I wore eye shadow, The Roof and where did that obsession come from?

How in the world is it already December 23rd?  Brooke and I have a full day/night of Christmas traditions to fit in today because somehow Christmas is pretty much here already.  

Our Tuesday started off with some treadmill (of course;) miles.  I don’t know how I am not bored these days on the treadmill but I guess whenever I start feeling bored I remind myself at least I am not out slipping/sliding/falling/freezing in the winter wonderland… and this way I get to enjoy seeing the snow fall through the window while I run.   I am looking forward to some warmer weather outdoor runs in California and Arizona next week.  

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Snow days = extra cuddling back at home while we watch Frosty the Snowman and contemplate cleaning our house but somehow never get around to it.  

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Brooke got a mini chapstick the other day and she puts it on multiple times a day and keeps it in her little pocket (without losing it?!?)… I have no idea where this sort of obsession would come from?

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Rewind to a few weeks ago—> the guy invited me to go with his family to an amazing restaurant for an annual dinner and so last night was the night for the dinner.  My mom found my dress here (she picks out most of what I wear:) and my sister did my makeup/hair because I don’t even own eye shadow.  It was fun to get all dressed up and head up to Salt Lake City.

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At one point we had to catch Trax that was a block away and so I took my heels off (that was cold) to run to catch it in time… and then we realized it was the wrong train but I’m sure we entertained some cars along the way as we were sprinting down the road all dressed up.

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Dinner was at one of my favorite buildings in SLC (The Joseph Smith Memorial Building).

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We ate at The Roof which has the most beautiful views.  

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The Roof is a delicious buffet (we have eaten at 3 buffets in the last week?!?) and the french onion soup, rolls and steak were my favorites.  There were a few dinner plates and then the most important part…

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Dessert.  I had to try at least one of everything because every choice was a good choice.  The cheesecake won which is weird because chocolate usually always trumps cheesecake in my opinion.  

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We then walked around the Christmas lights for a bit.

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And then drove back home.  It turned into a blizzard in our area for a bit and so I was more than happy that I brought an extra pair of snow boots and they looked extra good with my dress:)

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LOVE Briana in her DONUT STOP RUNNING TANK!!! Now I want a donut, or three.

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Are you a cheesecake person?  Are there any desserts that trump a chocolate dessert in your opinion?

Any traditions that you are doing in these last few days before Christmas?

What is your workout looking like today??

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I have chapstick with me all the time. It is in multiple locations in my house, my car, my purse. The obsession is real. Dry lips are the worst!

I always watch It’s a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve. It’s my favorite!

Gorgeous dress! It looks like a fun time in Salt Lake City! I love all the Christmas lights!


So jealous of your snow..in PA it’s going to be a warm and rainy Christmas :( I love a good cheesecake! I will take a chocolate/coffee cheesecake over anything else any day. Yum!


what a fun view! my workout is going to be 3 miles with my sisters dog… hopefully he can keep up! ;)


I’m not a cheesecake person at all. Sugar cookies trump all desserts. Hands down.

I definitely need to drive through the best Christmas lights neighborhoods in the next few days! Somehow I haven’t managed to do that yet this year. :/


What trumps all…….Carrying a toddler who is sleeping through everything and knowing how safe, happy, loved, warm and lucky she is…..I loved that time with my kiddos.

(Now they are 18.5, 16.5 and 12.5….too big to be carrying but not too big too cuddle!)

Merry Christmas!


You looked beautiful for your dinner!


Looks like a great night and those Christmas lights are beautiful.
I share Brooke’s obsession with chapstick!
Cheesecake to me is okay. A chocolate chip cookie would trump it for me though. I guess I am a simple dessert girl ;-)
I was also on the treadmill this morning- 3 miles plus 30 minutes of strength training.
Last day of work for me today so I am happy about that!


There’s so much snow in Salt Lake, and I’m missing all of it! Oh well. :)

Today is a 13 mile run for me. My dad and my sister need to run too, but we are all running different distances, so we have a series of loops and drop-offs all figured out. :)


I did a 7 mile workout this morning with intervals from my coach. We are heading to a Christmas Eve Ever service tonight and just relaxing and enjoying the time together!

