Running OUTSIDE?!? Plus, a hello from Brooke (aka the real reason you read this blog).

Wow, this felt real good…

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After a monthish of the below picture being my running view:

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It felt amazing to be outside in the fresh air while running.  Arizona is one of my favorite places to run because they have canals all over the place with paved trails alongside them that go on for miles and miles and miles.  You rarely have to stop and mess with cars… they are quiet and peaceful and flat.  Megan, her sister and I did about six miles (I probably won’t wear a garmin for a few more weeks because I am really enjoying this ‘run whatever distance/pace thing’).   

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Megan getting her stretch on… ummm I think my hamstring would actually snap if my face ever got that close to my knee so I’m just not going to even try it.

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It’s a beautiful thing if you are running in December and your sweatshirts end up around your waist after a few miles.  It got toasty. 

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And then we went inside to Megan’s sister’s house for some weights.  Meg and I compromise when we are together and she joins me for my favorite (running) and I join her for her favorite (weights/circuits/the really hard stuff).

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I wouldn’t mind a home gym like this;)

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After a quick shower we went to Downtown Gilbert for some food.

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6 lb salads from Oregano’s….

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I hope not too many changes because I don’t love change.

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My cute friend looking adorable in her donut shirt…

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And Brooke wanted to say hello too;)  Lucky girl… she gets to celebrate Christmas TWICE!!!

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Enjoy the rest of your day and I’ll see you in the morning!

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Happy Monday! Enjoy Arizona.


I am so jealous of your running in Arizona right now. We are getting hit with a bad winter storm here! But for it being almost January, I can’t complain. Enjoy your time with friends!


Holy cow – yeah my hamstring would never let me bend in half like that! I’m always a little jealous of super flexible people.

And that home gym might actually be enough to get me to lift some weights ;)


Ugh, I could use some Arizona running right about now. Not looking forward to the Dreadmill tonight!


Would you ask Megan what nike she is wearing? I love those green:)


Hey Mary! They are the Nike Air Pegasus 32! SOOOO cute… get them!


Glad you got to run outside! Here in Florida it’s been in the 70s during my morning runs for like, the past month. I may finish sweaty, but I’m grateful to live in a place where I can run outside year-round!


Today was a beautiful day in Phoenix! I want to hit the trails this week if I have time. I swear Oregano’s makes the food the size of your head.


I ran outside today for the first in a long while, too! But I had so many layers…. it was 2º !!!!! But still fresh air no matter the temperature is better than the dreaded machine. Where did you get that adorable elephant sleeping bag??


I’m visiting family in Arizona too and have loved being able to run outside. I’m from Alaska so running in shorts and a tank top has been great! Enjoy your visit!


I just want warm weather. But HEY! I’ll be in Florida NEXT WEEK! So hopefully there will be some good times and good weather! Here comes Dopey!


Oh I miss running outside!


Oh man! You’re in my hometown. Please tell me you went (are planning to go) to Postino or Joe’s BBQ in Gilbert while you’re here!


I ran outside a couple times!! Big fan. It’s about to get really cold though, sooo that’ll be a new thing… Not used to real winter! I’ve spent the last three in LA, now in New England. Eeeee!


I kinda want Brooke’s sleeping bag. An elephant for a pillow? Yes, please.


It was really warm here in Maryland last week and I loved running in shorts and tank tops in December! Now it’s getting cold again and I’m not ready.


Umm I need THAT weather STAT. I’m so over the cold–and we’ve only had two days of it. Glad you’re getting a little getaway time in the sun with friends!


Aww so happy that you get to be surrounded by people you’re close to while you’re away from Brooke. Hope you have a great week but that it passes quickly and you and missy are reuniting before you know it :) And in the meantime, enjoy the running!!


Sooo jalous of this weather! Ran for 1h30 in -8F…brrrr… and winter is only starting here! Yes, I’m super flexible but I would trade my flexibility any day for your speed :-P Brooke is so adorable in her sleeping bag!


Glad you got to run outside! It’s been so rainy where I’ve been visiting family that it’s been the treadmill or no running. Have a wonderful Monday!


Haha! I looked at the first picture and thought, “That looks like where I go running” and then I saw you were in AZ! I usually in Gilbert along the Greenfield/ Eastern Canal. Welcome to Arizona! :)


You live in such an amazing place! I LOVE IT HERE!!!


There are too many real reasons that I read this blog! a) Brooke is just adorable b) your food makes me excited for the next meal I’m about to eat c) you remind me I need to go to the gym (even if I don’t actually do it) and a bunch of other reasons!

Running outside is the biggest blessing! Wahoo!


Those are some of the same reasons that I love this blog :)


My husband built us a home gym like that. And then we moved. Sad times. ?


AHHHH you had to move from your home gym! I would have cried!


Everything about this post made me smile, Janae! Even the title (the real reason we read this blog).

