Changing gears and my tips to keep up with exercise over the holidays!

Tis’ the season for things to start getting crazy busy and for me personally… it is the season to take some time off from running.  While I love training for marathons, I also love so many different types of workouts.  As long as I can get in a good sweat, feel my heart pumping and burn those muscles out—> I am a happy camper.

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As a single mom (but I think this is amazing for ALL moms) I am absolutely loving using Grokker because it allows me to workout more at home and have a HUGE library of videos to choose from.  I can wake up early and do a workout before she wakes up or she can join in with me.  Grokker allows me to avoid having to find a babysitter so that I can get a workout in and having my favorite sidekick with me while I sweat is always a good time.  

I’m also super stoked to have Grokker with me (you can use it at any time on ANY device) this Christmas break too.  Brooke will be with her dad in California and I will be taking her there and then spending more than a week there before bringing her home.  With this awesome service I will be able to do my workouts anywhere (without having to pay to go to some random gym there)!  I have over 1500 HD Premium videos to choose from (hand-picked by their expert instructors to make sure you get the best experience possible) and they add new videos weekly!  

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I just love the fact that I can choose the length (they have everything from awesome 10 minute workouts to 1+ hour workouts), intensity, and what type of workout I want to get in.  

SO many awesome choices:

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Now that I have this it will be a lot easier for me to keep up with yoga and strength training during marathon training season again too.  I tend to stop doing those very important workouts when I am running a lot because I don’t want to be away from Brooke so much but now I can just get up early and do it at home!  I have a feeling that a stronger core, legs and upper body are going to help me get closer and closer to my goals.  

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Grokker brings me all sorts of yoga, fitness and meditation options but something else that I am beyond excited about is that they have the coolest healthy cooking videos too.  Now that it is winter, I want to stay home a lot more and eat at home.  They offer cooking videos on so many different topics like Vegan & Raw Food, Japanese, Thai, BBQ, Deserts, Healthy Eating and so much more. 

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They make it super easy for you to schedule all of your workouts, keep track of your activities, the recipes you have made and a whole community of expert instructors to answer your questions and to help motivate you!!! 

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Here is an awesome core workout I tried yesterday from Grokker!  It burned oh so good:


I have been marathon training pretty much all of 2015 and I am loving trying new workouts and I’m excited to build up as much strength as possible to help propel me into my next training cycle!

I also wanted to talk about keeping up with exercise over the holidays!  Things get busy and if your body is needing a break from exercise for a bit then go for it but if you are looking for some tips on how to keep up with your running/workouts over the holidays… here are mine!  

1.  Get the whole family involved.  My sister is the best at instigating family walks and getting us out and moving together.  Family/friends + exercise = a pretty great combination if you ask me!  

2.  Make it convenient.  One of the many reasons that I love running is because it is so convenient.  You can do it pretty much anywhere at anytime.  Try out Grokker over the holidays to help you get in an awesome workout before the rest of your busy day starts!  Nothing like doing some pilates next to your Christmas tree and never even having to go out into the cold.   

3.  Let go of the all or nothing mentality!  This is usually my problem… I think if I can’t fit in my normal workouts I might as well not even do one.  DO WHAT YOU CAN! If that means 10 minutes—>  great.  If that means some days you can do more than others—>  great.  Do what you can and be your own biggest cheerleader!

4.  SCHEDULE it in. Make time for it.  Maybe that means one less batch of cookies that are made or maybe one less Christmas movie (or you could watch the movie while you workout)… if it is important to you right now then make time for it.  It will help you with stress levels, your sleeping, your eating and endorphins= happiness:)

5.  Find stuff that you love.  Exercise should be at least kind of fun… so branch out and try new things and do the things that make you feel good!  You will be much more likely to stick with something that you enjoy vs. doing what everyone else is doing if it feels like torture.  


******The first 100 readers get to try out Grokker for FREE for 14 days!  Just use the promo code 30DAYS at registration.  GO HERE to get started! 

This post is sponsored my Grokker! Thank you so very much for supporting me, the Brookers and our incredible sponsors!!!


