My favorite post-race activities:

I’ll have my race recap up tomorrow morning (I ran a 1:24:27) but for now let’s talk about what happened after the race!  

I took it to the grass, the trails and a little bit of dirt for another 3 miles to bump my mileage up to 16 for the day (FOUR WEEKS until Tucson).

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One of the trillion reasons that I love St. George—> they have running/bike paths EVERYWHERE.  They have more of these trails than any other city I have been to.  

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And I finished my cool-down on the red dirt (the picture doesn’t show off the redness very well).

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Went back to our friend’s house, got ready in record time after a shower because I was and needed food asap.  Post-race hunger is intense.

I stuck with my three favorite food groups:  salad, sweet potato fries and froyo.  Just 5 weeks ago I was pretty much just eating rice, applesauce and chicken broth.  I’m pretty grateful to my doctor right about now for figuring out what was wrong. 

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Well, I forgot to stop my garmin for the ride home (it didn’t take us 8 hours but I didn’t notice it was on until I was unpacking).   

Ya know, just a quick 250 mile run at an 8:00 pace.  No big deal;)

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At night I got to hit up the BYU basketball and this soft pretzel with 32902 grams of sodium hit the spot.  

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Today we have two things on the agenda:

1.  We will be spending a lot of time on the foam rollers to help my body to recover as quickly as possible so that I can hit my workouts this week before the taper starts.  

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2.  We will be as lazy as we possibly can and nap and eat and nap.  

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Actually, I think three things… we will make waffles.  

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What has been the best part about your weekend so far?

3 things on your agenda for the day?

Pancakes vs waffles?  Which do you prefer and what are your favorite toppings?

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Congrats on the race! I just bought a waffle maker and have yet to use it. You’ll have to let us know what kind you make!


I know it’s probably weird, but I love pancakes and I absolutely hate waffles. I cannot stand them.

Best part of the weekend so far….lot’s of shopping yesterday. And I mean LOTS!


What a beast! Congrats on your race.

“Waffles are just pancakes with abs.” Love it! I prefer waffles – with ice cream, sprinkles, and some fruit :)


Awesome race! Looks like it was a fun trip too!

I like peanut butter and fresh berries in my waffles. We just bought a waffle maker a few weeks ago and really need to break it out!

I’ve forgotten to turn off my garmin while traveling too. It makes for some interesting data!


my agenda for the day: a half marathon that starts in 1 hour, lots of pizza, and a big nap :)


Best thing about the weekend so far: tasty, tasty dinner at Cafe Molisse in Salt Lake City. Have you ever been there? It’s my boyfriend’s and my favorite restaurant in Salt Lake. We would probably go every week if we could afford it. :)


Congrats on an awesome race! And I have to pick waffles, something about waffles that are just more fun. Today’s agenda is relaxing and watching my daughters’ dance performance :)


Well done on your race!
It was my birthday this week and my boyfriend got us tickets to see Imagine Dragons next week, I’m so excited!!
I definitely prefer pancakes, favourite toppings are jam and mascarpone or just berries.


Best part of the weekend: getting to run!
Waffles for the win!


Congrats on a great race!! St. George looks like a place I would love to visit. How cool are those trails?

Hmm agenda for today: teach yoga, grocery and an afternoon hike with my husband and dogs :) if it stays nice out!


Holy cow, your legs are fast. Very well done! Choosing between pancakes and waffles is like choosing a flavor at a fro you place. Today is family day and all that it entails. My favorite.


The rowing competition has been fun to watch in town, and I had a strong 5 miler yesterday so that felt great!

Today: work, moving stuff, pizza!

I prefer french toast! But I have a waffle maker and LOVE using it! And I guess it depends on where the pancakes come from………….if they are from Aretha Frankenstein’s in Chattanooga, or from Pancake Pantry in Nashville then they are unbeatable!!


Best part of my weekend=taking my mom to the movies. She doesn’t get enough fun time in her life- so selfless!
Today: grandpa’s birthday lunch, boyfriend roll out party (he’s doing a random marathon today), and homework #college
Pancakes. It will always be pancakes
P.s. oh my noodle, your half was so fast!!! So nice to see someone with great character like you succeed at something you love. Nice work!