P.S. Love your dress!


Great dress!


Oh my gosh looked like such a fun night! Loved your hair- you looked awesome! We always go out for Chinese on Christmas Eve. Driving from Virginia to Ohio today to see the family- lots of road trip snacks are packed and ready to go. Have a great day! :)


That picture of you is so gorgeous! And Brooke’s cute little buns are angelic :) I also totally relate to the chapstick obsession and if it’s possible, it gets worse in the winter! I’ve been running an easy 5 miles most days, today was no exception.


You look so pretty, and seriously exactly like your sister in that pic!


I recently visited Utah and am absolutely in love (IN. LOVE.) with your state! The people were so kind, and the scenery was almost unreal (my hubby said the mountains looked photoshopped, haha) I think I said “Oh wow” or “That’s so beautiful!” at least 100 times during our trip. I’m already looking forward to our next visit. :)


Can we just meet him already!?!?! :o)


Chocolate pretty much always wins out but on rare occasions (like if it’s hot out and my meal was particularly heavy) I’ll go for something citrusy. The last time that happened I had lime mango cheesecake and it was amazing.

This year a lot of traditions will change but one that stays is that tomorrow night we’ll be opening new pj’s to wear.

Today is leg day. Since it’s school vacation kiddo is coming to the gym with me and I’ll scale the workout for her to join me:-)


I actually prefer an apple cobbler over a chocolate dessert which is crazy to say.
Today is my dogs birthday so 12/23 is always started with me putting on his party hat and forcing him to pose for a pic before I give him his present. He is such a good boy.


You are gorgeous!! Love the dress and your sister did a great job with your hair!! So glad you are having an awesome Christmas season :) You deserve it!!

A little jealous of your white Christmas. El Nino is making crazy changes for us in northwest PA lol I went for a run yesterday and it was 65 degrees and sunny! I kept thinking, is it Easter or Christmas? LOL


Love the dress!! You look beautiful!

For me … Peanut butter desserts always trump chocolate desserts. But then again, I feel like pb desserts usually have chocolate in them so not sure if that counts!

New-ish tradition that my mom and I have is to always have dinner together at our fav neighborhood italian place on Christmas Eve. Just the two of us before she flies out to Houston to go see her family. Love our time together!


I love cheesecake, but a good gingerbread trumps all other desserts for me this time of year. My family watches It’s a Wonderful Life every Christmas Eve, but this year my husband and I will spend Christmas Eve traveling so we can spend Christmas with my family.


I love cheesecake. And, for me it trumps just about everything on most occasions. Although I usually try to squeeze both in if chocolate is available too.


I wish you would send some of the cold weather to the east coast! It is going to be in the 70’s for Christmas! Tooooo warm.for my liking!


I love that dress!

Today’s workout is a tiny one – just a warm up with 3 KM at tempo pace. :)


That picture and story about Brooke and her chapstick is so sweet!
That dress is beautiful and you look gorgeous in it!
I like cheesecake but chocolate is always my first choice.
We usually watch A Christmas Story at some point during it’s marathon on tv.
I was going to go hop on a trail today, but I’m still lounging around-you know because I have nothing to do (rolls eyes at self).


A picture with you AND the guy would have been perfect!! :)
I’ve eaten at the Roof lots of times but never when the Christmas lights are on. I’ve always wanted to!


I love your dress! It’s perfect for the holidays!

Ran 3 miles on the treadmill this morning while listening to the new Serial, and will go to yoga tonight.

Starting a new holiday tradition with the hubster this year- Christmas Eve brunch, just the two of us!


You look so pretty! Haha…I would have done the boots with the dress too!


I can definitely do without cheesecake. I mostly just like the crust with a super THIN layer of the actual cheesecake. Mmm. A good chocolate cake is probably my favorite.

YES! I love Christmas Eve. We all go out for Chinese food, then drive around & look at lights before we head home to get ready for midnight church (which really starts at 11PM, thank goodness)

My workout for today looks like it’s already done! Ran 20ish minutes on the treadmill after some random strength exercises.