What are your favorite non-running workouts?  What kind of workouts do you do at home?  

What are your tips for keeping up with your running/workouts over the holidays?  Or do you take time off?

What are your holiday plans?  Staying at home, going anywhere, family coming to you?

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I love doing at-home yoga and this is definitely the time of year for it! I love Fightmaster yoga on youtube – she’s my favorite :)


I’ve used Goeker in the past. Pretty awesome! I am staying home for the holidays. My parents always flying in from Wisconsin to enjoy to gorgeous Phoenix weather with me. Froyo on Christmas Day is always a win!


Thanks for the tips! I’m going to be running a marathon in April so I have to train through the cold weather. No breaks for me! I go to a gym because I can’t motivate myself to work out at home, so I go there to swim, rock climb, spin, or go to a class (zumba is my favorite!)


I love going for long walks when I’m not training. I spend alot of time on the elliptical too, but it would be my second choice. Yoga is good when I’m wanting to get in a good stretch!

I’m an all or nothing person too, so if I just remind myself that I’ll feel better if I just do something, I’m good to go. I’ve never felt worse after a workout!

We are staying home for Christmas, then traveling the day after to see my in-laws!


I went on a long walk yesterday to listen to the first episode of Serial and fell in love with walking! It’s such an easy way to fit in some extra fitness! I was not feeling any actual workout, so it was perfect.


I still haven’t listened to Serial! I love walking, especially when I want to do something active, but don’t necessarily want to “work out”


I have one tip for keeping in shape….get a hyper dog, preferably a mini dachshund with a lot of energy ;)


Wow thats a cool app that really does it all!

My favorite tip was to let go of the all or nothing mentality because that gets me from strength training all the time! I really need to do more in 2016 and I think I’m going to start that in the interim of my little running break, but I’m a runner and honestly have no idea what to do in the gym or at home so this would be good for me!

I don’t have too much trouble exercising over the holidays, but when I’m not running I tend to do less.


I really like yoga and need to start doing it more regularly. I also really enjoy playing tennis, though it’s getting a bit too chilly for that now!!

I’ll be staying in town for the holidays, like usual. I actually like not having to deal with the stresses of travel. It lets me relax more and get in some great time with the fam. :)


I really like changing up the excercise I’m doing as well. I feel burnt out and normally get injured if I train year round with solely running. Way back in the day, I used to teach step aerobics. I loved that. Generally my cross training is elliptical or something at the gym right now.


I love to do Pilates or at-hone strength workouts, especially during the holidays. I run over the holidays, but usually a bit less because of travel. This year I’m visiting my family in Missouri!


YES to Numbers 1 and 3! I also try to make exercise a family affair, especially over the holidays. Those are the best kind of workouts and definitely the most fun!


I have so many clients that are asking for something like this! What a great reference!


I don’t work out much at home just because I don’t have resources for it. But I love doing insanity or a pump class here and there. Someday I’ll be able to work out at home though, and that will be great


Other than running I’ve been really into Bodypump lately. I don’t do many workouts at home, but my gym is right across the street from my work so that makes it impossibly easy to go.

Running over the holidays is a challenge for me, mostly because my parents live in the mountains and I live at sea level and oh man running gets hard when you’re 7,000 feet higher than you’re used to…BUT my family just got snowshoes over Thanksgiving so I’m relying on those to get in some really good cross training.

Leaving for the mountains on the 22nd! Cannot wait! xoxo


I usually do more walking and hiking in the woods during the winter and holiday months.
I’m driving upstate to spend Christmas Eve with my friend Susan. And then Christmas morning I’ll drive back to my boyfriends house and go to his family for dinner. New Years we will be going to his moms house a few hours away. He will have his daughters so it should be pretty fun and relaxed.
I have two large freelance jobs so I will be working a whole lot in between Christmas and New Years. I used to use my wii fit for exercise in the house and I bought a rebounder a couple of years ago to bounce a little while watching tv. I agree to get it in when you can and lose the all or nothing mentality. :)


I’m into warrior sculpt or power yoga. Basically, yoga enhanced with weights and cardio. I swear I have never sweat so much in my life.