Congrats on the amazing time! You are in such great shape for Tuscon! I prefer pancakes over waffles, although I do enjoy waffles with Greek yogurt and fruit on top. Three things today: church, shopping, and going to our favorite park.


The best part of the weekend so far has been getting the windows installed in the addition we’re putting on our house. Forward progress!

Today: running, yoga and eating :) I’m very busy

Waffles are best. My step mom makes amazing waffles and tops them with peaches and whipped cream. It’s the best.


best part of my weekend was my half marathon PR! 1:36:07! So proud and elated. Definitely ran my best race so far :)

3 things on the agenda: spend as much time with my best friend in Indy as possible. Eat a massive brunch and packing for an early flight back home tomorow.

Waffles…they hold the butter well


Congrats on a great race, looking forward to the recap :) I think I prefer pancakes over waffles but it’s a close one. I used to really like waffles at the diner topped with frozen yogurt.


Congrats on an awesome race and three extra miles is amazing especially right afterwards!! It looks gorgeous there (beautiful blue sky and weather). Please please please send cool weather our way!! We are dying here and I am not exaggerating ;) Best part of the weekend, my husband made the USA tri team again and World completion is in Cozmel next year and. I finally got to 10 miles. :) Last one, we lost our 17 year old dog in August and we are going to look at a puppy today :)


Wow! Huge congrats to your husband! That is so beyond exciting!! Seriously so cool. I am so sorry that you lost your sweet dog in August. I hope you found a puppy that you adore today!


We found the cutest little girl yesterday. She is about 1-1/2 pounds and has the cutest personality :) My daughter named her Lilly!!


Awesome job on the race Janae! I look forward to reading your race recap. Your views look absolutely amazing!


Love the picture of Brooke and you foam rolling – she’s adorbs. I also love Bombas socks :) I went to my first barre class yesterday as part of a free blogging event here in Minneapolis. Feeling the soreness a bit today. I will try going for a short run later because it’s supposed to be 60 and sunny in November! I am still recovering from knee pain after my last half marathon. Enjoy your lazy Sunday!


Being able to meet friend/bloggers in real life on Friday and spending the weekend with my sister + her family, and being able to see my extended family on my dad’s side! Three things on my agenda today: brunch with my extended family on my mom’s side, driving 2.5 hours home, and relaxing with my man & kitten once I’m home! I think I’m more of a waffle lover, but at the same time, I’m not really that picky either! I like fruit toppings on either, or jam + butter. Never been a big syrup fan…


You did incredible! You are going to slay your marathon.

Best part of my weekend was completing my 18-mile long run. Which means my agenda today is plenty of stretching and eating, and, unfortunately, homework.

I think I prefer waffles to pancakes, but that’s like saying I prefer gold to silver. They’re both so good. And the best topping is unquestionably real maple syrup.


Congrats on the race! Looks like a nice place.

Best part of the weekend: apple crisp.

Today’s agenda: I am going to run here shortly…nothing else planned.

And I like both pancakes and waffles. Syrup and butter please. On Christmas, we make fried dough for breakfast and I add powerdered sugar to my usual toppings.


Trader Joe’s waffles with cookie butter. I don’t like syrup so I usually do cinnamon sugar as a topping or jam or cookie butter or peanut butter.


Spectacular effort. Nearly PRed without working too hard (I’m guessing anyway), with a time that I would be forever jealous of. And then another 3 miles to boot.

You are gonna rock that Tucson marathon.


I ran the Revel Canyon City Marathon yesterday and got a 7 minute PR! The first half really beat my legs up, I’ve never been so sore during a race. But the course was beautiful and I thought the runners were some of the friendliest I’ve ever met! The organizers did a great job with this and the volunteers, of course, made the day.

Quadruple bonus points to my husband: He is a cyclist and knows the back roads on this course. He rode 29 miles and stood on the side of the road until I came through at mile 15, gave me a quick energy kiss, then rode 25 miles to get back to the finish line! I am so blessed to have him!

So today, I eat, nap, roll, eat, nap, and roll some more! A few days of recovery and then I’ll start thinking about what I want to do next :)


3 things for today: go to Stake Conference, plan Thanksgiving, enjoy this beautiful not scorching SoCal weather. Also just a quick note – I’m spin certified in part due to your blog and last night I became spin star two certified! I’m super excited and it just might be the kick I needed to drop (more) baby (3 months now) weight (27 lbs to go).


