing with some shopping at Target, which always makes for a good day!


This is my favorite post!!! I had some serious long runs training for the ultra, things like 20 miles Saturday and 14 on Sunday and it was SO hard because it was so much time!! I did a lot of these without thinking, researched areas to run, listened to a book on tape, did some treadmill and road mixes. Of course it’s like having s baby, I’m not remembering how truly awful the training was and I want to do another! Haha.
The only indoor track I ever ran on was in LA in high school. I loved how it bounced a little.
My favorite long run distance is about 14. Anything over that and I start getting running hangovers, where I have a headache the rest of the day. Hydration, I know. :)


Love all these tips! Although I almost always listen to music while running to distract me…

My fave number is 8, too many reasons to name but it is the BEST! :) My fave long run distance lately has been 7 miles. I know not long for some people but I am more of a half marathon runner rather than a marathoner so 7 is long for me!


I finished all of my laundry on Sunday – that is an accomplishment, I think?

I do have a 400m track near me, but it is expensive so I only go on the track for a bit when my club has access to it (which is only an hour of time before I have to coach).


My favorite number is 44. I don’t know why. 23 is special to me too. It was my husbands baseball jersey number. After he passed away and I saw the number it was like he was saying hello.
I love 16-18 miles.
Yesterday my boyfriend and I went snow shoeing and took his daughters sledding. It was so much fun to enjoy the 2 feet of snow we got.


My favorite number is 8. Always my lucky number!

Thanks for these tips! I was feeling bummed after my attempted 14 mile run yesterday (it would have been my longest run so far!) and I had to call it quits at 13 miles due to calf cramping, blisters on bothe feet, and a super-tight IT band that is still bugging me today. I’ve been stretching and rolling as much as I can. Running has been more painful than fun the past few weeks, so I think it’s time to use tip #8 and do what I need to do for myself and take a few days off!

For me, I don’t know that I have a favorite distance. Whatever makes me feel good I guess! Right now that’s probably somewhere between 6-10 miles.

Have a great week! :)


My favorite numbers are 12 and 13. I like 12 because it’s divisible by so many other numbers and 13 because it’s prime.

For my long runs, I set intermediate goals. I don’t use a Garmin, so I have a few “pace checkpoints” throughout my run. I like it because my long run is divided up into 5-7 segments that are several miles long. It helps me not think about the fact that I have 10 miles left and to instead think about the 3 miles I have until I check my pace again.


Thank you so much for the 22 tips! I am running my FIRST 1/2 marathon on February 7th and I really like hearing your advice. #1 #8 #15 hit home. Definitely going to try #5.


Hi Regina,
Are you, by chance, running the Surf City half in Huntington Beach? If so, you will love it! It’s a great race :) My husband and I run this every year!! We’ll be there again this year too :)


Hi Wendy:

Yes! That is the one! My boyfriend runs the marathon every year. It is going to be quite a challenge but I am going to do my best :)


Love these tips!! Thanks for sharing :)
I love the 12-16 mile long runs, but I also love the challenge of the 19+ miles too! I have one last 20 miler before my 2nd full marathon (LA on Valentine’s day), and this training cycle I have had a lot of “challenges” mentally. A friend gave me a game to play while doing long runs. If you pass another runner or walker and they smile, you get 1 point, if someone says “hi” you get 2 points, if you say “hi” to someone and they don’t respond, you loose 1 point… it’s easy math and keeps your mind off of how many miles you have left to go.
Have a great week everyone! :)


I love the 16-18 mile range for long training runs, they’re taxing and challenging, but not exhaustive. I love your tips for tackling those long distances especially #11 and #17. Training for a marathon is hard, so it’s okay if you feel like it’s hard and splitting up a long run into 2 or 3 shorter runs helps my mental game so much. Happy running!


My number is 13. Born on the 13th, 13th grandchild to my grandmother who was born in 1913. My son was born on the 13th and my daughter was married on the 13th. And it’s a prime number! In a house of math geeks, that’s a big deal.

My favorite distance is probably a nice and easy 8 or 10 miles. Long enough to be long but not long enough to be intimidating…


22 is my favorite number as well! No clue how I came to it but it’s all over usernames and passwords and my number playing sports growing up!


I don’t think I’ve ever turned down a brownie. Haha


26! It was my field hockey number in jr. high, and it just always stuck with me. On carnival wheels where there is no “26”, I’ll play 2 or 6. I only like even numbers. Odds are unlucky to me. So weird, I know?! lol I got my first tattoo a couple of months ago, and the number 26 is incorporated into it–it’s cool because it’s “26” that turns into “26.2” for my first marathon that I did in November–Philly :)

Favorite long run distance. Hmmmmm. Maybe 14? It’s an even number, so it’s a good choice. ha ha

Best part of my Sunday—even though it snowed 26 inches here Saturday–yikes–I was able to get OUTSIDE and run 5 miles yesterday due to Yak Trax. Those things are phenomenal :)


22 is also my lucky number!! Great tips, I guess number 1 is the most important, just get out and do it.. I love nice scenic runs, but I’ve never mixed running a long run with a race. Maybe I’ll try it with a 5K race in the next few weeks :)


13 is my favorite number and a 10 miler is my happy place.

