Time to go… but first, let’s talk about yesterday.

We made it to Tucson and it was love at first sight.  Perfect weather, gorgeous scenery and we are loving our hotel.  

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Rewind to the morning—>  we stayed at my brother’s house and Brooke got in a few races of her own with the cousins.

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I did this until about 11 a.m.  I doubt I walked more than 1,000 steps yesterday and my legs will thank me for that today!

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We left my brother’s house and my mom, Brooke and I started the 2 hour drive to Tucson.  Lunch came first and we went to Kneaders (aka the place I go to in Utah all of the time).  The red stuff is cranberry sauce and I put avocado in there too.  Sounds crazy but tastes delicious (just me defending my weird combinations again).  

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Brooke scored an owl cookie.

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We went straight to the hotel first, picked up my bib and then hit the road again.  We drove the entire course.  Leading up to this point I was feeling every nervous feeling possible but once we saw the course and how beautiful it was… I was beyond excited.   Hardest sections of the course —>  miles 2-4, 10-13, 22ish and on… bring on the pain.  I’m ready for you. 

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Brooke’s favorite thing to do at a hotel.

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And for dinner we stopped at Whole Foods and brought back food.  I stuck with rice, potatoes and grilled chicken. 

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The alarm (along with two other alarm clocks) is set and ready to go.  

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Sounds like a plan:

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Hey, thanks for all of your sweet comments along the way.  It has been a long training cycle and like usual, you guys have been the greatest and when I get tired and want to quit… I’ll be thinking about you all and keep on going!  

I can do hard things.

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I know that exact place in Tucson and it’s gorgeous. The race will be incredible with all the views. Good luck! You are gonna rock it!


You can do this :) can’t wait to know how it went ! You’re awesome!


I can’t wait to see how you do! Good luck! You CAN do hard things!


Yes!!! Race day is here – good luck! You can do hard things!! :) Can’t wait to read all about it!


Good luck today! I was thinking about you while I was running my marathon yesterday. You are going to rock this – it’s time for your sub-3! I can’t wait to hear how you do! You can do hard things! Go get this!


You’ve got this! I know you do! Not only did you put in all the hard work, you are a talented racer – once that gun goes off you go into race mode and really perform well. Excited to see how you do.


You got this Janae! Your training was perfect, your preparation was perfect, and your pre-race dinner looks perfect too! I can’t wait to hear how well you do!

Hopefully it goes a little better than my marathon yesterday :)


You are going to do awesome! Good luck!




Good luck out there.


Good luck!!! Go Janae go!


Can’t wait to hear! I’m cheering for you! Good luck!


Yay!!! I’m rooting for you Janae!!


Good luck today!!!!!!


Good luck, Janae!!!!


You got this!!!! Good luck Janae!!!


Good luck and hurry back!!!!!


Cheering for you!!!! Go Janae!!!


GOOD LUCK Janae! You have got this race!!


You’ve got this, Janae! I’m jealous of that course. I’ll be running Dallas next Sunday. You are truly an inspiration to me. KILL IT!!!!!


this just pumps me up for you so much! cannot wait to read the recap! congrats on all your hard training that I know will pay off in 3..2…1….


Thinking of you today! Go out there and race with all your heart. Your sub-3 is so close to reality!


Good luck!! You will do great!!


Have a great race! You have put in the work (and then some) now go out there and have fun!!!


Good luck out there!! I know that you’ll crush this race! You’re such an inspiration!


Good luck Janae! I’ll be thinking of you all morning!!


Good luck at Tucson! I love it there! I’ll be running CIM this morning, and also looking for a sub 3! Go kill it!


Excited to hear that speedy time and the race recap. You’ll do great


So excited to hear how well you do – you are going to kill it!!!


Cannot wait to hear all about your race!! Best of luck!


Good luck today! I’m excited to hear all about it. And p.s.: that cookie looks so yummy. What’s my obsession with cookies all of a sudden??


You can do it! Good luck! :)


Ypu can do it! Good luck and I’m so excited to hear about how you do!


Good luck! Can’t wait for the report! (By the way, my son loves to jump on hotel beds too….now that he’s 12, I have to limit it though! lol!)


I’m so excited for you!! Run tall!


Janae, you are amazing! I’m so excited for you. I hope you enjoy every minute!


Good luck Janae!!:)


Good luck Janae! I hope you crush your PR goals. You have worked so hard and have so many of us from all over rooting for you today!! :)


Good luck Janae!! Can’t wait to read the recap!! : )


Love that quote at the end. :) have a great run! You’ll do awesome!!