Congrats on a speedy race. I absolutely LOVE St. George and hope to run the marathon there someday. I’m looking at doing the 70.3 Ironman in May. Challenging course for sure!

My mother-in-law is in town this weekend, so it’s been nice to have a little help around the house with our little one. He just started smiling like crazy this week, so I can’t stop staring at him. ☺

Waffles all the way!


Great job on your race! And those views!
Best part of my weekend was a great run yesterday.
Three things for today- Rest, Packer game, and cooking
I prefer waffles with warm maple syrup (the real stuff!)
Happy Sunday!


Great race! St. George looks like an amazing place to run.3 things on the agenda today – trail race, shower, sleep.


Quick question…do you ever use the foam roller for when your back is sore?


Hey!! ya know, I don’t usually use the foam roller for my back but I am sure it would help if it is sore!


I can’t believe the scenery in St. George. The paths, the dirt, the everything. Sigh… Congrats on that half! And I love how you turn around and just run another 3 miles after you were all done. Ha! Awesome.


I like both but prefer waffles. When I ate pancakes growing up, I wouldn’t eat the unless my dad made his special orange sauce. I’m pretty sure it was just a cand of frozen orange juice melted with extra sugar haha. But it tasted yummy.


3 things for today – grocery shopping, blogging and a nap would be nice :)


Waffles for sure! Just made them this morning! The pioneer woman has an awesome recipe! Congrats on your race!


Glad you are back to eating the foods you love! I think I might make a trip to Coscto today :)


Yeah girl!! Congrats on another awesome race!

Favorite part of the weekend was running the Hot Chocolate 15K this morning and hitting a PR! Ran a 7:49 average pace which is really fast for me!

3 things on the agenda today: Drinking tea/recovering + Baking cookies + Friendsgiving tonight!!

Happy Sunday!


Congrats on a great race! I’m also really happy that you’re back to eating your favorite foods, and I LOVE those giant soft pretzels…I always pick one with tons of salt on it!

I prefer pancakes with butter and maple syrup and my daughter is in town visiting for a few days, Yay!


Those sweet potato fries look delicious; excellent refueling choice!


Good work on the run, as always! Enjoy your lazy Sunday! :)


the best part of my weekend so far was when i hung out with my friend Diana. we had a blast yaking for hours over endless shrimp at Red Lobster!

on my agenda today:
1. ungroggy myself with coffee and diet coke, then eat some eggs
2. run 10 miles
3. do the laundry and actually put it away

at a restaurant: pancakes! at home: waffles!


So glad you are feeling better!!

Chocolate chip pancakes with butter and little sprinkle of salt, yummmmmm!!!!
Going to the beach with my son and dog, making ragu sauce and watching football.


The beautiful foliage and weather in Boston has made this weekend extra nice! Congratulations on a great half marathon! You are so speedy! Enjoy some rest! :)


I notice almost every race you choose is downhill…like the entire race. Do you specifically choose races that are huge downhill races to run a fast time? I just notice you rarely run actually “flat” courses but seem to cherry-pick these huge downhill courses. I recognize that you still have to “run the time” but do you ever feel like the huge downhills facilitate the ability to run such a fast time?


Why are some people so jealous of others achievements ?


Mandy, it’s because they are comparing themselves to everyone else that’s better (when you should only be comparing yourself). I love the quote: “Comparison is the thief of joy”


Hey Trish! I love downhill courses, flat courses and normal courses and the majority of Utah races (I know only a few that aren’t) are that way because of the high altitude makes it equivalent to running more of a flat course at sea level. The only other marathon I did this year was Boston and I definitely don’t feel like that was a huge downhill course. When I lived in California I did the California courses. I place in a lot of the races that I do (my last half I took second overall and first in my age group yesterday) and we are all doing the same course so in my opinion I’m doing a pretty good job. I’m not currently shooting for the Olympics, I’m pushing myself to the limits, training hard and loving the training so I’d call that a success:)


As a guy with IT band issues I can assure you that a downhill course would be my demise.

Different strokes for different folks.