Chocolate dessert is the boss of the bosses but for me, vanilla anything is second.
We are living in a new city in a new state so we are making some of our own new rules for the holidays before we drive back to our hometown. We are still doing the Elf on the Shelf deal though.
It is absolutely pouring rain here in Atlanta today. Usually I will still run but I’ve been fighting illness (I don’t get sick, I fight) for about a week now so I had no desire or motivation to run in the rain. I briefly went to the gyn in my building bef0re the arrival of meat heads.


I need your sister to do my makeup!!! You look great!!!


Woowee look at that dress! If my mom picked out my clothes I’d be head to toe in ruffles. What a special dinner! I’ve never been to Salt Lake, but it looks beautiful! How do you even stand being in such a pretty state?

I love cheesecake, but I’m not crazy about the plain kind or with it topped with cherries. I prefer chocolate peanut butter or other crazy flavors! I’m about to get some hilly miles in before it starts down-pouring!


Cheesecake all the way!!! Over the years, I’ve perfected the art of making a great cheesecake. My mom loves it too so my sisters and I search for new recipes all the time and make one each major holiday: Christmas, Easter, birthdays, you name it :)

Traditions in our family is opening all our presents on Christmas Eve (mainly to let the parents have their sleep on Christmas morning) and the siblings can all wear any new outfits Santa brought them to the family dinner on Christmas day.

Today’s workout depends on what kind of rain is going on when I get off. A swim for sure and 3 miles-on the treadmill or with the running group. To be decided!

Merry Christmas!


Wow, you look awesome all dressed up! What a lucky guy!
My workout was supposed to be 8 miles, with 4 at half marathon pace. But, I’m struggling with some hip pain now and when I got to the fast part, my hip said “no way”. So, that ended that run. Better safe than sorry. Well, better for me not even to run today, but some lessons are harder to learn than others!! ;)


Janae,the Utah tourist board needs to hire you for all the great promotion you do for the state.Your pictures are absolutely beautiful and make me want to visit and see what you see.I live near Niagara Falls in Ontario Canada and we will be having a very green and mild Christmas.I’m ok with it after a couple of brutally cold and snowy winters.:-) Nice to see you so happy.


I don’t think much trumps chocolate but I would eat pretty much any desert with chocolate. Merry Christmas!


Just started my training for my Rock’n’roll half marathon in DC on March 12th. Want to join me?


Dinner with the family! Yay! Soon maybe we will get a picture of the 2 of you???
The pictures were amazing. Merry Christmas!


I’m 100% a cheesecake person! Hope you guys have a merry Christmas :)


Traditional creme brûlée trumps all other desserts for me. I love your dress! So festive!


This guy of yours seems like a winner !!! :) What a gorgeous restaurant! I cant get over how cute brooke is in her adorable outfits and with that chapstick.. precious!


Oh my gosh, that food looks amazing!!



Gorgeous views of SLC, looks like a nice place! My workout was speed work today- always tough but I feel accomplished afterwards! Can’t wait to get home for xmas! Enjoy the rest of your day!


Look at you all fancy! Very lovely and the building was also pretty. Fun treat for a week night.

I do like cheesecake but the cream cheese kind, not the ricotta one. My dessert loves change. Chocolate is my favorite but sometimes I like to branch out.

I think I’m treadmill running later. It’s warm out but it’s raining and foggy. I don’t trust motorists or the wet leaves.

My parents-in-law are coming over for dinner tomorrow. Most years I cook but when I’m crazy busy we order Chinese food. So tomorrow, it’s Chinese food for the win. I’ve had them over every Christmas Eve since right before we were married. (that’s 22 years). Christmas day we go there.


Not that you ever look bad, Janae…but you look simply amazing in that photo! Gorgeous dress!

I’m as obsessed with lip gloss as Brooke and you are with Chapstick! One in every bag, pocket…I even keep a spare in my car!

Not a big cheesecake fan. And I want to say that ice cream trumps all desserts…but does it count if I make ice cream an anytime of day indulgence?