They just built an indoor track by me and I think we have to pay a yearly fee to belong to it. After this weekends record breaking 31.3 inches of snow I’m considering it.

Favorite part of Sunday was post shoveling cuddling with the cat and dog while my husband and I watched football. I was definitely warm.


I’ve been a lurker for a few years now, but I saw this article and I thought you/Brooke would get a kick out of this.



Oh my goodness. That is so beyond amazing. I have to share this. THANK YOU… I want that dog hahaha!


Your nephew’s growl is the cutest thing ever! It makes me so excited to have my little boy in May! :) These tips are excellent. I especially love the idea to train and race at the same time, and yes, planning is SO essential.


Every single person on this planet locks themselves out of their house or car or most likely BOTH…sometime in their lives. Why doesn’t anyone tell us, when we are young, that this is just what will happen?

Your baby nephew is SO beautiful.


Thanks for all those great tips! My favorite number has always been 8 – not sure why. Growling for his food? The real version of Hangry!


This is the perfect time for a post like this! I just did the longest run I’ve ever done (20 miles!) in prep for the Austin marathon, and while I am now at the taper (thank goodness!), I still need to be reminded to be grateful for and just take in the long run. So thanks for this post!

Fave number: 21 because that’s my bday number!
I really like 12 miles so far! I think that 13.1 is going to end up being my favorite race distance so 12 feels good for a long run!


HUGE CONGRATS ON YOUR 20 MILER HANNAH!! That is seriously so awesome and please let me know how your marathon goes. You will rock it!


Those are great running tips, and I have used a few in my day for training.

I really enjoy the half marathon. After running a full marathon, it seems like the perfect distance to me. My legs and hips don’t feel like they are going to break! ;)

I love indoor tracks. At least some of them because they have that added bounce to the track.

I’m not running right now, but focusing on starting our family, and the best part of my Sunday was transferring 2 embryo’s! So exciting!


Love #4! I used to run at all different times so I could run with other people, but it ended up making me more anxious about running my long runs! I’ve figured out to do my own thing and if others can join me, great. If not, that’s ok too. There are parts of the Race you are alone and need to find that inner courage.
Race fuel! I recommend UCAN!! Life saver! I have run 20 marathons experimenting with all sorts of fuel (gu, bars, gummy bears, Powerade, Gatorade, water (alone), life savers (literally)) you name it, I’ve tried it. But my stomach is so sensitive and my anxiety gets the best of me sometimes. But it has never had a bad deal with UCAN! I love it! Look in to it.


Lindsey! I can’t thank you enough for telling me about UCAN!! I am totally going to try it out! AND WOW… 20 marathons! You are incredible!


13 & 14 helped me PR big time this fall. And i have you to thank :)


Thanks for the tips! I struggle pretty badly with long runs, so I’ll have to try some of these next time I’m training.
Favorite numbers: 7 and 28. My birthday is 7/28. Real original I know ;)
I like the 7-8 mile runs during half marathon training. I feel accomplished afterwards but not dead.
The video of your nephew is too cute!


This sounds odd, but 16 is my favorite number b/c I really like the number 4, which I feel it is nice and even and 16 is the perfect square of 4. So, yep, odd.

I would really have to go with Brooke about the PB over brownie decision, but that is a very healthy decision for a child. Go Brooke!

My favorite part about Sunday is that we arrived in paradise! Read all about it on our post today if you are bored!


I PRed in my half marathon time yesterday! I was actually kind of bummed after the race because I didn’t hit my goal but I’m chalking it up to a lot of little factors and the big one of being super jet lagged and sleep. Next time!

Also great tips for the long runs! I’m also experimenting with fuel right now! Keep us posted with what you settle on :)


HUGE CONGRATS ANNIE on your half marathon PR!! Focus on the fact you PRed and keep chasing that goal:)


Brooke turned down a brownie… what?? haha


I like doing the 8-10 mile long runs. I don’t do marathons anymore so this distance is long enough for me!


awesome….love it…. see my fitness blog and see my running experience, #Africanfitnessblogger https://couchhealthandfitness.wordpress.com/


I have never thought about playing a movie and listening to it on my long runs. That is genius.



Enjoy Jessica! Have a great long run soon:)


I am super happy that you like 22! Also my favorite but that’s my birthday day…and several holidays have landed on it which is pretty cool!

Hey, love your winter hat! I could use one like that with all this cold and now snow we are getting here in the Midwest.


Great tips! I’ve trained for full and half marathons. You nailed some great tips. Right now 10 is the mileage I like.


Great tips! I especially need to remember to save my music for when I really need it. I’ve been listening to my “half marathon” playlist while on shorter training runs and now I’m getting sick of some songs. Time to mix it up.


Love the tips on the long runs!!! Especially about playing music toward the end to pump you up! I will try this! I am training for my first full marathon in March and so far, my longest run has been 17, but this weekend will be 18!!!! I was side tracked last weekend with a respiratory infection, but bouncing back!!!

My happy place right now is around 11-12 miles….. perhaps more into marathon training that may increase. We shall see!!!!!


Hi Janae. I’ve just finished reading your blog from page 1 to now. I’m pretty new to running and am training for a half do loving having blogs like yours to push me along. Thanks for all your posts and congratulations on all that you achieve both personally and professionally. You seem pretty amazing!

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