Have an awesome day! Best of luck to you nailing that sub 3- I’ll be sending you fast thoughts :-)




Arizona looks beautiful!! I am jealous. Much better scenery than Ohio. Cant wait to hear how it goes!! GOOD LUCK!


Go Janae!!! I will be thinking about this morning!


I have no doubt you’re doing great out there on that course right now! Enjoy Tucson! We have some beautiful running weather this time of year!!


I was supposed to run CIM here in Nor Cal- but I injured my knee three weeks ago. Watching you come back is helping me with positive thoughts and knowing there will be another race. Good luck today!


Can’t wait to read about it! I’m sure you kicked butt!


You are seriously so awesome! And what I love is that you’re not afraid to put your goals out there and dream big (well, like you said you put in the work), because no matter what happens we all love you anyways :) Crush it Janae! And enjoy the ride.


You’re probably done running by now but I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you today! My racing hiatus is harder when I read about all your training, but you also inspire the heck out of me and make me want it more when I eventually get back to it! No matter the outcome today, you are amazing.


Thinking about you!
Have an amazing experience!!


Go Janae, go!!!!! You are amazing!!!


Go janae, go!!! YOU GOT THIS!!

P.s. Love that quote.


GO GO Go Janae, rooting for you so much!


Such a great quote! You got this, Janae!


Your finish time only matters to us because it matters to you. I love reading about your running adventures whether you run a 2:59 or a 4:59 marathon. Just remember us readers and your real life friends and family want it for YOU, so there is no disappointment. I’m proud of you, a stranger, so I can only imagine how your real life people are bursting with pride for you today! Congrats!


You are INCREDIBLE, Janae!


I stopped what I was doing and thought about you this morning. :) I can’t wait to hear about it!

Hi to Brooke and your mom!


Well, it looks like you are lucky enough to continue to work on your goal again. Sorry about not making the sub 3 but looking at the results, you were the 5th female in, which is excellent. You did awesome and you did do and continue to do hard things!! I find when my husband does races out of state, he does not do as well as races in state. He is a gifted and amazing athlete. I don’t know if it is an elevation thing or what. I know it is not your goal but, after being really sick, you did amazing. Enjoy your family, Arizona, and time away from home.


What Mary said. I looked up your times and wow….just amazing. You did an incredible job coming off an illness that could have ended this year’s racing season. So Run Happy! (You ONLY beat my time by 1 hr and ten minutes….so jealous).


You didn’t get sub 3, but you got close. Next time you got this, and I can’t wait to see your marathon of you.




Janae, don’t let any part of you think that you are not an INCREDIBLE and inspirational runner! I hope you loved every moment of the marathon and I hope you’re already excited to sign up for another, in which you WILL get your sub-3!


If you were having stomach issues why did you go out faster than your goal pace? You can do this but it’s the same outcome each rce. You go out too fast and burn. I hope you take nutrition and strength training more seriously next time.


Wow kick em while they are down. Classy.


Rude! Come on she doesn’t need that. She gave it her all and she wouldn’t have made her goal even if she went out slow–she threw up her breakfast for God’s sake! It’s amazing that she came in at 3:10 with in her condition, she doesn’t need people like you telling her what she should and shouldn’t have done.


It’s true though. Do t you think part of it was her going out too fast? She held on to a faster than goal pace for twenty miles even w throwing up. I think she went out too fast like always and hit the wall


Hey guys! I actually stuck to the plan 100% that my coach sent for me… the paces were all adjusted to the different portions of the course. Thanks for the tips! While I love my job with every ounce of me… it sure sucks to have so many people watch you make mistakes whether they are in my control or not. I’m nowhere near perfect but I try my hardest and I’ll keep chipping away at my time until I hit my goals.


Never mind the trolls. You beat 5 of 6 previous marathon times after some lousy setbacks.

You’re inspiration for most of us were mortals. And I’m sure 99% of your blog fans are extremely proud. I know I am. ( And the rest of them matter not at all).


Thank you Clark! That means the world to me!!!


You are amazing Janae! and an inspiration to me!…even if you eat chocolate covered swedish fish! ;) Great job today.


My favorite President Roosevelt quote, that Janae reminded me of:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. ”

I for one admire you immensely Janae, that you went out there and ran with all your heart, no matter how you felt….. and succeeded in a new post-baby PR. You were amazing and you WILL get the sub-3 one day!


How about just being positive and keep it to hpyourself unless she asks for advice later.


I for sure understand the avocado and cranberry combo- IT”S DELICIOUS!


Great job today! I saw on insta about your marathon. As I reader, I know I have learned a lot by your training and positive mindset. You always get back up with a solid determination to do better. That’s all we are striving for in this life. Improvement. Thanks for sharing your training and experiences with us!

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