Boston training starts 12/28! I’ve been working on strength training and putting in about 20 miles a week for a little base.

Also – I love the “Do what you can” tip. I have the same problem, where I think a 2 mile run isn’t worth anything, but you are so right! Anything helps.


I always do at home workouts now and I love it! Doing them saves me so much time (and money!).


Grokker sounds awesome, I will definitely check it out- thanks for your review! I love going on walks and hikes with friends and family as a change from running. Happy Friday!


I need to fit more at home workouts outside of running but I just seem to always be in a rush for time!


I love that Brooke is doing the workout with you! Every time I am at my moms working out, my nephews always try and join in and it makes the workout so much more fun!! My favorite non-running workouts are probably cycling workouts. If I have to stay inside or can’t go to the gym, I tend to do HIIT workouts. There are so many and I like that I can burn a lot of calories in about 30 minutes. I always try and stick to a routine by making fitness a part of my schedule every day, even if it’s a simple walk, I try and fit in whatever I can. I feel if I have already made time for it and have a plan for what I’m going to do that day, I am more likely to actually do it and stick with it over time. I also find that if I am unmotivated to workout during the holidays, finding a friend or family member that wants to workout as well motivates me so much more. For the holidays, we are always running around between my grandma’s, my mom’s, and my fiance’s family. That’s like three feasts though so we aren’t complaining about it ;)


This just reminds me that I need to do 8 Minute Abs more.


I continue myth runs throughout the holidays but may cut back just a bit mileage wise since its such a busy time. Setting a reasonable plan is important and be flexible if needed! I also love to do yoga at home and different strength training. We will be having family here for Christmas!


I agree….anything you do is better than nothing! Even 15 minutes is better than not doing anything.


I have a love-hate relationship with swimming. I dread going to the pool … Hate what it does to my hair … Hate how it’s never easy to just go for a quick swim … And hate goggle lines.

That said, it’s probably my favorite workout aside from running and love the way I feel and my body feels afterwards. It’s very healing!

Holiday plans are staying at home!! My mom visits her sister in Houston every Christmas so we always go to our favorite Italian restaurant for Christmas Eve dinner and then I enjoy some nice quiet time on Christmas itself :)

Happy Holidays!!


Honestly, it’s not hard for me to keep up my routine over the holidays. For me, the crazy-busy family time involves traveling, which means that I am also taking time off work. So I have family obligations, but I don’t have work, so the two balance each other out.

Plus, my dad runs, so we run together when I’m visiting, and that does make it easier!


I LOVE that you get to run with your dad! Enjoy this holiday season and the time off from work Katie!


Thanks, I will! :)


I’m going home to Oregon! I can’t wait!!!
I’ve been horrible at scheduling work-outs in lately… I need to get back at it! You’re so right – even ten minutes is better than nothing! Thanks for the motivation!!! :)


i haven’t heard of this and i’m def going to check it out! i like to do my own “boot camps”/circuit workouts at home, with free weights and plyo and abs and lots of squats and all that goodness!


I like kickboxing, almost all forms of dance, Barre, some HIIT. Grokker posts shorter videos on Greatist occasionally and I really like their format.

I continue to workout during the holidays, it eases stress. I may keep them a bit shorter than usual but mentally and physically I need to move.

I usually host Christmas Eve but I’m keeping it to my husband’s parents this year. Too much going on right now and I can’t chance anyone being sick and passing it along to the hubby right now. We will probably go to his parents on Christmas.


For me I personally love the workout videos from Blogilates! They are so challenging and but really really fun and easy to do at home!! I highly recommend :)
If anybody gets the chance could you please check out my blog :


LOVED your holiday gift guide… I want it all!! Also, pushing yourself is more important than a certain pace… loved that post girl! You are awesome!


My favorite non-running workouts are the cardio classes at my gym. I also enjoy going to a hot yoga class every once in awhile – it feels sooooo good to sweat out all the toxins!