I’ve run along that canal in AZ too (but in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area).
And yes, so nice when you can just *run* and enjoy it and not care about time/pace/mileage.

Enjoy your time, enjoy the weather, and your friends!

< 3 <3 <3


Where is Brooke’s sleeping bag from? I want to get it for my daughter. It’s so cute!!


I will have to ask my ex… she got it from him for Christmas! Such a fun sleeping bag!


YAY for finally getting an outdoor run! Megan’s home gym is incredible! Hope you’re having a wonderful post-holiday week. :)


Glad you got a break from the weather. I love the idea of those canals and trails. That gym is pretty great!

I ran on the treadmill this evening, it’s sleeting. I like to stay in one piece.


So thankful to be able to run outside during December! I live in Arkansas and we ran in capris and tank tops Saturday….Really enjoy your posts!

Hey do you know what brand and style the capris are that your friend is wearing? Thank you!


Hey Jurlene! I am so so happy that you are running in such good weather right now too. The best! They are lululemon!


I’m loving how much you post at the moment! I just started working a holiday split shift at the gym, and love that I can come in to a new post in the morning shift, and come back to another one in the afternoon (ok, the gym is reeeeeaaaaallly quiet right now…) :) :)


We are definitely “enjoying” some toasty weather in Tampa. While yes, it is nice, would it kill Florida to send over some low 70’s?! I think not! ;)


That’s why I love Arizonas winters. I actually love close by ur brother and sister in law ( I saw them at my ward building) Have fun while your here.


Glad you got to enjoy some nice weather! It has been cold and rainy today down here in NC :(


That is a really nice home gym set-up with all of those dumbbells! Glad you’re having fun with your ladies! :)


Love the sleeping bag. Brooke sleeping inside a hippo(?)’s pocket. Whatever it is, it’s adorable.
Those salads! Man, now I want to eat a salad like that one, except it’s 11:47 at night. I’ll just put that on my list of things to do tomorrow.
Your personality and your run-ventures and the awesome family life you share with us are the real reason we come to the blog. It’s so cool that you share your day-to-day life with us and manage to motivate us to workout and eat fun and healthy things too. Thanks for everything you do for us, Janae.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Thank you so so much! Your comment made my night:) I hope you get a huge salad tomorrow for lunch and enjoy every bite!


Jealous you get to enjoy such warm temps! I would love to know where Brooke got her cute hippo sleeping bag? My boys would love! Enjoy your time away from all that snow in Utah.


I love the picture of Brooke sleeping! That is the cutest little sleeping bag she is on!
Xo, Tara


I’ve never commented before, but I’ve been visiting my sister in Gilbert and running the canals every day….AND I was eating at Liberty Market just a few doors down from oregano’s at around noon today! I walked past there to get back to our car! Would have been fun to randomly glance through the window and see you, I probably would have come in to bother you while you were was eating so I could meet you, ha!


Wow – that home gym looks amazing! And running outside, especially in the winter months, is amazing, especially if you haven’t done it in a while. THAT SALAD – gimme gimme.


Ahhh! You’re in my town! I knew those canal pictures looked familiar since I run those all the time. Enjoy Gilbert!!


Isn’t Gilbert such a neat place? I visited AZ last month and ran Gilbert’s 10K … and finally broke through the 50-minute mark! Of course, I just barely broke 50 (I ran a 49:41), but hey, it still counts! Thanks for being so inspiring … I really enjoy your blog!


Really the Gilbert canals are the best! My hometown and I LOVE AND MISS IT! And the food!! If your looking for some awesome restaurants to try, Chop Shop, Pomegranate Cafe (vegan/vegetarian food but amazing!), Pita Jungle, and Wildflower are all so good! Oh and Nekter Juice Bar for a Pitaya Bowl. And for dessert, Rise Up Bakery has some pretty awesome treats (really close to where your running, Higley and Guadalupe – right next to my brothers Crossfit gym :) HAVE THE BEST TIME THERE!! I’m going to live vicariously through you this week with all your fun AZ adventures!! :)


Love Oregano’s!! I went to school in Tempe and this place was one of my fav’s! Did you get the big pizza cookie?!


I get Christmas twice with my parents being divorced too…it’s not the worst ;). I love running outside after lots of treadmill miles! Enjoy your time in Arizona!


Do you know what brand and model of shoes Megan is wearing in her stretching picture?


Running outside is the best! Living in San Diego allows me to pretty much run outside year round. Although it has been raining in and off the last few weeks. My brother actually gave me his treadmill so now I have no excuses to not get a run in! :)


aww running with friends! I am seriously jealous of how flexible her hamstring is! i could get my leg up there but more than that, eh debatable. what an awesome home gym! i would totally workout out at home if i had something like that, and the mirrors! gotta keep your form in check :)


Oouuuii! That home gym looks nice ;).
If anybody could check out my blog it would super amazing:


Yeah I would love that home gym for sure.

Brooke’s hippo bed is adorable!


That sleeping bag is so cute!

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