I said I wouldn’t do another FULL, but I’m already trying to figure how I can do Big Sur and NYC in the next 2 years. That might satisfy me. 1 Atlantic urban jungle with a gazillion spectators (bonus, used to go to Manhattan all the time during college), and 1 gorgeous Pacific coastline with almost zero spectators (bonus, in-laws live out there) = 2 very different courses.


This has been exactly the kind of low- key weekend I’ve been needing. I think my favorite part was relaxing and watching Sherlock yesterday. That or going for a nice long walk in the woods with the kiddo this morning.


Best part of my weekend is my baby girl is turning 26 and has chosen to spend her whole weekend with me! I am very lucky to have ended up with such a sweet and special child. Still getting my workouts in, (she likes to sleep late) 43 miles on the bike today, now mani-pedis. Wish this weekend could last a bit longer!


I’m sure your daughter is that way because of you, wishing you a great weekend with her! My girl is 26 as well and sweet and so wonderful … they are our gifts.


Those bike and running trails look amazing!! Wow, that was a fast race. Hope you had lots of fun and I am excited to read the recap. I don’t race but love running and reading about them. Have a nice Sunday.


Awesome on so many levels, Janae! Yay for a good race and fun getaway weekend.


My husband and I ran the Madison Half Marathon today – a first for both of us! It was awesome – I definitely see more races in our future! Love your blog and all the encouraging posts from fellow runners…it’s inspiring!


Huge congrats Nora! That is seriously so awesome that you got to run with your husband! Keep on running and recover well:)


Congrats on the race! And I totally support the completely lazy day today. That’s the way I’m spending my Sunday!


I ran the Savannah Marathon yesterday. It was unseasonably hot (84 degrees at the finish). I was one of the lucky ones who got to finish the entire 26.2. I got a PR even in the heat, so I was pretty excited!
We drove home this morning and our plans for the rest of the afternoon including laying on the couch and watching TV :)


Ahaha love that waffle picture!


The only thing on the agenda today was to crush 12 miles. And I did!

And, pancakes for me…even though waffles are clearly stronger. ;)


Hubs and I went to a “How to Host a Murder” and I was the murderer. HA! Plus bacon wrapped chicken was pretty gosh darn good! :)

I really like waffles, mainly because every time we make pancakes when I put my PB on it it takes the pancake right off. :S I gotta have PB and syrup. Always.


I can’t wait to read your recap!

I’m late reading so the weekend is about over. The best part was just being back home. I was on a business trip most of the week and I couldn’t wait to get home.

My three things were: Run long (10.5… I’m far enough between races that I’m not in training); grocery shopping and cook dinner at home (we eat out way too often).

I love WAFFLES! Their crispy texture just makes them hard to resist. Butter and Syrup or butter and powdered sugar are my favorite toppings.

BTW… I know you go to the LDS church. I run by the Billings, MT temple quite often and today I detoured so I could get a picture. I posted it on my blog today and thought of you.


I did a 10 mile long run and I did really well. I felt great and I am slowly starting to think I may actually be ready for my half coming up.


I love waffles and pancakes so much – it’s hard to choose!! I made these awesome whole wheat pancakes this morning and we all loved them. I think I am in a pancake phase right now :)
Huge congrats on the race!!! Way to come back strong!!
One of the best parts of my weekend (other than spending time with my family) was the 10 miler I ran – it felt really good and I feel like my body is slowly getting stronger – yay!!


Great job!! Can’t wait for the full recap. Eating a waffle with peanut butter as we speak… So I guess I’m team waffle :)


Is it weird that I get excited about your race recaps? haha I am soooo pulling for your sub 3 in Tuscon. You have been such an inspiration to me in balancing life as a mom with really loving running and taking it seriously. I often feel such guilt over it. Almost as if I am being selfish. But running is who we are!


you have to stop posting such gorgeous pictures you are making me seriously jealous ;) waffles vs. pancakes thats the eternal struggle!!!!! most days for me its waffles but if they arent done well then its a total let down, same can be said for pancakes though, oh the struggle is real!!!!


Every time you show pictures from St. George, I always think of the movie Cars. It looks exactly like the movie, and I never realized that such beauty actually exists. (Lame, I know) I need to make a road trip out there! Also, I love the habit! We have it on campus, and I frequent it like crazy!

Pancakes all the way! Allllllll the way! And I’ll take them with bananas and chocolate chips, plus syrup!


Haha, the waffles with abs!

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