I used Grokker for a trial for a while as well and loved the selection of yoga videos. Enjoy the service, J! :)


I love at-home-workouts when I have to cut my time short at the gym or when my little one is sick! We will be going to my parent’s house for Christmas and I am SO excited! My little girl is old enough this year to really get excited :)


My favorite non running workout is T25! I did it last year and it really really helped when I started training again for a half marathon!


I love aerial silks and circus conditioning. It’s so addictive and different but fun. I’ve turned my living room into a mini gym so I can get stronger for silks so I’m excited check out Grokker’s conditioning videos.


Aerial skills and circus conditioning! You are incredible Angie!


Hey Janae! I love body pump and spin classes! I also love all of Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper’s workout dvds. They are all so challenging and leave me feeling really accomplished! I try not to be hard on myself during the holidays if I miss a workout or two, but I just try to do more family walks and activities that keep me on my feet. I do like to squeeze in a few workouts so I feel better! My husband and I are visiting my family in Nashville for Christmas! We are so excited!


Love the tips! Grokker seems like an awesome idea for strength training – will definitely look into it! :)

Pilates will always be my favorite non-running activity, but I really want to try kickboxing sometime.

Tip for working out through the holidays –> workout first thing in the morning so you still have the rest of your day for other fun activities.


I use BeachBody on Demand and LOVE the supportive community! I’m actually holding a training group for runner’s beginning January 4th that will include at home workouts, a customized running plan, and healthy recipes that even kids and husbands will love!!!


What a great program through Gokker, I’m so glad you shared this! My favorite non-running workout would either be strength training or spin. Running is such a stress reliever for me, so I love getting to workout during the holidays. We have a quiet at home Christmas planned and I am excited to get to experience it with my three year old. It’s a magical time and a magical age. Happy running!


Lots going on this Christmas! 2 engaged sisters, so 2 separate appointments for wedding dress shopping, and I am working so it will be a busy one! But I will get up and run every day that I can, and I get to spend Christmas morning with penguins…… many folks can say that?!


It’s definitely a crazy busy time of year for me too! I can barely keep track of all the to dos. My favorite workouts to do are all dance based. I love zumba in particular!


The for the Grokker information. Great idea. Maybe I’ll sign up for a free trial to see if it word for me!

Have a wonderful weekend!


I have really been enjoying the Yoga With Adriene channel on youtube lately. I’m super bad about doing any kind of cross training, but I’m working on it.

I actually write myself up a schedule for when I’m not training for anything. Nothing major, but having things written down means I’m less likely to be starting back at square one in the spring.

We spend the holidays at home in the morning and the afternoon/evening is spent with the boyfriend’s family. My family is all on the other side of the country.


I just posted a list of at-home workouts today! I will definitely need to check this out and give it a try! I am also backing off from running and doing some different kinds of workouts over the next month or so, but I don’t have a gym membership, so I am constantly looking for new ways to work out at home!


I like Insanity or the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts for at home. I also jump on my bike trainer too. Great tips for staying active during the holidays. I too struggle with the all of nothing thought.


That looks kind of amazing! I’ve been working out at home all semester but mostly just yoga with Cize thrown in there when I’m feeling saucy! Lol! But I just got a gym membership again so I’m hoping to do more strength training (my body craves that big time and I see the best results when I am doing strength training 4-5 days a week). That looks like a cool app though especially for travel! I wonder if you can access it on a Roku?

Spending the holidays in Utah again this year away from my AZ family, but there is something special about just the four of us having our own little Christmas that I’m looking forward to!


Where did you get that coral colored jacket?? Super cute!!


HEY ANNA!! Here is the hoodie but I don’t think they have the coral anymore. LOVE the jacket though!


I’ve never tried Grokker but it sounds appealing. If I need a quick workout I’ll usually go to YouTube and find something on there. Of course it is not the same but at least it’s something.


This is awesome! I’m feeling super old school because I’m really into workout DVDs…which I guess are basically the equivalent of VHS tapes with all the streaming options! I always mix in Susanne Bowens Barre workouts into my running schedule…and usually use my baby as the weight. :)



Thanks for the tips!

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