Wow, the view from the Roof restaurant is so incredibly beautiful! Looks like something out of a fairy tale book!…you look amazing too!

My daughter arrives tonight !!…and I don’t like cheesecake but she loves it :)


You won’t believe it, I don’t like chocolate or cheesecake! :) I am currently trying to watch all of my favorite Christmas movies since Christmas snuck up on me this year, too!


My husband and I are celebrating Christmas today since I work the 24th-26th.


I went to that restaurant early this year when I visited SLC and I have not stopped thinking about the bread pudding since! I didn’t even think I liked bread pudding, but that was amazing…along with everything else I ate there. The views are pretty awesome too! Glad you enjoyed and you looked awesome!

Today is my daughter’s 5th birthday so we break from our regular Christmas traditions for the day and celebrate her with a fun activity and restaurant of her choice–today it’s the bounce house and a burger restaurant!

I ran 6 easy treadmill miles this morning before the birthday girl woke up :)


No last minute Christmas traditions for us. Except we are marathoning Star Wars before we go see the new movie on Christmas. ?

I’m in taper mode and I think I’ve got some sort of stomach thing. ? So I’m taking it a little bit easy.


I’ll eat cheesecake, but I can’t think of anything better than chocolate.

My husband traveled 25 weeks this year (22 for business) and I traveled 14 of those. We are staying home and our only Christmas tradition will be lots of music and good food.

We rode our mountain bikes this morning. It rained yesterday (great news for So Cal!) and the trail was super muddy! We both slid around a bit and I thought I might go down. I made up a song to the tune of Jingle Bells – Muddy Trails. “Dashing down the trail, on a two wheeled Specialized. Got mud in my hair, Les got it in his eyes!” I like to say I must have been smiling ’cause there’s mud on my teeth ;)

Merry Christmas, Janae, Brooke and family!


Great dress, and Brooke’s hair is adorable like that! Are you nervous when you go and meet family like that? I always used to get super anxious. Definitely not a cheesecake person. Not a cheese person, really, have just never liked it since childhood. I do eat it on pizza, though. Workout today was elliptical while watching Alias. I’m 20 weeks pregnant and the running is getting harder already which is frustrating, but, you do what you can. It will be worth it. :) Looking forward to – Vegan Chocolate Banana Smoothie from Smoothie King. It was amaaaaaazing. And a super huge serving was just 320 calories! No Christmas traditions tonight, but might take my son to see Santa. It’s raining here, though, so we may just eat popcorn and watch movies.

Merry Christmas to you!!


My running group started a new tradition last year of going for a run in the evening so we can admire the Christmas lights throughout the neighborhood. It’s a lot of fun!

When we lived in Utah, we saw the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s Christmas concert one year. We just happened to be shopping in SLC that day and someone gave us tickets. It was amazing!


Ooh what a pretty location for a delicious looking dinner!


My brother is the executive chef at a restaurant in Reno and they dessert he makes trumps pretty much everything for me. It is an oreo cookie crust with coffee ice cream. choclate and java chips on top with a little bit of chocolate syrup drizzle. I LOVE IT!!!!


I love cheesecake! I don’t have it very often, which is probably a good thing.

One Christmas tradition we do every year is that my dad makes lasagna for dinner on Christmas eve. There’s nothing quite like homemade lasagna. It’s so much work, but it’s always amazing!


Oh how I miss SLC! I used to ride TRAX daily up to campus and I loved the lights around the Temple.


Looks like your last couple of days have been amazing! I hope you and Brooke have a very festive Christmas Eve! I’m realizing that my family doesn’t have many Christmas traditions. We just have certain delicious foods that MUST be enjoyed every Christmas.

I used to be a cheesecake fan, but not so much anymore. To me, the winningest desserts are carrot cake or pretty much any sort of cookie.


Those Christmas lights are so pretty and dang the view from that restaurant! I’m not a big cheesecake fan too rich for my blood I do love a good key lime pie though yum!


Chocolate usually always wins in my book too!! That restaurant looks beautiful!!

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